Hubungan Lipid Profile Dan Left Ventricular Mass Index ( LVMI ) Pada Pasien Pgk Dengan Hemodialisis


  Lampiran 2


  Selamat pagi/siang Bapak/Ibu, pada hari ini saya, dr.Silvia Bukit ,peserta Pendidikan Pasca Sarjana Ilmu Penyakit Dalam / Magister Klinik FK USU Medan

akan melakukan penelitian yang berjudul ”Hubungan Lipid Profile dan Left

Ventricular Mass Index (LVMI) pada pasien PGK dengan hemodialisis”.

  Kepada Bapak/Ibu yang bersedia mengikuti penelitian ini nantinya akan

diminta mengisi surat persetujuan ikut dalam penelitian, mengikuti wawancara

untuk mencari adanya hal-hal yang dapat mengganggu penelitian, dilakukan

pemeriksaan laboratorium berupa pemeriksaan darah sebanyak 10 cc (1 sendok

makan) yang akan diambil dari lengan oleh ahlinya untuk menilai kadar lipid,

darah rutin dan faal ginjal, dan kemudian akan dilakukan pemeriksaan

ekokardiografi untuk menilai apakah sudah terdapat pembesaran ventrikel kiri.

  Manfaat penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan

dislipidemia dengan terjadinya pembesaran ventrikel kiri jantung pada pasien

penyakit ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisis sehingga dapat mendeteksi

dini pembesaran ventrikel kiri untuk mencegah komplikasi kardiovaskular yang


  Pada penelitian ini tidak menimbulkan efek samping apapun namun risiko

yang dapat terjadi dari penelitian ini adalah munculnya lebam setelah

pengambilan darah, yang dapat hilang dengan sendirinya setelah beberapa hari .

  Setelah hasil akhir diperoleh, nantinya akan terlihat apakah terdapat

hubungan antara dislipidemia dengan hipertrofi ventrikel kiri jantung pada

penderita penyakit ginjal kronis dengan hemodialisis. Bila masih terdapat

pertanyaan atau keluhan sewaktu penelitian ini berjalan, maka Bapak/Ibu dapat

menghubungi saya pada: Nama : dr. Silvia Bukit Alamat : Jl. Komando no 30 Pematang Siantar Telepon : 081361226201

  Peneliti, (dr. Silvia Bukit)

  Lampiran 3 SURAT PERSETUJUAN SETELAH PENJELASAN (INFORMED CONSENT ) Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : Nama :........................................................................................... Alamat :........................................................................................... Umur :........................ Tahun Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki/ Perempuan. No Telp/HP : Setelah mendapat penjelasan dari peneliti tentang kebaikan dan keburukan prosedur penelitian ini , menyatakan bersedia ikut serta dalam penelitian tentang ” Hubungan Lipid Profile dan Left Ventricular Mass Index (LVMI) pada pasien PGK dengan Hemodialisis”. Apabila sewaktu-waktu saya mengundurkan diri dari penelitian ini, kepada saya tidak dituntut apapun. Demikianlah surat persetujuan bersedia ikut dalam penelitian ini saya buat, untuk dapat digunakan seperlunya.

  Medan,...........................2014 Saksi Yang Memberi Pernyataan (.............................................) (..........................................)




Nama : Kode : X / Y

Usia : Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki/Perempuan. Pendidikan Terakhir : Pekerjaan :

Status : Kawin/Belum Kawin. No Telp/Hp:................

Riwayat Penyakit (Penyebab PGK) : DM / GNC / PGOI / Kista

Ginjal/UAN Saat mulai menjalani Hemodialisis (durasi) : Riwayat pemakaian obat :

  II.PEMERIKSAAN FISIK TDS/ TDD : ....... mmHg Berat badan : ....... kg Tinggi Badan : ....... cm

  III.PEMERIKSAAN LABORATORIUM Parameter Nilai Hb Ureum Creatinin Kolesterol Total Trigliserida HDL LDL

  Hasil Ekokardiografi : Parameter Nilai

  IVSD LVEDD LVPWD LV mass BSA (Body Surface Area) :

  LVMI (Left Ventricular Mass Index) :


  I. Identitas Pribadi Nama : dr.Silvia Bukit Tempat/Tgl Lahir : Pematang Siantar/ 21 Januari 1983 Suku/Bangsa : Karo / Indonesia Agama : Kristen Alamat : Jl. Komando no.30 Pematang Siantar

   Pendidikan II.

  SDN 122401 Pematangsiantar Tamat Tahun 1994

SLTPN 2 Pematangsiantar Tamat Tahun 1997

SMAN 2 Pematangsiantar Tamat Tahun 2000

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara Tamat Tahun 2006

  III. Riwayat Pekerjaan Pasca PTT Kabupaten Muko-muko Bengkulu Utara

  IV. Perkumpulan Profesi

  IDI Medan PAPDI Sumatera Utara

  V. Journal Reading:


1. Matsumoto H, Miyaoka Y, Okada T, et al. Ratio of Urinary Potassium

to Urinary Sodium and the Potassium and edema status in Nephrotic Syndrome. Intern Med 2011.


2. Kanodia KV, Shah PR, Vanikar AV, et al. Malaria Induced Acute

Renal Failure; a single centre experience. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2010.

  3. Hassan SB, El-demery AB, Ahmed AI, et al. Soluble Tweak & Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in CKD patients. Arab Journal of Nephrology and Transplantation 2012.


4. Binbrek AS, Rao NS, van WF, et al. Meta-Analysis of Patients in the

United Arab Emirates with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Treated with Thrombolytic agents. Am J Kardiol 2010.

  5. Saaristo T, Moilanen L, Korpi E et al. Lifestyle Intervention for Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Health Care. Diabetes Care 2010.


6. Yun JE, Won S, Mok Y, et al. Association of the Leptin to HMW

adiponectin Ratio with Metabolic Syndrome . Endocrine Journal 2011.


7. Tateishi Y, Kouyama R, Mihara M, et al. Evaluation of Salivary

Cortisol Measurement for the Diagnosis of Subclinical Cushings Syndrome. Endocrine Journal 2012.


8. Yang Y, Feng X, Li-yun S, et al. Efficacy and Significance of Various

Score for Pneumonia Severity in the Management of Patients with CAP in China. Chinese Medical Journal 2012.


9. Brassard P, Suissa S, Kezouh A, et al. Inhaled Corticosteroids and

Risk of Tuberculosis in Patients with Respiratory Diseases. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011.


10. Wechsler ME, Kelley JM, Boyd IOE, et al. Active Albuterol or

Placebo, Sham Acupunctur or No Intervention in Asthma. N Engl J Med 2011.

  11. Khosravi AD, Alavi SM, Hashemzade M, et al. The Relative Frequency of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium infections in HIV positive patients, Ahvaz, Iran. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2012.


12. Desakorn V, Wuthiekanum V, Thanachartwet V, et al. Accuracy of a

Commercial Ig M ELISA for the Diagnosis of Human Leptospirosis in Thailand. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 2012.


13. Patrella RJ, Decaria J, Patrella RJ. Longterm Efficacy & Safety of a

Combined Low and High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic acid in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Rheumatology Reports 2011.

  14. Agnelli G, Buller HR, Cohen A, et al. Apixaban for Extended Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism. N Engl J Med 2012


15. Bensouda LG, Michel M, Aubrun E, et al. A Case-Control Study to

Assess the risk of Immune Thrombocytopenia Associated with Vaccines. The American Society of Hematology 2012.

VI. Tulisan Ilmiah

  1. Kanker kolorektal

  2. Malaria Nefropati

  3. Congestive Heart Failure

  4. Leptin Pada Kardiovaskular

  5. Hipertensi Pulmonal Pada COPD

  6. Rubella

  7. Thalassemia

VII. Publikasi Ilmiah

  1. Bukit S, Lubis AR, Bustami Z, Nasution SR, Lubis HR. Penyakit Ginjal Polikistik Dominan Autosomal : Laporan Kasus.

  PERNEFRI ,Bali, 2012.

  2. Bukit S, Dairi LB. Tuberkulosis Pankreas: Laporan Kasus.

  KOPAPDI, Medan, 2012.

  Lampiran 6


  One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

  55 48.45 12.761 .099 .052 -.099 .733 .655

  55 42.96 36.442 .212 .212 -.149 1.573 .014 55 140.36 13.873 .154 .154 -.120 1.144 .146 55 84.91 8.361 .256 .194 -.256 1.898 .001

  55 54.97 6.864 .095 .095 -.089 .705 .703 55 160.55 7.180 .151 .126 -.151 1.118 .164 55 9.945 1.7861 .096 .096 -.061 .713 .690 55 125.89 57.573 .140 .140 -.079 1.039 .231 55 10.6687 4.36800 .103 .103 -.080 .763 .605 55 7.5422 3.07084 .129 .129 -.086 .956 .321 55 175.09 43.438 .112 .112 -.058 .832 .493 55 160.31 91.119 .143 .143 -.106 1.062 .209 55 35.84 9.496 .101 .101 -.073 .747 .631 55 114.20 60.382 .209 .209 -.113 1.547 .017 55 12.547 3.3337 .146 .146 -.072 1.086 .189 55 49.805 7.4299 .053 .046 -.053 .390 .998 55 12.445 4.7735 .227 .227 -.142 1.683 .007 55 258.29293 127.400358 .155 .155 -.121 1.148 .144 55 1.56264 .115085 .087 .051 -.087 .648 .796 55 166.36851 88.793553 .180 .180 -.145 1.334 .057

  Umur (tahun) Lama HD TDS TDD BB TB Hb Ureum Creatinin Cr Cl Koleterol total Trigliserida HDL LDL


  N Mean Std. Deviation Normal Parameters


  Absolute Positive Negative Most Extreme Differences

  Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Test distribution is Normal.


  Calculated from data.



  LVMI Umur (tahun) Lama HD TDS TDD BB TB Hb Ureum Creatinin LVMI Pearson Correlation 1 -.106 .146 .389** .427** -.129 -.207 -.256 .243 -.155

  Sig. (2-tailed) .442 .287 .003 .001 .348 .130 .059 .073 .259 N










  55 Umur (tahun) Pearson Correlation -.106 1 -.161 -.306* -.215 .126 -.032 .030 -.071 -.281* Sig. (2-tailed)

  .442 .239 .023 .115 .358 .816 .830 .607 .037 N










  55 Lama HD Pearson Correlation .146 -.161 1 .203 .088 .032 -.054 -.072 -.259 -.139

  Sig. (2-tailed) .287 .239 .137 .524 .819 .696 .604 .056 .311 N










  55 TDS Pearson Correlation .389** -.306* .203 1 .656** .050 -.048 .194 -.126 -.043 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .003 .023 .137 .000 .716 .728 .155 .359 .758 N










  55 TDD Pearson Correlation .427** -.215 .088 .656** 1 .072 -.149 -.161 .222 .135

  Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .115 .524 .000 .603 .279 .240 .104 .327 N










  55 BB Pearson Correlation -.129 .126 .032 .050 .072 1 .360** -.069 .104 .138 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .348 .358 .819 .716 .603 .007 .616 .450 .314 N










  55 TB Pearson Correlation

  • .207 -.032 -.054 -.048 -.149 .360** 1 -.023 -.090 .035

  Sig. (2-tailed) .130 .816 .696 .728 .279 .007 .868 .515 .801 N










  55 Hb Pearson Correlation -.256 .030 -.072 .194 -.161 -.069 -.023 1 -.264 -.281* Sig. (2-tailed)

  .059 .830 .604 .155 .240 .616 .868 .052 .038 N










  55 Ureum Pearson Correlation .243 -.071 -.259 -.126 .222 .104 -.090 -.264 1 .507**

  Sig. (2-tailed) .073 .607 .056 .359 .104 .450 .515 .052 .000 N










  55 Creatinin Pearson Correlation

  • .155 -.281* -.139 -.043 .135 .138 .035 -.281* .507**

  1 Sig. (2-tailed) .259 .037 .311 .758 .327 .314 .801 .038 .000











  55 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

  • .

  Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


  LVMI Umur (tahun) Lama HD TDS TDD BB TB Hb Ureum Creatinin Spearman's rho LVMI Correlation Coefficient 1.000 -.182 .364** .553** .542** -.069 -.039 -.178 .137 -.145

  Sig. (2-tailed) . .183 .006 .000 .000 .617 .778 .195 .318 .291 N










  55 Umur (tahun) Correlation Coefficient

  • .182 1.000 -.094 -.308* -.221 .071 -.033 .068 -.053 -.230 Sig. (2-tailed) .183 . .497 .022 .105 .606 .811 .623 .700 .091 N










  55 Lama HD Correlation Coefficient .364** -.094 1.000 .302* .139 .099 -.046 -.055 -.190 -.030

  Sig. (2-tailed) .006 .497 . .025 .312 .472 .737 .692 .165 .826











  55 TDS Correlation Coefficient .553** -.308* .302* 1.000 .680** .100 .017 .148 -.090 -.072 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .000 .022 .025 . .000 .469 .903 .279 .515 .604 N










  55 TDD Correlation Coefficient .542** -.221 .139 .680** 1.000 .064 -.124 -.109 .236 .084

  Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .105 .312 .000 . .643 .368 .429 .082 .541 N










  55 BB Correlation Coefficient

  • .069 .071 .099 .100 .064 1.000 .306* -.003 .080 .123 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .617 .606 .472 .469 .643 . .023 .984 .563 .370 N










  55 TB Correlation Coefficient

  • .039 -.033 -.046 .017 -.124 .306* 1.000 -.070 -.160 .077 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .778 .811 .737 .903 .368 .023 . .610 .243 .576 N










  55 Hb Correlation Coefficient -.178 .068 -.055 .148 -.109 -.003 -.070 1.000 -.268* -.321* Sig. (2-tailed)

  .195 .623 .692 .279 .429 .984 .610 . .048 .017 N










  55 Ureum Correlation Coefficient .137 -.053 -.190 -.090 .236 .080 -.160 -.268* 1.000 .469**

  Sig. (2-tailed) .318 .700 .165 .515 .082 .563 .243 .048 . .000 N










  55 Creatinin Correlation Coefficient

  • .145 -.230 -.030 -.072 .084 .123 .077 -.321* .469** 1.000 Sig. (2-tailed) .291 .091 .826 .604 .541 .370 .576 .017 .000 .











  55 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

  • . Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


  LVMI Cr Cl Koleterol total Trigliserida HDL LDL

  IVSD LVEDD LVPWD LV Mass BSA LVMI Pearson Correlation 1 .135 -.072 .232 -.507** -.050 .546** .344* .854** .989** -.168

  Sig. (2-tailed) .325 .600 .088 .000 .718 .000 .010 .000 .000 .221 N











  55 Cr Cl Pearson Correlation .135 1 .326* .160 -.311* .292* -.016 .224 .066 .156 .123

  Sig. (2-tailed) .325 .015 .243 .021 .031 .909 .100 .630 .256 .370












  55 Koleterol total Pearson Correlation -.072 .326* 1 .387** -.037 .641** -.084 -.084 -.002 -.074 .013 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .600 .015 .003 .789 .000 .544 .544 .989 .591 .926 N











  55 Trigliserida Pearson Correlation .232 .160 .387** 1 -.258 .589** .142 .107 .179 .207 -.227

  Sig. (2-tailed) .088 .243 .003 .058 .000 .302 .436 .192 .130 .096 N











  55 HDL Pearson Correlation

  • .507** -.311* -.037 -.258 1 -.117 -.272* -.497** -.325* -.529** -.001

  Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .021 .789 .058 .394 .044 .000 .016 .000 .992












  55 LDL Pearson Correlation -.050 .292* .641** .589** -.117 1 -.054 .004 -.031 -.055 -.047 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .718 .031 .000 .000 .394 .696 .976 .823 .688 .735 N











  55 IVSD Pearson Correlation .546** -.016 -.084 .142 -.272* -.054 1 -.081 .371** .589** .138

  Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .909 .544 .302 .044 .696 .557 .005 .000 .315 N











  55 LVEDD Pearson Correlation .344* .224 -.084 .107 -.497** .004 -.081 1 -.012 .369** .051

  Sig. (2-tailed) .010 .100 .544 .436 .000 .976 .557 .933 .005 .711












  55 LVPWD Pearson Correlation .854** .066 -.002 .179 -.325* -.031 .371** -.012 1 .845** -.054 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .000 .630 .989 .192 .016 .823 .005 .933 .000 .697 N











  55 LV Mass Pearson Correlation .989** .156 -.074 .207 -.529** -.055 .589** .369** .845** 1 -.033

  Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .256 .591 .130 .000 .688 .000 .005 .000 .811 N











  55 BSA Pearson Correlation

  • .168 .123 .013 -.227 -.001 -.047 .138 .051 -.054 -.033

  1 Sig. (2-tailed) .221 .370 .926 .096 .992 .735 .315 .711 .697 .811












  55 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

  • .

  Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


  LVMI Cr Cl Koleterol total Trigliserida HDL LDL

  IVSD LVEDD LVPWD LV Mass BSA Spearman's rho LVMI Correlation Coefficient

  1.000 .194 -.083 .365** -.746** -.011 .537** .567** .643** .961** -.064 Sig. (2-tailed)

  . .155 .548 .006 .000 .937 .000 .000 .000 .000 .643 N











  55 Cr Cl Correlation Coefficient .194 1.000 .322* .268* -.245 .308* -.013 .225 .032 .174 .127

  Sig. (2-tailed) .155 . .017 .048 .071 .022 .927 .098 .816 .203 .356 N











  55 Koleterol total Correlation Coefficient

  • .083 .322* 1.000 .456** .075 .820** -.111 -.086 -.007 -.146 -.004 Sig. (2-tailed) .548 .017 . .000 .587 .000 .420 .530 .962 .287 .978 N











  55 Trigliserida Correlation Coefficient .365** .268* .456** 1.000 -.349** .287* .189 .111 .324* .291* -.207 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .006 .048 .000 . .009 .034 .168 .421 .016 .031 .130 N











  55 HDL Correlation Coefficient -.746** -.245 .075 -.349** 1.000 -.089 -.407** -.448** -.467** -.737** .012 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .000 .071 .587 .009 . .520 .002 .001 .000 .000 .933 N











  55 LDL Correlation Coefficient

  • .011 .308* .820** .287* -.089 1.000 -.107 -.022 -.016 -.095 -.010 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .937 .022 .000 .034 .520 . .437 .871 .910 .490 .943 N











  55 IVSD Correlation Coefficient .537** -.013 -.111 .189 -.407** -.107 1.000 -.160 .653** .594** .188

  Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .927 .420 .168 .002 .437 . .244 .000 .000 .170 N











  55 LVEDD Correlation Coefficient .567** .225 -.086 .111 -.448** -.022 -.160 1.000 -.044 .529** -.010

  Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .098 .530 .421 .001 .871 .244 . .752 .000 .943












  55 LVPWD Correlation Coefficient .643** .032 -.007 .324* -.467** -.016 .653** -.044 1.000 .705** .210 Sig. (2-tailed)

  .000 .816 .962 .016 .000 .910 .000 .752 . .000 .123 N











  55 LV Mass Correlation Coefficient .961** .174 -.146 .291* -.737** -.095 .594** .529** .705** 1.000 .133

  Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .203 .287 .031 .000 .490 .000 .000 .000 . .334












  55 BSA Correlation Coefficient

  • .064 .127 -.004 -.207 .012 -.010 .188 -.010 .210 .133 1.000 Sig. (2-tailed) .643 .356 .978 .130 .933 .943 .170 .943 .123 .334 .












  55 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

  • .

  Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

  Descriptives Jenis kelam in Statisti c Std. Error LVMI Pria Mean

  155.86296 10.273300 95% Confidence Lower Bound 134.74589 Interval for Mean

  Upper Bound 176.98003 5% Trim med Mean 155.26524 Median 154.14500

Variance 2849.598

Std. Deviati on 53.381631

Mi nimum 67.934 Maximum 257.856

Range 189.922

Interquartile Range 92.281

Skewness .268 .448 Kurtos is

  • .912 .872 Wanita Mean 176.49886 21.387364

    95% Confidence Lower Bound 132.61561

    Interval for Mean Upper Bound 220.38210

    5% Trim med Mean 160.45642

    Median 151.96450

  Variance 12807.741 Std. Deviati on 113.1713

Mi nimum 57.874

Maximum 607.933

Range 550.059 Interquartile Range 64.595 Skewness 2.941 .441 Kurtos is 9.247 .858

  Tests of Normality a


Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk

Jenis kelamin Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. LVMI Pria .111

27 .200* .959

27 .358 Wanita


28 .000 .630

28 .000 *. This is a lower bound of the true s ignificance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

  T-Test Group Statistics Std. Error Jenis kelamin N Mean Std. Deviation Mean

  LVMI Pria

27 155.86296 53.381631 10.273300


28 176.49886 113.171291 21.387364

  Independent Samples Test 1.201 .278 -.860 53 .394 -20.635894 24.007930 -68.7897 27.517915

  Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean

  Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper 95% Confidence

  Interval of the Difference t-test for Equality of Means

  • .870 38.754 .390 -20.635894 23.726778 -68.6376 27.365773 Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed LVMI F Sig.

  NPar Tests Mann-Whitney Test Ranks

  27 27.81 751.00

  28 28.18 789.00

  55 Jenis kelamin Pria Wanita Total

  LVMI N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Test Statistics a

  373.000 751.000

  • .084

  .933 Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z As ymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

  LVMI Grouping Variable: Jenis kelamin a.

  Explore Riwayat penyakit PGK Descriptives Riwayat penyakit PGK Statistic Std. Error LVMI DM Mean 186.00862 28.100191

  95% Confidence Lower Bound 127.39265 Interval for Mean Upper Bound

  244.62459 5% Trimmed Mean 168.96660 Median 148.38200

  Variance 16582.035 Std. Deviation 128.7713 Minimum

  75.388 Maximum 607.933 Range 532.545

  Interquartile Range 57.396 Skewness 2.577 .501 Kurtos is 6.466 .972

  NON DM Mean 154.23785 8.497018 95% Confidence Lower Bound 136.95054 Interval for Mean Upper Bound

  171.52517 5% Trimmed Mean 154.78011 Median 157.57000 Variance 2454.777 Std. Deviation 49.545702 Minimum 57.874 Maximum 237.654 Range 179.780 Interquartile Range 85.064 Skewness

  • .058 .403 Kurtos is
  • .904 .788

  Tests of Normality


  Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Riwayat penyakit PGK Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. LVMI DM .315 21 .000 .638

  21 .000 NON DM .092 34 .200* .969 34 .444 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.


  Lilliefors Significance Correction T-Test Group Statistics

  Std. Error Riwayat penyakit PGK N Mean Std. Deviation Mean

  LVMI DM 21 186.00862 128.771251 28.100191 NON DM 34 154.23785 49.545702 8.497018

  Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

  95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean Std. Error

  F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper LVMI Equal variances 4.973 .030 1.297 53 .200 31.770766 24.489750 -17.3495 80.890984 assumed

  Equal variances 1.082 23.705 .290 31.770766 29.356771 -28.8586 92.400157 not assumed

  NPar Tests Mann-Whitney Test Ranks

  Riwayat penyakit PGK N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks


  21 27.86 585.00


  34 28.09 955.00 Total


  a Test Statistics LVMI Mann-Whitney U

  354.000 Wi lcoxon W 585.000 Z

  • .052 As ymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .959 a.

  Groupi ng Variable: Riwayat penyakit PGK Explore Ace inh/ARB Case Processing Summary

  Cases Valid Missing Total

Ace inh/ARB N Percent N Percent N Percent

LVMI Makan obat

  38 100.0% .0% 38 100.0% Tidak makan obat 17 100.0% .0% 17 100.0%


  Ace inh/ARB Statistic Std. Error

  LVMI Makan obat Mean 129.78768 5.167767 95% Confidence Lower Bound

  119.31679 Interval for Mean

  Upper Bound 140.25857

  5% Trimmed Mean 130.41337 Median

  136.55550 Variance 1014.821 Std. Deviation

  31.856253 Minimum

  57.874 Maximum 186.766 Range

  128.892 Interquartile Range

  53.506 Skewness -.346 .383 Kurtos is

  • .549 .750 Tidak makan obat Mean 248.13741 28.677274

  95% Confidence Lower Bound 187.34431 Interval for Mean

  Upper Bound 308.93052

  5% Trimmed Mean 233.80540 Median

  212.50600 Variance

  13980.562 Std. Deviation 118.2394 Minimum

  146.318 Maximum

  607.933 Range 461.615 Interquartile Range

  44.802 Skewness

  2.496 .550 Kurtos is 5.838 1.063

  Tests of Normality a

  Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk

Ace inh/ARB Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

LVMI Makan obat .105

  38 .200* .968 38 .345 Tidak makan obat .359 17 .000 .624 17 .000 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

  T-TEST T-Test Group Statistics

  Std. Error Ace inh/ARB N Mean Std. Deviation Mean LVMI Makan obat 38 129.78768 31.856253 5.167767

  Tidak makan obat 17 248.13741 118.239429 28.677274

  • 4.062 17.048 .001 -118.3497 29.139181 -179.815 -56.8847 Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed

  Test Statistics a

  Cumulative Percent

  Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent

  50.9 50.9 100.0 55 100.0 100.0 Pria Wanita Total






  Frequency Table Jenis kelamin

  LVMI Grouping Variable: Ace inh/ARB a.

  .000 Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z As ymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

  17.000 758.000

  LVMI N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

  Makan obat Tidak makan obat Total

  17 46.00 782.00

  38 19.95 758.00

  NPar Tests Mann-Whitney Test Ranks

  Difference t-test for Equality of Means

  95% Confidence Interval of the

  Std. Error Difference Lower Upper

  Mean Difference

  Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t df Sig. (2-tailed)

  LVMI F Sig.

  8.729 .005 -5.777 53 .000 -118.3497 20.485417 -159.438 -77.2612

  Independent Samples Test

55 Ace inh/ARB

  • 5.573

  Riwayat penyakit PGK

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid GNC




  40.0 DN




  78.2 PGOI




  89.1 PNC




  96.4 UAN




  98.2 Krista Ginjal


  1.8 1.8 100.0 Total 55 100.0 100.0

  Riwayat penyakit PGK

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid DM




  38.2 Non DM


  61.8 61.8 100.0 Total 55 100.0 100.0

  Ace inh/ARB

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid Makan obat




  69.1 Tidak makan obat


  30.9 30.9 100.0 Total 55 100.0 100.0


  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid Makan obat




  40.0 Tidak makan obat


  60.0 60.0 100.0 Total 55 100.0 100.0


  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid Makan obat




  27.3 Tidak makan obat


  72.7 72.7 100.0 Total 55 100.0 100.0

  400.000 200.000 600.000 LVMI

  20 0.000 30 40 50 HDL 60 70 80 600.000 400.000 LVMI 200.000 0.000 110 120 130 TDS 140 150 160 170

  400.000 LVMI 600.000 200.000 0.000 70 75 80 85 TDD 90 95 100

  Master Tabel Data Penelitian