











This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education






This thesis written by Aliffiyah Enike K. was approved on September 2, 2015.


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on September 2, 2015

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang



The undersigned:

Name : Aliffiyah Enike Kusumawardani Student ID number : 201010100311172

Program of Study : English Department

Faculty : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

I declare that the work presented in this thesis was carried out by myself and does not incorporate without acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge this thesis does not contain any materials previously published or written by other writers except where due reference are made in text.



“Karena sesungguhnya di dalam setiap kesulitan ada kemudahan” (QS. Al Insyirah: 5)

“Barang siapa menempuh suatu jalan untuk menuntut ilmu, maka Allah akan memudahkan baginya jalan menuju surga”

(HR. Muslim)

“Dorongan terbesar adalah dorongan yang timbul dari diri sendiri” (Anonymous)


I dedicated this thesis to :

My beloved parents (Drs. Balok Siswoyo & Nunuk Puji Astutik, S.Pd) My dear husband (Aunur Rofi, S.Kom)

My beloved parents in law (Drs. H. Ali Imron & Hj. Mardiyah) My beloved sister (Niken Laily Dwi Iswatul)





In this study, the researcher was interested in analyzing the speaking activities used in “When English Rings The Bell” based on 2013 English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school. In detail, this study was attempted to answer (1) the speaking activities of “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education based on 2013 English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school. (2) The dominant activity for speaking of “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education based on 2013 English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school.

In analyzing this textbook, the researcher used descriptive research design. The object of this research was an English textbook for seventh grade of junior high school, “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education. The instrument was documentation. In determining the speaking activity in this textbook, the researcher was guided by the theory of Kayi (2006). The finding of the research showed that the speaking activities used in "When English Rings The Bell" published by The Ministry of National Education consists of 86 (eighty six) activities which are classified into 10 (ten) forms; discussion, brainstorming, interviews, picture describing, acting out the dialogue, practicing, telling, repeating, spelling, and mentioning. The dominant speaking activity found in "When English Rings The Bell" is picture describing. The researcher found 23 (twenty three) activities of picture describing form.



Alhamdulillah, praise is to almighty ALLAH SWT, the Merciful and Charitable or the guidance, blessing, and affection enable me to have enough courage and patience, so that I can finish this thesis. Peace and blessing be on Rasulullah, Prophet Muhammad SAW, auspicious prayers are on all his just and devoted companions.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Drs. Munash Fauzie A, M.M, as my first advisor and Drs. Soeparto, M.Pd, as my second advisor, for their suggestion, invaluable guidance, advice during consultation periods, and their comment and correction during the completion of this thesis.

I also deliver my great thanks to my beloved parents (Drs. Balok Siswoyo & Nunuk Puji Astutik, S.Pd). Your praying and support always stand up beside me while I did the last college assignment as requirement to get sarjana degree. To my dear husband (Aunur Rofi, S.Kom) who is always beside me in happiness and sadness. To my parent in law (Drs. H. Ali Imron & Hj. Mardiyah), thanks for care and attention. And also to my beloved sister (Niken Laily Dwi Iswatul) for support and attention.

Finally, I appreciate everybody who has helped me but I can not mentioned one by one, especially for all my friends in English Department.

I realize this thesis is far from perfection and still needs help to improve it. Even so, at least it may give contribution to readers who pay attention much on English subject.










CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of study ... 1

1.2Statement of problem ... 5

1.3Purpose of study ... 5

1.4Significance of study ... 6

1.5Scope and limitation ... 6

1.6Definition of key terms ... 6


2.1.1 The 2013 English Curriculum ... 8

2.2 Textbook ... 8

2.2.1 The importance of textbook ... 9

2.3 Speaking ... 10

2.3.1 Teaching speaking ... 11

2.3.2 The speaking activity ... 12 of a Successful Speaking Activity .. 13



3.1 Research design ... 20

3.2 Research object ... 20

3.3 Research instrument ... 21

3.3.1 Documentation ... 21

3.4 Data collection ... 22

3.5 Data analysis ... 23


4.1.1 The speaking activities of “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education ... 24

4.1.2 The dominant activity for speaking of “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education ... 66

4.2 Discussion ... 66


5.2 Suggestion ... 71




Aning, W. 2009. An Analysis of Teaching Learning Activities of Reading Comprehension in English Textbook for the First Year Junior High School. Unpublished Thesis University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Ary, D., L.C.Jacobs, C.Sorensen and A.Razavieh. 2010. Introduction to Research

in Education Eighth Edition. California: Wardsworth Cengage Learning. Brown, H.D. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching Fourth

Edition. New York: Longman.

Brown, H.D. 2001. Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman.

Budiani, V. 2014. Using Tad (Transition-Action-Details) Strategy To Improve The Eighth Grade Students’ Ability In Writing Recount Texts At Smpn 2 Depok. Unpublished Thesis Yogyakarta State University.

Cline, F., Johnstone, C., and King, T. 2006. Focus Group Reaction to Three Definition of Reading (as Originally Developed in Support NARAP Goal 1). Minneapolis, M.N.: National Accessible Reading Assesment Project. Febriyanti, E.R. Teaching Speaking Of English As A Foreign Language:

Problems And Solutions. At: http://download.portalgaruda.org/article. php?article=96563&val=4806. Accessed date : September 7th, 2015. Fulcher, G. 2003. Testing Second Language Speaking. New York: Routledge. Graves, K. 2000. Designing Language Courses: a guide for teachers. Boston:

Heinle & Heinle Thomson Learning.

Kayi, Hayriye. 2006. Teaching Speaking: Activities to promote speaking in a Second Language. The internet TESL Journal,Vol, XII No. 11, Nov 2006. Accessed date : September 7th, 2015.

KEMENDIKBUD. 2013. Materi Pelatihan Guru Implementasi kurikulum 2013 SMP Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Badan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia dan kebudayaan dan penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan.

KEMENDIKBUD. 2014. When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTS Grade VII (Student's Book). Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Kurniasari, A. 2009. An Analysis Teaching Learning Activities of Speaking Skill in

English Textbook for Second Year Junior High School Based on the 2006 English Curriculum. Unpublished Thesis University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Mack, N., C.Woodsong, K.M.MacQueen, G.Guest and E.Namey. 2005. Qualitative Research Methods. North Carolina: Family Health International.


Mulyasa. 2013. Pengembangan dan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.

Pratiwi, N.E. 2010. An Analysis of Teaching Learning Activities of Speaking in English Textbook for First Year Junior High School Based on the 2006 Curriculum. Unpublished Thesis University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Richards, J.C. 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. New York:

Cambridge University Press.

Rost, M. 2002. Teaching and Researching Listening. New York: Longman

Sarihadi, N.E. 2014. Reading Activities of "When English Rings The Bell" Published by Ministry of National Education Based on 2013 English Curriculum for The Seventh Grade Junior High School. Unpublished Thesis University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Shojaee, F. 2015.Teaching Speaking. At: http://id.scribd.com/doc/232989248/ Teaching-Speaking#scribd. Accessed date : September 7th, 2015.

Sohail. 2015. Importance of Textbook. At: http://www.scribd.com/doc/60627513/

Importance-of-Textbook. Accessed date : September 7th, 2015.

Rahman, A. 2015. Improving Speaking Skill By Using Jigsaw Technique. At: http://www.academia.edu/5611079/Improving_speaking_skill_by_jigsaw . Accessed date : September 7th, 2015.




In regard to search the information required for this study, this chapter presents such topics as: background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms. Each section is presented as below:

1.1Background of Study

Nowadays, English is a language that is used as global communication. As an international language, English has an important role in the communication process. Every people in the world use English to communicate each other. Moreover, English has also become a universal language that is used in any aspect in our lives, such as in the sector of technology, education, health, politic, commerce, etc. Therefore, every people are expected to be able to master English.

In Indonesia, as a first foreign language, English has commonly been used in the daily interaction besides Indonesian and also the mother tongue, such as on the job, school, or society. Moreover, someone who often uses English in her or his daily interaction considered to be someone who has high intelligence level. Based on the statement above, we know that having English ability is an important thing. Thus, English is necessary to be introduced or studied in the early age. Based on it, in the educational system in Indonesia,


English becomes the first foreign language that is taught as a compulsory subject in elementary up to university level.

In the learning process, English learning focuses on the activity that can develop and train 4 basic skills of language: listening, writing, reading, and speaking. Listening is a process of receiving what the speaker actually says (Rost, 2002).This process helps us to recognize the proper pronunciation and also understand the meaning of what the speaker is saying. The next skill is writing, writing is a form of communication to deliver thought or to express feeling through written form (Harmer in Budiani, 2014). Furthermore, reading is decoding and understanding text for particular reader purposes (Cline et.al, 2006). The last skill is speaking; the verbal use of language to communicate with other (Fulcher, 2003).

Talking about learning process, of course cannot be separated with curriculum because both of them has relevance with each other. According to the Government Regulation No 20 year 2003 section 1 letter 19, curriculum is a set of plan and systematization about purpose, content and lesson material also the method that is used as manual coordination of learning activity to get the purpose of certain education. Therefore, we know that all of learning processes are based on curriculum. Historically, the curriculum in Indonesia has been amended for several times, that is: 1947 Curriculum, 1952 Curriculum, 1964 Curriculum, 1968 Curriculum, 1975 Curriculum, 1984 Curriculum, 1994 Curriculum (supplement of 1999 Curriculum), 2004 Curriculum (Competence based Curriculum), 2006 Curriculum (School based Curriculum), and the last is 2013 Curriculum. The 2013 Curriculum is


completing of the previously curriculum (School based Curriculum). This curriculum expected can solve the situation that faced by education field.

The success of the learning process in the classroom is not only determined by curriculum, but there are also some other factors that influence it. These factors include the learners, the teacher, the method and the material, most of the material of learning based on the textbook. With the textbook as supporting lesson will help students to learn better, faster, clearer, and easier. Moreover, textbook also help teachers to do their job better, easier and organized. Materials on the textbook are based on the curriculum in force.

As we know, that English teaching materials meant to train the 4 basic skills of language which include: listening, writing, reading, and speaking. Among all the four basic skills, the speaking ability is very important basic skill to be master. That is because the speaking ability is a barometer of a person ability to master English. But in fact, the speaking ability is the most difficult skill to learn by students. It can be seen by the fact that learning activities in the material of speaking which should have made the students actively participate in the learning process, but most of students tend to be still passive and role of the teacher is still more dominating than the students. Therefore, through the use of a scientific approach to the material contained in the existing activities in the textbook of 2013 Curriculum expected to create active learning, creative, fun and character.

The above explanation is based on the theoritical consideration. Empirically, many researcher for example Kurniasari (2009), Aning (2009) and Pratiwi (2010). Kurniasari (2009) analyzed the teaching learning


activities of speaking skill in English textbook for second year junior high school on the 2006 English Curriculum. She used descriptive research design. The samples are The Bridge English Competence by Yudhistira, English on Sky by Erlangga and English in Focus By Ministry of National Education.

She found that the three the textbook can be used in the teaching learning process at junior high school because each of the textbook already presented various teaching learning activities especially in teaching speaking.

Aning (2009) analyzed the teaching learning activities of reading comprehension in English textbook for first year junior high school. She used descriptive research design. The samples are English on Sky by Erlangga, The Bridge English Competence by Yudhistira and Flying Start by ESIS. She

found that Flying Start by ESIS has the most varieties of teaching learning activities of reading comprehension and English on Sky by Erlangga has the fewest varieties of teaching learning activities of reading comprehension among the three textbook.

Pratiwi (2010) analyzed the teaching learning activities of speaking in English textbook for the first year of junior high school based on the 2006 Curriculum. She used descriptive research design. The samples are The Bridge English Competence by Yudhistira, English on Sky by Erlangga and

Flying Start by ESIS. She found that English on Sky by Erlangga has the most

varieties of teaching learning activities of speaking and Flying Start by ESIS has the fewest varieties of teaching learning activities of speaking among the three textbook.


Based on the previous researchers above, all writers analyzed about the textbook that was still based on the 2006 English Curriculum. There is no research on the textbook about new curriculum (the 2013 Curriculum). Therefore, the writer wants to analyze the textbook “When English Rings The Bell” that based on the 2013 English Curriculum in terms of speaking


1.2Statement of Problem

After knowing the background of the study, the writer decides some problems are formulated as follows:

1. What are the speaking activities of “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education based on 2013 English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school?

2. What are dominant activity for speaking of “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education based on 2013

English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school? 1.3Purpose of Study

Based on the problems of the study above, the purposes of the study are: 1. To know the speaking activities of “When English Rings The Bell”

published by The Ministry of National Education based on 2013 English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school.

2. To get information about the dominant activity for speaking of “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education

based on 2013 English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school.


1.4Significance of Study

The writer hopes that the result of this study to be useful for the teacher, the writer of English textbook and also further researcher. For the teacher, this study can give information of speaking activities that can be choosed to increase the student ability in speaking. Then, for the writer of English textbook, by knowing the information about English textbook is expected to provide the appropriate material of teaching English for junior high school in latest edition. The last, this study may also helps further researcher who wants to develop and continue another analysis of the similar or related topic of this study.

1.5Scope and Limitation

The scope in this study is the analysis of speaking activities and it is limited to the seventh grade of junior high school English textbook with title “When English Rings The Bell” that published by The Ministry of National Education.

1.6Definition of Key Terms

To avoid ambiguity or misuderstanding of the concept used in this analysis, some definitions are provides as follows:

a. When English Rings The Bell is a text book of the 2013 English Curriculum that published by The Ministry of National Education that used as the subject of the study.

b. The 2013 English Curriculum is the operational curriculum that based on competence and character that used thematic and contextual approach (Mulyasa, 2013).




In regard to search the information required for this study, this chapter presents such topics as: background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms. Each section is presented as below:

1.1Background of Study

Nowadays, English is a language that is used as global communication. As an international language, English has an important role in the communication process. Every people in the world use English to communicate each other. Moreover, English has also become a universal language that is used in any aspect in our lives, such as in the sector of technology, education, health, politic, commerce, etc. Therefore, every people are expected to be able to master English.

In Indonesia, as a first foreign language, English has commonly been used in the daily interaction besides Indonesian and also the mother tongue, such as on the job, school, or society. Moreover, someone who often uses English in her or his daily interaction considered to be someone who has high intelligence level. Based on the statement above, we know that having English ability is an important thing. Thus, English is necessary to be introduced or studied in the early age. Based on it, in the educational system in Indonesia,


English becomes the first foreign language that is taught as a compulsory subject in elementary up to university level.

In the learning process, English learning focuses on the activity that can develop and train 4 basic skills of language: listening, writing, reading, and speaking. Listening is a process of receiving what the speaker actually says (Rost, 2002).This process helps us to recognize the proper pronunciation and also understand the meaning of what the speaker is saying. The next skill is writing, writing is a form of communication to deliver thought or to express feeling through written form (Harmer in Budiani, 2014). Furthermore, reading is decoding and understanding text for particular reader purposes (Cline et.al, 2006). The last skill is speaking; the verbal use of language to communicate with other (Fulcher, 2003).

Talking about learning process, of course cannot be separated with curriculum because both of them has relevance with each other. According to the Government Regulation No 20 year 2003 section 1 letter 19, curriculum is a set of plan and systematization about purpose, content and lesson material also the method that is used as manual coordination of learning activity to get the purpose of certain education. Therefore, we know that all of learning processes are based on curriculum. Historically, the curriculum in Indonesia has been amended for several times, that is: 1947 Curriculum, 1952 Curriculum, 1964 Curriculum, 1968 Curriculum, 1975 Curriculum, 1984 Curriculum, 1994 Curriculum (supplement of 1999 Curriculum), 2004 Curriculum (Competence based Curriculum), 2006 Curriculum (School based Curriculum), and the last is 2013 Curriculum. The 2013 Curriculum is


completing of the previously curriculum (School based Curriculum). This curriculum expected can solve the situation that faced by education field.

The success of the learning process in the classroom is not only determined by curriculum, but there are also some other factors that influence it. These factors include the learners, the teacher, the method and the material, most of the material of learning based on the textbook. With the textbook as supporting lesson will help students to learn better, faster, clearer, and easier. Moreover, textbook also help teachers to do their job better, easier and organized. Materials on the textbook are based on the curriculum in force.

As we know, that English teaching materials meant to train the 4 basic skills of language which include: listening, writing, reading, and speaking. Among all the four basic skills, the speaking ability is very important basic skill to be master. That is because the speaking ability is a barometer of a person ability to master English. But in fact, the speaking ability is the most difficult skill to learn by students. It can be seen by the fact that learning activities in the material of speaking which should have made the students actively participate in the learning process, but most of students tend to be still passive and role of the teacher is still more dominating than the students. Therefore, through the use of a scientific approach to the material contained in the existing activities in the textbook of 2013 Curriculum expected to create active learning, creative, fun and character.

The above explanation is based on the theoritical consideration. Empirically, many researcher for example Kurniasari (2009), Aning (2009) and Pratiwi (2010). Kurniasari (2009) analyzed the teaching learning


activities of speaking skill in English textbook for second year junior high school on the 2006 English Curriculum. She used descriptive research design. The samples are The Bridge English Competence by Yudhistira, English on Sky by Erlangga and English in Focus By Ministry of National Education. She found that the three the textbook can be used in the teaching learning process at junior high school because each of the textbook already presented various teaching learning activities especially in teaching speaking.

Aning (2009) analyzed the teaching learning activities of reading comprehension in English textbook for first year junior high school. She used descriptive research design. The samples are English on Sky by Erlangga, The Bridge English Competence by Yudhistira and Flying Start by ESIS. She found that Flying Start by ESIS has the most varieties of teaching learning activities of reading comprehension and English on Sky by Erlangga has the fewest varieties of teaching learning activities of reading comprehension among the three textbook.

Pratiwi (2010) analyzed the teaching learning activities of speaking in English textbook for the first year of junior high school based on the 2006 Curriculum. She used descriptive research design. The samples are The Bridge English Competence by Yudhistira, English on Sky by Erlangga and Flying Start by ESIS. She found that English on Sky by Erlangga has the most varieties of teaching learning activities of speaking and Flying Start by ESIS has the fewest varieties of teaching learning activities of speaking among the three textbook.


Based on the previous researchers above, all writers analyzed about the textbook that was still based on the 2006 English Curriculum. There is no research on the textbook about new curriculum (the 2013 Curriculum). Therefore, the writer wants to analyze the textbook “When English Rings The Bell” that based on the 2013 English Curriculum in terms of speaking activities.

1.2Statement of Problem

After knowing the background of the study, the writer decides some problems are formulated as follows:

1. What are the speaking activities of “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education based on 2013 English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school?

2. What are dominant activity for speaking of “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education based on 2013 English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school?

1.3Purpose of Study

Based on the problems of the study above, the purposes of the study are: 1. To know the speaking activities of “When English Rings The Bell”

published by The Ministry of National Education based on 2013 English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school.

2. To get information about the dominant activity for speaking of “When English Rings The Bell” published by The Ministry of National Education based on 2013 English Curriculum for the seventh grade of junior high school.


1.4Significance of Study

The writer hopes that the result of this study to be useful for the teacher, the writer of English textbook and also further researcher. For the teacher, this study can give information of speaking activities that can be choosed to increase the student ability in speaking. Then, for the writer of English textbook, by knowing the information about English textbook is expected to provide the appropriate material of teaching English for junior high school in latest edition. The last, this study may also helps further researcher who wants to develop and continue another analysis of the similar or related topic of this study.

1.5Scope and Limitation

The scope in this study is the analysis of speaking activities and it is limited to the seventh grade of junior high school English textbook with title “When English Rings The Bell” that published by The Ministry of National Education.

1.6Definition of Key Terms

To avoid ambiguity or misuderstanding of the concept used in this analysis, some definitions are provides as follows:

a. When English Rings The Bell is a text book of the 2013 English

Curriculum that published by The Ministry of National Education that used as the subject of the study.

b. The 2013 English Curriculum is the operational curriculum that based on competence and character that used thematic and contextual approach (Mulyasa, 2013).

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