Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of
Sarjana Sastra


Registration Number 209520017


Alhamdulillah, the writer express her best gratitude to Allah SWT, for

giving the writer blessing, endless love and mercy, especially in the process of
accomplishing this thesis. In accomplishing this thesis, the writer was helped by
so many beloved people and the writer would like to express her gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts
and to all her staffs
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature
Department and Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Head of Applied Linguistics
4. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning., her thesis adviser, for the thoughts, incredible
attention, and fascinating opportunity to be his upbringing student, Dra.
Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., her academic adviser, and all his beloved
lecturers in English and Literature Department
5. Her beloved parents and her beloved brothers and sister
6. And everyone she knows for letting her live around them.


Even an extremely great human cannot live by himself. Every human
being cannot live without a thing accompanies. The writer’s good hope for every
single them always being deliver to Allah SWT. Thank them.

Medan, February 2014

Yenni Pratiwi Br Manalu
The writer


Manalu, Yenni Pratiwi Br. 2014. Illocutionary Act in “Malaikat Tanpa Sayap”
Movie Script. A Thesis. English and Literature Department. Faculty of
Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.
This study is concerned with Speech Act, focusing on the using of
illocutionary acts in “Malaikat Tanpa Sayap” movie script. This study was
conducted by using descriptive qualitative design as the research method. It is a
method of research which provides the description of situation, events or
occurrences, so this method is an intention to accumulate the basic data. This study

comes to the findings that found the five types of illocutionary acts used in Mura’s
and Vino’s utterances. They are Assertives, Directives, Commisives, Exercitives,
and Expressives. Then it is found that the most dominant types of illocutionary acts
used by Mura is “Assertives (34 utterances “37 %”)” and by Vino is “Assertives
(71 utterances “41.3 %”)” And the least dominant types of illocutionary acts by
Mura is “Exercitives (3 utterances “3.3 %”)” and by Vino is “Exercitives (10
utterances “5.8 %”)”. It is happened because both of Mura and Vino has the same
problem, they were stress of living in their life but they wanted to keep strong.
That’s why they used asserting utterances the most. And their problems also
influenced their life that they didn’t want people know that they feel so sorry of
their life, that’s why they rarely used excercitives as the meaning of feeling sorry
and give many promise. And based on the context theory it was found that in Mura’s
utterances had episteme (10 assertives) as the context often occurred in the
assertives and Linguist (6 assetives) context as the least context. And in Vino’s
utterances it was also found that episteme (37 assertives) often occurred and linguist
(11 assertives) context as the least context occurred. We can say that it had the
parallel result between the episteme that had the meaning about the beliefes of the
person and the meaning of assertives that to make people believe of what a person
Keywords: Pragmatics, Speech Acts, Illocutionary Acts



ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................ vi
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study ................................................ 1
B. The Problems of the Study ..................................................... 5
C. The Objectives of the Study................................................... 5
D. The Significance of the Study ................................................ 6
E. The Scope of the study........................................................... 6
A. Pragmatics .............................................................................. 7
B. Speech Act ............................................................................. 8
1. Element of Speech Act .................................................... 9

a. Sentential Act............................................................. 10
b. Illocutionary act ......................................................... 10
c. Perlocutionary act ...................................................... 11
1) Types of Illocutionary Act ................................... 12
a) Assertives ....................................................... 13
b) Directives ....................................................... 13


c) Commisives ................................................... 14
d) Exercitives ..................................................... 14
e) Expressives .................................................... 16
2) Relevant Studie .................................................... 16
C. Context ................................................................................... 17
D. Movie ..................................................................................... 18
E. Synopsis of Malaikat Tanpa Sayap ........................................ 20
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD................................................... 22
A. Research Design..................................................................... 22
B. Sources of Data ...................................................................... 22
C. Technique of Collecting Data ................................................ 23

D. The Technique of Analyzing Data ......................................... 23
A. Data Analysis .......................................................................... 24
B. Finding .................................................................................... 39
C. Discussion ............................................................................... 41
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.............................. 44
A. Conclusion .............................................................................. 44
B. Suggestion ............................................................................... 45
REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 46


4.1. Total Types of Illocutionary Acts by Mura .............................................. 25
4.2. Total Types of Illocutionary Acts by Vino................................................ 28



1. APPENDIX .................................................................................................................. 48
2. APPENDIX 2 ............................................................................................................... 64
3. APPENDIX 3 ............................................................................................................... 71



A. Background
Language plays an important role in human daily life. People use language
to communicate with others. To communicate is to express a certain attitude. When
people communicate with others, they actually produce an utterance as type of
action. Grundy (2000: 49) states that language is as a representation of action. It
shows that people can do many things through language, such as promising,
thanking, asking, ordering, or even threatening others. Henceforth, the theory of
communication is discussed in one of the subfields of the study in linguistics, i.e.
the study of language meaning. It is concerned with how languages manage and

resolve ambiguity. This category includes the study of semantics (how meaning is
inferred from words and concepts) and pragmatics (how meaning is inferred from
Relating to the expression of a proposition with the purpose of doing action,
this study focuses on a branch of the theory of communication which is well-known
recognized as speech act in pragmatics. In speech act theory, language is seen as a
form of acting. Renkema (1993: 21) states that speech acts are kinds of acts
performed by a speaker in uttering a sentence. Austin in Alston (2002: 2) mentioned
that there are three elements of speech act; they are (1) Sentential act is uttering a
sentences or some sentences surrogate, (2) Illocutionary act is uttering a sentences
(or sentences surrogate) with a certain content, the sort of act paradigmatically
reported by indirect discourse, and (3) Perlocutionary acts is



producing an effect on some audience by an utterance. From all of these three acts,
the illocutionary act, is nowadays commonly classified as speech acts.
Illocutionary act is the act which is performed as a result of the speaker’s

utterances. Renkema (1993: 22) defines illocutionary act as the act which is
committed by producing utterance, by uttering a promise, a promise is made by
uttering a threat, and a threat is made. Meanwhile, Edmondson (1980: 30) defines
illocutionary acts which are viewed as an utterance by means of which speaker
communicate his feelings, attitudes, beliefs, or intentions with respect to some
events or states of affair. It means that illocutionary acts are performances of which
speaker communicates something to the hearers to do something like what the
speaker’s utterances and it gives some effects to the hearers. Austin in Alston (2002:
2) classifies illocutionary acts into five types, they are including, merely aserting,
acknowleding, concluding, remarking, and insisting called asserting. Ordering,
requesting, suggesting, imploring are called directives. Promissing, contracting,
and betting they are called commisives. Adjourning, appointing, nominatting,





congratulating, expressing,

contempt,relief,enthuisiasm, delight are called expressive.
Speech act can be uttered within literary works, for example promises, lies,
excuses, declarations, imprecations, requests for forgiveness, apologies, pardons,
and the like said or written by the characters or by the narrator in a novel ( Miller,
2001: 1). Not only can be found in human daily life, but speech act can also
be found in many texts, such as in a movie. A movie is a work of literature or a
composition which delineates life and human activity by means of presenting


various actions and more than the presentation of life of human being or the mirror
of life of human beings. This study discusses the movie “Malaikat Tanpa Sayap”
written by Titien Wattimena and Anggoro Saronto as the object of the study. This
movie tells about a love story of Vino (Duke Dolken) and Mura (Maudy Ayunda)
which is threatened by death. Mura, the main female character suffers a heart
disease that makes her life become so deserted. Day by day, her health condition

becomes worse. But, she always shows her struggle in facing that particular difficult
situation to everyone she loves, including her boyfriend, Vino shown by the
utterances she delivered. Each character also faces their problems and solves them
with their own way. This movie is interesting to be analyzed by using illocutionary
act theory.
In that movie, Mura is the first actrees who told many about motivation
words altough she was sick, but in here we haven’t known about what kinds about
utterances were used by Mura to motivate others. And because of that the writer
interests to analyze the illocutionary act because of Mura who is suffering heart
disease can still calm and delivered supporting words to other character. The writer
would like to comprehend what types of illocutionary act she used. Then after
finding what the dominant illocutionary act is, the interesting thing will appear that
we can use the dominant illocutionary act to make ourselves useful for many people.
Because there are many people suffer the same thing like Mura but it is just a few
can do as her. When we know the illocutionary act she used than we can see from
her side and can heal many people from their disease.


In this movie tells about “Malaikat” which is the English is “Angel”. In
Islam, it is said that Malaikat is creatures that are always obey what Tuhan Orders.
It means Malaikat are Always do good things. It is also said that in one of Surah in
Al- Quran that malaikat has two, three, and four wings.
Segala puji bagi Allah Pencipta langit dan bumi, Yang
menjadikan malaikat sebagai utusan-utusan (untuk mengurus
berbagai macam urusan) yang mempunyai sayap, masingmasing (ada yang) dua, tiga dan empat. Allah menambahkan
pada ciptaan-Nya apa yang dikehendaki- Nya. Sesungguhnya
Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. (Q.S. Faathir 35:1)
It means Malaikat have very good and always doing good things and have wings.
In the movie “Malaikat Tanpa Sayap” was described about an Angel without wings.
In the movie, in the other hand different from the story about Mura, there was a
father who was actually the main character of the movie but he just got not too
many scenes who was so kind to his sons. His wife left him because he became
poor which they were rich in the past. And his son (Vino) who also became to hate
his father, felt that he had a responsibility to make his little brother happy which his
father cannot make. Then one day when his brother got a disease and should be
operated but his family cannot pay for it, there was an organ seller offered him to
sell his heart and he can get much money. He agreed and got the money, as the
change, when a person need his heart he should be ready for it. Then when the seller
asked him to give his heart, Vino unknown that his father know about it and his
father change Vino’s heart to his heart. His father died for him.


His father is so kind who is described as an Angel, but because he is just a human
being, he hasn’t wings. So why this film entitled “Malaikat Tanpa Sayap” (Angel
without wings).

B. The Problems of the Study
Based on the elaborated background of the study, this research can be
formulated in the following questions.
1. What types of illocutionary acts are used in the utterances of the main
female character, Mura and the main male character, Vino in “Malaikat
Tanpa Sayap” Movie?
2. What is the most and the most least type of illocutionary acts used by
the utterances of the main female character, Mura and the main male
character in “Malaikat Tanpa Sayap” Movie?
3. What context determines the illocutionary act used by the utterances of the
main female character, Mura and the main male character, Vino in
“Malaikat Tanpa Sayap” Movie?

C. The Objectives of the Study
According to the problem of the study, the objectives of the study can be
formulated as follows.
1. To describe the types of illocutionary acts used by the utterances of the
main female character, Mura and the main male character, Vino in
“Malaikat Tanpa Sayap” Movie.


2. To describe the least and the most dominant type of illocutionary acts used
by the utterances of the main female character, Mura and the main
male character, Vino in “Malaikat Tanpa Sayap” Movie.
3. To describe the context determines the illocutionary act use by the
utterances of the female character, Mura and the main male character,
Vino in “Malaikat Tanpa Sayap” Movie.

D. The Significances of the Study
Theoretically, this study is expected to be useful in defining the types of
illocutionary acts and giving information about them especially for the types of
illocutionary acts which used in “Malaikat Tanpa Sayap” Movie in order to give
people more comprehension toward the utterances uttered by the main female
character, Mura in this movie.
Besides that, this study is also expected to give practical contribution in
enriching the knowledge of illocutionary acts for readers who are interested in this
study and being one of the alternative references for them.

E. The Scope of the Study
There are some theories about illocutionary acts, in this study will be limited
on the Austin Theory applied on the main female and male characters in the movie,
Mura and Vino in “Malaikat Tanpa Sayap” movie.

A. Conclusion
After analyzing the data, this study comes to the findings that found the five
types of illocutionary acts used in Mura’s and Vino’s utterances. They are
Assertives, Directives, Commisives, Exercitives, and Expressives. Then it is found
that the most dominant types of illocutionary acts used by Mura is “Assertives” and
by Vino is “Assertives” And the least dominant types of illocutionary acts by Mura
is “Exercitives” and by Vino is “Exercitives”. It is happened because both of Mura
and Vino has the same problem, they were stress of living in their life but they
wanted to keep strong. That’s why they used asserting utterances the most. And
their problems also influenced their life that they didn’t want people know that they
feel so sorry of their life, that’s why they rarely used excercitives as the meaning of
feeling sorry and give many promise.
Then based on the finding, this thesis discussions found that if someone
wanted to influence or motivate other by speaking, usually they use assertives. It
had proved by the movie analyzed in this thesis and the speeches that analyzed by
the preview researchers. The movie, which told about the story of motivation and
influenced the audiences. As same as the movie, the speeches of Jokowi and Julia
Gillards also had the result that assertives was the most dominant. It happened
because assertives has the power to make person who uttered it become strong but
when the person saying that, it doesn’t look like the person is influenced us. We are



just taken to the person. And the context determine the types of Illocutionary acts
of Mura and Vino are Physical, Linguistic, Social, and Epistemic context.
B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion, these are the suggestions needed to consider:
1. It is suggested to other students to make a deeper analyzing about this study.
2. It is suggested to the one that wanted to make this study becomes his/her
sources for his/her research.

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