Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Pola Menstruasi pada Pelajar Wanita di SMA Negeri 04 Medan


Menstruasi merupakan salah satu aspek kematangan seksual pada wanita,
yang muncul pertama kali pada masa pubertas. Banyak hal yang dapat
mempengaruhi pola menstruasi, diantaranya usia, riwayat keluarga, status sosialekonomi, pendidikan, aktivitas fisik, kepribadian, olahraga, berat badan, tinggi
badan, stres, infeksi, persentase distribusi lemak maupun hormonal. Gangguan
pola menstruasi dapat meningkatkan risiko penurunan fertilitas pada wanita usia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk megetahui hubungan indeks massa tubuh
dengan pola menstruasi pada pelajar wanita di SMA Negeri 04 Medan. Penelitian
ini bersifat analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Total sampel
diambil secara non probability sampling dengan teknik pengambilan sampel
dilakukan secara consecutive sampling sebanyak 70 siswi dan analisis uji statistik
menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Pengumpulan data berlangsung pada bulan Oktober
2015. Pengumpulan data dengan pengisian kuesioner dan pengukuran berat badan
dan tinggi badan.
Hasil uji Chi-Square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara indeks massa
tubuh dengan keteraturan siklus menstruasi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini indeks
massa tubuh mempengaruhi siklus menstruasi.
Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, disarankan kepada remaja wanita untuk

menjaga indeks massa tubuh dalam rentang normal untuk mengurangi resiko
gangguan reproduksi di kemudian hari.
Kata kunci : indeks massa tubuh, pola menstruasi, remaja wanita

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Menstruation is one of female sexual maturity aspect, which appears the
first time during puberty. Many things can affect menstrual pattern, including age,
family history, socio-economic status, education, physical activity, personality,
sports, body-weight, body-height, stress, infection, percentage of fat distribution
or hormones. Menstrual pattern disturbance may increase the risk of fertility
decline in women of reproductive age.
The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship of body mass index
with menstrual pattern in female students at SMAN 04 Medan.
This research is an observational analytic with cross sectional approach.
Total samples taken by non probability sampling with consecutive sampling
techniques and analysis using Chi-Square test. Seventy female students of SMA

Negeri 04 were selected as sample of this research. The research data were
collected in October 2015 through questionnairesand measurement of body weight
and height.
Chi-Square test results showed an association between body mass index
with the regularity of the menstrual cycle. In conclusion, body mass index affects
the menstrual cycle. The number of students who have regular menstrual pattern is
48,6% while the students who have irregular menstrual pattern is 51,4%. Based on
BMI, 32,8% students were normal, 28.5% were obese, 21,4% were in the
underweight category and 14,3% were overweight.
Chi-square results showed there was an association between body mass
index with menstrual pattern. Advice for young women to better maintain their
body mass index in normal range and maintain their reproductive health to reduce
the risk of reproductive disorders later in life.
Keywords: body mass index, menstrual pattern, young women

Universitas Sumatera Utara