CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT APPLIED BY THE EIGHTH GRADE TEACHER IN TEACHING ENGLISH Classroom Management Applied By The Eighth Grade Teacher In Teaching English In SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta In 2012/2013 Academic Year.






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Approved by Boarcl of Examtner School of Teacher Training and Education

Muharnmadiyah University of Surakarta





Drs. H. Djoko Srijono, M.


( ( Advisor 1)



Harjanti, M. Hurn. (Advisor 2)











Agata Retno Palupi Drs. H. Djoko Srijono, M. Hum.

Dra. Dwi Harjanti, M. Hum.


This research paper aims at describing the classroom management applied by the eighth grade teacher in teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, to classify the factors influence the classroom management and interaction in the class, and to describe the problems faced by the eighth grade teacher in applying his classroom management in the class. The data will be analyzed using classroom management theory written by Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati.

This research applies descriptive research. In collecting data, the writer uses observation, interview, and analyzing document. The data were analyzed by 1) identifying the data found in the field. 2) classifying the data found with the theory of classroom management proposed by Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati. 3) interpreting the data to research finding. 4) drawing the conclusion of classroom management research.

The components of classroom management which are applied by the eighth grade teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta in teaching English are: 1) teacher talk 2) teacher talking time always gives opportunities to the students to ask some questions. 3) physical presence. 4) seating arrangement 5) element necessary in language classroom. Factors that influence the classroom management and interaction in the class are: 1) time allocation 2) seating arrangement. The problems faced by the eighth grade teacher in applying classroom management in the class are: 1) cleanliness 2) class discipline.

Key words: classroom management, teacher talk, teacher talking time, physical presence, seating arrangement


A. Introduction

Teacher as a knowledge transferer to students is a prospect nation who can make nation ideal comes true. In teaching, all materials should be prepared, like learning material, learning media, and activities in exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. Good and Brophy (2003:48) state that teachers are not aware of everything that goes on in the classroom, and this lack of awareness may interfere with their effective. 

There are many components that make sure the teaching – learning activity run well and effective. One of them is classroom management. Gebhard (2002:69) in Fauziati (2010:197) propose that classroom management is the way teacher organizes what goes on in the classroom. As a controller, prompter, and observer, the teacher has duty to make a joyful environment, strong motivation, and good influence, so that the students can accept the lesson well, and the process of input taking and out the output in the student’s mind is optimum. School is an education centre that applies the smart young generation who will lead Indonesia one day. School is one place where they build their dream in the air.

Junior High School or Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) is a period when children grow up physically and psychologically. They always feel curious about what happened around supported by all information media which are easy to access, and absolutely not all information give positive impact to them. It is the one of teacher’s duty to place and direct students to the positive activities, and school is the right place. School and class situation will be more fun if they are supported with good classroom management.

Further, Brophy and Evertson (1978) in Good and Brophy (2003:173-174) also identify four developmental stages; (1) Kindegarten and the early elementary grades, (2) The middle elementary grades, (3) The upper elementary or junior high school grades, and lastly (4) The


upper high school grades. They remark that different grade levels offer different opportunities and challenges to teachers in their roles as managers of classrooms and socializers of students. The junior high school students are classified in the third stage.

Particulary the students in eight grade period. Suharto states that in this period they are more active, grow emotionally and physically fast, so that their attitude easy to change or labile (1988:36-37) than in the seventh period, because in the seventh period they still shy and afraid to open their self, so do in the third grade, because in this grade they concern more on National Examination or Ujian Nasional (UN).

SMP Muhammadyah 1 Surakarta is a favorite school in Surakarta City. It has existed since 1 August 1952 until now. English is an anxious subject material to the students, because they feel difficult to learn foreign language.

Based on the reasons above, the writer is interested in conducting the research about classroom management applied by the English Teacher to make the English teaching – learning easy and fun to learn. So, the writer conducts the research entitled : Classroom Management Applied by The Eight Grade Teacher in Teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta in 2012/2013 Academic Year.

The researcher is interested to describe the classroom management applied by the eighth grade teacher in teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, to clasify the factors influence the classroom management and interaction in the class, to describe the problems faced by the eighth grade teacher in applying his classroom management in the class, beecause classroom management plays important role in teaching-learning activity. They become a determiner which establish whether the teaching – learning activity runs well or not. Limitation of the Study in this research is the eighth grade of Junior High School of SMP


Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. The writer will take the data from the 8F, 8G, 8H, and 8I class. Based on the explanation above, the writer formulate the problems of the study. They are (1) What is the classroom management applied by the eighth grade teacher in teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta ? (2) What are the factors influencing the classroom management and interaction goes in the class?, and (3) What are the problems faced by the eighth grade teacher in applying his classroom management in the class?. The objective of the study are (1) to describe the classroom management applied by the eighth grade teacher in teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, (2) to clasify the factors influence the classroom management and interaction in the class, (3) to describe the problems faced by the eighth grade teacher in applying his classroom management in the class.

To support validation of this research paper, the writer provides some theories from the experts. Emmer, Evertson, and Anderson (1983: 54) in Fauziati (2010:197) propose that classroom management is all the things teacher must do to foster student involvement and cooperation in classroom activities and to establish a productive working environment. Good and Brophy (2003:110) propose that classroom management once was based mostly on untested theory or unsystematic individual testimonials about “what works best for me”. The findings converge on the conclusion that teachers who approach classroom management as a process of establishing and maintaining effective learning environment tends to be more successful than teachers who place more emphasis on their roles as authority figures or disciplinarians.

Fauziati in her book “Teaching English as a Foreign Language” (2010:198-204) proposes that there are some crucial factors which influence the kind of interaction that goes on in the class, namely : teacher talk, teacher talking time, voice management, physical presence, seating arrangement, and element necessary in language classroom.


1. Teacher Talk

Fauziati (2010: 198-199) in Chaudron (1999:54-59) summarizes the research on teacher talk in language classrooms which shows the following modifications: (1) rate of speech appear to be slower; (2) pauses, which may be evidence of the speaker planning more, are possibly more frequent and longer; (3) pronunciation tends to be exaggerated and simplified; (4) vocabulary use is more basic; (5) degree of subordination is lower; (6) more declaratives and statements are used than questions; and (7) teachers may self-repeat more frequently.

2. Teacher Talking Time

Fauziati (2010: 199-200) in Krashen’s (1982) stated that good TTT may have beneficial quality; students can get a chance to hear language which is above their own productive level but comprehensible input. In speaking classroom, however, teachers should ensure themselves to minimize the TTT and maximize the STT (Student Talking Time). The most effective use of the target language is when they are actively using it in the classroom through drills or a meaningful conversational activity.

3. Voice Management

With regard to the use of voice, Fauziati (2010: 200-201) in Harmer (2005:16-17) presents three issues to consider : audibility, variety, and conservation.

a. Audibility

Teachers need to be audible. They must be sure that students at the back of the class can hear them just as well as those at the front.


b. Variety

It is important for teachers to vary the quality of their voices and the volume they speak at, depending on the type of the lesson and the type of activity. The sound should change naturally according to the situation.

c. Conservation

Conserving the voice is one thing techers should take into account when planning a whole day’s or a whole week’s work. Just like opera singers, they have to take great care of their voices.

4. Physical Presence

The physical presence of teacher in the class is important for the proper management of the class. Fauziati in Qureshi (2010:3) stated that teachers should take care of their physical position and movement during the following lesson stages ;

a. .During language presentation, teachers like the attention of all the students at this stage; therefore standing is the best position. When giving instructions they like the attention of whole class, so standing is the best position.

b. During reading activities (when students are reading) then there is no need to be dominant so much; so sitting and occasional monitoring is enough.

c. During activation control, teachers can allow the students freedom to carry this stage. The teacher should be at a distance from the activity, preferably be seated. However teacher should be available when needed.


d. During checking work in progress, teachers should move from one group to other in order to check their progress without interrupting them.

5. Seating Arrangements

Seating arrangement has necessary role in teaching-learning activities. Its arrangement depend on class size, number of students, type of chairs and tables in the room, goals of teaching, or type of activity to take place in the classroom. There are several ways to arrange the seating in Engling classroom presented by Harmer (2005:18-20).

a. Orderly Rows

This might be best done for certain types of choral drills or so that everyone can see the teacher and the board during a content course. Advantages of this are that the teacher can see all students, more freely around the classroom and can gain the attention of all the students.

b. Circle/Square

This arrangement is best used for discussions and for activities where students are answering more open-ended questions. c. Horsehoe

This arrangement is characterized by the equal status of all students and teacher, just as in the circular/square arrangement. Student’s can see each other’s faces, and they can interpret others’ body language as they speak to get a better understanding of what is being said.


d. Back to Back

When two chairs are placed back to back, students working in pairs are able to practice their listening skills.

6. Element Necessary in Language Classroom

Harmer (2005:25) in Fauziati (2010:204-205) pinpoints some elements need to be present in a language classroom called “ESA”, Engage, Study, and Activate.

a. Engage

Engage is the pint in a teaching sequence where teachers try to arouse students’ interests, thus involving their emotions. This can be done through a game, the use of a picture, audio recording or video sequence, a dramatic story, an amusing anecdote, etc.

b. Study

Study phase activities are those where students are asked to focus on language (or information). Teachers present and explain the materials and students practice them. Teachers can use different styles of study activities such as giving explanation, note taking, reading, translating, etc.

c. Activate

Activate element describes exercises and activities which are designed to get students using language as freely and communicatively as they can. The objective for the students is not to focus on linguistic form but on the practice of using the language for communication


Brown (2000:7) states that teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning.

Teaching English as Foreign Language in Indonesia is not an easy case, because English is not a second language in Indonesia, like in Malaysia or Singapore. To face this case, English language in Indonesia taught as early as possible since learner in the nursery school. Teaching English is an transfer activity done by the teacher to train the students whose first language is not English, so that they can comprehended and able to use English language both oral and written. To give better understanding about teacher,the writer gives some theories and definition about teacher.

Mc Caslin and Good (1996) in Good and Brophy (2003:2) propose that teachers do more than manage learners. They also deal with students as social beings, and students learn more than subject matter in school. They are stimulated by other students and enjoy learning from and with peers. Teachers have to help students cope with the informal as well as with the formal curriculum.

Weil, and Calhoun (2009:346-347) state the role and duty of the teacher as following ;

1). Accepting students’ responses without any judgement. 2). Helps students explore different sides of the state of the

problem and compare several alternatives

3). Increase students' awareness of their views and feelings in a way makes a reflection, paraphrase, and concluding the student responses

4). Uses the concept of roles, and emphasized that there are many ways to play a role


5). Emphasized that there are many alternative ways to solve a problem

As a place of research, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta is necessary to write in underlying theory. The writer explains it in its history and school’s physical environment.

In 1 August 1952, by decree of the Muhammadiyah Teaching section branch Surakarta no: E-1/I-01/1978, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta was officially established with full private status and is located partly in the Simpon complex and Kemlayan, by headed with the headmaster Mr. Hadi Sumarno. In Simpon complex, there are three schools at that time; SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, SMP Muhammadiyah 3, and SPG Muhammadiyah 1. In 1995, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta got the private aided status.

In 1972, Muhammadiyah Leadership Education and Cultural Assemblies Surakarta Municipality took the decision to condense SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta and SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Surakarta becomes one with the name SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta subsidized in Surakarta, for the next SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta is located in Kliwon Market Surakarta. In school accreditation who conducted by the government in 27 March 1985, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 accepted status which equal with SK No.359/103/H 1985. In 1990 submitted the second accreditation and can maintain its status with SK No. 4055/103/1990, and in 1996 submitted accreditation with the result likened and in 2005 accredited with A ( very good).Counted from March 2011 until now on, the headmaster of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta is Drs. Saifudin, M. Si.

SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta is located in Flores Street no.1, Pasar Kliwon Surakarta. The class wide is about 8m2 includes class IX H, IX G, IX F, IX E, Kemuhammadiyahan class, Ahlaq class, and Aqidah


class in the first floor. Class IX A, IX B, IX C, IX D, TIK in the second floor. IPS class, Bahasa Jawa class, PKn class, IPA class, Mulok class, and English class in the third floor. Math class, Art class, Transit class,and Physical Exercise class in the fourth floor.

Since September 2012, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta implemented thematic and moving classroom for VII (A-I class) and VIII (A-I class). Its purpose is to give new athmospher in teaching-learning situation, so that the students can be easier to accept the lesson. But since early March 2013, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta returned into regular classroom anymore.

SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta building stands on a land area of 2979 m2 with a state of permanent buildings. SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta is located in Flores Street no. 1 Kliwon Market Surakarta. The existing building at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta ( classrooms and other rooms) have spacious grounds in 1134 m. Meanwhile the whole building wide area is 1079 m. That building has four floors, and has ceramics floor for each rooms. The classrooms for teaching – learning activity is in the first, second, third, and fourth floor. Beside that, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta has Language Laboratorium. It is on the third floor, east side of the English Class. There are some facilities, such as ; eighteen chambers, nineteen headphones, a teacher desk, nineteen chairs, two tape recorders, a fan, and two speakers.

B. Research Method

In doing this research, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative research. The reason of writer conducts this research is to describe the classroom management applied by the eighth grade teacher in teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, to clasify the factors influence the classroom management and interaction in the class, to describe the problems faced by the eighth grade teacher in applying his


classroom management in the class. The writer collected the data, and then she descriptively reported the findings. No statistical computation is employed in this study.

The object of the study is the classroom management in teaching english and the eighth grade English teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. The object will be analyzed using Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati’s theory about classroom management.

The writer uses observation, interview, and document analysis to collect the data in this research. The data are taken from writer’s observation in the field directly, conduct the interview with the informant to acquire detail information, document analysis to analyze photographs of teaching – learning process.

The writer analyzed the classroom management applied by the eighth grade teacher in teaching English uses some steps as follow: Identifying the data found in the field, classifying the data found with the theory of classroom management proposed by Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, interpreting the data to research finding, drawing the conclusion of classroom management research.

C. Research Finding and Discussion 1. Research Finding

In this chapter, the writer intends to describe the research finding and discuss the answer of the problem statements. The writer did the observation for two months from March 8th 2013 until May 16th 2013 in five times. The explanation is the followings:


a. The Classroom Management Applied by the Eighth Grade Teacher in Teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta

Based on the observation, the writer finds that there are five components of six formed classroom management in the classroom. They are Teacher talk, Teacher Talking Time (TTT), Physical Presence, Seating Arrangement, and Element Necessary in Language Classroom.

1). Teacher Talk

There are some components shaper of Teacher Talk. They are Rate of Speech, Pause, Pronunciation, Vocabulary Selection, Degree of Subordination, The Frequency of Use Statement or Declarative than Question, and Self – repetition. Based on the writer’s observation, the rate

of speech from the five observations are equal. It means the teacher’s

speech is not too slow and not too high. From the five times observations done, the writer finds that the pause when the teacher teaches is not too

long. It indicates that the teacher master the teaching material. He explains

the material fluently. There is no hesitancy in his teaching style. From the

five times observations done, the writer can conclude that the pronunciation of the teacher is simple and familiar in students’ ears.

So that, some students can guess and indicate the meaning. From five

times observation, the writer finds that the vocabulary selection used by the teacher is simple. In teaching English to the eighth grade student,

the vocabulary selection must be matched with their background knowledge. From the observations, the writer can give conclusion that

the teacher has high degree of subordination, because he always tells

the reasons of why he comes late to the class. It can build students’ respect and trusty to the teacher. From the five times observations, the writer

can give conclusion that the teacher uses more question than statement or declarative to explain the lesson. The teacher of eighth


impact that there are some students who do not know the meaning of some difficult words and the instruction given by the teacher. It is an indication

that self repetition of the teacher is less. 2). Teacher Talking Time

In the five observations done by the writer, the teacher always gives opportunity to the students to ask some questions or difficult words that they do not know the meaning.

3). Physical Presence

There are four kinds of physical presence, they are; During Language Presentation, During Reading Activities, During Activation Control, and During Checking Work in Progress.

During language presentation, the teacher stands in front of the students. During reading activity, the teacher is dominant. He always stands in front of the class or in front of students when they are reading. During activation control, the teacher allowed the students to be active, do the discussion, and asks to the teacher if there are some difficult words. During Checking Work in Progress, teacher always moves from one group to other in order to check students’ progress and control whether they do the instruction well or not.

4). Seating Arrangement

Based on the writer’s observations, the seat arrangement applied in the class is orderly row. So, the students in the class can see the teacher clearly, so do with the teacher.

5). Element Necessary in Language Classroom

There are three elements necessary in language classroom, they are engage, study, and activate. It shorts ESA. Engage can be done through a game, the use of a picture, audio recording or video sequence, a dramatic


story, an amusing anecdote, etc. From writer’s observation, the teacher does not use one of them. From writer’s observations, the teacher uses styles of study activities such as giving explanation, reading, and translating. Activate element describes exercises and activities which are designed to get students using language as freely and communicatively as they can. In writer’s observations, the teacher teaches the materials that still focus on the linguistic form and material, not placed students’ language for communication.

b. Factors that Influence the Classroom Management and Interaction in the Class.

There are two factors that influence the success of classroom management. They are Time Allocation and Seating Arrangement.

1. Time Allocation

Time allocation plays important role in the classroom management. It means the time accuracy of the students who come into the class. Many students who do not come to the class on time. For example, the English lesson starts at 10.05, but there are many students who come at 10.15 – 10.30. When they come late into the class, the students who are listening for the teacher’s explanation feel disturbed, and mock at them. For the consequence, the class becomes noisy and teaching-learning activity run unwell. It wastes so much time and gives impact to the Time Allocation.

2. Seating Arrangement

Seating arrangement can give big impact to the students’ concentration. If a good student sits side by side or near naughty students, she or he will make noise and do not pay attention to the teacher’s explanation about lesson. For the students who make noise, the students has been already give the punishment.


c. The Problems Faced by the Eighth Grade Teacher in Teaching in Applying his Classroom Management in the Class

From writer’s observation and also interview with the eight grade English teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, there are two big problems; Cleanliness and Class Discipline.

1. Cleanliness

The students always do not come to clean up the classroom. They do not have feeling about their own classroom, because the classroom moves for every subject material. The classroom becomes dirty more and more. But since early March, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta backed to apply regular class. So, the students accept the lesson on time, easy to detect the students that are absent from the class, and they always clean up their class based on their own schedule made by their class guardian.

2. Class Discipline

The next problem in applying my classroom management is the classic problem, the composure or discipline of the class. They still do not know how to respect to the teacher when teacher speaks in front of the class, they chat when the teaching – learning activity runs, and look for much attention by disturb teacher or classmate.

2. Discussion of the Finding

The teacher applies five components of classroom managements. They are Teacher Talk, Teacher Talking Time (TTT), Physical Presence, Seating Arrangement, and Element necessary in Language Classroom.

Teacher Talk has some branches, they are Rate of Speech, Pause, Pronunciation, Vocabulary Selection, Degree of Subordination, The Frequency of Use Statement or Declarative than Question, and Self- repetition. The Rate of Speech of the teacher is equal, it means not too fast


and not too slow. Secondly, The Pause of the teacher is not too long. Thirdly, The Pronunciation of the teacher is simple and familiar in students’ ears. Fourthly, The Vocabulary Selection of the teacher is simple to the students in the eighth grade, Fifthly, The Degree of Subordination of the teacher is high. Sixthly, The Frequency of Use Statement or Declarative than Question of the teacher. The teacher used more questions than statements. Lastly, Self - repetition of the teacher. The teacher is less in repeat the explanation.

The second component is Teacher Talking Time (TTT). The writer found in the field that the teacher always gave opportunity to the students to ask some questions or difficult words that they do not know the meaning. The third component is Physical Presence which has four styles. Firstly, during Language Presentation, the teacher always stood in front of the students. Secondly, during Reading Activity, the teacher was dominant. He always stood in front of the class or in front of students when they are reading. Thirdly, during Activation Control. In this stage, the teacher is allowed the students to active, did the discussion, and asked to the teacher if there were some difficult words. Lastly, during Checking Work in Progress. In this stage, teacher were always move from one group to other in order to check students’ progress and controled whether they do the instruction well or not.

The fourth component is Seating Arrangement. The Seating arrangement used by the teacher when teaching English is Orderly Row. It makes easier for the students to watched and pay attention to the teacher’s explanation, and so do the teacher, It makes him easier to explain and give instruction in the whole class.

The last component is Element Necessary in Language Classroom. There are three branches of Element Necessary in Language Classroom. They are Engage, Study, and Activate. From the writer’s observation, the


teacher was just apply Study. The teacher used styles of study activities such as giving explanation, reading, and translating.

From the writer’s observation and interview in the field, there are two factors that influence classroom management applied by the eighth grade teacher in teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. They are Time Allocation and Seating Arrangement.

The set of Time Allocation rightly will gave good impact to the students and teacher. The teacher can do all activities in Lesson Plan so that learning objective can be reached. Seating Arrangement is very important too because when the smart and good students sit near or beside naughty and lazy students, they will be interested in do the same thing. They will be influenced by their behaviour. So, the naughty students asked to sit beside diligent student or move forward, so that they can be more focus and pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.

From the writer’s observation and interview, the writer found that there are two big problems faced by the eighth grade teacher in applying his classroom management in the class. They are Class Cleanliness and Discipline. Cleanliness is part of the faith The students were too lazy to clean up their class. The second problem is The Discipline. The students always come late to the class. The discipline will give big impact to the some forming components of classroom management. They are, Teacher Talk branch Self Repetition. The noise of the class which comes from students who came late to the class will give influence to the teacher’s repetition. The students who pay attention to the teacher’s explanation will feel distubing because they cannot listen clearly for what the teacher said. It gives impact to the Study, one of the component element Necessary in Language Classroom. The noise of the students will give bad impact to the teacher’s explanation.


D. Conclusion and Suggestion 1. Conclusion

From the data analysis, the writer draw conclusion about the reasearch;

a. There are five components of classroom management applied in the class. They are Teacher Talk, Teacher Talking Time, Physical Presence, Seat Arrangement, and Element Necessary in Language Classroom.

b. There are two factors that influence classroom management applied by the eighth grade teacher in teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. They are Time Allocation and Seating Arrangement.

c. The problems faced by the teacher in managing classroom are Class Cleanliness and Discipline. The students are unaware to keep and clean their class cleanliness, and there are many students who come late to the class and they show undiscipline act

2. Suggestion

For the sake of teacher and students’ goodness in the future, the writer can propose some suggestions ;

a. In Physical Presence component, branch During Reading Activity, the teacher should be not too dominant. Standing near student while he or she reads the passage, can make him or her not focus and concentration.

b. In Element Necessary in Language Classroom, there are three branches. They are Engage, Study, and Activate. But the teacher


just applies Study. However, the students need Engage activity such as, learning through game, picture, audio recording or video sequence, a dramatic story, an amusing anecdote, and also Activate activity such as, describing exercises and activities using language freely, so that the students can enrich and develop their speaking skill.

c. The teacher should conserve his voice, so that his voice can be more audible. The teacher must take a look the material he taught too. If it has probability to vary the voice, It will be better if he applies it. For example, the teacher can use variety voice in reading narrative text. Because there are more than one role in the story of the passage.

d. The teacher should be more selective in giving punishment to the students. The punishment should be educated. For example, the naughty students are asked to memorize the difficult words with the meaning.

e. It must be clear consequence for the students who do not clean their class. Dirty class can make the teaching-learning activity uncomfortable. Beside that, cleanliness is part of the faith in Islam, and dirty class or place can be a disease source.



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c. The Problems Faced by the Eighth Grade Teacher in Teaching in Applying his Classroom Management in the Class

From writer’s observation and also interview with the eight grade English teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, there are two big problems; Cleanliness and Class Discipline.

1. Cleanliness

The students always do not come to clean up the classroom. They do not have feeling about their own classroom, because the classroom moves for every subject material. The classroom becomes dirty more and more. But since early March, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta backed to apply regular class. So, the students accept the lesson on time, easy to detect the students that are absent from the class, and they always clean up their class based on their own schedule made by their class guardian. 2. Class Discipline

The next problem in applying my classroom management is the classic problem, the composure or discipline of the class. They still do not know how to respect to the teacher when teacher speaks in front of the class, they chat when the teaching – learning activity runs, and look for much attention by disturb teacher or classmate.

2. Discussion of the Finding

The teacher applies five components of classroom managements. They are Teacher Talk, Teacher Talking Time (TTT), Physical Presence, Seating Arrangement, and Element necessary in Language Classroom.

Teacher Talk has some branches, they are Rate of Speech, Pause, Pronunciation, Vocabulary Selection, Degree of Subordination, The Frequency of Use Statement or Declarative than Question, and Self- repetition. The Rate of Speech of the teacher is equal, it means not too fast


and not too slow. Secondly, The Pause of the teacher is not too long. Thirdly, The Pronunciation of the teacher is simple and familiar in students’ ears. Fourthly, The Vocabulary Selection of the teacher is simple to the students in the eighth grade, Fifthly, The Degree of Subordination of the teacher is high. Sixthly, The Frequency of Use Statement or Declarative than Question of the teacher. The teacher used more questions than statements. Lastly, Self - repetition of the teacher. The teacher is less in repeat the explanation.

The second component is Teacher Talking Time (TTT). The writer found in the field that the teacher always gave opportunity to the students to ask some questions or difficult words that they do not know the meaning. The third component is Physical Presence which has four styles. Firstly, during Language Presentation, the teacher always stood in front of the students. Secondly, during Reading Activity, the teacher was dominant. He always stood in front of the class or in front of students when they are reading. Thirdly, during Activation Control. In this stage, the teacher is allowed the students to active, did the discussion, and asked to the teacher if there were some difficult words. Lastly, during Checking Work in Progress. In this stage, teacher were always move from one group to other in order to check students’ progress and controled whether they do the instruction well or not.

The fourth component is Seating Arrangement. The Seating arrangement used by the teacher when teaching English is Orderly Row. It makes easier for the students to watched and pay attention to the teacher’s explanation, and so do the teacher, It makes him easier to explain and give instruction in the whole class.

The last component is Element Necessary in Language Classroom. There are three branches of Element Necessary in Language Classroom.


teacher was just apply Study. The teacher used styles of study activities such as giving explanation, reading, and translating.

From the writer’s observation and interview in the field, there are two factors that influence classroom management applied by the eighth grade teacher in teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. They are Time Allocation and Seating Arrangement.

The set of Time Allocation rightly will gave good impact to the students and teacher. The teacher can do all activities in Lesson Plan so that learning objective can be reached. Seating Arrangement is very important too because when the smart and good students sit near or beside naughty and lazy students, they will be interested in do the same thing. They will be influenced by their behaviour. So, the naughty students asked to sit beside diligent student or move forward, so that they can be more focus and pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.

From the writer’s observation and interview, the writer found that there are two big problems faced by the eighth grade teacher in applying his classroom management in the class. They are Class Cleanliness and Discipline. Cleanliness is part of the faith The students were too lazy to clean up their class. The second problem is The Discipline. The students always come late to the class. The discipline will give big impact to the some forming components of classroom management. They are, Teacher Talk branch Self Repetition. The noise of the class which comes from students who came late to the class will give influence to the teacher’s repetition. The students who pay attention to the teacher’s explanation will feel distubing because they cannot listen clearly for what the teacher said. It gives impact to the Study, one of the component element Necessary in Language Classroom. The noise of the students will give bad impact to the teacher’s explanation.


D. Conclusion and Suggestion 1. Conclusion

From the data analysis, the writer draw conclusion about the reasearch; a. There are five components of classroom management applied in the class. They are Teacher Talk, Teacher Talking Time, Physical Presence, Seat Arrangement, and Element Necessary in Language Classroom.

b. There are two factors that influence classroom management applied by the eighth grade teacher in teaching English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. They are Time Allocation and Seating Arrangement.

c. The problems faced by the teacher in managing classroom are Class Cleanliness and Discipline. The students are unaware to keep and clean their class cleanliness, and there are many students who come late to the class and they show undiscipline act

2. Suggestion

For the sake of teacher and students’ goodness in the future, the writer can propose some suggestions ;

a. In Physical Presence component, branch During Reading Activity, the teacher should be not too dominant. Standing near student while he or she reads the passage, can make him or her not focus and concentration.


just applies Study. However, the students need Engage activity such as, learning through game, picture, audio recording or video sequence, a dramatic story, an amusing anecdote, and also Activate activity such as, describing exercises and activities using language freely, so that the students can enrich and develop their speaking skill.

c. The teacher should conserve his voice, so that his voice can be more audible. The teacher must take a look the material he taught too. If it has probability to vary the voice, It will be better if he applies it. For example, the teacher can use variety voice in reading narrative text. Because there are more than one role in the story of the passage.

d. The teacher should be more selective in giving punishment to the students. The punishment should be educated. For example, the naughty students are asked to memorize the difficult words with the meaning.

e. It must be clear consequence for the students who do not clean their class. Dirty class can make the teaching-learning activity uncomfortable. Beside that, cleanliness is part of the faith in Islam, and dirty class or place can be a disease source.



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