FINAL PROJECT Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English

Diploma Program, Faculty of Letter and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University



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  2011 commit to user commit to user



  The writer makes a report about media relations of Public Relations Division of PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) in purpose to fulfill requirement in obtaining Degree of English Diploma.

  The writer did job training in PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero). This job training was done in purpose to get information and data about media relations in a company, in this case is PT. Mepati Nusantara Airlines and to directly learn how to be an Public Relations officer.

  After doing job training, the writer got supporting data and information to make this final project report. The information and data gotten are being analyzed and served in this final project report.

  The writer realizes that this final project is still imperfect, but the writer hopes this final project will be useful for the readers. It is also opened for criticisms and suggestions.

  Surakarta, 24 Agustus 2011 The writer


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  MOTTO The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work

  • – Disney’s Words

    You may think I’m a zero, but everyone you want to

    be probably started off like me
  • – Glee

    You don’t have to feel like a waste of space, you’re

    original and cannot be repl
  • – Katy Perry (Firework)

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This final project report is dedicated to: Jesus Christ, My dear Lord

  My beloved Parents, Papa and Mama All my extended family My best friends All of my friends

Everyone who has been supporting me in the making of this project

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  First of all I want to give thanks to my dear Lord, Jesus Christ for his blessings to me so that I can go through every single time in my life and finish this project. Thank you Jesus, I’m nothing without You.

  I also would like to give thanks to: 1.

  The Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University, Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed., Ph.D for his support and motivation.

  2. The Head of English Diploma Program, Yusuf Kurniawan, SS, M.A for his guidance, support and motivation.

  3. My Supervisor, Fitria Akhmerti Primasita, SS, M.A for her guidance, support, suggestion, advice, correction and motivation.

  Thank you very much for helping me finishing this project. You are the best supervisor ever, Mam!

  4. My Academic Supervisor, Dra. Nani Sukarni, M.S for her support and guidance during my study.

  5. President Director of PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero), Capt.

  Sardjono Djhony Tjitrokusumo for the opportunity of having job training in PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero).

  6. Senior Vice President (SVP) Corporate Secretary and Legal, Imam

  Turidy for helping me during my job training in PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero).

  7. Mrs. Nining, Mr. Kenedy, Mr. Kandi and all of the people in Corporate Secretary and Legal Division of PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) for helping me during my job training. Thank you for being so friendly and humble so I felt comfortable in doing my job


commit to user training.

  8. All the lecturers of English Diploma Program and staff, Mrs. Heni, for sharing their knowledge and helping me during my study.

  9. My Beloved Parents, Papa and Mama for their love, support, prayer, and care in my whole life. I hope this project can make you both proud of me and I will try to make you proud of me always. I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH and ALWAYS WILL!! 10. All of my extended family who cannot be mentioned one by one, my

  Grandparents, my brother Andreas Reynaldy Amelio Gatama, and my siblings for their support and prayer in my whole life. Love you all.

  11. All of my friends in Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts and English Diploma, especially class B year 2008, Mona, Angel, Dinar, Haifa and others, for their support and kindness. Love you all, guys!

  12. My Ginjur Family, Vani, Anya and Chitta, and my KMK Family for their support, love and the beautiful friendship. You all guys are ROCK!! \m/ 13. My beloved best friends ever, Yoan and Prisca, for the loveliest friendship ever. I’m sorry for putting you guys at the last one, there is once saying “Save the Best for the Last”, by this means you guys are the best of mine. I purposely put you guys in this number and you may know the reason. Thank you for always being there when I’m happy or sad and for always listening my complaints, my jokes, my words! Love you so much, gals! Hugs and kisses!

  At last but not least, I would like to give thanks to everyone whom cannot be mentioned for helping and supporting me to finish this final project.

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  TITLE …………………………………………………………………………… i APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT …………………………………………….. ii APPROVAL OF BOARD EXAMINERS ……………………………………. iii MOTTO ……………………………………………………………………….. iv DEDICATION ……………………………………………………………….... v PREFACE ……………………………………………………………………... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………. vii ABSTRACT

  ………………………………………………………………... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ………………………………………………………. x

  CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………….. 1 A. Background ……………………………………………………. 1 B. Research Objectives ………………………………………................ 2 C. Research Benefits ………………………………………………… 2 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………… 4 A. Public Relations ………………………………………………. 4 1. The Purposes of PR ………………………………………. 5 2. The Functions of PR ……………………………………… 5 3. The Responsibilities of PR ……………………………….. 6 4. The Parts of PR ………………………………………… 7 B. Mass Media ………………………………………................ 8 C. Media Relations …………………………………………….............. 9 CHAPTER III. DISCUSSION ………………………………………………. 12 A. Company Profile …………………………………………….............

  12 B. Job Training Activity and Result ……………………………… 14 C.

  Public Relations and Existing Media Relations ……………….. 15

  Public Relations of PT. MNA (Persero) ……………… 15 2. Existing Media Relation……………………………….. 15


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  Media Relations Plan ………………………………………... 17

  CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ………………………………………… 20 A. Conclusion ………………………………………………….. 20 B. Suggestion ……………………………………………………... 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………….. 22 APPENDIXES ……………………………………………………………... 23



Monica Christianawati Ameliana. 2011. Media Relation in Public Relations

Division of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero). English Diploma

Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, UNS.

  This final project is written based on job training done in PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (MNA) (Persero) for a month from February, 21 to March, 25 2011 in Corporate Secretary (Public Relations and Legal and Contract) Division.

  The objective of this project is to evaluate media relations of Public Relations of PT. MNA and to create media relations plan for Public Relations of PT. MNA.

  Based on the observation that the writer did during job traning in PT. MNA, PR Division has already built relations with media, but unfortunately the lack of maintaining those relations causes media to publish bad issues of the company without considering its good news-value.

  From the analysis and discussion in this project, the writer suggests a media relations plan to do for PR Division of PT. MNA. This plan contains programs to re-build PR Division relations with media. PR Division has to focus on the media relations, because media is one of connecting link between company and public.

  The writer suggests PR Division of PT. MNA to re-arouse its relations with media by arranging media relations programs and then taking it into a structured plan to determine which programs are for short-term purpose and which are long-term ones.


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1 Monica Christianawati Ameliana 2 Fitria Akhmerti Primasita, SS., MA



2011. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

UNS. This final project is written based on job training done in PT.

Merpati Nusantara Airlines (MNA) (Persero) for a month from

February, 21 to March, 25 2011 in Corporate Secretary (Public

Relations and Legal and Contract) Division. The objective of this

project is to evaluate media relations of Public Relations of PT.

MNA and to create media relations plan for Public Relations of PT. MNA.

Based on the observation that the writer did during job traning in

PT. MNA, PR Division has already built relations with media, but

unfortunately the lack of maintaining those relations causes media

to publish bad issues of the company without considering its good news-value.

From the analysis and discussion in this project, the writer suggests

a media relations plan to do for PR Division of PT. MNA. This

plan contains programs to re-build PR Division relations with

media. PR Division has to focus on the media relations, because media is one of connecting link between company and public.

The writer suggests PR Division of PT. MNA to re-arouse its

relations with media by arranging media relations programs and

then taking it into a structured plan to determine which programs 1 are for short-term purpose and which are long-term ones. 2 Mahasiswa Jurusan D III Bahasa Inggris dengan NIM C9308050 Dosen Pembimbing

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background For a company or an organization, media is seen as a powerful

  device to do communication between the company and its public or audience. Companies usually do a campaign in offering its products or services using media. Whereas public will compare and decide which company is the best by seeing the campaign from media.

  George Gorbner summarizes the importance of mass media this way: “the ability to create publics, define issues, provide common terms of reference, and thus to allocate attention and power

  ” (Littlejohn, 2008: 285)

  . Based on Silva’s statement in his book, Media is a generic terms that include printed media (newspapers and magazines) and electronic media (television, radio and Internet). Certain types of media will be more relevant for a particular story than others. By watching, reading and listening to media, public will be able to identify the types the stories used by different printed and electronic media outlets. (Silva, 2009: 1) Public Relations (PR) Division and PR officers must feel so intimate with everything about media relations, because

  “media relations require PR officers to work with and develop a relationship with various media to inform publics about their company’s objectives and mission in a positive, consistent manner .

  ” PR Division has responsibility to create good image of the company to be seen by public and justify what the image brings and shows. PR officer will stand in front when there is a conflict within the company and media already gets the issue before its being conf irmed by the company’s

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  The speaker itself is a PR officer, as one of its jobs to face the news- hunters and confirm everything, as long as it is including to good image of the company.

  Public Relations of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) has been working to keep steady the good image of the company although there are still lacks in doing its duty. The PR officers always try to find something new to campaign the good image of Merpati. They try first to make campaign inside the company itself because of changing management that has just been held. They also make campaign outside the company in cooperation with the media. That is the reason of the writer to make an analysis about Media Relations of Public Relations Division of

  PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero).

B. Research Objectives

  The objectives of this research are:

  1. To evaluate media relations of Public Relations Division of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero).

  2. To create media relations plan for Public Relations Division PT Merpati NusantaraAirlines (Persero).

C. Research Benefits

  1. For the writer The writer has got so many experiences in doing job training and making this final project. The writer hopes that this final project could be a lesson and guidance for the writer in entering the global work field.

  2. For Public Relations Division of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero)

  The writer hopes that this final project can give suggestions and revisions for the company progress.

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  3. For the readers The writer hopes that this final project can give new knowledge for the readers and will be useful in the future time.


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CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Public Relations One dictionary defines Public Relations into

  “the business of giving the public information about a particular organization or person in order to create a good impression

  ” (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary). This definition still cannot give a good description of what Public Relations is. It only brings a partly meaning of Public Relations.

  Experts also have their own definition about Public Relations. They explain about Public Relations in their own words, though it has similar meaning. Some of them are:

  According to Joseph R. Dominick, Public Relations is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization leaders and implementing planned program of action which serve both the organizati on’s and the public’s interest. (Dominick, 1996: 378)

  According to Fraser P. Seitel, “Public Relations is the practice of doing the right thing-of performing-and communicating the substance of that perform ance.” (Seitel, 1998: 1) According to Frank Jefkins, “Public Relations is a system of communication to create good will.

  ” (Jefkins, 1992: 2) According to Scott M. Cutlip and Allen H. Center, “Public Relations is the planned effort to influence opinion through good character and responsible performance, based upon mutually satisfactory two-way communications.

  ” (Cutlip and Center, 1978: 16)

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  From those definitions, we can see that most of them mentioning about communication, performance and public. So, the writer concludes that Public Relations is a communication action in order to influence public about a company’s product or service by performing good attitudes to attract public’s interest.

  Cutlip and Center give further explanations about stuffs in related to Public Relations in their book titled

  “Effective Public Relations”. There

  are the purposes, the functions, the responsibilities and the parts of Public Relations.

  1. The Purposes of Public Relations According to Cutlip and Center, the purposes of Public

  Relations are “to assist managers in establishing, regulating, maintaining satisfactory relationships between and among social units and to influence public o pinion” (Cutlip and Center, 1978:105).

  Considering the power of public opinion that is getting easily recognized and more quickly mobilized, “a sure, sensitive and continuous reading of the changing human environment as it affects public opinion can be a Public Relations officer

  ’s (PRO) most valuable service” (ibid, 11).

  2. The Functions of Public Relations There are three functions of Public Relations officer (PRO) : a.

  Intelligence The problem of gathering, processing, interpreting, and communicating the technical and political information is needed in the decision-making process. But, the PRO tends to be more keenly sensitive to the facts than to the impressions that their actions and decision will make on others (ibid, 54).


  Information PRO performs the interpretation of the organization among constituents whose approval or support is coveted. PRO enables top officials to take actions that are at the same time responsive to public interest and beneficial to private interests (ibid, 56).


  Collaboration PRO works most closely to the other staff functions of advertising, employee relations, legal, etc. Each function needs support and cooperation of others. With the potential for conflict inherent in the fluidity of PR functions, PRO should be aware, alert, and ready to mend fences (ibid, 59).

3. The Responsibilities of Public Relations a.

  To serve as the central source of information about the organization / company and as the official channel of communication between the organizations and the public.


  To bring to public attention, through appropriate media, significant facts, opinions, and interpretations which will serve to keep the public awar e of the company’s policies and actions.


  To coordinate activities which affect company’s relations with the general public or with special-public groups.


  To collect and analyze information on the changing attitudes of key public groups toward the company.


  To plan and administer informational program designed to fulfill most effectively the responsibilities outlined above.

  (ibid, 46

  • – 47) 4.

  The Parts of Public Relations There are several parts or tools which usually are used by PRO : a.

  Opinion research Public opinion research is growing as a specialized function

  commit to user requiring special training and skills.


  Press – agentry The aim of press-agentry is more to attract attention than to gain understanding.


  Product promotion The sustained and appealing promotion by PR events and techniques has the added advantage of enhancing the reputations of the organizations behind them.


  Publicity Publicity consists of all the information released as news media by business, government agencies, schools, welfare, and health agencies, and a host of causes, fronts and lobbies.


  Lobbying Lobbying breaks down into several tasks : (1) digging out information, (2) persuasively informing, (3) promoting the action, and (4) obtaining the cooperation or sponsorship.


  Public affairs Public affairs assist in the monitoring of government activities that affect a particular corporation, industry, or institution.


  Fund raising and membership drives Fund raising is an organization’s or agency’s lifeblood and leans primarily on effective communications.


  Special – agent management Events may be of potential interest to only small segment of the institution’s constituency or may be of broader potential interest.

  (ibid, 11-12) Further more, Cutlip and Center write in their book that,

  A PR executive must gain the confidence of the thoughtful and influential people in the organization. Respect for the practitioners and their judgment must reach from top administration down pass the supervisory level. To gain respect, the effective PRO commit to user must operate through channels, keep promises, preserve

  matters given in confidence and seek no partiality. (ibid, 60) B.

   Mass Media

  Before discussing about mass media, it is better to take a look slightly information about mass communication.

  “Mass communication is the process whereby media organizations produce and transmit messages to large publics and the process by which those messages are sought, used, understo od, and influenced by audiences” (Littlejohn, 2008: 285). According to Ruslan, “kegiatan komunikasi massa adalah sangat


penting karena merupakan stimulasi utama tentang pengaruh politik

melalui media pers (media massa), dan termasuk hubungannya dengan

nilai-nilai moral atau konsekuensi dampak sosial dari pengaruh film,

radio dan TV

  ” (Ruslan, 2003: 91). That means mass communication relates to mass media as the stimulation to influence audiences about politic, moral values and social impact.

  Dennis McQuaii refers media to eight metaphors: Media are windows that enable us to see beyond our immediate surroundings, interpreters that help us make sense of experience, platforms or carriers that convey information, interactive communication that includes audience feedback, signposts that provide us with instructions and directions, filter that screen out parts of experience and focus on others, mirrors that reflect ourselves back to us, and barriers that block the truth.

  (in Littlejohn, 2008: 286) “When we talk about the mass media of television, radio, newspapers, magazines, sound recording, and film, we will be referring to the people, the policies, the organizations and the technology that go into producing mass communication

  ” (Dominick, 1996: 25).

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  Siune and Borre explain in Littlejohn’s that “the power of media in establishing a public agenda depends in part on their relations with power centers ” (Littlejohn, 2008: 293).

C. Media Relations

  David Silva (2009) and Diah Kristina (2010) mention ways to present information to media (media relations) in their books. In Silva’s, the ways depend on a combination of factors, including the nature of the information wanted to transmit target audience and media intended to use.

  I n Kristina’s the ways are all conducted by meeting. It refers to the idea that face-to-face meeting can build more impression than phoning, texting or mailing. The media relations are explained below, number 1 to 5 belong to Silva and 6 to 9 belong to Kristina.

  1. Press Release Press releases are the most common and among the easiest ways for organizations they feel is important to the media.

  Before writing a press release, a PRO has to be clear on what the news actually is. The general public likes human interest stories and the media knows this. Press release must answer what are known as the five “Ws + H” (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How)

  2. Press Conference When information is especially innovative and important or it involves other institutions, a PRO may call a press conference.

  3. Press Kit Press kits are informational packages that contain more information than a press release, which PRO can give to the media at a press conference or any other events. A press kit should include precise data, such as statistics, comparative graphs, photographs, etc. Information should be well-

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  structured to capture the reader’s attention and it should be as visual as possible.

  4. Articles and Reports Given the large number of corporate or organizational publications that exist, a PRO may have an opportunity to include an article or report in magazine, in the newsletter of organization similar to its organization, or in the newsletter of a company that has already collaborated on its company projects. (Silva, 2009: 5 - 8)

  5. Press Event Examples of press event are:

  a. Press Conference This is an event that the journalists get information of the company’s representation about an issue of the company.

  b. Press Reception It is a planned and organized event. This event is a kind of hospitality event to build good relationship between a company and the press and among the journalists themselves.

  c. Facility Visit This event is held by a company in order to promote a new product or service, a new building, office or manufacture to be covered by press.

  6. Press Journey This event is held by the company by inviting journalists to have some tour to an interesting place and then those journalists will be asked to try on the products or services of the company. The main idea of this event is that the journalists can experience the product or service themselves so that they can spread the news by telling

  commit to user their experience in the TV, newspapers or magazines.

  7. Media Visit Media visit means that a company comes to media in order to tighten up their relationship. By doing this, the company expects more positive and fair publicity about the company from media.

  8. One to One Relation This event is done by making personal approach to journalists or specific media in purpose to get more mutual understanding between them. Usually, it is done outside the office by having some lunch or going outbound (informal meeting). (Kristina, 2010: 127 - 129)

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CHAPTER III DISCUSSION A. Profile of the Company PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (MNA) (Persero) is one of State Owned - Companies (BUMN) that is managed by Government of Indonesia. MNA was first built on September, 6 1962 based on Government Regulation Number 19 in the same year. First built as a State Enterprise (Perusahaan Negara), MNA

  ‟s legal status was changed into Limited Liability Company (Persero) by virtue of Government Regulation Number 70 in 1971. As the legal status changed, MNA also changed its name into PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero).

  a. Logo of Company Logo of MNA is “Air Wave” that means MNA as the air-bridge connecting isolated areas through their aviation activities.

  b. Slogan of Company PT. MNA has a slogan

  “Get the Feeling”. This slogan means that

  the company wants to attract public, or target audience, to experience services of MNA itself.

  c. Vision of Company The vision of PT MNA is “To Become Major Choice of Airlines in Indonesia”

  d. Missions of Company 1) Operating on-time air transportation services with safety and hospitality in services.

  2) Optimizing corporate progress of growth value, efficiency and prosperity of employees. 3) Becoming the center of excellence and in-trust partner company. 4) Increasing the value of the company by applying Good

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  Corporate Governance Principles, that are TARIF;

  Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence and Fairness.

  e. Structure of Organization PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) is led by a

  President Director (DZ) and a Vice President (DV). They directly head four (4) main divisions; there are Maintenance and Engineering Division (DE), Operating Division (DO), Commercial Division (DG), Finance and Administration Division (DF). Each main division is led by an Executive Vice President (EVP) and heading two (2) to three (3) sub-divisions. All sub-divisions are led by Senior Vice President (SVP).

  Besides those divisions, there are also additional sub- divisions, such as Corporate Planning and IT Division (DQ), SBU MA-60 (District) (DC), SBU MMF (District) (DW), SBU MTC (District) (DT), Internal Audit Division (DA), Procurement Division (DN), Aviation Safety and Security Division (DS), M & E Quality Assurance Division, Corporate Secretary and Legal Division (DH).

  Public Relations Division is not a self division. It belongs to Corporate Secretary and Legal Division (DH). DH is led by a Senior Vice President (SVP) who heads SVP Public Relations and SVP Legal.

B. Job Training Activity and Result

  The writer did a month job training in PT MNA, Corporate

  st th

  Secretary Division from February 21 to March 25 2011. The writer worked from 08.00 am to 05.00 pm (West Indonesian Time). During the job training the writer got so many experiences and knowledge. The writer helped to do some jobs in Corporate Secretary Division. The writer

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  helped in translating some contracts for the Legal Division. The writer

  helped PR Division to translate an old Company Profile and Corporate Data to be renewed for annual Company Profile and Corporate Data. The writer was also asked to join some meetings to discuss the making of MKI Intranet and to give suggestions. For the Corporate Secretary Division itself, the writer was asked to give teaching class for outsourcing employees about business letter. The writer also joined routine briefing every Monday and Friday.

  The writer felt so comfortable in doing the job training. People in the Corporate Secretary Division were so humble and helpful. They would not mind to tell everything that the writer asked about.

  The result in doing job training in Public Relations Division of PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) is the writer now understands how job description of a PR Officer in a big company is. The writer learned about the strategies that a PRO should apply in order to build or develop the image of the company; the writer learned how to make a press release, how to behave by representing the company in meeting with some colleagues from media or else, how to make feedback for an issue that has been published without confirmation from media, etc. Besides having more knowledge about PR, the writer also learned about legal (laws) and aviation stuffs.



Public Relations and Existing Media Relations

1. Public Relations of PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero)

  Public Relations of MNA joins with Legal and Contract Division in a Group Division called Corporate Secretary Division (Division code: DH). In this Division, PR and Legal work together to solve problems between company and internal - external stakeholders and maintain the stability of the company; PR takes care of social relationships in and of the company and Legal is in charge of law problems, including employees‟ contract of employment.

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  As the responsibility in taking care of social relationship, PR Division of MNA is always trying to make good relation with mass media, because of public‟s concern to information provided by mass media that has been increasing. In PR Division

  ‟s opinion, media relations is meant to reach maximum publication and broadcast in order to give understanding to and to get attention from the compa ny‟s target audience.

  The writer analyzed that the company has power to develop its work because it is a state-owned company so it must have support from Government. It is too bad that the company got bad publicity from media because of some accidents involving its aircrafts. The bad publicities of media, of course, create bad reputation of the company so public would not trust the company as they used to do. So media seems to be the one that the company has to work with in order to re-create the good image of the company.

2. Existing Media Relations of PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero)

  PR Division of PT. MNA has agendas, in a kind of meeting or building relations, to facilitate its relationship with media, such as:

  Press Conference, gathering journalists in order to get information

  or clarification about certain topic of the company that contains news value.

  Press Gathering, an informal agenda by gathering with press public without certain topic to talk, to build intimate relations. Press Tour, invitation to press to have a visit to the company or a

  Division of the company, to attend an event held by the company, to attend new product launching, etc. But unfortunately, those relations with media do not work as well as they want. From the three agendas, only Press Conference that is still done by PT. MNA. The most reasonable factor is that the PRO has no time to do the agendas, because they are still busy in making the new business

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  plan of the company and building internal relations. The other reason is about financial problem of PT. MNA.

  There is also a mistake in doing Press Gathering. Press Gathering should be done in an organized meeting between the company and journalists, for example hospitality meeting. But, PRO of PT. MNA did not do that. The agenda which have been called as Press Gathering is more like One to One (Personal) Relation instead.

  The PRO of PT. MNA also does press-release and clippings. The press-release is not made every time, they only release a press-release if there are issues they have to confirm to or if there is an invention, such as changing management, launching new aircrafts, making new work agreement, etc, within the company. The clippings do not only focus on news and articles about PT. MNA, but also cover every news and articles about airlines companies or relevant parties to PT. MNA.

  Overall, the existing media relations of PR Division of PT. MNA are enough to build and maintain the image of the company. The programs need to be maintained to stabilize the movement of the establishing image of the company. There are also some suggestions about media relations that can be used by the PR Division to improve the company‟s credential in public‟s eye, especially after some accidents related to PT. MNA‟s aircrafts.

D. Media Relations Plan

  From the little description above about the company and the PR Division, and also based on the observation the writer did during job training, the writer decides to make a media relations plan for PT. MNA.

  The writer thinks that there are some paused agendas of the company that have to be rearranged. There are also some suggested agendas from the writer for the company.

  1. Objectives

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  a. To rebuild media relations of Public Relations of PT. MNA

  b. To get positive publication from the media

  2. Target audience : Media

  3. Tactics Planning

  a. Press Events Program : Facility Visit

  Venue : Surabaya (Merpati Maintenance Facility)


  Date : September, 5 2011 This program is held to give information to the media about Merpati Maintenance Facility which is a place to maintain the aircrafts of Merpati and/or a few aircrafts of another aviation company. There will be questions and answers between the media and PR Division of PT MNA and representations of PT MNA Management, in this case are President Director and SVP (Senior Vice President) of Merpati Maintenance Facility. This program is a series of Merpati anniversary celebration.

  Facility visit program is good to improve company‟s image in front of media through holding special event like anniversary celebration, new product (aircraft) launching, etc.

  Program : Press Gathering / Press Reception Venue : Jakarta Date : Once in 2 months This program is held to maintain the relationship between the company and media, especially media that often publishes news or article of PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero). It is such an important program to do, because by this program PR Division of PT. MNA can also monitor all publications, whether good or bad, about the company. This is a kind of informal meeting, so it can be held inside or outside the office.

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  b. Program : Press Journey Title : PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines Anniversary Celebration Venue : Surabaya

  • – Bali – Jakarta


  Date : September, 6 2011 This is a gathering program between PT. MNA internal stakeholders, media and external stakeholders (customers).

  There will be hospitality activity and launching of the company‟s new Company Profile and Corporate Data. After a little hospitality, the representations of media, shareholders, Government and customers will be allowed to experience flight by MA-60, the new aircrafts of PT. MNA, in route Surabaya

  • – Bali, and then relax for a while to enjoy the beautifull attraction of Bali and then re-experience flight by MA-60 in route Bali – Jakarta. This event is held to improve the image of the company, especially its aircraft (MA-60), after a couple of accidents involving the aircraft.

  c. Program : One to One (Personal) Relations Venue : Jakarta Date : Unscheduled This program has been done by PR Division to improve internal media of PT. MNA and would be better done to keep maintaining good relations between company and certain journalists who often make articles or news about PT. MNA.

  It can be held in the office of PT. MNA or outside (restaurant or café or any proper places). This program is especially held to make sure those journalists to publish, only, the „good news‟ to re-build the image of PT. MNA.

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