Pemetaan Sebarandan Tingkat Resistensi Lulangan ( Eleusine Indica) Terhadap Glifosat Pada Pertanaman Karet Di Kebun Rambutan Ptpn Iii

Agustinus Kristian Purba : Pemetaan Sebaran dan Tingkat Resistensi Lulangan
(Eleusine indica) Terhadap Glifosat Pada Pertanaman Karet di Kebun Rambutan
PTPN III, dibimbing oleh Edison Purba dan Charloq.
Pengendalian rumput lulangan (E. indica) pada pertanaman karet di Kebun
Rambutan PTPN III denganmenggunakanglifosattelahberlangsung secara terusmenerus
tersebuttidaklagiefektifuntukmengendalikanE.indica pada areal tersebut.Penelitian
bertujuan untuk mendapatkan sebaran populasi lulangan(E. indica) resisten
glifosat pada pertanaman karet di Kebun Rambutan PTPN III. Biji diambil dari 14
blok kebun Rambutan PTPN III Serdang Bedagai,pada areal tersebut telah
disemprot dengan glifosat secara terus menerus (populasi ESU5) selama 28
tahundan populasi ESU0 diambil dari Padang Bulan Medan sebagai pembanding.
Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap non Faktorial, setiap populasi
dibuat dalam 5 ulangan, dan disemprot dengan glifosat (480 g b.a/ha).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 14 populasi lulangan kebun
Rambutan sebanyak 9 populasi sangat resisten terhadap glifosat dan 5 populasi
resisten terhadap glifosat. Dengan demikian seluruh populasi telah berkembang
menjadi resisten terhadap glifosat.

Kata kunci : Lulangan, sebaran, resisten, glifosat

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Agustinus Kristian Purba : Mapping the distribution and resistance levels weed of
goosegras (Eleusine indica L. Gaertn.)against Glyphosate on rubber planting
PTPN III Rambutan estate, supervised by Edison Purba and Charloq.
Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) at rubber planting at PTPN III Rambutan
Estate had been controlled using glyphosate on continuously. Later it was
reported that the herbicide active ingredients are no longer effective at
controlling E.indica in the area. The objective of this study was to determine the
spread and resistance levels bones ( E. Indica ) to glyphosate in rubber planting
PTPN IIIRambutan estate.Sampling of weeds taken from 14 blockPTPN III
Rambutan estate Serdang Bedagai, in the area had been sprayed with glyphosate
continuously ( ESU5 population ) for 28 years and the population ESU0 taken
from Padang Bulan Medan as a comparison. Experiment using Fully Randomized
Design non Factorial, each population was made in 5 replications, and sprayed
with glyphosate (480 g ba / ha).
Results showed that 14 populations from the Rambutan estate. 9

populations especially resistant of glyphosate and 5 population resistant of
glyphosate. Thus the entire population has grown to become resistant to glyphosate.
Keywords : Eleusine indica, resistance, distribution, glyphosate

Universitas Sumatera Utara