Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Muscular Endurance pada Pemain Sepak Bola di Beberapa Klub Sepak Bola Kota Medan Tahun 2015


Pendahuluan: Prestasiolahragayangmenurun ditingkatASEAN (Association of
Southeast Asian Nations), terutama di bidang sepak bola, menjadi suatu
keprihatinan tersendiri bagikondisi olahragawan profesional di Indonesia. Salah
satu komponen kesegaran jasmani yang penting dalam hubungannya dengan
olahraga sepak bola adalah stamina (muscle endurance). Hal tersebut dikarenakan
stamina pemain sepak bola sangat menentukan kemampuan bertanding seorang
pemain di dalam lapangan selama 90 menit.
Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan rancangan penelitian potong
lintang. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah accidental
sampling yaitu dilakukan dengan mengambil subjek penelitian yang kebetulan ada
pada saat dilakukan tes dibeberapa klub sepak bola dan sekolah sepak bola. Pada
penelitian ini didapatkan 59 subjek yang telah memenuhi kriteria eksklusi dan
inklusi. Penilaian terhadap muscular endurance atlet dilakukan menggunakan tes
push-up dan curl-up.Data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan progam
komputer SPSS.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 59 atlet sepak bola yang bersedia
menjadi responden, terdapat 28 orang (47,4%) yang memiliki muscular
endurance kategori cukup, 21 orang (35,6%) kategori kurang, 7 orang (11,9%)
kategori sangat kurang, dan 3 orang (5,1%) kategori baik berdasarkan jumlah

push-up yang dilakukan. Berdasarkan jumlah curl-up yang dilakukan terdapat 43
orang (72,9%) yang memiliki muscular endurance kategori cukup, 10 orang
(16,9%) kategori kurang, 5 orang (8,5%) kategori baik, dan 1 orang (1,7%)
kategori sangat kurang. Penelitian juga menyatakan bahwa mayoritas subjek
penelitian memiliki nilai indeks massa tubuh normal (52,5%) dengan rata-rata
Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara indeks massa tubuh
dengan muscular endurance yang diukur dari jumlah push-up pada kelompok
umur 11-17 tahun(p0,05).
Kata Kunci:indeks massa tubuh, muscular endurance, pemain sepak bola


Introduction: The declined achievement of sports in the level of ASEAN
(Association of Southeast Asian Nations), especially in soccer, has been seen as a
pitiful condition to the professional athletes of Indonesia.One of the most
important components in physical fitness related to soccer, is stamina (muscular
endurance). It is because that stamina is the main reason of a soccer player to be
able to keep playing for 90 minutes
Methods: This study was an analytic study with cross-sectional design. The

sampling technique used in this study was the accidental sampling, a method of
sampling that depended on the numbers of players that were present at the time of
the test being held at the some soccer clubs and soccer schools. There were 59
subjects based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The assessment of the
athlete’s muscular endurance was being done by giving a series of push-up and
curl-up tests. Then, the data was analyzed using SPSS computer program.
Results: The results showed that, out of 59 athletes that willing to be the
respondents, there were 28 (47.4%) athletes that had an average muscular
endurance, 21 (35.6%) of having a fair muscular endurance, else, 7 (11.9%) of
having poor muscular endurance, and 3 (5.1%) of having a good muscular
endurance, based on the numbers of push-up being done. Based on the numbers of
curl-up being done, there were 43 (72.9%) respondents that had a average
muscular endurance, 10 (16.9%) of having a fair muscular endurance, 5 (8.5%)
of having a good muscular endurance and 1 (1.7%) of having a poor muscular
endurance. The study also showed that the majority of the subjects (52.5%) were
having a normal body mass index by the average of 20.54.
Conclusion: There wasa significant relationship between body mass index and
muscular endurance that was measured by doing a series of push-up in the 11-17
year-old age group (p< 0.05). Otherwise, ther was no significant relationship
between body mass index and the muscular endurance of the soccer athletes in the

≥18 year-old age group(p> 0.05).
Keywords: body mass index, muscular endurance, soccer athletes