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Lampiran 1. Aktivitas Antioksidan Kulit Buah Manggis Segar dan Tepung Kulit Manggis

Tests of Normality


  perlakuan Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. kulit manggis segar .319 6 .056 .700 6 .006 kulit manggis segar +

  • .252

  6 .200 .859 6 .187 blanching kulit manggis segar + natrium .313 6 .067 .730 6 .013 kulit manggis segar + natrium

  • .236

  6 .200 .921 6 .512

  • blanching tepung kulit manggis natrium

  .319 6 .056 .713 6 .008

  • blanching dehumidifier antioksidan tepung kulit manggis sido
    • .189

  6 .200 .956 6 .786 muncul tepung kulit manggis mastin .315 6 .063 .697 6 .006 tepung kulit manggis natrium

  .302 6 .094 .775 6 .035

  • blanching freeze dry tepung kulit manggis

  .314 6 .065 .772 6 .033 blanching freeze dry tepung kulit manggis natrium

  .277 6 .166 .801 6 .060 freeze dry

  • . This is a lower bound of the true significance.

  a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


  antioksidan Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  Between Groups 6536.940 9 726.327 1610.781 .000 Within Groups 22.546 50 .451 Total 6559.486




  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05






  6 tepung kulit manggis 6 64.97450 mastin tepung kulit manggis sido 6 70.84133 muncul tepung kulit manggis natrium + blanching freeze 6 89.48617 dry tepung kulit manggis 6 91.49267 natrium freeze dry tepung kulit manggis

  6 91.88483 blanching freeze dry tepung kulit manggis natrium + blanching

  6 93.96000 dehumidifier kulit manggis segar

  6 94.21817 kulit manggis segar +

  6 94.61617 natrium kulit manggis segar +

  6 94.65467 blanching kulit manggis segar +

  6 96.59617 natrium + blanching

  Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .317 .108 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.

  Lampiran 2. Uji Fisik (Tekstur, Volume Pengembangan, dan Warna) Tests of Normality a

  perlakuan Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  • 0% (kontrol) .234

  6 .200 .917 6 .481

  • kulit manggis 10% .259

  6 .200 .923 6 .531 kulit manggis 10% +

  • hardness

  .198 6 .200 .948 6 .725 0,1 guar gum kulit manggis 10% +

  • .202

  6 .200 .936 6 .624 0,2 guar gum

  • .956
  • .988
  • .894
  • .977
  • .983
  • .976

  • .955
  • .885
  • .962
  • .837
  • .858
  • .888
  • .927
  • .941
  • .927
  • .932
  • .886

  0,1 guar gum .217 6 .200

  6 .183 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 guar gum

  .281 6 .152 .869 6 .223 kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 guar gum

  .335 6 .034 .736 6 .014 chewiness 0% (kontrol) .264 6 .200

  6 .308 kulit manggis 10% .251 6 .200

  6 .554 kulit manggis 10% + 0,1 guar gum

  .376 6 .008 .726 6 .011 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 guar gum

  .215 6 .200

  6 .671 kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 guar gum

  .241 6 .200

  6 .560 adhesiveness 0% (kontrol) .307 6 .079 .825 6 .098 kulit manggis 10% .227

  6 .200

  6 .593 kulit manggis 10% + 0,1 guar gum

  .303 6 .089 .801 6 .059 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 guar gum

  .215 6 .200

  6 .122 kulit manggis 10% .275 6 .174 .879 6 .264 kulit manggis 10% +

  .190 6 .200

  6 .836 guminess 0% (kontrol) .264 6 .200

  6 .937 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 guar gum

  kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 guar gum

  .230 6 .200

  6 .792 cohesiveness 0% (kontrol) .124 6 .200

  6 .985 kulit manggis 10% .198 6 .200

  6 .337 kulit manggis 10% + 0,1 guar gum

  .176 6 .200

  .153 6 .200

  6 .291 kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 guar gum

  6 .965 kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 guar gum

  .134 6 .200

  6 .930 springiness 0% (kontrol) .272 6 .187 .890 6 .316 kulit manggis 10% .284

  6 .140 .900 6 .372 kulit manggis 10% + 0,1 guar gum

  .157 6 .200

  6 .779 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 guar gum

  .223 6 .200

  6 .296

  • .904
  • .963
  • .933
  • .920

  • .894
  • .941
  • .928
  • .885
  • .924
  • .861
  • .933
  • .946
  • .925
  • .970
  • .920
  • .933

  6 .192 kulit manggis 10% + 0,1 guar gum

  .201 6 .200

  6 .605 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 guar gum

  .187 6 .200

  6 .712 kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 guar gum

  .198 6 .200

  6 .542 b 0% (kontrol) .296 6 .109 .878 6 .262 kulit manggis 10% .217

  6 .200

  6 .895 kulit manggis 10% + 0,1 guar gum

  .230 6 .200

  6 .503 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 guar gum

  .276 6 .170 .919 6 .495 kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 guar gum

  .178 6 .200

  6 .607 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

  a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

  6 .537 kulit manggis 10% .256 6 .200

  .257 6 .200

  6 .291 a 0% (kontrol) .199 6 .200

  .322 6 .051 .873 6 .239 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 guar gum

  kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 guar gum

  .211 6 .200

  6 .397 volume_pengemban gan

  0% (kontrol) .141 6 .200

  6 .844 kulit manggis 10% .249 6 .200

  6 .601 kulit manggis 10% + 0,1 guar gum

  .303 6 .089 .894 6 .339 kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 guar gum

  6 .563 kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 guar gum

  .169 6 .200

  6 .504 L

  0% (kontrol) .270 6 .196 .839 6 .129 kulit manggis 10% .269 6 .200

  6 .340 kulit manggis 10% + 0,1 guar gum

  .218 6 .200

  6 .665 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 guar gum

  .180 6 .200

  ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Within Groups 34.972 25 1.399 Total 1875.690

  29 Between Groups 21.499 4 5.375 77.968 .000 a Within Groups 1.723 25 .069

  Total 23.222

  29 Between Groups 56.805 4 14.201 63.818 .000 b Within Groups 5.563 25 .223

  Total 62.368

  29 L Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 kulit manggis 10% 6 67.0022 kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 6 68.4500 guar gum kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 6 68.6978 guar gum kulit manggis 10% + 0,1

  6 69.0167 guar gum 0% (kontrol) 6 87.7983 Sig. 1.000 .442 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.


  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 0% (kontrol) 6 2.9889 kulit manggis 10%

  6 4.9550 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 6 5.0228 5.0228 guar gum kulit manggis 10% + 0,1 6 5.0272 5.0272 guar gum kulit manggis 10% + 0,3

  6 5.3211 guar gum Sig. 1.000 .658 .073 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.


  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 0% (kontrol) 6 16.2100 kulit manggis 10%

  6 19.0194 kulit manggis 10% + 0,2 6 19.6844 guar gum kulit manggis 10% + 0,3 6 19.7189 guar gum kulit manggis 10% + 0,1

  6 19.8650 guar gum Sig. 1.000 1.000 .538 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.


  volume_pengembangan_akhir Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  Between Groups 92.457 4 23.114 8.696 .000 Within Groups 66.450 25 2.658 Total 158.907



  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 tepung kbm 10% 6 44.91667 tepung kbm 10% + 0,3 guar 6 46.83333 46.83333 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,2 guar 6 47.70000 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,1 guar

  6 47.86667 gum 0% (kontrol) 6 50.35000 Sig. .052 .310 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  hardness Between Groups 1717.083 4 429.271 4.579 .007 Within Groups 2343.499 25 93.740 Total 4060.582

  29 cohesiveness Between Groups .013 4 .003 21.350 .000 Within Groups .004 25 .000 Total .017

  29 springiness Between Groups .709 4 .177 8.668 .000 Within Groups .511 25 .020 Total 1.220

  29 guminess Between Groups 173.862 4 43.466 22.409 .000 Within Groups 48.491 25 1.940 Total 222.353

  29 chewiness Between Groups .149 4 .037 36.346 .000 Within Groups .026 25 .001 Total .174

  29 adhesiveness Between Groups .003 4 .001 187.138 .000 Within Groups .000 25 .000 Total .003



  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 0% (kontrol) 6 121.61283 tepung kbm 10% + 0,1 guar gum 6 124.18408 124.18408 tepung kbm 10% + 0,2 guar gum

  6 133.23448 133.23448 133.23448 tepung kbm 10% + 0,3 guar gum 6 135.94880 135.94880 tepung kbm 10% 6 142.08954 Sig. .059 .056 .146 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.


  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05




  4 0% (kontrol) 6 .09632 tepung kbm 10% + 0,1 guar

  6 .11176 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,2 guar 6 .12837 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,3 guar

  6 .14186 .14186 gum tepung kbm 10% 6 .15477 Sig. 1.000 1.000 .070 .082 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.


  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 0% (kontrol) 6 2.09660 tepung kbm 10% + 0,1 guar

  6 2.20058 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,2 guar 6 2.22645 2.22645 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,3 guar

  6 2.39245 2.39245 gum tepung kbm 10% 6 2.53126 Sig. .149 .055 .105 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.


  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05


  2 tepung kbm 10% + 0,1 guar 6 12.69823 gum

  0% (kontrol) 6 13.76590 tepung kbm 10% + 0,2 guar 6 14.11410 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,3 guar

  6 18.31307 gum tepung kbm 10% 6 18.38034 Sig. .107 .934 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.


  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 0% (kontrol) 6 .29421 tepung kbm 10% + 0,1 guar

  6 .32149 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,2 guar 6 .39787 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,3 guar

  6 .45917 gum tepung kbm 10% 6 .46817 Sig. .152 1.000 .630 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.


  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05




  4 tepung kbm 10% + 0,3 guar 6 -.01663 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,2 guar 6 -.01274 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,1 guar

  6 -.01027 gum tepung kbm 10% 6 -.00849 0% (kontrol) 6 .01057 Sig. 1.000 1.000 .114 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000. Lampiran 3. Aktivitas Antioksidan

Tests of Normality


  perlakuan Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  • 0% (kontrol) .152

  6 .200 .986 6 .978

  • tepung kbm 10% .214

  6 .200 .915 6 .473 tepung kbm 10% +

  • .242

  6 .200 .929 6 .571 0,1 guar gum antioksidan tepung kbm 10% +

  • .185

  6 .200 .977 6 .937 0,2 guar gum tepung kbm 10% +

  • .221

  6 .200 .946 6 .711 0,3 guar gum *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

  a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


  antioksidan Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  Between Groups 37886.036 4 9471.509 12970.711 .000 Within Groups 18.256 25 .730 Total 37904.292



  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  3 0% (kontrol) 6 1.5937 tepung kbm 10%

  6 88.6561 tepung kbm 10% + 0,1 guar 6 90.4531 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,2 guar 6 91.0124 gum tepung kbm 10% + 0,3 guar

  6 91.4920 gum Sig. 1.000 1.000 .056 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000. Lampiran 4. Kadar Air, Kadar Protein, Kadar Lemak, Kadar Abu, dan Kadar Karbohidrat

Tests of Normality


  perlakuan Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. 0% (kontrol) .281 6 .150 .844 6 .140

  • tepung kulit manggis 10% .197

  6 .200 .929 6 .572 kadar_air tepung kulit manggis 10%

  • .213

  6 .200 .942 6 .673

  • 0,1% guar gum
    • 0% (kontrol) .229

  6 .200 .922 6 .523 tepung kulit manggis 10% .323 6 .051 .812 6 .075 kadar_lemak tepung kulit manggis 10%

  .281 6 .150 .924 6 .533

  • 0,1% guar gum
    • 0% (kontrol) .183

  6 .200 .964 6 .847 tepung kulit manggis 10% .278 6 .161 .925 6 .539 kadar_protein tepung kulit manggis 10%

  • .259

  6 .200 .828 6 .104

  • 0,1% guar gum
    • 0% (kontrol) .259

  6 .200 .866 6 .211 tepung kulit manggis 10% .288 6 .131 .826 6 .100 kadar_abu tepung kulit manggis 10%

  • .225

  6 .200 .910 6 .434

  • 0,1% guar gum
    • 0% (kontrol) .135

  6 .200 .975 6 .927

  • tepung kulit manggis 10% .199

  6 .200 .962 6 .834 kadar_karbohidrat tepung kulit manggis 10%

  • .224

  6 .200 .888 6 .308

  • 0,1% guar gum *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

  a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

  ANOVA kadar_air

  Duncan Kadar_air perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05

  Sum of df Mean F Sig



  3 Squares Square . 0% (kontrol) 6 32.72690

  Betwee 13.5 .00 tepung kulit n 10.712 2 5.356 6 33.71880

  84 manggis 10% Groups tepung kulit Within

  5.914 15 .394 manggis 10% + 6 34.61572

  Groups 0,1% guar gum

  Total 16.626 17 Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000 a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.

  ANOVA protein

  protein Duncan

  Sum of df Mean F Sig. perlakuan N Subset for Squares Square alpha = 0.05


  1 .815 2 .407 2.118 .155

  Groups tepung kulit manggis 10% 6 6.78317

  Within tepung kulit manggis 10% +

  2.884 15 .192 6 7.05150

  Groups 0,1% guar gum

  Total 3.699 17 0% (kontrol) 6 7.30417 Sig. .069

  Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.

  ANOVA kadar_lemak

  kadar_lemak Duncan Sum of df Mean F Sig. perlakuan N Subset for alpha

  Squares Square = 0.05



  2 n 1.130 2 .565 9.653 .002

  0% (kontrol) 6 3.2292 Groups tepung kulit manggis 10%

  6 3.5098 Within tepung kulit manggis 10% +

  .878 15 .059 6 3.8422

  Groups 0,1 guar gum

  Total 2.008 17 Sig. .063 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.




  Duncan Sum of df Mean F Sig. Squares Square perlakuan N Subset for alpha = 0.05



  2 .022 2 .011 5.008 .022

  Groups 0% (kontrol) 6 .40783

  Within tepung kulit manggis 10% 6 .43250

  .032 15 .002 Groups tepung kulit manggis 10%

  6 .49050 Total .054


  • 0,1% guar gum
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  karohidrat a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.



  perlakuan N Subset for alpha = karohidrat

  0.05 Sum of df Mean F Sig.


  2 Squares Square tepung kulit manggis 6 54.05833


  13.6 10% + 0,1% guar gum

  15.873 2 7.937 .000 Groups

  70 tepung kulit manggis 6 55.49800

  Within 10%

  8.709 15 .581 Groups

  0% (kontrol) 6 56.33183 Total 24.582 17

  Sig. 1.000 .077 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 6.000.

  Lampiran 5. Hasil Uji Sensori Hedonik Rating I Bolu Kukus Substitusi Tepung Kulit Manggis Uji Kruskal Wallis a,b Test Statistics

  Aroma Warna Tekstur Rasa Overall Chi-Square 4.950 14.677 55.803 38.904 58.095 df





  4 Asymp. Sig. .293 .005 .000 .000 .000

  c c c c c

  Sig. .288 .004 .000 .000 .000 Monte Carlo

  Lower Bound .279 .003 .000 .000 .000 95% Confidence Sig.

  Interval Upper Bound .296 .006 .000 .000 .000

  a. Kruskal Wallis Test

  b. Grouping Variable: Sampel c. Based on 10000 sampled tables with starting seed 2000000.

  Uji Mann-Whitney Kontrol vs KBM 5% a Test Statistics

  Aroma Warna Tekstur Rasa Overall Mann-Whitney U 798.000 657.500 420.500 586.000 587.000 Wilcoxon W 1701.000 1560.500 1323.500 1489.000 1490.000 Z -.775 -2.121 -4.356 -2.783 -2.787 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .439 .034 .000 .005 .005

  a. Grouping Variable: Sampel b. Based on 10000 sampled tables with starting seed 334431365.

  Kontrol vs KBM 10%


  Test Statistics

  Aroma Warna Tekstur Rasa Overall Mann-Whitney U 794.500 661.500 415.000 584.000 548.500 Wilcoxon W 1697.500 1564.500 1318.000 1487.000 1451.500 Z -.800 -2.073 -4.403 -2.789 -3.136 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .424 .038 .000 .005 .002