An Analysis of Unit Shifts in the Translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru By Nyonya Suwarni A.S










Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT who has given me all of the blessing, mercy, and endowment in my life, especially during the process of finishing my thesis entitled “An Analysis of Unit Shifts in the Translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru By N yonya Suwarni A.S”. Nothing is possible to happen without his permission.

I would like to thank to the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A and also to Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S and Dr. Dra. Nurlela, M.Hum as the head and secretary of English Department.

I would like to express my best and sincere thanks to my supervisor, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. and my co-supervisor Dr. Hj. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum for having shared their valuable helps, guidance and contibutions in my thesis.

I would like to thank to Dra. Roma Ayuni Loebis, M.A as my academic advisor. My gratitude is also expressed to all of my lectures in English Department who taught me much and contributed the knowledge during the academic years.

I would like to thank to Bang Syamsul the former staff in English Literature Department and Bang Am the new one, for all of opportunities and facilities that are given to me and for all their help in all academic affairs.

I am also grateful for supports and prayers from my family as they believe that I can finish this thesis. They are the motivations who raise my spirit in writing this thesis. Next, I would like to thank my friends, Dody, Hady, Rizal Ulhaq, Reza,


Era, Mala, Tary, Dina, Shasha, Rani and those who belong to the big family of 07. Thanks for your friendship, support and anything you have given to me.

I would like to thank to the alumni and senior, Akhi Surianto, Mustakim, Ai, Qiqi, Adly, and Wawan. Thanks for your support, help and friendship.

The last thank I address to all people who support me, but I am so sorry, I can not mention all of your names. Thank you very much.

Medan, March 2011 Writer,

Roobby Hamdanur 070705049



Skripsi ini berjudul An Analysis of Unit Shifts in the Translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of The Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru By N yonya Suwarni A.S. skripsi ini menganalisis tentang pergeseran unit (unit shifts) yang terjadi pada penerjemahan novel bahasa Inggris (SL) ke dalam novel bahasa Indonesia (TL). Analisis ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pergeseran-pergeseran unit bahasa pada lima tingkatan (tataran) yaitu morfem, kata, frasa, klausa dan kalimat, dalam penerjemahan kedua novel tersebut. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis pengidentifikasi pergeseran tersebut adalah teori Catford yang menyatakan pergeseran tersebut terjadi dalam unit bahasa dalam tataran manapun yang sesuai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif-qualitatif. Data yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini diambil dari novel Agatha Christie The Mystery of The Blue Train dan terjemahannya Misteri Kereta Api Biru yang diterjemahkan oleh Nyonya Suwarni A.S. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan ditemukan 389 pergeseran unit, dengan temuan pergeseran dari tataran morfem ke kata 36 (9.2%), dari tataran kata ke morfem 1 (0.3%), dari tataran kata ke frasa 97 (25%), dari tataran kata ke klausa 10 (2.6%), dari tataran kata ke kalimat 1 (0.3%), kemudian dari tataran frasa ke kata 124 (31.9%), dari tataran frasa ke klausa 38 (9.8), dari tataran frasa ke kalimat 5 (1.2%), kemudian dari tataran klausa ke kata 34 (8.7%), dari tataran klausa ke frasa 16 (4.1%), dari tataran klausa ke kalimat 7 (1.8%), kemudian dari tataran kalimat ke kata 12 (3%), dari tataran kalimat ke frasa 7 (1.8%), dan dari tataran kalimat ke klausa 1 (0.3%). Dari temuan tersebut diketahui bahwa pergeseran yang paling dominant adalah pergeseran dari tataran frasa ke kata 124 (31.9%).




ABSTRACT ... iii




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ... 5

1.3 Objectives of the Study ... 5

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 5

1.5 Significances of the Study ... 6


2.1.1 Definition of Translation ... 7

2.1.2 Functions of Translation ... 8

2.1.3 Process of Translation ... 9

2.1.4 Types of Translation ... 11

2.1.5 Shifts in Translation ... 15

(6) Category Shifts ... 17 Structure Shifts ... 17 Class Shifts ... 17 Unit Shifts ... 18 Intra System Shifts ... 18

2.2 Language Units in English and Bahasa Indonesia... 19

2.3 Preview Study... 31

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design ... 32

3.2 Data Collecting Method ... 32

3.3 Data Analysis Method ... 33


4.1.1 Shifts from Morpheme in English to Other Units in Bahasa Indonesia... 35

4.1.2 Shifts from Word in English to Other Units in Bahasa Indonesia... 41

4.1.3 Shifts from Phrase in English to Other Units in Bahasa Indonesia... 44

4.1.4 Shifts from Clause in English to Other Units in Bahasa Indonesia... 48 4.1.5 Shifts from Sentence in English to Other Units in


Bahasa Indonesia... 49

4.2 Findings ... 51


5.2 Suggestions ... 52




SL Source Language

TL Target Language

ST Source Text

TT Target Text

NP Noun Phrase

VP Verb Phrase

V Verb

Adj Adjective

Adv Adveb

W Word



Figure 1: Translation Process (page: 10) Table 4.1: Morpheme –ly to Word Dengan (page: 35) Table 4.2: Morpheme –ly to Word Secara (page: 36) Table 4.3: Morpheme –ly to Word Penuh (page: 36) Table 4.4: Morpheme Un- to Word Tidak/Tak (page: 37) Table 4.5: Morpheme Un- to Word Tanpa (page: 37) Table 4.6: Morpheme Im- to Word Tak (page: 37) Table 4.7: Morpheme Ir- to Word Tak (page: 38) Table 4.8: Morpheme –less to Word Tak (page: 38) Table 4.9: Morpheme Dis- to Word Tak (page: 39) Table 4.10: Morpheme Dis- to Word Kehilangan (page: 39) Table 4.11: Morpheme Re- to Word Kembali (page: 39) Table 4.12: Morpheme –er to Word Lebih (page: 40) Table 4.13: Morpheme –est to Word Paling (page: 40) Table 4.14: Morpheme –s to Word Para (page: 41) Table 4.15: Word to Morpheme (page: 41) Table 4.16: Word to Nominal Phrase (page: 42) Table 4.17: Word to Verbal Phrase (page: 42) Table 4.18: Word to Adverbial Phrase (page: 43) Table 4.19: Word to Clause (page: 43) Table 4.20: Word to Sentence (page: 44) Table 4.21: Phrase to Verb (page: 44) Table 4.22: Phrase to Adjective (page: 44) Table 4.23: Phrase to Adverb (page: 46) Table 4.24: Noun Phrase to Clause (page: 45) Table 4.25: Prepositional Phrase to Clause (page: 45) Table 4.26: Prepositional Phrase to Clause (page: 46) Table 4.27: Phrase to Sentence (page: 47) Table 4.28: Clause to Word (page: 48) Table 4.29: Clause to Phrase (page: 48) Table 4.30: Clause to Sentence (page: 49) Table 4.31: Sentence to Word (page: 49) Table 4.32: Sentence to Phrase (page: 50) Table 4.33: Sentence to Clause (page: 50)



Skripsi ini berjudul An Analysis of Unit Shifts in the Translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of The Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru By N yonya Suwarni A.S. skripsi ini menganalisis tentang pergeseran unit (unit shifts) yang terjadi pada penerjemahan novel bahasa Inggris (SL) ke dalam novel bahasa Indonesia (TL). Analisis ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pergeseran-pergeseran unit bahasa pada lima tingkatan (tataran) yaitu morfem, kata, frasa, klausa dan kalimat, dalam penerjemahan kedua novel tersebut. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis pengidentifikasi pergeseran tersebut adalah teori Catford yang menyatakan pergeseran tersebut terjadi dalam unit bahasa dalam tataran manapun yang sesuai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif-qualitatif. Data yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini diambil dari novel Agatha Christie The Mystery of The Blue Train dan terjemahannya Misteri Kereta Api Biru yang diterjemahkan oleh Nyonya Suwarni A.S. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan ditemukan 389 pergeseran unit, dengan temuan pergeseran dari tataran morfem ke kata 36 (9.2%), dari tataran kata ke morfem 1 (0.3%), dari tataran kata ke frasa 97 (25%), dari tataran kata ke klausa 10 (2.6%), dari tataran kata ke kalimat 1 (0.3%), kemudian dari tataran frasa ke kata 124 (31.9%), dari tataran frasa ke klausa 38 (9.8), dari tataran frasa ke kalimat 5 (1.2%), kemudian dari tataran klausa ke kata 34 (8.7%), dari tataran klausa ke frasa 16 (4.1%), dari tataran klausa ke kalimat 7 (1.8%), kemudian dari tataran kalimat ke kata 12 (3%), dari tataran kalimat ke frasa 7 (1.8%), dan dari tataran kalimat ke klausa 1 (0.3%). Dari temuan tersebut diketahui bahwa pergeseran yang paling dominant adalah pergeseran dari tataran frasa ke kata 124 (31.9%).



1.1 Background of the Study

We live in the big and wide world that consists of many countries. Every country has their own language which is different from others. It means that there are many languages in this world. Language as means of communication has been used by human being for thousand years. The human being uses language to communicate to others and convey their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. One thing that can not be denied is the diversity of language. The diversity of the language can be a problem in communication, especially in international communication.

As human being feels curious is part of life. Because of this curiosity, we are always eager to know anything happened in the world. One of the ways to fulfill this curiosity is reading magazine, newspaper or browsing internet. But, when the magazine, newspaper, and internet are written in different language from ours, it can be the problem for us to read and understand them. So, the way to solve this problem is translation.

Translation means transferring the meaning of the source language into receptor language (Larson 1984:3). While Catford (1965: 1) defines translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). From the definition above, it can be concluded that translation is the process of transferring the meaning of the source language into the target language.


Process of translation is reproducing the natural equivalent of the source language (SL) message especially in terms of meaning and style (Nida and Taber 1969:12) in (Kongres Nasional Penerjemahan (2003:36). There must be correspondence of meaning between source language (SL) and target language (TL). A translator should have a perfect knowledge both of the source language and the target language.

Of course, it is not easy for the translator to make natural translation and has the exactly same meaning with the source language. And it can be a difficulty for the translator in doing translation, because every language is different from others as Nida (in Venuti 2000:126) states that there are no two identical languages, either in the meaning or in the structures. While Simatupang (1999:88) argues that “Setiap bahasa mempunyai aturan-aturan sendiri, aturan-aturan yang berlaku pada suatu bahasa belum tentu berlaku pada bahasa lain”. (Each language has their own rule which occurs in one language but not for others).

With regard to the ideas of Nida and Simatupang, it can be concluded that there is no absolutely correspondence between languages; therefore, a translator is expected to be able to adjust the meaning or structure of source language to the appropriate meaning or structure in target language and to produce the natural translation.

The possible way to adjust the meaning or the structure of two different languages is by making shifts. Vinay and Darbelnet (in Newmark 1988:85) state, “Shifts is a translation procedure involving a change in the grammar from source language into target language”. While Delabatista (in Kesuma 2009:1) states, “the term shift is used in translation to refer to changes which may occur in proses of


translation”. The term shift firstly introduced by J.C. Catford. Catford (1965:73) states that shift is departs from formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL. Catford divided shifts into two major types; they are level shift and category shift. And category shifts is divided into four types, they are structure shifts, class shifts, unit shifts, and intra system shifts.

The shift is done by the translator in order to establish equivalent and the exact meaning or structure in target language so that the translation could be natural and communicative. If the translator does not do the shifts, then he/she preserves the form of the source language, the result or the product of the translation might not be good, rigid, and inflexible, and it will make the readers confused and even the translation would lead them to the wrong understanding.

In this thesis the writer wants to analyze one of the types of category shifts, that is the unit shifts. Unit shifts is also called rank shifts. Catford in (Munday 2001:61) states “Unit shifts or rank shifts are shifts where the translation equivalent in the TL is at different rank to the SL. ‘Rank’ here refers to the hierarchical linguistic units of sentence, clause, group, word and morpheme”. Unit shifts are done because an idea or expression which is usually conveyed in word level in SL must be conveyed in phrase level in TL. In another word unit shifts deals to the change of rank from the source language to the target language.

The source of data in this thesis is The Mystery of the Blue Train novel and its translation Misteri Kereta Api Biru. The data are sentences that contain the unit shifts found in the translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru by Nyonya Suwarni A.S.


The following are some examples of unit shifts the writer finds after reading the novel and it’s translation at a glance:

ST: It was close on midnight when a man crossed the Place de la Concorde.

TT: Menjelang tengah malam seorang laki-laki menyebrangi Place de la Concorde

From the example above, the clause it was close in source text is translated into word menjelang in the target text. It means that there is a change of rank from clause to word.

ST: “The American is punctual”, said Olga with a glance at the clock. TT: “Orang Amerika itu benar-benar tepat waktu”, kata Olga sambil

melihat jam.

From the examples above, it can be seen there are two changes of rank. Both of them are from word to phrase. The first one the word American in ST is translated into phrase orang Amerika in TT, and the second one the word punctual is translated into tepat waktu.

The fact that the translator faces the condition that forces him/her to make shifts especially the unit shifts or hierarchy unit of language to keep the meanings constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively makes me interested in analyzing the unit shifts which usually occurred in the translation from English to Bahasa Indonesia.


1.2 Problem of the Study

The problems of the analysis are:

1. What unit shifts are found in the translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru by Nyonya Suwarni A.S ?

2. What is the most dominant unit shifts occurred in the translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru by Nyonya Suwarni A.S ?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objectives of the analysis are:

1. To analyze the unit shifts found in the translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru by Nyonya Suwarni A.S

2. To find out the most dominant unit shifts occurred in the translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru by Nyonya Suwarni A.S

1.4 Scope of the Study

In order to avoid the excessive discussion, this thesis focuses on the unit shifts that occurred in the translation of Agatha Christie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru by Nyonya Suwarni A.S


1.5 Significance of the Study

This thesis is intended to be helpful theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this thesis expected to enlarge the comprehending about translation, especially for the English Department students. This thesis may also be a reference for those who are interested in translation studies. Practically, this thesis is expected to be helpful for teaching and training translation.




2.1 Theory of Translation 2.1.1 Definition of Translation

There are many theories defining translation. Some experts had already given some definitions of translation to make us understand the essential meaning of translation. Here are some of the definitions that had been composed by some experts:

Catford (1965: 1) defines translation as “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). The use of “textual material” is to underlying the fact that in normal condition, not all of the SL text is translated into the TL equivalents. And he states that shifts is departure from formal correspondence in the process of going from the source language (SL) to the target language (TL).

Larson (1984: 10) in Meaning Based Translation states “Translation consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation and cultural context of the source language, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, then reconstructing the same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure which appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context”.

Nida and Taber (1974: 12) state “Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”.


Newmark (1984: 28) says “Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text”.

Kridalaksana (1985, in Nababan, 1999:19), “penerjemahan sebagai pemindahan suatu amanat dari bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran dengan pertama-tama mengungkapkan maknanya dan kemudian gaya bahasanya”. (Translation as the replacement of message from source language into target language by firstly revealing the meaning and then the style)

Simatupang (1999: 2) in his book Pengantar Teori Terjemahan states “Menerjemah adalah mengalihkan makna yang terdapat dalam bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran dan mewujudkannya kembali di dalam bahasa sasaran dengan bentuk-bentuk sewajar mungkin menurut aturan-aturan yang berlaku dalam bahasa sasaran”. (Translation tries to transfer the meaning in SL to TL in the form that best fit with the rules of TL.)

As the conclusion of translation based on those definitions given by the experts above, it can be said that translation is a process of transferring the original message of the original author into another language by using the exact meaning of words or the equivalent one.

2.1.2 Function of Translation

Translation functions as medium of communications. As Nida (1981:2) states that translation means communication, because it has three essential elements to form a process of communication. The three essential elements are source, message, and receptor, and these elements must be found in all communication activities.


While Duff (1989: 5) states “As a process of communication, translation functions as the medium ‘across the linguistic and cultural barriers’ in conveying the messages written in the foreign languages”. Translation functions as the bridge that crossing the barrier of different language for delivering the message from SL to TL.

As stated before that translation is so important in helping people who want to know all about information in this world, moreover information about development of science, technology, and culture by translating the science, technology, and culture book, all people in the target country will get the information about them.. Even, nowadays translation had covered entertainment and our household equipments. For example if we buy an electronic tool or cellular phone, we will get the book guide which is written in foreign languages and its translation, so that we can know and understand how to operate the equipment. While in entertainment, translation has the main role, for instance while we are watching the Hollywood movie, we will see the translation text typed on the screen. The translation text typed on the screen will make moviegoers understand what the movie about is.

2.1.3 The Process of Translation

Nababan (1999:25) divides the process of translation in three major steps. They are as the following:

1. Analyzing the ST.

The first step is analyzing the text. We analyze the text by first reading the ST and gain the meaning in the text. We also analyze the linguistics and


extralinguistics elements in the text. Linguistics elements is the elements deals with language, while extralinguitics is the elements beyond the language, such as the culture and the social context of the text. In analyzing the linguistics elements, we analyze the text at all level such as in the level of sentence, clause, phrase, and word. By doing this, we can gain the fully understanding of the meaning in the ST.

2. Transferring the meaning

The second step is transferring the meaning. In this step the translator has to find the equivalent of the ST. This process happens in mind (Nababan called it as proses batin). In means that this process is in the abstract form.

3. Reconstructuring

The last step is reconstructuring. After finding the equivalent of ST, we reconstruct it in the form of TL becoming TT. In this step, we must decide what style that suits best to the text and the readers.

These three steps would be explained in the following diagram.

Analisis Restrukturisasi


1 Evaluasi dan Revisi 3

Figure 1: Translation Process (Suryawininata in Nababan 1999:25) PROSES BATIN


Padanan 2 Teks

Bahasa Sumber

Isi, Makna, Pesan

Isi, Makna, Pesan

Teks Bahasa Sasaran


2.1.4 Types of Translation

The types of translations are also varied. Here, the writer quotes some experts and types of translation issued by them.

Larson (1984:15) divides two major types of translation. They are: 1. Form-based translation

Form-based translations attempt to follow the form of the source language and are known as literal translations. If the two languages are related, the literal translation can often be understood, since the general grammatical form may be similar. However, the literal choice of lexical items makes the translation sound foreign.

2. Meaning-based translations

Meaning-based translation makes every effort to communicate the meaning of the source language text in the natural forms of the receptor language. Such translations are called idiomatic translations. Idiomatic translation uses the natural form of the receptor language, both in the grammatical constructions and in the choice of lexical items. A truly idiomatic translation does not sound like a translation. It sounds like it was written originally in the receptor language. The translator’s goal should be to reproduce in the receptor language a text which communicates the same message as the source language but using the natural grammatical and lexical choices of the receptor language, his goal is an idiomatic translation.

According to Catford (1965:21-22), there are 3 broad types or categories of translation in terms of the extent, levels, and ranks.


1. Extent – full vs. partial translation. In a full translation, the entire text is submitted to the translation process, that is very part of the ST is replaced by the TT material. In a partial translation, some part or parts of the ST are left untranslated: they are simply transferred to and incorporated in the TT. In literary translation it is not uncommon for some ST lexical items to be translated this way, either because they are regarded as ‘untranslatable’ or for the deliberate purpose of introducing ‘local colour’ in to the TT

2. Level - Total vs. Restricted translation. This distinction relates to the levels of language involved in translation. By total translation we mean what is most usually meant by ‘translation’; that is, translation in which all levels of the ST are replaced by the TT material. Strictly speaking, ‘total’ translation is a misleading term, since though total replacement is involved it is not replacement by equivalents at all levels. Total Translation may best defined as : replacement of ST grammar and lexis by equivalent TT grammar and lexis with consequential replacement of SL phonology/graphology by (non-equivalent) TT phonology/graphology. By restricted translation we mean: replacement of ST material by equivalent TT material at only one level. That is translation performed only at the phonological or at the graphological level, or at one of the two levels of grammar and lexis.

3. Ranks – Ranks of Translation. It relates to the rank in a grammatical (or phonological) hierarchy at which translation equivalence is established. While Newmark (1995:45) distinguishes 8 kinds of translation. They are as the following:


1. Word-for-word translation

This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation, with the TT immediately below the ST words. The ST word-order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. Cultural words are translated literally. The main use of word-for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of the source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre-translation process.

2. Literal translation

The ST grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TT equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of context. As a pre-translation process, this indicates the problems to be solved.

3. Faithful translation

A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TT grammatical structures. It ‘transfers’ cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical ‘abnormality’ (deviation from ST norms) in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intention and the text-realization of the ST writer.

4. Semantic translation

Semantic translation differs from ‘faithful translation’ only as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the ST, compromising on ‘meaning’ where appropriate so that no assonance, word-play or repetition jars in the finished version. Further, it may translate less important cultural words by culturally neutral third or functional terms but not by cultural equivalents and it may make other small concessions to the readership.


5. Adaptation

This is the ‘freest’ form of translation. It is used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the ST cultures converted to the TT culture and the text rewritten.

6. Free translation

Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original. Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original, a so-called ‘intralingual translation’, often prolix and pretentious, and not translation at all.

7. Idiomatic translation

Idiomatic translation reproduces the ‘message’ of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original.

8. Communicative translation

Communicative translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.

The types of translation of number 1 to number 4 is what called SL oriented translation while number 5 to number 8 is called TL oriented translation.

Besides the types of translation above, the types of translation could also divide based on the language that involved in the process of the translation. Jakobson, In his article entitled ‘On Linguistic Aspects of Translation’ (in McGuire, 1991:14) states that there are 3 types of translation. They are:


1. Intralingual translation or rewording (an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs in the same language).

2. Interlingual translation or translation proper (an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language).

3. Intersemiotic translation or transmutation (an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems).

2.1.5 Shift in Translation

Every translator has a duty to transfer all the messages from SL to TL. In doing this, a translator should determine the form and content of the SL text and then reconstruct the same content (meaning) using the forms that are appropriate in the TL (Larson, 1984: 3).

But, in his/her attempting to transfer the message/content from one language (SL) to another (TL) by means of the universally known practice of translation, the translator usually faces the difficulties in finding the same equivalent and the exact structure (form) in TL. It is because language has its own genius and possesses certain distinctive characteristics that give it a special character, such as a word-building capacities, unique patterns of phrase order, techniques for linking clause into sentences, etc. (Nida and Taber, 1974:4). In this case, the translator should be able to adjust the structure of the translation in accordance with the rules and grammar of the TL.

In adjusting the structure of the language, the translator is sometimes forced to make some changes or shifts in the translation. Say for example, something conveyed properly and naturally in one language might not be properly conveyed in another by using the same structure; it is because every language has different


systems. This is where shifts need to be done in order to produce natural translation. Thus, the occurrence of shifts in any translation activity is an unavoidable phenomenon. Therefore, ‘shift’ should be redefined positively as the consequence of the translator’s effort to establish translation equivalence between different language systems.

Catford divides the translation shift into two major types. They are level shift and category shift. Level Shifts

Catford (1965) in Venuti (2000:141) means level shifts as a shift from grammatical unit in SL to a lexical unit in TL. For instance, in case of English and Bahasa Indonesia, a grammatical unit in English (i.e. affix, noun, verb, etc) has lexical unit in Bahasa Indonesia. The following are the examples of level shift:

1. (a) Budi has submitted the document.

(b) Budi telah menyerahkan dokumen tersebut. 2. (a) Ali pun tidak mau menghadiri pesta itu.

(b) Even Ali does not want to attend that party.

In the example (1), it can be seen that in English if “has” comes together with past participle of “submit”, then it indicates that the act of “submitting” has begun before the time of speaking and the effect of the action still resumes at the time of speaking. The form “have + past participle” in English is translated into “sudah” lexis in Bahasa Indonesia.

It is similar to the example (2), “pun” in (2a) is a unit (morpheme) in Bahasa Indonesia grammar translated into “even” a lexis in English.

(27) Category Shifts

Category shift is the second shift according to Catford. Category shfit deals with unbounded and rank bound translation. The term “rank bound” translation simply refers to particular cases where equivalence is intentionally limited to ranks below the sentences. Meanwhile, unbounded translation means that the translation equivalences may take place in any appropriate rank whether it is a sentence, clause, phrase, word or morpheme.

In category shift there are four types of shift. They are structure-shift, class-shifts, unit-class-shifts, and intra-system-shifts. Structure Shifts

Catford (1965:77) states that a structure shift involves a change in grammatical structure between the source language and the target language.

Example: SL: white house TL: ‘Gedung putih’

We can see here that, the position of white (putih) in English is placed at the back of house (gedung). We can say that in this translation, there is a structure-shift. This shift happens because of the difference of grammatical rules of both SL and TL. If in English grammar the adjective placed at the front of the noun, then in Bahasa Indonesia, the adjective is placed at the back of the noun. Class Shifts

Catford (1965: 78) states that class shift occurs when the translation equivalent of a SL item is a member of a different class from the original item. Example: SL: I get bored watching the movie.


TL: Aku bosan menonton film itu.. Adj

We can see that there is change of class of word, verb in source language is translated into adjective in target language. Unit Shifts

Catford (1965:79) states that by unit-shift we mean changes of rank-that is departures from formal correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the SL is a unit at a different rank in the TL. ‘Rank’ here refers to the hierarchical linguistic units of sentence, clause, group, word and morpheme”. Example: SL: Today is a beautiful day.


TL: Hari ini adalah hari yang indah. Phr

We can see that there is a change of rank, word in source language is translated into phrase in target language. Intra-Systems Shifts

Catford (1965: 80) uses the term intra-system shift for those cases where the shift occurs internally, within a system; that is for those cases where SL and TL possess systems which approximately correspond formally as to their constitution, but when the translation involves selection of a non-corresponding term in the TL system.

For example: Cans is translated into kaleng-kaleng.

From the example above we can see that plural word in English may be translated into reduplication in Bahasa Indonesia.


2.2 Language Units in English and Bahasa Indonesia

Halliday (1985) in Machalli (1998:13) identifies five units representing rank in English namely sentence, clause, phrase, word and morpheme.

1. Sentence

Sentence is a series of words in connected speech or writing, forming the grammatically complete expression of a single thought. Sentence is regarded as the highest unit in the hierarchy of language unit, because in a sentence contains clause, phrase, word, and morpheme.

Based on the type, sentence can be divided into: a. Simple Sentences

Such sentences have only one full predication in the form of an independent clause.

Example: The man stole jewelry. b. Compound Sentences

Such sentences have two or more full predications in the form of independent clause.

Example: The man stole jewelry and he hid it in his home. c. Complex Sentence

Such sentences also have two or more full predications. One of these is an independent clause (main clause) that is to the form of the simple sentence, and also or more of these are dependent clauses (subordinate clause)

Example: The man who stole jewelry hid it in his home. d. Compound-complex sentence


Compound-comples sentences contain two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.

Example: The man stole jewelry and he hid it in his home until he could safely get out of town.

2. Clause

Clause is a group of words that forms part of a sentence and has a subject and a predicate. There are two kind of clauses: independent and dependent.

An independent clause contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. It can stand alone as a sentence by itself, while dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence by itself, it is usually begun with subordinator such as when, while, if etc. Based on the function in the sentence, dependent clause can be divided into noun clause, adjective clause, and adverb clause.

3. Phrase

Phrase is a group of words that lacks either a subject or a predicate or both. A phrase does not contain a finite verb and does not have a subject predicate structure, for example smart boy, expensive new car, etc. There are five kinds of phrase: noun phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase, verb phrase, and prepositional phrase.

a. Noun Phrase

Noun phrase is a phrase composed of head and modifiers that the headword is a noun. The function of noun phrase in a sentence is as subject, object and complement.


- He is an enginer b. Adjectival Phrase

Adjectival Phrase is a group of words that does the function of an adjective. Examples: - Too hot

- Very good c. Adverbial Phrase

Adverbial Phrase is a group of word that does the work of an adverb. Examples: - Very fast

- Rather slowly d. Prepositional Phrase

Prepositional phrase is a group of words that contains no verb and that begin with preposition and end with a noun of pronoun.

Example: - After the seminar we have a party. - A man with blonde hair.

- A girl with beautiful dress. e. Verbal Phrase

Verbal phrase is a phrase that contains a verb part that function not as a verb, rather that as a noun or an adjective.

Examples: - Visiting Makkah is a spiritual tourism. - We spent our holiday to visit Bali. 4. Word

Word is a letter or group of letter which have meaning. A word can be a free morpheme or the combination of morphemes which are considered by the linguists as the smallest unit and can be used as a free (single) form. In another


word, a word can be a free morpheme or the combination of free and bound morphemes. For instnace, red and devil are free which constitute the smallest meaningful unit and can be used as a single (free) form. The word unbeatablet is an example of a word as the combination of three morphemes, i.e. two bound morphemes un- and -able and a free morpheme beat. In English, there are 8 (eight) parts of speech, they are noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjuction, preposition, and interjection (Mukti, 2008:6).

a. Noun

Noun is the name of thing, person and place. Examples: book, president, minister, Makkah, etc. b. Pronoun

Pronoun is word used instead of a noun.

Examples: Subjective (I, We, You, They, He, She, It) Objective (Me, Us, Them, You, Him, Her, It) c. Adjective

Adjective is a word describing a noun.

Example: Beautiful girl (Beautiful describes the girl) d. Adverb

Adverb is a word that adds information to a verb, adjective, phrase or another adverb.

e. Verb


f. Preposition

Preposition is word normally placed before noun, pronoun and also can be followed by a verb.

g. Conjunction

Conjunction is word joining words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. h. Interjection

Interjection is a word express emotion, greeting and surprise. 5. Morpheme

Morpheme id regarded as the lowest unit in the hierarchy of language unit. Morpheme is a smallest meaningful unit into which words can be analyzed. Morpheme can be divided into two kinds: free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is a linguistic form which can be used alone as an independent word. For example: red, house, car, etc. While bound morpheme is a linguistic form which can not stand alone but must be used with another morpheme eg as affixes (prefix, suffix, and confix)

Those language units above are found in Bahasa Indonesia as well, as Machalli (2000:20) says “dalam tata bahasa kita mengenali adanya hirarki lima satuan bahasa: (1) kalimat; (2) klausa; (3) frase; (4) kata; (5) morfem.”

As the following are the five language units in Bahasa Indonesia:

1. Kalimat (sentence)

Kridalaksana (1984:83) states “Kalimat adalah satuan bahasa yang mengungkapkan pikiran secara utuh dan telah dibubuhi intonasi atau tanda baca”. (Sentence is a set of words which are tied together and convey an idea begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop).


There are some kinds of sentence, they are: a. Kalimat Sederhana (Simple sentence)

Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari satu klausa. (Simple sentence is a sentence which only contains one clause)

Examples: Dia sedang mengendarai mobil.(She is driving a car) b. Kalimat Luas (Compound sentence)

Kalimat luas adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari dua klausa atau lebih. (Compund sentence which contains two or more clauses)

Examples: Mereka memprediksi bahwa dia akan menjadi juara. (They predict that he will be the champion)

2. Klausa (Clause)

Kridalaksana (1984:100) states “Klausa adalah satuan gramatikal yang berupa kelompok kata, sekurang-kurangnya terdiri atas subjek dan predikat dan berpotensi menjadi kalimat”. (Clause is a group of words that forms part of a sentence and has a Subject and a Predicate of its own). Clauses can be classified into two classes:

a. Klausa Bebas (independent clause)

Klausa bebas adalah klausa yang secara potensial dapat menjadi kalimat beba .(Independent clause is the clause that may stand alone as a sentence).

Examples: Saya bangun pukul enam setiap pagi. (I wake up at six every morning) b. Klausa Terikat (dependent clause)

Klausa terikat adalah klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat tunggal mandiri, menjadi bagian klausa lain atau bagian dari kalimat


majemuk bertingkat (Dependent clause is the clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence).

Examples: Tina tidak masuk sekolah karena dia sakit.

Tina tidak masuk sekolah (Can stand alone) while karena dia sakit (Can not stand alone)

3. Frase (Phrase)

Kridalaksana (1984: 53) states “Frase adalah gabungan dua kata atau lebih yang bersifat non predikatif”. (Phrase is a group of words that does not contain predicate). There are few kinds of phrases:

a. Frase Nominal (noun phrase)

Frase nominal adalah frase yang memiliki distribusi yang sama dengan kata benda. (Phrase that function as a noun).

Examples: - mobil baru (new car)

- pertandingan klasik (classic match) b. Frase Verbal (verbal phrase)

Frase verbal atau frase golongan V ialah frase yang mempunyai distribusi yang sama dengan kata verbal. (Phrase that functions as a verb)

Examples: - akan berangkat (will leave) - dapat menari (can dance) c. Frase Bilangan (numeral phrase)

Frase bilangan ialah frase yang mempunyai distribusi yang sama dengan kata bilangan (Phrase that function as a numeral).

Examples: - dua buah rumah (two houses) - lima botol susu (five bottles beer)


d. Frase Keterangan (adverbial phrase)

Frase keterangan ialah frase yang mempunyai distribusi yang sama dengan kata keterangan. (Phrase that function as an adverb).

Examples: - kemarin (yesterday) - besok (tomorrow) - nanti malam (tonight)

e. Frase Depan (prepositional phrase)

Frase depan ialah frase yang terdiri dari kata depan sebagai penanda, diikuti oleh kata atau frase sebagai aksisnya. (Phrase that always starts with a preposition and functions as a modifier).

Examples: di sebuah rumah (in a house) dari Surabaya (from Surabaya)

4. Kata (word)

Kata adalah satuan bahasa yang dapat berdiri sendiri, terjadi dari morfem tunggal ataupun gabungan morfem. (Word is a single unit of a language that can stand alone, that is formed from a single morpheme or more).

According to Kridalaksana (1990: 49-103), there are 12 parts of speech in Bahasa Indonesia. They are: verba, ajektiva, nomina, pronominal, numeralia, adverbial, interogativa, demonstrativa, artikula, preposisi, konjungsi, and interjeksi.

a. Verba (verb)

Verba adalah kata yang menyatakan pekerjaan.(Verb is a word that expresses an action).

Examples: - lari - berlari


b. Ajektiva (adjectiva)

Ajektiva adalah kata yang memberi keterangan tentang sifat khusus, watak, atau keadaan benda .(Word that describes noun).

Examples: - baik

- pintar-pintar - kekanak-kanakan c. Nomina (Noun)

Nomina adalah kata yang menyatakan nama benda. (Word that describes things).

Examples: - rumah

- rumah-rumah - perumahan d. Pronomina (Pronoun)

Pronomina adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk menggantikan nomina. (Word that used instead of noun).

Examples: - saya - kamu - dia - mereka e. Numeralia (Numeral)

Numeralia adalah kata yang dipakai untuk menyatakan jumlah benda. (Word that used to state the quantity of things).

Examples: - satu (one) - dua (two) - kedua (second) - beberapa (some) - tiap (each) - ribuan (thousands)


f. Adverbia (Adverb)

Adverbial adalah kata yang memberi keterangan kepada kata kerja atau kata keadaan. (Word that explain verb or adverb).

Examples: - selalu (always) - jarang (seldom) g. Interogativa (Interrogative)

Interogative adalah kata interogatif yang berfungsi menggantikan sesuatu yang ingin diketahui oleh pembicara. (Word that replaces something that want to be known by the speaker).

Examples: - apa (what) - kapan (when) - dimana (where) - siapa (who) h. Demonstrativa (Demonstrative)

Demonstrativa adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan sesuatu di dalam maupun di luar wacana. (Word that refers to something).

Examples: - ini (this) - itu (that) i. Artikula (Article)

Artikula adalah kategori yang mendampingi nomina dasar, nomina deverbal, pronominal, verba pasif. (Word that follows base noun, noun, pronoun, and passive verb).

Examples: - Si - Sang j. Preposisi (Preposition)

Preposisi adalah kata yang terletak sebelum noun atau pronoun dan berfungsi untuk menyatakan tempat. (Word that placed before noun or pronoun to show place). It can be divided into:


Examples: - di (in/at) - ke (to) - dari (from) k. Konjungsi (Conjunction)

Konjungsi adalah kategori yang menghubungkan bagian-bagian yang setataran maupun tidak setataran. (Word that relating statements). It is divided into: 1. Konjungsi Intra-kalimat

Kata yang menghubungkan kata dengan kata, frase dengan fase, atau klausa dengan klausa. (Word that relates word and word, phrase and phrase, or clause and clause).

Examples: - dan (and) - atau (or) - tetapi (but) - walaupun (although) - karena (because) 2. Konjungsi Ekstra-kalimat

Kata yang menghubungkan kalimat dengan kalimat atau paragraf dengan paragraph. (Word that relates sentence and sentence or paragraph and paragraph). Examples: - kemudian (then)

- oleh karena itu (therefore) - sebaliknya (on the contrary) l. Interjeksi (Interjection)

Interjeksi adalah kategori yang bertugas mengungkapkan perasaan pembicara. (Word that used to express speaker’s feeling).

Examples: aduh! (to express )


5. Morfem (morpheme)

Chaer (1994:146) states that morfem adalah satuan bentuk bahasa terkecil yang mempunyai makna secara relatif stabil dan tidak dapat dibagi atas bagian bermakna yang lebih kecil. (Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a language). It consists of:

a. Morfem Bebas (free morpheme)

Morfem yang secara potensial dapat berdiri sendiri dalam suatu bangun kalimat. (Morpheme that can stand alone as a word in a sentence).

Examples: saya (I), duduk (sit), kursi (chair) b. Morfem Terikat (bound morpheme)

Morfem yang tidak mempunyai potensi untuk berdiri sendiri dan yang selalu terikat dengan morfem lain untuk membentuk ujaran. (Morpheme that cannot stand alone as an independent word but must be attached to another morpheme/ word).

Example: berjalan ( the word berjalan consists of two morphemes, i.e. bound morpheme ber- and free morpheme –jalan).


2.3 Previous Study

There are some books and thesis that are reviewed in order to support this analysis.

Anesthesia (2009) in Unit Shifts in the Interpreting of Reverend’s English Sermon into Bahasa Indonesia. This thesis discussess about the change of rank found in interpreting of Reverend’s Sermon and also the most dominant change of rank occured in interpreting of Reverend’s Sermon. She finds 158 unit shifts containing 8 types rank changes, namely the changes from word to phrase, word to clause, phrase to word, phrase to clause, phrase to sentence, clause to sentence, sentence to phrase and sentence to clause. She finds the most dominant unit shifts occured is the change of rank from phrase to word.

Lubis (2007) in An Analysis of Grammatical Unit Shifts In the Translation of Agatha Christy’s Hallowe’en Party Into Pesta Hallowe’en by Lili Wibisono. She finds 252 change of rank occured in the Agatha Christie novel Hallowe’en Party and its translation. They are 34 change of rank from morpheme to other ranks, 48 change of rank from word to other ranks, 116 change of rank from phrase to other ranks, 21 change of rank from clause to other ranks, and the last 33 change of rank from sentence to other ranks. She finds the most dominant change of rank occured is the change of rank from phrase to other ranks.

Both of theses above have similarity with my thesis. Both of them analyze about unit shift and in analyzing the data they use descriptive-qualitative method. Those theses are very helpful for me as reference in finishing this thesis.



3. 1 Research Design

In this analysis the library research method is used. As quoted from Nawawi (1993:30)

“Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara menghimpun data dari berbagai literature baik di perpustakaan maupun tempat-tempat lain”.

Library research is done by collecting the data from any kinds of source in the library or any other places. All the information about unit shifts from linguistic books, internet, dictionary and any other source are also used.

3. 2 Data Collecting Method

The source of the data is the Agatha Christie’s novel The Mystery of the Blue Train and its translation Misteri Kereta Api Biru. The data is the sentences that contain the unit shifts found in the translation of Agatha Chriestie’s The Mystery of the Blue Train into Misteri Kereta Api Biru by Nyonya Suwarni A.S.

The Agatha Christie’s novel The Mystery of the Blue Train consists of 36 chapters and 375 pages, while its translation Misteri Kereta Api Biru consists of 36 chapters and 295 pages. The total number of the data is 390 sentences. Since the data is abundant, so in taking the sample the writer uses the purposive sampling. As Arikunto (2006:139) states:

“Sample bertujuan atau purposive sample dilakukan dengan cara mengambil subjek bukan didasarkan atas strata, random atau daerah tetapi


didasarkan atas adanya tujuan tertentu. Teknik ini biasanya dilakukan karena beberapa pertimbangan, misalnya alasan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga, dan dana sehingga tidak dapat mengambil sample yang besar dan jauh”.

Purposive sampling is done by taking subject not based on strata, random or regional but based on several purposes and reasons as the limited of time, effort and budget for taking the bigger, wider and more sample.

3. 3 Data Analysis Method

In this analysis, a descriptive-qualitative method is used. As quoted from Nawawi (1993:63):

“Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan / melukiskan keadaan subyek / obyek penelitian (seseorang, lembaga, masyarakat, dll) pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya”.

Descriptive method is a way in solving a problem by describing the facts of subject/object of the research as the way they are. Bogdan and Bliken (1982:21) state “Qualitative research is descriptive”. It means that the data is collected in the form of word or picture rather than number.

In collecting and analyzing the data, the writer has some steps as the following:

1. Reading the original novel The Mystery of The Blue Train.

2. Reading the translation product of the original novel done Nyonya Suwarni A.S.

3. Identifying the data. 4. Underlining the data.


6. Calculating the data to find the most dominant unit shifts by using Butler’s Educational Statistic (1985) in percentage :

S = n x 100% ∑ n

S = total (in percentage) of subcategory of unit shifts n = number of subcategory of unit shifts

∑ n = nmber of all data




After collecting and analyzing the data taken from the novel of Agatha Christie “The Mystery of the Blue Train” and “Misteri Kereta Api Biru”, the writer tries to describe the result of the unit shifts. In this opportunity the writer describes some of the results of the unit shifts and encloses the other in appendix.

4.1.1 Shifts from Morpheme in English to Other Units in Bahasa Indonesia As we know that the unit shifts in the level of morpheme can only occur to the higher level, as morpheme is the lowest level in the hierarchy of language unit. 1. Shift from Morpheme to Word

a. Shift from Morpheme –ly to Word Dengan Table 4.1: Morpheme –ly to Word Dengan No Source Language


Target Language Dengan 1 Her father eyed her keenly.

(pg: 28)

Ayahnya memandangnya dengan tajam. (pg:35)

2 … that she could spend the money freely... (pg: 63)

...karena dia bisa membelanjakan uang dengan bebas... (pg: 84)

From the examples in the table above, the bound morpheme or sufix –ly in the source language (SL) is translated into word dengan in the target language (TL). The bound morpheme –ly and word dengan will create an adverb (Adv) when they are attached to adjective (Adj). They have function to explain a verb (V).


b. Shift from Morpheme –ly to Word Secara Table 4.2: Morpheme –ly to Word Secara No Source Language


Target Language Secara 3 "But, in a way, being tied

physically gives you… (pg:54)

“Tapi bagaimanapun juga, secara lahiriah terikat... (pg:73) 4 … and we were thrust apart

most brutally... (pg:78)

...tapi kami dipisahkan secara kasar... (pg:105)

From the examples in the table above, the bound morpheme or suffix –ly in the source language (SL) is translated into word secara in the target language (TL). The bound morpheme –ly and word secara will create an adverb when they are attached to adjective. They have function to explain a verb.

c. Shift from Morpheme –ly to Word Penuh Table 4.3: Morpheme –ly to Word Penuh

No Source Language


Target Language Penuh

5 Her father nodded

comprehendingly. (pg:23)

Ayahnya mengangguk penuh pengertian. (pg:34)

From the example above, the bound morpheme or suffix –ly in SL is translated into word penuh in TL which has function as an adverb which explain a verb.

d. Shift from Morpheme Un- to Word Tidak/Tak Table 4.4: Morpheme Un- to Word Tidak/Tak


No Source Language Un-

Target Language Tidak/Tak 6 His selections of people were

unconventional. (pg:16)

caranya memilih pegawai tidak menurut kebiasaan. (pg:26) 7 He was profoundly uninterested in

Claud Ambrose… (pg:41)

Dia sama sekali tak tertarik pada Claud Ambrose... (pg:56)

The prefix un- in SL is translated into word tidak and tak in TL which express negative expression. It means that the prefix un- has function to form negative expression.

e. Shift from Morpheme Un- to Word Tanpa Table 4.5: Morpheme Un- to Word Tanpa

No Source Language


Target Language Tanpa

8 Unknown to me,… (pg:120) Tanpa setahu saya,.. (pg:158)

The prefix un- in the table above is translated into word tanpa which also describe and express the negative expression. It means that the prefix un- has function to form negative expression.

f. Shift from Morpheme Im- to Word Tak Table 4.6: Morpheme Im- to Word Tak

No Source Language


Target Language Tak


9 "Impossible,"he muttered. (pg:52)

“Tak mungkin,” gumamnya. (pg:69)

The prefix im- in the table above is translated into word tak which also describe and express the negative expression. It means that the prefix im- has function to form negative expression.

g. Shift from Morpheme Ir- to Word Tak Table 4.7: Morpheme Ir- to Word Tak

No Source Language


Target Language Tak

10 It is she who holds the irrefutable proof… (pg: 207)

Dialah yang memegang bukti yang tak bisa disangkal (pg:258)

The prefix ir- in English as the SL has the same equivalence in the word tak in Bahasa Indonesia as TL to describe the negative expression. The unit shifts occurred in this translation is from morpheme to word.

h. Shift from Morpheme –less to Word Tak Table 4.8: Morpheme –less to Word Tak

No Source Language


Target Language Tak

11 Poirot fidgeted and seemed restless. (pg:279)

Poirot gelisah dan kelihatan tak tenang. (pg:353)

The suffix –less in English has the same equivalence in the word tak in Bahasa Indonesia to describe the negative expression. The unit shifts occurred in this translation is from morpheme to word.


i. Shift from Morpheme Dis- to Word Tak Table 4.9: Morpheme Dis- to Word Tak

No Source Language


Target Language Tak

12 Van Aldin was still

dissatisfied. (pg: 178)

Van Aldin masih merasa tak puas. (pg:228)

The prefix dis- in English as the SL has the same equivalence in the word tak in Bahasa Indonesia as TL to describe the negative expression. The unit shifts occurred in this translation is from morpheme to word

j. Shift from Morpheme Dis- to Word Kehilangan Table 4.10: Morpheme Dis- to Word Kehilangan

No Source Language


Target Language Kehilangan 13 He was ruined, bankrupt,

dishonoured. (pg: 157)

Hidupnya hancur, bangkrut, kehilangan kehormatan. (pg:200)

The prefix dis- in English as the SL has the same equivalence in the word kehilangan in Bahasa Indonesia as TL. The word kehilangan here describes the negative expression. The unit shifts occurred in this translation is from morpheme to word.

k. Shift from Morpheme Re- to Word Kembali Table 4.11: Morpheme Re- to Word Kembali



14 Ruth Kettering had recovered her composure. (pg:39)

Ruth Kettering kini menemukan kembali sikapnya. (pg:54)

15 Mirelle reappeared, (pg:224 Mirelle muncul kembali, (pg:281)

The prefix re- in English as the SL has the same equivalence in the word kembali in Bahasa Indonesia as TL.The unit shifts occurred in this translation is from morpheme to word.

l. Shift from Morpheme –er to Word Lebih Table 4.12: Morpheme –er to Word Lebih

No Source Language


Target Language Lebih 16 … who actually looked older

than her age, (pg:60)

...yang berwajah lebih tua dari pada umurnya, (pg:79)

17 Her face looked brighter and less sullen. (pg:102)

Wajahnya tampak lebih cerah dan tidak begitu murung lagi. (pg:136)

The suffix –er in the table above is translated into word lebih in Bahasa Indonesia to describe comparative degree. The suffix –er will form the comparative degree when it is attached by adjective.

m. Shift from Morpheme –est to Word Paling Table 4.13: Morpheme –est to Word Paling

No Source Language

- est

Target Language Paling 18 "That is the prettiest of all,"

said Katherine, (pg:64)

“Itulah yang paling cantik,” kata Katherine, (pg:86)


The suffix –est in the table above is translated into word paling in Bahasa Indonesia to describe superlative degree. The suffix –est will form the superlative degree when it is attached by adjective.

n. Shift from Morpheme –s to Word Para Table 4.14: Morpheme –s to Word Para

No Source Language


Target Language Para 19 It is appreciated, however, by

widows." (pg:199)

Tapi hal itu dihargai oleh para janda.” (pg:250)

The suffix –s in the table above is translated into word para in Bahasa Indonesia to describe plural meaning.

4.1.2 Shifts from Word in English to Other Units in Bahasa Indonesia

The unit shifts in the level of word may occur either in the higher or lower level. The word can be shifted to the lower level morpheme or to the higher level whether it is phrase, clause or sentence.

1. Shift from Word to Morpheme Table 4.15: Word to Morpheme

No Source Language Target Language

20 "Sit down." (pg:31) “Duduklah.” (pg:44)

The word down of phrase sit down in SL is translated into bound morpheme –lah in TL.


2. Shift from Word to Phrase

Table 4.16: Word to Nominal Phrase

No Source Language Target Language

21 His face gleamed white and sharp in the moonlight. (pg:3)

Di bawah sinar bulan wajahnya tampak putih berkilat dan tajam. (pg:10)

22 As he passed those two men, he dropped his glove. (pg:5)

Waktu dia melewati kedua orang itu, dia menjatuhkan sarung tangannya. (pg:12)

23 ….from amongst the crumpled balls of newspaper, (pg:5)

….di antara gumpalan-gumpalan kertas surat kabar, (pg:12)

The words moonlight, glove, and newspaper are noun (N) and they are translated into sinar bulan, sarung tangan, and surat kabar which belong to noun phrase (NP) in Bahasa Indonesia. They do not have the equivalence in the same unit in Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, they are translated into phrase in TL. So, the unit shifts occurred in this translation is from word to phrase.

Table 4.17: Word to Verbal Phrase

No Source Language Target Language

24 "I must apologize for- (pg:6) “Saya harus minta maaf – (pg:13) 25 Of course he sympathized

with you,.. (pg:22)

Tentu dia memberi pengertian padamu… (pg:33)

26 … the man thanked her, (pg:85)

... laki-laki itu mengucapkan terima kasih padanya, (pg:115)

The words apologize, sympathized, and thanked are verb (V) and they are translated into minta maaf, memberi pengertian, dan mengucapkan terima kasih


which belong to verb phrase (VP) in Bahasa Indonesia. So, the unit shifts occured in the translation in the table above are from word to phrase.

Table 4.18: Word to Adverbial Phrase

No Source Language Target Language

27 …if she is going to the Riviera, as I suppose, this winter." (pg:64)

...bila akan bepergian ke Riviera pada musim dingin ini.” (pg:85) 28 "And today," murmured his

master, (pg:137)

“Dan hari ini,” gumam majikannya, (pg:177)

The word winter and today are adverb of time in SL, and they are translated into musim dingin, and hari ini which belong to adverbial phrase in Bahasa Indonesia. So, the unit shifts occured in the translation in the table above are from word to phrase.

3. Shift from Word to Clause Table 4.19: Word to Clause

No Source Language Target Language

29 "There were certain formalities.


“Ada beberapa hal yang harus diselesaikan. (pg:116)

30 …and chatted pleasantly about various trifles. (pg:274)

... dan mengobrol dengan riang tentang berbagai hal yang tak penting. (pg:346)

The word formalities in SL is translated into clause as its equivalence in TL. The clause in the TL is a noun clause. It is same with the second example in the table above, the word trifles is translated into noun clause in TL.


4. Shift from Word to Sentence Table 4.20: Word to Sentence

No Source Language Target Language

31 "Me? (pg.151)

“Ada apa denganku? (pg:193)

The word me in SL is translated into sentence Ada apa denganku? in TL.

4.1.3 Shifts from Phrase in English to Other Units in Bahasa Indonesia

In the level of phrase, the unit shifts may occur to the lower unit that is word, and the higher unit such as clause and sentence

1. Shift from Phrase to Word Table 4.21: Phrase to Verb

No Source Language Target Language

32 …he can look after himself as well as anybody." (pg:4)

…dia bisa menjaga dirinya sebaik siapa pun juga.” (pg:11)

33 …and then moved across to a second door,… (pg:12)

…lalu dia pergi menuju sebuah pintu lain,… (pg:21)

34 "She rang up yesterday… (pg:17)

“Dia menelepon kemarin… (pg:27)

The phrases look after and moved across in SL which belong to verb phrase are translated into verb in TL. So, the unit shifts occurred in the translation above is from phrase to word.

Table 4.22: Phrase to Adjective

No Source Language Target Language


36 …Van Aldin had put him off with a curt word (pg:107)

... Van Aldin selalu menolaknya dengan singkat (pg:142)

37 The rain had cleared away... (pg:258)

Hujan telah reda... (pg:328)

The phrase narrow-minded is translated into word picik which is an adejective in TL. The word a curt word which is a noun phrase is translated into word singkat which is an adjective. The verb phrase cleared away is translated into word reda which is an adjective in TL. So, the unit shifts occurred in the table above is from phrase to word.

Table 4.23: Phrase to Adverb

No Source Language Target Language

38 We are going the day after tomorrow." (pg:248)

“Kami akan berangkat lusa.” (pg:311)

The phrase the day after tomorrow is translated into word lusa which is adveb of time in Bahasa Indonesia. So, the unit shifts occurred in the translation above is from phrase to word.

2. Shift from Phrase to Clause Table 4.24: Noun Phrase to Clause

No Source Language Target Language

39 After my warnings to her, however, she must have written… (pg:121)

Setelah saya beri peringatan, dia rupanya... (pg:160)

40 … Lord Edward Frampton - that, penniless yourself (pg:137)

... Lord Edward Frampton – seandainya kau tidak mempunyai uang (pg:178)


with the Juge d'Instruction (pg:176)

hakim. (pg:225)

The noun phrase my warnings to her, penniless yourself, and his interviewwith the Juge d’Instruction are translated into clauses in TL. So, the unit shifts occurred in the translation above is from phrase to clause.

Table 4.25: Prepositional Phrase to Clause

No Source language Target language

42 "She's a saint with a sense of humour," (pg:53)

“Dia orang suci yang memiliki rasa humor,” (pg:70)

43 There was a fat Frenchman with a beard, in pyjamas and an overcoat, (pg:164)

Ada orang Prancis gemuk berjenggot, yang memakai piyama dan mantel


The prepositional phrases with a sense of humour and in pyjamas and an overcoat in SL are translated into clauses yang memiliki rasa humor and yang memakai piyama dan mantel. The clause yang memiliki rasa humor is the expansion of pronoun she, while the clause yang memakai piyama dan mantel is expansion of noun Frenchman.

Table 4.26: Prepositional Phrase to Clause

No Source Language Target Language

44 Passing through on the terrace, Comte looked out on the Mediterranean with an unseeing eye. (pg:153)

Sambil berjalan terus ke teras, Comte memandang jauh ke laut Mediterrania tanpa melihat apa-apa. (pg. 195)

45 She nodded her thanks, with a complete lack of emotion and tucked them away in her stocking.

Wanita itu berterima kasih hanya dengan mengangguk tanpa memperlihatkan perasaan apa-apa,


menyimpannya di dalam kaus kakinya.

(pg: 15)

The prepositional phrase with an unseeing eye is translated into subordinate clause tanpa melihat apa-apa. The subordinator of the clause is tanpa which describe the relation of way.The subordinate clause tanpa melihat apa-apa state the way of the main clause (Comte memandang jauh ke laut Mediterrania) done. It is same with the second example; the prepositional phrase with a complete lack of emotion is translated into subordinate clause tanpa memperlihatkan perasaan apa-apa. The subordinator of the clause is tanpa which describe the relation of way. The subordinate clause tanpa memperlihatkan perasaan apa-apa explain the way of the main clause (Wanita itu berterima kasih dengan hanya mengangguk) done. 3. Shift from Phrase to Sentence

Table 4.27: Phrase to Sentence

No Source Language Target Language

46 In an overcoat and soft hat." (pg:191)

Dia mengenakan mantel dan topi lembut.” (pg:240)

47 Weakness there. (pg:217)

Katherine merasa lemah. (pg:272)

The prepositional phrase in an overcoat and soft hat above is translated into simple sentence. While the noun phrase wealness there is also translated into simple sentence in the TL. So, the unit shifts occurred in the translation above is from phrase to sentence.


4.1.4 Shifts from Clause in English to Other Units in Bahasa Indonesia 1. Shift from Clause to Word

Table 4.28: Clause to Word

No Source Language Target Language

48 "The master is here, but he does not… (pg:10)

: “Ada, tapi beliau tak.. (pg:19)

49 I am Parisienne, you remember.


Ingat, aku ini orang Paris. (pg:62)

The independent clause the master is here is translated into word ada in TL. While the second example in the table above, the independent clause you remember is translated into word ingat which is verb in TL. So, the unit shifts occurred in the translation above is from clause to word.

2. Shift from Clause to Phrase Table 4.29: Clause to Phrase

No Source Language Target Language

50 … you young fool. (pg:34)

...anak muda tolol. (pg:48)

51 "I wish to God I had never got... (pg:273)

“Demi Tuhan, aku tidak akan pernah menyuruh... (pg:345)

The clause you young fool in SL is translated into anak muda tolol which is the noun phrase in TL. And the second example the dependent clause I wish to God is translated into noun phrase demi Tuhan in TL. So, the unit shifts occurred in the translation above is from clause to phrase.



25. ST (pg.205) : I am suspected - accused - of foul crime."

TT (pg.256) : Saya dituduh – dicurigai – telah melakukan suatu kejahatan kotor.”

26. ST (pg.206) : … to go to the police with certain information."

TT (pg.257) : ... pergi ke polisi dengan memberikan informasi tertentu.” 27. ST (pg.208) : Mirelle was standing by the window in a peignoir of foamy


TT (pg.259) : Mirelle sedang berdiri di dekat jendela dengan mengenakan kimono yang berenda-renda.

28. ST (pg.211) : … he challenged her, with an emphatic forefinger.

TT (pg.264) : ... Poirot menantangnya, sambil mengangkat telunjuknya. 29. ST (pg.214) : "I have been gambling,"he said, with a light laugh,

TT (pg.268) : “Saya baru saja berjudi,” katanya sambil tertawa kecil, 30. ST (pg.217) : The words came haltingly with no eloquence to back them.

TT (pg.272) : Kata-katanya terputus, dan sama sekali tak didukung kefasihan lidah.

31. ST (pg.234) : … her elbows on the table and her face supported by her hands.

TT (pg.293) : ... menekankan sikunya ke meja dan menopang wajahnya dengan tangan.

32. ST (pg.236) : Poirot watched her in silence.

TT (pg.295) : Poirot memperhatikannya tanpa berkata apa-apa 33. ST (pg.236) : … said Poirot, with a shrug of his shoulders.

TT (pg.295) : ... kata Poirot sambil mengangkat bahunya.

34. ST (pg.254) : No, there you are, as sensible as ever you were, with a pair of good Balbriggan stockings,

TT (pg.322) : Tidak, kau tetap saja seperti dulu – berakal sehat, memakai kaus kakai tebal yang baik,

35. ST (pg.256) : A young man with nice manners... TT (pg.325) : Anak muda yang bertingkah laku baik... 36. ST (pg.258) : He came up to her quickly, almost boyishly.

TT (pg.328) : Knighton mendatanginya cepat-cepat, dia kelihatan kekanak-kanakan.

37. ST (pg.259) : … Helen, in a new pair of silk stockings,

TT (pg.329) : ... Helen – yang memakai kaus kaki baru tanpa lubang, 38. ST (pg.280) : … that a youth in a cap and overcoat...

TT (pg.355) : ... bahwa seorang anak muda yang bertopi dan bermantel...

D. From Phrase to Sentence

1. ST (pg.169) : "Such a dear fellow!

TT (pg.216) : “Dia anak muda yang baik sekali! 2. ST (pg.191) : In an overcoat and soft hat."

TT (pg.240) : Dia mengenakan mantel dan topi lembut.” 3. ST (pg.217) : Weakness there.


4. ST (pg.262) : Dropped right out of things.

TT (pg.332) : Dia tiba-tiba menghentikan segalanya. 5. ST (pg.263) : Tempers and tantrums all the time."

TT (pg.334) : Dia sering marah-marah dan mengamuk.”

4. Data Classification of Shifts from Clause to Other A. From Clause to Word

1. ST (pg.3) : It was close on midnight when a man crossed the Place de la Concorde

TT (pg.9) : Menjelang tengah malam seorang lelaki menyebrangi Place De la Concorde

2. ST (pg.4) : "No," he admitted, "that is true."

TT (pg.11) : “Memang,” katanya membenarkan, ‘memang bukan” 3. ST (pg.10) :… and it might reasonably be supposed that…

TT (pg18) :… dan sepantasnyalah orang menduga bahwa… 4. ST (pg.10) : "The master is here, but he does not…

TT (pg.19) : “Ada, tapi beliau tak..

5. ST (pg.12) : It was evidently all quite natural to him. TT (pg.22) : Kelihatannya hal itu sudah biasa

6. ST (pg.25) : "I hope you'll think so," said Van Aldin,

TT (pg.37) : “Mudah-mudahan kau berpendapat begitu,” kata Van Aldin,

7. ST (pg.35) : "I see you don't know everything, sir," he said. TT (pg.48) : “Rupanya anda tak tahu seluruhnya, pak,” katanya. 8. ST (pg.37) : "I don't know what he meant, I am sure."

TT (pg.52) : “Aku tak tahu apa maksudnya, sungguh.”

9. ST (pg.38) : "See here, Ruth, have you been seeing that fellow again?" TT (pg.53) : “Akuilah, apakah kau berhubungan dengan laki-laki itu


10. ST (pg.44) : "As it happened, I was thinking of a woman, my dear." TT (pg.59) : “Kebetulan, aku sedang memikirkan seorang wanita.” 11. ST (pg.47) : I am Parisienne, you remember.

TT (pg.62) : Ingat, aku ini orang Paris.

12. ST (pg.47) : Yes, yes, you can take my word for it, TT (pg.63) : Sungguh, percayalah,

13. ST (pg.51) : … to enjoy the old lady's savings, such as they were." TT (pg.69) : ...untuk menikmati hasil tabungan wanita tua itu,


14. ST (pg.55) : "You know, Katherine,.. TT (pg.74) : “Ketahuilah, Katherine,..

15. ST (pg.59) : That is to say, she was not thinking of her appearance. TT (pg.77) : Artinya, dia sedang tidak memikirkan penampilannya. 16. ST (pg. 68) : "That is all right, sir; still three berths left.

TT (pg.90) : “Beres, tuan, masih ada tiga kabin kosong. 17. ST (pg.72) : that I am glad you have answered as you have."


TT (pg.95) : bahwa saya senang anda menjawab demikian.” 18. ST (pg.75) : … before it was too late.

TT (pg.100) : ... sebelum terlambat.

19. ST (pg.86) : "Absurd, doubtless, but there it was."

TT (pg.116) : “Memalukan, memang, yah, tapi, begitulah.” 20. ST (pg.89) : "I am very sorry," said Katherine,...

TT (pg.119) : “Maaf,” kata Katherine,...

21. ST (pg.89) : "It is strange, is it not," he murmured, TT (pg.120) : “Aneh, bukan,” gumam Poirot, 22. ST (pg.123) : It was - pardon me,…

TT (pg.163) : Memang – maafkan saya,...

23. ST (pg.132) : That is right, is it not?" TT (pg.174) : Begitu, bukan?”

24. ST (pg.134) : "To be exact, I sent my secretary,

TT (pg.175) : “Sebenarnya, saya mengirim sekretaris saya, 25. ST (pg.146) : I am afraid I can't give you

TT (pg.187) : Sayang saya tak bisa memberikan

26. ST (pg.150) : …when you flung yourself out of my flat, you sulk. TT (pg.191) : ... waktu kau meninggalkan flatku, perajuk.

27. ST (pg.175) : "It is as well you are in France," said Van Aldin. TT (pg.223) : “Untung anda berada di Prancis,” kata Van Aldin 28. ST (pg.176) : he has something to conceal, where is it?

TT (pg.225) : dia harus menyembunyikan sesuatu, dimana? 29. ST (pg.189) : It was exactly eleven o'clock when Poirot.

TT (pg.238) : Tepat pukul sebelas Poirot datang ke hotel Van Aldin. 30. ST (pg.236) : then he heaved a sigh.

TT (pg.295) : kemudian mendesah. 31. ST (pg.253) : It shall be so, shall it not?

TT (pg.321) : Bisa, bukan?

32. ST (pg.254) : As it happens, Miss Grey is.. TT (pg.322) : Kebetulan, Miss Grey adalah..

33. ST (pg.269) : "No, I don't see where that comes in." TT (pg.342) : “Saya tak bisa melihat hubungannya.”

34. ST (pg.278) : …but any man who loses his head and scuttles round… TT (pg.352) : ... tapi orang pelupa dan berlari kian kemari...

B. From Clause to Phrase

1. ST (pg.19) : "It's a hard thing, Knighton," he said,… TT (pg.30) : “Memang sulit, Knighton,” katanya… 2. ST (pg.34) : … you young fool.

TT (pg.48) : ...anak muda tolol.

3. ST (pg.44) : and she said, 'It doesn't matter, TT (pg.59) : dan dia menjawab, ‘tidak apa-apa,

4. ST (pg.47) : And the little Mademoiselle, she wept many tears! TT (pg.63) : Dan nona kecil itu menangis sedih.


TT (pg.73) : “Memang tidak,” nyonya Harrison membenarkan, 6. ST (pg.60) : But even if you cut it down by half -"

TT (pg.80) : Tapi separuh jumlah itu pun-“

7. ST (pg.65) : ...turned her whole attention to what the clerk was saying. TT (pg.87) : ...menunjukkan perhatian sepenuhnya pada kata-kata


8. ST (pg.68) : "The 14th," murmured the clerk, "that is rather soon. TT (pg.90) : “Tanggal empat belas,” gumam petugas itu, “agak cepat


9. ST (pg.74) : "Don't be so lazy," cried Ruth, TT (pg.98) : “Jangan begitu,” seru Ruth, 10. ST (pg.95) : "I think that is all, Monsieur.

TT (pg.127) : “Saya rasa hanya itu, tuan.

11. ST (pg.100) : "I should think so," said Mr Evans,... TT (pg.133) : “Tentu saja,” kata tuan Evans,....

12. ST (pg.172) : To tell you the truth, my friend, he is not... TT (pg.219) : Terus terang, sahabat, dia tidak...

13. ST (pg.172) : "It is amazing, M. Kettering,… TT (pg.220) : “Luar biasa sekali, M. Kettering,... 14. ST (pg.178) : "But that is nonsense."

TT (pg.227) : “Omong kosong.”

15. ST (pg.206) : ...he said softly, "you blackmailing brute! TT (pg.256) : ...katanya dengan halus. “Pemeras bajingan! 16. ST (pg.273) : "I wish to God I had never got...

TT (pg.345) : “Demi Tuhan, aku tidak akan pernah menyuruh...

C. From Clause to Sentence

1. ST (pg.130) : … who declined it, and lit one of his own tiny cigarettes. TT (pg.171) : Poirot menolaknya, lalu menyalakan sebatang

rokonya sendiri yang kecil.

2. ST (pg.161) : Had a long talk with Ruth Kettering a few hours before the murder!

TT (pg.207) : Dia sempat berbicara selama beberapa jam dengan Ruth Kettering sebelum pembunuhan itu!

3. ST (pg.211) : … most of which Katherine had a faint suspicion were invented.

TT (pg.263) : Katherine curiga bahwa kebanyakan kenangan itu hanya dicari-cari saja.

4. ST (pg.238) : To know when to stop.

TT (pg.297) : Anda tahu kapan harus berhenti.

5. ST (pg.258) : ,wearing a complete set of the cameos which had been so providentially preserved in the family

TT (pg.329) : Dia memakai seperangkat perhiasan cameo warisan keluarga yang terpelihara dengan baik sekali. 6. ST (pg.262) : Went over to France and took up with some swell


TT (pg.332) : Dia menyeberang ke Prancis dan hidup bersama seorang laki-laki ningrat terkemuka.

7. ST (pg.263) : Never know what the public will jump for next." TT (pg.334) : Kita tak pernah tahu apa keinginan masyarakat kelak.”

5. Data Classification of Shifts from Sentence to Other A. From Sentence to Word

1. ST (pg.4) : It looks to me -" TT (pg.11) : Kelihatannya –” 2. ST (pg.6) : "Is that so?"

TT (pg.13) : “Begitukah?” 3. ST (pg.21) : "It's unspeakable.

TT (pg.32) : Keterlaluan. 4. ST (pg.25) : Is that it?

TT (pg.36) : Itukah? 5. ST (pg.65) : "I am an idiot.

TT (pg.86) : “ Tolol. 6. ST (pg.72) : Is that clear?"

TT (pg.95) : Jelas?”

7. ST (pg.78) : "You are right. TT (pg.104) : “Tepat

8. ST (pg.87) : "That is good. TT (pg.117) : “Bagus.

9. ST (pg.102) : Will it be all right? TT (pg.136) : Bolehkah?

10. ST (pg.154) : You understand?" TT (pg.196) : Mengerti?” 11. ST (pg.175) : "As you say.

TT (pg.224) : “Benar. 12. ST (pg.199) : "Have I?"

TT (pg.249) : “Begitukah?”

B. From Sentence to Phrase

1. ST (pg.23) : That's all there is to it. TT (pg.35) : Itu saja

2. ST (pg.37) : "What is it?" TT (pg.51) : “Ada apa?” 3. ST (pg.90) : "It is horrible."

TT (pg.121) : “Mengerikan sekali.” 4. ST (pg.95) : "That will do now."

TT (pg.128) : “Sekian saja.” 5. ST (pg.115) : It was a rush."


6. ST (pg.192) : I wish you good afternoon." TT (pg.242) : Selamat siang.”

7. ST (pg.295) : It goes on. TT (pg.374) : Berjalan terus.

C. From Sentence to Clause

1. ST (pg.295) : He knows.” TT (pg.375) : karena dia tahu.”