The effect of economic problem to giovanni`s personality development in Dario fo`s we won`t pay! we won`t pay! - USD Repository



  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra In English Letters


  Dwi Prasetyo Agung Nugroho

  Student Number: 034214048




  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra In English Letters


  Dwi Prasetyo Agung Nugroho

  Student Number: 034214048


  An optimist sees opportunities in every danger.

  A pessimist sees dangers in every opportunity.

  (Benjamin Franklin) Two are better than one….

  For if they fall, One will lift up the other.

  (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) A thing of beauty

  Is a joy forever (John Keats)

  This undergraduate thesis is dedicated to My Lord, Jesus Christ My beloved parents My dearest sisters My beloved Alfonsa Ika All my friends



  Praise to God that finally I finished my thesis. I would like to thank Jesus


Christ for His blessing throughout my life and for guiding me during my darkest

  path and for accompanying me in writing and completing my undergraduate thesis.

  My gratitude goes to my advisor, P. Sarwoto, S.S., M. A., who has given light to my dark mind with his advises and suggestions during the writing of my thesis. I also thank Elisa Dwi Wardani, S.S, M.Hum., my co-advisor, for reading my undergraduate thesis and giving me suggestions in order to make it better. I also thank all my lecturers for guidance and their time to share their knowledge during these years of study and to all staffs of English Letters Department, Sanata Dharma University for all the help.

  My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved father, Bapak LB. Surojo and my beloved mother Ibu Sri Sulastri. Thank you for your love, prayer and patience. I love you Mom. I love you Dad. Thanks to my beloved sisters,


Chatarina Kristi Sulastri and Serafika Trisakti Puspitasari who always give

  colors to my life. I also thanks to my lovely Alfonsa Ika Andriani for giving me the second chance to be a better man and for giving the light to my dark heart. I love you babe!!! Mwuuuuaaaach!

  My special thanks goes to Yohanes Adi, Sustiani, Yeremia L, Hadiarto,


Cosmas Andy, Hernita, Jati P, Johny, The Big Bagor, Bayu for all the fun

  during these years, and for sharing their strength and spirit during my time in finishing my undergraduate thesis. I also thank 03 Football Club, We Won’t


Pay crew (Ketan Item Community), Halte Community, Aikido Sanata

Dharma Community, Natalia Indu, Leonardus Bayu A. P, Galih Permadi

Siwi, YIA Yogyakarta and all my friends students of English Letters 2003.

  Thanks for the beautiful friendship!! Dwi Prasetyo Agung Nugroho

  TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………… i

APPROVAL PAGE ………………………………………………………. ii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE…………………………………………………… iii

MOTTO PAGE……………………………………………………………. iv

DEDICATION PAGE…………………………………………………….. v

ACKNOWLEGEMENTS………………………………………………… vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………. viii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………... ix ABSTRAK………………………………………………………………….

  18 A. Object of the Study…………………………………………………. 18 B.

  39 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION…………………………………………… 49

  C. The Influence of The Economic Condition towards Giovanni’s personality Development…………………………………………...

  31 B. The Economic Condition in Giovanni’s society…………………… 36

  23 2. After Experiences Personality Development……………… …….

  1. Before Experiences Personality Development……………………


CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS………………………………………………. 22

A. Giovanni’s Characterization ……………………………………….. 22

  Approach of the Study……………………………………………… 20 C. Method of the Study………………………………………………… 21

  15 C. Theoretical Framework…………………………………………….. 17 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ……………………………………..


  12 3. Theory of Personality Development……………………………...

  7 2. Theory of Personality and Personality Changes………………….

  6 B. Theoretical Review…………………………………………………. 7 1. Theory on Character and Characterization……………………….

  5 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW……………………………... 6 A. Review of Related Studies………………………………………….

  4 D. Definition of Terms…………………………………………………

  1 B. Problem Formulation……………………………………………….. 4 C. Objectives of the Study……………………………………………..

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION………………………………………… 1 A. Background of the Study……………………………………………

  BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………. 53



  DWI PRASETYO AGUNG NUGROHO. The Effect of Economic Problem to


Giovanni’s Personality Development in Dario Fo’s We Won’t Pay! We Won’t

Pay!. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata

Dharma University, 2008.

  Nobody shares the same personality in this world, every person is different from the other. The diversity of the personality can be influenced not merely by someone’s internal factor but it came mostly from the external factor, such as the influence of the environment. The environmental factors can be family determinant, changes in significant people, and changes in environment, while the internal factor can be changes in self concept. Related with the statements above, the analysis will be focused on how the economic problem influences Giovanni’s personality development.

  The objective of the study is to answer three main problems stated in the problem formulation. First, it is meant to identify Giovanni’s characteristic described in the play. Second, it is meant to analyze the economic condition in Giovanni’s society. Third, it is meant to identify how the economic problem influences Giovanni’s personality development.

  In the analysis, the writer used library research to collect data related to the topic of the study. This study applies some theories to answer the questions stated in the problem formulation. They are the theory on character and characterization and the theory on personality and personality development. The writer also uses psychological approach because the focus of the study is analyzing the character’s personality development.

  The analysis concludes that Giovanni’s personality development is influenced by the economic problem in the society. The economic problem influences Giovanni’s personality development through three factors, they are changes in significant people, changes in environment, and changes in self concept. From the factor of significant people, Giovanni’s personality is influenced by his relatives who also experience the economic problem. From the environmental factor, the personality is influenced through what happened in the society where Giovanni lives as the effect of the economic problem. While in changes in self concept, the economic problem influences Giovanni’s personality through the way he judges things in his mind.



  DWI PRASETYO AGUNG NUGROHO. The Effect of Economic Problem to


Giovanni’s Personality Development in Dario Fo’s We Won’t Pay! We Won’t

Pay!. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata

Dharma University, 2008.

  Kepribadian yang ada dalam diri tiap manusia tidak ada yang sama. Perbedaan kepribadian ini tidak hanya dipengaruhi faktor internal seseorang tapi juga karena pengaruh dari faktor eksternal, seperti pengaruh lingkungan sekitarnya. Faktor-faktor lingkungan tersebut dapat berupa pengaruh keluarga, perubahan pada orang-orang terdekat, perubahan pada lingkungan tempat tinggal.

  Sedangkan faktor internal dapat berupa perubahan prinsip hidup. Berkaitan dengan pernyataan diatas, analisis ini akan dititikberatkan pada bagaimana masalah ekonomi berpengaruh pada perkembangan kepribadian dari tokoh Giovanni.

  Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menjawab tiga permasalahan utama. Pertama, studi ini dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan tokoh Giovanni pada drama tersebut. Kedua, studi ini dimaksudkan untuk mendeskripsikan keadaan ekonomi pada lingkungan di mana tokoh Giovanni tinggal. Ketiga, studi ini dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh masalah ekonomi yang terjadi dalam masyarakat terhadap perkembangan kepribadian pada tokoh Giovanni.

  Dalam analisis, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka untuk mengumpulkan data yang berhubungan dengan topik dari studi ini. Studi ini menggunakan beberapa teori yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan- pertanyaan yang dirumuskan pada rumusan masalah. Teori-teori yang digunakan adalah teori tentang tokoh dan penokohan dan teori tentang kepribadaian dan perkembangan kepribadian. Penulis juga menggunakan pendekatan psikologis karena fokus dari studi ini adalah untuk menganalisa perkembangan kepribadian dari seorang tokoh.

  Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa perkembangan kepribadian dari tokoh Giovanni dipengaruhi oleh masalah ekonomi yang dihadapi baik oleh masyarakat ataupun tokoh Giovanni sendiri. Masalah ekonomi tersebut mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Giovanni melalui tiga hal, yaitu perubahan pada orang-orang terdekat, perubahan pada lingkungan, dan yang terakhir adalah perubahan pada prinsip individu. Pada perubahan orang-orang dekat, kepribadian Giovanni dipengaruhi oleh keluarganya yang juga mengalami masalah ekonomi tersebut. Melalui lingkungannya kepribadian Giovanni dipicu oleh kejadian yang terjadi di lingkungannya. Sedangkan pada perubahan prinsip, kepribadian Giovanni ditentukan oleh perubahan cara Giovanni menilai suatu hal.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study The works of literature, which generally describe the reality of human life or

  as an imitation of human life, always contain many things which can be analyzed or studied. Literary works usually contain stories or even depicting the condition about politics, economy, social life, and culture happened in the time when those works were written. There are always some new things which can be learned from them.

  Literature, if it is defined as anything written, then the definition is both too broad and too narrow. It is too broad to say that literature is anything written because people can ask for “literature” in order to see the menu in a restaurant. On the other hand, to say that literature must be written or printed is too narrow because it excludes oral literature such as ballads that are sung and the recited stories (Barnet, 1963:1). Based on Wikipedia, the origin of the word “literature” comes from the Latin word “littera” that means "an individual written character". In other word, it represents the letter itself. The meaning of literature itself is writings that are valued as works of art, as it is described in the first definition stated in the Oxford English


Dictionary . While Robert Frost, in An Introduction to Literature, says that literature

  is a “performance in words.” He also adds that literature has in it an element of entertaining display. The kind of literary works themselves vary, such as poems, novels, short stories, and plays or dramas.

  2 A play is a form of literature, almost always consists of dialogue between characters, intended to be performed rather than to be read. However, many people and especially scholars simply just read and study plays in an academic manner. So, the term play refers both to the written works of playwrights and to their complete theatrical performance. Through the works of literature, one may understand human’s personality that can be found inside the character in the story.

  Character can be considered in two different things. The first, it maybe considered as individuals who appear in the story or in this case a play. The second may refer to the description of attitudes, interests, desires, emotions, and moral principals of the individuals (Stanton, 1965: 17). In short, the meaning of character can be both the actor in the story and also the characteristics of the characters. There must be certain links between the actor and it characteristics or the characterization.

  Every character has their personality and conflict. The personality and the conflict are differ one to another. Every character has his or her uniqueness.

  According to Laurence Perrine, character can be differentiated into two based on the criterion of the characters’ development in a novel, namely, a static character and the dynamic or developing character. A static character is the character who essentially does not undergo the process of change and development as a result of the happening in the story. A static character is “the same sort of person at the end of the story as he was at the beginning”. The developing character is the character that undergoes a change and development in accordance with the development of events

  3 and the plot in the story. A developing character ‘undergoes a permanent change in some aspects of his character, personality, or outlook” (Perrine, 1974:71).

  Based on Elizabeth Hurlock’s description on the personality changes, there are eight conditions that are responsible for the personality changes. They are the physical changes, changes in the environment, changes in significant people, changes in social pressure, changes in role, strong motivation, changes in self concept, and psychotherapy. (1974: 124-130)

  From the statements above, it will be interesting to discuss “We Won’t Pay!


We Won’t Pay !’ written by Dario Fo. Giovanni, as one of the characters in the play is

  described as a person with his unique quality. He has a problem in dealing with his financial needs that lead him into his character development.

  As one of famous plays in the world of literature, “We Won’t Pay! We Won’t


Pay !’ presents a satirical comedy that criticizes the social and political condition in

  Italy during the year of 1970’s. As a famous playwright, Fo is well known for his power in telling the truth through his ‘famous method’, that is jokes.

  He took the opportunity to do what he does best: tell a joke and the truth. Thus his speech was ebulliently silly but also a serious plea for the importance of laughter, irreverent laughter in the face of authority. (Review by Robert Avila for SF Bay Guardian) Here Giovanni, one of the protagonists, experiences the character development during his struggle in order to break free from the boundary of the free market system in the neighborhood. The basic needs as food, settlement, and privacy become the things that are struggled and make the society becomes rebellious.

  4 This thesis focuses on the character named Giovanni as one of the protagonists. The focus is on how the character is depicted in the play. Especially on the character development and also about how the social condition, in this case the economic condition, influences the process of character development.

B. Problem Formulation This paper will discuss three main points that will be analyzed further.

1. How is Giovanni’s character depicted in the play? 2.

  How is the economic condition described in the story?

  3. How does the economic problem influence Giovanni’s personality?

C. Objectives of the Study

  By having a close reading and deep analysis to the work, this paper aims to answer the two problems stated in the problem formulation. The first objective is to find out the characteristics of Giovanni in this play. By knowing the characteristics of the character in this play, later on we will be able to find out how the character really develops its characterization or even create a totally different characterization that is contradictory with the previous. After we get the first objective, then we will come to the second objective; that is to describe the economic condition in the society where Giovanni as the central character lives. The final objective after knowing the economic condition is to find out how the economic problem that occurs in the

  5 society influences Giovanni’s character to have certain changes toward his characterization.

D. Definition of Terms

  1. Personality

  Personality is somebody’s set of characteristics, the totality of somebody’s attitudes, interests, behavioral patterns, emotional responses, social roles, and other individual traits that endure over long period of time (Webster, 2005:1083). According to International Encyclopedia of Psychology, personality is defined as the unique combination of thought, feelings, and behavior that make individual distinct from others (1996: 1228).

  2. Personality Development

  In Elizabeth Hurlock’s Personality Development, Allport defines that personality development is a stage in growth of constantly changing and evoking processes within an individual. Furthermore, it determines his or her uniqueness in speech, in relations to people and things, in mannerism, in fantasy, and in other ways directed toward the specific goal to adjust to his or her environment (1974:7).

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review on Related Studies The play by Dario Fo surely attracts people to give comments on its fresh

  jokes and its power toward the society. Most critics give their criticisms based on the story itself and also based on the way Fo delivers his message through the jokes.

  In "Les Miserables" Jean Valjean stole a loaf of bread to feed his starving family and got in big trouble. In Dario Fo's "We Won't Pay, We Won't Pay," a contemporary housewife struggling to make ends meet helps ransack a grocery store, and gets in big trouble, too - but with a significant difference: "Les Miserables" is earnest, high-flown drama, while "We Won't Pay" is farce. (Robert Hall for Berkeley Daily Planet) From the comment from Robert Hall above, it’s clear that he attempts to show the similarity of the two plays, how the characters are involved in a trouble because trying to satisfy their basic need. He also tries to define how "We Won't Pay" is different from "Les Miserables" from the way they deliver their own messages.

  Dario Fo's most performed play is popular for a reason: it's sure-fire funny. You can read the script on a bus and find yourself laughing aloud; and seeing it acted -- by consummate professionals or by undergraduate apprentices -- is guaranteed to knock you loose from your seat, if not actually to roll you in an aisle. (Russ Hunt) While Russ Hunt, in his comment above, reveals more about the strength of this play. He talks about how the funny part of the script can make you shocked. He shows how the comedy really gives strong impact to the readers.

  7 Mariana Kristina (2004) in her undergraduate thesis analyses the influence of the society towards Jeanette’s character development as seen in Jeanette Winterson’s


Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit . Her work has the similar topic with the writer’s but

  she does it on the different work and using the different approach. She says in her work that character development, in this case is Jeanette’s, is influenced by the social condition where the character lives.

  This study will focus more on the characterization of Giovanni, then how his characterization experiences the development before he experiences the economic problem and after he experiences the economic problem, the description of the economic condition in the environment, and also it will study how the economic problem influences the character development.

B. Theoretical Review

  To reach a greater understanding to the character and the characterization, the theory of character and the methods of characterization will be discussed in this chapter.

1. Theories on Character

a. Character

  The term character may refer to two meanings. The first, it maybe considered as individuals who appear in the story or in this case a play. The second may refer to the description of attitudes, interests, desires, emotions, and moral principals of the individuals (Stanton, 1965: 17). In short, the meaning of character can be both the

  8 actor in the story and also the characteristics of the characters. There must be certain links between the actor and it characteristics or the characterization.

  The characters in the story are the persons who are endowed with moral and dispositional qualities as what is being expressed in what they say and what they do (Abrams, 1981:20). While E.M. Forster says in his book Aspect of the Novel that the actors in a story are, or intended to be, human beings. He also says that since the novelist himself is a human being, there must be an affinity between him and his subject matter. Further more, he explains that a novelist is a creator who makes up a number of characters, then gives them names and sex, assigns them gestures, and causes them to speak and perhaps to behave consistently (1974: 30-32). Forster’s statement implies that the characters in fiction are to be similar with the real people in life.

b. Types of Character

  According to Robert Stanton (1965: 17-18) characters can be differentiated into main or central characters and peripheral characters. A main character is the person who is relevant to every event in the story, meaning that usually the events cause some changes either in him or in the reader’s attitudes toward him. A main character appears continuously, so it seems that he dominates the whole story. On the other hand, a peripheral character is a person who seems to appear rarely in the story.

  The presentation is less important than the first.

  9 Based on the function of characters’ presentation, characters can be divided into the protagonist and the antagonist. Lynn Alternbend & Leslie L. Lewis (1966:59) say that while reading a novel, a reader often identifies himself with a certain character(s), gives sympathy and empathy, and engages himself emotionally to the character(s). The character that is being treated so is called the protagonist. In other words, the protagonist is the character of the ideal norms and values manifestation that the readers admire. On the other hand, the antagonist is the character who opposes the protagonist, directly or indirectly, spiritually or physically (Alternbend & Lewis, 1966:59).

  Based on the characteristic, there are also two types of character, namely simple or flat character and complex character or round character (Forster, 1974:75).

  A flat character is a character who possesses just one certain dispositional quality. He or she seems less to have a trait or behavior which can give a surprising effect to the readers. But, the flat characters can be easily recognized and more familiar wherever they come in and easily remembered by the reader afterward (Kenney, 1966:28).

  The second type of character is called round by E. M Forster because we can see all sides of this character. The character possesses many traits. If it is compared with flat character, a round character is more lifelike. Besides, he or she possesses various attitude and also capable in surprising us (Abrams, 1981: 20-21). Therefore the round character is more difficult to be understood.

  Laurence Perrine (1974:71) proposes the classification of the characters based on the criterion of the characters’ development in a novel, namely, a static character

  10 and the dynamic or developing character. A static character is the character who essentially does not undergo the process of change and development as a result of the happening in the story. A static character is “the same sort of person at the end of the story as he was at the beginning” (Perrine, 1974:71). The developing character is the character that undergoes a change and development in accordance with the development of events and the plot in the story. A developing character ‘undergoes a permanent change in some aspects of his character, personality, or outlook” (Perrine, 1974:71).

  The distinction between a static and developing character can be connected with the simple and complex character. A static character, either good or bad, is a simple character because he may not be revealed through all sides of his life. On the other hand, the developing character will tend to be a complex character. The reason is that by the change and the development of his attitude and characteristic, the sides of his life may be revealed. Similar to a simple character, a static character is less appropriate with the reality of human life. It will be possible if there is a person who is never influenced by the environment. On the other hand, the developing character is more lifelike (Nurgiyantoro, 1995: 103).

  The change is something important and basic, it may be large or small one, and may be for better or for worse. The change of a character must follow the three criteria below: i. The change must be within the possibilities of the character who makes it. ii. The change must be sufficiently motivated by the circumstances in which the

  11 character finds himself. iii. It must be allowed enough time for a change of its magnitude believably to take place.

c. Methods of Characterization

  Characterization is the representation of a person in dramatic or narrative works. This may include direct methods like the attribution of qualities from characters’ actions, speech, or appearance (Baldick, 1990: 34). Characterization has the importance for presenting the characters’ presentation.

  According to M.J. Murphy (1972: 161-173), there are nine ways in which the author attempts to make his character understandable and alive for the readers, they are: personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, relations, direct comment, thoughts, and mannerisms. In a personal description, the author can describe directly a person’s appearance and clothes. In a character as seen by another, the author describes the character through the eyes and opinions of another. In a speech, the author gives the reader clue to the characters through what they say. In past life, the author lets the readers learn something about the person’s past life by giving the readers a clue through his direct comment, the person’s thought, conversations, or through the medium of another person.

  Then, in a conversation of others, the author gives the readers clues to a person’s character through the conversation of other people and the things they say about him. In a reaction, the author lets the readers know a person’s character through

  12 his reaction to various situation and events. In a direct comment, the author describes or comments on the character directly. In thoughts, the author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. The last, in mannerisms, the author tells something to the readers about the character by describing the manner, habits, or idiosyncrasies.

  William Kenney (1988: 34-37) provides four methods of characterization, namely discursive method, dramatic method, contextual method, and characterization by transference. The author who employs the discursive method simply tells the readers about the characters. On the other hand, the author who employs the dramatic method shows something about the characters by allowing the character to reveal themselves to the readers through their dialogue and action. Therefore, the readers here are free to interpret the characteristic of the character. In contextual method, the author describes his characters by the verbal context that surrounds them. Using the method of characterization by transference, the author usually suggests psychological traits of a character by the transference of physical traits.

2. Theory of Personality and Personality Changes

  Elizabeth Hurlock describes that the changes in the personality pattern can be divided into three main categories. First, some changes are for the better and some for the worse. Second, some are qualitative and some are quantitative. Third, some occur slowly and some occur rapidly.

  13 a. Better and worse

  Personality changes for better or for the worse reflect the kind of the life adjustments that the individual is making at the time. Successful adjustment at any age, for example, improves the self concept and the person exhibits greater poise, self confidence, and self assurance. By the contrast, failure or failure to come up with self expectations leads to a deterioration in the self concept and to feelings of inadequacy and inferiority which are expressed in antagonisms, defensive reactions, depression, and many other behavior patterns that lead to poorer personal and social adjustments.

  b. Qualitative and quantitative The qualitative changes, either the complete replacement of a desirable trait an undesirable one or the opposite, do not normally occur even in the early years of life. For the most part, changes are quantitative. The characteristics already present are reinforced, strengthened, or weakened.

  c. Slow and rapid changes Changes are regarded as slow when they are barely perceptible, while rapid changes are readily apparent to all. Normally, personality changes are slow and gradual. (1974: 120-122)

  Hurlock also explains about eight conditions that are responsible for the personality changes. They are the physical changes, changes in the environment, changes in significant people, changes in social pressure, changes in role, strong

  14 motivation, changes in self concept, and psychotherapy (1974: 124-130). The suitable conditions that are fit with the problems are stated as below. i. Changes in environment

  A change in environment will not guarantee an improvement in personality. In fact, the change may and often has the opposite effect. Whether it does so or not will depend largely on how well the person is accepted in the new environment and how well the environment meets the person’s needs. ii. Changes in significant people

  When the significant people in an individual’s life change, and when the person tries to adapt the pattern of behavior and the attitudes, beliefs, values, and aspirations to theirs, changes in the person’s personality pattern are inevitable. These changes may not either be marked, nor they are always permanent. iii. Changes in self concept

  Self concept is the core of the personality pattern and it determines the kind of adjustment the person will make. A change in self concept will bring a change in the entire personality pattern. Changing one’s self concept requires tremendous self insight. This means that a person must be able and willing to see himself as what the actual is, not as the person like to be or as others perceive the person.

  Those conditions above give two effects, good and bad effect. The effect that is got depends on how people pass the process. Those who cannot pass the process successfully will get the bad effect and those who are able to pass it will get the good effect.

  15 This study uses the theory to analyze the development or the changes in

  Giovanni’s personality. By using this theory, hopefully the pattern on Giovanni’s personality will be seen.

3. Theory of Personality Development

  In Hurlock’s Personality Development, Allport describes that personality development is a stage in growth of a constantly changing and evoking process within an individual. The process becomes more complex, in the patterning of one’s self concept, habits, attitudes, emotional states, sentiments, and motives. Furthermore, it determines the person’s uniqueness in speech, in reactions to people and things, in mannerism, in fantasy, and in other ways directed toward the specific goal to adjust to the environment (1974: 7). Hurlock also states that human life consists of two aspects, which are individual and social aspects. For the individual aspects, it is concerned with physical changes and human’s personality development. Human’s personality development itself is influenced by two factors. First is human’s early experience within family. Second is important events happening outside the home (1974: 19-20).

  There are eight factors that can determine someone’s personality pattern. They are physical, intellectual, emotional, social, aspirations and achievement, sex determinant, educational determinant, and family determinant (Hurlock, 1974: 137- 354). From those eight factors, three will be discussed further to analyze the

  16 problems. They are: emotional determinant, social determinant, and family determinant.

  a. Emotional determinant Emotions, whether fleeting or persisting, give color to the individual’s perception of himself and his environment and affect the behavior. Emotion can add pleasure to a person’s life and motivate action that improves the social and personal adjustments. On the other hand, emotions can make life painful and cause failure to adjustment. Emotions have direct effects and indirect effects. The direct effects come from physical and mental disturbances, while the indirect effects come from the reaction of members of the social group toward the person who experiences the emotion.

  b. Social determinant The social group expects its members to conform to its standards. The social group sets developmental tasks, or learning experiences which the person is expected to master at an age when most people of that age are capable of mastering them. In short, every social group expects its members to learn to be socialized and to learn to play and approve social role.

  c. Family determinant The direct effect is that the family influences the personality development by molding and by communication. Indirectly, the influence comes from identification, from unconscious imitation of attitude, behavior patterns, etc.


C. Theoretical Frame work

  In order to get further understanding toward the development of Giovanni’s character, all the described theories need to be applied. In order to reveal the characteristic of Giovanni, the theory stated by M. J. Murphy about the nine methods of characterization will be used. If it is possible, all of the methods will be applied on this matter. Besides applying the theory from Murphy, the author will also use Chris Baldick’s theory on characterization. Later, to figure out the development, the theory from Perrine about the static and developing character will be applied. In order to see the description of the economic condition in the society, the writer simply has a close reading to the text. Then, in order to see how the economic problem causes the development, the theory of personality development will be applied to Giovanni’s character.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study The work analyzed in this thesis is a play entitled “We Won’t Pay! We Won’t Pay! ” written by a famous Italian playwright Dario Fo that is translated into American version by Ron Jenkins.

   We Won’t Pay! We Won’t Pay!” from the original title “Non Si Paga! Non

Si Paga! ” is a satirical comedy which criticizes the economic and political condition

  in Italy in 1970’s. This humorous play was performed for the first time in Milan, Italy in 1974, directed by its own writer Dario Fo. In 1978 it was his first play to receive a production in the United Kingdom, under the title “We Can Not Pay! We Won’t


Pay!” This production began in the Half Moon Theater. After a sold-out run, it

  moved to the commercial West End where it remained for an impressive two years. It has had numerous English-language productions in Britain, Ireland, Australia, and the United States. Because of its popularity abroad, which included several years in the repertoire of the Berliner Ensemble, Fo produced a revised, updated version in 1980.

  In that year 24,000 Fiat workers were laid off, so Fo made the male characters in the play as Fiat workers. He also included topical references to the political situation in Poland and Afghanistan and made jokes about Pope John Paul II. The play is considered his most comic and entertaining work in terms of the plot reversals and the complications and in terms of its fusion of political points and farce.

  19 It would be nice to have a slapstick comedy that was actually about something, a madcap farce with a point, a play where the laughter and meaning would be so tightly integrated that it would be impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. Fo’s comedy, both written and set in 1970s Italy, is about a time when inflation was rampant, prices increased daily, and the working classes were getting more and more hungry -- both literally, for food, and metaphorically, for change. (Vladimir Zelevinsky)

  By 1990’s “We Won’t Pay! We Won’t Pay!” had been performed in thirty-five countries. The most recent American version, produced in 1999 by the American Repertory Theater in Cambridge, Massachusetts with the Oscar-winning performer Marisa Tomei in the role of Antonia, used the translated version of Ron Jenkins.

  The story begins with a crime and chaos in the neighborhood supermarkets. The play opens with Antonia describing to her friend Margherita how women at the supermarket staged an impromptu protest against rising prices by liberating their groceries. Antonia's glee swiftly turns to consternation: Her husband Giovanni is a strict man who follows the rules and laws, and he is not going to do what she has done. Some of the purloined goods end up hidden in Margherita's coat, leading to a charade of pregnancy that gets truly out of hand and drives the rest of the play. There are cops to deal with (all played by the same actor), a stray coffin, the vengeful Santa Eulalia, and Giovanni's discovery that fetuses in the womb float in pickle juice. In the second act of the story, the main characters are driven by the condition that the economic condition has led them into more complex problem. Giovanni finally decides to do something that actually contradictory with his nature, stealing bags of coffee. As the story goes on, the problem is getting more complex and pushing the

  20 characters to their limits. Such as the rent problem, the eviction letter, the truth that actually both the women is not pregnant, and finally the major chaos between people and the police.

B. Approach of the Study

  In this play, Giovanni experiences the major development of his character. It seems that he has a great depression toward what has happened in his society. In order to understand more about the cause, the psychological approach will be applied in this paper. This approach will try to reveal Giovanni’s personality condition in facing the pressure from his environment. This approach is more appropriate because the development that occurs in Giovanni’s character is caused by a great pressure from his environment; that is the economic condition that presses him and the society.

  Psychological approach is applied because literature and psychology are related. Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H. Wood say that both literature and psychology discuss people and human lives, although they are different in some ways. Literature discusses man and his life that is expressed by the writer through the language in the works. Psychology is a study of man’s life together with his mind and behavior (1971: 6-15). They also say that this approach brings us to the analysis of the work from psychological point of view of human being (1971: 13). While Wilfred L. Guerin says that psychological approach is an excellent tool for “reading beneath the lines” (1979: 121). He adds that psychological theories are commonly used as an

  21 interpretive tool by modern critics and to show by examples how readers may apply this interpretation to enhance the understanding and appreciation of literature (1979: 120).

C. Method of the Study

  In doing this thesis, library research has the main role to find the supporting theories and ideas. Besides doing the library research, to get more accurate data to analyze the problems, sources were also taken from the internet, mostly about the comments on the work.