Pengaruh Sosial Ekonomi Dan Budaya Terhadap Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Putri Yang Menikah Dini Di Desa Siligason Kabupaten Simalungun Tahun 2015


Menurut data tahunan pemerintah daerah Desa Siligason Kabupaten
Simalungun, tercatat jumlah pernikahan remaja yang menikah di bawah usia 20 tahun
pada 2013 sebanyak 36,8%, dan 35,4% di tahun 2012 dan pada awal Juni 2014
sebanyak 20% remaja telah menikah di bawah usia 20 tahun dan rata-rata menikah
setelah lulus SMA ataupun sebelum lulus SMA.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh sosial ekonomi dan
budaya terhadap kesehatan reproduksi remaja putri yang menikah dini. Jenis
penelitian survei terhadap pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini
adalah seluruh remaja putri yang menikah dini dan sudah pernah hamil dan
melahirkan di Desa Siligason Kabupaten Simalungun sebanyak 35 orang, sampel
berjumlah 35 orang terhadap teknik total sampling. Data diperoleh melalui
wawancara terhadap kuesioner. Data dianalisis terhadap tahapan univariat, bivariat
menggunakan uji chi-square dan multivariat menggunakan uji analisis regresi logistik
berganda pada taraf kemaknaan 95%
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden yang kesehatan
reproduksinya baik sebesar 77,1% dan kesehatan reproduksinya yang kurang baik
sebesar 22,9% . Ada pengaruh pendidikan, kebiasaan, kepercayaan terhadap
kesehatan reproduksi remaja putri yang menikah dini.Variabel yang paling besar

pengaruhnya adalah kepercayaan terhadap nilai koefisien B 24,624. Nilai percentage
correct sebesar 88,6% menunjukkan pendidikan, kebiasaan, kepercayaan dapat
menjelaskan pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan reproduksi remaja putri yang menikah
dini. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 11,4% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain.
Disarankan kepada kepala desa dan tenaga kesehatan setempat kerja sama
dalam rangka memberikan penyuluhan kepada remaja puteri tentang pentingnya
pengetahuan mengenai pernikahan ditinjau dari usia yang disarankan dan sesuai
kesehatan reproduksi, pendidikan, pekerjaan dan kebudayaan yang mempengaruhi hal

Kata Kunci : Sosial Ekonomi, Budaya, Kesehatan Reproduksi




According to the annual data of the Local Administration of Siligason Village,
Simalungun District, there were 36.8% of below 20 year-old teenagers who got

married in 2013, 35% in 2012, and 20% in 2014. The average of them were High
School graduates or under.
The objective of the research was to analyze the correlation of economy and
culture with health reproduction of female teenagers who performed early marriage.
The research was a survey with cross sectional design. The population was 35 female
teenagers who performed early marriage and had given childbirth at Siligason
Village, Simalungun District, and all of them were used as the samples, taken by
using total sampling technique. The data were gathered by conducting interviews and
questionnaires and analyzed by using univatriate analysis, bivatriate analysis with
chi square test, and multivatriate analysis with multiple logistic regression analysis
at the significance level of 95%.
The result of the research showed that 77.1% of the respondents had good
health reproduction, and 22.9% of the respondents had bad health reproduction.
There was the correlation of education, habit, and confidence with health
reproduction of female teenagers who performed early marriage. The variable which
had the most dominant influence was confidence at the coefficient value (β) = 24.624.
The percentage correct value was 88.6% which indicated that education, habit, and
confidence could explain their correlation with health reproduction of female
teenagers who performed early marriage, while the remaining 11.4% was influenced
by the other factors.

It is recommended that the village head and local health care providers work
together in providing counseling for female teenagers about the importance of
knowledge of marriage viewed from the suggested age and is in line with health
reproduction, education, occupation, and culture which influence it.

Keywords: Socio-Economy, Culture, Reproductive Health
