An Analysis of Techniques and Quality of the Translation of Euphemism in the Subtitle of American Pie 1-8. - UNS Institutional Repository






Submitted as Partial Requirement for the Sarjana Sastra Degree at

English Department of Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Sebelas Maret University



Bayu Galih Permana










Name : Bayu Galih Permana Student Number : C0312014

  I state that the thesis entitled An Analysis of Techniques and Quality of The

  American Pie 1-8 is neither Translation of Euphemism in the Subtitle of

  plagiarism nor written by others. All the statements that do not belong to me are put in direct quotations and citations. If this pronouncement is proven untruth, I willingly take any responsible actions given by the academic.

  Surakarta, 05 July 2017 The Researcher

  Bayu Galih Permana Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.



  • Saint Augustine-



This thesis is dedicated to:

  God, My beloved father in heaven, beloved mother, and myself.



  All praises to God, the most graceful and merciful Lord who had given me guidance and blessing to finish my thesis. In this fine opportunity, I would like to give my deepest appreciation to: 1.

  Prof. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed., Ph.D., the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences Sebelas Maret University, for approving this thesis to be examined.

  2. Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A., Ph.D., the Head of English Department, for giving admission to this thesis.

  3. Prof. Drs. Mangatur Nababan M.Ed., M.A.,Ph.D., as my thesis supervisor, for all of your advices, suggestions and guidance during in finishing this thesis. I am indeed very grateful to have you as my thesis supervisor.

  4. All of English Department Lecturers, for the knowledge and lessons you have taught me in college.

  5. My mother, for all of your supports, prayers, motivations and love. I hope you will be proud and happy of my hard work.

  6. My father,for all of your supports, prayers, motivations and love. I hope you will be proud of me although you just can see me from the heaven.

  7. My thesis partners, Fedrick Wahyu and Bimo Putra W., for all of your help and motivations in finishing this thesis.

  8. My best friend, Aghnia Kamilia, Almas Aprilia, Aldita Prafitasari, and Tristina Kusumasari, for all of your supports and motivation so that I can finish this thesis.

  9. My KKN Sukosari team, for the precious friendship, supports and motivations. I hope we can reach the top together.

  10. Sour Sally crew, for the precious friendship, supports and motivations. I hope we can reach the top together.

  11. Better Than Broadway, for all the precious family solidarity, experience and life lessons that had built me a character.

  12. The big family of English Department 2012, for all the precious experience and unforgettable moments in my years of study in Sebelas Maret University.

  Table of Contents

  TITLE ....................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL OF THESIS SUPERVISOR ............................................................ .ii APPROVAL OF BROAD EXAMINERS ............................................................. iii PRONOUNCEMENT ............................................................................................ iv MOTTO ................................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... .xii ABSTRACT. ........................................................................................................ xiv

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1 A. RESEARCH BACKGROUND .................................................................... 1 B. RESEARCH LIMITIATION ....................................................................... 7 C. PROBLEM STATEMENTS ........................................................................ 7 D. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ........................................................................ 8 E. RESEARCH BENEFITS ............................................................................. 8

  CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................ 10 A. TRANSLATION 10

  1. Definition of Translation ........................................................................ 10

  2. Techniques of Translation ...................................................................... 10

  3. Quality Assessment in Translation......................................................... 14

  4. Problems of Translation ......................................................................... 16 B. SUBTITLE ................................................................................................. 17 C. FIGURES OF SPEECH ............................................................................. 18 D. EUPHEMISM ............................................................................................ 19

  1. Definition of Euphemism ...................................................................... 19

  2. Types of Euphemism ............................................................................. 20

  3. Problems in Translating Euphemism .................................................... 21 E. REVIEW OF AMERICAN PIE MOVIES ................................................ 22 F. REVIEW OF RELATED RESEARCH .................................................... 24

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................. 27 A. RESEARCH TYPE AND DESIGN .......................................................... 27 B. DATA AND SOURCE OF DATA ............................................................ 28 C. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE ....................................................................... 30 D. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION ...................................................... 31 E. TECHNIQUE OF DATA ANALYSIS ...................................................... 34 F. RESEARCH PROCEDURES .................................................................... 35

  CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ............................ 38 A. RESEARCH FINDINGS ........................................................................... 38 B. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 84 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .............................. 93 A. CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... 92 B. RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................. 93 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................. 96 APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 98


List of Tables

Table 2.1 (Table score for assessing accuracy) ..................................................... 32Table 2.2 (Table score for assessing acceptability) .............................................. 33Table 2.3 (Table score for assessing readability) .................................................. 33Table 4.1 (Table of applied translation technique and its frequency of application on the data) ................................................................................................................. 38Table 4.1.1 (Table of data translated using amplification) .............. APPENDICESTable 4.1.2 (Table of data translated using established equivalent) APPENDICESTable 4.1.3 (Table of data translated using generalization) ............. APPENDICESTable 4.1.4 (Table of data translated using modulation) ................. APPENDICESTable 4.1.5 (Table of data translated using reduction) ..................... APPENDICESTable 4.1.6 (Table of data translated using literal translation) ........ APPENDICESTable 4.1.7 (Table of data translated using particularization) ......... APPENDICESTable 4.1.8 (Table of data translated using discursive creation)...... APPENDICESTable 4.1.9 (Table of data translated using variation) ..................... APPENDICESTable 4.1.10 (Table of data translated using transposition) ............. APPENDICESTable 4.1.11 (Table of data translated using borrowing) ................. APPENDICESTable 4.1.12 (Table of data translated using adaptation) ................. APPENDICESTable 4.1.13 (Table of data translated using two techniques).......... APPENDICESTable 4.1.14 (Table of data translated using three techniques) ........ APPENDICESTable 4.1.15 (Table of data translated using four techniques) ......... APPENDICESTable 4.2.1 (Table of amplification translation quality) ................... APPENDICESTable 4.2.2 (Table of established equivalent translation quality) ..... APPENDICESTable 4.2.3 (Table of generalization translation quality) .................. APPENDICESTable 4.2.4 (Table of modulation translation quality) ...................... APPENDICESTable 4.2.5 (Table of reduction translation quality) ......................... APPENDICESTable 4.2.6 (Table of literal translation quality) ............................... APPENDICESTable 4.2.7 (Table of particularization translation quality) .............. APPENDICESTable 4.2.8 (Table of discursive creation translation quality) .......... APPENDICESTable 4.2.9 (Table of variation translation quality) .......................... APPENDICESTable 4.2.10 (Table of transposition translation quality) .................. APPENDICESTable 4.1.11 (Table of borrowing translation quality) ...................... APPENDICESTable 4.2.12 (Table of adaptation translation quality) ...................... APPENDICESTable 4.2.13 (Table of two techniques translation quality) .............. APPENDICESTable 4.1.14 (Table of three techniques translation quality) ............ APPENDICESTable 4.2.15 (Table of four techniques translation quality) .............. APPENDICES



Bayu Galih Permana. C0312014. An Analysis of Techniques and Quality of the

Translation of Euphemism in the Subtitle of American Pie 1-8. Thesis. English

Department. Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Sebelas Maret University.

  This research focuses on analyzing translation techniques applied in translating euphemism in the subtitle of American Pie 1-8 and their impact on translation quality in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. The objectives of this research are: 1) To describe the ways the translator translates the euphemism into Indonesian language; and 2) To describe the impact of translation technique on the translation quality in American Pie 1-8 in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability.

  This research applied descriptive qualitative research. The data were euphemism in the forms of word, phrase, clause, and sentence. There were 114 data of euphemism in the forms of word, phrase, clause, and sentence found in the data source. The other data were translation quality assessments done by the informants. The data source of this research is the subtitle of American Pie 1-8, its translation in Indonesian and also informants. All of the informants were chosen by purposive sampling technique.

  The translation techniques analysis shows that there are 12 translation techniques applied by the translator, which are: 1.) established equivalent, 2.) amplification, 3.) modulation, 4.) generalization, 5.) reduction, 6.) variation, 7.) discursive creation, 8.) literal translation, 9.) borrowing, 10.) particularization, 11.) transposition, 12.) adaptation.

  The translation quality analysis shows that 105 data (92.10%) are accurate, 3 data (2.63%) are less accurate and 6 data (5.26%) are inaccurate. In terms of acceptability, 107 data (93.86%) are acceptable, 7 data (6.14%) are less acceptable and 0 data (0%) is unacceptable. In terms of readability, 107 data (93.86%) are readable, 7 data (6.14%) are less readable and 0 data (0%) is unreadable.

  Techniques which produce translations with high level of accuracy, acceptability, and readability are established equivalent and amplification. Techniques which produce translations with low level of accuracy, acceptability, and readability are discursive creation and literal translation.


Keywords: Euphemism, translation techniques, translation quality, accuracy,

acceptability, readability.