Uji Efektivitas Gel Ekstrak Etanol daun Gulma Siam (Chromolaena odorata) terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Sayat

Latar belakang: Gulma siam (Chromolaena odorata ) dikenal sebagai daun
kirinyuh, famili Asteraceae, banyak tumbuh di daerah daratan tinggi dan
pegunungan. Masyarakat biasanya menggunakan perasan atau rebusan daun
gulma siam ini sebagai obat luka dan obat sakit perut. Selain itu juga berkhasiat
sebagai antibakteri, antiinflamasi, antipiretik dan antihipertensi.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasikan sediaan gel ekstrak
etanol daun gulma siam dan uji efektivitas sediaan gel ekstrak etanol daun gulma
terhadap penyembuhan luka sayat.
Metode: Serbuk gulma siam di maserasi dengan pelarut etanol 80%. Maserat
yang diperoleh diuapkan dengan bantuan rotary evaporator (±50°C) dan
dikeringkan dengan freeze dryer (-40°C). Selanjutnya dilakukan skrining
fitokimia, karakterisasi, dan ekstrak diformulasi menjadi gel berbasis HPMC
dengan konsentrasi 0,125%, 0,25%, 0,50%, 0,75%, dan 1%. Sediaan gel di
evaluasi dan diuji efektivitasnya terhadap penyembuhan luka sayat pada
punggung kelinci dan dilakukan uji statistik.
Hasil: Hasil skrining fitokimia serbuk simplisia dan ekstrak etanol gulma siam
masing masing di peroleh senyawa flavanoida, glikosida, tanin, saponin,
alkaloida, steroid/triterpenoid, dan karakterisasi simplisia diperoleh kadar air

(7,9%), kadar sari larut air (23,54%), kadar sari larut etanol (11,96%), kadar abu
total (4,97%), dan kadar abu yang tidak larut asam (0,52). Hasil evaluasi sediaan
gel ekstrak etanol daun gulma siam masih stabil dalam penyimpanan selama 90
hari. Pemeriksaan homogenitas menunjukkan sediaan gel homogen, pH sediaan
gel di peroleh 6,2-6,3, nilai viskositas 2,9-3,7 poise. Hasil uji efektivitas ekstrak
etanol daun gulma mampu menyembuhkan luka sayat dengan konsentrasi 0,125%
(20 hari), 0,25% (19 hari), 0,50% (18 hari), 0,75% (21 hari) dan 1% (22 hari),
sedangkan betadine salep (17 hari), tanpa perlakuan (24 hari), basis gel (23 hari).
Uji statistik menunjukkan semua sediaan gel memberikan efek terhadap
penyembuhan luka sayat.
Kesimpulan: Ekstrak etanol daun gulma siam dapat diformulasi sebagai gel dan
memiliki efektivitas dalam penyembuhan luka sayat, konsentrasi terbaik dalam
penyembuhan luka adalah 0,50%.

Kata kunci: ekstrak etanol daun gulma siam, uji efektivitas, sediaan gel, luka

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Background: Chromolaena odorata known as kirinyuh leaf, family of
Asteraceae, mostly grows on highland and mountains. People usually use the leaf
extract or stew from boiled Chromolaena odorata leaves as medicine for wound
healing and to heal stomach pain. Also, it is good for anti-bacterial, antiinflammation, anti-pireutic, and anti-hypertension.
Objective: The purpose of this study were to formulate gel from ethanol extract
of Chromolaena odorata leaves and to test the effectivity of ethanol extract gel of
Chromolaena odorata leaves for wound healing.
Methods: Chromolaena odorata leaf powder was macerated by ethanol 80%. The
macerate have evaporated by using rotary evaporator (±50ºC) and dried by freeze
dryer (-40ºC). Then phytochemical screening, characterization, and the extract
have formulated to gel material based HPMC with concentration 0.125, 0.25,
0.50, 0.75 and 1.00%, respectively. The gel material evaluated and tested its
effectiveness on rabbit’s back which have wounded. Then carried statistical test.
Result: The results from phytochemicals screening of simplicia powder were
flavanoid, glycosides, tannins, saponin, alkaloids, steroid/triterpenoids and
Chromolaena odorata leaf ethanol extract gel characterization was obtained by
water level (7.9%), the levels of water soluble extract (23.54%), the level of

ethanol soluble extract (11.96%), total ash content (4.97%), and level of acid
insoluble ash (0.52%). The evaluation results of ethanol extract gel of
Chromolaena odorata leaves remain stable instorage for 90 days. Homogeneity
examination showed a homogeneous gel material, the pH value of gel material
was 6.2-6.3, viscosity value was 2.9-3.7 poise. The results show effectiveness of
ethanol extract of weeds leaves was able to healing the wound with concentrations
of 0.125% (20 days), 0.25% (19 days), 0.50% (18 days), 0.75% (21 days) and 1%
(22 days), respectively, whereas betadine ointment (17 days), without treatment
(24 days), and gel based (23 days). The statistical test show all dosage gel give
effect to healing the wound.
Conclusion: The ethanol extract of Chromolaena odorata leaf can be formulated
as a gel and has effect to wound healing and the best formulated is gel with 0.50%
Keyword: Chromolaena odorata leaf, ethanol extract, effectiviness test, gel
material, wound healing.

Universitas Sumatera Utara