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  5.1 Kesimpulan

  1. Senyawa alkaloid hasil isolasi daun Pule (Alstonia scholaris) adalah suatu alkaloid indol golongan kerangka aspidodasikarpin H CO CH 2 3 H N H H O OCH O N 3 H

  2. Senyawa alkaloid dari daun Alstonia scholaris memiliki aktivitas sebagai antiplasmodial dalam uji in vitro terhadap Plasmodium falciparum dengan nilai IC

  50 sebesar 1,926


  5.2 Saran

  Disarankan agar dilakukan uji aktivitas antimalaria terhadap senyawa murni alkaloid indol golongan kerangka aspidodasikarpin untuk mengetahui aktivitas antimalarianya. Sehingga senyawa alkaloid ini dapat digunakan sebagai obat antimalaria.


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  Lampiran 1 Spektrum senyawa B

  Spektrum 13C-NMR


1 Spektrum H-NMR Spektrum IR Spektrum UV-Vis


ADLN-Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga Lampiran 2 Hasil Uji Antiplasmodial Ekstrak Alkaloid daun Alstonia scholaris

  R % Parasitemia

  % Pertumbuhan % Hambatan % Hambatan rata-rata 0 jam 48 jam

  Kontrol (-) 1 1,2 3,80 2,60 - - 2 1,3 2,90 1,60 -

  100 1 1,2 0,70 100 100 2 1,3 1,10 100 10 1 1,2 1,80 0,60 76,92 77,21 2 1,3 1,66 0,36 77,50

  1 1 1,2 2,40 1,20 53,85 55,05 2 1,3 2,00 0,70 56,25 0,1 1 1,2 2,60 1,40 46,15 44,95 2 1,3 2,20 0,90 43,75

  0,01 1 1,2 3,20 2,00 23,07 24,04 2 1,3 2,50 1,20 25,00


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Konsentrasi uji (μg/ml)


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  Probit Ekstrak Alkaloid daun Alstonia scholaris

  PROBIT Konsentrasi OF total WITH penghambatan /LOG 10 /MODEL PROBIT /PRINT FREQ CI /CRITERIA P(0.15) ITERATE(20) STEPLIMIT(.1).

  Data Information

  N of Cases Valid

  5 Rejected Missing LOG Transform Cannot be Done Number of Responses > Number of Subjects

  Control Group

  Convergence Information

  Optimal Number of Solution

  Iterations Found



  20 No

  a. Parameter estimates did not converge.


Parameter Estimates

  95% Confidence Interval Parameter Estimate Std. Error Z Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound


  PROBIT penghambatan 24.313 2.343 10.375 .000 19.720 28.906 Intercept -46.824 4.487 -10.436 .000 -51.311 -42.337

  a. PROBIT model: PROBIT(p) = Intercept + BX (Covariates X are transformed using the base 10.000 logarithm.)


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Chi-Square Tests a Chi-Square df Sig. b

  PROBIT Pearson Goodness-of- 4.381E33 3 .000 Fit Test

  a. Statistics based on individual cases differ from statistics based on aggregated cases.

  b. Since the significance level is less than .150, a heterogeneity factor is used in the calculation of confidence limits.


Cell Counts and Residuals

  Num Number of Observed Expected Probabilit ber penghambatan Subjects Responses Responses Residual y PROBIT 1 2.000 100 100 96.425 3.575 .964

  2 1.888 100 10 17.651 -7.651 .177 3 1.741 100 1 .000 1.000 .000 4 1.653 100 .000 .100 .000

  5 1.381 100 .000 .010 .000


Confidence Limits

  95% Confidence Limits for 95% Confidence Limits for


  penghambatan log(penghambatan) Prob abilit Lower Upper Lower Upper y Estimate Bound Bound Estimate Bound Bound PR .010 67.638 . . 1.830 . .

  OBI .020 69.407 . . 1.841 . .


  T .030 70.553 . . 1.849 . .

  .040 71.428 . . 1.854 . . .050 72.147 . . 1.858 . . .060 72.765 . . 1.862 . . .070 73.312 . . 1.865 . . .080 73.804 . . 1.868 . . .090 74.255 . . 1.871 . . .100 74.673 . . 1.873 . .

  .150 76.427 . . 1.883 . . .200 77.850 . . 1.891 . . .250 79.092 . . 1.898 . . .300 80.224 . . 1.904 . . .350 81.288 . . 1.910 . . .400 82.310 . . 1.915 . . .450 83.311 . . 1.921 . . .500 84.309 . . 1.926 . . .550 85.318 . . 1.931 . . .600 86.356 . . 1.936 . . .650 87.442 . . 1.942 . . .700 88.602 . . 1.947 . . .750 89.870 . . 1.954 . . .800 91.304 . . 1.960 . . .850 93.004 . . 1.969 . . .900 95.188 . . 1.979 . . .910 95.723 . . 1.981 . . .920 96.308 . . 1.984 . . .930 96.955 . . 1.987 . . .940 97.683 . . 1.990 . . .950 98.520 . . 1.994 . . .960 99.513 . . 1.998 . . .970 100.747 . . 2.003 . . .980 102.410 . . 2.010 . . .990 105.089 . . 2.022 . .

  a. A heterogeneity factor is used.

  b. Logarithm base = 10.


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