Ive Emaliana IETA Palembang 2013

The KWLM Technique: Sustaining Interests and Enhancing
Motivation in Reading
Ive Emaliana & Widya Caterine P.
Universitas Brawijaya, East Java
ive@ub.ac.id & caterine_widya@ub.ac.id
The common phenomenon among students, which becomes the persistent problem faced by
many English teachers, is the attempt to sustain genuine interest in continuing to learn and use
English, especially reading once the examinations are over. Teachers have to create a healthy
balance between preparing students for the standardized examination and for life-long language
skills. Utilizing an effective teaching technique like the KWLM can encourage students to read
actively through the learning events and promote students motivation to read. This technique
assists teachers to make students comprehend reading texts through charts that include column
for each activity on activating students’ prior knowledge, expressing their curiosity, explaining
information gotten, and extending information on the topic. As it provides an opportunity for
students to expand their ideas by reading more texts, they are indirectly trained to do selfreading. By utilizing the KWLM technique, the ultimate goal of language teachers to help
learners become autonomous reader can be achieved.
Authors’ biodata
Ive Emaliana is an English lecturer in Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, East Java. She
earned her undergraduate (2007) and graduate (2012) degrees in English Language Teaching
from State University of Malang. She taught secondary schools for five years and has been
teaching English for Specific Purposes since 2007. Her teaching and research interest include

pragmatics, reading and writing skills, and language teaching methodology. She wrote books on
Pragmatics and Material Development. Her papers were published in some edited books and
conference proceedings. She became the presenter to some national and international level of
conferences and a symposium, namely NELTAL, INASYSCON, CONAPLIN, and AISOFOLL.
She can be contacted via e-mail at ive@ub.ac.id.
Widya Caterine Perdhani is an English lecturer in Universitas Brawijaya. She earned
her undergraduate degrees in English department of Jambi University in 2007. She experienced
in teaching English in some language centers, universities (Tridinanti University and
Muhammadiyah Palembang University) for two years. She earned her master degree in English
Education program of PGRI Palembang University in 2010. She is currently teaching English in
Universitas Brawijaya in the Faculty of Culture Studies. She can be contacted via e-mail at