S PPB 1202556 Abstract


Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan fenomena burnout yang rentan dialami oleh
profesi human services. Secara umum penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan
burnout guru BK di Sekolah Menegah Kejuruan (SMK) Negeri di Kota Bandung
dan secara khusus membandingkan kecenderungannya berdasarkan faktor
demografi. Pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan kuantitatif dengan desain survei.
Partisipan penelitian terdiri dari populasi guru BK SMK Negeri se-Kota Bandung
sebanyak 60 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian mengadaptasi
Counselor Burnout Inventory milik Lee dkk. (2007) dengan 18 butir yang valid
dan Cronbach Alpha’s sebesar 0,927 dalam bentuk skala interval. Teknis analisis
data menggunakan statistik parametrik dengan perbandingan rata-rata. Temuan
penelitian menunjukkan (1) guru BK SMK Negeri di Kota Bandung berada dalam
kecenderungan burnout yang rendah, (2) guru BK berusia 18-40 tahun memiliki
rata-rata burnout lebih tinggi dibandingkan guru BK berusia 41-60 tahun, (3) guru
BK dengan masa kerja 1-10 tahun memiliki rata-rata burnout lebih tinggi
dibandingkan guru BK dengan masa kerja 11-20 tahun, 21-30 tahun, dan > 31
tahun, (4) guru BK perempuan memiliki rata-rata burnout lebih tinggi
dibandingkan guru BK laki-laki, (5) guru BK honorer memiliki rata-rata burnout
lebih tinggi dibandingkan guru BK PNS, (6) guru BK dengan pendidikan terakhir
S-1 memiliki rata-rata burnout lebih tinggi dibandingkan guru BK dengan

pendidikan terakhir S-2, dan (7) guru BK dengan latar belakang pendidikan NonBK memiliki rata-rata burnout lebih tinggi dibandingkan guru BK dengan latar
belakang BK. Rekomendasi penelitian ditujukan kepada pihak sekolah, guru BK,
dan peneliti selanjutnya.

Kata kunci: burnout, guru Bimbingan dan Konseling, demografi

Hanna Harsy Apsarie, 2016
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


The research based on the phenomenon of burnout that vulnerable experienced by
the human services profession. In general, the research aims to describe burnout
and specifically to compare it based on demographic factors in guidance and
counseling teachers in Vocational High School in Bandung. The approach of the
research was quantitative with survey design. The participants in the study
consisted of guidance and counseling teacher population in Bandung in the
number of 60 people. The instruments used in this research adapted from

Counselor Burnout Inventory developed by Lee et al. (2007) with 18 valid items
and the Cronbach Alpha's was 0.927, in the form of interval scale. The technical
analysis of data used parametric statistic with comparison of mean score. The
research findings indicate (1) the guidance and counseling teachers are at low
level of burnout (2) the teachers aged 18-40 years old have a higher burnout than
teachers aged 41-60 years old, (3) the teachers with a working period of 1-10
years have a higher burnout than teachers with working period 11-20, 21-30, and
>31 years, (4) the female teachers have higher burnout than male teachers, (5)
the honorary teachers have a burnout higher than civil servant’s teachers, (6) the
teachers with bachelor degree have a higher burnout than master degree, and (7)
the teachers with non-guidance and counseling educational background have a
higher burnout than teachers with guidance and counseling educational
background. The recommendation of this study were addressed to the school,
guidance and counseling teachers, and further researchers as well.

Keywords: burnout, guidance and counseling teacher, demography

Hanna Harsy Apsarie, 2016

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu