S MTK 1106608 Bibliography


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Conway, J.B. (1990). A course in functional analysis: 2nd ed. New York: Springer.
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Kreyzig, Erwin. (1978). Introductory functional analysis with applications. New York: John
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Lance, E.C. (1995). Hilbert C*-modules: A toolkit for operator algebraist. Cambridge:
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MacCluer, B.D. (2009). Elementary functional analysis. New York: Springer.
Manuilov, V.M. dan Troitsky, E.V. (2005). Hilbert C*-modules. Rhode Island: American
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Murphy, G.J. (1990). C*-algebras and operator theory. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc.
Raeburn, Iain dan Williams, D.P. (1998). Morita equivalence and continuous-trace C*algebras. Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.
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Wegge-Olsen, N.E. (1993). K-theory and C*-algebras: A friendly approach. New York:
Oxford University Press, Inc.

Raden Muhammad Hadi , 2015
Bimodul-C* Hilbert
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