(An Experimental Study of the Second Grade Students at SMP Muhammadiyah 3
Purwokerto in Academic Year 2015/2016)
Tiara Aya Putri
University Muhammadiyah of Purwokerto
The aim of this research was to find out the effectiveness of guessing game to
teach vocabulary. This research used quasi experimental, the subject of the research
were class VIII C with 27 students as experimental group and VIII D with 27 students
as control group. Guessing game was applied in experimental group while control group
was not taught using guessing game. Test was used for collecting the data, namely pretest and post-test, and the instrument was tried out to part of the second grade students
of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Purwokerto which aimed to know the validity, reability, and
item difficulty of the instrument. The test consisted of multiple choice item and
matching. After getting the data, it was analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of ttest computation was higher than t-table. It was 3.337 and the result of t-table at
significant level 0.05 with the degree of freedom 52 = 1,674. It could be concluded that
t-obtained was higher that t-table (3.337 > 1.674). It could be concluded that the
hypothesis of the research that guessing game was effective for teaching vocabulary was


Vocabulary is one of the most important element in a language. It is one
element that links there are four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and
writing. Without vocabulary, the communication will be difficult and almost
possible to do. Because of that, vocabulary is very important to learn by the
students who want to master a language.
English vocabulary becomes one of the major problems faced by the
students to learn English as a foreign language. The students are confused in
mastering the spelling and understanding the meaning of words. It is caused by
the unfamiliar word for them. The students are also difficult to spell and write
the letters in long words.
In learning English, vocabulary is an important element that should be learnt by
students. Based on the explanation above, it is known that vocabulary is needed
in order to express an idea. Without a good and accurate vocabulary, the speaker
or writer will be difficult to send his or her message to listener or reader and


tend to miscommunication. Moreover, the amount of vocabulary that mastered
by someone is one of some indicators that can influence students to master a
language. It is because the fluency of someone in a language can be seen from

how much vocabulary they have and how they can use them effectively.
Because of that vocabulary is very important to learn by the students.
This research focuses only on vocabulary. In this research, the treatment
is teaching vocabulary by using guessing games while the control group was
taught by using lecturing technique and giving exercises.
The explanation above implies that using guessing game in teaching
helps students to get a better achievement on their English Study. Based on the
explanation above, the researcher decide to conduct a research with the title
“The Effectiveness of Guessing Game for Teaching Vocabulary (An Experiment
Study of the Second Grade Students at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Purwokerto)”
In conducting this research, the writer applied an experimental research.
This research used experiment research. There were two groups in this research,
the first research is control groups and the second research is experimental
groups. The treatments were given by using guessing game in teaching learning
process. This research used quasi experiment. There were two groups, and each
group was given pre-test and post-test. The instrument in pre test and post test
used multiple choices and matching, in which the number of it would be
consisted of 20 items. There were 10 items of multiple choices and 10 items of
matching test. This research was conducted in February 2016. The research was

done at the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Purwokerto, in academic
year 2015/2016. the populations were all eighth grade students of SMP
Muhammadiyah 3 Purwokerto, particularly in academic year 2015/2016. The
numbers of population was 312 students from 4 different classes. Two classes
were chosen as subjects of the research. Class VIII C that has 27 students was
chosen as the experimental group, while VIII D which has 27 students was
selected as control group.
Test is used to collect the data. Test is a set of questions and use to
measure skill, knowledge, intelligence and ability of an individual. The test here
had aim to find out the vocabulary mastery in the research. The writer used two
kinds of test. They were pre-test and post-test:
1. Pre – test: This test was used to know the students’ ability of each group. This
first test was given before the writer applies the teaching vocabulary by guessing
game. The numbers of the test items was 20 items consist of 10 items of
multiple choice and 10 items of matching test.
2. Post – Test: This test was used to measure the effect of certain treatment. This
test was given after the writer applies the teaching vocabulary by using guessing
game. Before getting the data, the test should be tried out to know the validity
and reliability. Those validity and reliability would be computed by the

following formula. The numbers of the test items was 20 items consist of 10
items of multiple choice and 10 items of matching test.
After conducting pre-test and post-test, the researcher analyzed the data.
It was used to know whether there is an increasing of students’ vocabulary
mastery after being taught through flashcard. The researchers examine the
students’ score by using percentage, mean, and t-test.
a. Percentage
In percentage, the researcher would know the frequency of the correct answer in
the class. The formula was P = F/N.
P = percentage of the correct answer
F = the frequency of the correct answer
N = the total number of students
So, the researcher would classified the frequency of the correct answer into five
categories, such as: 81-100% was very good, 61-80% was good, 41-60% was fair, 2140% was bad and 0-20% was very bad.
b. Mean
Mean is used to know the level of vocabulary mastery after the students were
given treatment. The percentage scores of class found by the quotient of total deviation
and number of students in the class. There are two classes mean values which should be
1. Means of Control Class

To find out the mean of deviation of control class (My):
- The Pre-test score decreases the post-test score of each student.
- Then the writer counts the total of deviation (∑y)
- Finally, the writer counts the total of the students in control class is
divided in to the number of students in that class
My =

2. Means of Experimental Class
To find out the mean of deviation of experiment class (Mx)
- The pre-test scores decrease the post-test score of each student.
- The writer counts the total of deviation (residual) (∑x)
- Finally, the writer counts the total of the students in experiment class that
is divided in to the number of the students in that class.
Mx =


: the mean of the score to experiment class


: the mean of the score to control class


: residual of the score the control class


: residual of the score the experiment class


: total number of students

c. Calculating the sum of squared deviation of each group
a. Experimental Class
∑x2 = ∑X2 –
b. Control Class

∑y2 = ∑Y2 –
∑x2: the sum of square deviation in experimental class
∑Y2: the sum of square deviation in control class
c. T-test
T-test was used to analyze the data. This technique was used to find out
whether using flashcard for teaching vocabulary is effective. According to Arikunto,
(2010: 354).This research used the t-table formula as follows:



= the mean of experimental class


= the mean of control class


= the square deviation of experimental class


= the square deviation of control class


= the total number of students of experimental class


= the total number of students of control class

And after that, calculating degree of freedom (d.f) by using the following
d.f = ( Nx Ny – 2 )

= number of experimental class students
= number of control class students
After getting the T-test, it will be consulted into t-table of a certain significant
level. If the T-test is higher than T-table, it means that there is a positive effect of
guessing game for teaching vocabulary, so hypothesis is accepted.
The objective of this research was to find out whether or not guessing
game can be effective for students’ vocabulary mastery. The population the
populations were all eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3
Purwokerto, particularly in academic year 2015/2016. The researcher was
conducted in 5 meetings every class. For the first, the researcher administered
pre-test, to know the students’ ability of each groups. For the second, third, and
fourth meeting, the researcher conducted the treatment by using flash cards. For
the fifth meeting, the researcher administered post-test, to measure the effect of
certain treatment.
The researcher used product moment terms to analyze the score of try
out, pre-test and post-test. Try out test was conducted on February 5 th 2016. In
this test, the students were supposed to do the vocabulary test in order to get the
validity and reliabilty of the test as well as to get level difficulty and

discrimination of test items. Pre-test were done in control classs and
experimental class. The students were expected to do the vocabulary test in
order to determine heir achievement before the treatments were given. The mean
score of pretest in control class gave 55.18 and for experimental class gave

55.55. After giving pre test, the researcher conducted the treatments. The
treatments of experimental class were done in three meeting. But in control
class, there was no a treatments. In the control class. The students did a post test
in order to know the student’s vocabulary mastery after being taught by using
guessing game. The mean of post test in control class was 63.33 and for
experimental class was 75,.18.
In experimental class, the percentage of bad category was none. The
percentage of fair category decreased 44.45% (62.96% to 18.51%), the
percentage of good category increased 37.04% (18.51 to 55.55%) and the
percentage of very good category increased 22.22% (3.70% to 25.92%) and
none of students who got in a very bad category. In control class, the percentage
of bad category increased 3.70% ( 0 to 3.70%), the percentage of fair category
decreased 51.85% (74.07% to 22.22%) and good category increased 48.15%
(18.51% to 66.66%) and the percentage of very good category increased 3.70%
(0% to 3.70%) and none of students who got in a very bad category. After the

data of the research have been collected, it should be analyzed to find out the
result of t-test computation. The T-test was computed by the formula that was
mentioned in the research of methodology. The result of experimental class and
control class were 3.337 with the degree of freedom were 52. After the result
was found, it was compared with t-table, the value of t-table = 1.674 with the
level of significant = 0,05. So that, 3.337 > 1.674, it meant that the use of
guessing game was effective. From data above, we can conclude that the
hypothesis was accepted. Guessing game was effective for enhancing students’
vocabulary mastery.
Based on the result of the data analysis, it was found that students’
achievment in experimental group was better than control group. The result of ttest computation was 3.337 while the t-table with the significant level 0.05 in
degree of freedom 52 was 1.674. The result of t-test was higher than t-table
value (3.337 > 1.674). It was found that students who were taught by guessing
game got better score than students who were taught by lecturing teaching.
Therefore, it could be concluded that the hypothesis of the research that guessing
game was effective for teaching vocabulary was accepted.
Having conducted the research, the researcher gave some suggestions that
are proposed for the teachers and the students. The suggestions are as follows :
1. For the teacher
Teacher is suggested to use guessing game for teaching vocabulary to make
class be more fun.

2. For the students
Guessing game can make students easy in comprehending vocabulary and
comprehending the spelling.
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