THE USE OF FIRST LANGUAGE IN THE ENGLISH CLASS : FUNCTIONS AND REASONS (A Case Study at SMP Negeri 2 Cisayong in the Academic Year of 2015/2016).

All praises belong to Allah SWT, the Almighty and the Most Merciful for
all blessings and miracles, who gives me strength, without which the writer would
not have been able to complete this thesis. By wishing Alhamdulillahirobil'alamin
and by giving high appreciation, on this occasion, the writer would like to express
the great gratitude to:
1. the writer’s beloved parents, brother, sister and all the members of her big
family for their endless love, support, patience, advice, and prayer,

2. Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University,

3. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd. as the Head of English Education Graduate Program of
Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University,

4. the first consultant, Prof. Riyadi Santosa, M. Ed., Ph.D, and the second
consultant, Dr. Hersulastuti, M. Hum, for their time, patience, insightful
comments and encourageme. Their guidence helped me in all the time of
research and writing of this thesis. I could not imagined having a better
advisor and mentor for my M. Pd study.,

5. Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd. as the member of board examiners of this thesis,

6. Karman Al Sultani, Titik Rahayu, and Swamida as a partner in sharing when
the writer did this thesis,

7. her beloved Kak Amy Rina, Zenit Panuntun, Riefky Fajar, Helinda, Anisa
Rona, Siska Fitria Andriyani and all the member of ex-2007 L class friends
for their support and pray,

8. Dita Anggi, Agung Septian Hidayat, and Dewi Mardhiyah for helping her
collecting the data of the research,

9. Friends of English Education Graduate Program in academic year 2014/2015
in Sebelas Maret University for all the joy and sorrow we had together.The
writer believed that those made us stronger and a better person.

10. those who cannot be mentioned one by one in favor of supporting the
researcher to accomplish this thesis.

The writer realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect, so she welcomes

the readers to give comments and suggestions. However, she greatly expects that
this thesis will be useful and give contribution to all the readers.
Yogyakarta, January 2016

Diyah Nur Hidayati