THE MOTIVATION OF USING POWER AS REFLECTED IN JULIEN SOREL, THE MAIN CHARACTER OF STENDHAL'S THE RED AND THE BLACK A Thesis Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education







  This thesis is dedicated to: My parents, my husband, my daughter, my brother and my sister.






  Yang bertand da tangan di ba awah ini, saya a mahasiswa U Universitas Sa anata Dharma a : Nama N : Yuni T Tyas Utami N Nomor Mahas siswa : 96 12 214 085

  Demi peng embangan i ilmu penget tahuan, say ya memberik kan kepada Perpustaka aan Universitas Sanata Dhar rma karya ilm miah saya ya ang berjudul l:






  beserta peran ngkat yang d diperlukan (bi ila ada). Den ngan demikian n saya memb mberikan kepa ada Perpustakaan n Universita as Sanata Dh harma hak u untuk meny yimpan, men ngalihkan dala am bentuk medi a lain, meng gelolanya dala am bentuk p pangkalan dat ata, mendistri ibusikan seca ara terbatas, dan mempublika asikannya di Internet atau media lain u untuk kepenti ingan akadem mis tanpa perlu m meminta ijin n dari saya m maupun mem mberikan royal lti kepada say ya selama tet tap mencantumk kan nama saya a sebagai pen nulis.

  Demikian pem myataan ini ya ang saya buat d dengan sebena arnya. Dibuat di Y ogyakarta Pada tangga al : 27 Januar ri 2005 Yang menyat takan


  ( ( Yuni Tyas Utami )



  I would like to thank those who have given me affection, caring, knowledge and support in completing every part of this thesis. First of all, I wish to prise the Lord, who blesses and guides me in every step of my life. He always gives me His unbounded love wherever I am.

  My sincere gratitude goes to Dr. Paulus Suparno, S. J., M. S. T., Dr. A.M. Slamet Soewandi, M. Pd., Paulus Kuswandono, S. Pd.,M. Ed., and Drs. Sutoyo, M. Ed., for giving me chance to finish my study in Sanata Dharma University.

  I am deeply indebted to my major sponsor, Dr. A. Herujiyanto, M. A., Ph. D., who guides me in writing this thesis. I thank him for his patience in guiding me during the completion of my thesis.

  I thank to Laurentia Sumarni, S. Pd., who has willing to help me to correct and improve my thesis. I thank her for her precious time, support, smile, and her motto for doing the best in all matters.

  My deepest gratitude is mostly to my dearest parents, Y. Lono Widagdo and MM. Daryati, who always give their eternal affection all through my life. I thank my brother, L. Yuniarso Dwi Utomo, and my sister, E. Triana Widyaningrum, for their love they give to me. I hope both of them always succed in their life.

  Million of thanks go to Monica Ari Wijayanti, S. Pd. as my team-work in designing English LKS in Intan Pariwara and Dra. Retno Kusumaningrum, my senior in Alpha-Sempoa Indonesia Pratama, who always support, accompany, and help me in my good and bad time. I hope both of them have great things in their life.

  I also want to thank all PBI 1996 students, who share beautiful moments in my life, especially Lena, suci, Lolly, Selly, Bona Eta, Ade Sus, Erma, Ida Preman, Ida SG, Tutik, Dewi, dewi Dewo,Ana Prambanan, Ana Yanti, Magda, Mbak Rina, Tohap, Nico, Wahyu and all members of PBI Perjuangan, Sita, Priyadi, Yoyok, Suthex, Bun-bun, Binawan, Agus Kris, Gega, Miyan, Ridar, Lila, Heni, Mamiek and Audi. I thank them all for paying attention to me.

  Many thanks go to the staff of Samsat Klaten, especially Drs. Suryanto, Om Warno Thole, Bu Ayu, Bu Dewi SPT, Bu Siti, Bu Sri Rahayu Kasir, Bu Ngadiyem


Carik , Pak Sugeng, Pak Tikno Jasa Raharja, Pak Widodo, Pak Bambang Sumantri

Kaur, Pak Dalirin Baur, Pak Riyadi and Pak Haryono Register, who give some

  advices and let me enter the office freely. Besides, I would like to thank Mas Yono and Mas Joko who always help to finish my unlimited work. I also thank to mbakHeni Hoya, Mbak Nur Kawasaki Motor, Mas Narto Sun Motor, the duet of Asli


Motor (Mas Darno-Sriyono), Mbak Titin SHM, Mas Basuki Asia, Pak Bambang

Astra, Bu Bayan, Mas Sompong, PakMuslih, Raya Motor, the cek fisik policemen

  (PakWardi and Pak Kirno) who teach me work happily.

  Finally, I woud like to express my gratitude to Christhoperus Mulya Jayanto, who always takes part in every single moment of my life,and to my dearest daughter, Anggito Sekar Laras, who gives me support with her smile and crying.


  PACE OF TITLE .................................................................................................. i PAGE OF APPROVAL ......................................................................................... ii BOARD OF EXAMINERS ................................................................................... iii PAGE OF DEDICATION .................................................................................... iv STATEMENT OF WORK'S ORIGINALITY ...................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... viii

  ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xi ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... xii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study ................................................................................. 1 B. Aim of the Study .............................................................................................. 5 C. Problem Formulation ....................................................................................... 5 D. Definition of Terms .......................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................... 7 A. Theoretical Review ........................... : ............................................................ 7

  1. Theory of Literature .................................................................................... 7

  a. Critical Approach ................................................................................... 8

  b. Character ................................................................................................. 10

  d. Setting ......................................................................................................

  16 2. Theory of Psychology .................................................................................

  18 a. Motivation ...............................................................................................

  18 b.Need ........................................................................................................


  c. Power ....................................................................................................... 25 B. History of French ..............................................................................................

  29 C. Criticisms and Comments on Stendhal and his Works ....................................

  33 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 36

  A. Subject Matter .................................................................................................. 36

  B. Approach ......................................................................................................... 37

  C. Procedures ....................................................................................................... 37

  D. Sources ............................................................................................................. 38

  CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS .................................................................................. 41 A. The Description of Julien Sorel ....................................................................... 41 B. Julien Sorel’s Motivation ................................................................................. 57 1. The Setting that Encompasses Julien Sorel in Using Power ...................... 57 2. Julien Sorel' s Motivation of Using Power to Achieve a Better Status ....... 60

  a. Need .......................................................................................................... 60

  b. Motivation ................................................................................................. 66

  c. Power .............................................................................................. 69

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................................... 71

  B. Suggestion .............................................................................................. 73 1.

  Suggestion for Further Study on The Red and The Black ....................... 73 2.

  Suggestion for Implementation Stendhal's The Red and The Black in English Language Teaching ............................................................ 75 a. The Implementation of The Red and The Black in Teaching Reading . 75

  b. The Implementation of The Red and The Black in Teaching Speaking. 76

  c. The Implementation of The Red and Tlie Black in Teaching Writing .. 78

  d. The Implementation of The Red and Tlie Black in Teaching Dictation 80

  e. The Implementation of The Red and The Black in Teaching Vocabulary 81




Yuni Tyas Utami. 2005. The Motivation of Using Power as Reflected in Julien

Sorel, the Main Character of Stendhal's The Red and The Black. Yogyakarta:

English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and

Arts Education, Sanata Dharma University.

  Man's conquest happened at the dawn of human civilization. The dream of controlling others is aroused from the motivation to gain esteem from others. This thinking has inspired me to conduct this literary study, which discusses The Red and


The Black, a novel by Stendhal. This novel is about the main character, Julien Sorel, a

young man who attempts to achieve success by using seduction for social climbing.

  However, his motivation to seek power has misled him into hypocrisy. His motivation is closely related to the use of power that arouses a need for fame and hatred of the rich in his mind. This study focuses on the motivation of using power as reflected in Julien Sorel, the main character of The Red and The Black.

  There are two problems, which become the basis of the writing, namely the description of Julien Sorel, the main character of Stendhal's The Red and The Black and Julien's motivation in using power. This study employs library research for collecting data. The psychological and sociocultural-historical approaches are used for the analysis of the data. This study employs two sources of data, namely primary data, which is gained from The Red and The Black, and the secondary data, which is gained from some references.

  From the study of character, it is found that Julien Sorel, the main character of The Red and The Black, has various sides to his character. At times, he is weak, shy, unstable, and introvert. At other times, he is irresponsible, ambitious, hypocrital, wicked, proud, fanatical and inflexible. However, he is a hard worker and cares for the poor. He is also young, handsome, brilliant, and has an amazing memory for what he has learnt. His motivation for using power comes from a lack of self-esteem, insecurity and failure to belong. So, he is not able to perform as a self-actualized person. Using power in his life creates an image that his humble birth means nothing. The image also supports his motivation for using power. Therefore, he struggles hard to gain power.

  From the analysis, it is found that Julien Sorel's motivation for using power is aroused by his need for fame to counteract his humble birth. This study also suggests further study on Stendhal's The Red and The Black and the implementation of this novel in teaching English.



Yuni Tyas Utami, 2005. The Motivation of Using Power as Reflected in Julien

Sorel, the Main Character of Stendhal's The Red and The Black. Yogyakarta:

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas

Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Penguasaan manusia telah terjadi sejak adanya peradaban manusia. Keinginan untuk menguasai manusia lain bangkit dari motivasi untuk mendapatkan pengakuan dari orang lain. Pemikiran ini telah memberi inspirasi untuk melakukan studi kesusastraan mengenai The Red and The Black, sebuah novel karya Stendhal. Novel ini menceritakan tentang sang tokoh utama, Julien Sorel, seorang laki-laki muda yang berusaha meraih kesuksesan dalam hidup melalui paksaan keinginannya dan menggunakan rayuan seksual sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan derajat sosialnya. Tetapi, motivasi dalam mencari kekuasaan telah mambawanya pada kemunafikan. Motivasinya berhubungan erat dengan penggunaan kekuasaan yang membawanya pada kebutuhan akan kemashyuran dan kebencian akan orang-orang kaya dalam pikirannya. Maka, studi ini memfokuskan pada motivasi untuk menggunakan kekuasaan yang dicerminkan oleh Julien Sorel, tokoh utama dalam novel The Red

  and The Black.

  Ada dua permasalahan utama yang menjadi dasar penulisan, yaitu deskripsi tentang Julien Sorel, tokoh utama The Red and The Black, karya Stendhal, dan motivasi Julien Sorel. Studi ini menggunakan penelitian pustaka sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Pendekatan psikologi dan pendekatan sejarah sosial-budaya digunakan untuk menganalisa data. Studi ini menggunakan dua sumber data, yaitu sumber data primer yang diperoleh dari novel itu sendiri dan sumber data sekunder yang diambil dari beberapa referensi.

  Dari analisa pada karakter, diketahui bahwa Julien Sorel, tokoh utama dalam novel The Red and The Black mempunyai beragam sisi karakter. Pada satu kejadian, dia adalah orang yang lemah, pemalu, tidak stabil, dan tertutup. Pada kesempatan lainnya, dia adalah orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab, ambisius, munafik, jahat, sombong, fanatik, dan tidak fleksibel. Tetapi, dia adalah seorang pekerja keras dan memperhatikan orang miskin. Dia juga muda, tampan, cerdas, dan memiliki daya ingat yang mengagumkan tentang apa yang telah dia pelajari. Motivasinya untuk menggunakan kekuasaan timbul dari tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan hidupnya mulai dari kebutuhan fisik, keamanan, cinta, dan pengakuan. Jadi, dia tidak dapat mewujudkan dirinya sebagai orang yang mempunyai aktualisasi diri. Situasi penggunaan kekuasaan dalam hidupnya menciptakan kesan bahwa dirinya yang berasal dari kelas rendah tidak memiliki arti. Kesan tersebut juga mendukung motivasinya akan kekuasaan. Itulah sebabnya, dia berusaha sekeras-kerasnya untuk meraih kekuasaan.

  Dari analisa, ditemukan bahwa motivasi Julien Sorel untuk menggunakan kekuasaan timbul dari keinginannya untuk mendapatkan kemashyuran untuk menutupi dinnya yang berasal dari kelas rendah. Studi ini juga menyarankan penelitian yang lebih lanjut tentang The Red and The Black dan penerapan novel ini dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris.



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter is divided into four parts, namely Background of the Study, Aim

  of the Study, Problem Formulation, and Definition of Terms. The Background of the Study states the reason why I choose the novel and why I am interested to explore the main character and setting of the novel. After presenting the background, the aim of the study can be found. Then, the problems are formulated in the problem formulation. Definition of terms will contain the explanation of some terms,which need to be clarified.

A. Background of the Study

  God creates human being as His image. He wants them to live together in the world and to make it a better place. He does not differentiates His creation. All human beings are the same in God’s point of view. He threats them equal without considering races, sexes, and classes. A religious expression of the equality of all souls inside of God can be found in The New Testament doctrine: “Ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26-29)

  The principle of equality has done in every part of human beigs’ lives because human beings have the same needs. Therefore, during their lives, human beings need one another because they have to fulfill their needs. It is impossible if they are able to


  support their lives when they live alone. It means that they have to live and work to survive.

  Human needs are not only physical, such as dringking, eating, and clothing. There are many other human needs that have to be satisfied in order to be complete human being. Maslow(1970), as explained by Harbert L. Petri in his Motivation


Theory described that human needs are formed into a hierarchy of needs. The

  hierarchy of needs includes physiological needs, such as drinking and eating; safety needs, such as secure job and environment; love needs, such as affection and caring, and esteem needs, such as apreciation of others, to achieve the self-actualizing need.

  Usually, the lowest needs, for example, physiological needs are the first needs to be satisfied. After satisfying the first level of needs, the others have to be also satisfied in sequence according the hierarchy of needs.

  When we can not fulfill our needs, our behaviour will be affected because we always try in order to do whatever it takes to satisfy those needs. The example is when we are thirsty, but unfortunately, we are not able to get any baverages, we will think of drinking and our behaviour will focus on fulfilling the needs of drinking.

  Therefore,it is dangerous for a person who can not fufill his needs because his behviour will influenced by his unfufilled needs. The other example is when we are hungry, we will always think, speak, and imagine food.

  The first reason why Iam interested in analyzing this novel is in this novel, I see Julien Sorel, the main character of Stendhal’s The Red and the Black, as a


  clothes and not having any money to pay for his education. He is motivated by his lack of needs and tries to fulfill them.

  The second reason is, I am also interested in this novel because Julien Sorel, the main character of the novel, behaves as ‘real character’ of human being in our daily lives when fulfilling their needs. Nowdays, human beings tend to fulfill their needs without considering others. They do not care if their needs endanger and threaten other people. The example is war. We can see many wars in this world because people want to satisfy their needs by forcing other people to do what they want. The war itself is a description of human beings’needs to enslave others. The latest war broke when George W. Bush, the president of United States of America wanted to invade Iraq. He said that Saddam had developed weapons of Mass Destruction. At that time, Saddam refused to be searched. He said that he did not have any biological weapons and he did not allow any foreigners to search his country. After that, Bush was angry and threatened Saddam that unless Saddam surrended, Iraq would invaded. Finally the war broke. The war itself is a description that describes that Bush wanted to show his power to the world that he was able to do everything and so did Saddam. He also wanted to show off his power to the world that actually he could not be enslaved by anyone. Both of them did not want to realize that their showing power needs have created missery and suffer to the world community.

  Thirdly, I am interested in Julien sorel, the main character of Stendhal’s The


  of showing power appears when by chance he had fulfilled his basic needs. In addition, the setting of the novel is interesting to be discussed because there are some actions of using power, which are done by different sides of France society after the falling of Napoleon in 1800.

  B . Aim of the Study

  The aim of the study is to see one’s motivation of using power as reflected in Julien Sorel, the main character of Stendhal’s The Red and The Black.

  C . Problem Formulation

  Based on the background above, two problems are presented in this study. They are:

1. What is Julien sorel’s character in Stendhal’s The Red and The Black? 2.

  What is Julien Sorel’s motivation for using power?

  D . Definition of Terms

  In this part, some terms are going to be clarified. First,the word motivation, in the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 5 and 6, is describes as “doing something for a purpose”, “acting to realize an end on achieve a goal”, “doing something in


  order to do so-and so” (1967:400). In my opinion, the meaning of motivation in this study is human impulse to realize his/her ideal.

  Second, the word need, according to A. S. Hornby in the Oxford Advanced of


Learner’s Dictionary is described as “circumstances in which something lacking, or

  necessary, or which requires something to be done; necessity” (1989:828). According to Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture, the word need is identified as “the condition in which something necessary, desirable or very useful is missing, wanted” (1989:889). Therefore, need is a situation which forces human beings to fulfill whatever they want to.

  Third, the word power, according A. S. Hornby in the Oxford Advanced of


Learner’s Dictionary is “ability to do or act” (1989:970). In Encyclopedia of Ethics,

  the word power is identified as “the ability or capacity to control, influence, dominate, or excercise authority over other persons or things” (1995:689). In my opinion, power can be positive or negative. It is positive, if it leads human beings in some good developements. It is negative, if it brings human beings in bad attitude.

  Fourth, the word character according to M. H. Abrams in his book a


Glossary of Literary Terms , are defined as “the person presented in a dramatic or

  narrative work who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed wih moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say—the dialogue—and what they do—the action (1981:20). According to Chris Baldick in The Concise Oxford



Dictionary of Literary Terms , the word character is described as “a personage in a

  narrative dramatic work; also a kind of prose sketch briefly describing recognizable type of person” (1990:33). So, characters are human beings’ special attitudes that are reflected in their behaviour in their daily lives.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter is divided into three parts, namely: Theoretical Review, History

  of France and Criticisms. The theoretical review concerns with theory of literature and theory of psychology. The history of France examines France in 1800, especially the period after the falling of Napoleon Bonaparte. Some criticisms of Stendhal's The Red and The Black are also stated in criticisms.

A. Theoretical Review The theory of literature and psychology is going to be examined in this part.

  Those theories concern the motivation of using power as reflected in Julien Sorel, the main character of Stendhal's The Red and The Black.

1. Theory of Literature

  Literature is one element of human nature because it relates to our life. So, literature is a final touch to the completeness of human beings' lives. Marlies K.

  Danzinger and W. Stacy Johnson say, "all the rest is literature" (1961: 1). It means that even though human beings have learnt all subjects, such as: mathematics, biology, chemistry, and economics, but if they do not learn literature yet, their lives will be imbalance. So, it is important for us to understand literature and its elements.

  This study focuses on explore one element of literature that is analyzing , Stendhal's novel The Red and The Black. In this study, the theory of literature will be presented in order to clarify the understanding of character, characterization, and setting.

a. Critical Approach

  After reading a literary work, we are usually able to obtain some important insight. The important insight can be new experiences, knowledge, and different way of thinking. When we are able to acquire the new matter, it means that we have shaped an opinion about the literary work.

  Rohrberger and Woods state that a reader has to understand the description of literature, the way to read it, and the way to judge it. Therefore, in order to understand them, we use a tool, which is called a critical approach (1971: 3). Furthermore, they explain that the purpose of a critical approach is "to put you in a position to receive some of the positive esthetic values, to provide the means whereby you can understand how literature is shaped and something of what it means"(1971: 6). By knowing the critical approach we can get some important meanings from the novel.

  In analyzing the novel, there are five critical approaches recommended by Rohrberger and Woods. They are formalist approach, biographical approach, sociocultural-historical approach, mythopoeic approach, and psychological approach (1971: 1-13). Below is the explanation of the critical approaches. The formalist approach is also known as "New Critics", "textual", "esthetic", and "ontological critics". These critics persist on the whole unity of the literary work.

  They focus almost totally on its "esthetic value" and concern with illustrating the "harmonious involvement of all parts to the whole" and with directing out "how meaning is derived from structure" and "how matters of techniques determine structure". They investigate the literary work without relation to the truth of the author's personal life, without relation to the "genre" or history of literary works, and without relation to "its social milieu" (1971: 6-7). So, this formalist approach only concerns the language used in the novel includes the grammar, diction, and style.

  The biographical approach insists "a work of art is a reflection of a personality, that in the esthetic experience the reader shares the author's consciousness, and that at least part of the reader's response is to the author's personality" (1971: 8). In this approach, the reader tries to examine the author's personal life and use this understanding to comprehend his works. Furthermore, we should be mindful in order not to make "any moral judgement" of the author's personal life when we consider his works. Because, actually, there is anyone who really understands what the author wants to say. Therefore, we should examine "what the author did say" rather than "what he intended to say" (1971: 8). By hindering our personal judgement of the life experiences of the author, we will not give a wrong judgement of the literary work.

  The sociocultural-historical approach insists that one method to place the here is described as "attitudes" and "actions" of people of certain group and focus that "literature takes these attitudes and actions as its subject matter" (1971: 9). In this approach, historical background of the novel is the main focus. By understanding the sociocultural-historical background, especially learning the society conditions and the historical events in the year when the novel was made will help the readers to comprehend the literary work easily.

  The mythopoeic approach tries to find "certain universally recurrent patterns of human thought, which they believe find expression in significant works of art" (1971: 11). The "universally recurrent patterns" are defined as "those that found first expression in ancient myths and folk rites and are so basic to human thought that they have meaning for all men" (1971: 11). This approach relates to traditional values, such as custom, traditional ceremonies, and ancient beliefs.

  The psychological approach concerns the struggle to place and exhibit "certain recurrent patterns". It draws different body of knowledge, that is psychology (1971: 13). This approach asks the readers to develop their knowledge of psychology for their better understanding of the novel. ,

b. Character

  Character in a novel is actually a realization of human being's attitudes in real life. Sometimes, we can see some characters in a novel, which are identical to people we meet in our daily lives. Character according to Jack Myers and Michael Simms is defined as "a person in a piece of literature whose identity is composed of easily recognizable (though at times complex) moral, intellectual, and ethical qualities" (1941:44).

  Richard Abcarican and Marvin Klotz (1989: 70) that "as you form an understanding of a character, you also need to notice what other people in the story say about the person, how they respond to that person as well as what the author reveals of that person's thought and past behaviour".

  In our daily lives, sometimes we find a person who does not have any reactions when he/she finds a surprised event. Besides, we also often meet a person, who is very alert and react easily to one simple occasion. In the novel, both characters can be found.

  E.M. Forster introduces two kinds of character, "flat" and "round" character. A flat character (also called a "type", or "two-dimensional") is built around "a single idea or quality" and is described without specific details, so it can be explained in one sentence. A round character is "complex" in temperament and motivation and capable to surprise the reader (1974: 46-51).

  Jack Myers and Michael Simms describe that character relates to "physical description, attitudes, motives, and actions". Furthermore, they divide character into two types: "flat" and "round" character. A "flat" character is called "static", while a "round" character is termed "dynamic" (1941: 44).

  Besides, when we read a novel, sometimes we see a character, who plays an important role in the story and we also find a character who is less important than

  "secondary" ones. "Major characters are the most important and they perform a key structural function, while secondary characters are characters who perform more limited function"(1977: 87-97).

  Van De Laar and Schoonderwoerd (1958: 170-171) explain that The most perfect way for a novelist to represent his character is to represent them in their wholeness and in all their different aspects. Characters thus represented are called round characters. They are, however, often represented only or mainly in one aspect. They are then called 'flat' characters or 'types' or 'caricatures'. In their purest form, flat characters are constructed round a single idea or quality, e.g. goodness, badness, etc., and they can usually be summed up in a few words or a single sentence. Flat character never, or hardly ever, surprise the reader, while with the round characters, there is always the element of surprise. So, the best way of describing characters in the novel is by depicting those characters in details from their roles and their special behaviour in the story.

c. Characterization

  When reading a novel, it is important for us to understand the characterization of characters by paying attention to each character because a character does not have the same personality, attitude and behaviour as other characters. By paying attention to each character, the readers are able to have a better understanding of the reasons why a character does some actions.

  Jack Myers and Michael Simms' idea of characterization is used in this study. They define characterization as "the presentation in literature fictitious people whose composite physical description, attitudes, motives, and actions are lifelike enough for the reader to accept as representing real people" (1941: 44).

  Hans P. Guth and Gabrielle L. Rico share their opinion on the way to understand the story. They say that an author may depict a character by giving a complete description of the character. The author perhaps, wants the readers to see a character from outwards by allowing the readers draw conclusion by themselves. Or, the author lets the readers go into the character's way of thinking and feelings (1997: 69). By letting the readers to describe characters with their ways of thinking, the author gives a freedom to the readers to express their own opinion.

  In a novel, sometimes we directly know the attitudes of characters by the input of the writer. Besides, we also have to guess the attitudes of characters by paying attention to the actions of characters.

  M. H. Abrams mentions, "There is a broad distinction is frequently made between alternative methods for 'characterizing' the person in narrating showing and telling". In "showing' (also called "the dramatic method"), the author let the reader to draw conclusion by themselves of characters' motives and actions. In "telling", the author himself presents as clear as possible what the characters are (1981:21).

  M.J. Murphy opinion is also stated in order to characterize Julien Sorel, the main of the novel completely. Murphy mentions nine ways of how the characters are presented by the author.

  1. Personal description The author can depict a character by telling the details of physical appearance and clothes of a character, such as: hair, eyes, nose, skin colour, shirt, shoes (1972:

  'King Pyrrhus, though very young, lacked boyish beauty. There was something odd about his front teeth, which gave him the mouth, a snarling dog: his hair lay low on a wrinkled brow. But he was immensely strong and active, and his glance was never still. He looked a gallant barbarian war chief, with no trace of Hellene civility.'

  Murphy describes the character in that novel as "a young man forced into manhood, a warrior, strong, cunning, blunt and lacking refinement of manners" (1972: 162).

  2. Character as seen by others The author can depict a character by letting the readers draw conclusion from the other characters' point of view (1972: 162).

  3. Speech The author can depict the character by letting the readers know by themselves through a character's words, which are said in a novel (1972: 164).

  4. Past life The author can depict a character by letting the reader know the past life of a character by direct comment, character's way of thinking, character's conversation, or other characters' point of view (1972: 166).

  5. Conversation with others The author can depict a character by letting the readers to pay attention to the conversation in a novel (1972: 167). Murphy gives example from

  'Side by side they watch Scobies cross the road to the police van. He had taken more whisky than he was accustomed to, and perhaps that was made him stumble, "They should have sent a younger man," Wilson said. "They never do. He's the only one in the Commissioner trust." They watched him climb laboriously in, and she went sadly on. "Isn't he the typical second man? The man who always does the work.'" From the conversation between Scobie's wife and Wilson, the readers are able to conclude that Scobie is a hard worker and faithful. He is a kind of man who cannot reach the top position in his work. He is a "second man" who always works of the order of the top workers and he cannot change his position in working (1972: 167).

  6. Reactions The author can depict a character by giving clues to the reader through the reactions of character in different conditions and moments (1972: 168).

  7. Direct comment The author can depict a character by giving comments directly (1972: 170).

  8. Thought The author can depict a character by giving a preliminary understanding of a character's way of thinking (1972: 171).

  9. Mannerism The author can depict a character's mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies

  (1972: 173). Murphy gives the example from Lawrence Starne's novel, Tristam


Shandy. In that novel, the readers find the wonderful old character Uncle Toby. Uncle

  Toby is an old soldier, who lives in retirement. He is very odd because he always remembers the moments when he joined the war in the great battles and he has an open space behind his house, which he uses to do a game of war with his marsevant.

  (1972: 173). By applying some theories of character and characterization, the readers are hoped to have better comprehension of the character. So, the analysis, which is going to do, will be better.

d. Setting

  In a novel, setting plays an important role. It gives descriptions of where and when the story takes place. It also describes what situation happened in the story.

  Therefore, the readers are helped to build their imagination about the story by paying attention to the setting.

  M.H. Abrams states his idea that setting has a big influence upon characteristics, behaviours, and thought of the character (1972: 141). According to Merriem Webster, setting is "the location and time frame in which the action of a narrative takes place" (1995: 1015).

  Setting is not just only time, like day and night, morning and afternoon, but it is also important to give the details of the time, for example: the season, the weather, and the temperature. Sylvan Barnet, Morton Berman, and William Burto say:

  Setting is the physical surroundings—the furniture, the architecture, the landscape, the climate- and these often are highly appropriate to the characters, who are associated with them. Setting includes not only the physical surroundings but also a point (several points) in time. The background against which we see the character and the happenings may be specified as morning, evening, spring, or fall (1988: 713-714).

  Besides, setting also explores the conditions of character both physically, such as: jobs and habits and mentally, such as: religion and social aspects. The explanation of setting according to C. Hugh Hulman and William Harmon is also quoted. They explain that setting is "the physical, and sometimes spiritual, background against which the action of a narrative (novel, drama, short story, poem) takes place". Furthermore, they divide setting into four categories. First, "the actual geographical location, its topography, scenery, and such physical arrangements as the location of windows and doors in rooms". Second, "the occupation and daily manner of living of the characters". Third, "the time or period, in which the location takes place, for example: epoch in history or season of the year". Fourth, "the general environment of the characters, for example: religious, mental, moral, social, and emotional conditions through which the people in narrative move"(1986: 465).

  M.J. Murphy explains that the setting of the novel is conditions and events surrounding and influencing the characters. He says that setting covers the "time" and "place" where the characters exist (1972: 141). Furthermore, he divides the setting into three categories. First, time which is divided into present time, past time, future time, and no specific time. Second, place, which is divided into familiar place, unfamiliar place, and imaginary place. Third, atmosphere, which means " the general feelings that is conveyed to the reader"( 1972:143-146). So, setting does not only imply the time and place. It also concerns with the specific aspects relate to the background of the story.

2. Theory of Psychology

  Literature can be related to many subjects in this life. It also relates to many disciplines of study. One of study disciplines, which relates to literature, is psychology. Marlies K. Danzinger and W. Stacy Johnson state "another discipline that has been related to literature and to criticism is psychology" (1961: 136).

  In this study, the theory of psychology is applied in order to explore, Mien Sorel, the main character of Stendhal's The Red and The Black. The theory of psychology concerns with the theory of motivation, needs, and power.

a. Motivation

  Motivation is the fuel to achieve goal. Having no goals in life implies lack of motivation. When we want to achieve our goals, we are motivated to make them come true. " Motivation is an internal condition that arouses a person to behave in particular way and to persist in that behavior until a partial way is attained"(1995: 577).

  A person without motivation is a person who would do nothing. If the person is driven to some actions by some motives, he will produce some behaviors until the goal is fulfilled. The word "motive" derives from the Latin "movere", which has meaning "to move" In one time, sometimes we have motivation to take action to achieve our certain goals. The reason why we take an action varies. We can take action because we have to, or because we promise others to do the action, or because we are threatened of any punishment if we do not do the action. Paul Edwards states that motivation can be expressed in doing something out of a sense of duty, doing something to keep a promise, doing something in order to get revenge, and doing something because it is the polite thing to do (1967: 400).

  Richard A. Kalish's idea is used to clarity the concept of motivation. He says "motivated behaviour set into motion by a need"(1973: 29). So, motivation is shaped in order to fulfill a certain need. Furthermore, he explains " many psychologists believe that all human behavior is motivated, even if the person is not necessarily aware of his motives at the time of behavior" (1973: 30). He also states that we can measure motivation by assuming that "the more motivated a person is, the harder he will work to satisfy his need" (1973: 30). Therefore, when a person is in higher motivation, the person will try hard to fulfill his needs. For example, when we want to buy a gift for our mother on her birthday but we do not have any money, we will try to buy the gift even by borrowing money from our friends.

  People usually do and act certain behaviour because they think that they always understand the reason for their actions. They usually believe that they will not do any actions if they do not have the reason. But, sometimes we do not understand ourselves why we act certain behaviours. Richard A. Kalish explains:

  People often behave in a certain way without knowing why that is without knowing what their motives are. In this case, the behaviour results from unconscious motivation. The person may become aware of his motives in the future, but for the moment at least, he is behaving without being unconscious of the underlying causes (1973: 31). The example of unconscious motivation is that we do not the reason for biting our nails when we are listening to lectures or when we scratch our head although we do not feel itchy.

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