kegiatan pelayanan jasa pengiriman surat dan paket di PT. POS Indonesia (Persero) Bandunng 40000.


Laporan tugas akhir ini membahas mengenai, Kegiatan Pelayanan pengiriman
surat dan paket di PT. Pos Indonesia (persero) Bandung 40000. Observasi ini
dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kegiatan pengiriman surat, prosedur
pengelolaan, dan

transportasi pengiriman. Dalam observasi, ini penulis

menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara
wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil observasi ini, menunjukan bahwa
kegiatan pelayanan peneriman surat dan paket di kantor pos sudah sesuai dengan
prosedur kegiatan pelayanan jasa. Namun pada saat melakukan kegiatan observasi
masih terdapat kekurangan sarana. Yaitu kurangnya komputer sebagai alat untuk
membantu pengentrian data surat dan pengaktifan entri data secara online. PT.
Pos Indonesia (persero) Bandung 40000adalah salah satu penyedia sarana
komunikasi bagi masyarakat. Terdapat beberapa layanan yang disediakan oleh
kantor pos. Proses pelayanan jasa pengiriman Surat dan Paket di kantor pos. mulai
dari penerimaan kiriman di kantor pos Pusat, lalu kiriman tersebut di olah di
bagian puri, setelah itu diserahkan kebagian kiriman pos yaitu MPC (Mail Post
Service), jika telah melakukan pengolahan, kiriman tersebut di kirim kebagian

kantor pos cabang sesuai alamat kota daerah, kemudian setelah sampai di kantor
pos cabang kiriman tersebut dikirim ke alamat – alamat sesuai tujuan pengirim.
Kata Kunci : Pengelolaan, Pengelolaan Surat dan Paket, Transportasi, Mail Post



The last of these reports discussed the issue of duty , the transmission of letters
and packages for services in PT. POS INDONESIA ( PERSERO ) BANDUNG
40000. This observation carried out activities aimed at sending a letter to know ,
management procedures , transportation and delivery. In this observation , the
author uses the method descriptive , with tekhnik data collection by means of an
interview , observation , and documentation. The results of this observation ,
showed that service activity acceptance letters and packages in the post office is in
accordance with the procedures services activities. However, at the time of
observation, there is still a lack of means. That is, a lack of computers as a tool to
aid in data entry and paperwork to enable data entry online. is one of the means
of communication for the community . PT. POS INDONESIA ( PERSERO )

BANDUNG 40000is one of the means of communication for the community,
There are some services provided by the post office. The letters and packages
delivery service at the start of the post office. Starting from central post office,
and of letters and packages in the process of to thepuri,After that letter and the
package submitted to the part of a post is MPC (Mail Post Service).


If has done processing, Letters and the package sent to the post office branch is
the region in accordance city address. Then post office branch and came in to post
a were sent to an address of the sender of appropriate to a purpose.
The keywords: management, Management mail and packages transport, mail post
