Cooling Down Hot Flashes

Cooling Down Hot Flashes
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The use of antidepressants for menopausal women has become increasingly common due to the fact

depression, anxiety, headache, side effects, dry mouth

Article Body:
Menopausal women searching for new ways to cool down hot flashes have found a new prescription

Hot flashes are characterized by the sudden, intense, hot feeling on your face and upper body,

According to research, the use of antidepressants for menopausal women has become increasingly

There is no clear evidence why antidepressants seem to have a cooling down effect in the hot f

There are studies which showed that the use of these and other serotonin-altering drugs to tre

Most women welcome the idea of relief more than they would receive from drugs. In one Effexor
According to Cynthia Pearson, Executive Director of the National Women’s health, some women ar

Different studies produce a variation of results in connection with the drug responses. A stud

Figuring out which type of women have the most to gain from taking antidepressant drugs is the
A very interesting trend emerged among women who were recently menopausal.

These women who ha

The biggest concern about antidepressant use for menopause is that the drugs may worsen some s
Women who will opt to try antidepressant treatment for the relief of hot flashes should first

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