Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for

The Sarjana Sastra Degree English Department, Faculty of Letters

Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto










  The undersigned, Name : Riyanti Register Number : 0809010008 Study of Program : English linguistic Faculty : Faculty of Letters declares that the present of Sarjana’s thesis describes original research undertaken for

  English Department, Faculty of Letters, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. Any theories, findings and research techniques which are not my own, have been acknowledged in the text. Theoretical contributions and findings in this thesis is my original work and have not been submitted for any degree in this or any other universities. If later, it can be revealed that this Sarjana’s thesis contains partly or wholly plagiarized pieces of others’ intellectual work of any kind; I will readily accept the sanction established by the university on the matter.

  Februari 2011 Riyanti

  MOTTO Tomorrow should be better than today


  This thesis is dedicated to:

  Maz Pur and Cha-cha



  First and the foremost, the researcher would like to thank to Allah SWT, who has whispered His divine inspiration, guidance, graciousness, mercy and blessing until the researcher finally could finish this thesis. The completion of the thesis is compulsory for all collegians especially the researcher as one of the requirements for S.S degree in Faculty of Letters, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  On the process of accomplishment of this thesis, the researcher is indebted for uncounted helps and great supports which have been sincerely given by many people behind her. Therefore, the researcher would like to express his gratitude and intention to:

  Drs. H. Syamsuhadi Irsyad, S.H., M.H., as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto, for giving the opportunity to the researcher to study in Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. Titik Wahyuningsih, S.S., M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Letters and also the second consultant for her suggestions making and arranging this thesis well. Ambar Pujiyatno, S.S., M.Hum., as the first consultant for his suggestions making and arranging this thesis well. All the lecturers of Faculty of Letters, who have given me a lot of useful knowledge and meaningful lessons.

  The researcher beloved husband maz Pur and her little angel Chacha, thank you for always give support, time, and love. The researcher’s parents who always give support, pray, spirit, way to face the future, and to be a good daughter in this life. The researcher’s sister “iiez”, thank you for the time in taking care of your cousin, don’t be lazy to do everything, Ok!.

  The researcher’s friend Iin thanks for your support, suggestion and solution to finish my thesis. Be a good wife ya In, congratulation. All of the researcher friends in Faculty of Letters thank you.

  The researcher is speechless in thanking, and does not know how to repay all these kindness. Furthermore, the researcher is aware that this research is really far of being perfect. Thus, the researcher hopes that this research would be the input values for the readers, and she would also very glad to receive any critique and suggestions for the betterment of this research.

  Purwokerto, February , 2011 The researcher



  There are two aims of this research. First, the researcher wants to find out the type of error translating by Google’s Language Tools. Second, the researcher wants to know the way to solve the problems. This research is in the field of descriptive qualitative research. It means that the data of this research are in the form of texts. The texts are the abstract texts. The researcher reads the texts carefully and analyzing them. The sampling method applied in this research is purposive sampling.

  From the data analysis, the researcher proved that there are errors in translation those are, Grammatical, Lexical, and Contextual errors. From two texts (Text 1 entitled Penerapan Metode Diskusi untuk Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Pendidikan


Kewarganegaraan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto is Bahasa Indonesia

  text and it is translated into English. The text 2 entitled Penilaian Pembelajaran


Sastra Berbasis Kompetensi is English text and translated into Bahasa Indonesia), the

  writer found Grammatical error and Lexical error in every paragraph of the two abstract texts. While contextual error occurred twice in every paragraph.

  From those several errors, we can try up some method (1) Google’s Language Tools is a computer program is only a supporting aid which is still has many errors.(2) Someone who used the Google’s Language Tools should recheck manually.(3) Someone who used the Google’s Language Tools should have an ability to know where the errors are and recheck it.

  Key Words: Google’s Language Tools, Grammatical, Lexical, Contextual



  Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan. Pertama, peneliti ingin menemukan jenis kesalahan penerjemahan yang dilakukan oleh Perangkat Bahasa Google. Kedua, Peneliti ingin mengetahui bagamaina cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskiptif kualitatif. Data dalam Penelitian ini dalam bentuk teks pada dua abstrak teks yang termasuk bidang tulisan ilmiah. Peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan membaca kemudian memilihnya sebagai sampel. Peneliti membacanya dengan teliti teks tersebut kemudian menganalisanya. Metode sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampel.

  Dari analisa data, peneliti membuktikan ada tiga jenis kesalahan , yaitu kesalahan grammatical, lexical dan contextual dari dua teks, (Teks 1 berjudul


Penerapan Metode Diskusi untuk Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Pendidikan

Kewarganegaraan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto adalah teks Bahasa

  Indonesia yang diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Teks 2 berjudul Penilaian


Pembelajaran Sastra Berbasis Kompetensi adalah teks Bahasa Inggris yang

  diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia) peneliti menemukan bahwa kesalahan Grammatical dan kesalahan Lexical ada pada tiap paragraph dari dua teks abstrak. Sedangkan kesalahan Contextual muncul dua kali pada tiap paragraph.

  Peneliti menemukan beberapa metode (1)Perangkat Bahasa Google hanya sebuah program komputer yang digunakan sebagai alat bantu yang hasil terjemahannya masih mempunyai banyak kesalahan (2) Seseorang yang menggunakan Perangkat Bahasa Google harus melakukan cek ulang secara manual,(3) Seseorang yang menggunakan Perangkat Bahasa Google harus memiliki kemampuan untuk mengetahui letak kesalahan dan harus mengecek ulang hasil terjemahannya. Kata kunci : Perangkat Bahasa Google, Grammatical, Lexical and Contextual



TITLE ............................................................................................................ i APPROVAL .................................................................................................... ii

  VALIDATION SHEET .................................................................................. iii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .............................................................. iv MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi ACKNOLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. vii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... viii

  INTISARI ....................................................................................................... x TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... x ABBREVIATION LIST ................................................................................. xii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

  1.1 Research Background....................................................... 1

  1.2 Problem Statement ........................................................... 4

  1.3 Research Objectives ......................................................... 4

  1.4 Research Limitation ......................................................... 4

  1.5 Research Significance ...................................................... 5

  1.6 Research Methodology..................................................... 5

  1.7 Thesis Organization.......................................................... 5

  CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW ................................................. 7

  2.1 Definition of Translation .................................................. 7

  2.2 Language Tools ................................................................ 8

  2.3 Translation Process .......................................................... 10

  2.4 Meaning in Translation .................................................... 12

  2.5 The Type of Errors ........................................................... 13

  2.6 Google’s Language Tools ................................................. 15

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................... 17

  3.1 Type of the Research ........................................................ 17

  3.2 Source of Data .................................................................. 18

  3.3 Population and Sampling Method .................................... 28

  3.4 Method of Collecting Data ............................................... 19

  3.5 Method of Analyzing Data ............................................... 20

  CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS ................................................................ 21

  4.1Data Analysis .................................................................... 21

  4.2The Type of Errors ............................................................ 39

  4.3 Discussion ........................................................................ 41

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS .............................. 43

  5.1 Conclusion ....................................................................... 43

  5.2 Suggestions ...................................................................... 44

  BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 45 DATA ............................................................................................................... 47


  ST Source Text TT Target Text SL Source Language TL Target Language GLT Google’s Language Tools LT Language Tools