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Research report

Enhancement of the acoustic startle response by dopamine agonists

after 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the substantia nigra pars

compacta: corresponding changes in c-Fos expression in the



Edward G. Meloni , Michael Davis

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA Accepted 25 July 2000


Rats with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway show enhanced locomotor and stereotyped behaviors when challenged with direct and indirect dopamine (DA) agonists due to the development of postsynaptic supersensitivity. To determine if this phenomenon generalizes to other motor behaviors, we have used this rat model of Parkinson’s disease to examine the effects of the direct dopamine D receptor agonist SKF 82958 and the indirect DA agonist1 L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) on the acoustic startle response. In addition, we used the expression of c-Fos protein as a marker of neuronal activity to assess any corresponding drug-induced changes in the caudate–putamen (CPu) after L-DOPA administration. Male Sprague–Dawley rats received bilateral injections of 6-OHDA into the substantia nigra pars compacta and 1 week later were tested for startle after systemic administration of SKF 82958 (0.05 mg / kg) or L-DOPA (1, 5, 10 mg / kg). SKF 82958 produced a marked enhancement of startle with a rapid onset in 6-OHDA-lesioned but not SHAM animals.L-DOPA produced a dose- and time-dependent enhancement of startle in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats that had no effect in SHAM animals even at the highest dose (10 mg / kg). Furthermore,L-DOPA produced a dramatic induction of c-Fos in the CPu in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals. Consistent with other literature, these data suggest that neurons in the CPu become supersensitive to the effects of DA agonists after 6-OHDA-induced denervation of the nigrostriatal pathway and that supersensitive dopamine D receptors may mediate the enhancement of startle seen in the present study.1  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Theme: Neural basis of behavior

Topic: Monoamines and behavior

Keywords: SKF 82958;L-DOPA; D1 receptor; Startle; 6-OHDA

1. Introduction tion of drugs that increase dopamine (DA) transmission increase the acoustic startle response [16]. In particular, the

The acoustic startle reflex in rats is a rapid sensorimotor benzazepine derivative SKF 82958, a selective and

high-response elicited by a sudden and intense auditory stimulus efficacy dopamine D1 receptor agonist [53], markedly

[15]. The amplitude of this short-latency response can be enhances the acoustic startle response [43] by activation of

easily quantified, is sensitive to various behavioral and dopamine D receptors in the basal ganglia [42]. Hence,1

pharmacological manipulations, and has been used exten- the enhancement of this reflex by D agonists has been a1

sively to study the neurocircuitry and neurochemistry useful behavior with which to study the neural mechanisms

involved in the modulation of reflex / motor behavior [14]. underlying dopaminergic control of motor responses.

Along these lines, we have found that systemic administra- Over the past 30 years, this field of research has been

aided by the use of the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesioned rat model of Parkinson’s disease [71]. In a

*Corresponding author. Fax:11-404-727-3436.

E-mail address: (E.G. Meloni). preparation that models the type of neural degeneration

0006-8993 / 00 / $ – see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. P I I : S 0 0 0 6 - 8 9 9 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 2 7 5 3 - 0


seen in this akinetic disease, DA-containing cells of the River, Raleigh-Durham, NC) housed in group cages of

nigrostriatal pathway are selectively destroyed by in- four rats each until the time of surgery when they were

tracerebral injection of the neurotoxin 6-OHDA. Typically, singly housed. Animals were maintained on a 12-h light /

the lesion is unilateral, leaving a denervated and an intact dark cycle (lights on at 07.00 h) with food and water

side within the same animal. Subsequently, systemic continuously available.

challenge with DA agonists in this ‘hemi-parkinsonian’ rat

produces a circling behavior that is specific to the type of 2.2. Startle apparatus

DA agonist used. Indirect DA agonists such as

amphet-amine induce ipsilateral rotation [73] by releasing DA at Startle testing of animals was conducted using four

the level of the striatum from the intact side. In contrast, identical stabilimeter devices located in separate,

custom-direct DA agonists such as apomorphine [22] and SKF designed 90370370 cm sound-attenuating chambers.

Ven-38393 [48] induce contralateral rotation, presumably due tilation for each chamber was provided by the ventilation

to activation of supersensitized DA receptors in the unit from an Industrial Acoustics Minibooth (Industrial

denervated striatum [72]. Interestingly, systemic adminis- Acoustic Company, Bronx, New York). Each stabilimeter

tration of the anti-Parkinson’s drugL-3,4-dihydroxyphenyl- consisted of a 9315315 cm Plexiglas and wire-mesh cage

alanine (L-DOPA) also induces contralateral rotation suspended between compression springs within a steel

[24,72], despite the fact that 6-OHDA lesions dramatically frame. The floor of each stabilimeter consisted of four 6.0

reduce the activity (.80%) of aromatic L-amino acid mm diameter stainless steel bars spaced 18 mm apart. Cage

decarboxylase (AADC, i.e. the enzyme responsible for the movement resulted in displacement of an accelerometer

conversion ofL-DOPA into DA) [40]. Spared DA neurons (PCB Piezotronics, Depew, NY) where the resultant

[23], serotonergic neurons [3,25], or striatal interneurons voltage was proportional to the velocity of the cage

that contain AADC [40,51] may all be possible sites for displacement. The analog output of the accelerometer was

the conversion of L-DOPA to DA which can act at amplified (PCB Piezotronics, Model 483B21) and digitized

sensitized striatonigral DA receptors to induce contralateral on a scale of 0–2500 units by an InstruNET device (GW

rotation in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals. Instruments, Model 100B; Somerville, MA) interfaced to a

In the present study, we have used the 6-OHDA lesion Macintosh G3 computer. Startle amplitude was defined as

preparation to examine the effects of the dopamine D1 the peak accelerometer voltage that occurred during the

receptor agonist SKF 82958 on startle in animals with first 200 ms after onset of the startle stimulus. A

sur-destruction of the DA-containing cells of the substantia veillance camera (Burle, Model TC651B with a TC9907a

nigra pars compacta (SNc). Because striatonigral neurons lens, Operational Security Systems, Atlanta, GA) was

mediate the enhancement of startle by SKF 82958 [42], positioned behind each stabilimeter and connected to a TV

putative 6-OHDA-induced supersensitivity of D receptors1 monitor located outside the isolation chamber. A red light

located on these neurons should lead to a potentiated bulb (7.5 W) was located on the ceiling of the startle box

startle response by SKF 82958. In addition, we tested the to provide the illumination for the cameras in the otherwise

effects of the indirect DA agonist L-DOPA on startle in completely dark box.

6-OHDA-lesioned animals. Previous studies have reported Constant wide band background noise (60 dB) was

either no effect [19] or an enhanced startle response only produced by a General Radio noise generator (Type

1390-after high doses of L-DOPA [29] in normal animals. Like B) and delivered through high frequency speakers (Radio

SKF 82958, we predict that L-DOPA should potentiate the Shack Supertweeters, range 5–40 kHz) located 5 cm from

startle response in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals via superse- the front of each cage. Startle responses were evoked by 50

nsitive striatonigral DA receptors. An additional goal of ms bursts of white-noise (5 ms rise-decay) generated by

the present study was to measure any L-DOPA-induced the Macintosh G3 computer (0–22 kHz), amplified by a

changes in the activity of caudate–putamen (CPu) cells Radio Shack amplifier (100 W; Model MPA-200), and

using c-Fos immunohistochemistry, a well-established delivered through the same speakers. Sound level


marker for neuronal activation [64]. Several studies have ments (SPL) were made with a Bruel and Kjaer model

reported a dramatic increase in c-Fos expression in the 2235 sound-level meter (A scale; random input) with the

CPu of unilateral 6-OHDA-lesioned animals after L-DOPA microphone (Type 4176) located 10 cm from the center of

treatment [11,61] that may reflect a supersensitive response the speaker, which approximates the distance of the rat’s

by striatal receptors to DA converted from exogenous ear from the speaker during testing. The presentation and

L-DOPA. sequencing of all stimuli were under the control of the

Macintosh G3 computer using specially designed software (The Experimenter, Glassbeads Inc., Newton, CT).

2. Materials and methods

2.3. Bilateral 6-OHDA lesions 2.1. Animals

Rats were anesthetized with Nembutal (50 mg / kg,


instrument (Model 900) with blunt ear bars. The skin was measurements were made by sampling cage movement

retracted and bilateral holes were drilled in the skull above (200 ms duration) 15 s after the onset of each startle

the SNc. A 28 g stainless steel needle attached to a stimulus.

Hamilton microsyringe (10ml) by polyethylene tubing was

lowered into the brain using the following coordinates: 2.4.3. SKF 82958 and startle

25.3 and 26.5 mm posterior to bregma (two injections / One week after surgery, half of the animals in the

side),62.1 mm lateral to the midline,27.3 mm ventral to 6-OHDA and SHAM groups (n54 / group) received either

dura. A Harvard Apparatus (Model 22) infusion pump was SKF 82958 ([6]-chloro-APB HBr, 0.05 mg / kg) or saline

used to deliver 0.5 ml / injection of 6-OHDA (2.5 mg in (0.9%) and were immediately placed in the startle cages

0.9% saline containing 0.1% ascorbic acid; Sigma, St and received a test session as described above. The dose of

Louis, MO) directly into the SNc at a rate of 0.25ml / min SKF 82958 was chosen based on its weak startle

enhanc-for 2 min followed by a 1 min diffusion wait. SHAM ing effects determined in previous studies [43]. All

in-animals received injections of vehicle into the SNc using jections were subcutaneous (s.c.) and SKF 82958

(Re-the procedure described above. After (Re-the injection, (Re-the search Biochemical International; Natick, MA) was

dis-skull holes were packed with sterile Gelfoam and the solved in 0.9% saline. Three days later, the drug order was

wound was closed with surgical clips. reversed so that systemic treatment with SKF 82958 was a

Because 6-OHDA-lesioned animals showed consummat- within-subjects measure.

ory deficits after recovery from surgery, in addition to the normal availability of food and water, these rats were

2.4.4. L-DOPA and startle

given highly palatable foods such as cookies (Chips Ahoy)

One week after surgery, 6-OHDA animals received a and ground rat chow mixed with water and sucrose. A

matching test as described above and were divided into liquid supplement (PediaLyte) was also placed in a small

four groups (n55 per group) with equivalent levels of

container on the floor of the cage. These methods for

startle. SHAM animals also received a matching test and maintaining the health of aphagic and adipsic

6-OHDA-were divided into two groups (n55 per group) with

lesioned animals, without the necessity for intragastric

equivalent levels of startle. Three days later, animals in feeding tubes, have been previously described [7,13,52]. In

each group were pretreated (i.p.) with the peripheral amino addition, because pilot studies have shown that

6-OHDA-acid decarboxylase inhibitor benserazide (25 mg / kg; lesioned rats tend to lose between 100 and 150 g in the few

Sigma) followed after 20 min by injections (i.p.) of L

-days after surgery, heavier rats (500–600 g) were used as

DOPA (Sigma): 6-OHDA animals (0, 1, 5 or 10 mg / kg), these animals were more resilient to the weight-loss effects

SHAM animals (0 or 10 mg / kg). Ten minutes later, all of bilateral 6-OHDA lesions. SHAM animals weighing

animals received a startle test as described above. Ben-between 400 and 450 g were used such that both groups of

serazide was dissolved in water and given in a volume of 1 rats had roughly equivalent weights at the time of testing.

ml / kg and L-DOPA was dissolved in 1 N HCL, pH

balanced to 7.0 and given in a volume of 2 ml / kg. 2.4. Behavioral procedure

2.4.1. Matching 2.5. Statistical analysis

Rats were placed in the startle cages and received a 5

min acclimation period followed by presentation of five Startle amplitude data were expressed as the

habituating startle stimuli (95 dB, 30 s interstimulus mean6S.E.M. across startle stimuli at each of the five test

interval; ISI). Rats were then presented with 50 startle intensities or as data points collapsed across intensity for

stimuli, 10 at each of five different intensities (80, 85, 90, an analysis of drug effects across time. For SKF 82958

95 and 100 dB) in a semirandom order with a 30 s ISI. effects on startle, significant differences were evaluated

Rats were assigned to the various treatment conditions using analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by

indi-based on their startle responses such that the mean startle vidual comparisons using Student’s t-tests. Lesion group

level for each group was comparable. In addition to startle (6-OHDA and SHAM) was a between-groups factor and

measurements, baseline activity measurements were made drug treatment (SKF 82958 and saline), intensity (80, 85,

by sampling cage movement (200 ms duration) 15 s after 90, 95, 100 dB) and time were within-groups factors.

the onset of each startle stimulus. Activity level differences were evaluated separately from

the startle amplitude data with an ANOVA.

2.4.2. Startle testing For L-DOPA effects on startle and c-Fos cell counts,

Rats were placed in the startle cages and received a 5 significant differences were evaluated using analysis of

min acclimation period followed by presentation of five variance (ANOVA) followed by individual comparisons

habituating startle stimuli (95 dB, 30 s ISI). Rats were then using Student’s t-tests. Lesion group (6-OHDA and

presented with 100 startle stimuli, 20 at each of five SHAM) and L-DOPA dose (0, 1, 5, and 10 mg / kg) were

different intensities (80, 85, 90, 95 and 100 dB) in a between-groups factors whereas intensity (80, 85, 90,95,


Activity level differences were evaluated separately from Cruz Biotechnology, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA) diluted in

the startle amplitude data with an ANOVA. antibody medium (1:5000). The sections were washed with

PBS and incubated (1 h at room temperature) with a

2.6. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemistry biotinylated secondary antibody against rabbit

immuno-globulin G (Jackson Laboratories) in the antibody medium

At the end of the experiment, the animals were over- (1:400). The sections were washed and incubated for 30

dosed with chloral hydrate and perfused intracardially with min with the avidin–biotin complex (Vector Laboratories).

0.9% saline followed by 10% formalin. The brains were The sections were then incubated (10 min at room

removed from the skull and immersed in the fixative for 2 temperature) in 3,39-diaminobenzidine / H O (Sigma) as a2 2

h at 48C. After fixation, the brains were stored for 4 days chromagen for visualization of c-Fos reaction product.

in a 30% sucrose / 0.1 M PBS (pH 7.4) solution at 48C and Sections were mounted on gelatin-coated slides and

cover-subsequently, 30 mm frozen coronal sections were cut slipped with Permount for immunohistological

examina-through the SNc and striatum. Every third section was tion.

collected in a glass vial for a total of 20 sections / vial. The

sections were immunostained using the avidin–biotin– 2.8. Microscopy and cell count

peroxidase (ABC) method [26]. Briefly, the sections were

incubated in 0.6% hydrogen peroxide in 0.1 M PBS (pH For each animal, a c-Fos immunostained section of the

7.4) for 30 min to eliminate endogenous peroxidases. To CPu corresponding to Plate 18 (20.26 mm caudal to

reduce non-specific binding, the sections were preincu- bregma; Fig. 1) from the atlas of Paxinos and Watson [56]

bated in antibody medium (2% normal goat serum, 1% was visualized under bright-field microscopy with a Zeiss

bovine serum albumin, 0.3% Triton X-100 in 0.1 M PBS, Axioscope (Oberkochen, Germany). Still frame, 310

pH 7.4) for 1 h followed by incubation (24 h at room images of the CPu were captured with a Sony DXC5000

temperature) with a primary antibody; mouse monoclonal digital camera interfaced with a Macintosh G3 computer.

antibody against TH (MAB 318, Chemicon, Temecula, To quantify the number of c-Fos-positive cells within the


CA) diluted in antibody medium (1:1000). The sections CPu, 1 mm squares in the dorsolateral (DL), dorsomedial

were washed with PBS and incubated (1 h at room (DM), ventrolateral (VL) and ventromedial (VM) CPu (see

temperature) with a biotinylated secondary antibody Fig. 1) were affixed to each of the captured images using

against mouse immunoglobulin G (Jackson Laboratories, Adobe Photoshop software (Adobe System Incorporated,

West Grove, PA) in the antibody medium (1:400). The Mountain View, CA). For each animal, neurons with

sections were washed and incubated for 30 min with the round / oval nuclei clearly stained dark brown were counted

avidin–biotin complex (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, in each of the four CPu areas and averaged across each

CA). The sections were then incubated (10 min at room treatment group.

temperature) in 3,39-diaminobenzidine / H O (Sigma Fast;2 2

Sigma, St Louis, MO) as a chromagen for visualization of

TH reaction-product. Sections were mounted on gelatin- 3. Results

coated slides and coverslipped with Permount (Fisher

Scientific, Unionville, Ontario) for immunohistological 3.1. 6-OHDA lesions

examination of the extent of the 6-OHDA-induced lesion.

Fig. 2 shows the type of lesion produced after bilateral

2.7. c-Fos immunohistochemistry 6-OHDA injections into the SNc. By using two injections

per side, severe loss of TH-containing cells and processes

Ninety minutes after L-DOPA injections, animals were (TH-containing dendrites in the substantia nigra pars

sacrificed by an overdose of chloral hydrate and perfused reticulata; SNr) was seen throughout the rostrocaudal

intracardially with 0.9% saline followed by 10% formalin extent of the SNc. In addition, most animals had nearly

for 20 min. The brains were removed from the skull and complete sparing of the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Fig.

immersed in the fixative for 2 h at 48C. After fixation, the 1 shows intense TH-staining in the CPu in SHAM animals

brains were stored for 4 days in a 30% sucrose / 0.1 M PBS (Fig. 1A) versus a dramatic loss of TH-staining in the CPu

(pH 7.4) solution at 48C and subsequently, 30 mm frozen in animals that received bilateral 6-OHDA lesions of the

coronal sections were cut through the striatum and DR. SNc (Fig. 1B). Taken together, these data suggest that the

Adjacent sections through each brain region were collected DA-containing cells of the SNc, and subsequently the DA

in a glass vials for a total of 20 sections / vial. For c-Fos innervation of the CPu, were destroyed by 6-OHDA.

immunohistochemistry of the CPu, sections were immuno- Despite being adipsic and aphagic for the first couple

stained using the avidin–biotin–peroxidase (ABC) method days after 6-OHDA lesions, rats responded well to the

described above. Briefly, the sections were incubated (24 h highly palatable foods placed in their cages to stave weight

at room temperature) with a rabbit polyclonal antibody loss and help restore their health. In general,


recovery as these animals were more resilient to the few days of ‘food-deprivation’ as a result of the 6-OHDA lesions.

3.2. Systemic SKF 82958 and startle

Fig. 3 shows the effect of systemic administration of SKF 82958 (0.05 mg / kg) on startle in SHAM and 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. A two-way ANOVA of the effects of SKF 82958 across intensity (Fig. 3A) revealed a significant

main effect of group [F3,1259.5, P,0.005], intensity

[F4,12540.1, P,0.0001] and a group by intensity

inter-action [F12,4853.07, P,0.005]. Individual comparisons

revealed that this low dose of SKF 82958 produced a significant enhancement of startle at each intensity in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals. SHAM animals showed a trend for a higher startle response by SKF 82958, but this effect was not significant at any intensity. An analysis of activity levels (one-way ANOVA) revealed a significant elevation in activity by SKF 82958 in 6-OHDA-lesioned, but not SHAM, animals.

A two-way ANOVA of the effects of SKF 82958 on startle over time (collapsed across intensity for the duration of the test session; Fig. 3B), revealed a significant main effect of group [F3,1259.5, P,0.005] and time [F19,125

2.0, P,0.01]. The group by time interaction was not

significant. Linear contrast analyses showed that 6-OHDA-lesioned animals that received SKF 82958 had a significant elevation in startle across time compared to those that

received vehicle [F1,12519.8, P,0.001]. SHAM animals

that received SKF 82958 were not significantly different from those that received vehicle.

3.3. Systemic L-DOPA and startle

Fig. 4 shows that systemic administration ofL-DOPA (0,

1, 5, and 10 mg / kg) produced a dose-dependent enhance-ment of startle in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. A two-way ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of dose [F3,165 4.2, P,0.05], intensity [F4,16547.6, P,0.0001] and a group by intensity interaction [F12,6452.7, P,0.005].

Fig. 1. Photomicrographs of coronal sections through the mid-striatum Individual comparisons revealed that compared to

vehicle-stained for tyrosine hydroxylase (black areas) from representative SHAM treated rats, the high dose of L-DOPA (10 mg / kg) pro-(A) and 6-OHDA-lesioned (B) rats corresponding to Plate 18 (20.26 mm

duced a significant enhancement of startle at each

intensi-posterior to bregma, C) from the atlas of Paxinos and Watson [56]. The

ty. Because of large variances in the amplitude of their

caudate–putamen (CPu) was divided into four regions at this level:

startle responses, animals treated with 5 mg / kg ofL-DOPA

dorsolateral (DL), dorsomedial (DM), ventrolateral (VL) and


dial (VM) and c-Fos positive cells were counted in 1 mm areas within showed a significant elevation at the 80 dB intensity only.

each subdivision. There was no significant effect on startle at any intensity in

animals treated with the low dose ofL-DOPA (1 mg / kg).

the first three to 4 days after surgery before reaching a An analysis of activity levels (one-way ANOVA) revealed

steady body weight. This observation is consistent with a significant elevation in activity by L-DOPA (5 and 10

other reports that rats are able to recover from consummat- mg / kg doses) in these 6-OHDA-lesioned rats.

ory deficits caused by bilateral 6-OHDA lesions and Fig. 5 shows the effect of the high dose ofL-DOPA (10

increase their body weight in a regular fashion when cared mg / kg) on startle in SHAM and 6-OHDA-lesioned

ani-for in this manner [13]. In addition, the use of heavier rats mals. A two-way ANOVA of the effects ofL-DOPA across


Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of coronal sections (in millimeters posterior to bregma) through the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) from representative SHAM (A) and 6-OHDA-lesioned (B) rats. Extensive loss of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-containing cells and processes (black areas) of the SNc, but not the ventral tegmental area (VTA), was seen after bilateral 6-OHDA-lesions of the SNc.

group [F3,16512.5, P,0.0005], intensity [F4,165109.1, main effect of time, and the group by time interaction, was

P,0.0001] and a group by intensity interaction [F12,645 not significant. Linear contrast analyses showed that L

-5.1, P,0.0001]. Individual comparisons revealed that this DOPA produced a significant elevation in startle across

dose of L-DOPA produced a significant enhancement of time in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals compared to 6-OHDA

startle at each intensity in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals. animals that received vehicle [F1,16517.4, P,0.001].

Startle was not significantly affected byL-DOPA in SHAM SHAM animals that received L-DOPA were not

sig-animals at any intensity. An analysis of activity levels nificantly different from those that received vehicle.

(one-way ANOVA) revealed a significant elevation in

activity byL-DOPA in 6-OHDA-lesioned, but not SHAM, 3.4. c-Fos expression in the CPu


A two-way ANOVA of the effects of L-DOPA (10 Fig. 6 shows representative digitized photomicrographs

mg / kg) on startle over time (collapsed across intensity for of the CPu (DL division) from SHAM and

6-OHDA-the duration of 6-OHDA-the test session; Fig. 5B), revealed a lesioned rats that received either vehicle or L-DOPA


Fig. 4. Dose-dependent enhancement of startle byL-DOPA in

6-OHDA-lesioned rats. Significant differences from vehicle response: *P,0.05, **P,0.005.

a practical application to the study of Parkinson’s disease [72]. Animals with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions of the nigrostriatal dopamine system show a gain of motor function expressed as a contralateral (away from the lesioned side) turning behavior when challenged with

direct DA agonists such as apomorphine (mixed D / D1 2

agonist) [22,79], SKF 38393 (D agonist) [49,63], or the1

Fig. 3. Enhancement of startle by the dopamine D receptor agonist SKF1 indirect DA agonist L-DOPA [72]. These effects are

82958 (SKF; 0.05 mg / kg) in 6-OHDA-lesioned versus SHAM rats across

believed to represent an enhanced sensitivity

(supersen-intensity (A) and time (B). Significant differences from vehicle (VEH)

sitivity) by DA receptors in the denervated striatum to DA

response: *P,0.05, **P,0.005.

agonists which subsequently leads to an enhanced be-havioral response [72].

expression of c-Fos throughout the CPu, in all divisions, in In the present study, we have found that the acoustic

6-OHDA-lesioned but not SHAM rats that received L- startle reflex is also sensitive to the effects of specific DA

DOPA (10 mg / kg). Quantification of c-Fos-positive cells agonists in animals with 6-OHDA lesions of the


in each of the CPu subdivisions (1 mm grids) for 6- triatal pathway. Systemic administration of a threshold

OHDA-lesioned and SHAM animals that received either dose of the dopamine D agonist SKF 82958 (0.05 mg / kg)1

vehicle orL-DOPA is shown in Fig. 7. A two-way ANOVA produced a marked enhancement of startle in

6-OHDA-revealed a significant main effect of group [F3,16562.6, lesioned, but not SHAM animals. In fact, this enhancement

P,0.0001] and a group by intensity interaction [F9,485 was roughly equal to that seen in normal animals using a

3.1, P,0.01]. The main effect of CPu subdivision was not 20-fold higher dose of SKF 82958 [43] and thus reflects a

significant. Individual comparisons showed that c-Fos shift-to-the-left in the dose–response curve. Because we

expression was significantly elevated by L-DOPA in each have shown that D receptors mediate SKF 82958-induced1

CPu subdivision in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals. effects on startle [42], the enhanced behavioral response to

SKF 82958 in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals in the present study is consistent with the hypothesis that DA receptors,

4. Discussion specifically D receptors, are supersensitized as a result of1

DA denervation. However, because many DA

agonist-Since the initial report by Ungerstedt [71] over 30 years induced behaviors rely on a D / D1 2 receptor interaction

ago, the 6-OHDA-lesion preparation has been a useful tool [75], includingL-DOPA-induced contralateral turning [69],


attempted to address this concern at the receptor level


using [ H]SCH 23390 have produced varied results rang-ing from elevated [10,58], unchanged [34,70], or

dimin-ished [36] D1 receptor binding levels (Bmax) in the

striatum after 6-OHDA lesions. Likewise, an analysis of post-mortem brain tissue from Parkinson’s disease patients has yielded discrepancies with reports of elevated [60] or

unchanged [57] D1 receptor binding levels. Postreceptor

mechanisms such as an increase in the activity of adenylate cyclase [44,45,55] or downstream signal transduction molecules [12] may represent potential sites of 6-OHDA-induced supersensitivity. We propose that the enhancement of startle by SKF 82958 in the 6-OHDA lesion preparation may provide a useful behavior with which to study the biochemical mechanisms involved in the development of neural supersensitivity.

Systemic administration of L-DOPA produces a

dose-dependent enhancement of startle in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals. These results are consistent with a body of work showing a gain of motor function in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats

after systemic L-DOPA treatment (after Ref. 72). The dose

that produced the greatest enhancement of startle in the present study (10 mg / kg) is equivalent to that used in an initial report by Ungerstedt [72] who found an increase in the number of contralateral turns when given to rats with

unilateral 6-OHDA lesions. In addition,L-DOPA-enhanced

startle shows a similar time-course to L-DOPA-induced

rotation [50,65,72] and stereotypy [13] with behaviors

peaking between 30 and 40 min afterL-DOPA

administra-tion. As opposed to the rapid onset of startle enhancement seen with the direct DA agonist SKF 82958, the delay in

the peak enhancement of startle by L-DOPA most likely

reflects the time required for conversion of exogenous

Fig. 5. Enhancement of startle by L-DOPA (10 mg / kg) in

6-OHDA-lesioned versus SHAM rats across intensity (A) and time (B). Significant L-DOPA into DA. This is consistent with microdialysis

differences from vehicle (VEH) response: *P,0.05, **P,0.005. studies showing a rise in striatal DA levels (peaking

between 30 and 40 min) after systemicL-DOPA

adminis-studies are needed to test the contribution of different DA tration (plus a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor) in

non-receptor subtypes in the enhancement of startle by SKF lesioned rats [17,30,46]. Such an increase in striatal DA

82958 in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals. These results also levels alone, however, is not sufficient to explain the

extend the findings of earlier studies demonstrating an increase in startle as SHAM animals showed no

enhance-enhancement of stereotyped behaviors by direct DA agon- ment of startle afterL-DOPA administration. The combined

ists in bilateral 6-OHDA-lesioned animals [8,13,59]. 6- effect of an increase in striatal DA levels plus

6-OHDA-OHDA-lesioned animals that received SKF 82958 showed induced supersensitivity of DA receptors would explain the

an increase in such motor activities as grooming, sniffing enhanced startle response seen in the present study. This

and licking but very little circling behavior, perhaps owing hypothesis is supported by the observation that animals

to the confines of the startle cage which makes it more with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions also show an increase in

difficult for the animals to turn. Because DA-induced DA levels in the denervated striatum after L-DOPA

treat-stereotypy is believed to be mediated in the CPu [18,28], ment [1,6,54], including a concomitant induction of

con-these data indicate that neurons in this region of the tralateral rotation (30–40 min afterL-DOPA) [78].

striatum may be hyper-responsive to DA agonists in An important question that is raised by these findings

animals with 6-OHDA lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway concerns the locus of conversion ofL-DOPA into DA after

[8]. 6-OHDA lesions. Although not specifically quantified in

Of considerable interest to the phenomenon of DA- the present study, rats with bilateral lesions of the SNc

induced motor responses in the 6-OHDA-lesion model showed extensive loss of DA terminals (estimate .95%

concerns the mechanism by which DA-denervation leads to assessed with TH-immunohistochemistry) in the CPu.


Fig. 6. Digitized photomicrographs (310) of c-Fos expression in the caudate–putamen (CPu, dorsolateral division) from representative SHAM and 6-OHDA-lesioned rats after vehicle (VEH) orL-DOPA (10 mg / kg) treatment. The expression of c-Fos was quantified by counting the darkly stained nuclei (seen as dark dots) of cells in each of the CPu subdivisions. Systemic administration ofL-DOPA produced a dramatic induction of c-Fos throughout the CPu in 6-OHDA-lesioned versus SHAM rats. Scale bars5200mm.

amount of AADC in the striatum by.80% [23,40] leading The expression of the c-Fos protein, the product of the

to the suggestion that other compartments of AADC within immediate early gene c-fos as a marker of neuronal

the striatum may handle the conversion of exogenous activity [64] has been a useful tool with which to study the

L-DOPA into DA [38]. The heavy innervation of the involvement of various brain structures in response to

striatum by 5-HT-containing neurons [74], which have pharmacological challenges. Previous studies have shown

been shown to contain AADC [3,4], represents one po- a marked induction of c-Fos in the CPu of

6-OHDA-tential site of conversion of L-DOPA into DA [72]. That lesioned rats after L-DOPA administration [11,27,47,61],

5-HT neurons are involved in the production of DA is an effect that we have replicated in the present study. The

supported by the observation thatL-DOPA-induced circling direct D1 agonist SKF 38393 also induces c-Fos in the

in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats is reduced after destruction of denervated striatum [66] expressed in the medium spiny

5-HT fibers [20,25]. This finding, however, has not been neurons of the striatonigral pathway [62]. We found the

replicated by others [39]. A more likely site for DA pattern of c-Fos distribution to be uniform throughout the

conversion from L-DOPA after 6-OHDA lesions may be rostrocaudal extent of the CPu (data not shown) as well as

striatal neurons that contain AADC [40,51,68]. While post- the four quadrants (DL, DM, VL, and VM) of the

mid-mortem brain tissue from the CPu of Parkinson’s patients striatum (Fig. 7). Taken together, these data provide a

shows a reduction in AADC (.85%) [35], the existence of locus (the CPu) for the denervation supersensitivity

pro-AADC-containing striatal neurons that could assume the duced by 6-OHDA lesions of the SNc and suggest that

role of converting L-DOPA into DA remains to be de- striatonigral neurons are the most likely neural substrate to



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Fig. 4. Dose-dependent enhancement of startle byL-DOPA in

6-OHDA-lesioned rats. Significant differences from vehicle response: *P,0.05, **P,0.005.

a practical application to the study of Parkinson’s disease

[72]. Animals with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions of the

nigrostriatal dopamine system show a gain of motor

function expressed as a contralateral (away from the

lesioned side) turning behavior when challenged with

direct DA agonists such as apomorphine (mixed D / D

1 2

agonist) [22,79], SKF 38393 (D agonist) [49,63], or the


Fig. 3. Enhancement of startle by the dopamine D receptor agonist SKF1

indirect DA agonist


-DOPA [72]. These effects are

82958 (SKF; 0.05 mg / kg) in 6-OHDA-lesioned versus SHAM rats across

believed to represent an enhanced sensitivity

(supersen-intensity (A) and time (B). Significant differences from vehicle (VEH)

sitivity) by DA receptors in the denervated striatum to DA

response: *P,0.05, **P,0.005.

agonists which subsequently leads to an enhanced

be-havioral response [72].

expression of c-Fos throughout the CPu, in all divisions, in

In the present study, we have found that the acoustic

6-OHDA-lesioned but not SHAM rats that received



startle reflex is also sensitive to the effects of specific DA

DOPA (10 mg / kg). Quantification of c-Fos-positive cells

agonists in animals with 6-OHDA lesions of the


in each of the CPu subdivisions (1 mm

grids) for 6-

triatal pathway. Systemic administration of a threshold

OHDA-lesioned and SHAM animals that received either

dose of the dopamine D agonist SKF 82958 (0.05 mg / kg)


vehicle or


-DOPA is shown in Fig. 7. A two-way ANOVA

produced a marked enhancement of startle in

6-OHDA-revealed a significant main effect of group [F




lesioned, but not SHAM animals. In fact, this enhancement



0.0001] and a group by intensity interaction [F



was roughly equal to that seen in normal animals using a

3.1, P


0.01]. The main effect of CPu subdivision was not

20-fold higher dose of SKF 82958 [43] and thus reflects a

significant. Individual comparisons showed that c-Fos

shift-to-the-left in the dose–response curve. Because we

expression was significantly elevated by


-DOPA in each

have shown that D receptors mediate SKF 82958-induced


CPu subdivision in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals.

effects on startle [42], the enhanced behavioral response to

SKF 82958 in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals in the present

study is consistent with the hypothesis that DA receptors,

4. Discussion

specifically D receptors, are supersensitized as a result of


DA denervation. However, because many DA

agonist-Since the initial report by Ungerstedt [71] over 30 years

induced behaviors rely on a D / D

1 2

receptor interaction

ago, the 6-OHDA-lesion preparation has been a useful tool

[75], including


-DOPA-induced contralateral turning [69],


attempted to address this concern at the receptor level


using [ H]SCH 23390 have produced varied results

rang-ing from elevated [10,58], unchanged [34,70], or

dimin-ished [36] D


receptor binding levels (B


) in the

striatum after 6-OHDA lesions. Likewise, an analysis of

post-mortem brain tissue from Parkinson’s disease patients

has yielded discrepancies with reports of elevated [60] or

unchanged [57] D


receptor binding levels. Postreceptor

mechanisms such as an increase in the activity of adenylate

cyclase [44,45,55] or downstream signal transduction

molecules [12] may represent potential sites of

6-OHDA-induced supersensitivity. We propose that the enhancement

of startle by SKF 82958 in the 6-OHDA lesion preparation

may provide a useful behavior with which to study the

biochemical mechanisms involved in the development of

neural supersensitivity.

Systemic administration of


-DOPA produces a

dose-dependent enhancement of startle in 6-OHDA-lesioned

animals. These results are consistent with a body of work

showing a gain of motor function in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats

after systemic


-DOPA treatment (after Ref. 72). The dose

that produced the greatest enhancement of startle in the

present study (10 mg / kg) is equivalent to that used in an

initial report by Ungerstedt [72] who found an increase in

the number of contralateral turns when given to rats with

unilateral 6-OHDA lesions. In addition,



startle shows a similar time-course to



rotation [50,65,72] and stereotypy [13] with behaviors

peaking between 30 and 40 min after



administra-tion. As opposed to the rapid onset of startle enhancement

seen with the direct DA agonist SKF 82958, the delay in

the peak enhancement of startle by


-DOPA most likely

reflects the time required for conversion of exogenous

Fig. 5. Enhancement of startle by L-DOPA (10 mg / kg) in

6-OHDA-lesioned versus SHAM rats across intensity (A) and time (B). Significant L

-DOPA into DA. This is consistent with microdialysis

differences from vehicle (VEH) response: *P,0.05, **P,0.005.

studies showing a rise in striatal DA levels (peaking

between 30 and 40 min) after systemic



adminis-studies are needed to test the contribution of different DA

tration (plus a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor) in

non-receptor subtypes in the enhancement of startle by SKF

lesioned rats [17,30,46]. Such an increase in striatal DA

82958 in 6-OHDA-lesioned animals. These results also

levels alone, however, is not sufficient to explain the

extend the findings of earlier studies demonstrating an

increase in startle as SHAM animals showed no

enhance-enhancement of stereotyped behaviors by direct DA agon-

ment of startle after


-DOPA administration. The combined

ists in bilateral 6-OHDA-lesioned animals [8,13,59]. 6-

effect of an increase in striatal DA levels plus

6-OHDA-OHDA-lesioned animals that received SKF 82958 showed

induced supersensitivity of DA receptors would explain the

an increase in such motor activities as grooming, sniffing

enhanced startle response seen in the present study. This

and licking but very little circling behavior, perhaps owing

hypothesis is supported by the observation that animals

to the confines of the startle cage which makes it more

with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions also show an increase in

difficult for the animals to turn. Because DA-induced

DA levels in the denervated striatum after



treat-stereotypy is believed to be mediated in the CPu [18,28],

ment [1,6,54], including a concomitant induction of

con-these data indicate that neurons in this region of the

tralateral rotation (30–40 min after


-DOPA) [78].

striatum may be hyper-responsive to DA agonists in

An important question that is raised by these findings

animals with 6-OHDA lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway

concerns the locus of conversion of


-DOPA into DA after


6-OHDA lesions. Although not specifically quantified in

Of considerable interest to the phenomenon of DA-

the present study, rats with bilateral lesions of the SNc

induced motor responses in the 6-OHDA-lesion model

showed extensive loss of DA terminals (estimate



concerns the mechanism by which DA-denervation leads to

assessed with TH-immunohistochemistry) in the CPu.

enhanced receptor sensitivity. Binding studies that have

Previous studies have shown that such lesions reduce the


Fig. 6. Digitized photomicrographs (310) of c-Fos expression in the caudate–putamen (CPu, dorsolateral division) from representative SHAM and 6-OHDA-lesioned rats after vehicle (VEH) orL-DOPA (10 mg / kg) treatment. The expression of c-Fos was quantified by counting the darkly stained nuclei (seen as dark dots) of cells in each of the CPu subdivisions. Systemic administration ofL-DOPA produced a dramatic induction of c-Fos throughout the CPu in 6-OHDA-lesioned versus SHAM rats. Scale bars5200mm.

amount of AADC in the striatum by


80% [23,40] leading

The expression of the c-Fos protein, the product of the

to the suggestion that other compartments of AADC within

immediate early gene c-fos as a marker of neuronal

the striatum may handle the conversion of exogenous

activity [64] has been a useful tool with which to study the


-DOPA into DA [38]. The heavy innervation of the

involvement of various brain structures in response to

striatum by 5-HT-containing neurons [74], which have

pharmacological challenges. Previous studies have shown

been shown to contain AADC [3,4], represents one po-

a marked induction of c-Fos in the CPu of

6-OHDA-tential site of conversion of


-DOPA into DA [72]. That

lesioned rats after


-DOPA administration [11,27,47,61],

5-HT neurons are involved in the production of DA is

an effect that we have replicated in the present study. The

supported by the observation that


-DOPA-induced circling

direct D


agonist SKF 38393 also induces c-Fos in the

in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats is reduced after destruction of

denervated striatum [66] expressed in the medium spiny

5-HT fibers [20,25]. This finding, however, has not been

neurons of the striatonigral pathway [62]. We found the

replicated by others [39]. A more likely site for DA

pattern of c-Fos distribution to be uniform throughout the

conversion from


-DOPA after 6-OHDA lesions may be

rostrocaudal extent of the CPu (data not shown) as well as

striatal neurons that contain AADC [40,51,68]. While post-

the four quadrants (DL, DM, VL, and VM) of the

mid-mortem brain tissue from the CPu of Parkinson’s patients

striatum (Fig. 7). Taken together, these data provide a

shows a reduction in AADC (


85%) [35], the existence of

locus (the CPu) for the denervation supersensitivity

pro-AADC-containing striatal neurons that could assume the

duced by 6-OHDA lesions of the SNc and suggest that

role of converting


-DOPA into DA remains to be de-

striatonigral neurons are the most likely neural substrate to



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