makalah ELT tentang reading test

1.1 Background
Education is a necessity that can’t be separated from everyday life. Each person must
have tried to get a good education in the formal and non-formal institutions. Success or
failure of a school is often measured by the results of the assessment at the end of the learning
process, although it is not the sole determinant tool an education, but it is still used in the
world of education.
In education there are a variety of disciplines, including lessons learned. Lessons
include the four skills namely listening, speaking, writing and reading. All it should also be
tested to determine the ability of the already gained during the study through a test or exam.
Someone language skills to determine whether or not he is in communication with the people
around him. Mastery of language is not only the mother tongue or regional language but more
important is the mastery of a foreign language, in this case English as a second language.
Language skills a person can be tested with so called tests of language or language testing,
well testing or language or language assessment.
Questions about the tests to be tested can be made by teachers themselves or others.
Not all teachers understand about the creation of good, quality matter made or things that
need to be tested. Many do not know how to test the quality of questions that tested or will be
tested. It is also not free from their ignorance of what is language testing or language tests.
Language testing needs to be known because it would provide the basis for language testing.

Language testing is the practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an
individual in a particular language using effectively. This evaluation to measure whether
students can use the language they have learned to fluently both in speaking, listening,
writing, and reading. This is also used as a gauge whether students can receive lessons or
material submitted by the teachers well.
In this paper, our group will convey the purpose about design of reading test as well
as some of the main points in the determination of basic reading skills assessment through the
application of some type of test such as, Perceptive, selective, interactive and extensive
reading. Our group will convey more about Perceptive and Selective reading, while
Interactive and Extensive reading will convey by other group.

1.2 Problem Formulation
Problem formulation from this paper are:
1. What the definition of reading test?
2. How to design a reading test?


1.3 Purpose
After learning problem formation that arise, then purpose our group made of this

1. To explain definition of reading test
2. To explain how to design a reading test

1.4 Objectives Of The Write
This paper written with generally writings systematic consist of the fourth chapter are
introduction, discussion, closing, and reference.



2.1 Reading Test
As one of the four skills, reading is an important skill for the students in learning
English. By reading, students also can get information that they need and develop their
knowledge. According to Scheiner’s opinion (2001:4) reading is an active process of
interacting with print and monitoring comprehension to establish meaning. Since it is an
active process, reading is closely related to other activities such as thinking, interacting,
making perception, making generalization and of course comprehension the context. In doing

so, a reader also has to use his prior knowledge or at least, his vocabulary mastery since it
supports very much in comprehension in the text.
Getting students to read English texts is an important part of the teacher’s job. Many
of them want to be able to read English texts for different purposes such as for careers, study
or pleasure. Reading texts provide good models for English writing. Teachers should show
students models of what they are encouraging them to do. Besides, reading texts also provide
opportunities to study language like vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and the way to
construct sentences, paragraphs and texts. Reading in foreign language learning is a skill that
should be acquired by the learners. There are two main obstacles for learners of English to be
efficient readers. The first one, they need to be able to master fundamental bottom up
strategies for organizing separate letters, words and phrases as good as top down strategies
that focus on comprehension. The second one, second language readers have to develop
appropriate content and formal schemata (background information and cultural experience) to
apply those interpretations effectively. The measurement of comprehension is not the only
way to assess the reading ability. Understanding the whole contexts are often important
factors that include in assessing learners reading ability.
In education, the process of observing and measuring learning is stated as assessment.
For the purpose of supporting and improving student learning, teachers evaluate a student's
level of achievement and skill. For reading, which is part of a language arts program
consisting of listening, speaking, media and technology literacy, teachers can use authentic

assessments, performance assessments and portfolio assessments in addition to tests to
evaluate student progress.

2.2 Designing of Reading Test
Variety of reading performance is derived more from the multiplicity test types
(genres) than from the variety of overt types of performance. Based on Brown’s idea (2004:
189), there are several types of reading performance that typically identified and these will
serve as organizers of various assessment task.


2.2.1 Perceptive
Perceptive reading test involve attending to the components of larger stretches of
discourse: letters, words, punctuation, and other graphemic symbols. Bottom up processing is
implied. Assessment of basic reading skills may be carried out in a number of different ways:
a. Reading Aloud
The test-taker sees separate letters, words, and/or short sentences and reads them
aloud one by one. Since the assessment is reading comprehension, any recognizable oral
approximation of the target response is considered correct.

b. Written Response
The same stimuli are presented and the test taker’s task is to reproduce the probe in
For example:
256 Weston Road,
2nd Floor,
Hong Kong,
7th June, 1988.
Dear David,
I am very sorry that I could not meet you last night. I hope that you did not wait too long
outside the New York Theatre. I had to look after my small brother until my mother returned
home. She was a long time at the doctor’s and she arrived home very late. I ran all the way to
the bus stop, but I had already missed the bus. I decided to get on a tram and I arrived at the
New York Theatre at eight o’clock. I did not think that you would still be there because I was
three-quarters of an hour late. I do hope that you forgive me.
Your friend,
Write one word or more in each blank.
1. Peter lives at ………………………………………………………………
2. He wrote the letter on ………………………………………………………

3. Peter could not leave home because he had to wait for …………….to return.
4. His mother had been to the ……………………………………………….
5. Peter went to the New York Theatre by ………………………………
6. He thought that David ……………………………………………….
7. The word ……………means excuse.
8. Peter had arranged to meet David at ……… on June …………….


c. Multiple Choice
Multiple choice responses are not only a matter of choosing one of four or five
possible answers. Other formats for low levels of reading include same/ different, circle the
answer, true/ false, choose the letter and matching.
d. Picture-Cued Items
Test-takers are shown a picture, such as the one on the next page, along with written
text and are given one of a number of possible tasks to perform.

(a) you can find in every house

(b) door friend

What is it the picture above?
A. Window*
B. Computer
C. Television
D. Radio
2.2.2 Selective
In order to ascertain one’s reading recognition of lexical, grammatical or discourse
features of language within a very short stretch of language. The certain typical tasks that are
used as follow: picture-cued task, brief paragraphs and simple charts and graphs. A
combination of bottom up and top down processing may be used
a. Multiple-Choice
This format is one of the popular methods of testing a reading knowledge of
vocabulary and grammar. The reasons because of practicality; it is easy to administer and can
be scored quickly.
 Multiple choice vocabulary/grammar
1. Several years ago, I ________ English.
A. Studied*

B. Study
C. Studies
D. Will Study
(The correct answer is marked with asterisik '*')

2. We have to go to the ________ to send these letters because there is no mailbox
A. Supermarket
B. Post office*
C. Shop
D. Office
 Contextualized multiple choice vocabulary / grammar tasks
1. X: What can I do for you?
Y: _____ turn off the fan, please?
A. Thank you
B. Will you*
C. I’m sorry
D. You’re welcome
2. X: Mom, tonight there will be a bank show in the stadium. Would you permit me to

go and see it?
Y: I will permit you if _______
A. You finish doing your homework*
B. You will go home late
C. The concert is cancelled
D. I will go with you
 Multiple choice cloze vocabulary / grammar task
Two days ago, Jenny and Arnold had dinner at an Italian restaurant. Both of them ______
(1) one medium pizza. Jenny had ____ (2) of soup as the appetizer ______ (3) Arnold had
a bowl of fruit salad. They ordered and orange juice. They ____ (4) their meal until Jenny
_________ (5) a piece of button in her soup. They made a ______ (6) to the restaurant
manager. They _______ (7) a replacement. The manager was sorry about it and give the
replacement of the soup.

A. asked
A. a cup
A. and
A. enjoyed*
A. saw
A. compel
A. said to*

B. wanted
B. a bowl*
B. but
B. hated
B. found
B. complete
B. said for

C. ordered*
C. a plate
C. while*

C. liked
C. looked*
C. complain*
C. asked to

D. Bought
D. a can
D. then
D. ate
D. tasted
D. compare
D. asked for

b. Matching Tasks
Matching is an appropriate format. The test-taker’s task is simply to respond

 Vocabulary matching task
Write in the letter of the definition on the right that matches the word on the left.
1. Column
a. Frozen water in the form of flakes (4)
2. Introduce b. A part or division of a page (1)
3. Rowed
c. One of the seasons in Europe (5)
4. Snow
d. To make know for the first time (2)
5. Winter
e. Moved through water (3)
 Selected response fill-in vocabulary task
1. A person who investigates crimes and seeks the criminal is called a ____
2. Mr. John has written many books. He is a ____________
3. 3. My brother has some troubles with his tooth. Dad told me to take him to the
_________ this afternoon.
Choose from among the following:
1. Dentist (answer for number 3)
2. Detective (answer for number 1)
3. Author (answer for number 2)

c. Editing Tasks
Editing for grammatical or rhetorical errors is a widely used test method for assessing
linguistic competence in English.

1. Dani

: What would you do if you were a millionaire ?



: I will take a trip around the world.


Answer C: will changed by would
2. By the end of this week, my father arrives from united states.




Answer C: arrives changed by arrive
d. Picture-Cued Tasks
Picture and photographs may be equally well utilized for examining ability at the
selective level.


A. an apple on the book*
B. some apple on the table
C. some apple on the book
D. an apple on the table

e. Gap-Filling Tasks
Gap-filling gap can be also said as fill in the blank items. The test taker’s response is
to write a word or phrase.
 Sentence completion tasks

: What are the disadvantages of living in the city?
: Well, there are too many___________________________ in cities as a
is a lot of ___________________________________________



3.1 Conclusion
Perceptive reading test involve attending to the components of larger stretches of
discourse: letters, words, punctuation, and other graphemic symbol, there are: Reading aloud,
written respond, multiple choice, and Picture-Cued Items. While selective reading test in
order to ascertain one’s reading recognition of lexical, grammatical or discourse features of
language within a very short stretch of language. The certain typical tasks that are used as
follow: multiple choice, matching tasks, editing tasks, picture-cued tasks, gap-filling tasks.
Assessment is a central element for any teacher and should be implemented regularly.
Through its implementation, teachers will be able to help students access the skills and
content they need from the general education curriculum. This will allow all students to
achieve to their highest potential. It is important to follow all guidelines for implementing
assessments. Some measures require specific training. Therefore, always read the instructions
for each assessment carefully and follow all recommendations.
Assessing reading actually is not an easy thing to do. Teacher should consider some
components in assessing reading like the purpose and benefits in assessing reading, types of
reading, strategies for reading and designing assessment tasks. By applying the appropriate
technique in assessing reading, the test-taker can get fair result/ score. Besides, teachers are
able to measure the success of the teaching process and the result of teaching itself.

3.2 Suggestion
 We always hope criticism and constructive suggestions reader for improvement and
perfection of this paper
 Make this paper a means to encourage students to think actively and creatively