Hubungan Antara Kredibilitas General Manager Dengan Sikap Kerja Karyawan Di Telkomsel Kantor Cabang Regional Jawa Barat.


Alan Setia Suganda, 210110090016, Public Relation Department.
Faculty of Communication of Padjadjaran University. My research tittle is
“Credibility Relationship between General Manager with Work Attitude of the
Employees in Telkomsel at West Ja va Regional Branch”. This research below of
Dr. Yanti Setianti, M.Si direction as a primary preceptor and Yustikasari, S. Sos.,
M.I.Kom. as a companion preceptor. This research aims to determine how the
credibility relationship of General Manager to work attitude of the employees in
Telkomsel at West Java Regional Branch.
There are 36 correspondents who is the employee of Telkomsel West Java
in this research. Sampling technique that is used is stratum proportional sampling
technique. The data that were obtained will be tested and analyzed by descriptive
analyze and inferential statistical analysis. It will be tested and analyzed in the
form of calculating the Rank Spearman Order Correlation to calculate the ordinal
scale. Results of the hypothesis test shows that there is a low but definite
relationship between the credibility of the General Manager with the employee’s
attitude Telkomsel West Java Regional Brach.
The result of this paper is the relationship between credibility of the
General Manager between the employee’s work attitudes in Telkomsel at West
Java Regional Branch. The author suggested in this study should make an

unusual internal program which is the program designed to bring the figure of
General Manager with the employee and for fellow employees specially. It make
the General Manager get a way to make employees become better at work, and
the employee improve their performance in completing responsibilities.
