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Gln(R)-invariant variational principles
on frame bundles
J. Brajerˇc´ık

Abstract. Variational principles on frame bundles, given by the first
and the second order Lagrangians invariant with respect to the structure group, are considered. Noether’s currents, associated with the corresponding Lepage equivalents, are obtained. It is shown that for the first
and the second order invariant variational problems, the system of the
Euler-Lagrange equations for a frame field are equivalent with the lower
order system of equations.
M.S.C. 2000: 49Q99, 49S05, 58A20, 58E30, 58J99.
Key words: Frame, variational principle, Lagrangian, Euler-Lagrange equations,
invariant transformation, Noether’s current.



Let F X be the frame bundle over an n-dimensional manifold X, and let J r F X be the
r-jet prolongation of F X. We shall consider J r F X with the canonical prolongation
of the right action of the general linear group Gln (R) on F X. For foundations of the
variational theory in fibered space we refer to [5], [7], [8], [10], [14], and the notions

related to the frame bundles and invariance can be found in [6], [9], [11], [12], [15]. In
this paper we study the consequences of Gln (R)-invariance for variational problems
on J 1 F X and J 2 F X. In particular, we discuss the corresponding Noether’s currents.
The generators of invariant transformations are the fundamental vector fields of the
Gln (R)-action. Then the Noether’s theorem gives us a conservation law for each one
of n2 linearly independent fundamental vector fields. Our main object is to study how
the Noether’s currents can be used to simplify the Euler-Lagrange equations for a
frame field. We show that in case of first order invariant Lagrangian, the system of
n2 second order Euler-Lagrange equations is equivalent with the system of the same
number of first order equations. Analogously, for the second order Lagrangian, the
system of fourth order Euler-Lagrange equations is equivalent to the system of third
order equations coming from the corresponding Noether’s currents.
For variational problems on principal fiber bundles there are several different concepts of invariance. Castrill´on, Garc´ıa, Ratiu and Shkoller [3], [4] consider invariance of

Journal of Geometry and Its Applications, Vol.13, No.1, 2008, pp. 11-19.
c Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press 2008.


J. Brajerˇc´ık

the first order Lagrangians on principal fiber bundle P , which determine constrained
variational problems on the bundle C(P ) of connections of P . Mu˜
noz and Rosado [13]
study first order variational problems, invariant under diffeomorphisms of the base
manifold (first order natural variational problems in the sense of Krupka [7]).


Invariant Lagrange structures

In this section we recall basic notions of the theory of invariant Lagrangians, and
introduce our notation. For a more complete discussion we refer to [2].
If Y is a fibered manifold over an n-dimensional manifold X, of dimension n + m,
we denote by J r Y the r-jet prolongation of Y , and π r,s : J r Y → J s Y , π r : J r Y → X
are the canonical jet projections. The r-jet of a section γ of Y at a point x ∈ X, is
denoted Jxr γ; and x → J r γ(x) = Jxr γ is the r-jet prolongation of γ. Any fibered chart
(V, ψ), ψ = (xi , y σ ), on Y , where 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ σ ≤ m, induces the associated charts

on X and on J r Y , (U, ϕ), ϕ = (xi ), and (V r , ψ r ), ψ r = (xi , y σ , yjσ1 , yjσ1 j2 , . . . , yjσ1 j2 ...jr ),
respectively; here V r = (π r,0 )−1 (V ), and U = π(V ). Recall that the formal derivative
operator is defined by
di =

+ yiσ σ + yiσ1 i σ + . . . + yiσ1 i2 i σ
∂yi1 i2

For any open set W ⊂ Y , Ωr0 W denotes the ring of smooth functions on W r .
The Ωr0 W -module of differential q-forms on W r is denoted by Ωrq W , and the exterior
algebra of forms on W r is denoted by Ωr W . The module of π r,0 -horizontal (π r horizontal) q-forms is denoted by Ωrq,Y W (Ωrq,X W , respectively).

The horizontalization is the exterior algebra morphism h : Ωr W → Ωr+1 W , defined, in any fibered chart (V, ψ), ψ = (xi , y σ ), by
hf = f ◦ π r+1,r ,

hdxi = dxi ,

hdyjσ1 j2 = yjσ1 j2 k dxk ,

where f : W r → R is a function, and 0 ≤ p ≤ r. A form η ∈ Ωrk W is contact, if
hη = 0. For any fibered chart (V, ψ), ψ = (xi , y σ ), the 1-forms
ωjσ1 j2 = dyjσ1 j2 − yjσ1 j2 k dxk ,
where 0 ≤ p ≤ r − 1, are examples of contact 1-forms. η is π r -horizontal if and only
if (π r+1,r )∗ η = hη.
A Lagrangian (of order r) for Y is any π r -horizontal n-form on some W r . A
differential form ρ ∈ Ωsn W , where n = dim X, is called a Lepage form, if p1 dρ is
π s+1,0 -horizontal, i.e. p1 dρ ∈ Ωs+1
n+1,Y W . A Lepage form ρ is a Lepage equivalent of a
Lagrangian λ ∈ Ωrn,X W , if hρ = λ (possibly up to a jet projection).
In a fibered chart (V, ψ), ψ = (xi , y σ ), denote
ω0 = dx1 ∧ dx2 ∧ . . . ∧ dxn ,

ωk = i∂/∂xk ω0 .

In this fibered chart, a Lagrangian, defined on V r = (π r,0 )−1 (V ), has an expression

λ = Lω0 ,

Gln (R)-invariant variational principles


where L : V r → R is the Lagrange function associated with λ and (V, ψ). A pair
(Y, λ), consisting of a fibered manifold Y and a Lagrangian λ of order r for Y is called
a Lagrange structure (of order r).
For our purpose we give the following examples of Lepage equivalents.
(1) Every first order Lagrangian λ ∈ Ω1n,X W has a unique Lepage equivalent
Θλ ∈ Ω1n,Y W whose order of contactness is ≤ 1. If λ is expressed by (2.1), then

Θλ = Lω0 +

∂L σ
ω ∧ ωi .

Θλ is the Poincar´e-Cartan equivalent of λ, or the Poincar´e-Cartan form.
(2) Formula
− dp σ ω σ ∧ ωi + σ ωjσ ∧ ωi
Θλ = Lω0 +
generalizes the Poincar´e-Cartan form to second order Lagrangians λ ∈ Ω2n,X W .
If ρ is a Lepage equivalent of a Lagrangian λ ∈ Ωrn,X W , λ = Lω0 , then by a direct

calculation p1 dρ = Eσ (L)ω σ ∧ ω0 , where
Eσ (L) =


(−1)k di1 di2 . . . dik


∂yiσ1 i2 ...ik

are the Euler-Lagrange expressions. The (n + 1)-form
Eλ = p1 dρ
is the Euler-Lagrange form associated with λ.
By an automorphism of Y we mean a diffeomorphism α : W → Y , where W ⊂ Y
is an open set, such that there exists a diffeomorphism α0 : π(W ) → X such that
πα = α0 π. If α0 exists, it is unique, and is called the π-projection of α. The r-jet
prolongation of α is an automorphism J r α : W r → J r Y of J r Y , defined by

J r α(Jxr γ) = Jαr 0 (x) (αγα0−1 ).
If ξ is a π-projectable vector field on Y , and αt is the local one-parameter group
of ξ with projection α(0)t , we define the r-jet prolongation of ξ to be the vector field
J r ξ on J r Y whose local one-parameter group is Jαr t . Thus,
d r
(αt γα(0)t ) .
J ξ(Jx γ) =
dt α(0)t (x)
The chart expression for J r ξ can be found in [8] or [9].
We now compute the Lie derivative ∂J r ξ λ. Choose to this purpose a Lepage equivalent ρ of λ, and denote by s the order of ρ. Since λ = hρ, or, which is the same,
J r γ ∗ λ = J s γ ∗ ρ for all sections γ, we obtain
J r γ ∗ ∂J r ξ λ = J s γ ∗ ∂J s ξ ρ = J s γ ∗ (iJ s ξ dρ + diJ s ξ ρ).
Omitting γ and using the Euler-Lagrange form we get


J. Brajerˇc´ık
∂J r ξ λ = hiJ s+1 ξ Eλ + hdiJ s ξ ρ.

This is the differential first variation formula; the first term on the right is the EulerLagrange term, and the second one is the boundary term.
An automorphism α : W → Y of Y is said to be an invariant transformation of a
form η ∈ Ωsp W , if
J s α∗ η = η.
We say that a π-projectable vector field ξ is the generator of invariant transformations
of η, if
∂J s ξ η = 0.
The following simple consequence of the first variation formula is known as the
Noether’s theorem. Let λ ∈ Ωrn,X W be a Lagrangian, let ρ ∈ Ωsn W be a Lepage
equivalent of λ, and let γ be an extremal. Then for any generator ξ of invariant
transformations of λ,
dJ s γ ∗ iJ s ξ ρ = 0.
An (n − 1)-form iJ s ξ ρ is called the Noether’s current associated with a Lepage form
ρ and a vector field ξ.


Frame bundle and its second jet prolongation

Let X be an n-dimensional smooth manifold, and let µ : F X → X be the frame
bundle over X. F X has the structure of a right principal Gln (R)-bundle. Recall that
for every chart (U, ϕ), ϕ = (xi ), on X, the associated chart on F X, (V, ψ), ψ = (xi , xij ),
is defined by V = µ−1 (U ), and

xi (Ξ) = xi (µ(Ξ)), Ξj = xij (Ξ)
∂xi x
where Ξ ∈ V , x = µ(Ξ), and Ξ = (x, Ξj ). We denote by ykj the inverse matrix of xij .
The right action F X × Gln (R) ∋ (Ξ, A) → RA (Ξ) = Ξ · A ∈ F X is given by the
¯i = xi ◦ RA = xi , x

¯ij = xij ◦ RA = xik akj ,
where A = aij is an element of the group Gln (R).
For the formulation of variational principles on the frame bundles in this paper
we need the r-jet prolongations of F X, the manifolds J r F X, where r = 1, 2, 3, 4.
These manifolds are constructed from sections of the frame bundle F X in a standard
way. We introduce basic concepts for J 2 F X, more general description of J r F X is
available in [1]. To the charts (U, ϕ), and (V, ψ), introduced above, we associate a
chart (V 2 , ψ 2 ), ψ 2 = (xi , xij , xij,k , xij,kl ), as follows. We denote by V 2 the set of 2-jets
of smooth frame fields U ∋ x → γ(x) ∈ V ⊂ F X. If Jx2 γ ∈ V 2 , we set
xi (Jx2 γ) = xi (x),

xij (Jx2 γ) = xij (γ(x)),

xij,k (Jx2 γ) = Dk (xij γϕ−1 )(ϕ(x)),

xij,kl (Jx2 γ) = Dk Dl (xij γϕ−1 )(ϕ(x)).

Gln (R)-invariant variational principles


As usual, the 2-jets are equivalence classes of frame fields, which have the contact up
to the second order, and have the canonical jet prolongation x → J 2 γ(x) = Jx2 γ of
any frame field γ. The general linear group acts on J 2 F X on the right by the formula
Jx2 γ · A = Jx2 (γ · A); the action is expressed by the equations
¯i = xi ,


¯ij = xik akj ,

¯ij,k = xim,k am
j ,

¯ij,kl = xim,kl am
j .

It is easy to determine the orbits of the action (Jx2 γ, A) → Jx2 (γ · A). Denoting
Γikp = −ypm xim,k ,

Γiklp = −ypm xim,kl ,

we obtain Gln (R)-invariant functions on J 2 F X, and equations of Gln (R)-orbits
Γikp = cikp ,

Γiklp = ciklp ,

where cikp , ciklp ∈ R are arbitrary numbers. The functions Γiklp are symmetric in k, l.
We have the following result.
Lemma 1. Every Gln (R)-invariant function on J 2 F X depends on xi , Γikp , Γiklp .
In other words Lemma 1 says that Gln (R)-invariant functions coincide with the
functions on the bundle of second order connections C 2 X = J 2 F X/Gln (R) over X.
From equations (3.1) we can obtain an extension of Lemma 1 to differential forms.
Lemma 2. A k-form η on J 2 F X is Gln (R)-invariant if and only if it has an
η = ∆0 + yrq11 dxpq11 ∧ ∆rp11 + yrq11 yrq22 dxpq11 ∧ dxpq22 ∧ ∆pr11rp22
+ . . . + yrq11 yrq22 . . . yrqkk dxpq11 ∧ dxpq22 . . . ∧ dxpqkk ∧ ∆rp11rp22...r ,

where ∆0 , ∆rp11 , ∆pr11rp22 , . . . , ∆rp11rp22...r are arbitrary forms defined on C X.

ξ0 =






be a vector belonging to the Lie algebra gln (R). Then the corresponding fundamental
vector field on J 2 F X is given by

t ∂
J ξ = ξs xi t + xi,k t + xi,kl t


Reduction of the Euler-Lagrange equations

Using the results of Section 3, we determine in this section Gln (R)-invariant Lagrangians on J 1 F X and J 2 F X. Then we give explicit expressions of the EulerLagrange forms, and the Noether’s currents associated with the Lepage equivalents
Θλ of these Lagrangians. Then we discuss consequences of Gln (R)-invariance of these


J. Brajerˇc´ık

Lagrangians for the Euler-Lagrange equations. Our main tool is the first variation
formula (Section 2).
Let us denote by Ψλ,ξ the Noether’s current associated with the Lepage form Θλ
(2.2), (2.3) and a vector field ξ, and by ωji the contact forms defined by
ωji = dxij − xij,m dxm = dxij + xpj Γimp dxm .
Lemma 3. Let λ ∈ Ω1n,X F X be a Lagrangian expressed by λ = Lω0 .
(a) λ is Gln (R)-invariant if and only if L depends on xi , Γikj only.
(b) The Euler-Lagrange form of a Gln (R)-invariant Lagrangian has an expression
Eλ = yl −Γpqi p + Γlpq i +
∂xp ∂Γipl
ωji ∧ ω0 .
+(Γmpr + Γmq Γpr ) k
∂Γmr ∂Γipl
(c) If λ is Gln (R)-invariant, then the Noether’s current associated with the
Poincar´e-Cartan form of λ and any fundamental vector field ξ is given by

Ψλ,ξ = −ξjm ylj xim

ωk .

Let X be an n-dimensional manifold, let F X be the bundle of frames over X, and
let µ be the bundle projection. Suppose that we have a Lagrangian λ ∈ Ω1n,X F X and
a µ-vertical vector field ξ on F X. Then in our standard notation

∂J 1 ξ λ = iJ 2 ξ Eλ + hdiJ 1 ξ Θλ ,

where Θλ is the Poincar´e-Cartan equivalent of λ.
Theorem 1. Let λ ∈ Ω1n,X F X be a Gln (R)-invariant Lagrangian, let n ≥ 2, and
let γ be a section of F X. The following conditions are equivalent.
(a) γ satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equations,
Eλ ◦ J 2 γ = 0.
(b) For any chart (U, ϕ), ϕ = (xi ), on X, and all j, k, there exist (n − 2)-forms
ηkj such that

J 1 γ ∗ ylj xik i ωm − dηkj = 0.
Proof. By hypothesis, for any fundamental vector field ξ on F X, ∂J 1 ξ λ = 0.
Consequently, since ξ is always µ-vertical, the first variation formula (4.2) reduces to

iJ 2 ξ Eλ + hdΨλ,ξ = 0.

Gln (R)-invariant variational principles


We can write this identity in a chart (U, ϕ), ϕ = (xi ), on X. Using (3.2) we have,
according to Lemma 3,
iJ 2 ξ Eλ = Eij (L)ξjk xik ω0 ,
Eij (L)




+ (Γkmps + Γkmq Γqps ) k
p + Γpq
∂x ∂Γpl
∂Γms ∂Γipl


ylj ,

and the Noether’s current Ψλ,ξ is given by (4.1). It is convenient to denote
= ylj xim

ωk .

Then Ψλ,ξ = −ξjm ψm
, and the first variation formula (4.3) can equivalently be written
k i
in the form Ei (L)ξj xk ω0 − ξjk hdψkj = 0. But the numbers ξjk ∈ R are arbitrary, so we


Eij (L)xik ω0 − hdψkj = 0.

Suppose now that a section γ satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equations. Then the form
Eij (L)xik ω0 vanishes along J 2 γ, so we have J 2 γ ∗ dψkj = dJ 2 γ ∗ ψkj = 0. Integrating we
can find an (n − 2)-form ηkj on U such that

J 1 γ ∗ ψkj = dηkj .

Conversely, if a section γ satisfies condition (4.5), then by (4.4), γ is necessarily an
extremal. ✷
For second order Lagrangians on F X we have the following results.
Lemma 4. Let λ ∈ Ω2n,X F X be a Lagrangian expressed by λ = Lω0 .
(a) λ is Gln (R)-invariant if and only if L depends on xi , Γikj , Γiklj only.
(b) The Euler-Lagrange form of a Gln (R)-invariant Lagrangian has an expression
Eλ = yl −Γpqi p − Γpqmi p + Γlpq i + dp i − Γlpqm i

+ dq i
−2Γlpt Γtqm i
− d p dq i
dxij ∧ ω0 .
(c) If λ is Gln (R)-invariant, then the Noether’s current associated with the Lepage
form (2.3) and any fundamental vector field ξ is given by
Ψλ,ξ = ξjm yl xim − i + Γpi q + Γlpq i + dp i
ωk .
Theorem 2. Let λ ∈ Ω2n,X F X be a Gln (R)-invariant Lagrangian, let n ≥ 2, and
let γ be a section of F X. The following conditions are equivalent.


J. Brajerˇc´ık
(a) γ satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equations,
Eλ ◦ J 4 γ = 0.


(b) For any chart (U, ϕ), ϕ = (xi ), on X, and all j, k, there exist (n − 2)-forms
such that
j i
3 ∗
J γ yl xk
ωm − dηk = 0.
− Γpi q − Γpq i
− dp i
Proof. The first variation formula for a second order Lagrangian λ has the form


∂J 2 ξ λ = iJ 4 ξ Eλ + hdiJ 3 ξ Θλ ,

where Θλ is the Lepage equivalent of λ given by (2.3). Again, left hand side vanishes
and formula (4.6) reduces to
iJ 4 ξ Eλ + hdΨλ,ξ = 0,
where the forms Eλ and Ψλ,ξ are given by Lemma 4. The rest of the proof is analogous
to the Proof of Theorem 1. ✷
Acknowledgments. The author is grateful to the Ministry of Education of the Slovak
Republic (Grant VEGA No. 1/3009/06) and to the Czech Grant Agency (Grant No.

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Author’s address:
J´an Brajerˇc´ık
Department of Mathematics, University of Preˇsov,
Ul. 17. novembra 1, 081 16 Preˇsov, Slovakia.