



A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistic Study Program Postgraduate School In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master


By :


Reg.Number : 8116112001









Sembiring, Antonius Wilson. Nomor Pendaftaran 8116112001. Pergeseran dan Pemertahanan Bahasa di dalam Perkawinan Campuran : Sebuah Studi Kasus dalam Keluarga Suku Karo. Tesis. Jurusan Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan 2014.

Penelitian ini merupakan kajian tentang pergeseran dan pemertahanan bahasa dalam perkawinan campuran yang merupakan sebuah studi kasus dalam keluarga masyarakat Karo yang ada di dalam keluarga. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus, yang mengkaji pemahaman tentang pergeseran bahasa Karo dan pemertahanannya secara deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pergeseran bahasa Karo dalam keluarga yang mengalami perkawinan campuran, (2) untuk menggambarkan pola pergeseran bahasa Karo dan (3) faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi pemertahanan terhadap bahasa Karo.Subjek penelitian ini adalah empat keluarga yang mana penutur pria-nya adalah sebagai penutur bahasa Karo dan wanita-nya adalah penutur yang berasal dari etnis berbeda (Toba,Pakpak,Nias dan Jawa) dan sebaliknya empat keluarga yang mana penutur pria-nya adalah berasal dari etnis berbeda (Toba,Pakpak,Nias dan Jawa) dan wanita-nya dalah penutur bahasa Karo yang kesemuanya itu ada didalam keluarga penulis. Keluarga ini dibagi menjadi dua kelompok besar yang masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari empat keluarga campuran yang mewakili sebagai sampelnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen berupa observasi dan interview. Tahapan pengumpulan data yang pertama berupa observasi yang dilakukan didalam keluarga campuran yang berkaitan dengan bahasa yang mereka pergunakan didalam komunikasi sehari-hari.Tahapan selanjutnya berupa pengisian kuesioner yang berkaitan dengan data mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhui pergeseran dan pemertahanan bahasa dalam keluarga campuran. Tahapan terakhir berupa rangkaian interview mengenai nilai dan sikap keluarga campuran terhadap bahasa Karo dan alasan memilih bahasa etnis lain atau bahasa Indonesia menggantikan bahasa Karo dalam berkomunikasi.Data mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pergeseran bahasa dan alasan pergeseran bahasa tersebut dianalisis berdasarkan analisis data Miles and Huberman sedangkan data mengenai pilihan penggunaan bahasa di analisis berdasarkan analis data domain menurut Spradley. Secara umum penelitian ini mengindikasi ada delapan faktor yang mempengaruhi pergeseran bahasa karo dalam sebuah keluarga campuran yaitu faktor kedwibahasaan, migrasi, ekonomi, sosial, politik, demograpik, nilai dan sikap dan juga kurangnya kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Karo.Dari hasil analisis data juga menunjukkan bahwa pergeseran bahasa karo terjadi pada anak dalam keluarga campuran. Ada dua alasan mereka memilih bukan bahasa Karo dalam berkomunikasi pada keluarga campuran yang pertama adalah karena sulit diucapkan sehingga mereka lebih cendrung memilih bahasa etnis lain atau bahasa Indonesia, kedua, dikarenakan orang tua mereka juga lebih dominan menggunakan bahasa etnis lain daripada bahasa Karo.



Sembiring, Antonius Wilson. Registration Number 8116112001. Language Shift and maintenance in Mixed marriages : A case Study of Karonese Families. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of medan, 2014.

This Study deals with Language Shift and Maintenance in Mixed marriages: A case study of Karonese Families. It employs qualitative research design with a single case study where to gain an understanding on this study. It is conducted descriptively. This study are aimed to (1) describe the factors influencing of `Karo language shift, (2) the pattern of the language shift, (3) the factors which support Karonese to maintain the language in mixed marriages families. These subject are divided into two groups.Each group consist of four mixed group among Karonese. The first group, the men who are from Karo speaker and the women are from the four ethnic groups (Toba, Pakpak, Nias and Java) and the second group, the women who are from Karo speaker and the men are from the four ethnic groups (Toba, Pakpak, Nias and Java). The instruments of this study are a questionnaire and observation. The questionnaire used to answer what factors influenced karo language shift, the pattern of the language shift and the factors which Karonese do to maintain Karo language. There are some factors that influenced language shift, family,bilingualism,economic, demographic and migration and attitude and values. After distributing questionnaires and did some interviews to the parents and children, it is found that the factors of language shift are family, bilingualism, economic, demographic and migration and attitude and values.Based on the data analysis, language shift occurs for the children in mix married families. There are two reason why they choose another language in their communication, first, it is very difficult to learn so they prefer to use the second language and the second, the parents are dominantly use Indonesian language than Karo language. It is caused by the environment can support the using of those language than Karo language.



First of all, thanks to God for the mercy and guidance in giving the writer full strength

to complete this thesis. Even facing with some difficulties in completing this thesis, the writer

still managed to complete it.

This thesis, in its present could not have been written about the assistance and inputs

from those who deserve a special appreciation. The writer would like to express his

appreciation. First, Dr. Siti Aisyag Ginting, M.Pd for her endless encouragement in

completing thesis, valuable inputs in the process of writing and sharp comments in the

contents and style of writing that have helped to shape this thesis. The writer realizes that

there are still many more to be mastered. Second, Prof.Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd for all

supports and gudance in helping the writer to finish this thesis that really testing her abilities

mentally and physically. The writer would also like to say many thanks to the Head of

English Department, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S as the

Secretary of the English Applied Linguistics for making all the process in completing his

master Degree easy administratively.

The writer would like to give a special appreciation to my parents for their support

mentally and financially not just during finishing this thesis but also during the whole study.

The writer would also like to give a huge thank to my lovely wife, Valentina Tarigan, S.E for

her endless support.

The writer also would like to extend his sincere thanks to abanganda DR. Sukandi


Thanks to LURAH KWALA BEKALA and all different ethnic families for being

informants and spend their time for some interview about intermerriages families.

He also would like to extend his indebtness for the valuable inputs for Dr. Sri Minda

Murni, MS, Dr.Rahmad Husein,M.Ed, and Dr.I Wayan Dirgayasa Tangkas,M.Hum as the

reviewers and examiners.

Finally, the writer must admit that the content of this thesis is still far from being

perfect, but he warmlt welcomes any constructive isead and critics that will improve the

quality of the thesis. He also hopes this thesis would be useful for those who read it,

especially majoring in English.

Medan,.... July 2014

The Writer,




Contents page


ABSTRACT ... iii


LIST OF APPENDICES ... CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study ... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ... 6

1.3 The Objective of the study ... 6

1.4 The Scope of the Study ... 6

1.5 The Significant of the Study ... 7

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Factors that Language Shift ... 8

2.1.1 Bilingualism ... 10

2.1.2 Economic ... 11

2.1.3 Demographic ... 11

2.1.4 Migration ... 13

2.1.6 Attitude ... 13

2.1.7 Environment ... 14 Religion ... 14 Mass Media ... 15 Education ... 15



2.3 The Pattern of language Shift ... 17

2.4 The Dimension in Language Shift Study ... 20

2.5 The Effect of Language Shift ... 22

2.6 Inter – ethnic Couples and Language Shift/Maintenance ... 23

2.7 Language Maintenance ... 26

2.7.1 The Factors Affecting of Language Maintenance ... 29

2.8 Theoritical Framework ... 31

2.9 The Relationship between Language Maintenance dan Language .... 32

CHAPTER III : RESEACH 3.1 The Reseach Design ... 34

3.2 The Subject of the Study ... 34

3.3 The Instrument For Collecting Data ... 38

3.4 The Technique of Collecting Data ... 47

3.4.1 Interview ... 47

3.4.2 Observation ... 49

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis ... 49

3.5.1 Data Reduction ... 50

3.5.2 Data Display ... 50

3.5.3 Conclusion and verification ... 50

3.6 The Trustworthiness of the Study ... 51

3.6.1 Creadibility ... 51



3.6.3 Depandability ... 52

3.6.4 Confirmability ... 52


4.1 Data Analysis ... 54

4.1.1 Factors that influence Karo Language Shift in mixed - marriages Families ... 54 Bilingualism ... 56 Migration ... 58 Economic ... 59 Social ... 60 Demographic ... 61 Institutional ... 62 Attitude ... 63

4.1.2 Karonese Speaking Proficiency ... 64

4.1.3 The Pattern of Karonese Language Shift ... 67

4.1.4 The Reason of Karonese Shift ... 68

4.2Findings ... 70

4.3 Discussion ... 71

4.3.1Factors that Karo Language Shift ... 71



4.3.2 The Pattern of Karo Language Shift ... 74

4.3.3 The reason of Karo Language Shift ... 75

CHAPTER V : Conclusion and Suggestion ... 76

5.1 Conclusion ... 76

5.2 Suggestion ... 77



1.1Background of the Study

Right now, six thousand languages are spoken on the planet. Three thousand of

these-half of the world's known languages-are expected to die within the next century. Of the

estimated remaining languages, 40 percent of these are threatened. Within only 100 years, 90

percent of the world's existing languages might be extinct or seriously threatened. "That

leaves only about 600 languages, 10 percent of the world's total, that remain relatively

secure-for now," writes linguist James Crawford.

In nature we find numerous kinds of communication systems, many of which appear to be

unique to their possessors, and one of them is the language of the human species. Basically,

the purpose of communication is the preservation, growth, and development of the species

(Smith and Miller 1968:265).Without a language the society can not be formed and there will

be no community.It is agreed that language can not be separated from culture, as language is

the product of the culture. Language is holistically part and parcel of human culture which

not properly protected and propogated can loss its true nature and can equally deteriorate like

every other misshandled or unprotected culture. It serves as people’s way of life, their

heritage and national identity.

According to UNESCO data, there are 6,900 languages and 2,500 of them in all over the

world will shift and endangered. In 2001, there are 900 languages will death and based on the

new data, there are only 199 languages in the world will be mastered by a dozen of people.


languages will be extinct(Nettle and Romaine2007 ).

Nowadays, vernaculars in Indonesia as mother tounge face a challange against the

existence of Indonesian language and foreign language. Many vernaculars in Indonesia

shifted even endangered. As it was informed in Kompas (2007) about 726 of 746 vernaculars

in Indonesia are endangered. Only 13 vernaculars have more than one million language

users.They are Javanese, Bataknese, Sundanese, Balinese and many more ethnics groups.

Indonesia is multilingual country, language shift potentially happen in vernaculars in

Indonesia. Siregar (1998) found that language shift happen in youth generation bilingual

society in Medan. According to the data from BPS, the population of ethnics group in Medan

until 1999 is 2,035,200 people live in 21 distric and 151 sub distric. Among of them, they are

20,93 % Bataknese and only 4,10 % are Karonese (BPS,1999:15).

Speaking about one of the ethnics groups is Batak. Batak can be devided into 6 parts.

They are Batak Karo, Batak Toba, Batak Simalungun, Batak Mandailing, Batak Angkola and

Batak Pakpak. The writer of this study finds it is important to conduct a study on Karo

language shift in mixed marriages families.

Speaking about Karonese, They live in some distric (Kabupaten) in North Sumatera, such

as Karo Distric ( Berastagi and Kabanjahe), Deli Serdang Distric, and Langkat Distric. In

addition to the residential areas that have been described above, Medan is the most favourite

place for them to stay/live in. In Medan, there are some subdistric (Kecamatan) which are

populated by Karonese, such as: Medan Tuntungan, Medan Selayang, Medan Johor, Denai,

Medan Kota, Medan Area, Medan Maimun, Medan Polonia, Medan Baru, Sunggal, Medan


Tembung, Medan Belawan, Medan Labuhan and Medan Marelan sub distric (BPS,2000).

Based on the data above, the most populated place which are lived by Karonese namely

Medan Tuntungan, Medan Selayang and Medan Johor sub distric. All Karonese have been

living in these area for long time ago. They immigrate from Berastagi, Kabanjahe,

Deliserdang and Langkat for many reason such as working, trading, studying or many other


In these place, they socialized with many people who are fromother ethnics. In case, a

man from Karonese is looking for a non karonese woman or a Karonese womanis looking for

a non karonese man then they got marrried with.We classified their family into intermarriage

families because they are different ethnic and culture.

According to Holmes (1992:29),“People may select a particular variety of code

because it makes it easier to discuss a particular topic, regardless of where they are

speaking”.Therefore, the numbers of the multiethnic speech communities have to decide on

what language to use when they are in different domains. At home, people often discuss work

or school, for instance, using the language associated with those domains, rather than the

language of the family domain. When people from different ethnicity share more than one

language, the question of the appropriate choice of language arises because different speech

communities have a range of linguistic variation. In these cases, a speaker must choose which

set of variants to use with in a single language in any given situation.

Therefore, when we consider within language variation to be a kind of language

choice problems, then language choice is possible for monolingual speakers as well as

bilinguals (Romaine,1994,181). Certain social factors such as the participants, domain, the

function and the topic of the interaction, social distance, the status relationship between


accounting for language choice in many different of kinds of speech communities


This thesis is a study of language shift and maintenance in mixed marriages in

Karonese families. Broadly the goals of this thesis are as follows: firstly, to assess the degree

of language shift in Karonese families; Secondly, to know the phenomenon of language shift

or maintenance that occurs in mixed – marriages in Karonese families.Karonese man has significance influenced language shift than the women who are from Karonese. Thirdly, in

presenting these results; to contribute to the area of language shift and maintenance.

Language shift (LS) and language maintenance (LM) in mixed – marriagesin Karonese that occurs in their daily conversation. I will consider what motivates the perceived

processes of language shift from Karonese as first language (L1) to another ethnics languages

as L1 in a relatively short time. I will attempt to determine what the characterising features of

such a process of language shift may be. I found the familiesespecially mixed – marriages

families speak one’s ethnic language or Bahasa Indonesia to their family’s member. They

have some reasons why they chose one ethnics language or Bahasa Indonesia as their united

communication in their family. The first reason, the couples do not use their ethnics

languages to communicate with their family’s members at home. They use Indonesia

language in their communication at home. Second, one of the couples do not know how to

say well or pronounce their ethnics languages. For instance, the man from Karonese (KM)

married with the woman from Nias (NW). His wife do not know well how to speakKaro

languageso the couple deal with Indonesian languageas their language. The third, they used

one ethnics language to communicate. For example, when they lived in Karonese

environment father is from Karonese and mother is from Nias(NW). Because of father do not

know how to speak Nias and the mother can speak Karo, they agree to speak Karo language


from Karonese and mother is from Nias.Mother do not know how to speak Karo but both of

them know Indonesian languageso they agreed to speak Indonesian language.

1.2.Problem of the Study

Based on the previous background the problems are formulated as the following :

1. What factors of Karonese of mixed – marriages families that language shift occurs? 2. What effects of language Shift in Karonese occurs in mixed – marriages families? 3. What factors would the Karonese do to maintain Karo Language in mixed – marriage


1.3.The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the profor the blems the objectives of the study are:

1. To know the Factors of Karonese of mixed – marriages families that language shift occurs.

2. To know theeffects of language shift in Karonese in mixed – marriages families. 3. To seewhatfactorswould the Karonese do to maintain Karo language in mixed –

marriages families.

1.4. The Scope of the study

A study on language shift and language maintenance in intermarriage families in

Kwala Bekala should be very interesting and it is closely related to language planning.

In intermarriage families, the writer only took 4 groups of families which is the most

populer in that place. They are Karonese and Tobanese; Karonese and Niasnese; Karonese


1.5.The Significances of the Study

After conducting this study, it is hoped significantly relevant to theoritically and

practical aspects. Theoritically, this reseach finding hoped to be useful for the next reseacher

who will do an in depth reseach dealing about language maintenance and shift or any reseach

about Karo language. Practically, since this reseach focuses on Karo language which is

directly connected to the culture and existence, it is hoped to be useful for all Karonese to

realize that it is important to maintain their language in order to keep the existence of their




1.1 Conclusion

The study which is concerned with the Karo language shift towards other ethnic language

and Indonesian language was aimed at describing the factors influencing Karo language shift,

the pattern of the language shift and the reason for the Karo language shift. Based on the

findings, conclusions are drawn as the following :

1. In general, The shifting of Karo language into other ethnic language and Indonesian

language is affected by bilingual, migration, economic, social, demographic and

institutional factors, attitude and the lack of Karo language proficiencies. Institutional

factors is the major factors in affecting the language shift of Karonese in mixed


2. The Karo language shifted into other ethnic language and Indonesian language

occured in patterns of relationship between parents and children and then children with


3. The reason for the shift of language are the social success and the status of Indonesian


4. The position of mother language is dominant to support the shifting of language in

Karonese mixed families

5.2 Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion, some constructive points are suggested as the following :

1. It is suggested that the Karonese parents in mixed families should keep on speaking in


learned it.

2. It is suggested that the Karonese should promote Karonese traditional attraction or other

Karonese ceremonies in their society to enable the people familiar with Karo tradition.

3. Finally,it is suggested to all generation, not only Karonese but also all the generation

from different ethnic groups, to bear in mind that maintaining the ethnic group is



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1.1 Conclusion

The study which is concerned with the Karo language shift towards other ethnic language and Indonesian language was aimed at describing the factors influencing Karo language shift, the pattern of the language shift and the reason for the Karo language shift. Based on the findings, conclusions are drawn as the following :

1. In general, The shifting of Karo language into other ethnic language and Indonesian language is affected by bilingual, migration, economic, social, demographic and institutional factors, attitude and the lack of Karo language proficiencies. Institutional factors is the major factors in affecting the language shift of Karonese in mixed families.

2. The Karo language shifted into other ethnic language and Indonesian language occured in patterns of relationship between parents and children and then children with children

3. The reason for the shift of language are the social success and the status of Indonesian language.

4. The position of mother language is dominant to support the shifting of language in Karonese mixed families

5.2 Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion, some constructive points are suggested as the following :

1. It is suggested that the Karonese parents in mixed families should keep on speaking in family domain in order that the childrencould familier with the language and then


learned it.

2. It is suggested that the Karonese should promote Karonese traditional attraction or other Karonese ceremonies in their society to enable the people familiar with Karo tradition. 3. Finally,it is suggested to all generation, not only Karonese but also all the generation

from different ethnic groups, to bear in mind that maintaining the ethnic group is something important to keep their identity.



Abas,H.1983.“Fungsionalisasi Bahasa Melayu Sebagai Norma supranasional dan bahasa Komunikasi Luas: Suatu Perspektif Sosiolinguistik Tahun 2000”. Ujungpandang: Unhas

Ayu, Fitri. 2011. National and Official Language (Our national and official language become international language, is it possible?. Medan: Unimed.

Anthonissen, C. and E. George. 2003. Family languages: Bilingualism and language shift. Paperpresented at the 21st World Congress of the World Federation of Modern LanguagesAssociation, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2003. InConference Proceedings (CD publication).Alwasilah, A.Ch. 1989. Sosiologi Bahasa. Bandung: Angkasa

Ammon, U., N. Dittmar, and K.J.Mattheier (eds.) (1987). Sociolinguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Barron – Hauwaert, S.2004.Language Strategies for Bilingual Families. Clevedon: Cromwell Press.

Bernstein, B. (1972a). A Sociolinguistic Approach to Socialization; with Some Reference to Educability. In Gumperz and Hymes (1972).

Bernstein, B. (1972b). Social Class, Language and Socialization. In Giglioli (1972).

Bodgan, Robert C, and Biglen, Sari Knopp. 1982. Qualitative Reseach for Education: An introduction to theory and methods. Needham Heights: Allyn and Bacon

Booth,K.andWalker R.1997.Mother-tongue education in Ethiopia: From policy to implementation. Language Problems and Language Planning 21(1):1-19.

Bainbridge,W.S.(1994).Sociology of Language.In Asher and Simpson (1994).

Corson, D.2001.language Diversity and Education.New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbum Crystal, D.2003. Language Death. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Clyne,M (1987). Contsraints on code cwitching: how universal are they?


2 Downes,W.2005.Language and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Edwards, J. 1992. Sociopolitical aspects of language maintenance and loss:

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