Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partical Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S. Pd. I.) in English Department of Education Faculty



  Ariyanti 113 06 036








  JL Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721

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In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful.

  Hereby the writer fully declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer herself, and does not contain materials written or have been published by others or containing peoples ideas, except the information from the references.

  The writer is capable account for this graduating paper if in the future this graduating paper can be proved of containing others idea or infact the writer imitates the other graduating paper.

  Likewise, this declaration is made by the writer to be understood.

  \ Salatiga, 21 * September 2010

ARTY ANTI NIM 113 06 036


  JL Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721

  Website :


Ruwandi, S.Pd, M.A Salatiga.21111 September 2010

  The Lecturer of Education Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga


  Dear The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga A ssalam ualaikum , Wr. Wb.

  After reading and correcting

  ARIYANTI’s Graduating Paper entitled “An

Analysis of Educational Values of the Novel ‘Bum i M anusiam, I have decided

  and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by education faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu ’alaikum, Wr. Wb.


  J l Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721

  Website :








NIM. 113 06 036

  Has been brought to the board o f examiners in September, 2 5 th 2010 M / Syawwal, 16 th 1431 H, and hereby considered to completely fullfillment o f the requirement for the degree o f Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in The English and Educational Faculty.

  September, 25th 2010 M Salatiga, ------------------------------------

  Syawal, 16h 1431 H Board of examiners

  Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag

  190580827 198303 1 1st e ^ n in e r

  Dr. R ahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd

  ^ M f i ^ N I P . 9670112 199203 1 005 2nd examiner

  Dra. Hi. Woro Retnaningsih,

  NIP. 196810171 199303 2 002


  NIP.19751015 200212 1 006



  This graduating paper is dedicated to: 1. My God Allah, thank’s for blessing me.

  2. My beloved mother "Partinah” and father "Maryono" thank's for your trust, pray and love.

  3. My lovely younger brother Joko and my younger sister Tari, thank's for your motivation.

  4. My best friends Suni Fa'atun, Sri Mulat and Kiki who always keep on spirit and smiling.

  5. The big family of Mapala Mitapasa, thank's for your experience and togetherness. In bad and good time, I would always remember and love you all.

  6. Mr. Evilson, thank's for your joke, song, poem, experiences that make me overflow and increase my spirit to learn English.

  7. The typing computer rental "KLIK", thank's for helping in printing and finishing this graduating paper.

  8. Mrs. T. Rahma Dewi, Hasan, Husna and so on in Smart House Course, thank's for your cheerful and motivation.

  9. The big family of TBI B's class in 2006.

  10. All my friends, who can't I call one by one.



Ariyanti, 2010 : An Analysis o f Educational Values o f the Novel "Bumi


  Life is more colourful than ever, when learning literature is applicated. In this case the writer would like to explain the advantages of reading a literary works especially novel. Reading novel not only to get a pleasure but we can take so many lessons and messages. The purposes of this graduating paper are to find out the educational values and the implication o f the novel “Bumi Manusia” in education.

  The method that is used in this study is descriptive qualitative method, which focused on textual data analysis. Pramoedya Ananta Toer on his novel tells about three main characters: Minke, Annelies and Nyai Ontosoroh. He tells about motivation to get better education that have to get out from Javanese culture, family life and struggle o f love.

  The result is many educational values can be learned by reader. Moreover, many educational values can be implicated in Indonesian education. The novel gives information, motivation to the reader.

  Keywords: Educational values, literary elements, benefit novel in education. r ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalaamu'alaikum wr. wb.


  in the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds. May the blessing of God be upon the seal of the Prophet Muhammad saw, His Messager; upon his family, his companions and his followers, with deeds till the judgement day.

  Moreover, this graduating paper can not be achieved without the support, guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individuals and institutions.

  Therefore, the writer would like to express special gratitude to:

  1. Mr. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag., as the head of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga.

  2. Mr. Ruwandi, S.Pd., M. A., the head of English Department as consultant who gives me support, guidance and useful advice.

  3. All of the lecturers of TPBI who have given the knowledge.

  4. My parents who always give me love and trust.

  5. All of my friends and institutions who help me whenever, whereever and whatever.

  yVassalaamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

  Salatiga, 21th September 2010



A. The Background of Study

  Language plays a great part in our life. Language and human beings are two unseparated components. According to Edward, language is purely human and non instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntary produced symbols (Edward, 1949: p. 8). Whoever, whenever and whereever they are, language always helps them to deliver their thinking and willing to others.

  Language is a medium of literature. There are two kinds of literature: informative literature and imaginative literature. Informative literature tells us about facts, explanations, history, real great life figure, etc. While imaginative tells us about thoughts and feeling. Its author expresses his ideas, his feelings, his attitude, he may talks of things, people, etc. Literature is generally divided into three groups such us prose, drama, and poetry. Literature tell us about experience of life. It will widen your knowledge and visions to understand life such as closer to other human beings with the same or different nationalities, cultures, human values. Our life became more tolerant, critics, mature, wise and humane. We are able to sympathize with others suffering. We are inspirated their endurance, preseverance, and their remarkable motivations.

  In other side, learning is generally regarded as “the acquisition and development of memories and behavior, including skills, knowledge, understanding value and wisdom. It is also a process of acquising good personality, all of which are needed to face to life problems, technology and civilizations change.

  According to A1 Ghozali the purposes of education are as follows: 1. The aim of learning science is only getting science.

  2. The aim of education is behavior formation.

  3. The aim is to get achieve happiness in the world and hereafter (Zainuddin, 1991: p. 42-45).

  According to Sastrapratedja, the aim of education is not only to develop personality and moral ethic that can be called by education value. The change of social economy which supported by development of science and technology causes change in the way of thinking, judging, respect of life and reality. This change bring vagueness of values that is always in the process of society and personal change. Therefore, educator has responsible to:

  1. See the implication of ethical value in all process of change.

  2. Help the development of value into self personality.

  3. Help students to take attitude and decision in planning of meaningful life.

  (Kaswardi, 1993: p. 3) Jakop Sumadjo says that values have affective power, when it is only derived by spoken. It will be more interesting and implanted in self personality by literary work (Kaswardi, 1993: p. 148). Many people like to read the kinds of literature, one of them is prose. Prose also has varieties such as novel, short story, epic, novella, and novelette.

  Novel is long story (a work about 50.000 words) that has much information. Sometimes, it is about the experiences, thinking and knowledge of the novelist. They want to transfer the value of their novel to the reader. Its


D. The Benefits of Study

  The benefit of study can be divided into two parts of following:

  1. Theoretically The writer hopes the result of this study can contribute to the development of educational values is taken from Bumi Manusia's novel.

  Methodogically, the writer hopes this result gives information to the readers about how to study deeper the values in novels.

  2. Practically, the result of this study can be used:

  a. To contribute the development of literary study, particularly among the people who are interested in the literary study.

  b. To remind readers the importance of educational values and also implement it in daily activity.

E. The Definition of Key Terms

  The meaning of the title consists of three key term are as follow:

  1. Analysis Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or subtance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. Analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development ).

  2. Educational Values Educational values is something (as a principle quality or entity) intrinsically valuable or desirable into human being (A1 Attas, 1991: p. 8).

  The aim of education is not only to develop science, skill and technology. Education also tries to develop personality and moral ethic that can be called by education values.



  3. Novel According to Oxford Leaner Pocket Dictionary, novel is long written story (Manser, 1995: p. 281).

  A novel is a long narrative in literary prose. The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modem romance. The latter supplied the present generic term in the late 18th century .

  4. Bumi Manusia Bumi Manusia is the first novel of tetralogy novel written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. It was published firstly by Hasta Mitra in 1980.

  On September 2005 in 10th edition, it was published again by Lentera Dipantara. This novel brings the spirit of life. By struggle of life to looking for problem solving. It’s possible to get better life.

F. The Review of Previous Researches

  The first research is a graduating paper entitled “Educational Values of Adam’s Story in The Holy Qur’an” written by Agus Najib. He concludes that there are some educational values found in the study. The examples are knowledge is better than only worship, sin is result of wrong way of thinking, God gives someone knowledge to be taught, all God’s action contains hikmah, God wants His creature to ask about something unclear, life is test, all humans are responsible of earth and are dependent to it, God’s mercy is bigger than His wrath and so on. (Agus, 2007: p. 45-46).


5 The writer also review other thesis based on the research entitled “Educational Values of the Novel “Ever After All This Time”. The values as the follow: life is struggle, patient is beautiful, integrity, preserverance, and optimistic are the keywords in enduring life, many hurdles of life building human maturity, parents are children idol, language is the main factor success in adjustment and teaching learning process in aboard, creative power are needed in language learning, learning a language also means learning another user of it, there is no reason to stop learning. (Zulaikhah, 2008: p.45).

  Then, the other research is " Cinta The Moral Values in Novel Ketika Bertasbih" by Widiastuti. There are the style of presenting the moral values in the novel use explicit and implicit meaning. She divided moral values into three parts such as self character building, human relation and religiosity. (Widiastuti, 2008: p.58).

  G. The Methodology of Research This research includes library research, the writer will use descriptive qualitative method. It uses depth analysis of problem (Sumanto, 1995: p .ll).

  Moreover, it is a procedure to solve problems by drawing the recent subject or object based on fact (Siswanto, 2010: p.56).This method as the following:

  1. Research Object The research object in this study is the Novel “Bumi Manusia” written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer was published on January 2010 in 15th edition.

2. Method o f Data Collection

  The writer will use study document taken from library and bookstore to collect the data. The writer uses the source of data divided into two source.

  a. Primary Data Sources It is sources of data related to the object of the research. The primary data source is esential source derived from book or the research object, the novel “Bumi Manusia” is written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. It was published by Lentera Dipantara on January 2010 in 15th edition.

  b. Secondary Data Sources It is data sources that taken from many literary books and relevant materials, to support and to complete the primary data sources such as theory of education’s books, theory of values’ books, biography of the author’s book, dictionary, constitution and so on (Moleong, 2008: p.159).

  3. Technique of Data Collection In this research, the technique of data collection uses step are: a. Reading the novel repeatly and carefuly.

  b. Choosing important note in both primary and secondary data.

  c. Writing down the important data.

  d. Arranging the data into several parts based on the clasification.

  e. Concluding based on the data analyzed (Moleong, 2008: p. 248).


4. Method o f Data Analysis

  The method of data analysis are descriptive analysis and the interpretation of the text is content analysis.

  The steps are: a. Collecting references relevant to the analysis of the novel.

  b. Describing synopsis of the novel.

  c. Extracting educational values from the novel.

  d. Extracting the implication of the novel in relation to education in Indonesia.

  e. Concluding the data analysis. (Moleong, 2008: p. 291-295).

H. The Outline of the Graduating Paper

  As guidance for readers to understand the content of the graduating paper, the writer organizes this outlines as following: Chapter I start with introduction, which consists of the background of study, the statements of problem, the objectives of study, the statements of problem, the objectives of study, the benefits of study, the definition of key terms, the review of previous researches, the methodology of research and the outline of thesis.

  Chapter II is certain element of the novel “Bumi Manusia”, which presents the biography of the author, the short story of the novel, and data presentation.

  Chapter III is present theoritical review. It consists of education, values, definition of educational values, and literary elements of the novel.


8 Chapter IV is analysis of the novel, which consist of educational values of the novel and its implication for educational values in education, and wisdom words.

  Chapter V is closure that deals with conclusion and suggestion. The last part is bibliography, appendix and curriculum vitae.


  10 CHAPTER n




A. Biography of the Author

  Biography is an account of the series of events making up a person's life , on Monday, July 19, 2010 at 04.00 p.m).

  The writer would like to explain about the biography of the author of the novel “Bumi Manusia”. Pramoedya Ananta Toer (EYD: Pramudya Ananta Tur). His name means "first in the fray". He was bom on February 6th, 1925 in Blora town, Central Java island, Indonesia country or a part of the Dutch East Indies as the past name. He was the eldest son in his family, his father was a prominent headmaster, who was also active in Boedi Oetomo (the first national organization in Indonesia) and his mother was a rice trader. His maternal grandmother had taken the pilgrimage to Mecca. According to his autobiographical collection of short stories "Cerita dari Blora", his name was originally Pramoedya Ananta Mastoer. But he felt that the family name Mastoer (his father's name) is too aristocratic. He escape prefix "Mas" and kept Toer as his family name. He studied in the Radio Vocational School in Surabaya, but had barely graduated from the school when Japan invaded Surabaya in 1942.

  His wife's name is Muthmainah and his daughter’s name is Astuti Ananta Toer, who published his father's novel in Lentera Dipantara publishing house.

  Pramoedya believed the Japanese and the Dutch were evils. He worked as a typist for a Japanese newspaper in Jakarta. The Nationalist forces loyal to Soekamo became Allies against Japan, one of them was Pramoedya and he did as well. On August 17th, 1945 after the news of Allied victory over Japan reached Indonesia, Soekamo proclaimed Indonesian Independence. This make the Indonesian National Revolution against the forces of the British and Dutch. In this war, Pramoedya joined a paramilitary group in Karawang, Kranji (West Java). During this time he wrote short stories and books. While imprisoned in Bukit Duri from 1947 to 1949 for his role in the Indonesian Revolution, he wrote his first major novel The Fugitive.

  In the first years of independence, Pramoedya wrote several works of fiction dealing with the problems of the newly founded nation, as well as semi autobiographical works based on wartime memoirs. He was soon able to live in Netherlands as part of cultural exchange program. In the years that followed, he took an interest in several other cultural exchanges, including trips to the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China, as well as translations of Russian writers Maxim Gorky and Leo Tolstoy in Indonesia, Pramoedya joined the left wing writers' group Lerka and wrote various newspapers and literary journals. His writing style become more politically charged. His story Korupsi (Corruption) is a critical fiction of a civil servant

  11 who falls into the trap of corruption. This created fiction between him and the government of Soekamo.

  In the late 1950s, Pramoedya began teaching literary histoiy at the left wing University Res Publica. As he prepared material, he began to realize that the study of Indonesia language and literature had been distorted by the Dutch colonial authorities. He sought out materials that had been ignored by colonial educational institutions, and which had continued to be ignored after independence. Moreover, when he spent time in China, he became greatly sympathetic to the Indonesian Chinese over the persecutions they faced in postcolonial Indonesia. Most notably, he published the history of the

  Indonesian Chinese, called Hoakian di Indonesia (History of the Overseas Chinese in Indonesia). He critized the government for being too Java-centric and insensitive to the needs and desires of the other regions and people of Indonesia. As a result, he was arrested by the Indonesian military and jailed at Cipinang prison for nine months.

  In 1956 there was Suharto's New Order, Pramoedya was imprisoned because he is the head of People's Cultural Organization, as an enemy of the "New Order" regime. He was imprisoned without trial, first in Nusa

  Kambangan off the southern coast of Java, and then in the penal colony of Buru in the eastern islands of the Indonesian archipelago. Not permitted access to writing materials, he recited the story orally to others prisoners before it was written down, and published in English (translated by Max Lane) and Indonesian, as well as many other languages. Publication was banned in

  12 Indonesia causing one of the famous of Indonesia's literary works to be largely unavailable to the country's people. Copies were scanned by Indonesians aboard and distributed via the internet to people inside the country. Pramoedya's novel named the Burn Quartet, a series of four historical fiction novels chronicling the development of the nationalism and based in part on his own experiences growing up. The English titles of the books in the quartet are This Earth o f Mankind, Child o f All Nations, Footsteps, and House o f Glass.

  Pramoedya was released from imprisonment in 1979, but remained under house arrest in Jakarta until 1992. During the many years in which he suffered imprisonment and house arrest, he became a cause celebre for advocates of human rights and freedom of expression.

  He was hospitalized on April 27, 2006, for complications brought on by diabetes and heart disease. He was also heavy smoker of clove cigarettes and had endured years of abuse while in detention. He died on April 30, 2006 at the age of 81. He leaves a wife, 8 children and 15 grandson (Rifai, 2010: p.


  From his cool hand appeared more than 50 literary's works and translated in 42 languages. In other words, a half of his live in the prison: 3 years in the prison colony, 1 years in Old Order and 14 years in New Order (on October 13, 1965 until July 1969, Nusa Kambangan islands on July 1969 until August 16, 1979, Magelang/Banyumanik on November until December

  1979). On December 21, 1979 Pramoedya Ananta Toer got freedom from prison but he still got house prison, city prison and country prison until 1999 and one a week went to Kodim Eastern Jakarta for 2 years (Pramoedya, 2009).

  Major Works of Pramoedya Ananta Toer (fiction, nonfiction and translating works) are as follows:

  1. Kranji Bekasi Jatuh (1947)

  2. Perburuan (The Fugitive) (1950)

  3. Keluarga Gerilya (1950)

  4. Bukan Pasar Malam (1951)

  5. Cerita dari Blora (1952)

  6. Gulat di Jakarta (1953)

  7. Korupsi (Corruption) (1954)

  8. Midah - Si Manis Bergigi Emas (1954)

  9. Cerita Calon Arang (The King, the Witch and the Priest) (1957)

  10. Hoakian di Indonesia (1960)

  11. Panggil Aku Kartini Saja I, II & III (1962)

  12. The Burn Quartet

  a. Bumi Manusia (This Earth of Mankind) (1980)

  b. Anak Semua Bangsa (Child of All Nations) (1980)

  c. Jejak Langkah (Footsteps) (1985)

  d. Rumah Kaca (House of Glass) (1982)

  13. Multatuli (1986)

  14. Gadis Pantai (The Girl from the Coast) (1988)

  15. Nyanyi Sunyi Seorang Bisu (A Mute's Soliloquy) (1995)


  16. Arus Balik (1995)

  17. Arok Dedes (1999)

  18. Mangir (1999)

  19. Larasati (2000)

  20. Kenang-kenangan pada Kawan (1947)

  21. Jongos + Babu (1949)

  22. Dia yang Menyerah (1950)

  23. Tikus dan Manusia (1950)

  24. Mari Mengarang (1955)

  25. Kronik revolusi Indonesia (2007).(Rifai, 2010:p.79-86) Awards of Pramoedya Ananta Toer in his life are as follows: 1. 1988 Freedom to Write Award from PEN American Centre, USA.

  2. 1989 The Fund for Free Expression, New York, USA. 3. 1922 English PEN Centre Award, Great Britain. 4. 1992 Stichting Werthelm Award for Journalism, Literature, and Creative Communication Arts.

  5. 1995 Werthelm Award, "for his meritorious services to the struggle for emancipation of Indonesian people" by The Werthelm Foundation, Leiden, Netherland. 6. 1995 Ramon Magsaysay Award, "for Journalism, Literature, and Creative

  Arts, in recognition of his illuminating with brilliant stories the historical awakening and modem experience of the Indonesian people", by Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation, Manila, Philippine.


  7. 1996 UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize, "in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the promotion of tolerance and non violence", by UNESCO, Paris, France. 8. 1999 Doctor of Humane Letters, "in recognition of his remarkable imagination and distinguished literary contributions, his example to all who oppose tyranny, and his highly principled struggle for intellectual freedom", by University of Michigan, Madison, USA.

  9. 1999 Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Michigan.

  10. 1999 Chanceller's Distinguished Honor Award, "for his outstanding literary achievements and for his contributions to ethnic tolerance and global understanding", by University of California, Barkeley, USA. 11. 1999 Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Letters, from Le Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication Republique Francaise, Paris, France.

  12. 2000 Fukuoka Cultural Grand Prize, Japan. 13. 2000 New York Foundation for the Arts Award, New York, USA. 14. 2004 Norwegian Authors' Union Award for his contribution to world literature and his continuous struggle for the right to freedom of expression. 15. 2004 Centenario Pablo Neruda, Republica de Chile. 16. 2005 Global Intellectuals Poll by the Prospect. Others 1. 1978 Member of Nederland P.E.N. Centre, when he was in Burn Island.

  2. 1982 Honorary member for life by International P.E.N. Australia Centre, Australia.

  3. 1982 Member of P.E.N. Centre, Swedia. 4. 1987 Honorary member of P.E.N. American Centre, USA. 5. 1988 Deutschsweizeriches P.E.N. Zentrum, member, Switzerland. 6. 1992 International P.E.N. English Centre, Great Britain. 7. 1999 International P.E.N. Association of Writers Zentrum Deutschland (Pramoedya, 2009).

B. The Short Story of the Novel

  Bumi Manusia is opened by the story about Minke. Minke is the main character in this novel. He was a Javanese minor royal and one of an Indonesian Journalist active in the nationalist movement, Tirto Adhi Suijo. He was the first native Javanese boy who attended an elite Dutch colonial high school or HBS. Minke was a brilliant student, descendant of Javanese royalty, and an acutely sensitive observer of the complex and dangerous world around him.

  One day, Robert Suurhof, his friend in HBS went to his boarding school. Robert asked for accompanying him to go to Robert Mellema's house.

  There, Minke met the beautiful Annelies and the treacherous Robert. Minke was falling in love with Annelies. He also made relationship with Nyai Ontosoroh, Annelies' and Robert Mellema's mother. It aroused the murderous hatred of Robert Mellema, he thought that Minke who only a native Javanese would get affection of his mother and younger sister, also would get the rich of his family.

  Unfortunately, Annelies loved Minke too. Nyai Ontosoroh invited him to live with her family. Minke was confuse but finally he accepted the invitation. Minke's life was disrupted when he was invited to live with highly unconventional family. Here Minke met an extraordinary cast of characters who would force him to confront the entrenched antagonisms of a society built upon racial and gender oppression. The household was headed by Nyai Ontosoroh, a native concubine who run the family's dairy business. While,

  Annelies, her European daughter helped her to control their employees. She loved his cows and horses, Nyai Ontosoroh told her "You have to give thanks to everything that give you life, even though it is just a horse" (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 50).

  Nyai Ontosoroh took Minke's first steps on the path that would lead him to become an outspoken opponent of Dutch colonial rules. Minke and Nyai were both proud, highly educated, and strong willing individuals. They refused to accept the hierarchy that parcels out freedom and power according to the amount of European blood running through one's veins. They often discussed about their confrontations with injustice. Minke had regard great to her as like as his mother.

  Nyai Ontosoroh and Annelies hated Mr. Herman Mellema so much. Even after his son from Dutch, Maurist Mellema asked him about his responsible to Herman's family in Dutch. Actually, Mr. Herman Mellema was husband of Mrs. Amelia Mellema Hammers and this couple had a son was named Maurist Mellema, but Herman left them. He went to Java and bought Nyai Ontosoroh from her father. Then, they had two children, Robert and

  Annelies. Mr. Herman was so sad and shock because of his problem with Maurist. He was a drunken man, had relationship with prostitute and rarely back to home.

  Nyai Ontosoroh realized that had to make her business successful and get legal over her children. Actually, Nyai had regard to Mr. Herman because he teached her about everything, such as: make up, writing, reading, administration, trade and so on. But Mr. Herman changed into a loser.

  When Nyai Ontosoroh discovered that Minke wanted to be a writer, she told him to "Write always about humanity, humanity’s life, not humanity's death. Yes, whether it's animals, ogres, gods, or ghosts, that you present, there's nothing more difficult to understand than humanity. That's why there is no end to the telling of stories on this earth.

  In Nyai Ontosoroh's house, Minke studied and wrote about Nyai Ontosoroh's family. He went to HBS school by pedicab. Darsam was the driver, he always helped Nyai Ontosoroh's family, moreover he was “the right hand” of Nyai Ontosoroh. In the class, Minke was more clever than others. Magda Petters was his lovely teacher. She teached about art. There were many bad news about him in HBS. Actually, it was spread by Robert Suurhof because he was jealous with Minke. Robert Suurhof loved Annelies very much, but Annelies just loved Minke.

  One day, Minke's father asked him to helps him in his inauguration to be regent of B city. There he met Hebert de la Croix. Mr. Hebert had regard to Minke's ability in Dutch language. He invited Minke to look his home and introduced him to his daughters, Sarah and Miriam de la Croix. There, they discussed about HBS, because Sarah and Miriam were alumnus of HBS. Because of Mr. Hebert’s invitation, Minke’s father accepted Minke's apologize. Actually, his father was angry with him. When Minke studied in HBS, he never replaid letters from his family. Unfortunately, his mother never be angry with him, she loved her son very much. After his assignment from his father was finish, Minke came back to Wonokromo, Annelies' home.

  In the station, Darsam and Annelies waited him. Darsam talked to Minke that someone would kill him who Robert Mellema's delegate. It was better for Minke came back to his boarding school while Annelies cried because she did not know the problem. Darsam saved this secret. Minke said good bye to Annelies and promise he would go to Wonokromo soon.

  In the boarding school, Minke met again with the fat man who had been following his since in the station. Jean Marais, Minke’s friend and Mr.

  Telinga chased away the fat man because they think that he was the killer. Minke was sick, but he back to Wonokromo bravely. He worried because Annelies was sick too.

  In Annelies house, dr. Martinet said to Minke that Annelies needed Minke so much. Actually, Minke was her spirit of life. When Minke, Nyai Ontosoroh and Annelies sat down in the veranda. Suddenly, the fat man appeared, Darsam was angry and he chased the fat man that run away. Minke chased Darsam to forbide Darsam chased the fat man. Meanwhile, Annelies and Nyai Ontosoroh chased Minke. Finally, he arrived at Ah Tjong’s house, and they saw Mr. Herman Mellema died because of alcohol.

  In the court, Ah Tjong got punishment and went to a jail. Ah Tjong's house was the place of prostitution. Mr. Herman and Robert Mellema lived here, after that Mr. Herman died and Mr. Robert run away.

  It was time to Minke graduate from HBS. Then he and Annelies would celebrate their marriage. Minke's mother was very happy. Minke's friends went to his marriage. Robert Suurhof gave a diamond ring to Annelies. But Annelies asked Minke to return it to Robert Suurhof. She did not want to accept it.

  In the office, Nyai Ontosoroh got a letter from court. It was about expropriation of Mr. Herman's rich and the right care of Annelies. Based on Dutch constitution, Nyai Ontosoroh was not Annelies mother and Minke was not Annelies husband, so they could do anything. Minke wrote about this oppression toward native Javanese. This news spreaded through newspaper. Many people read it and also Minke's friends did too. Jean Marais, Mr. and Mrs. Telinga, dr. Martinet, Khommer, Herbert de la Croix and his daughter, Magda Petters (in Holland) could do anything. Mr. Mauritis picked Annelies up to Holland. May Marais cried loudly. Nyai Ontosoroh and Minke was so sad too. In the outside of Nyai Ontosoroh’s house, many people were bloody to safe Annelies. Annelies just kept silent, feels sad and got out with Mr.


C. Data Presentation

  Data presentation in this novel consist of 14 subjects are as follows:

  No Subject Sentences

  1. Friendship a. "Pribumi juga baik," said Annelies.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 30)

  b. Tamuku Islam," said Annelies to her servant. "Katakan di belakang sana, jangan sampai tercampur babi."

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 35)

  c. "Manusia yang wajar mesti punya sahabat, persahabatan tanpa pamrih.

  Tanpa sahabat hidup akan terlalu sunyi," said Nyai. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 101).

  2. Love

  a. "Apa peduli diri ini berbahagia atau tidak? Kau yang kukuatirkan. Aku ingin lihat kau berbahagia....," said Nyai Ontosoroh to Annelies.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 109)

  b. "Ciumanmu terasa panas pada pipiku ... mengapa aku senang di dekatmu, dan merasa sunyi dan menderita jauh darimu? .... Aku berganti pakaian tidur

  22 dan memadamkan lilin masuk ke ranjang. Kegelapan justru semakin memperjelas wajahmu," said Annelies to Minke. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 109) c. "Ann, papamu sangat menyayangi aku,” said Nyai Ontosoroh to

  Annelies.. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 129) d. "Jadi kau pulang juga akhirnya, Gus.

  Syukur kau selamat begini," diangkatnya daguku, dipandangnya wajahku, seperti aku seorang bocah empat tahun. Dan suaranya yang lunak menyayang, membikin aku jadi terharu. Mataku sebak berkaca-kaca.

  Inilah bundaku yang dulu juga, bundaku sendiri,” said Minke.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 188)

  3. Read and Write

  a. Aku (Minke) bakal pelajari keluarga aneh dan seram ini. Dan bakal kutulis.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 106)

  b. Ia (Nyai Ontosoroh) sedang membaca buku. Ia berpaling padaku sambil menutup buku, dan sekilas terbaca

  23 olehku berjudul Nyai Dasima. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 108) c. Max Tollenaar adalah nama penaku.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 316)

  d. “Sudah empat tulisan Max Tollenaar kubaca waktu belakangan ini,” said Robert Suurhof. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 317)

  e. “Tetapi yang kuperkenalkan bukan Minke yang sudah dikenal itu, Minke dari kualitas lain, seorang Minke yang mahir menggunakan Belanda dalam menyatakan perasaan dan pikiran, seorang Minke yang menyumbangkan sebuah karya. Dia telah mampu menulis tanpa kesalahan dalam bahasa yang bukan milik ibunya,” said Magda Peters. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 320)

  4. Respect to Our Parents

  a. “Bunda, ampuni sahaya,” kataku (Minke) mengembik, bersujud di hadapannya dan mencium lututnya.

  Tak tahulah aku mengapa tiba-tiba hati diserang rindu begini pada bunda.” (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 188)


  5. Discipline

  a. Di malam hari aku (Minke) bekeija, belajar atau menulis sambil menunggui Annelies di kamarnya. (Pramoedya, 2009: p.351 )

  b. “Tiga bulan lamanya aku hanya belajar dan belajar, tidak menulis tidak bekeija. Belajar dan belajar,” said Minke. (Pramoedya, 2009: p.444 ) 6. Be Clean a. “Uh, kau begini kotor, bau keringat.

  Mandi, jangan lupa dengan air hangat,“ said Minke’s mother to Minke.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 190 )

  b. Dalam dunia pelacuran yang terkutuk ini dinamai "sipilis" Birma.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 255)

  c. Pakaian dalamnya nampak telah lebih seminggu tidak diganti, terlalu kotor.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p.258) 7. Long Life Learning

  a. Diri ini sekarang segan mengapung pada permukaan. Maunya terus juga tenggelam pada dasar persoalan dalam setiap percakapan dan perbincangan.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 311) b. “Bukan saja pandai juga baik hati. Dia yang mengajari aku segala tentang pertanian, perusahaan, pemeliharaan hewan, pekeijaan kantor. Mula-mula diajari aku bahasa Melayu, kemudian membaca dan menulis, setelah itu juga bahasa Belanda. Papamu bukan hanya mengajar, dengan sabar juga menguji semua yang telah diajarkannya. Ia haruskan aku berbahasa Belanda dengannya. Kemudian diajarinya aku berurusan dengan bank, ahli-ahli hukum, aturan dagang, semua yang sekarang mulai kuajarkan juga padamu,” said Nyai Ontosoroh to

  Annelies. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 111)

  8. Hard Work

  a. “Berbahagialah dia yang makan dari keringatnya sendiri bersuka karena usahanya sendiri dan maju karena pengalamannya sendiri,” said Nyai Ontosoroh to Minke. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 59)


  9. Help Each Other

  a. Mataku mengawasi seorang gendut berkalung sarung sedang duduk di bawah pohon asam di seberang jalan. Mungkin dia calon pembunuhku, si Gendut. "Biar aku lihat dari dekat.

  Ayoh, Minke kau yang tahu orangnya. Barang kali memang dia. Biar aku kemplang kepalanya kalau perlu," said Jean. (Pramoedya, 2009: p.275-276 ) 10. A Good Appearance

  a. “Kau harus selalu kelihatan cantik, Nyai. Muka yang kusut dan pakaian berantakan juga pencerminan perusahaan yang kusut-berantakan, tak dapat dipercaya,” said Mr. Mellema.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 133)

  b. Gadis secantik apa pun takkan menarik kalau sakit. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 239)

  11. Self Confidence

  a. Dia punya keberanian mengajukan pendapat. Dan dia sadar akan kekuatan pribadinya. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 102)

  b. “Majikan adalah penghidupan mereka, majikan penghidupan mereka adalah kau.” Said Mr. Herman to Nyai Ontosoroh. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 132) c. Tak mungkin kau seperti wanita Belanda. Juga tidak perlu. Biar begitu kau lebih cerdas dan lebih baik daripada mereka semua. Barang tentu dia melebih-lebihkan. Tapi aku senang dan berbahagia. Setidak-tidaknya aku takkan lebih rendah daripada mereka.

  (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 136) 12. Responsible

  a. Tuan direktur sekolah memaafkan ketidakhadiranku yang melewati batas sertifikat dokter. Salam dari Tuan Herbert de la Croix membuat lunak sikapnya. Dalam beberapa hari aku kejar ketinggalanku. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 310)

  13. Loving Literature

  a. “Suatu masyarakat paling primitif pun, misalnya di jantung Afrika sana, tak pernah duduk di bangku sekolah, tak pernah melihat kitab dalam hidupnya, tak kenal baca tulis, masih dapat mencintai sastra, walau sastra lisan.

  Apa tidak hebat kalau siswa HBS, paling tidak nyaris 10 tahun duduk di bangku sekolah, bisa tidak suka pada sastra dan bahasa?” said Magda Peters to her students. (Pramoedya, 2009: p.

  313) 14. Freedom

  a. Aku takkan menentukan bagaimana harusnya macam menantuku kelak.

  Kau yang menentukan, aku yang menimbang-nimbang. (Pramoedya, 2009: p. 119)

  b. Aku masih terpesona melihat seorang wanita pribumi bukan saja bicara Belanda, begitu baik, lebih karena tidak mempunyai suatu komplek terhadap tamu pria. (Pramoedya. 2009:p. 34)

  Sentence above means Nyai Ontosoroh give permit his daughter meet Minke.


  In this chapter the writer like to show definition of education, values, educational values and relation between literature and educational values.

  A. Education Educational terminology is translation of term in pedagogy. This term comes from ancient Greek, Paidos and agoo. Paidos means slaves and agoo means guide, so pedagogie means a slave deliver a child of master to school. In its developing, pedagogie means educate science (Jumali, M., 2008: p. 18).

  Education is the art of teaching, because by teaching particular knowledge, skill and experience; people will do creative work. To educate is not only technical, methodical, and mechanical of passing skills to children, but also it is an activities that have the dimension and element of art are nuanced dedication, emotional, compassion in effort to build and shape the personality. It is named art because of educational activities based on a sense of humanity, sympathy and affection (Jumali, M., 2008: p. 21).

  Based on RI Constitution of No. 20 year 2003 about the system of National Education, section 3, we can know the aim of education in Indonesia.

  It tell us that the aim of National Education are to develop the intellectual life of Indonesian nation, namely Indonesians that believe in God, noble character, knowledge, capable, creative, health, independent and responsible (Ujang, 2003: p. 6).

  According to Ki Hajar Dewantara tells slogan Ing Ngarso Sung