Uji infeksi Cylindrocladiumsp. Pada Tiga Klon Hibrid Turunan Eucalyptus grandis xEucalyptus urophylla di PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk Porsea


ROIMEN ROYANTO MALAU. Uji Infeksi Cylindrocladiumsp. Pada Tiga
Klon Hibrid Turunan Eucalyptus grandis xEucalyptus urophylladi PT. Toba Pulp
Lestari, Tbk Porsea. Di bawah bimbingan Dr. Ir. EDY BATARA MULYA
Salah satu penyakit yang menyerang bibit Eukaliptus adalah Cylindrocladium
yang menyebabkan penyakit Cylindrocladium foliar spot dan foliar blight. PT
Toba Pulp Lestari mengembangkan banyak jenis klon dengan cara vegetative.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi gejala penyakit daun, mengukur
tingkat intensitas serangan, luas serangan, serta reaksi tanaman (resistensi)
terhadap infeksi Cylindrocladium sp. pada tiga klon hybrid Eukaliptus. Klon yang
di uji adalah IND 68, IND 70, IND 73. Inokulasi dilakukan dengan cara
penyemprotan. Pengamatan gejala dilakukan setiap hari sejak inokulasi
dilaksanakan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa gejala yang muncul adalah
sama. Gejala diawali dengan bintik coklat kekuningan lalu akan melebar
(nekrotik) dan berlanjut pada kematian jaringan daun. Berdasarkan kriteria
penilaian tingkat intensitas serangan dan luas serangan, ketiga jenis klon termasuk
dalam kategori resisten.
Kata kunci : Eukaliptus sp, Cylindroladium sp, Uji Infeksi, Resisten.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


ROIMEN ROYANTO MALAU. Infection Test Cylindrocladiumsp. on Three
Hybrid Clones of Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla in PT. Toba Pulp
Lestari Tbk. Under academic supervision byDr. Ir. EDY BATARA MULYA
One of the diseases that attack eucalyptus seedling are Cylindrocladium causing
Cylindrocladium foliar spots and foliar blight diseases. Eucalyptus clones
developed by PT Toba Pulp Lestari done by vegetative propagation. This study
aimed to characterize the symptoms of the diseases leaves, measure the level of
intensity of attack, widespread attack, as well as the reactions of plants
(resistance) against infection Cylindrocladium sp. on three eucalyptus hybrid
clones. Type clone which tested were IND 68, IND 70 and IND 73. Inoculation
was conducted by spraying. Observation of symptoms is done every day since
inoculation implemented. The result showed that the symptoms same. Symptoms
caused by infection Cylindrocladium sp. is blight. Symptoms begin with yellowish
brown spots and will be widened (necrotic) and continues in death of leaf tissue.
Based on the assessment criteria and the level of intensity of widespread attacks,

all three types are included in category of resistant clones.
Keywords: Eucalyptus, Cylindrocladium sp, Infection Test, Resistant.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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