Gambaran Kondisi Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Anak Penderita Asma – Nina
Stephane G.T – 160110080062

Asma merupakan salah satu penyakit kronis yang paling banyak terjadi
pada anak-anak. Manifestasi oral dapat ditemukan pada anak penderita asma
seperti karies gigi dan penyakit periodontal. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk
mendapatkan dan mengetahui kondisi kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak penderita
asma di Poli Anak RS Paru Dr.H.A Rotinsulu Bandung.
Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan teknik survei. Diperoleh
sejumlah 36 anak dari Poli Anak Asma RS Paru Rotinsulu Bandung dengan
accidental sampling. Gambaran kondisi gigi dan mulut

diperoleh dengan

pemeriksaan klinis indeks def-t, DMF-T, prevalensi karies gigi, status kebersihan
gigi dan mulut juga didapat dengan indeks plak PHP , serta prevalensi dry mouth.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indeks def-t pada anak asma sebesar 3,38 ,
indeks DMF-T sebesar 0,30, dan prevalensi karies gigi sebesar 80,6%. Status
kebersihan gigi dan mulut anak penderita asma rata-rata buruk yaitu sebanyak 21
anak (58,3%) serta prevalensi dry mouth sebesar 91,7% .

Simpulan gambaran kondisi kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak penderita asma
di Poli Anak RS Paru Dr.H.A Rotinsulu Bandung menunjukkan indeks def-t
sedang, indeks DMF-T sangat rendah, prevalensi karies gigi cukup tinggi, status
kebersihan gigi dan mulut rata-rata tergolong buruk, serta prevalensi dry mouth
cukup tinggi.

Kata kunci : indeks def-t dan DMF-T, prevalensi karies, status kebersihan
gigi dan mulut, dry mouth, anak penderita asma


Description of condition oral and dental health in children with asthma – Nina
Stephane G.T – 160110080062

Asthma is a chronic disease, most prevalent in children. Oral
manifestations can be found in children with asthma such as dental caries and
periodontal disease. The purposes of this research was to obtain and determine
the condition of dental and oral health.
The research was a descriptive and the survey technique. Subject were

taken using the accidental sampling technique. Subject were that already
diagnosed asthma from Children Department, Pulmonary Hospital Dr.H.A
Rotinsulu Bandung. The research subjects amount 36 child with asthma. Data
was obtained by clinical examination using def-t index, DMF-T index, the
prevalence of caries, oral and dental hygiene status which also obtained by
plaque index of PHP and prevalence of dry mouth.
Research results shows that def-t index was 3,38, DMF-T index was 0,30,
the prevalence of caries was 80,6%. The mean of oral and dental hygiene status of
child with asthma was 21 child (58,3%) that mostly in a poor category and
prevalence dry mouth was 91,7%.
The conclusion indicate that the def-t index is medium, DMF-T index is
very low, prevalence of caries is relatively high, the mean of oral and dental
hygiene status has poor category, and also the relative high prevalence of dry

Keyword : def-t index, DMF-T index, The prevalence of caries, oral and dental
hygiene status, dry mouth and child with asthma.
