Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain
Sarjana Pendidikan degree at English Education Program
of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University




A. Background of the Study
The purpose of foreign language education is to have the skills of
communicate with other people, knowing and understanding the culture
contained in a foreign language, language knowledge linking other relevant
diciplines, comparing and contrasting the language he had learned with other
languages, and summarizes the four skills, so he felt comfortable being a
global citizen.
People deman to have more than one language. Language as tool for
communication takes an important role in our daily activities. Without
communication, we will be left behind. Communication in foreign language is
a bridge to get information, knowledge and culture. Indonesia as a developing
country has realized that English as an international language is needed to be
mastered by Indonesian people.
Language as a mean of communication is very useful and flexible to
human life. It can be a medium to convey people’s idea to the others in any
situation. By using language, people can transmit knowledges, give opinions,
get information, and exchange of thoughts.
Language has some components that are vocabulary, grammar,
pronunciation and spelling. These components can support the language skills.
One of components in language which can’t be separated from learning

English is vocabulary. Without vocabulary we actually have poor language in
making setences and speaking.
Learning English as a foreign language is something new for deaf
students because deaf studends have little understanding in voabulary.
Learning foreign language in school of disfabel students is different from
learning foreign in general junior high school, because disfabel student have
limits of communication to others and the student’s environtments of school
for disfabel students in achieving the first language and foreign language is
different from student’s of general junior high school.
Teaching children English at school of disfabel students especially for
deaf students is not an easy job. Commonly, school of disfabel students
especially deaf students have little understanding in vocabulary. They can not
pronounce, wtite, and memorize English well. Teacher should be created all
the alternatives of method or media to teach deaf students in order to make the
students interested in what they are going to learner and avoid to boredom.
There are many kinds of media to study vocabulary such as Cross
Word, Jummled Letter, Word Scare, Video, Picture, etc. The reseacher use
picture media to attract the students’ interest. Teaching vocabulary using is
teaching technique.

B. Identification of the Problem
Teaching English is very important. It is also important to make the
teaching-learning process run well and motivates the students to use English.
English is something new for students in school of disfabel students

espescially for deaf students, they can learn something new. Morever, they are
interested to learn English. But finally, most the student consider that English
is difficult to learn. They get difficulties in understanding the meaning of
English vocabulary.
The researcher knows that teaching vocabulary in school of disfabel
students needs good preparation such as teacher’s competency, aproach,
media, aids, classroom setting, or also known as SIBI. The teacher should be
able to make student interested in learning English. So the teacher should
prepare media when the teacher teaches vocabulary in the classroom. The
reseacher choose picture. It is interesting, increase the students’ vocabulary
ability, and gives effective impact in teaching vocabulary.
Using picture is choosen by the reseacher for consideration that is
particulary useful for English teacher and effective way in teaching
vocabulary for deaf students. The students are sugested to learn interestingly
and easily.

C. Limitation of the Study
There are many media that can be used for teaching vocabulary. In this
study, the reseacher wants to limits the problems in order to focus on the
subject of the reseach. The reseacher only concern to find out wether there is
the use of using picture as a media in teaching vocabulary and also to know
wether picture as media gives positives contribution toward the students,
vocabulary mastery. Hopefully, with this media the reseacher wants to show
that picture is more effective, more interesting for the students also can make

the teacher feels casier in teaching vocabulary. There is also another important
thing to remember that the reseacher did the research among the student of the
eighth-grade of deaf students SMPLB Negeri Purworejo in the academic year
of 2015/2016.
D. Statements of the Problem
Based on the limitation of the study, the writer formulates the
statement in question form as follows:

In the use of picture as media effective to improve students vocabulary
mastery on the eighth grade of deaf student of SMPLB Negeri Purworejo

in the academic year of 2015/2016 is effective?
2. Does picture give a positive contribution towards the students
vocabulary mastery?

E. Objectives of the Study
The objective of the study are :
1. To find out wether pictures as media effective to improve vocabulary
mastery of the eighth grade of deaf student of SMPLB Negeri
Purworejo in the academic year of 2015/2016.
2. To know wether picture as media gives a positive contribution toward
the studets vocabulary mastery.
F. Significance of the study
When the objectives of the study can finally be optained, it will be
useful for:
1. The teacher

a. Help the English teacher to use and select an appropriate media in
teaching learning English, particulary in teaching vocabulary.
b. Help the teacher to increase the quality of teaching English.
c. Help the teacher to make some creation of teaching English.

d. Help the teacher to make sure that teaching learning process is
effiecient, effective, and enjoyable.
2. The student
a. Help the students to increase their vocabulary.
b. Help the students to be interested in learning English.
c. Help the students to increase their motivation in mastering English.
3. The reseacher
a. The study can give information about the students’ skill in
vocabulary by using picture and finger spelling as media.
b. The study can increase the reseacher knowledge in education,
particulary about the suitable media in teaching English in SMPLB
Negeri Purworejo.

A. Theoretical Review
This study is related to term that are defined as follows:
1. Teaching and Learning
a. Definition of teaching
Teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to

learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study
of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or
understand. There is process of stimulus and response in teaching
between teachers and students in sense that the students try to
receive the instruction given by teachers (Brown 2007: 8).
Teachig is drived from word “teach”. Teach is to show
somebody or how to do something so that they will be able to do it
themselves. He adds the meaning of “teach” is to give somebody
information about a particular subject, to help somebody to learn
something. Further, he adds that teaching is work of teacher. The
difinition above means that teaching can be as the work of a
teacher to give instruction or lesson to the students. This activity
includes transgerring the mateials, implating the knowledge or
skill, motivating students in solving the problem, composing
students to have creativity (Hornby 1995: 1225).

Teaching is a complex activity, strategies, mechanism,
invitation, stimuli, and rethorical play designed to help students
learn and to become better learners (Chambers and Gregory 2006:

There are many deffinition about teaching that teaching is
giving information and knowledge to help somebody how to do
something. In teaching there are direction and guidance from
teacher to help students to study effectively. Teaching is one of the
key activities in teaching learning process. The conclusion that
teaching can be said as an activity which led by teacher to give
instruction, lesson, and knowledge for the student to develop their
b. Deffinition of Learning.
Learning is defined as the modifiation and strenghtening of
behavior through experience. Learning is a process, an activity, is
not a result or goal. Learning is not only remembering, but also
exploring. The result of learning is not matery in exercise, but
changes in behavior (Hamalik 2007:36).
Learning is human activity which least needs manipulation
by others. Most learning is not the result of interaction, It is rather
the result of unhampered participation in a meaningful setting

Learning is source from word “ learn”. It mean to gain

knowledge skill by study, experience or being thought. Further he
adds that learning is knowledge obtained by study (Hornby 1995:
Based on the definition of learning above, it can be
concluded that learning is a process of changing of individual
behavior which the result is from exercise with the environtment
where by relationship between stimulus and responses are
establised. Learning is highly individualistic experience of
acquiring or getting knowledge of a subject or skill by study,
experience, or instruction, causing a relatively permanent change in
a behavioral tendency.
c. Teaching and Learning process
Teaching and learning have a very close rellationship.
Teaching means effort to create conductive condition for students
learning activities. Thus, the condition is created to help student
development optimal physical or mental knowledge. Brown (2007:
7), teaching can not be defined apart from teaching. Brown also
exaplaining that teaching is guiding and faciliating learning,
enabling the learners, setting, the conditions for learning and also
clarifies of how the learner learns will determine the philosophy of

education, the teaching style, the approach method, and classroom

Teaching and Learning cannot be separated each other
because teaching is affected by learning.
2. Vocabulary
a. Definition of vocabulary
Vocabulary is a list of words with their meaning especially
in a book for learning foreign language (Hornby 2005: 1707). It
means that the sequence of word is a sentences make up a
language. Vocabulary is a basic element of language, and has
important role in language learning. It is not less important than
grammar. Vocabulary is one of the materials studied by students of
all level of school in Indonesia. It has been mastered if they want to
master English well. It is impossible to be succesful in study
language whitout mastering the vocabulary. It is designed to
communicative meaning.
Vocabulary is the word that is used in language. They are
elements that are combined to make sentences or discourse. The
more vocabulary will be needed in order to intake word choice, so

it will effectively convet taught and ideas. Knowing many word in
a foreign language is important asit enables us to have more chance
in understanding the language. Learning words is cyclical process
of meeting new words and intial learning, followed by meeting
those words again and again, each time extending knowledge of

what the word mean and how they are used in foreign language
(Cameron 2001: 74).
Vocabulary is most importing teaching of language for the
learners and makes the teaching of English Vocabulary have a very
essential role in enabling the student to master the English as a first
foreign in Indonesia. English vocabulary mastery becomes big
problem for most Indonesian students. If we don’t have enough
vocabulary, we won’t be able to speak English fluently and we
can’t make good sentence in writing.
Based on the expert explanation above we can say that
vocabulary is the central of language. From our vocabulary
knowledge we can do listening, speaking, writing, and reading.
b. The kinds of vocabulary
Nation (1990: 40) calls those vocabularies as motivated
vocabulary and unmotivated vocabulary. Motivated (active)
vocabulary consist of all the words we need to use and feel no
unwilling in using in our everyday life. While, the unmotivated
(passive) vocabulary can deviden in two groups; the first is words
which are only partly understood and are not well known enough
to use actively and the second is word which are not needed in
daily communication.
From the explanation above, we can conclude that active
vocabulary is all he word used in daily activities, partly while,

passive vocabulary is all the word recognized and understood, and
not necessarily used.
There are kinds of in acquisition namely receptive skill and
productive skill. The receptive skill includes listening and raeding
skill. Without mastery vocabulary, we will not be able to
understand what we listen and understand and comprehend what
we read. So, does productive skill, which include speaking and
writing skill, we could not express our ideas and wises and express
our opposition writing when we still lack of mastery vocabulary
While, S.S Pribadie (2009: 130) classifies kinds of basic
vocabulary, such as:
1) The family

: Mother, Father, Brother, Son, etc.

2) Part of body

: Head, finger, face, hand, foot, etc.

3) Numbers

: Cardinal number (one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten) and ordinal number (first,
second, third, fourth, fifth, etc.)
4) Adjetive

: Hungry, lazy, happy, etc.

5) Kinds of jobs

: Teacher, post man, carpenter, etc.

6) Universe

: Monn, sun, mountain, etc.

7) Classroom

: Table, chair, blackboard, eraser, etc.

In teaching learning process of vocabulary at school consist
of three parts, they are words, idiom, and word choice. Each of
them cannot be separated from each other, because they are

element of vocabulary. We know that there are many kinds of
vocabulary. Besides noun, adjective, adverb, and phrase are
included in it. All of them are part of the kinds of vocabulary.
Vocabulary can also devide into general and specialized
vocabulary. General of vocabulary consist of words applied in
various activities. Specialized vocabulary arises from particular
circumstances of one’s life and work. For instance, doctors and
pilots have their own kinds of vocabulary and low frequency
From the explanation above, we know that every book is
different in classifying the kinds of vocabulary, because every
person has different way in showing and telling their options and
3. Vocabulary mastery
Mastery is skill, use or knowledge. It means mastery is the
ability to use one of knowledge. The process of vocabulary mastery is
not simple. The vocabulary mastery cannot be done spontaneously but
step by step. There are three steps in processing vocabulary mastery.
First, children period, this term children are able to define concept
vocabulary to say their concrete idea. Second, adolescent period, this
term is not adolescent start to use the language and make it more
extensive directly in simple communication. Third, adult period, this
term the vocabulary are used more and more intensive because they






4. Teaching vocabulary
Teaching means show or help someone to learn how to do
something, give instruction, guide in the study of something, provide
the knowledge, and cause to know or understand. The objective of
learning English are to introduce the simple word patterns with simple
vocabularies. Therefore, a good teacher has to choose one of the
appropriate method, or she can create an interesting method in order
that subject can be responded well by learners.
The teacher should be clever to choose the appropiate method
to teach new vocabulary, because vocabulary is an important part to
English well. The teacher should also make sure that each word that he
or she wants the learners to remember is repeated many times. To do
this, the teacher have many different method which are interesting to
the students the teacher has to teach not only the meaning of the words,
but also the spelling,the usage and the pronunciation. In teaching
vocabulary the teacher has to know the level condition of the learners
before, so they have to able to choose good methods in teaching
vocabulary, because the succes of the teaching-learning process is
teaching methods.
Acording to Cameron (2001: 84-87) essential step is
vocabulary learning as follows:

a. Encountering new words
That is having a source of words. The tenth-grade students
have to master at least 300 words. The student strategies here
include learning new words by reading books, listening the radio,
and watching television.
b. Getting new word form
It means that the students have to get clear image, wheter
visual or audiotory or both, in the form of the new word. From how
a word is pronounced and how it is writtenia a key part of word
c. Getting the word meaning
There are some ways to explain to meaning of new words
to the young learners, there are:
1) By demonstration or picture
a) Using an object
b) Using an gesture
c) Perfoming an action
d) Photographs
e) Drawing on the board
f) Pictures from books
2) By verbal explanations

a) An analytical explanation. It means that the teacher
analyzes the words that are given to the students.
b) Putting the new words in defining context.
c) Translating into another language.
3) Making a strong memory connection between the form and
meaning the words.
In requires the learners to do some mental work in
consructing a meanig for the foreign language word. The amount
of mental work done by learners affect how well a new word is
egraved in memory, the more learners have to think about a word
and its meaning, and the more likely they are to remember it.
4) Using the word
The finall step in learning word is using the words. Some
would argue that is not necessary if all that is desired a receptive
knowledge of the word. Such an argument can apply in processing
as well, since it can be comprehended in context even a reader or
listener know nothing about many of the words being used.
In addition, the taecher take part in teaching-learning
process. He or she responsible for teaching students to recognize
and udentify word, to pronounce words, to ananlyze and catagorize
words, to read and the end to put words together into phrase,
sentence, and paragraphin wrtten language. These indicate that
taeching vocabulary is not only teaching students to memorize the

words but also bring them to analyze and applicative the word in
the writing sentence.
5. Deaf student
a. Defintion of Deaf Students
According Salim (1994: 18) Deaf students are student or
children who have a lack or loss of ability to hear that caused by a
loss of some or all of hearing devices. So, the deaf student have
problem in language developmnet.
Deaf student are children born with a slight hearing or
cannot hear or loss their hearing ability since chilhood before they
can speak (Busono, 1993: 18)
From the explanation above, the reaseacher can conclude
that deaf students are the student those who lost their hearing
ability either partialy (the lack of hearing/bard of deaf) or
completely cannot hear anything, caused by damage of part or all
of the organs of hearing that occurred before or after birth.
b. Type sof Deafness
The main types of deafness are condctive and sensorineural. If the children have mixed deafness, it means the children
have a combination of both conductive and sensori-neural
1) Conductive deafness or Otitis media: is the most common type.
It means that sounds cannot pass efficiently through the other

and iddle ear to the conclea and audiotory nerve. This is most
often caused by fluid building up in yhe middle ear. Tjis
condition is refrred to as “glue ear” insome countries. Most
conductive deafness is temporary but there is a cahnce that it
can be permanent.
2) Sensori-neural deafness: is caused by a fault in the inner ear
audiotory nerve. This is sometimes called “ nerve deafness” but
this term usually not completely accurate.Most sensori-neural
deafness is caused by a problem in the conchlea. Commonly thi
is because the hair cells of the conchlea are not working
properly. Sensori-neural deafness is permanent.
3) Mixed deafness: is combnation of both conductive and sensorineural deafness. For example a child may have a glue ear an at
the same time have a problem in their conchlea.
Students who are deaf or hard of hearing require different
acommodations depending on several factors, including the dgree of
hearing loss, the age of onset, and the type of language or
communication system they use. They may use a variety of
communication methods, including lip reading, cued speech, and
finger spelling.
6. Teaching Vocabulary for Deaf Student
Teacher must create variety ways and techniques to teach
vocabulary foe deaf students, because students are still poor of

vocabulary. As we know that picture is helpful and useful for teachers
to teaching vocabulary.
The picture basically is instructional media. They are
communication media, which are especially designed for purpose of
perfoming in teaching vocabulary more effective and efficient.
Picture as media for teaching English are able to stimulate
idealistic mind, so they will make the students to improve their
capability. Picture is form can be used to help teachers in teaching
vocabulary. It can make the English class more interesting.
7. Media
a. The definition of media
Media is human extention might influence others who do
not enable it (2009: 234). Learning media not only covers
electronic communication media are complex, but also a simple
form, such as slides, photographs, diagrams, real object and visits
ou of classroom. Learning media are expexted to provide benefits
including (1) the material presented becomes more obvious
meaning for students, an not be verbalistics. (2) learning method
will be more various, (3) make students more active in various
activities, (4) the learning more interseting and overcome to
limitation of space the types of instructional media, among other:
1. Media graphic or two dimensionla media, such as drawings,
photographs, graphics and diagrams.

2. Solid media or three-dimensional media, such as models of
three dimensional space objects, dioramas, etc.
3. Media projector, such as fil, filmstrip, and OHP.
4. Medai information, computer, internet.
5. Environtmental.
According to Sanjaya (2008: 211) media can be classified as
1. Audio media
2. Visula media
3. Audio-visual media.
b. Media in Education
Media is the equipment, which is used in teachinh-learning
process. According to Sudjana (1991: 2) there are some
contributions of media in teaching learning process:
1) Students will e easier to understand if the teaching learning
process using media.
2) Media can make the students to do activity, for example
observation and demonstrations.
3) Teacher doesn’t need more energy for his or her teaching
because it can atrract the students attention, so they can follow
the English subject and didn’t get bored.
8. Picture
a. Definition of Picture

The word “picture is a noun”. It means a painting, drawing,
sketch, etc as a work of art (Hornby 1990: 932). Picture is two
dimentional visual reprensitation of person, place, or thing. Based
on quatization, picture may be drawn, printed, or phothographicaly
processed. There many colors and sizes. Trough pictures, it can
show people, place, things, which are outside their own ability.
Picture can also represent the event of ancient of future times.
b. The reason using picture as media.
Picture has many used as folow:
1) Picture is used to show the meaning of words.
2) Picture is used to provide the basic of composition
3) Picture is used to provide non classroom situation for the later
stage of drilling new structure.
It can said that the use of picture will give concrete,
experience, facilitate learning and acquisition, retention as ability
of abstract symbol. Picyures as an instructional media don not only
provide neccesary cocrete experience, but also make students
integrate the prior experience.
Picture can help learners with abstract word, as associating
the words with a concrete object make these words easier to
remember. Harmer (2001: 135) state that “one the most appropriate
uses for pictures is for the preseting and checking of meaning”. An
easy ways of explaining the meaning of aeroplan, for exmaple, is

to have a picture of one. Of course, not all new words can be taught
using pictures, but most concrete vocabulary can.
9. The advantage and disadvantage of using picture as a media.
Picture has many advantages as follow:
1. Picture can be used to stimulate students to make instructions. The
student imagination will be increase when they have seen some
object associated with the picture.
2. Picture can make students easier to understand the material. They
easier to describe an object or pictures.
3. Picture can arise student interest in learning vocabulary.
4. Picture can stimulate students ability to speak up as well as
The disadvantages of using picture:
1. It needs more time in every meeting, while the time is limited.
2. Picture is impratical because teacher has to prepare it before.
3. Sometimes, teacher loses their ideas to keep the picture in line with
topic to be tought.
Picture is effective media. The term is effectiveness is
defined as having an an effect or able to about the result an
intended, making a striking impressions, actual or existing. An
affective way of teaching is away of bringing about the intended
result of instructional objectives to student learning experiences.

B. Previus Study
There are relevant previous research to prove the originality of
this research. The first research is Eva Mustika (2012). The first
reseacher is Eni Kusmaryanti (2013) who conducted a research entitled
“The effectiveness of using Ilustration picture to Improve Vocabulary
Mastery of the Seventh grade students’ SMP N Mirit in the Academic
year 2012/2013. The result of the study shows that the ilustration
picture can help the students’ vocabulary mastery.
The second reseacher is Nuriati Fatchul Jannah (2013) who
conducted research entitled “The effectiveness of using video in
Improving English Vocabulary Mastery at the Fifth Grade students of
SD Negeri Purworejo in the Academic Year 2012/2013. The result of
the study shows that the use of video as media can increase students’
vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri
From the reseacher above, it can be seen that the reseachers is
similar to what the writer will do. However the writer would like to
focus on her research dealing with improving Students’ Vocabulary
Mastery Using Picture as Media to the English Grade of Deaf
C. Conceptual Framework
As what has been stated, vocabulary plays as important role in
supporting the students’ skill of listening, speaking, reading, ang

writing. A reseacher should be able to know the words, understands
the meaning and the use them in communication. Thus, learning
vocabulary is the first prioryty in order to master English.
Students’ learn by play and memorization. Pictures are highly
memorable, words memorization will be made amusing and fun that
will help students in memorizing words. Coversely, student ability in
memorizing will decrease if the way of what they memorize is boring
or uninteresting.
D. Hypothesis
Hypothesis is temporary answer of the problem until the data
has been tested by empirical evidence (Arikunto, 2010: 110). Based on
theoretical review and the conceptual framework above, the reseacher
proposes a research hypothesis as follow:
1. Positive Hypothesis (Ha)
2. Negative Hypothesis (Ho)

In this chapter, the reseacher will present the way how the research is
conducted. In conducting the research, method is very important. By
apropriate methods, the subject matter being reseached will be clear. Hornby
(1995: 74) say that methods is away of doing somtehing. According to
Sugiyono (2008: 2) method is scientific way to get the data with the certain
use and purpose. Hornby (1995: 736) states that research is a careful study or
investigation, especially in order to discover new facts or information.
From the statements above, we can conclude that a research method is
a systematic investigation to establish fact. In this chapter, the writer will
explain the research method of this thesis.
A. Types of Research
To make systematic research, we msut decide the type of the research.
Based on objective of the study, this research is classified as an experimental
research. This study can be categorized as experimental research because the
researcher is doing experiment by giving treatment to the students. Moreover,
the experimental research is done by using quantitative technique in
processing the data and getting the result.
B. Population, Sample, and Sampling technique
1. Population
Population is a group individual who have the same
characteristic. It is based on Cresswell (2012: 142). A target population

(or the sampling frame) is a group individual (or a group of
organization) with some common defining characteristic that the
reseacher can identify and study.
Population is aset of research subject. If someone wants to
search all of the elements inside of the research area, it is called
population research. According to Sugiyono (2012: 80), population is
the generalization area that consist of object or subject that have the
quality and the certain characteristic that is carried out by researcher to
learn and then to drawn conclusion.
Based on those theories above, it can be concluded that
population is the whole of research subject, which has quality and
certain characteristics that are of interest to the research.
2. Sample
According to Cresswell (2012: 142) sample is a subgroup of
the target population that researcher plans to study for generalizing
about the target population.
Sample is a part of the total and characteristic which is had by
the population (Sugiono, 2010: 62).
3. Sampling Technique
Sampling technique is the technique in taking samples in the
population. The reseacher use cluster random sampling in taking the
sample. It is the selection of groups or cluster of subject rather than

C. Variables of Research
Variable is everything which is in every from which is settled by
the reseacher to be learn as the purpose to get the information about these,
and then get the conclusion. In this research, there are two kinds of
variables called the independent variable and dependent variable
(Sugiyono, 2010: 2).
According to Cresswell (2012: 301) in experiments you need to
focus on the independent variables. This variable influence or affect the
depedent variables in quatitative study. The two major types of
independent variables were treatment and measured varible.
Independent variable is a attribute or characteristic that influences
or affects an outcome or dependent variable (Cresswell, 2012: 116). This
is often called as stimulus, predicator, and antecedent variable.
Independent variables are a variable that affects or become the cause, the
cahnge, or the appearance of the dependent variable (Sugiyono, 2010: 4).
The independent variable of this research is the use of picture and finger
spelling as media, which is symbolized by X.
According to Cresswell (2012: 115) dependent variable is an
attribute or characteristic that is dependent on or influenced by the
independent variable. Dependent variable is a variable that is affected or
becomes the effect, because the appearance of independent variable
(Sugiyono, 2010: 4). The dependent variable is the students writing ability
in descriptive text which is symbolized by Y.

D. Research Instrument
Research instrument is a tool which is used to measure the natural
phenomenon and social phenomenon that is observed (Sugiyono, 2012:
a. Pre-test
Pre-test a measure in some attribute or characteristic that you
assses for participant in an experiment before they receive a treatment
(Cresswell, 2012: 297).
b. Post-test
Post test is measure on some attribute or characteristic that is
assesed for partisipants in an experimental after a treatment (Cresswell,
2012: 297).
E. Technique of Collecting Data
Data is impotant thing in doing research. It is nedded to know
much information about studnts’ ability to get the data the researcher need.
The reseacher use pre test and post test to collect the data. The
reseacher explains the direction as clearly as possible to make the students
understand the material being tested. There are five steps that will be
carried out by the reseacher:
1. Preparing the research instrument
2. Giving pre test.
The use of pre test is to determine the initial state of the subject with
regard to some particular variables.

3. Giving treatment
The treatment in the experimental group is about how to use picture
and finger spelling to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.
4. Giving post-test
After conduting the treatment, the students have to do the post-test.
Post-test is used to measure the student achievement after they got the
5. Taking an Evaluation
Then the reseacher can evaluate the assesments that are given to the
students. Te resacher can accumulate the result of pre-test and posttest. From this, the reseacher can observe wether using of is affective
or not.
F. Technique of Data Analysis
In analyzing the data the reseacher used descriptive and inferential
analysis because the research is quantitative research.
1. Descriptive ananlysis
The descriptive analysis is used to describe the variable of this
research that is the effectibeness of using picture to improve students
vocabulary mastery. The statistic used are mean, median, and modus,
satndart deviation, the lowest score, and highest score.
a. Mean
Mean is the total of the score divided by the number of
socre (Cresswell, 2012: 184).

The formula is:


M= N

: the mean score


: the sum of the score


: the toatl number of student

b. Median
Median is technique of group explaining which is based on
mid score of data group which has been arranged the queue from
the min to the max (Sugiyono, 2010: 48).
To find the median of group data, the reseacher uses the
formula as follow (Sugiyono, 2010: 53).
2 n−F
Md=b+ p

[ ]


: Median


: lower limit in median


: interval


: number of class


: frequency under the median


: frequency in median

(Sugiyono, 2010: 53)
c. Mode
Mode is the score that appears most frequently in a list of
score (Cresswell, 2012: 185)
Modus is a technique of group explaining which is based on
the score which is being popular, or it can be called as a score with
the most often appers (Sugiyoono, 2010: 47). To find the modus,
the reseacher uses the formulas of modus to find out the group of
data. The formula is written as follow, (Sugiyono, 2010: 52).
Mo=b+ p b 1+ b 2




: mode


: lower limit in mode


: interval


: frequency above the interval of mode


: frequency under the interval of mode
(Sugiyono, 2010: 52)

d. Range
According to (Sugiyono, 2010: 55) range of the dat can be
found by the formula as follow:
R = χh – χ1
In which:

: Range


: The highest data og the group


: The lowest data of the group

e. Standart Deviation
The standart deviation is used to average variability of all
the scores around the mean. The formula is drawn is follow:

∑ f 1( x 1−x )2


: Standart Deviation


: frequency


: number of samples


: middle point


: mean
(Sugiyono,2010: 58)

2. Inferential analysis
The analisys is used to conclude the hypothesis. To make the
analysis more realible, the reseacher applies t-test. This analysis is
done to find out the effectiveness of using picture and finger spelling
to improve student vocabulary mastery of the eighth grade of deaf
students of SMPLB Negeri Purworejo in academic year 2015/2016.
Before that there are test of normality and homogencity.
a. Test of Normality
This test is intended to determine the distribution of the
maximum and minimum values as well as the variability of
research data. This study used for normality distribution of initial

abilities and accomplishments to learn English the subject. As for
the formula test the formality of the data with Chi Square
(Sugiyono, 2010: 107) is:
x 2=∑

( fo−f h ) 2


In which:

: the chi square value


: the observed frequency


: the expected frequency


: degree of freedom ( The total class interval-1)
With this technique, the criteria for normal data if the

subdized price of x2 calculated are less than the price of x 3 table.
The reseacher analyzed the normality test using SPSS 16.0 with the
kolmogravsminov testing criteria area as follow:
If probablility > 0.05 the normal population variant.
If the probability values < 0.05 then the variant population
is not normal.
b. Test of Homogeneity
This test aims to determine wether the resarch is uniformly
drawn from the same population, given the research data drawn
from separate groups from one population. According to Sugiyono
(2012: 199) to test the homogeneity of variance, we use F test.

the highest variance
the lowest variance

If the price value < F table, is stated that the variance of the
two groups are homogeneous.
The reseacher used SPSS 16.0 to analyze the homogeneity
of variances. The data come from populations with the same
variant or a variant of the sane if the probability > 0.05.
c. Test of Hypothesis
Tes of hypothesis in this research is a test used to find out
the result of the research here, the reseacher used T-test analysis.
T-test is a statistical procedure for testing the difference between
two or more means. It is used for estimating the probability that the
means been drawn from the different population (Nunan, 2007:
232). The formula is


∑ x 2d
N ( N −1)


: t-test


: Mean of the deviation value


: the interval of deviation value and the mean of deviation


: number of samples


: the degree of freedom


: degree of freedim which N – 1
(Arikunto,2010: 349)

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