







Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) in Teaching English

By :


NIM : D05212041

















Lilis Rahmawati. 2016. The Students’ Ability to Write Logical Reasoning as Reflected on Students’ Opinion on Schoology’s Comment in CALL 2 Course at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. A thesis English Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Ampel. Advisor: Hilda Izzati Madjid, M.A

Key words: Logical Reasoning, Schoology’s Comment, CALL 2

Writing is one of the important skills in English education that students have to master. When talking about writing, the writers need to include logical reasoning as part of it, because it can greatly persuade the readers to think deeply and participate with the topic. The lecturer of CALL 2 course used Schoology in learning process. The result of this study is expected students can attain goal: writing a good opinion which is uploaded online where everyone can read the opinion. Related to this, the researcher conducts a research on the students’ ability to write logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment.

The subject of the research is the students of English Teacher Education Department at UINSA. The researcher took two classes as the subject of this research and both of the classes have same lecturer, they are: the students in A class and the students in B class. There were 43 students of A class and 20 students of B class, and the total of the students are sixty three (63). The researcher took all of them as the subject of the research. The researcher used qualitative descriptive to present the data. The technique used for collecting data is collect students’ writing comment or document study. The researcher directly asked the students’ writing comment that they get in CALL 2 course to the lecturer of the classes.

The result of the research is the students who joined CALL 2 course write a well-stated thesis statement, contains well-defined and thorough explanation of topic, addresses the topic sentence, and include critical aspects about the topic. The students’ opinion are logical and thoughtful, their supporting examples or links given is concrete and detailed. All of students got score (4) in meaning ability, it means the students’ reasoning is easy to follow and understandable. In writing conclusion, almost students got score (1), students do not write the concluding statement in the end of their writing. In respond ability, most of students got score (1 & 2), a half the number of students who joined CALL 2 course is only respond with minimal effort such as said “good job” or said “thank you”.











MOTTO ... viii


... ix



... xii


... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Research Problem ... 7

C. Objective of The Study ... 7

D. Significance of the Study ... 7

E. Scope and Limitation of the Study ... 8

F. Definition of Key Terms... 9


B. Logical Reasoning ... 14


D. Students’ Ability to Write Logical Reasoning ... 19

E. Schoology ... 27

F. Previous Study ……….. 29


B. Setting of The Study ……… 37

C. Data Collection Technique ……….. 38

D. Research Instrument ... 39

E. Data and Source of Data ... 42

F. Data Analysis ………….……….. 42


B. Discussion ……… 62

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION A. Conclusion ………….……….… 68

B. Suggestion ……… 69




1. Lembar Validasi Rubrik ... 2. Rubric ... 3. Table of Students’ Score ... 4. Schoology’s Topic ... 5. Students’ Comment (from Schoology) ... 6. Students’ Rubric Score ... 7. Surat Tugas... ... 8. Kartu Konsultasi Skripsi ...




Picture of:

2.1 Login on ... 29 2.2 After login on Schoology ... 29





In this chapter the writer of the study presents brief introduction of the research. This chapter describes the background of the study, research problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study; it also includes scope and limitation of the study, and definition of the key term.


A. Background of the Study

Writing is one of the important skills in English Teacher Education Department that students have to master. Nunan Davis said that “writing is clearly a complex process. This skill needs particular practice to develop the students’ ability in writing”.1 Writing should be practiced and learned gradually and it needs a long time to make the students skillful in writing. So, making writing as habit is necessary to build among students. When students have a writing habit, they are ready for the writing task with enthusiasm.2 Through the process of writing, it is expected the result of this skill helps students attain goals, such as writing a good comment or opinion, writing paragraph, writing dialogue, writing letters, movie scenario, report some news, and so on. However, the research in this study only focuses on writing       


Nunan Davis, Practical English Language Teaching. (Boston: McGraw Hill Publishing), p. 14  2



comment organized as opinion paragraph especially for the logical reasoning when the students write opinion in particular topics by posting online on Schoology.

When talking about writing, the writers need to include logical reasoning as part of it, because this kind of writing style can greatly persuade the readers about the topic that they are discussing. This is one ways of catching the readers’ interest about the topic. Therefore, the writer needs to write a high quality argument or opinion that will truly allow the readers to think deeply and participate with the topic. This will show how the readers will react on it and how they decide after reading reliable opinions.

The goal of writing logical reasoning in this research is to build the students’ critical thinking and for content category; how the ideas is reasonable. Work samples or collections of work that could be assessed for logical reasoning may include research papers, lab reports, musical compositions, a mathematical equation that solves a problem, a prototype design, a reflective piece about the final product of an assignment, or other academic works such as essays, articles, comment or opinion, argumentative paragraph, etc. According to Sumerset’s point of view, logical reasoning is basically applicable in non-fiction writing.3 That is because non-fiction



Jane Sumerset. How to Use Logical Reasoning to Support Your Essay. Accessed on April, 11th 2016 



writing needs real information to make the topic realistic and convincing just like in writing essays.

While writing comment or opinion on particular topics, students cannot write as they want, they have to consider their logical reasoning. Because the students’ logical reasoning has significance role in catching the readers’ interest in taking a part on the discussion about the topic. The logical reasoning skills are a complex abilities that can help people to get someone's point, generate reasons, evaluate the reasons given by others, decide what to do or what not to do, decide what information to accept or reject, explain a complicated idea, apply conscious quality control as they think, and resist propaganda. The most important critical thinking skill is the people’ skills at making judgments, not snap judgments that occur in the blink of an eye, but those that require careful reasoning.4

Besides considering logical reasoning, students also need to defend their interpretations or judgments with evidence from the texts they are reading about. Introduces a thesis statement and organizes the reasons and evidence clearly, support the statement with clear reasons, logical reasoning, relevant evidence, using accurate and credible sources, use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among the opinion and reasons, demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text, and provide a concluding       


Bradley H. Dowden, Logical Reasoning (Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento, CA 95819 USA), p.1 



statement that follows the arguments or opinions presented are things that students need to pay attention. As stated by Kinneavy that “most people want more than reasons, they want evidence or proof to back up the reasons”5. Thus, being able to have ability to write logical reasoning in writing opinion on Schoology’s comment, the writer has to be able to support the opinion with concrete evidences and proofs.

There are many social network platform for learning, some of them are; Schoology, Edmodo, Moodle, Blackboard, etc. Two of the most popular that are used by teachers or lectures is Schoology and Edmodo. Both are great but it depends on what the users will use them for. The researcher prefers Schoology to Edmodo as the document of this study because; In CALL 2 course, discussions is the most prominent for the researcher’s need. Thus, the researcher intends to conduct a study toward students’ ability to write logical reasoning on Schoology which the opinion is written in a Schoology’s comment based on different topic in a week. Moreover, the materials given by the lecturer in this course are all discussed through online class which the students have to understand before elaborating their comment. However, an online class focuses on one teaching only (transfer knowledge). It causes students’ get low motivation to learn due to they get difficulty in understanding the teacher’s instruction. So that, the students is only taking a       


Kinneavy, Teaching Argument for Critical Thinking and Writing: An introduction. (The University of Chicago. 2010), p. 24 



part in online class to fall their obligation out through writing opinion or comment from each discussion that the lecturer provided on Schoology’s toolbar discussion.

The determination of why the researcher intends to conduct a study on Schoology rather than another social platform from learning is taken into account. Due to the Schoology has its own discussion section. This is the important one in this study because the data collected from students’ opinion in discussion section. Not only that, the lecturer can also create different topics for the students to discuss. These organizing discussion are always saved separately, and the lecturer can go back at any time to check or view a student’s response. Moreover, Schoology offers special feature, so all the lecturer has to do is click one button and instantly the lecturer can see how many times a student participated.

The Schoology’s comment helps students to develop their critical thinking. Because the students have to write opinion on Schoology’s comment every week. Not only that, the students also had to give comment on another students’ point of view. If the students often give comment on someone’s point of view which the comment can be debated between the writer and the readers, the students’ critical thinking can develop in the following days. Writing comment in this study organized as opinion paragraph and categorized as academic writing because, writing comment in



this study is for academic purpose, which is comment on particular topics in academic setting called CALL 2 course.

English Teacher Education Department of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya is a department which used Schoology in CALL 2 course in learning process. The consideration in choosing this class because CALL 2 course is the only class which used Schoology in learning process, besides that the students learn and practice the way how to write and give comment, agree or disagree to someone’s point of view, how to give and support the comment with some proofs and evidences to strengthen their opinion, and how to make a conclusion in form of writing. Having learnt those ways, the students are expected to have a good ability to write logical reasoning in Schoology’s comment in CALL 2 class.

In conclusion, since logical reasoning is important part of writing skill, it is important to increase and develop the logical reasoning ability of the students while writing opinion on Schoology’s comment which the comments or opinions are posted online that everyone can read those comment in CALL 2 course. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting the research entitled “The Students’ Ability to Write Logical Reasoning as Reflected on Students’ Opinion on Schoology’s Comment in



CALL 2 Course at UIN SUNAN-AMPEL SURABAYA in academic year 2015-2016”.

B. Research Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the research problem is: what are the students’ ability in writing logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment in CALL 2 course at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya?

C. Objective of the Study

Looking at the research problem above, the objective of the study is stated below: to describe the students’ ability in writing logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment in CALL 2 course at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

D. Significance of the Study

This study can be useful for providing sufficient writing knowledge, particularly in how to write a good comments or opinion paragraph which is uploaded online on social media where everyone can read those comment. The result of this study also can become reference for lecturer to know the



strength and weakness of the students’ ability in writing logical reasoning on Schoology’s comment in CALL 2 course.


E. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The researcher focuses on analyzing the students’ ability in writing logical reasoning when they write opinions or comments in particular topics on Schoology. There are thirteen topics on Schoology, they are: (1) Online learning & netiquette, (2) Socialization, (3) Technology in education, (4) CALL and its development history, (5) Online resources for EFL teacher, (6) Blog in teaching, (7) Teaching integrated language skill: a webquest activity, (8) Technology and the teaching of reading: comics authoring, (9) Teaching writing: collaborative writing using online collaborative tool, (10) Teaching speaking: video conference, (11) Teaching listening: podcasting, (12) Class management, and (13) Self-directed professional development. Those topics are divided into individual assignment and group assignment. Topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 12 are individual assignment. Topics 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 are group assignment. Topic 13 is only reflective for the students itself before the course finished. This analysis research is limited in individual assignment and only limited in three topics to answer the research question. The first topic is “Netiquette”, the writer chooses that topic because Netiquette is the first material in Schoology, and she wants to know the students’ first ability in



writing opinion or comment logically on Netiquette topic. The second topic is “Technology in Education”, and the third topic is about “Webquest Activity”, the writer chooses that topics because she wants to know whether the students’ capability in writing opinion logically is better or not after writing comment every week on Schoology.

This research analysis conducted in CALL 2 course. There are two classes in CALL 2 course. The researcher took two classes as the subject of this research and both of the classes have same lecturer, they were: the students in A class and the students in B class. There were 43 students of A class and 20 students of B class, and the total of the students are sixty three (63). The researcher took all of them as the subject of the research. The consideration in choosing this course because in CALL 2 course the students learned and practiced the way how to write and give comment, agree or disagree to someone’s point of view, how to give and support the comment with some proofs and evidences to strengthen their opinion, and how to make a conclusion in form of writing. Besides that, there is no one English Department which used Schoology in learning process. CALL 2 course is the only one that used Schoology in learning process.

F. Definition of Key Term




In this early discussion, the researcher finds out the term that should be recognized first by the readers, Logical Reasoning. One dictionary defines logical reasoning as the act or process of drawing conclusions from facts, evidence, etc. Logical reasoning is centrally concerned to give reasons for someone’s beliefs and actions, analyzing and evaluating on someone’s own and other people’s reasoning, devising and constructing better reasoning.6 In this research, logical reasoning refers to the students’ idea when they are writing comment or opinion in particular topics on Schoology. The ideas mean; the appropriateness of the students’ written opinion with the topics.


2. Ability in Logical Reasoning

According to Rebecca, ability in logical reasoning can improve the ability to evaluate the arguments of others.7 In this research, ability in logical reasoning refers to the students’ ability in writing opinion or comment on some topics, there are five abilities: (1) ability in writing thesis statement, (2) ability in supporting opinion with evidences, (3) ability in meaning, (4) ability in writing conclusion, and (5) ability in writing response.



Anne Thomson, Critical Reasoning: a practical introduction 3rd edition (New York: Routledge), p. 2  7





The step in measuring the students’ logical reasoning is often to get some good advice. People already have some advice, but how do they decide whether it is good? There is one best way to identify good advice: It should be backed up with good reasons. One principle is to ask for reasons before accepting a conclusion, unless the writers already have good enough reasons. If the writers expect the readers to accept their own conclusion, then it's the writers’ responsibility to give them reasons they can appreciate.8 That is called logical reasoning. Give readers argument that they can understand. Show the reasons to audience. The goal in giving an opinion or argument is to design the reasons so that the audience can sees that the reasons imply the conclusion. Another way of saying this is audience should see that the conclusion follows from the reasons given to support it.




Bradley H. Dowden, Logical Reasoning (Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento Sacramento, CA 95819 USA), p. 5 







One of part which is important in research is basic theory. The object of this research is the students’ written comment, especially on logical reasoning in Schoology’s comment. So the writer will tell some theories which come from the data source. The theories are opinion, logical reasoning, feature of logical reasoning, the ability to write logical reasoning, and the last is previous study.


A. Opinion

When we write a comment on some issues is called opinion. An opinion paragraph is a type of persuasive writing. In an opinion paragraph, the writer expresses and supports an opinion on particular topic or issue and also the writer has to give reasons that help to persuade the reader to agree with him or her that the opinion is a good one.9 Opinions are everywhere: Opinion can be found on billboards, advertisements, newspapers, in a CD or movie, review, in textbooks, articles, and so on.

Opinion paragraph usually follow this pattern:

1. Statement of opinion. Firstly, introduces the topic and states the writer’s opinion about the topic. In this study, the students’ opinions have to be       


Alice Savage & Masoud Shafiei, Effective Academic Writing 1 The Paragraph (New York: Oxford University Press), p. 104 




appropriate with the topic, not too long, not too short also, minimally one paragraph. The important thing is our comment is clear and easy to understand also we have to input link to corroborate our comment. Examples: State your position with; In my opinion…., I believe that…., It seems obvious to me that…., Although not everybody would agree, my position is….

2. Supporting sentences: the middle of the sentences gives reasons that support the writer’s opinion, gives reasons why the opinion is correct. Examples: Support your position with; I have several reasons for arguing this point of view…, My first reason is…. Another reason is…., There are several points I want to make to support my point of view……, Research shows…, It has been found that ……….. They say (claim, hold, maintain) that…. On the other hand, there are many who disagree with the idea that…. They also argue that…., etc. Usually supporting sentences include one or more of the following: (a) Facts, simple definition of fact according to Merriam Webster is something that truly exists or happens, especially something for which proof exists, or about which there is information. (b) Events: explain the sequence of events in an event. (c) Anecdotes: It is references to personal experience. (d) Statements from experts: when we write an opinion we have to include some statements from experts, it can make our opinion stronger.




3. Concluding comment: a restatement the writer’s opinion in different words in the last sentence. The concluding sentence sometimes summarizes the main reasons for the writer’s opinion. Examples: Restate your position with: However, there are several reasons to oppose this point of view…, After looking closely at both sides of the issue and the evidence, I believe it is best to…. because…, If we look closely at…, we will see that it is better to…., Based on the evidence so far, we should…because …., etc.10


B. Logical Reasoning

Reasoning is a human activity every day. People all think about what they should do and why they should do it. Logic may be defined as the science that evaluates the opinions or arguments.11 Also, logic is a formal system of analysis that helps writers invent, demonstrate, and prove opinion or argument.12 Logical reasoning is the process of logical thinking and systematic to form and evaluate a conviction toward statements. One dictionary defines logical reasoning as the act or process of drawing conclusions from facts, evidence, etc. Logical reasoning is centrally concerned to give reasons for someone’s beliefs and actions, analyzing and



Charlotte Knox, Backwards Planning for Success with Writing with the new California Common Core Standards Opinion/Argument Writing Packet Grades 3-6, p. 45 (  11

Hurley, A Introduction of Logic, Second Edition, p. 1  12




evaluating on someone’s own and other people’s reasoning, devising and constructing better reasoning.13

When discussing about logical reasoning, the others element which has closer relation with logical reasoning are: claims, arguments, and issues.

Claims or assertion is a statement that could be put into the form of a declarative sentence. It can be in the form of a factor judgment, which is either true or false statement. An argument is a claim supported by evidence. Arguments are used for many purposes: to change the reader’s point of view, to bring about some action of the reader’s part, or to ask the reader to accept the writer’s explanation or evaluation of a concept, issue or problem. People argue in order to settle issues. The specific point of disagreement that inspires someone to present an argument is called issues. 14

Regarding to this study, the elements that suit with this study is argument and issues. Because, in argument element has aimed to bring some action of the reader’s part to participate in the discussion with their logical reasoning in writing comment. When the readers take a part to present an argument about the disagreement on someone’s point of view that is called issue. From that statement, it can be explained that an argument and issues



Anne Thomson, Critical Reasoning: a practical introduction 3rd edition (New York: Routledge), p. 2 


Bradley H. Dowden, Logical Reasoning (Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento Sacramento, CA 95819 USA), p. 28 




have closer relation each other. Different with claim, claim only decides the true or false statement without giving reasons to strengthen the judgment.

To be able to have logical argument or opinion, there are some rules from which is noted by Sulistiawati. They are15:

a. Good opinion or argument makes an overall claim that relevantly supports the decision in the case. This is the important one: the conclusion of the opinion or argument in writing comment at least supports the decision in the case.

b. A good opinion or argument goes on to support that overall claim with good reason. The writer should claim something that the readers agree without many questions.

c. A good opinion or argument overtly addresses disagreement. One of the best techniques for building the critical thinking in write the opinion or argument is to include the doubts and objections. This will help the writer to build the skill of imagining and answering disagreement.

d. A good opinion or argument relies only one premise that the audience will take as true. Premise is a claim that supports another claim. The process of interesting the statements with questions and providing answers has to stop somewhere. It can stop when the writer gives the       


Endang Sulistiawati, The Students Ability to Write Logical Argument on Writing Argumentative Writing at English Teacher Education Department of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya in academic year 2014-2015. (2015), p.12 




statements that makes the reader will accept the statement without any argument.

e. A good opinion or argument uses a variety of kinds of support. The sources that can be used to build the opinion such as commonsense examples and illustrations, the facts of the case, definitions, and past cases.

f. A good opinion or argument is simple, clear, and focused. The writer is trying to persuade a disagreeable reader. The writer should help the reader by making sure that at every point the reader knows exactly what the writer is doing. The writer states the overall conclusion in the first and last sentences. In the first sentence, the writer states what she/he is going to prove. In the last sentence, the writer claims that she/he has proved it.

C. Features of Logical Reasoning

All basic of arguments or opinions have a few key elements. Writers can substantially strengthen theirs opinion by including these elements16:

1. Thesis – Traditionally, a thesis statement consists of one sentence and appears last in the introduction. This is the important one, because it identifies the topic and states the writer position on it. This should be clear and understandable.






2. Personal Background – This describes the writer’s reasons for debating the issue. It explains why the issue is interesting or important to the writer.

3. Historical Background – To more effectively communicate an opinion, writers should provide the audience with the context for that opinion through the historical facts of the issue.

4. Common Ground – These are points related to the issue and on which both sides agree. This point helps the writer and readers avoid arguing points on which both sides already agree.

5. Definitions – Writers have to define the common or technical terms they use in writing argument or opinion for the readers to understand.

6. Arguments – Arguments or opinions that oppose the thesis should be stated and explained. Generally, the writer should respond to arguments that oppose the writer’s thesis in one of three ways: by conceding, refuting, or clarifying. Arguments that support the thesis must include reasons (for supporting the thesis) and evidence to substantiate those reasons. The most convincing and best-developed arguments should generally be saved for the end.

7. Evidence – The evidence should support the argument or opinion with logical reasoning and relevant to the opinion.




Those seven elements must not be presented at all. There are three elements that need to be presented in writing logical reasoning. The first element is thesis. Thesis is the important one, because it identifies the topic and states the writer position on it. In general, a thesis statement expresses the purpose or main point of the authors. The second element is argument. In argument, the writer critique someone else’s opinion and defense. So, the writers should write a high quality argument that supports the thesis with reasons (for supporting the thesis) to defend their opinion. The third element is evidence. For strengthen the opinion, the writers need to include relevant evidence such as giving examples or concrete links to defend the argument.

D. Ability to Write Logical Reasoning

Having good ability to write logical reasoning can improve the ability to evaluate the arguments of others.17 When the writer understands how opinions or arguments are supposed to be constructed and also how they shouldn’t be constructed, the writer will find some of bad arguments out there. The writer may even be surprised when the writer finds out how many people are persuaded by bad arguments. And the most obvious benefit in having ability to write logical reasoning is that can allow the writer to improve the quality of the written opinions or arguments.






A first step in logical reasoning is often to get some good advice. People already have some advice, but how do they decide whether it is good? There is one best way to identify good advice: It should be backed up with good reasons. One principle is to ask for reasons before accepting a conclusion, unless the writers already have good enough reasons. If the writers expect the readers to accept their own conclusion, then it's the writers’ responsibility to give them reasons they can appreciate.18 That is called logical reasoning. Give readers argument that they can understand. Show the reasons to audience. The goal in giving an opinion or argument is to design the reasons so that the audience can sees that the reasons imply the conclusion. Another way of saying this is audience should see that the conclusion follows from the reasons given to support it.

Logical reasoning is important ability to have, because it enhances the ability in making judgments. It is because logical reasoning skills are complex abilities that can help people to get someone's point, generate reasons, evaluate the reasons given by others, decide what to do or what not to do, decide what information to accept or reject, explain a complicated idea, apply conscious, and resist propaganda.19

The ability to frame and defend an opinion or argument is particularly important to students’ readiness for college and careers. The goal of making



Bradley H. Dowden, Logical Reasoning (Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento Sacramento, CA 95819 USA), p. 5 





an argument or opinion is to convince an audience of the rightness of the claims being made using logical reasoning and relevant evidence. In some cases, students will make an argument or opinion to gain access to college or to a job, laying out their qualifications or experience. In college, a student might defend an interpretation of a work of literature or of history and, in the workplace an employee might write to recommend a course of action. Students must frame the debate over a claim, presenting the evidence for the opinion or argument and acknowledging and addressing its limitations. This approach allows readers to test the veracity of the claims being made and the reasoning being offered in their defense20.

From that statement, it can be concluded that the ability in having logical reasoning is very important for students to sharpen their thinking in college and career. In the college, by having ability in stating logical reasoning, the students can debate some other opinions or arguments and defend their argument. Besides, in the workplace, an employee has to be able to write logical reasoning to increase their position and to gain relationship with their higher and their relation.

Logical reasoners need to be flexible thinkers and also be sensitive to the situation, use their background knowledge and common sense in drawing conclusions because extraordinary statements require extraordinarily good evidence to back them up. The most important principle in logical reasoning is “Be consistent in reasoning and be on the lookout for inconsistency in the reasoning of others.21



Hillocks, George Jr. Teaching Argument for Critical Thinking and Writing: An Introduction, The University of Chicago, p. 25  


Bradley H. Dowden, Logical Reasoning (Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento Sacramento, CA 95819 USA), p. 13 




According to Bradley H. Dowden, the ability in writing logical reasoning includes:

1. Ability in writing a well-stated thesis statement

This is the important one, because it identifies the topic and states the writer position on it. In this case, the topic sentence introduces the topic and states the writer opinion about the topic. The explanation about the topic that the students write should be clear, well defined, and thorough in order to make the readers familiar with the topic. Besides address the topic sentence, the main idea and all the critical aspects about the topic should be include in the introduction. In general, a thesis statement expresses the purpose or main point of your writing. According to Hope Martis, “the thesis statement constitutes the main point of the writing. It states what the writers want the readers to do, believe, or know once after they read the writing”. Another definition about a thesis statement is “a very specific argument that guides the writing”22. Generally, a thesis statement consists of two parts: (1) a clearly identifiable topic or subject matter, and (2) a succinct summary of what the writer have to say about that topic. The thesis statement is usually placed at the end of the introduction, (though some disciplines might require the thesis statement to be the first sentence of the writing) and,       





thesis statement is often expressed in one sentence, though it may in some cases be two or rarely three sentences, depending on the length and complexity of the writing23.

The explanation about the topic should be clear in order to make the readers familiar with the topic. A thesis may be stated directly or implied (not stated directly, but obvious to the reader). An effective thesis statement explains to the reader the case that the writers are going to make and how they are going to make it. The thesis also helps the writers to keep focused and determined what information do (or don’t) need to include in the analysis.


2. Ability in showing and supporting opinion with relevant evidence

The second ability in writing logical reasoning in the middle of the opinion is showing and supporting opinion with relevant evidence. After the writers critique someone else’s opinion, they should support their opinion with logical reasoning to defend their opinion. For strengthen the opinion, the writers need to include empirical evidence in the form of facts, data, statistics, examples or links concrete and detailed, and so on. The writer should not simply mention them, but should elaborate on them



Santa Barbara City College. CLRC Writing Center. Developing a Thesis Statement. Accessed on April, 15 2016 




by giving details to be connected deliberately with the opinion being made.

The kinds of evidence according to CSSC (Communication Students Support Center), they are:

a. Using facts is a powerful means of convincing. Facts can come from the reading, observation, or personal experience. Note: Do not confuse facts with truths. A “truth” is an idea believed by many people, but it cannot be proven.

b. Using statistics can provide excellent support the opinion. The statistics should be come from responsible sources and do not forget to cite the sources.

c. Using quotes from leading expert that support the position is an invaluable tool.

d. Using examples enhance the meaning and make the ideas concrete. They are the proof.24

Those kinds of evidence inclined to occur in all of types of the topics. But, some people oftentimes prefer to use facts and examples to support their opinion rather than using statistics or quotes. Four kinds of evidence above must not be appearing at all, the writers can use one of them to strengthen their opinion, because in writing opinion show one       





evidence is enough, but if the writers use all of the kinds of evidence to strengthen their argument or opinion, it becomes better.


3. Ability in meaning (Ideas and Information)

In the middle of the students’ opinion, the main points of the discussion are presented. The students’ opinion which focuses on reasoning which include the ideas and the knowledge information should be clear, easy to follow, and understandable by the readers. The students should use simple sentences and use familiar words in order to catch the readers’ interest in participate with the topic, besides that the readers also can catch what the students’ opinion. Not only that, the comment or opinion that the students write has to relate to and adds insight to the post or topic.


4. Ability in writing the conclusion

In writing the conclusion, the writer restates the opinion with different words, summarize key points, underscore the logic of the presentation, suggest a course of action, or challenge the readers to apply the writing comment to their own life. Conclusions frame the writer’s thoughts and bridge the ideas for the reader. The conclusion is the writer’s chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows the writer to have the final say on the issues that the writer have




raised in the writing, to summarize the writer’s thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of the ideas, and to propel the reader to a new view of the subject. It is also the writer’s opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note. Not only that, the conclusion should make the readers glad that they read the opinion. The conclusion gives the reader something to take away that will help them to see things differently or personally appreciate with the topic in relevant ways. It can suggest broader implications that will not only interest the reader, but also enrich the reader’s life in some way. It is the writer’s gift to the readers.

5. Ability in writing response

In writing opinion, getting response from the readers is very important. If there is response from the readers, it means that the readers will state their agreement or maybe their disagreement with the writer’s point of view. The readers’ statement should have high quality opinion that can be debated between the readers and the writers, because the contravention statement between them can build their critical thinking. In this occasion the writer should give feedback or write comment back to the readers’ point of view. If the writer and the readers do that thing in the following days, their activity will build their critical thinking.




E. Schoology

There are many learning management systems that can be used in educational world, some of them are; Schoology, Edmodo, Moodle, Blackboard, etc. and the object of this study used Schoology in learning process of CALL 2 course at seventh semester in year 2014-2015. Schoology is one of popular Learning Management System (LMS) which is used by the lecturer of CALL 2 course in English Teacher Education Department at Islamic University of Sunan-Ampel Surabaya. Schoology is for higher education institutions focused on collaboration that allows users to create, manage, and share academic content, also known as a learning management system or course management system, because Schoology provides tools to manage an online classroom.

The services of Schoology are includes attendance records, online gradebook, discussion forum, tests and quizzes, and homework dropboxes. Visually and functionally Schoology is similar to Edmodo, you can upload your profile picture, post and share ideas, give comment to someone’s point of view, it has unlimited words when write comment or post, it can be used as media for collecting assignment, etc. What makes Schoology different from Edmodo are; the only place to host discussion on Edmodo is on its “wall,” which over time it becomes buried. Different from Edmodo, Schoology has its own discussion section. Not only that, the lecturer also can create different




topics for the students to discuss. This organized discussion is always saved separately, and you can go back at any time to check or view a student’s response. Moreover, Schoology offers analytics so all you have to do is click one button and instantly you can see how many times a student participated.

The benefits of using Schoology are: the lecturer can open it every time and everywhere that have internet connection, have access to better course management and communication for free, ability to easily create folders inside of folders, discussion boards; the lecturer can easily grade comments and it can be replied by students. Both teachers and students are also able to embed media (files, links, and audio/video recordings) in the discussion board comments, students can attach any document to turn in an assignment and the teacher is able to grade it without leaving Schoology, by using the Schoology dropbox. Rubrics; Schoology has enabled rubrics for grading. Users can use a generic rubric or create a new rubric for each assignment and it will automatically populate when grading the assignment, allows instructor to share instructional resources, best practices, and more on a local and global scale. Schoology streamlines the systematic processes of content creation and management, grade recording, attendance, and more so you can spend less time on redundant tasks. This is some pictures of Schoology:




Picture 2.1. When login on  


Picture 2.2. After login on Schoology


F. Previous Study

Based on the investigation on several thesis, writer found some tittle of thesis which has similar discussion. The first tittle of the thesis is “The Students’ Ability in Writing Argumentative Essay at English Teacher




Education Department of the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya” conducted by Indah Nova Layaalia,25 which discuss about analysis the students’ ability in writing argumentative essay at English education department of the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The second title of thesis is “Analysis of Students’ Cause and Effect Essay Writing at Batu Sangkar,” written by Gusman.26 This study had purpose to know the students’ ability in writing cause and effect essay by focusing on the aspects of writing essay such as content, organization, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics and vocabulary.

The third study was done by Nurul Fadilah and the title is “An Error Analysis of Using Cohesive Devices In Writing Narrative Text at the Second Year Students of SMPN 5 Surabaya”.27 This study investigated the specified into the students’ capability of the development of grammatical constructions, which analyzed students’ error in using cohesive devices and identifying the types of error on the use of cohesive devices in writing narrative text.



Indah Nova Layaalia, The Students’ Ability in Writing Argumentative Essay at English Teacher Education Department of the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya (Surabaya: Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2015) 


Elvina Gusman, Analysis of Students’ Cause and Effect Essay Writing at Batu Sangkar. Vol. 2 No. 1, Maret 2014. 


Nurul Fadilah, An Error Analysis of Using Cohesive Devices In Writing Narrative Text at the Second Year Students of SMPN 5 Surabaya (Surabaya: Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2014) 




The fourth study was conducted by Diniyah with title “An Analysis on Students Ability and Difficulty in Writing Narative Text”.28 This study investigated the errors was made and the difficulty was faced by eleventh grader students in writing narrative texts and this study also discovered the kinds of process and circumstances on students’ narrative text.

The fifth title of thesis is “The Error Analysis on The Use of Cohesive Devices in English Writing Essay among the Seventh Semester Students of English Department of STAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year 2011/2012”,

conducted by Yanti.29 This study investigated cohesive devices errors in 66 essays written by seventh semester students.

The sixth study was conducted by Rokhmah with title “Students’ Capability in Writing Persuasive Essay at The Second Year in SMU Muhammadiyah 1 Lasem”.30 This study analyzed the students’ ability in writing persuasive essay, which is specified into the students’ capability of the development of content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanism.



Tabah Ghifari Diniya, An Analysis on Students Ability and Difficulty in Writing Narative Text, (Bandung: Indonesia University of Education, 2013) 


Yanti Nurhayati, The Error Analysis on The Use of Cohesive Devices in English Writing Essay among the Seventh Semester Students of English Department of STAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year 2011/2012 (Salatiga: STAIN Salatiga, 2012) 


Nurul Lailati Rokhmah, Students’ Capability in Writing Persuasive Essay at The Second Year in SMU Muhammadiyah 1 Lasem, (Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2008) 




The seventh study was conducted by Mansoor Fahim.31 It discussed about the effect of critical thinking on developing argumentative essay by using tree diagram by Iranian EFL University Students. The eighth study was conducted by Endang Sulistiawati with entitle “The Students Ability to Write Logical Argument on Writing Argumentative Writing At English Teacher Education Department Of Faculty Of Education And Teacher Training Of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya in academic year 2014-2015”.32 This study discussed about the students ability in writing logical argument in argumentative essay’s class at English Education Department.

The next previous study is written by L.E. Modesitt, Jr entitle “The “Factsheet” approach as a Tool for Teaching Logical Writing”.33 This study discussed about the use of “factsheet” to teach the organization and structuring of facts in logical writing. The result of this study was the use of “factsheet” approach to write logical writing that can help the teacher to develop greater student skills in using of facts and supporting logic.

The tenth previous study was conducted by Lesley A. Rex, Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, and Steven Engel under the title of “Applying Toulmin:       


Mansoor Fahim, The Effect of Critical Thinking on Developing Argumentative Essay by Using Tree Diagram by Iranian EFL University Students, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 632-638, July 2012. 


Endang Sulistiawati, The Students Ability to Write Logical Argument on Writing Argumentative Writing At English Teacher Education Department Of Faculty Of Education And Teacher Training Of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya in academic year 2014-2015, (Surabaya: Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2015) 


L.E. Modesitt, Jr entitle, The “Factsheet” approach as a Tool for Teaching Logical Writing, Writing Across the curriculum, Vol. III, No. 1 




Teaching Logical Reasoning and Argumentative Writing”.34 This study explained a method for teaching written argument. Another study which has closer discussion was conducted by Mark S. Chapell and Willis F. Overton, and the title was “Development of Logical Reasoning and the School Performance of African American Adolescents in Relation to Socioeconomic Status, Ethnic Identity, and Self-Esteem”.35 This study was aimed to explore the development of deductive reasoning and school performance of 330 African American adolescents and the relation of reasoning and school performance to socioeconomic status (SES), ethnic identity, and self-esteem. The last previous study was conducted by Anita Lie entitle “Social Media in a Content Course for The Digital Natives”.36 This study examines the use of Edmodo as social media to teach a course in pedagogy to a class of digital natives.

According to the previous studies above, the researcher concludes that the thirteenth studies above are different from this study. The first previous study had purposes to analysis the students’ ability in writing argumentative essay, the second previous study had purpose to know the students’ ability in writing cause and effect essay by focusing on the aspects of writing essay       


Lesley A Rex., Ebonyh Elizabeth Thomas, and Steven Engel. Applying Toulmin: Teaching Logical Reasoning and Argumentative Writing. English Journal 99.6 (2010): 55-61. 


Mark S, Chapell & Willis F. Overton. Development of Logical Reasoning and the School Performance of African American Adolescents in Relation to Socioeconomic Status, Ethnic Identity, and Self-Esteem. Journal of Black Psychology, vol. 28 no.4, November 2002 295-317 


Anita Lie, Social Media in a Content Course for The Digital Natives. Teflin Journal, vol. 24 no. 1, Januari 2013. 




such as content, organization, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics and vocabulary. The third and fifth previous study has purpose to know the students’ capability of the development of grammatical constructions, then the fourth previous study has purpose to know the difficulty is faced by eleventh grader students in writing narrative texts, the sixth previous study has purpose to analyze the students’ ability in writing persuasive essay, which is specified into the students’ capability of the development of content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanism. The seventh study has purpose to know the effect of critical thinking on developing argumentative essay, the eighth previous study has purpose to know the students ability in writing logical argument in argumentative essay’s class, the ninth study discusses about the use of Factsheet in writing logical, next study discusses the method for teaching argument, the eleventh study discusses the development of deductive reasoning in African American adolescents, and the last study discusses about the use of Edmodo as social media to teach a course.

From the twelfth previous studies above there is no one that discuss about the students’ ability to write logical reasoning when writing comment or opinion in particular topics on Schoology’s comment, some of studies focus on grammatical constructions, the mechanism, vocabularies, structure of facts, the method for teaching argument, and the difficulties that faced by




students. There is one study which has closer discussion with this study that is “Social Media in a Content Course for The Digital Natives”, what makes that study different with this study is: that study uses Edmodo but this study is uses Schoology. Almost all of the data taken from students’ handwriting, but in this study the data is taken from students’ online discussion which is the comments are posted online on Schoology.







In this chapter, researcher provides the research method involved these few elements: research design, setting of the study, data collection technique, research instrument, data and source of data, and also data analysis.


A. Research Design

This study wants to get information about the students’ ability to write logical reasoning in their writing. Therefore the researcher used descriptive qualitative research since its purpose was to describe the students’ ability in writing logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment. Moleong also stated that qualitative research is a research that used natural setting to interpret a particular phenomenon and done using various method.37 Natural setting means here that the researcher does not give any treatment but only put the data from the students’ writing product.

This research used that method because it was appropriate to the objective of the research which focused on students’ logical reasoning in writing opinion on Schoology’s comment. The result of the research emphasized more toward the data interpretation found in the field. The results are not written in the form of figures with statistical measures, but it is       





illustrate in the form of describing words to the results and it is presented in narrative.

B. Setting of The Study

The setting of this study was conducted by the researcher at seventh grade of English Teacher Education Department the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in CALL 2 course, Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya which is located at Jl. Jend Achmad Yani 117 Surabaya in year 2015 - 2016.

This study conducted in CALL 2 course because CALL 2 is the only course which uses Schoology in learning process. Schoology is a learning management system (LMS) for higher education institutions that allow users to create, manage, and share content and resources. Schoology is one of popular social network platform for learning which is used by the lecturer of CALL 2 course in English Teacher Education Department at Islamic University of Sunan-Ampel Surabaya. The material and the assignments are uploaded online on Schoology. In this study students have to write opinion or comment by expressing ideas or feeling by using words in other students’ posting in particular topics on Schoology. Knowing that technology has important roles in educational world, therefor the researcher chose the CALL




2 course for conducting this research, “how to write a good comment which is uploaded in social media who everyone can read our comment or opinion”.

There are two classes in CALL 2 course. The researcher took two classes as the subject of this research and both of the classes have same lecturer, they were: the students in A class and the students in B class. There were 43 students of A class and 20 students of B class, and the total of the students are sixty three (63). The researcher took all of them as the subject of the research. The consideration in choosing this course because in CALL 2 course the students learned and practiced the way how to write and give comment, agree or disagree to someone’s point of view, how to give and support the comment with some proofs and evidences to strengthen their opinion, and how to make a conclusion in form of writing.

C. Data Collection Technique

Data collection technique is an important part in this study. The data collection technique is a technique used to collect the data. In this study, the researcher used document study, which is the students’ written comment on Schoology. The researcher collected the students’ writing comment on particular topics on Schoology during CALL 2 course at seventh semester in year 2015 – 2016 and the researcher also gave score to students’ written comment by using assessment rubric.




The researcher collected the data from 63 students who took CALL 2 Course at seventh semester in English Teacher Education Department in year 2015 – 2016 and the researcher directly asked the students’ writing comment that they get in CALL 2 course to the lecturer of the classes. The students in this course have to share their ideas by writing comment or opinion in every topic that already available on Schoology in weekly discussion. Therefore, the researcher is quite curious to get research in this case, what are the students’ ability to write logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment.

After the researcher got the data, the data was analyzed by the researcher by using assessment rubric that was prepared before. Then, the researcher made conclusion about the students’ ability in writing logical reasoning on Schoology’s comment.

D. Research Instrument

The instrument is important to find out the result of the research. Therefore, the instruments should be prepared well. In this study, the researcher used assessment rubric and document as the instrument of this research.




This study used rubric to measure the students’ ability in writing logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment in particular topics in CALL 2 course that was adopted from Bradley H. Dowden Logical Reasoning, Marzano, Robert J. (2000). Transforming Classroom Grading. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Then, the researcher adopted the assessment rubric from Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano-Langwitches-Globally Connected Learning. Learning About Blogs FOR your Students: Quality writing rubric based on Andrew Churches Bloom’ Taxonomy Commenting Rubric & Kim Cofino’s & University of Wisconsin’s Blogging Rubric. The last, the researcher adopted the assessment rubric from Blog Commenting Rubric, Modified from Ministry of Education Performance Standards Devon Stokes-Bennett. Those rubrics have elements that was used in analyzing the students’ ability in writing logical reasoning but the researcher only used some elements from that rubric in analyzing the students’ ability in writing logical reasoning on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment in particular topics in CALL 2 course at State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The elements are: (1) The ability in writing thesis statement in the introduction, in this case contains well-defined and thorough explanation about the topic, the students address the topic sentence, main idea, and also include all the




critical aspects about the topic. (2) The body, that is the students’ ability in showing and supporting opinion with relevant evidence, in this case opinion should be logic and thoughtful, supporting opinion with examples or link concrete and detailed. (3) For meaning ability (ideas & information), the reasoning is easy to follow and understandable by using familiar words, and the comment has to relate to and add insight to the post. (4) The ability in writing conclusion, in this case conclude the opinion, restates the opinion with different words, summarizes key points, and underscore the importance of the opinion, and (5) The respond ability: responds respectfully from others’ opinion by giving appreciation using humble & polite words, and using emoticons. See appendix

2. Document

Document is the data in which the researcher got the information about the students’ written comment in particular topic on Schoology. The students already wrote the comment during the semester in year 2015-2016 in CALL 2 course. The researcher took the students’ written comment in three topics to answer the research question in this study. The first topic is “Netiquette”, the second topic is “Technology in Education”. And the last topic is about “Webquest Activity”.




E. Data and Source of Data

Data are the most important thing in conducting this research. It contains many necessary information. In conducting research of the students’ ability to write logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment, the data and source of the data of this research is the students’ writing opinion on Schoology’s comment.

F. Data Analysis

In this study, the researcher collected and analyzed the data based on the data collection technique which is document of students’ writing comment focusing on logical reasoning in particular topics on Schoology. After that, the researcher summarized the findings, and then the researcher presented the data descriptively by drawing a conclusion.

This study used descriptive qualitative in analyzing the data. The researcher analyzed the students’ ability in writing logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment. The researcher used assessment rubric instrument in analyzing the students’ ability in writing comment focusing on logical reasoning. There are some procedures in




analyzing the students’ ability in writing comment focusing on logical reasoning that was adapted from the theory of Miles and Huberman:38

Chart 3.1

Component of Data Analysis: Interactive Model

Data Collection

Data Reduction

Conclusion Data Display


1. Get to know my data


Before analyzing the data, knowing and understanding the data are important because by knowing and understanding the data, it makes the researcher feels easy in analyzing the data. According to Taylor and Marcus, they state that “good analysis depends on understanding the data. For qualitative analysis, this means you read and re-read the text. Write down any impressions you have as you go through the data, these impressions may be useful later”. It means that knowing and understanding the data first can help the researcher in analyzing the data.



Sugoyono. “Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R & D” (Bandung, Alvabeta, cv, 2007), p. 247 




In this research, the researcher read repeatedly the students’ opinion to know and understand the data well in order to be able to analyze the data easily.


2. Data reduction (focus)


Data reduction involves the process of selecting, transcribing, and translating the raw data obtained in data collection.39 In selecting the data, the researcher only took the relevant data. The relevant data were about the students’ ability in writing comment focus on logical reasoning on Schoology’s comment. The abilities are focus on: (1) The ability in writing thesis statement in the introduction, (2) The ability in showing and supporting opinion with relevant evidence in the body, (3) The ability in meaning (ideas & information), (4) The ability in writing conclusion, and (5) The respond ability. The researcher reduced the irrelevant data such as the grammatical constructions, sentence structure, punctuation, and capitalization. All the data selected were transcribed in form of description or written form.



Alice. “An Analysis of Feedback on Students’ Lesson Planning at Microteaching Class of English Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya” (Thesis, State Islamic University, 2014), p. 68-69. 




Data display

Conclusion drawing



According to Alice, “data display is referred to the process of organizing and arranging the selected, transcribed, and translated the data in the form.40 In displaying the data of qualitative research, there are some forms that can be used by the researcher. They are table, graphic, phi chart, pictogram, and brief description.41 In displaying the data, the researcher discusses and describe the data finding “what are the students’ ability to write logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment” in description and table.


The last process of analyzing the research data is conclusion drawing. In this process, the researcher drew the conclusion based on the finding and the discussion of the findings.




Alice. “An Analysis of Feedback on Students’ Lesson Planning at Microteaching Class of English Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya” (Thesis, State Islamic University, 2014), p. 68-69. 


Sugiyono, “Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R & D” (Bandung, Alvabeta, cv, 2007), p. 249 







This chapter presents data analysis and discussion of findings in order to answer the question in the research problem. In finding, the researcher discusses and describes the process and the steps of collecting data and data finding. Then in discussion, the researcher concludes the finding of the students’ ability to write logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment in CALL 2 course at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.


A. Research Finding

After the researcher analyzed the data using assessment rubric, the researcher presents and displays the result clearly in this research finding. The researcher displays the result in table form clearly. The researcher got sixty three students’ opinion in each topic, and there are three topics in this study. So, the researcher analyzed 189 students’ opinion on Schoology by using assessment rubric. The result of the analysis is explained in the table 4.1 of recapitulation of the students’ ability to write logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment.




Topic 1

No. Students’ Ability Score

1 2 3 4 1 Students’ ability in

writing thesis statement

- 2 students 36 students 17 students

2 Students’ ability in showing &

supporting opinion

- 2 students 53 students -

3 Students’ ability in meaning (ideas & information)

- - - 55 students

4 Students’ ability in writing conclusion

44 students - 10 students 1 student 5 Students’ respond


20 students 5 students 13 students 17 students

Topic 2

No. Students’ Ability Score

1 2 3 4 1 Students’ ability in

writing thesis statement

- 2 students 13 students 43 students

2 Students’ ability in showing &

supporting opinion

- 2 students 26 students 30 student

3 Students’ ability in meaning (ideas & information)

- - 7 students 51 students

4 Students’ ability in writing conclusion

47 students - 6 students 5 students 5 Students’ respond


17 students 18 students 13 students 10 students

Topic 3

No. Students’ Ability Score




1 Students’ ability in writing thesis


- 2 students 14 students 41 students

2 Students’ ability in showing &

supporting opinion

- - 4 students 53 student

3 Students’ ability in meaning (ideas & information)

- 1 student - 56 students

4 Students’ ability in writing conclusion

57 students - - -

5 Students’ respond ability

28 students 28 students 1 student -  

Table 4.1


1. Finding of students’ ability in writing thesis statement

In all of the topics, the number of students who got score (2) is only two students in each topic, the students stated thesis statement contains adequate explanation of the topic but is vague. The first topic is about “Nettiquette”, and the question is “Do we need Nettiquette? Why?” and this is two examples of the students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment who got score (2) in writing thesis statement in the first topic, “we do Netiquette yes, sure because it is very help our human in this communication”, the other student’s comment is “I am sorry I don’t know about this assignment Nettiquette. But I try to explain about Nettiquette is how we communication in media as internet. Now days Nettiquette is important for us make easy communication to each other”. In the first opinion, student did not state thesis statement, the student only




answer the question. The second opinion, student stated thesis statement contains adequate explanation of the topic but is vague, because the student only addresses the topic sentence that is about Nettiquette but student did not give more explanation or did not include the critical aspects about the topic. That is why both comments above are vague. The students only answer the question, they did not give more logical reasoning about the topic and that makes the readers cannot catch the writer’s point of view.

The second topic is about “Technology in Education”, and the question is “why should we integrate technology into education? And what might be the negative impact of technology in learning? Support your responses by providing links to websites, journal articles, online videos, audios, podcast, or newspaper articles, etc.” And this is two examples of the students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment that got score (2) in writing thesis statement in the second topic; the first opinion,

“Educational technology is the effective use of technological tools in learning. As a concept, it concerns an array of tools, such as media, machines and networking hardware, as well as considering underlying theoretical perspective for their effective application”. The student stated thesis statement and it is expressed in one sentence only. The student’s opinion contains adequate explanation of the topic but is vague, because




the comment only show the definition of educational technology, this student’s opinion did not answer the question. The example of second opinion is, “why should we integrate into education? Because in the modern era. There education is not only applied in classical methods. The negative impact of technology in education actually we find in our

life. The researcher cannot find the thesis statement in this comment

because this comment is only show the answer of the question. Besides that, the student needs to give more explanation about the answer of the second question.

The third topic is about “Teaching Integrated Language Skills: A Webquest Activity”, and the question is “In terms of language learning, what do the students benefit from this Webquest activity? Support your opinion with links to resources such: web pages, journal articles, info graphic etc!” and this is two examples of the students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment that got score (2) in writing thesis statement in the third topic: the first opinion (see appendix students’ comment written by Siti Magfirotun Hs), the writer stated her thesis statement, but this student’s comment is not good because there are too many sentences which the writer do not need to include on Schoology comment, it makes the readers confuse and cannot catch what the writer want to say in this opinion. The second opinion is, “Webquest activity giving some benefit




for students, such as; students can reflect their own metacognitive process, they can contribute their learning skill to the real world of learning”. The researcher thinks that this comment is only answer the question, and do not stated the thesis statement.

The researcher finds thirty six students in first topic, thirteen students in second topic, and fourteen students in the last topic who got score (3) in writing thesis statement contains an explanation of the topic, addresses topic sentence, but exclude the critical aspects about the topic. One of the examples of students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment in writing thesis statement in first topic is “Yes, we absolutely do. Because once we are holding a conversation online, we only interpret what people have written without considering their body language, culture’s background even their upcoming problems. Thus, this Nettiquette rules will prevent us to reduce a social blunders which commonly happens in online communication”. The students stated a well thesis statement, contain an explanation of the topic, addresses the topic sentence, but need a little more critical aspect about the topic.

Moreover, there are seventeen students in first topic, forty three students in second topic, and forty one students got score (4) in third topic. One of the examples of students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment in writing thesis statement in the last topic is (written comment by




Hayatun Nufus), the student write a well-stated thesis statement contains well-defined and thorough explanation about the topic, addresses the topic sentence, and also include all the critical aspects about the topic.

2. Finding of students’ ability in showing and supporting the opinion

In the findings, the researcher found two students got score (2), fifty three students got score (3), and eight students did not post their opinion in the first topic. In the second topic, the researcher found two students got score (2), twenty six students got score (3), thirty students got score (4), and only five students did not post their opinion. In the last topic, the researcher found four students got score (3), fifty three students got score (4), and six students did not post their opinion. The students who got score (2) in showing and supporting the opinion in which in the score, some of them did not add the link or example in their opinion, and also some of them gave the link but is weak. For example; in the second topic is about “Technology in Education”, and the question is “why should we integrate technology into education? And what might be the negative impact of technology in learning? Support your responses by providing links to websites, journal articles, online videos, audios, podcast, or newspaper articles, etc.” and the student’s comment is “why should we integrate into education? Because in the modern era. Their




education is not only applied in classical methods. The negative impact of technology in education actually we find in our life. Http// The student should give more explanation first about the negative impact of technology in learning before giving the link. That link is weak because the link is only supporting the student’s opinion for the second question, whereas the student needs to give more links for the first question to make her opinion stronger. And the other student’s opinion is “Educational technology is the effective use of technological tools in learning. As a concept, it concerns an array of tools, such as media, machines and networking hardware, as well as considering underlying theoretical perspective for their effective application”(see appendix, written comment by Reni in topic 2), there is no example or link given by the writer in that comment. For students who got score (3), they show and support their opinion by using general example or unspecific. For example in the first topic “Another point that attract me about the netiquette is avoiding flaming, about abbreviation (LOL, ROTFL). (See appendix, written by Ismaul Choiriyah in topic 1) the student gives example but it is better if the student gives the link for supporting her opinion. And students who got score (4); they used concrete and detailed links, examples, and also authorities. For example in the third topic on





This chapter presents the conclusion and it is ended by the suggestion from the researcher.

A. Conclusion

By considering the aspects and indicator of assessment rubric to analyze the students’ ability to write logical reasoning on Schoology’s comment, the conclusion of the research result can be determined as follow:


1. The students’ ability to write logical reasoning as reflected on

students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment

The conclusion of the students’ ability to write logical reasoning as reflected on students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment in CALL 2 course are; the students who joined CALL 2 course have ability to write a well-stated thesis statement, contains well-defined and thorough explanation of topic, the students address the topic sentence, and also include the critical aspects about the topic. Besides that, almost all of the students’ opinion are logical and thoughtful, the students used specific links, concrete and detailed examples, and also relevant evidences to support their opinion. The students’ reasoning is easy to follow and



understandable by the readers because the students used simple sentences and familiar words in their writing. But, almost students do not write the concluding statement in the end of their writing. Whereas, the criteria of conclusion in the highest score according to the researcher’s assessment rubric are the conclusion summarize the key points without repeating previous sentences, underscore the importance of the opinion, and ends with appropriate concluding sentence. But, the result of the students’ writing conclusion did not effectively capture opinion. The last is students’ ability in writing response, a half the number of students who joined CALL 2 course is only respond with minimal effort such as said “good job” or said “thanks”, that comment cannot build the students’ critical thinking. This is happened because almost students log in to Schoology two or one days before the deadline. So, the students do not have much time to give comment or to discuss about the issues on Schoology.

B. Suggestion

Regarding the result of this research, this suggestion is for the lecturer. The lecturer should give feedback to the students’ opinion on Schoology’s comment and discusses it with the students about the mistake that the students have. For other researchers who plan to conduct a research related to this



study, the researchers are suggested to conduct new study with different elements of this study such as: how often the students participated in giving comment in online discussion or the difficulties that faced by the students in online learning.



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