The Analysis Of Transgender’s Language In Medan

2.1 Definition of Language
Language can be defined as a means to deliver something that comes in
the heart. it means that the language as an instrument to deliver thoughts, ideas,
concepts or feelings to be conveyed to others.
Keraf (1997:1) says, “Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi antara anggota
masyarakat berupa simbol bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh alat ucap manusia.” that
language is placed as a means of communication between people to express their
thoughts or feeling by using the symbols the form communication by voice,
gestures (posture), or signs of writing.
Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI, 1990: 66) says, “Bahasa
diartikan sebagai sistem lambang bunyi berartikulasi yang bersifat sewenangwenang dan konvensional

yang dipakai sebagai alat komunikasi untuk

melahirkan perasaan dan pikiran.” that language is placed as a means of
communication between people to express their thoughts or feeling by using the

the form communication by voice, gestures (posture), or signs of

Kridalaksana (1993:21) says, “Bahasa sebagai sebuah sistem lambang









masyarakat untuk bekerja sama, berinteraksi, dan mengidentifikasikan diri.” Pei
dan Gaynor (1975:119) says, “ Language is bahasa adalah A system of
communication by sound, i.e., through the organs of speech and hearing, among
human beings of certain group or community, using vocal symbols possessing

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arbitrary conventional meaning.“ From the view of the linguist like Kridalaksana,
Pei and Gaynor above, Language can emphasized as a symbol system. The term
system contains the meaning existence and regularity of the constituent elements.
Rakhmat (1992:269) says, a communications expert, look at the language
of the two sides of the formal and functional. Formally, “Bahasa diartikan
sebagai semua kalimat yang terbayangkan, yang dibuat menurut tatabahasa.”
While formally, “Bahasa diartikan sebagai alat yang dimiliki bersama untuk
mengungkapkan gagasan.” Definition that is supposed by Rakhmat seemed try to
summarize common meaning by linguists opinion.

The term of formal side

presented by Rakhmat similar to the term system, whereas the functional sides of

the same with language as a communication device.
Wardhaugh, says language is “A System of aribtrary vocal symbols used
for human communication.” Broader depiction of the language ever was delivered
by the father of modern linguistics, Ferdinan de Saussure. He explains the
language by using the three-term langage, Langue and parole. The third terms of
the French language in Indonesian paired with only one term, namely “language”.
Langage is the system symbol of the sound that is used to communicate and
interact verbally. This langage is abstract. Term of langue refers to system symbol
of particular sound that is used by a member of particular social group. Whereas
parole is the concrete form of langue is used in form of speech or utterances by
members of the public with each other.
Fodor (1974) says,“Bahasa adalah system simbol dan tanda. “ The
meaning of a symbol system is a symbol of the relationship with the conventional

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meaning. While the definition of system of signs that a relationship is not
conventional signs and meanings, but is determined by the nature or particular
characteristics possessed of objects or situation referred. In a word Indonesian
cecak has a causal relationship with animals. it means, the animal is called cecak

because his voice sounds like cak-cak-cak. Therefore, cecak is called sign not a
symbol. Fodor further said that language problems are problems of meaning.
Bolinger (1981) says, “Bahasa memiliki system fonem, yang terbentuk
dari distinctive








mengungkapkan makna bahasa harus berhubungan dengan dunia luar.” The

meaning of Dunia Luar is a world outside the world of languages including
speakers themselves. World within the meaning like this is called reality. It
means that the relationship between reality and language. While reality includes
everything that is beyond language. Reality is probably manifested in the form of
abstract language, because there is no language without meaning. While, meaning
is the result of the relationship of language and reality.
Felicia (2001:1) says, “Bahasa merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk
berkomunikasi sehari-hari, baik bahasa lisan maupun bahasa tulis.” It means the
spoken, communication made by two or more persons who each other face to face
directly and no spacing or limiting their equipment. The spoken is happens when
two or more people talking / dialogue, during interview, meeting, speech. While
writing, communication is done through writing without talks directly in a
language that brief, Clear, and understandable to the recipient. Written
communications may include letters, text messages, electronic mail, and so on.

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Sunaryo (2000:6) says, “Bahasa didalam struktur budaya ternyata
memiliki kedudukan, fungsi dan peran ganda yaitu sebagai akar dan produk
budaya yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai sarana berfikir dan sarana pendukung

pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.” It means is
without language (including Indonesian) science can not grow and thrive.
Moreover, in the structure of Indonesian culture, it has a position, functions, and
the dual role that is as root and cultural products that also functions as a means of
thinking and means of supporting growth and development of science and
technology. Without such blemish language role, Science and technology will not
be evolve. The implication in the development of thinking power, infrastructure to
make language as modern thinking. Therefore, if meticulously in using language,
We will be meticulously in thinking anyway because language is a mirror of the
power of reason (mind).
Owen says, “Language can be defined as a socially shared combinations
of those symbols and rule governed combinations of those symbols.” It means that
the language can be defined as a socially acceptable code or conventional systems
to deliver concepts through the use of symbols and the desired combination of
symbols that are arranged by the provisions.
Tarigan (1989:4), he gives two definitions of language. “Pertama,
bahasa adalah suatu sistem yang sistematis, barang kali juga untuk sistem
generatif. Kedua, bahasa adalah seperangkat lambang-lambang mana suka atau
simbol-simbol arbitrer.” Systematic is that language is composed according to a
pattern that is not arranged randomly or arbitrary. While systemic means that

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language is not a single system, but also consist of sub-systems or subordinate
system, such as sub-system phonology, morphological subsystem, subsystem
syntactic, semantic subsystems. Then, each elements of the subsystems are also
arranged according to the rules or a particular pattern, the overall form a system.
If did not arranged according to rules or particular patterns, Meanwhile, arbitrary
defined as the absence of a direct relationship is compulsory between symbol with
which it symbolism. In other words, the relationship between language and form
of the object only based on the agreement between the speakers of the language in
the language is concerned.
Santoso (1990:1) says, “Bahasa adalah rangkaian bunyi yang dihasilkan
oleh alat ucap manusia secara sadar.” It means, the words are come out of a
human mouth every day to communicate to inflict feelings and thoughts which
will be disclosed to the other person.

Wibowo (2001:3) says, “Bahasa adalah sistem simbol bunyi yang
bermakna dan berartikulasi (dihasilkan oleh alat ucap) yang bersifat arbitrer dan
konvensional, yang dipakai sebagai alat berkomunikasi oleh sekelompok manusia

untuk melahirkan perasaan dan pikiran.” The same with Walija (1996:4) says,
“Bahasa ialah komunikasi yang paling lengkap dan efektif untuk menyampaikan
ide, pesan, maksud, perasaan dan pendapat kepada orang lain.” It means, the
language as a series of sound. in this case, we are using the sound as a means to
communicate, communication by using the sound is also called verbal
communication and human society with the sound communication tool is called

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verbal community. Language is a symbol of a series of the sound which is form a
certain sense. Series of the sound are we know as the word represents a particular
object. The human are collecting these symbols and compose a vocabulary the
accumulation of experience and their thoughts. This is what causes namely
language continues to developing due to the experience human thought are also
growing. The existence of symbols that allows people to think and learn better. So,
the language is not only human beings can think regularly but also can
communicate what we are thinking to others, also language we are can express
our feelings and attitudes.

Puspitasari (2002) says, language is considered as a system that contains

the meaning way or the rules. System means that regular arrangement pattern to
form an overall that is systematic, which means language is not structured
according to a random pattern. System means that language is not a single system.
it means that the language has a lot of systems that are used as instruments or
symbols to communicate.

Syamsuddin (1986:2) says, “Bahasa memiliki dua pengertian. Pertama,
bahasa adalah alat yang dipakai untuk membentuk pikiran dan perasaan,
keinginan dan perbuatan-perbuatan, alat yang dipakai untuk mempengaruhi dan
dipengaruhi. Kedua, bahasa adalah tanda yang jelas dari kepribadian yang baik
maupun yang buruk, tanda yang jelas dari keluarga dan bangsa, tanda yang jelas
dari budi kemanusiaan.” It means, First, language is not only human beings can
think regularly but also can communicate what we are thinking to others, also

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language we can express our feelings and attitudes. The second is the language
serves as a means of communication between individuals. Accordingly, how the
attitude and the way a person acts, how social life in society, and so on, mostly
influenced by the prevailing language in the community. The words which are

contained in the sentence language reflects personality of a person, is correct and
the originals are acceptable.

Kridalaksana (1993:21)says, “Bahasa adalah sistem lambang bunyi yang
arbitrer yang dipergunakan oleh para anggota suatu masyarakat untuk bekerja
sama, berinteraksi, dan mengidentifikasikan diri.” And next Abdul Chaer and
Leonie Agustina (2004:11) says, “Hakikat bahasa antara lain bahwa bahasa itu
sebuah sistem lambang, berupa bunyi yang arbitrer, produktif, dinamis, beragam,
dan manusiawi.” Based on the above meanings, we could conclude that language
is the sound symbol system is used by humans to communicate each other for the
purpose of communicating.
2.2 Definition of Transgender
Nadia (2005) says, “Transgender atau waria sebagai individu yang sejak
lahir memiliki jenis kelamin laki-laki, akan tetapi dalam proses berikutnya
menolak bahwa dirinya seorang laki-laki. Maka waria melakukan berbagai usaha
untuk menjadi perempuan, baik dari sikap, perilaku dan penampilannya.
Selanjutnya dikemukakan bahwa kebanyakan waria berada pada posisi
transseksual.” It means, stated that most transgender in the transsexual position.
but in the next process there is a desire to be accepted as a different gender.

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Koeswinarno (2004) says, “Dalam konteks psikologis waria termasuk
transseksual, yakni individu yang secara fisik memiliki jenis kelamin yang jelas,
namun secara psikis cenderung untuk menampilkan diri sebagai lawan jenis.”
Views of the meaning of transsexuals , Yash (2003) says, “Transseksual sebagai
masalah indentitas jenis kelamin, kesadaran mental yang dimiliki individu tentang
jenis kelaminnya, laki-laki atau perempuan.” gender identity is owned by a
transsexual opposite gender which is "Imposed" by him based on his physical
Devault & Lyarber (2005) say, “Transseksual adalah individu yang
identitas gender dan anatomi seksualnya tidak cocok. Seorang transseksual
merasa terjebak dalam tubuh dan anatomi seksual yang salah.” Walters & Ross
(1986) say, “Transseksual berusaha untuk diterima menjadi anggota dari
kelompok jenis kelamin yang berbeda”. Based on the definition of transgender are
proposed by the experts above, it can be concluded that transgender feel different
gender identities with his gender physically, he tried to be accepted as a member
of the opposite gender of his gender physically.
2.3 Definition of Transgender’s Language
Transgender’s language is a originating language from transgender
community. It has several regular patterns of word formation and is documented
in both writing and speech. One pattern of word formation modifies standard
Indonesian roots (normally composed of two syllables) to have e as the first vowel
and ong closing the second syllable—hence providing regular assonance with the
standard Indonesian word bencong Another word formation pattern adds -in-

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infixes to other Indonesian roots. The best example is the word binan itself,
formed with the word banci, "male transvestite", to which the -in- infix has been
added and from which the second syllable -ci has been dropped.
Transgender’s language or slang is variety of language that are used by
speakers of teenagers, transgender to express ideas and emotions. too many
variations language now that is created a new vocabularies used by transgender or
even teenagers, which sometimes sounds is very strange and doesn’t make sense.

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