Submitted to Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting the Undergraduate of Education in English Department



  I would like to certify that the thesis entitled “A CONTENT ANALYSIS ON “ENGLISH IN FOCUS” AN ENGLISH TEXTBOOK FOR GRADE VIII JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (SMP/MTS)” is really my own work. It is not plagiarism or made by others. Everything related to others’ works is written in quotation, the sources of which are listed on the bibliography.

  If then, this pronouncement proves wrong. I am ready to receive any academic punishment.


  This thesis has been approved by the consultants to be examined by the Board of Thesis Examiners of the English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University. This thesis has been examined by the Board of Thesis Examiners of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, and accepted as one of the requirements for getting an Undergraduate Degree of Education in English.

MOTTO Man Jadda Wa Jadda

  The minute I am making mistakes, the minute I am learning. You can’t always get what you want, but if you try, sometimes you just might find you get what you need (Mick Jagger) Be Brave!


I would like to dedicate this thesis to:

Bapak Ahmad Muslim and Ibu Sukiyah

Anisa Agustin and Agustia Ningrum

My big Family

  My partner All of my friends





(SMP/MTS). A Thesis. Surakarta. Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  Sebelas Maret University. 2014.

  The purposes underlying this study are: (1) to describe the structure arrangement of “English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTS)”; (2) to analyze how far the tasks in “English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTS)” develop the communicative task in CLT approach; and (3) to describe types of CLT materials used in “English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTS)”.

  This study used descriptive method, which refers to content analysis or documentary analysis. It was conducted in May 2013. The technique of collecting data used documentary analysis. The steps in analyzing data are defining criteria, subjective analysis, objective analysis, and matching. The source of data in this research is the textbook for eighth grade of Junior High School, “English in Focus”, written by Artono Wardiman, published by CV Putra Nugraha. In collecting data, this study took all of chapters of the textbook.

  The result of the study shows that: (1) there are 4 guidelines in selecting and evaluating the structure of textbook. First, this textbook corresponds to learner’s needs. Second, this textbook reflects the uses (present or future) that learners will make of language. Third, this textbook takes account of students’ needs as learners and facilitates their learning processes, without dogmatically imposing a rigid ‘method’. Fourth, this textbook has a clear role as a support for learning. (2) The percentage of communicative task is 43.75%, it means that the “English in Focus” is average in developing the communicative task. So the quality the “English in Focus” in developing the communicative task is average of the criteria which are suggested in this study. And (3) the percentage of types of material in CLT is 74.95 %, it means that the “English in Focus” is very good in developing the CLT material as applied in this study.

  This textbook analysis implies that “English in Focus” is average in developing the communicative exercises and it is very good in developing the CLT material. It means that this textbook is recommended to be used in teaching and learning supported with the other textbooks in order that the teacher can give


  The writer would like to express her greatest thank to Allah SWT for His endowment, Alhamdulillah, that she can finally finish her thesis. The writer is fully aware that this thesis cannot be completed without other people’s help, guidance, suggestion, and constructive criticisms. Therefore, she would like to express her gratitude and appreciation to:

  1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta for the permission in writing the thesis.

  2. The Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, for her permission to carry out the thesis.

  3. Drs. A Dahlan Rais, M. Hum, her first consultant who has thoroughly and patiently given the writer time, encouragement, guidance, suggestion, motivation, and valuable ideas for writing the thesis.

  4. Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd, her second consultant who has thoroughly and patiently given the writer time, encouragement, guidance, suggestion, motivation, and valuable ideas for writing the thesis.

  5. Her beloved mother and father, for their love, kindness, supports, helps, best wishes, and never ending prayer.

  6. Her beloved sisters, for their love, prayers, supports, and best wishes.

  7. Her classmates in Teacher Qualification Program English Department 2011, for togetherness, friendship, unforgettable moments, happiness and sadness.

  8. All of people who help finishing my thesis.

  The writer realizes that their thesis is far from perfect. Thus, she expects some criticisms and suggestions for the improvements. She hopes this thesis will be useful for readers especially those who have high appreciation and interest to English Department.

  Surakarta, January 2014


  TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. i PRONOUNCEMENT.................................................................................... ii APPROVAL................................................................................................... iii BOARD OF EXAMINERS LEGITIMATION ............................................. iv MOTTO ......................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ............................................................................................... vi ABSTRACT................................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. viii TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. ix LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xi LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................ xii

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...............................................................

  1 A. Background of the Study...............................................

  1 B. Identification of the Problems.......................................

  4 C. Limitation of the Problem .............................................

  5 D. Problem Statement ........................................................

  5 E. Purpose of the Study .....................................................

  6 F. Benefit of the Study ......................................................

  6 CHAPTER II: UNDERLYING THEORIES ...............................................

  7 A. Communicative Approach ............................................

  7 B. Communicative Language Teaching ............................

  9 C. Communicative Exercises............................................. 12

  D. Textbook ....................................................................... 16

  1. Meaning of Textbook ............................................. 16

  5. Guidelines for Using Textbook .............................. 19

  E. Content Analysis ........................................................... 20

  1. Definition of Content Analysis .............................. 20

  2. Conducting a Content Analysis ............................. 21

  3. Objectives of Content Analysis ............................. 21

  4. Steps of Content Analysis...................................... 21

  CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY............................................................... 24 A. Method of the Research ................................................ 24 B. Place and Time.............................................................. 24 C. Source of Data............................................................... 24 D. Technique of Collecting Data ....................................... 24 E. Technique of Analyzing the Data ................................. 25 CHAPTER IV: RESULT OF THE STUDY ................................................. 27 A. The Arrangement of the Structure of “English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTS)” ........ 27 B. Communicative Task and Type of CLT Materials as Developed in “English in Focus for Grade VIII” .... 54 C. The Average of Communicative Tasks and

  Types of CLT Material As Developed in “English in Focus for Grade VIII”....................... .... 56

  CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, AND SUGGESTION ... 58 A. Conclusion .................................................................... 58 B. Implication .................................................................... 60 C. Suggestion..................................................................... 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 62 APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 65



  1. Table 3.1 The Table of Criterion Referenced Evaluation ............ 26

  2. Table 3.2 The Table of Criterion Referenced Evaluation............ 26

  3. Table 4.1 The structure of “English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTS) ................................................. 27

  4. Table 4.2 The Structure of Chapter 1 .......................................... 33

  5. Table 4.3 The Structure of Chapter 2 .......................................... 39

  6. Table 4.4 The Structure of Chapter 3 .......................................... 42

  7. Table 4.5 The Structure of Chapter 4 .......................................... 45

  8. Table 4.6 The Structure of Chapter 5 .......................................... 48

  9. Table 4.7 The Structure of Chapter 6 .......................................... 51

  10. Table 4.8 The Average Score and Percentage of Communicative Task ................................................................... 56

  11. Table 4.9 The Average Score and Percentage of Types Of CLT Material .......................................................................... 57



  1. The Analysis of Chapter 1 ........................................................................ 66

  2. The Analysis of Chapter 2 ........................................................................ 71

  3. The Analysis of Chapter 3 ........................................................................ 75

  4. The Analysis of Chapter 4 ........................................................................ 79

  5. The Analysis of Chapter 5 ........................................................................ 84

  6. The Analysis of Chapter 6 ........................................................................ 88 APPENDIX II

  1. Document: English in Focus..................................................................... 89 APPENDIX III

  1. Surat Permohonan Ijin Menyusun Skripsi ................................................ 176