Trip Japan Report Dhea Sindy

Seminar International dan Kunjungan Perusahaan
”Individual Assigment To Review Best practices in Japan July 2017”


Dhea Sindy Mustikasari 120820160076

Master of Management Program Economics and Business Faculty
University of Padjadjaran

Marketing Analysis

The main purpose of marketing analysis, so that we can determine whether or not a market
attracts, recognize and know the opportunities that exist and can find out if there is a threat coming in

the market. In analyzing markets, we need to review the types of product markets, motives and
behaviors, market segments and market targeting. One of the market in Japan analysis is Nakamise-dori,
who came to Japan when I visited.

At Nakamise-Dori it's an exciting market to analyze. In addition there are many shops that sell

a variety of souvenirs and who sell traditional Japanese cakes. Nakamise-dori is the most suitable
place to buy traditional Japanese pastries with good taste and affordable prices. Very Suitable for
made souvenir or made a snack when we are traveling around Nakamise-dori. Not only cakes,
there are many kinds of souvenirs for souvenirs that are sold in place. Nakamise-dori is one

location when we visit Asakusa Temple. Along the way Nakamise-dori there are many souvenir
options. Selection souvenirs include: key chains, chopsticks, coin purses, postcards, fans, yukata,
refrigerator patches, bags, clogs and many more. We just choose according to taste and desire.
In particular market Opportunities At Nakamise-Dori the main is knowing the needs of
the product, the desire of the product and the consumer demand being targeted. That should be
able to provide satisfaction and meet customer needs. And it is appropriate, visitors or customers
can feel that the needs and wishes of its products can be met, such as food needs or typical
Japanese snacks and souvenirs typical of Japan at an affordable price. Consumers who targeted
the population of Japan itself and tourists or tourists from various countries. Surely the visitors
who come to Nakamise-Dori can feel the distinctive culture of Japan.

We can also visit Kaminari Gate and Asakusa Temple while taking pictures to be memorable.

Variety of souvenir products result from UMKM business actor in Nakamise-Dori area?

Various types of souvenirs that we can buy during a visit to Japan, one of them at
1. Folding Fan
2. Coin purse
3. Glass folding
4. Typical Japanese-themed handbags
5. Tenugui (handkerchief with a typical Japanese motif)
6. Japanese themed keychains (like Japanese dolls and famous Japanese attractions, such as
Tokyo Skytree, Tokyo Tower and Mount Fuji.
7. Japanese-themed t-shirts

8. Hair accessories
9. Train-themed accessories
10. Things with the theme of a typical Japanese cat (hello kitty, doraemon, Maneki Neko, fat
black cat doll)
11. Ceramics (bowl soup, Ocha bowl, cup of noodles, sushi plate)
12. Chopstick (Chopsticks)
13. Omamori (envelopes of fabrics woven very beautiful, usually there dikuil-temple)
14. Writing equipment is funny and unique
15. Miscellaneous food made from plastic
16. Traditional Japanese Clogs
17. Japanese-themed house displays

Some of the famous Japanese food souvenirs:
1. Rice snack
2. Tokyo Cheese Biscuits
3. Japanese doll candy
4. Pocky Chocolate is varied
5. Japanese Chocolate (Kitkat with many flavors)
6. Tokyo Banana
7. Mochi cake

8. Shonan Cheese Pie
9. Dorayaki

Japan is one of the countries in Asia that always attracts and becomes the center of attention of
tourists from various countries, such as tourists from Indonesia. The cost of living that I felt for the first
time in Japan is quite high but not a barrier, especially for tourists and other tourists to visit Japan.
When we come to Japan, we must visit various interesting and historic tourist places with beautiful
scenery while culinary tour in Japan and do not forget to buy gifts for yourself, friends and family as

In Asakusa located in Tokyo Japan is famous for its Senso-ji (Buddhist temple) as well as many
other interesting festivals for everyone to see. Hence a lot of religious growth, which is often held

(celebration of Shinto religion) in Asakusa, as a temple almost every season.

How is Japanese culture related to the religion adopted?

Japan, one of the countries in the world that has a history of culture, one of which is a belief
system or religion. The existence of religion as part of community life has been going on for a long time
now. For me the implementation of religious life adopted in Japan is interesting enough to be discussed.
Other things that are quite interesting such as the existence of a very close relationship between
religion, especially Shinto with the implementation of various festivals in Japan that lasted almost every
year or every season. Shinto or can be called as worship of the gods as the religion of the Japanese

Before entering the place of worship to pray, if in Temple always provided a place for incense
burning. How to use it The fossil is then burned and blown, not by the breath of the mouth, but by using
a hand that is moved near the burning. Then leave the smoke briefly from the incense about the face or

part of our body, many believe that smoke is believed to have healing powers. Where before we start
praying, we have to clean ourselves like to wash our hands. To avoid dirt or dirt from our body.

Growth and development of religion and Japanese culture must have a diverse tendency. History in
Japan explains that the country has received various influences, both cultural and spiritual influences
from the outside. But all that influence does not eliminate the original tradition, but with the influence
of the outside it actually enrich the spiritual life of the nation in Japan.

Company Visit
Shin-Koto Incineration Plant
Clean Authority of Tokyo

Personal Documentation, Waste Management Process
Shin-Koto Incineration Plant (Clean Authority of Tokyo)
Step 1
The garbage that has been taken from each garbage pickup point is then carried by a blue trash vehicle
with each having a different serial number of vehicles.

Step 2
he garbage is lowered from the back of the truck into the space provided.

Step 3
Garbage that has been collected, processed with a large size clotper transporting waste to be destroyed
with special tools.

Step 4
The garbage that has been destroyed by a special machine, will be the ash which is subsequently

Step 5
Ash from the garbage is then processed and vacuumed

Step 6
It is these machines that help waste recycling, which in turn results from waste recycling can be a useful
item for everyday needs, such as clothes and hats

Manage waste faced by most municipalities / districts in Indonesia
Waste management includes waste reduction and handling by the municipality aimed at
improving public health and environmental quality and making the waste as a useful resource. Until
now, the handling of waste management problem is still neglected and become one big problem. Which
causes many unauthorized garbage dumps, such as on the roadside or on the edge of the bridge and
also the source of various diseases. And also affect the flow of traffic.
If managed with good manajamen and true, the waste can actually be useful to money, reduce
pollution, reduce land damage and save energy. Local governments should be able to facilitate and
ensure the availability of temporary, closed and airtight temporary shelters for processing of recycling of
garbage to avoid a strong odor. The most important process of segregation in the form of grouping and
separation of waste according to the type, weight and amount
For example, a program that has been run by the local government held a periodic socialization
program on waste recycling management, so that the community will be aware of how to throw garbage
in their place and to utilize the existing waste. Organic waste can be used as fertilizer and fodder. While
inorganic waste can be recycled into new materials that can be reused, such as used newspapers can be
recycled into paper. With the recycling process, waste can be a useful and useful tool to reduce the use
of new raw materials.
The municipal government in Indonesia, besides facilitating the development of waste
processing technology, the government and the various institutions concerned must continue to work
together to build public awareness that the reduction of waste becomes the task of every individual
wherever they live. The municipal government should provide and replicate the garbage dumps in some
areas that are central to public traffic. Where garbage dumps tailored to the type of waste.
Managing waste faced by most municipal governments in Indonesia is supposed to carry out
waste management ie local government, starting from cooperation, planning activities, implementation,

and management. For example by looking at from developed countries, for example, the State of Japan
which has long had facilities and super-sophisticated tools for the management of waste recycling in the
country. In carrying out waste management, local government can usually do cooperation among other
local government. So that manifests a clean and comfortable city and free from pollution.