LEARNINGLEARNING Learningmanagement Of Students’ English Speakingability At01 State Junior High Schoolof Ungaran.




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Sutama, Dr, Prof
Dewi Candraningrum, Ph.D
Nur Ekaningsih
E-mail: eka.nur2009@yahoo.com
The aims of this study are to describe the learning management of English
teaching, the learning management of students’ English speaking ability, and its
evaluation. It is descriptive qualitative study and ethnography design. The data
are in information form as logical thought, sentences, and specific experience.
The data sources are event, document, informant, and artifact. Techniques used
in data collection are in-depth interview, documentation and observation. The
research results show that the learning management of English teaching by
expanding time will make students having longer time to express ideas for
communicating. Inserting more expressions and students’ custom on teaching
documents will create good partnership between teachers and students.
Enhancing students’ opportunities to produce English in interesting and
experience activities like in a real world theme will make students familiar.
Evaluation of students’ English speaking ability on sociolinguistic competence by
interview, in pairs dialogue and individual speech will be useful for students to

facilitate themselves. Advice for the principal should manage extra times in
preparing English teaching and support teachers with technological aids.
Supporting varieties experienced activities for students’ in English to the real
English learning will make students’ practically pronounce English as their habit
to make them perfect.
Keywords: learning management, English teaching, speaking ability
Language means as communication in people’s daily activities. It is useful
to speak, to write and to inform. According to Edge (1999: 17) that
communication is the goal of language teaching. There are so many languages in
the world. As an international communication, English becomes useful because
most of people use it to communicate in relationship to other countries.
According to Fauziati (2009: 3) foreign language is learned to comprehend the
reading text but on the other hand it is also studied by human who need it in
communicating orally. English is only used in educational language in many level
of institution. So English is also called as a foreign language in educational
institution. Language is also supporting the successful of learning all parts of



knowledge. As a result, English is very important to learn and to study for all
people in the world.
In line with Asmani (2011: 20) that today Indonesia is in the year of 21st
century, and the characteristic of 21st century inhabitants are their life full of
knowledge and technology advance. In the year 2006 based on Sisdiknas Law No.
20 year 2003 in Wahyuni and Ibrahim (2012: 26) writes that the government of
Indonesia has put English into compulsory subject of School Based Curriculum
(SBC) or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). This curriculum has also
been supported by Permendiknas No. 22 year 2006. Wahyuni and Ibrahim (2012:
29) also explain about KTSP which is arranged by the government that some
operational references are concerned. KTSP program in Indonesia especially on
English learning begins at pre-school students up to college students. This
program has different target on each level of education.
In Junior High School level, English learning has target to the level of
functional to all students. The functional target in this curriculum is
communicating both oral and written to finish daily problems. Teaching and
learning English is a process of achieving the target of education curriculum.
Fauziati (2009: 131) states that understanding of English is not only

understanding about knowledge of language but also the ability how to use it in
communication. As a result, language learning needs some supporting factors in
its process. The very familiar model in learning is Contextual Teaching and
Learning (CTL) and the familiar approach in language learning is Communicative
Language Teaching (CLT). On this method, teachers’ hope that students can
participate more in the learning process depends on the daily life context.
Actually, there aren’t any the best method or approach in learning but teachers
must master them all to make variation of learning.
Discussing about speaking skill for students of junior high school,
according to the President of English Teacher’s Group (MGMP) Tasikmalaya
regency (2012), the difficulties of English speaking skill in Indonesia are from four
aspects. They are Inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation, and the
use of mother tongue. There is a different condition which is implemented at the
school. The state school at Semarang Regency has some students who are good
in English speaking. That students’ competence of English can be seen from some
English speaking competitions that this school joined. Most of the champions get
the first up to the third champion in Speaking English Competition from regency
level up to national level.
The speaking English Competition that has always been done like English
Debate, English Regional Olympiad, English Story Telling, ESA WEEK from UNNES

and FLS2N from Semarang. There are so many championships that the students
of 01 State Junior High School of Ungaran joined. Both conditions as explain
above, there are two different conditions between English speaking obstacles in
Indonesia and the students’ English speaking ability achievement at this school.


So, there are significant differences that can be discussed related to the learning
management of students’ speaking ability here.
Objectives of this study are describing as a whole the learning
management of English teaching at 01 State Junior High School of Ungaran, the
learning management of the Students’ English Speaking Ability at this school and
Evaluation of students’ English Speaking Ability.
Research Method
This research uses the qualitative approach which stated by Moleong
(2010: 6). Researcher uses this approach to describe by words which comes from
collected habits and conditions naturally. This research uses Ethnographic as said
by Moleong (2010: 23) is the design which focuses on public cultures by
interpreting to the public’s life. The researcher uses this design because of the
emic and unique characteristic on the learning management of English speaking

ability at 01 State Junior High School of Ungaran.
This research is done at 01 State Junior High School of Ungaran. It is
located in Semarang Regency. This school is at 197 Diponegoro Street. It has got
the ISO 9000 Certificate of Quality Insurance. It is situated on the strategic place
around urban areas. It has A accreditation score with 99 score for all Education
National Standards.. This school is conducted by qualified headmaster. There are
573 students with 39 teachers and 5 English teachers. Each class has 23 or 24
The presence of the researcher joins with all members at this school and
gets information directly from teachers and students. The researcher is acted as
friends and friendship. As a student, the researcher here is known by public
where all information although it is secret information will be easily taken. This
study collects data from interview with related person like two English teachers,
some students of grade VIII, vice principal and the principal. Others data are
printed documents like school’s profile, curriculum document, syllabus, lesson
plans and some photographs of learning English speaking in the classroom and
evaluation document.
Informants of this study are the principal, the vice principal and two
English teachers from the same level but different class. This study is only used
three procedures in collecting data as follows: observation, content analysis, and

interview by in-depth interview. This research consists of data reduction, data
categorization, synthesis and ending with hypothesis. The validity test to find the
level of consideration of results of the study usually uses extended observation,
triangulation, friend’s discussion, negative case analysis and references materials.
Findings and Discussion
Teaching English is always correlated to learning plan which involves
curriculum, program organization, human resources and facilities. Then learning
implementation and learning evaluation. The document curriculum of this school


is combining between national and international. The School Based Curriculum of
this school from the interviews data is being lengthened especially on the
learning time of English subject. The English subject is increasing into eight
meetings in a week and added by English Conversation as personal development
That curriculum models are related to International Journal of
Organizational Innovation (2010) by Kelch about curriculum development in
English language teaching for the Asian Context. This is the proof that curriculum
is needed more innovations and will face some obstacles and challenges. As a

result curriculum especially on English subject is necessary to develop because of
the changing year. The combining curriculum between national and international
is related to International Journal of English Language Teaching Khamkhien
(2010) about teaching and learning English is thus crucial for communicative
purposes to meet demands of global economic and to cope with the growing
local, national, and international demands for English skills. So, English
curriculum is globally needed into education curriculum to answer international
demands for students of junior high school.
Expanding the learning time in curriculum and giving more time of
conversation class on the interviews are related to Al Mohana (2011)
International Journal of Arts and Sciences which writes to enhance the learning
and production of the spoken language, EFL students should become more
familiar with it and be able to take chances in producing it. They need to be given
the opportunity to try it out. Being limited with classroom time does not permit
such exploration to happen; therefore, an oracy hour should be included within
students’ weekly time-table. Therefore, the expanding time in learning English
will be useful for students in making them familiar to speak English in their daily
expressions. The short time schedule in English teaching will not give chance to
students for expressing their ideas. So, it is necessary to put English in schedule
of curriculum with longer time.

English is an integrated skill in teaching as said on the interview, so the
four skills will connect each other among listening, speaking, reading and writing.
It is related to Aljumah (2011) in International Journal of English Language
Teaching that writes to achieve the goal, certain conditions are to be met,
including skill integration such as listening and speaking, writing, reading and
speaking and discussing and evaluating. By integrating all skills of language
teaching will give students broaden materials to learn. Students can modify their
skills in single time learning. Modifying skills in English teaching and learning can
create students’ creativity to communicate in English both written and spoken.
This schools’ syllabus on SBC document is rich because of many
expressions on it. The expressions as said by English teachers on interview must
be expressed by the students in simple spoken language accurately, fluently, and
acceptably in transactional and interpersonal discourse, interactive and noninteractive in the formal situation to communicate with surrounding


environment. The above syllabus design is related to Zhu and Zhou (2012) in
International Journal of English Language Teaching that writes that proper use of
facial expression and gestures can produce an optimistic and active atmosphere
which is very beneficial for the good relationship between teachers and students.

So, this syllabus is proper to the students of junior high school because
expressions can create interesting relationship between students and teachers.
Relationship between students and teachers in English teaching is important to
make English learning climate interesting and attractive to produce proactive
The school lesson plan is made by English teacher of this school at the
beginning of the academic teacher before learning process. Teacher prepares it a
week before starting the academic year. It contains the standard competence,
the basic competence, the learning objectives, the learning activities to achieve
the learning target. The lesson plan parts like above English teachers’ lesson plan
is related to Zhu and Zhou (2012) in International Journal of English Language
Teaching that writes in the special English teaching period, it is very important
for teachers to do a lot of preparations to make teaching materials rich and
The teacher’s preparation is relevant too to Fraga (2010) in International
Journal of Foreign Language Annals which describes those teachers identify
specific areas that were supported by their teacher preparation program. It
becomes essential for teachers to prepare pre-service and in-service foreign
language teaching documents. It is relevant to Allison and Rehm (2011)
International Journal of Showcasing FCS Program that describes designing

lessons that incorporate the customs and traditions of English Language Learners
can help teachers and classmates learn about one another. So, related to the
research above this lesson plan criteria will need time to prepare. Enough
preparation by inserting custom and tradition of learners will create good
learning partnership. Partnership in English teaching can motivate students to
learn happily.
Students’ interview test can measure the students’ Basic English
competence. This is the record of this school that the students who pass on
interview English test have high motivation in learning English. If they pass from
the interview, it means that the students have more capabilities in English. It is
related to Zhu and Zhou (2012 in English Language Teaching Journal that writes
students with high motivation are more willing to learn English well than others.
The internal drive encourages students to study to their best abilities. Also it is
relevant to the study of Chen and Hung (2012) in Social Behavior and Personality
Journal that describes about the personality type has significant relationship with
the language learning strategy. So, students’ ability with high motivation
influences the learning strategy and activities in the classroom. High motivation
and good personality students’ supports English teaching and learning with good
spoken ability.


English teachers at this school have been trained in many kinds of
seminary and special trainings such as CLT, learning management training and
many others to develop their abilities in teaching. This finding is related to Fraga
(2010) in Journal of Foreign Language Annals that writes about some efforts in
contributing and helping teachers’ candidates to achieve an advance level of
proficiency lies not only with the foreign language department but also with the
teacher education departments. But the most important one is proactive and
responsibility teachers for their own learning and growth as professionals.
Teachers’ training and seminary on teaching skills are related to Zhu and
Zhou (2012) in English Language Teaching Journal that writes with the
development of science and technology, teachers can also make full use of the
excellent teaching software to cultivate and stimulate students’ interest. This is
relevant too to Jin (2012) in International Journal of English Linguistics that
describes a teacher’s personality and rich teaching skills play an essential role in
building a harmonious learning atmosphere. Therefore, the three relevant
researches above are supported the finding that teachers need to be proactive
and responsible for science and technology to make them rich in teaching skills
to cultivate students’ interest. Teacher’s competence on language skills
influences more the students’ attention in speaking English.
All facilities are used by students in learning English at 01 State Junior
High School depend on the materials given by the teachers. The laboratories are
used to give students chance to listen to pronouncing, intonation and cultures by
film or conversation recording on CD or DVD cassette player. The complete
facilities at this school is relevant to Allison and Rehm (2011) which describes
demonstrations, laboratories, and field trips used extensively help students
experience content using multiple senses and in a concrete modality. It is related
to Jaen and Basanta (2009) in International Journal of European Association for
Computer Assisted Language Learning that writes the advantage of using digital
video as a tool for language teaching and learning are widely accepted in English
Language Teaching (ELT).
The above media can enhance language teaching by bringing the outside
world into the classroom. Internet system is also the supporting facility in
improving students’ English speaking ability. This is also related Areti (2011) in
Journal Review of European Studies which describes that materials found on the
Web deal with real-world concerns, so they allow activities to mirror real life
tasks, which can lead to authentic integration of skills and student-centered
teaching. So, the condition of facilities to support students’ speaking ability is
relatively enough. With these facilities can help student to be experienced by
multiple senses and allow students to do real world activities.
Implementing English teaching in the classroom, firstly teacher does
apperception and greets students in English. Teacher speaks about 80% in
English to be a role model. Teacher gives examples on pronouncing English
words correctly and students repeat the pronunciation together. Students try to


listen to the words, imitate them and repeat them together. It is relevant to
Ciortescu (2012) in International Journal of Communication Research describes
that one of the major differences General English and Business English stems
from the different treatment that is developing accuracy and fluency in general
English. Fluency is concerned with speed and effort of speaking. In relation to the
pronouncing model from the teacher Khamkhien (2010) in International Journal
of English Language Teaching writes about teachers have to raise learners’
awareness and the importance of pronunciation both in word and sentence level
in order to avoid communication breaks down or misunderstanding as a result of
mispronunciation. So, the ways and steps of apperception like listen, imitate and
repeat what teacher speaks in opening activities are useful for students as the
basic skill to avoid communication breaks down or mispronunciation.
Motivating students’ speaking in the classroom, teacher has another way
to motivate students in teaching by using body language to express English
words is related to Zhu and Zhou (2012) in English Language Teaching Journal
which writes that body language can be a tool for teachers to deliver friendship
and trust to the students, establishing a more harmonious and relaxing
atmosphere for study English. Asking and answering with jokes is related to Zhu
and Zhou (2012) in English Language Teaching Journal which writes on their
study that if the teaching materials in junior high school teaching are boring and
unattractive, the students’ attitude towards English will gradually turn into
negative. The anxiety too much will produce worry, fear and self doubt toward
Teacher also gives students a chance to be a model of conversation in
pairs in front of the class. In modeling students partner here is relevant to Allison
and Rehm (2011) in International Journal that describes pairing English Language
Learners (ELL) with a class buddy and partner provides a sense of security and
including non-English speaking students in all classroom activities is important to
help each student feel included. Teachers’ motivation on students’ learning by
translating the unfamiliar words in Indonesia is relevant too to Abdo and Breen
(2010) in Journal of Scientific Research Creative Education which describes on the
data demonstration of their findings shows that EFL learners become more

comfortable with their instructor, the manifestations of nervousness, shyness, and

mispronunciation would decrease. So, motivate students by teachers’ gestures,
jokes and Indonesia translation is appropriate in reducing students’ negative
affective on English speaking ability. This means that students will have
relationship although students inability to speak English or verbal
The teacher uses Role-Play method to motivate students in producing
words to say. This method is relevant to Liu (2010) in International Education
Studies describes that the data result on the percentage of excellent students
chose role play method was more than the traditional which was 57%. So, this is
the proof that using activity of role play is more effective in arousing students’
motivation in speaking English than using oral English test. Teacher also chooses


the learning sources. The English teacher here chooses pictures and script and
power point slides. Teacher uses pictures by slides of power point related to the
topic of legend story. Using motion picture here is relevant to Jin (2012) in
International Journal of English Linguistics which explains activities in improving
communicative competence in English. Showing the picture here is related to
retelling activities where teacher can draw simple pictures to guide students to
retell the text of legend story.
Above learning sources is also relevant to Wang (2012) in International
Journal of English Linguistic which writes on its strategies of oral English teaching
by building an environment of language and to mobilize students to open their
mouth. So, this means that pictures is used to create the language enthusiastic
environment in a classroom to make students open their mouth to speak. There
are three dimensions on English teaching evaluation. It consists of learning plan
evaluation, learning implementation evaluation and designing assessment
evaluation. In Learning Plan Evaluation, teachers’ learning plan includes syllabus
and lesson has been created systematically. The standard of competence and the
basic competence are suitable with the indicators and materials of learning. The
use of strategy and methods is related to the given materials. The materials are
arranged by paying attention to students’ ability for high motivation students.
The use of media here is suitable with the cognitive development. This
dimension, teacher has 91 score from all aspects of evaluation.
Learning Implementation Evaluation, in the classroom process, teacher
does many activities that related to the lesson plan. Teacher does apperception
by greet students at the early time, Explain the basic competence and indicators
of achievement. Create activities with technological aids related to the materials.
Do the learning systematically. Engage students in using the media of learning.
Show good relationship between teacher and students. Give positive responds to
the students’ participation. Use good pronunciation in English. Use suitable body
language to transfer knowledge. Ask students to summarize materials together.
Designing assessment, teacher can use appropriate evaluation with the learning
objective. All of the activities above are related to Jin (2012) in International
Journal of English Linguistics which explains the creation of a harmonious
communicative class climate. So, this means that combining creative activities
from planning, implementing and assessing will create well-balanced
communicative group of students.
The native speakers here come to stay for about three months and come
into the classroom too in order to communicate with students in various models
of English learning. This program is related to the study which done by Al
Mohana (2011) in International Journal of Arts & Sciences Here, Mohanna
describes in enhancing the learning and producing of the spoken language,
English Foreign language learners should become more familiar with the
language and can take more opportunities in producing the language. It is also
related to the study of Kelch in International Journal of Organizational Innovation.


The innovation research of Kelch shows the English Village (EV) concept in Korea
that implementing CLT by immersing learners into an English environment which
is based on real-world theme rooms.
An additional supporting program is English conversation which is done in
the learning process after the school’s schedule. English conversation is done
two hours meetings in a week for all students from seventh to the ninth grade.
This finding is relevant to Jin (2012) in International Journal of English Linguistics
which describes the goal of foreign language teaching is to develop
communicative competence by suggesting some oral activities in class or after
class which are easier for English teacher to decrease shyness and nervousness
replaced by enthusiasm and interest.
Another supporting program is the students’ exchange activity program
which aimed to give more opportunities for local young people to interact and
have experience that they have never had before. Therefore, this is related to Jin
(2012) in International Journal of English Linguistics which describes some typical
activities in improving English Communicative Competence. This supporting
program is correlated to Free Talk activities. In this activity teachers help
students to choose the topic that must do something with students’ interest and
experience without definite answer. So, learning management of students’
English speaking ability needs to be familiar by taking more opportunities to
produce the language, immersing learners into real world theme rooms, help
students do interesting activities and experience without definite answer and
finally its very useful to decrease negative affect into enthusiasm.
Evaluating students’ speaking competence, the first test is done by 01
State Junior High School of Ungaran is Interview test for testing the basic
competence of students’ speaking ability. On the table of evaluation of interview
shows that pronunciation o interview score is the lowest. The students who can
get score around 80 up will be accepted here. This score is in good and high
category. The test in this study is relevant to Wang (2012) in International
Journal of English Linguistics which describes to that static evaluation refers to
evaluation on accuracy, fluency, pronunciation and intonation of oral English
application which aimed to enable students to orient themselves and to facilitate
them to make efforts at a higher level.
Pronouncing is related too to Khamkien (2010) in International Journal of
English Language Teaching that describes pronunciation is one of major
problems claimed to be impeding or contributing to the lack of speaking
competence of learners. On the second evaluation individual speaking
assessment, there are five aspects consisting fluency, pronunciation, intonation,
performance and grammar. Each aspect will be on the range of 1 up to 5 and the
final score is from maximum score multiplied by four. So, from the finding result
shows that one student can get 84 for the total score but the lowest grade is on
the grammar aspect. Student with superior in communicative ability but should
have more training of grammar. It is related to Wang (2012) that students with


low grammar means that students principle foundation is low. By this condition,
setting of the test subject help students to lay foundation for their pronunciation,
grammar, and vocabulary because students with good foundation obviously
grasp more vocabularies and master larger amount of information in oral
The second evaluation is done in the classroom process evaluation of
speaking as the final process of classroom learning in a meeting at 01 State
Junior High School of Ungaran. Both assessments that found on the individual
speaking and dialog with two students in pairs is relevant to the research of
Wang (2012) in International Journal of English Linguistics that writes that the
best oral English pattern is to regard a small group as the unit and
implementation of daily performance is the appropriate method. Wang’s study
above is similar to Aljumah (2011) in International Journal of English Language
Teaching writes that group discussions and seminar encourage students to
interact and take the initiative. So, it is better for this school tries to use
integrated skills to be tested but not always in individual performance but in
group discussion and group presentation will reduce mispronounce. Team work
can make students become cooperated and discussed matter together. The
students here will not compete but rather than they will complete one another.
The last discussion about speech evaluation that evaluates students’
ability for the final process of learning English from the seven grade up to ninth
grade at 01 State Junior High School of Ungaran. This evaluation aims to evaluate
students’ ability and prepare the students ability of life skill to speak English.
There are five aspects used to score here. The range of each aspect is up to 20
with the maximum score for all aspect is 100. The final score for each student is
counted by dividing the achievement score with maximum score and multiplied
by ten. The result shows that there is a student with the final score is 89 but the
students just get the score of 17 on the performance aspect. This finding is
related to Chen and Hung (2012) that cultural difference in personal type,
learning style and language learning strategies are considered essential on
language learning. As a result, from the table of the last exam on output
students’ competence, English teachers at this school have succeeded on
developing students’ awareness on good pronunciation score for students at the
final study but the performance score should be considered because students at
this school come from different background of family which influence them on
learning English speaking.
This research offers the following product, the learning management of
English teaching by expanding time and integrated basic skills in combining
national and international curriculum structure will make students learn broaden
materials and have longer time to express ideas for communicating. The learning
management of English teaching by inserting more expressions and students’
custom in syllabus and lesson plan will create good learning partnership between
teachers and students. The learning management of students’ English speaking


ability by enhancing students’ opportunities to produce the language in
interesting and experience activities like in a real world theme will make students
familiar and enthusiastic to speak English. The evaluation of students’ English
speaking ability on sociolinguistic competence by interview, in pairs dialogue and
individual speech will be useful for students to encourage and facilitate
themselves on English speaking.
Curriculum of English teaching at 01 State Junior High school of Ungaran
has more programs than other regular schools. This is done by extending
meeting on the curriculum structure of English with eight meetings in a week.
The schools’ curriculum is integrating the four basics English skills and inserting
students’ tradition. The functional syllabus and lesson plan which contain full of
expressions materials are useful in creating students’ and teachers’ partnership.
All teachers of English at 01 State Junior High school of Ungaran have
prepared the teaching documents by more pre-service and in-service learning
project and also to set up rich and interesting learning materials. The students’
intake recruitment to achieve the objective on learning English is communicating.
Most of students here have got more capabilities, higher motivation and good
personality in English.
English teachers’ proficiency at this school is always developing by some
training on curriculum and some other programs like MGMP. The training
activities have successful to create proactive teachers with rich teaching skills to
cultivate students’ interest in English teaching. The teachers in the learning
process are giving students’ chance to listen, to imitate and to repeat together in
order to avoid mispronunciation and communication breaks down.
Implementing of English teaching, teachers use body language while expressing
and explaining materials in English to make good relation with students.
Teacher uses joke and creates motivation in the learning process in order
to reduce anxious because lack of vocabularies in English. Evaluation consists of
three dimensions with 14 indicators. This evaluation is done to know the
correlation between the lesson plan and the teachers’ activities in transferring
materials to the students. Evaluating students’ English ability by interview test is
good to know students’ intake competence in English, motivation, and
personality. Learning process, the evaluation is done on five aspects of speaking
ability. They are fluency, pronunciation, intonation, performance and grammar.
The last evaluation for individual speech is to prepare students’ ability and life
skill. The school here has succeeded to create students’ awareness on English
English becomes a compulsory subject is giving more advantages to
students of junior high school because this language is widely used for
communicating and cooperating in various aspects of human life. So, the
government policy is suitable to make English as compulsory subject. Learning


English is very important for students because the heart of English language skill
is speaking English. All skills can be integrated each other to be spoken all to
know science and knowledge of English. The learning management of English
teaching by preparing the learning materials, arranging activities, choosing
methods of learning, prepare the learning objectives are necessary for teachers
to make learning interesting and students can take their experience after
The broader and rich syllabus and lesson plan in learning materials and
methods with integrated skills of English will achieve the communicative
objective in learning English. The functional syllabus and lesson plan which
contain so many expression for students of junior high school is very appropriate.
The classroom activities will be more enjoyable with body language
communication to learn expressions materials and Role Play teaching method.
The students’ recruitment system is good way to take good input of students’
competence in mastering English vocabularies to achieve the goal of language
learning. The developing English teachers’ proficiency is very important to do
because it can improve the teachers’ ability in handling the teachers’ role in the
The facilities in supporting students’ English speaking ability are good
enough. Teachers must manage to relate them into interesting classroom
atmosphere and give students’ chance to use it freely. The program of interview
for new students, the bridging course, group presentation, English conversation
class, students’ exchange activity, and speech are correlated program in
motivating and improving English learning to speak for students. These all
programs aimed to make students’ aware and to take chance to produce English
as their habits. The evaluation of students’ English speaking ability can be used
by other English teachers to check in progress starting from the beginning of the
year at class VII up to the IX grade as the final learning for them. This evaluation
is very useful to know the students’ progress in learning to English speaking.
Finally, the researcher suggests as follows, the Principal should give extra
times to teachers in preparing the documents of curriculum. Teachers should
make innovation of assessment’s rubrics which are written on lesson plan by
writing different rubric’s patterns on different skills. It will be better for teachers
to give another meaning not translating into Indonesia, but try it to use English
too. The recruitment system of new students in evaluating the English students’
speaking ability is good but this result should become the guide for teachers in
improving their weak competence.
The program of motivating students’ to speak like students’ exchange
activity to Singapore and Malaysia spend much money. It will be better to change
that into the environment near schools activities as their habits in speaking
practice. The program of Native Speaker should be maximally organized to to
motivate students to speak. The speech evaluation for the final evaluation is
good and it can be continued for getting good output. Students should improve


their pronouncing from the teachers or find the learning media to learn to
imitate from the native frequently. In grammar, students should practice reading
more. Practicing in real environment as their habits will create students’
speaking ability. Practice makes perfect.
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