INTRODUCTION Developing Materials Of English Textbook “When English Rings The Bell” For The Seventh Grade Of Junior High School Based On Process Standard Of Curriculum 2013.


1 A. Background of the Study

There has been a paradigm shift in Indonesia learning, behaviorism which was originally turned into constructivism. According to this view, knowledge cannot simply be transferred by the teacher to the student's mind, but knowledge is constructed in the minds of the students themselves. Teachers are not the only source of learning for students (teacher centered), but more is expected to be facilitator for the students along the teaching learning process (student centered).

In this condition, more teachers serve as facilitators of learning. Students must actively interact with learning resources and learning environment. Environment in question is the teachers themselves, other students, principals, librarians, materials or teaching materials (such as books, modules, leaflets, magazines, video recording, or audio, and the like), and a variety of learning resources and facilities (recording audio and video tape, radio, television, computer, library, laboratories, learning resource centers, including the natural surroundings).

Learning material plays an important role and position in English language teaching. It provides anything which is used by teacher or learner to facilitate and support the language learning in every teaching learning process. There are


many kinds of learning materials including cassette, videos, CD-Rooms, dictionaries, grammar books, readers, work books, photocopied exercises, newspapers, etc (Tomlinson, 2007:2). Not only the teachers but also the learners may create them to supply the information about and experiences of the language in ways designed to promote language learning and facilitate the learning of the language. The materials can be used to inform the learner about the target language, guide the learner in practicing the language, provide the learner with experience of the language in use, encourage the learner to use the language and help the learner to make discoveries about the language.

According to Law No. 20 of 2003 on the national education system, the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the purpose, content, and teaching materials and methods used to guide the organization of learning activities to achieve specific educational goals. Indonesia has applied many kinds of curriculum, namely, 1994 curriculum, 2004 curriculum, School – Level Based Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) or KTSP. It is common that in KTSP curriculum, English teachers should develop students’ communicative competence. Recently, curriculum 2013 is introduced.

The Government has set the implementation of new curriculum called Curriculum 2013 which started at the school year 2013/2014. In the school year 2013/2014, it is implemented in a limited level for Class I and IV Elementary School (SD/ MI), Class VII Junior High School (SMP/ MTs), and Class X High School


(SMA/ SMK/ MA/ MAK). Curriculum 2013 is expected to be implemented in class I up to Class XII in the school year 2015/2016.

The emphasis on curriculum development in 2013 is improving mindset, strengthening governance curriculum, deepening and expanding of the material, reinforcing learning, and adjusting learning load in order to ensure conformity between what is desirable with what is produced. Curriculum development is therefore essential continuity in line with the advancement of science, technology, art and culture as well as changes in society at local, national, regional, and global future. It has various advances and changes that gave birth to the internal and external challenges in the field of education. Therefore, the implementation of Curriculum 2013 is a strategic step in the face of globalization and the future demands of Indonesian society.

Some of the reasons for the development of Curriculum 2013 were the changes in the learning process (from the students were told to a student figuring out) and process assessment (from the output-based to process and output based) require the addition of school hours, recently there is tendency that many countries add school hours, and the hours of lessons in Indonesia are relatively shorter than other countries.

The development of 2013 curriculum is carried out on the basis of a few key principles: the competency standards derived from the needs; the content

standards derived from the competency standards through its core competencies-free subjects; all subjects should contribute to the formation of


attitudes, skills, and knowledge of learners; the subjects are derived from competencies to be achieved and bound by core competencies; and the conformity demands of graduate competencies, content, learning, and assessment. It is very important to apply these principles consistency in order to achieve the successful in implementing the curriculum 2013.

In this curriculum, competence is divided into two. They are main competence and basic competence. Subject is the smallest organization unit in Basic Competence. For Junior High School curriculum, the basic competence organization is done by considering the relationship among the classes and the subjects. It can be said that one subject will be integrated with another. The learners are hoped to achieve the qualified competence after they have finished their learning. The main competencies are grouped to affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. The main competence should describe the balance quality between the achievement of hard skills and soft skills.

The implementation of primary and secondary education as stated in Government Regulation No. 17 Year 2010 on the Management and Operation of Education aims to build a foundation for the development of potential students to become human beings who is:

1. Religious and fear to the Almighty God, good behavior and personality; 2. Knowledgeable, skilled, critical, creative, and innovative;

3. Healthy, independent, and confident, and


To achieve the goal above, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia announces of regulation number 68 year 2013 about the core materials and curriculum structure for junior high school for English language teaching. The materials are stated in the part of core competence and standard competence. This new curriculum could be used to improve religious tolerance as education should not only make people smart but also to train Indonesians to be mentally tough, physically healthy, tolerant and willing to live in harmony with others with different religions, race, and tribes. We are educating people not only to make them smart but also to produce Indonesians who are mentally tough, physically healthy, tolerant and willing to live in harmony with others.

Brown (2001: 167) also stated that one of teacher roles is as manager. In this role, teacher has specific duty, such as one who plans a lesson and module. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that teacher has role in preparing or choosing good material for the students.

Nowadays, common learning materials used by English teachers are text books and work books, in which the former are used as main sources of lesson while the latter are main sources of tasks or exercises for students. In fact, teachers often use work books rather than text books as compulsory materials for the students because they help teachers to teach a lesson-in which there is summary of materials and provide some tasks for students.

According to Tomlinson (2007: xiii) work book is a book which contains extra practices for learners to work on in their own time. Usually the book is


designed so that learners can learn in it and often there is an answer key provided in the back of the book to give feedback to the learners. It is also used as complement of textbook and support of Lesson Plan. Work Book or Lembar Kerja Siswa is an appropriate alternatif for students because it helps students provide the information about the concepts through systematic learning activity. (Suyitno in Arifin 2014: 73).

The use of work book is inclined on the use of its task. According to Breen i Nu a 1 : 6 Task is assu ed to refer to a ra ge of ork pla s hi h have the overall purpose of facilitating language learning-from the simple and brief exercise type, to more complex and lengthy activities such as group pro le sol i g or si ulatio s a d de isio aki g . The tasks i the ork ook are used by teacher as source of exercises in each material. This is done in order to activate the students, help the students in understanding a concepts, and train the students to think critically. Work book is kind of learning material that emphasizes on the task which is also used as source of exercises by students. Nowadays, there are many kinds of work book used in Indonesian English As A Foreign Language (EFL) learning context. The work book is required book that used as source of tasks by Junior High School students.

The writer curious to observe text book entitled When English Rings The Bell for the seventh grade of Junior High School students which published by The Ministry of Culture and Education. It consists of two books, teacher book and student book. The teacher book is divided into four parts. They are general


guidance, specific guidance, classroom language for teachers and English syllabus for grade VII Junior High School. The general guidance explains about the core and the basic competence of English for grade VII Junior High School, the discourse distribution of English for grade VII Junior High School, the learning process, the assessment process, the detail of assessment aspect, the example of assessment form, the distribution of time, opening activity and closing activity. The specific guidance is divided into eight chapters which has different topics. They are Ho are you, It’s y irthday, I lo e people arou d e, I lo e thi gs arou d e, I lo e y to , “he’s so i e, what do they look like, and Attention please. All of them should be achieved by the students.

The second book which is called the student book consists of eight chapters. The topic for each chapter is the same with the chapters in the specific guidance in the teacher book. It is also completed by classroom language for the students. The book already has so e a ti ities for the stude ts ut they ha e ’t separated yet which one for observing, questioning, experimenting, associating and communicating activities. The first chapter is preceded by a song then continued by some expressions of greeting and leave taking, some tasks which should be done individually and group. In the second chapter, the materials are about the names of the days, time, and the name of the months, dates and years. Like in the first chapters, those materials are arranged in some tasks both for individual and group. For each chapter are ended by a project. But unfortunately, the riter a ’t fi d the ertai guida e hi h sho the learning


cycle of process standards in those two chapters. It is possible for the writer to develop the materials in order to enrich the tasks which can be implemented by the teachers in the teaching learning process based on the right order of process standards of curriculum 2013.

It is important to know to what extent tasks are provided in When English Rings the Bell text book. Learning English for Junior High School / Grade VII which

are presented in this book is structured to improve language skills. The text-based learning approach is used in this book, whether oral or written, by placing the English language as a means of communicating.

Understanding the types, the rules and the context of a text is emphasized so it enables the learners to grasp the meaning contained in the text and present ideas easily to be understood by other people. Given the English language was officially taught from class VII SMP / MTs, communication presented here is day-to-day communication. For some areas that have been taught English from grade - the final grade SD / MI, the material presented here need to be enriched with additional materials adjusted to the ability of learners, although the structure of the learning still refers to the model presented in this book.

These books have been decided as handbook by the government, but there are still pro and contra to these books. The first opinion is stated by some English teachers in my town. One of them said that the content of the material is too simple compared to the learning objectives that should encourage students to build a way of thinking to solve problems, manage group work and initiate new


discovery. So, teachers must try harder to translate the intent of this curriculum. The other said that there have not had final syllabus yet that causes difficulty in making lesson plan. In addition, the final syllabus documents have not been received by the teachers, whereas the basic of making lesson plan is the syllabus. According to the writer, both the teacher book and the student book are interesting because it is colorful and the contents require the teachers to be creative. Even so, it is better if completed by lesson plan for each basic competence and all the tasks are separated and arranged based on the steps of scientific approach.

The writer also presents some understandings about scientific approach. The first person stated that scientific approach gives more emphasis on learning that enable students. This approach is implemented with the involvement of at least three models of learning, including problem-based learning, project based learning and discovery learning. These models will support ho to do that was hailed in Curriculum 2013. The second stated that the implementation of curriculum 2013 is implemented through Scientific Approach. In practice, this approach focuses on five important aspects, namely observing, asking/ questioning, experimenting, associating and communicating. Five of these aspects should really be seen at the implementation of learning in the field.

According to the researcher, scientific approach is an approach which might be applied in curriculum 2013 for teaching learning process. Through this approach, the students can actively design the concept through the stages of


observing, asking, formulating problems, proposing hypotheses, collecting data as evidence, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Scientific approach is intended to give understanding to students that the information can come from anywhere, anytime, and does not depend on unidirectional information from teacher. Therefore, the learning condition is expected to encourage the learners to figure it out from various sources and not just be informed.

This book describes the minimum effort should be done learners to achieve expected competencies. In accordance with the approach used in the 2013 curriculum, learners are encouraged to be brave to look for other learning resources available and stretching around it. The role of teachers in improving and adjusting the absorption of learners with the availability of the activities in

this book is so important. Teachers can enrich it with creations in various forms of other activities that are relevant that sourced from the social

and natural environment. Thus the challenge of teachers with the implementation of the new curriculum is to develop materials based on existing theories and books in accordance with the scientific approach

recommended by Curriculum 2013.

Being interested in this material, the writer conducted a research entitled

Developing Material of English Text Book Whe E glish Rings the Bell for the Seventh Grade of Ju ior High “chool Based o Process “ta dard of


B. Limitation of the Study

This research constructs learning materials which are developed based on the process standard of curriculum 2013. The author chooses the book entitled Developi g Material of E glish Text Book Whe E glish Ri gs the Bell for the Seventh Grade of Ju ior High “chool Based o Process “ta dard of Curriculu .It is limited for the first two chapters because the writer just wants to give some samples or models for developing the materials by using the scientific approach.

C. Problem Statements

Based on the background above, the researcher raises the research questions as follows:

1. How to develop the material for observing activities? 2. How to develop the material for questioning activities? 3. How to develop the material for experimenting activities? 4. How to develop the material for associating activities? 5. How to develop the material for communicating activities?

D. Objectives of the Study

The general aims of this study is to develop material of English Text Book of When English Rings the Bell for the Seventh Grade of Ju ior High “chool Based o Process “ta dard of Curriculu . The specific aims of this study are as follows:


1. To develop the material for observing activities. 2. To develop the material for questioning activities. 3. To develop the material for experimenting activities. 4. To develop the material for associating activities. 5. To develop the material for communicating activities. E. Benefits of the Study

1. Theoretical Benefits

The writer hopes that her research on English text book can give some benefits. Theoretically, this research probably gives inputs in designing English text book especially for those who design task that develop students English skill. This research may also be used as reference for those who want to conduct a research related to learning tasks in English text book for Junior High School. 2. Practical Benefits

Practically, this research may be used as references for the teacher and task book writer to understand the material sufficiency of English task book that develop students English skill. It is also as a source for English teacher to identify some learning tasks in which they need to develop students English skill. The research may give input for task book writer to write English task book which enables students to develop all components of English skill. In addition, this research may give contribution for another researcher to do research which develops students’ English skills.


F. Explanation of the Key Terms

In this case, in order the readers do not have misinterpretation of what the writer means, the researcher would like to explain the definition of the key terms as follows:

1. Material Development

Material refers to anything which is used by teachers or learners to facilitate the learning of a language. In other words, it can be anything which is deli erately used to i rease the lear ers’ k o ledge a d/or experience of the language.

Materials development refers to anything which is done by writers, teachers or learners to provide sources of language input and to exploit those sources in ways which maximize the likelihood intake: in other words the supplying of information about and/or experience of the language in ways designed to promote language learning. (Tomlinson, 2007: 2)

2. Text book

In many cases, textbooks are the center of instruction and one of the most important influences on what goes on in the classroom. Textbooks therefore take on a very important role in language classes, and it is important to select a good textbook. (Fauziati, 2010: 207)

3. Task

A task is an activity or action which is carried out as a result of processing or understanding language (i.e. as a response to verbal or non verbal input). For


example, drawing a map while listening to a tape, listening to the instruction and performing a command, getting a partner to draw a concealed picture from instructions, group completion of a demanding jigsaw puzzle, may be referred to as tasks. Tasks may or may not involve the production of language. A task usually requires the teacher to specify what will be regarded as successful completion of the task. (Richards, Platt and Weber in Tomlinson 2007: 226)

4. When English Rings The Bell for the Seventh Grade of Junior High School It is the name of the English text book which published by The Ministry of Culture and Education. This book has applied the curriculum 2013.

5. Curriculum

Based on the Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System in the Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 65 Year 2013 stated that curriculum is a set of planning and the arrangement of goal, ideal, and learning material and also the way which is used as guidance in implementing the learning activity to achieve the certain edu atio ’s goal.

6. Process Standard

Based on the Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 65 Year 2013, Process Standard is the criteria regarding the implementation of learning in the educational unit to achieve Competency Standards. The process standard is developed based on Graduate Competency Standards and Content Standards that have been established in


accordance with the provisions of Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, as amended by Government Regulation Number 32 Year 2013 on Amendment to Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Standards education. While the Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 81A Year 2013 on the implementation of the curriculum and learning general guidelines stated that the learning process consists of five basic learning experiences, namely: observe, ask, experiment, associate / process the information, and communicate.

G. Research Paper Organization

This research is classified into five chapters. Chapter I is Introduction. This chapter involves background of study, limitation of the study, problem statement, objective of the study, benefit of the study, explanation of key terms and research paper organization. Chapter II is literature review that consists of previous studies and theoretical review. Theoretical review covers some theories such as task, English skills, material development and teaching English as a second language. Chapter III is Research Method. It discusses type of research, the object of the research, data and source of data, technique of data collection, and technique of the data analysis. Chapter IV is Research findings and Discussion. This chapter concerns findings of the tasks that develop the stude ts’ English skill and its analysis based on the research problem. Chapter V is Conclusion and Suggestion.


observing, asking, formulating problems, proposing hypotheses, collecting data as evidence, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Scientific approach is intended to give understanding to students that the information can come from anywhere, anytime, and does not depend on unidirectional information from teacher. Therefore, the learning condition is expected to encourage the learners to figure it out from various sources and not just be informed.

This book describes the minimum effort should be done learners to achieve expected competencies. In accordance with the approach used in the 2013 curriculum, learners are encouraged to be brave to look for other learning resources available and stretching around it. The role of teachers in improving and adjusting the absorption of learners with the availability of the activities in

this book is so important. Teachers can enrich it with creations in various forms of other activities that are relevant that sourced from the social

and natural environment. Thus the challenge of teachers with the implementation of the new curriculum is to develop materials based on existing theories and books in accordance with the scientific approach

recommended by Curriculum 2013.

Being interested in this material, the writer conducted a research entitled

Developing Material of English Text Book Whe E glish Rings the Bell for the Seventh Grade of Ju ior High “chool Based o Process “ta dard of


B. Limitation of the Study

This research constructs learning materials which are developed based on the process standard of curriculum 2013. The author chooses the book entitled Developi g Material of E glish Text Book Whe E glish Ri gs the Bell for the Seventh Grade of Ju ior High “chool Based o Process “ta dard of Curriculu . It is limited for the first two chapters because the writer just wants to give some samples or models for developing the materials by using the scientific approach.

C. Problem Statements

Based on the background above, the researcher raises the research questions as follows:

1. How to develop the material for observing activities? 2. How to develop the material for questioning activities? 3. How to develop the material for experimenting activities? 4. How to develop the material for associating activities? 5. How to develop the material for communicating activities?

D. Objectives of the Study

The general aims of this study is to develop material of English Text Book of When English Rings the Bell for the Seventh Grade of Ju ior High “chool Based o Process “ta dard of Curriculu . The specific aims of this study are as follows:


1. To develop the material for observing activities. 2. To develop the material for questioning activities. 3. To develop the material for experimenting activities. 4. To develop the material for associating activities. 5. To develop the material for communicating activities.

E. Benefits of the Study

1. Theoretical Benefits

The writer hopes that her research on English text book can give some benefits. Theoretically, this research probably gives inputs in designing English text book especially for those who design task that develop students English skill. This research may also be used as reference for those who want to conduct a research related to learning tasks in English text book for Junior High School. 2. Practical Benefits

Practically, this research may be used as references for the teacher and task book writer to understand the material sufficiency of English task book that develop students English skill. It is also as a source for English teacher to identify some learning tasks in which they need to develop students English skill. The research may give input for task book writer to write English task book which enables students to develop all components of English skill. In addition, this research may give contribution for another researcher to do research which develops students’ English skills.


F. Explanation of the Key Terms

In this case, in order the readers do not have misinterpretation of what the writer means, the researcher would like to explain the definition of the key terms as follows:

1. Material Development

Material refers to anything which is used by teachers or learners to facilitate the learning of a language. In other words, it can be anything which is

deli erately used to i rease the lear ers’ k o ledge a d/or experience of the


Materials development refers to anything which is done by writers, teachers or learners to provide sources of language input and to exploit those sources in ways which maximize the likelihood intake: in other words the supplying of information about and/or experience of the language in ways designed to promote language learning. (Tomlinson, 2007: 2)

2. Text book

In many cases, textbooks are the center of instruction and one of the most important influences on what goes on in the classroom. Textbooks therefore take on a very important role in language classes, and it is important to select a good textbook. (Fauziati, 2010: 207)

3. Task

A task is an activity or action which is carried out as a result of processing or understanding language (i.e. as a response to verbal or non verbal input). For


example, drawing a map while listening to a tape, listening to the instruction and performing a command, getting a partner to draw a concealed picture from instructions, group completion of a demanding jigsaw puzzle, may be referred to as tasks. Tasks may or may not involve the production of language. A task usually requires the teacher to specify what will be regarded as successful completion of the task. (Richards, Platt and Weber in Tomlinson 2007: 226)

4. When English Rings The Bell for the Seventh Grade of Junior High School It is the name of the English text book which published by The Ministry of Culture and Education. This book has applied the curriculum 2013.

5. Curriculum

Based on the Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System in the Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 65 Year 2013 stated that curriculum is a set of planning and the arrangement of goal, ideal, and learning material and also the way which is used as guidance in implementing the learning activity to achieve the certain edu atio ’s goal.

6. Process Standard

Based on the Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 65 Year 2013, Process Standard is the criteria regarding the implementation of learning in the educational unit to achieve Competency Standards. The process standard is developed based on Graduate Competency Standards and Content Standards that have been established in


accordance with the provisions of Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, as amended by Government Regulation Number 32 Year 2013 on Amendment to Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Standards education. While the Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 81A Year 2013 on the implementation of the curriculum and learning general guidelines stated that the learning process consists of five basic learning experiences, namely: observe, ask, experiment, associate / process the information, and communicate.

G. Research Paper Organization

This research is classified into five chapters. Chapter I is Introduction. This chapter involves background of study, limitation of the study, problem statement, objective of the study, benefit of the study, explanation of key terms and research paper organization. Chapter II is literature review that consists of previous studies and theoretical review. Theoretical review covers some theories such as task, English skills, material development and teaching English as a second language. Chapter III is Research Method. It discusses type of research, the object of the research, data and source of data, technique of data collection, and technique of the data analysis. Chapter IV is Research findings and Discussion. This chapter concerns findings of the tasks that develop the stude ts’ English skill and its analysis based on the research problem. Chapter V is Conclusion and Suggestion.

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