Peran Pemimpin pada Unit BIA (Business and Inovation Academic) di Telkom Corporate University Bandung.


Irma Komarasari, 21010311059 2014. Laporan Tugas Akhir ini
berjudul “Peran Pemimpin pada Unit BIA (Business and Inovation Academic)
di Telkom Corporate University Bandung”. Dosen pembimbing Dra. Hj.
Kismiyati El Karimah, M,Si, Program Diploma III Pendidikan Ahli
Komunikasi Terapan, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran,
Tujuan penulisan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran
pemimpin pada unit BIA (Business and Inovation Academic ), serta mengetahui
kelemahan dan kelebihan pemimpin dalam memimpin karyawan di Telkom
Corporate University pada unit BIA (Business and Inovation Academic ).
Metode yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif yaitu metode yang
menggambarkan apa yang sedang dirasakan, apa yang sedang dilihat, dan apa
yang sedang dipikirkan oleh penulis. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa
observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka.
Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa peran pemimpin sangat
berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawannya, dengan menggunakan gaya
kepemimpinan demokratis pimpinan membuat keputusan atas kesepakatan
Setelah penulis melakukan pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa

pemimpin pada unit BIA (Business and Inovation Academic ) merupakan
pemimpin yang demokratis karena pimpinan dapat mengambil keputusan
dengan bijak, akan tetapi masih mempunyai beberapa kelemahan. Namun hal
tersebut masih dianggap wajar. Dengan segala kelebihannya, pimpinan pada
unit BIA (Business and Inovation Academic) dapat menangani kekurangannya.
Saran untuk Telkom Corporate pada Unit BIA (Business and Inovation
Academic) adalah pimpinan lebih memberikan pemahaman secara detail kepada
karyawannya mengenai pekerjaan supaya hasilnya maksimal.


Irma Komarasari, 21010311059 2014, report final duty is called “The Role of
Leader in Units BIA (Business and Inovation Academic ) in Telkom Corporate
University”. Supervising lecturer Dra. Hj. Kismiyati El Karimah, M,Si, Diploma
III Applied Communication Education Expert, Faculty of Communication Study,

University of Padjadjaran, Jatinangor.
The purpose of the writing of duty end of this is to know the role of
leader in units of bia (Business and Inovation Academic), and knowing

weakness and excess leader in leading employees in telkom corporate
university in units of BIA (Business and Inovation Academic).
The method used is Descriptive method describing what is perceived,
what is seen and what is being thought of by the author. Data collection
techniques of observation, interviews, and a study of the literature.
The observations indicate that the role of leader of the very influential
towards the performance of its employees, using the democratic leadership
styles leadership made the decision upon mutual agreement.
After the author does observation it can be concluded that the leader in
units of BIA (Business and Inovation Academic) is a democratic leader since
the leadership can take decisions wisely, but still has the drawback of which is
too easy to judge without analyzing what is profound. But it is still considered
to be reasonable. With all those advantages, the leadership at units of BIA
(Business and Academic Inovation) can deal with shortcomings
Suggestions for Telkom Corporate University is a leader in units BIA
(Business and Inovation Academic) gived more detailed understanding of the
work to its employees so that maximum results.
