Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University


Welatri Yoana Ferly



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God is faithful – Ricardo Kaka

Your life is not defined by the car you drive or the house you live in, your life is defined by your choices, attitudes and words – Caroline Celico


Losers are people who are so afraid of not winning, they do not even try – Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself – A Walk to Remember (2002)

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This final project report is dedicated to: Allah SWT

My beloved parents, Papa and Mama My sisters All of my beloved family My soul mate My best friends All of my friends

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The writer makes a report about communication plan of Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government in order to fulfill requirement in obtaining Degree of English Diploma.

The writer did the job training in Sukoharjo Local Government about a month in Public Relations Division. The writer selects Sukoharjo Local Government as the place for the job training because she is interested to learn more about governmental public relations and practices to be the Public Relations Officers in governmental institutions, like Sukohajo Local Government. This job training was done in order to observe the situation in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government and get the information and data about governmental Public Relations.

In this report, the writer explores a review of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government and gives some communication plan to improve Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government.

The writer realizes that this final project is still imperfect, however the writer hopes that this final project will be useful for the readers. It is also open for criticisms and suggestions.

Surakarta, January 6, 2012 The writer,

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Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin. First of all I would like to extend my thanks to

Allah SWT for the mercy and guidance in giving me full strength to finish this final project report.

I also would give extend thanks to the followings:

1. The Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University, Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed., Ph.D for his support and motivation.

2. The Head of English Diploma Program, Yusuf Kurniawan, SS, M.A for his guidance, support and motivation.

3. My Supervisor, Dra. Diah Kristina, M.A., Ph.D for her guidance, support, suggestion, great patience and correction from the start to the completion of my final project report. You are one of the inspiring women for me. I learn a lot from your attitudes and thoughts. You are my role model. I really adore

you, ma,am. It is such an honor to be your student. Thank you, ma’am.

4. My Academic Supervisor, Dra. Endang SA, M.S for her guidance, support and attention during my study.

5. Head of Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government, Uyun Hermawati, S.H., M.Hum for giving me permission to have job training in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government. Thank you for giving me a big opportunity to learn to be Public Relations Officers and get information and experience there.

6. Mr. Harno, Mr. Sarno, Mr. Wanto, Mrs. Dewi, Mrs. Srihardani and all of employees in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government for their kindness to help and teach me during my job training. It is such a great experience for me. Thank you.

7. All of the lectures of English Diploma Program and staff, Mrs. Heni, for sharing their knowledge and helping me during my study.

8. My beloved Papa and Mama. For my Papa, I would like to say thank you so much for your pray, love, and everything that you have done for me. For my

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Mama, I know you always pray for me in the heaven and wish the best for me.

I love you both so much, more than you’ve ever imagined. I promise you, I will make you both happy and proud of me!

9. My lovely sisters, Prima Vallentina Febriyani and Cindy Adella Melitasari and my big family who can not be mentioned one by one. Thank you for your love. I love them so much.

10. The one and only soul mate, Evy Nurfiana for your support, love and everything. I love you so much. Always stay the same, mate!

11. My beautiful, adorable, crazy and lovely best friends, Monica Christianawati Ameliana and Prisca Saranita. Thank you so much for the happy things, sad things, crazy things, weird things and everything that we have been through girls! I love you so much girls.

12. All of my friends in Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts and English Diploma, especially class B year 2008, Tini Ningsih, Haifa Jamal Sungkar, Dinar Eka Sari, Agrizta, Silvi Ayu Nindiakasih, Sesanti Dewi and others for their kindness and love. Love you guys! At last but not least, I would like to give thanks to everybody whom can not

be mentioned one by one for helping and supporting me to finish this final project report.

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Welatri Yoana Ferly, 2012. A Review of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, UNS.

This final project report is written based on the job training done at Sukoharjo Local Government within a month, which had been conducted on March 14 th to April

9 th , 2011 in Public Relations Division located in Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 199 Sukoharjo. The objectives of this final project report are to describe the varieties of media communication in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government, to

identify the existing of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government and to propose a more comprehensive communication plan and improve Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government.

Based on the observation that the writer did during the job training, the writer is interested to review Siaran Keliling Program as one of media communications in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government. The writer found some obstacles faced by Public Relations Division in case of organizing and executing Siaran Keliling Program. To analyze those obstacles, the writer used SWOT analysis and found that the strengths and weaknesses were coming from internal public and opportunities and threats were coming from external public.

In this final project report, the writer also gives some communication plans for improving Siaran Keliling Program. The writer propose to conduct committee meeting agenda once in a month every 2 nd week, to apply the Standard of Procedure for Siaran Keliling Program and to maintain the route of Siaran Keliling Program.

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Division of Sukoharjo Local Government ...................................... 23

C. The Proposed Communication Plan of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government ....... 25

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 31

A. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 31

B. Suggestion ....................................................................................... 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES

A REVIEW OF SIARAN KELILING PROGRAM IN PUBLIC writer propose to conduct committee meeting agenda once in a RELATIONS DIVISION OF SUKOHARJO LOCAL nd month every 2 week, to apply the Standard of Procedure for

GOVERNMENT Siaran Keliling Program and to maintain the route of Siaran Keliling Program.

Welatri Yoana Ferly 1

Dra. Diah Kristina, M.A.,Ph.D


2012. A Review of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, UNS.

This final project report is written based on the job training done at Sukoharjo Local Government within a month, which had been

conducted on March 14 th to April 9 , 2011 in Public Relations Division located in Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 199 Sukoharjo


The objectives of this final project report are to describe the

varieties of media communication in Public Relations Division of

Sukoharjo Local Government, to identify the existing of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government and to propose a more comprehensive communication plan and improve Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government. Based on the observation that the writer did during the job training, the writer is interested to review Siaran Keliling Program as one of media communications in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo

Local Government. The writer found some obstacles faced by Public Relations Division in case of organizing and executing Siaran Keliling Program. To analyze those obstacles, the writer

used SWOT analysis and found that the strengths and weaknesses

were coming from internal public and opportunities and threats were coming from external public. In this final project report, the writer also gives some

communication plans for improving Siaran Keliling Program. The

1 Mahasiswa Jurusan D III Bahasa Inggris Dengan NIM C9308069 2 Dosen Pembimbing

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A. Background

Public Relations Division has an important influence to achieve purpose and success not only in a company but also in a governmental institution. In governmental institution, Public Relations Division has a useful and mutual role for the government and its publics. It provides information about issues, problems and actions taken by government itself. It also helps to convey about government programs or government policies to the public and to understand what the public want from government. In other words, Public Relations Division is a communication facilitator between the government and its publics based on two- ways-communication, listening and speaking.

According to Dr. Rex F. Harlow in Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center and Glen M. Broom’s book, Effective Public Relations Eight Edition,

Public Relations is the distinctive management function which helps establish and maintain mutual lines of communication,

cooperation between an organization and its publics; involves the management of problems or issues; helps management to keep informed on and responsive to public opinion; defines and emphasizes the responsibility of management to serve the public interest; helps management keep abreast of and effectively utilize change, serving as an early warning system to help anticipate trends; and uses research and sound and ethical communication as its principal tools. (Quoted from Cutlip, Center & Broom, 2000:4)

In order to communicate with the public, Public Relations Division has to use an appropriate media communication. There are lots of media

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communications that can be used by Public Relations Division, such as: press releases, news letters, brochures, pamphlets, leaflets, clippings, meetings, conferences, face to face discussions, radios, televisions, blogs, websites, social networks, etc.

Nowadays, a technological development is growing rapidly. Varieties of media communications are used by Public Relations Divisions. Most of Public Relations Divisions prefer to use technology-based communications than other traditional media communications to communicate with the public. By having technology as a medium of communication, a Public Relations Officer can optimally disseminate information in two-ways-communication, not only in one- way-communication plane. Besides, the public requirement of information makes Public Relations Division have to keep abreast with technology development.

On the other hand, Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government has not utilized technology, as a medium of communication optimally. Although the public can access a website on www.sukoharjokab.go.id

unfortunately there is no space for Public Relations Division itself. Public Relations Division tends to use traditional media communication as Siaran Keliling Program to disseminate information to the public.

Considering the phenomenon mentioned above, the writer is interested to analyze the existence and effectiveness of Siaran Keliling Program as one of the media communications in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government by using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis. For that reason, the writer decided to make the final project report

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entitled A Review of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division in Sukoharjo Local Government.

B. Objectives

This final project report has some objectives, as follows:

1. To describe the varieties of media communication in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government;

2. To identify the existence of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government;

3. To propose a more comprehensive communication plan and improve Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government.

C. Benefits

The writer expects that this final project report can give some benefits for the following parties:

1. The Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government This final project report can be used as an evaluation and provide suggestion for Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government in order to improve their media communications program more effectively;

2. The writer This final project report is the result of job training done by the writer as Public Relations Officer in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local

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Government. It can be used as a working experience and reference for the writer to go into the world of work in the future;

3. The readers This final project report can be used as additional information and reference for the reader.

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A. Public Relations

In order to describe what the meaning of Public Relations is, experts have many definitions and interpretations about Public Relations based on their own opinion.

Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center and Glen M. Broom, quoted in Effective Public Relations Eight Edition (2000:6), expla in that Public Relations is “the management function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the publics on whom its success or

failure depends.” The British Institute of Public Relations, in Rosady Rus lan’s book Manajemen Humas & Manajemen Komunikasi (1998:17), proposes two definitions of Public Relations, namely:

1. Public Relations activity is the management of communications between an organization and its publics; and

2. Public Relations practice is deliberate, planned, and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics. In August 1978, the representatives of over thirty national and regional

Public Relations associations at a meeting in Mexico City (the so-called Mexico Statement), state that Public Relations practice is “the art and social science of

analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization’s

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leadership, and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both the organization’s and the public’s interest.” (Quoted from Philip J. Kitchen,

1997:7) Based on the three definitions mentioned above, almost all definitions have similar meanings. Therefore, it can be concluded that Public Relations is a mediator between an organization and its publics in terms of interpreting the philosophies, policies, programs, and practices of their management to the public and also disseminating the attitudes and behavior of the public to their management through two-ways-communication in order to gain mutual understanding, attention, acceptance, and action from the target public.

B. The Functions of Public Relations

In 1975, A Foundation for Public Relations Research and Education collects sixty-five Public Relations Practitioners to formulate the functions of Public Relations, as follows:

1. To establish and maintain mutual lines of communication, understanding, acceptance and cooperation between an organization and its publics;

2. To involve the management of problems and issues;

3. To help and to keep informed the management and to be responsive to public opinion;

4. To define and emphasize the responsibility of the management to serve public interest;

5. To help and to keep aware of the management utilize change;

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6. To serve an early warning system and help to anticipate trends; and

7. To use research and ethical communication technique as its principal tools. (Rachmat Kriyanto, 2008:19-20) Edward L. Bernay in Rosady Ruslan ’s book entitled Manajemen Humas &

Manajemen Komunikasi (2001:19-20), explains that Public Relations has three functions, as follows:

1. Giving the information to the publics;

2. Changing public’s attitudes and behaviors through persuasion; and

3. Integrating organization’s attitudes and actions based on the public’s attitudes and actions. Moreover, Bertrand R. Canfield, in his book Public Relations: Principles

and Problems , says that there are three functions of Public Relations, namely:

1. To serve the public’s interest;

2. To maintain good communication; and

3. To stress good morals and manners. (Onong Uchjana Effendy, 1983:135- 136) Additionally, Professor John Marston (quoted in Fraser P. Seitel, 1998:6)

states that Public Relations can be defined in terms of four specific functions, they are:

1. Research;

2. Action;

3. Communication; and

4. Evaluation.

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Applying the functions R-A-C-E approach involves reaching attitudes on a particular issue, identifying action programs of the organization that speak so that issue, communicating those programs to gain understanding and acceptance, and evaluating the effect of the communication efforts on the public.

C. The Roles of Public Relations

According to Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center and Glen M. Broom (2000) in their book Effective Public Relations Eight Edition (Quoted in Philip J.

Kitchen, 1997:16), describe four types of Public Relation practitioners’ roles which are identified as follows:

1. Expert Prescriber; Practitioners are regarded as experts on Public Relations and consequently they are seen as best qualified to handle Public Relations problems and identify solutions to them.

2. Communication Facilitator; Practitioners are cast as sensitive listeners and information brokers who act in a “go-between” role, facilitating communications.

3. Problem-Solving Facilitator; Practitioners collaborate with other managers to help define and solve organizational communications problems. Whereas the expert prescriber role implies a passive role for other managers in the problem-solving process, in this ole practitioners work with others managers to arrive at solutions to the problems facing an organization.

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4. Communication Technician; Practitioners merely provide technical communications services such as writing releases and features for the media, preparing and editing newsletters and handling contacts with the media. All decisions regarding strategy and actions are taken by the dominant management coalition in which practitioners have no role and they are simply given the task of communicating about the decisions taken by this dominant coalition.

D. Public Relations in Governmental Institutions

Public Relations in governmental institutions has a significant role for the publics and the government itself. It helps the government to convey and explain about their policies, actions, programs, and even their activities.

According to John D. Millett, in his book Management in Public Service the Quest for Effective Performance (Quoted in Rosady Ruslan, 2001:311-312), mentions that there are some cases to execute the Public Relations’ duties, as


1. Learning about public desires and aspiration;

2. Advising the public about what is should desire;

3. Ensuring satisfactory contact between public and government official; and

4. Informing and about what an agency is doing. According to Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center, and Glen M. Broom

(2000:491) in their book Effective Public Relations Eight Edition, mentions that

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the basic justification for government Public Relations rests on two fundamental premises, namely:

1. A democratic government must report its activities to the citizens; and

2. Effective government administration requires active citizen participation and support. Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center, and Glen M. Broom (2000:491) add that

the objectives of government Public Relations are:

1. Informing constituents about the activities of the government agency;

2. Ensuring active cooperation in government programs (for example, voting, curbside recycling), as well as compliance in regulatory programs (for example, mandatory seat belt use, antismoking ordinances); and

3. Fostering citizen support for established policies and programs (for example, foreign aid and welfare). Quoted in Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat Praktis, Sam Black and Melvin L.

Sharpe (1988:173), state that there are four objectives in government Public Relations, namely:

1. To keep citizens informed of the government’s policy and its daily activities;

2. To give them an opportunity of expressing views on important projects before final decision are made by the government;

3. To enlighten citizens on the way in which the system of the local government works and to inform them of their rights and responsibilities; and

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4. To promote a sense of civil pride. Quoted in Manajemen Humas & Manajemen Komunikasi, Rosady Ruslan

(2001:313-314) states the functions of government Public Relations in Indonesia, namely:

1. Securing the government’s policy;

2. Serving and disseminating messages or information regarding its policies and programs to the public;

3. Being a proactive communicator as well as mediator in terms of providing government’s interest and serving aspiration and public’s interests; and

4. Participating to create conducive and dynamic situation in order to secure the stability of political security and national development. Based on the explanations mentioned above, Public Relations in

government institutions have important roles functionally as well as operationally in order to disseminate or publicize its activities and programs to the internal and external publics. Public Relations in governmental institutions is a tool or channel of government publication.

E. Siaran Keliling Program

Siaran Keliling is one of media communications in Public Relations Division of Regional Secretariat in Sukoharjo Local Government. It is managed by Subdivision of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information, a part of Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government.

Siaran Keliling Program is a program which is used to convey the information to the public about government programs or government policies,

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special events and information of environmental cleanliness and health. The objective of the program is to disseminate the information directly to the public and wished to be able to accepted and understood by the public. (Interview with Subdivision of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information)

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A. Type of Analysis

Based on the objectives of the final project report, the writer is using SWOT analysis. It is used to know the situation of a company or organization or program by evaluating the factors in terms of strengths (S) or weaknesses (W) from internal public and the factors of opportunities (O) or threats (T) from external public systematically.

According to Halloway in Abdurrachman Oemi’s book entitled Dasar- Dasar Public Relations (1993:18), SWOT analysis is the identification of strengths and weaknesses and its external opportunities presented by the trading environment and any threats faced by the company.

In other word, the aim of SWOT analysis is to develop a plan that takes into consideration many different internal and external factors, and maximizes the potential of the strengths and opportunities while minimizing the impact of the weaknesses and threats.

B. Technique of Collecting Data

The writer collected the data by doing observation, interview and distributing questionnaire.

1. Observation


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Observation is a purposeful, systematic and selective way of watching and listening to an interaction or phenomenon as it takes place. (Ranjit Kumar, 2011:140) Observation was done during the job training by observing and analyzing directly the situation there to collect the required data and information. This observation was done in the Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 199 Sukoharjo, Central Java 57521.

2. Interview According to Burn, cited in Research Methodology (Ranjit Kumar, 2011:144), An interview is a verbal interchange, often face to face, though the telephone may be used, in which an interviewer tries to elicit information, beliefs or opinions from another person. This interview was done in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government. It involved three informants who work in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government by asking some questions related to Siaran Keliling Program.

3. Questionnaire Questionnaire is a written list of questions, the answers to which are recorded by respondents. In a questionnaire respondents read the questions, interpret what is expected and then write down the answers. (Ranjit Kumar, 2011:145)

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These questionnaires were disseminated to twelve informants randomly who live in Sukoharjo district to know people’s perception and expectation

related to Siaran Keliling Program.

C. Source of Data

In order to obtain and collect the required data and information, the writer has two categories of informants, namely:

1. Internal Informants The data were obtained from the informants of internal public by doing interview. These informants were selected by the writer based on their knowledge and experience of Siaran Keliling Program in the Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government. The data from internal informants were used to know deeply every single thing about Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government.

a. Table 3.1 The internal informants of the interview related to Siaran Keliling Program

No. Name

Gender Age Department


Data Coding

Public Relations


The Head of Sub Division of Press, Mass Media, Code and Telecommuni- cation


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Dewi Erlinawati, S.Sos



Public Relations


The Head of Sub Division of Collecting,

Processing and Empowering Information



Wanto, S.Sos



Public Relations


The Former Head of Sub Division of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information


2. External Informants The data were obtained from the informants of external publics by disseminating questionnaires. These informants were selected randomly by the writer among the people who live in Sukoharjo district. The data from external informants were used to measure how wide the execution of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government is.

b. Table 3.2 The external informants of the interview related to Siaran Keliling Program

No. Name

Data Coding

Bagas Yoga Handono







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Sri Widiastuti Female

54 Civil Servant

Bryan Setya Kusuma

Bondhan Permadi B. S.

Slamet Haryono

Susul Gembong

Edi Syaifudin

D. Procedures of Data Analysis

After collecting all of the data from the observation, interview and questionnaires, the next step is analyzing the data collection before writing the research report. There are three steps to analyze the data collection, namely:

1. Data Reduction

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The first step of analyzing the data is selecting and focusing on the data. This data reduction is a process of minimizing the amount of data that needs to be shorted to help the writer more focus on the main problem.

2. Data Display The next step of analyzing the data is displaying the data by using charts, graphs, diagrams, tables, etc. This data display is used to connect the information of the organization with the data in the field. It also helps the writer to understand easily the situation happens and what kind of action should be done.

3. Conclusion Drawing The last step of analyzing the data is checking the relevance or accuracy of the conclusion drawing. If the conclusion is irrelevant or inaccurate, the writer has to recheck the procedure of data analysis and the technique of collecting data.

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A. The Varieties of Media Communication in Public Relations Division

of Sukoharjo Local Government

Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government has a useful and mutual role for the government and its publics as a communication facilitator.

In this case, Public Relations Division is expected to provide and disseminate the government programs, policies or activities transparently, to understand what the public needed from the government and to create a good communication between the government and its publics.

In order to provide and disseminate the information to the public, Public Relations Division conducted one-way-communication tools and two-ways- communication tools, as follows:

1. One-way-communication tools

a. Siaran Keliling Program

 Detail:

Siaran Keliling Program is a routine activity conducted by Sub Division of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information. This program is conducted by using a car equipped with sound system, amplifier, microphone and tape recorder.

 Target audience:


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The target audience of Siaran Keliling is external public of Sukoharjo Local Government.

 Execution:

The execution of Siaran Keliling depends on the request from outside and inside of the institution.

 Objective:

The objective of Siaran Keliling Program is disseminating particular information about government activities, programs and events to the public directly. This socialization program is expected to reach the public directly.

b. Press Release  Detail:

From the result of news coverage did by Sub Division of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information, there are data collections such as photos, videos, records, activity reports and several printed speeches. The data collection is used to make press releases. The press releases are made by the Sub Division of Press, Mass Media, Code and Telecommunication and distributed to the journalists as news material.

 Target audience:

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The target of audience is the journalists who are given the press releases every work day (Monday-Saturday).

 Execution:

The execution of making press releases is done every work day (Monday-Saturday).

 Objective:

The objective of making press releases is maintaining good relations between mass media and the government by providing press releases as news material and publishing press releases through mass media to news releases.

c. Media Information  Detail:

The making of media information is made by the Sub Division of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information, such as; billboards, leaflets, development calendars, banners, posters, tabloids and books.

 Target audience:

The target audience of making media information is external public and journalists.

 Objective:

The objective of the making of media information is providing varieties of media communication tools which are used by the Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo

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Local Government. It is expected to maximize the disseminating information to the public.

d. Photo Exhibition  Detail:

Photo exhibition shows some photos related to Regent of Sukoharjo Local Government’s activities, developments

and potentials of Sukoharjo Local Government.  Execution:

The execution of photo exhibition is held four times a year.  Objective:

The objective of photo exhibition is showing the activities of Regent of Sukoharjo Local Government’s activities,

some developments and potentials of Sukoharjo Local Government to the government officials, the employees and the public. It is also an opportunity of the Sub Division of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information to show their work, especially in terms of photo documentation.

2. Two-ways-communication tools

a. Face-to-face Communication  Detail:

Public Relations Division is also conducted face-to-face communication to provide disseminating government

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programs, policies or activities transparently. Bakohumas (Badan Koordinasi Kehumasan Pemerintah) is one of face- to-face communication held by Public Relations Division. It is kind of panel discussion related to issues in the public or in the government programs. The members of the meeting consist of sixty members from SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah ) and Public Relations Officers of Sukoharjo Local Government.

 Execution:

The execution of Bakohumas (Badan Koordinasi Kehumasan Pemerintah ) is held three times a year.

 Objective:

The objective of Bakohumas (Badan Koordinasi Kehumasan Pemerintah ) is disseminating and discussing the particular information about government programs, policies or activities to SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah ) directly.

b. Counseling  Detail:

Counseling is conducted by the Sub Division of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information. The topics are usually related to socialize government programs in terms

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of giving explanation and the way to solve the social problems.

 Execution:

The execution of counseling is held five times a year.

 Objective:

The objective of counseling is giving explanation related to socialize government programs and the way solving social problems faced by the public directly.

B. The Existence of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division

of Sukoharjo Local Government

Public Relation Division of Sukoharjo Local Government has varieties of media communication in order to socialize and disseminate the information related to the government programs, policies and activities to the public. In addition, the media communication is also used to create interrelationship with mass media, relationship with the public and good image.

However, there is a one-way-communication tool which does not work optimally in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government. That is Siaran Keliling Program.

Siaran Keliling Program is a routine activity conducted by the Sub Division of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government which is conducted by using a

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car equipped with sound system, amplifier, microphone and tape recorder. There are some objectives of Siaran Keliling Program, such as; socialize information related to the government programs, activities and events, disseminate imperative information to the public and get attention from the public directly.

Public Relations Division has particular committee to execute Siaran Keliling Program. It consists of six officers who are handling the program. Unfortunately, in practice, the committee of Siaran Keliling does not work properly. The execution of Siaran Keliling Program was conducted by the officers from inside or outside of the sub division who have no activity.

In terms of disseminating information, Siaran Keliling Program has several routes which do not cover all of sub district of Sukoharjo Local Government. Based on the questioners which are distributed by the writer to the external public, it can be concluded that the Siaran Keliling Program is only conducted in sub district located around Sukoharjo Local Government office. It is caused by the location of sub district which is separated between one and others and the lack of transportation.

Siaran Keliling Program is the only old-fashioned medium communication in Public Relations Division in Sukoharjo Local Government. Nevertheless, Siaran Keliling Program is still useful for socializing and disseminating the information directly to the public. But unfortunately the biggest problem of this program comes from the Public Relations Officer itself in terms of organizing the program properly.

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Based on the observation during the job training, the writer can analyze the problem of Siaran Keliling Program by using SWOT analysis below:

a. Table 4.1 The SWOT Analysis of Siaran Keliling Program

Strengths (S)

 Siaran Keliling Program is more “humble” to the public because the Public Relations Officers face the public directly. It can bring feedback from the public to the government about their programs, activities and events.

Weaknesses (W)

 The committee of Siaran Keliling Program does not conduct their responsibilities properly.

 They do not have standard of procedure (SOP)

for Siaran Keliling Program.

 The route of Siaran Keliling is not wide enough, so the information is not sent to all of the public in sub district of Sukoharjo Local Government.

Opportunities (O)

 Siaran Keliling Program is giving an opportunity for the government to be closer with the public.

Threats (T)

 Public do not really care about Siaran Keliling Program because some of them think that it is too old-fashioned.

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C. The Proposed Communication Plan of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government

From the description above, there are some internal and external obstacles encountered by Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government in terms of executing Siaran Keliling Program. For that reason, the writer decides to make some proposed communication plan of Siaran Keliling Program to solve the obstacles there.

The writer thinks that there are some activities in Siaran Keliling Program that have to be rearranged to achieve optimal result. There are some proposed communication plans to improve Siaran Keliling Program optimally, as follows:

1. Meeting Agenda


: Committee Meeting Agenda

Participants : Head of Public Relations Division, Head of Sub Division of

Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information and Committee Members of Siaran Keliling Program

Venue : Office of Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local



: Once in a month, every 2 nd week

In practice, the committee of Siaran Keliling Program was rarely doing their duties to organize the program because of their busy schedule. They were also rarely holding the routine meeting. In fact, the committee meeting is

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extremely important to evaluate the program, arrange the schedule and plan some strategies to make the program works properly.

Therefore, the writer propo ses the “Committee Meeting Agenda” which is held by Public Relations Division for committee members of Siaran Keliling Program once in a month, every 2 nd week consecutively. The aims of “Committee Meeting Agenda” are:

1. Evaluating the program done by committee of Siaran Keliling Program;

2. Organizing the schedule between committee members to execute their duties wisely;

3. Making up the problems encountered by Siaran Keliling Program.

2. Making Standard of Procedure (SOP)

In practice, Siaran Keliling Program does not have Standard of Procedure (SOP) in order to serve the request from inside and outside of institution. Actually, Standard of Procedure (SOP) is necessary to know whether the information is appropriate or inappropriate to be published. It is also useful to prevent quarrel schedule of disseminating the information.

The writer proposes to give “Standard of Procedure for Siaran Keliling Program,” as follows:


Administrative Requirements:

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1. Application letter of Siaran Keliling Program is proposed to Sub Division of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information in Public Relations Division 3 days before the execution;

2. Information Subject: » The detail of subject information has to be clear and easy to

understand in accord with the subject; » The target audience has to be mentioned clearly; » The route of Siaran Keliling Program has to cover the sub district

of Sukoharjo Local Government;

Technical Requirements:

1. The execution of Siaran Keliling Program is conducted by committee of Siaran Keliling Program (three officers) and the representative from supplicant (one officer);

2. Disseminating subject information uses two languages, namely; Bahasa and Java language;

3. The information is an open-ended public information that can be accessed by the public;

4. The information which can not be published to the public will be returned to the supplicant;

5. The execution of Siaran Keliling Program (time, day and date) depends on the supplicant. If there is a quarrel schedule, it will be confirmed 1 day before the execution through phone call or letter;

Procedure of Siaran Keliling Program:

1. Supplicant proposes application letter of Siaran Keliling Program to Sub Division of Collecting, Processing and Empowering Information in Public Relations Division related to schedule of the execution of Siaran Keliling Program with subject information;

2. Verification process about administrative requirement (application letter, subject information, target audience and route);

3. Verification process about execution schedule;

4. Execution of Siaran Keliling Program;

5. Feedback confirmation to the supplicant (if the decision is postponed or reschedule and if the decision is cancelled);

6. Execution of Siaran Keliling Program.

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Proposed Draft of Siaran Keliling Program:

By applying the “Standard of Procedure” (SOP) in the practice of Siaran Keliling Program, it is expected that:

Execution of Siaran

Keliling Program


Confirmation to


Execution of Siaran Keliling Program


Postponed Reschedule

Not Served


Sub Division of Collecting, Processing

and Empowerment Information in Public

Relation Division

Supplicant (Inside/Outside


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1. The information which will be conveyed to the public has sorted by the committee of Siaran Keliling Program, so the information is certainly appropriate to be published;

2. The spreading of information will be easier to reach by the public because the committee of Siaran Keliling Program will not have quarrel schedule anymore.

3. The Route of Siaran Keliling Program

The others obstacles faced by Public Relations Division in terms of disseminating information is the route of Siaran Keliling Program. In practice, Public Relations Officers is only disseminating particular information in a sub district, so the others sub districts do not know about those information. It means that the disseminating of the information is not wide enough but as a communication facilitator, the Public Relations Officers have to inform any kinds of information to the public evenly.

Based on that reason, the writer suggests giving some plans to maximize the disseminating of information in Siaran Keliling Program, such as:

1. The disseminating of information should be done in around of every Sub District of Sukoharjo Local Government Offices;

2. The disseminating of information should be done in the crowded place like markets and others public places;

3. The officers of Siaran Keliling Program has also to give the transcript of Siaran Keliling to every officers of Sub Districts of Sukoharjo Local

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Government, so those officers can also help to disseminate the information to the public.

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A. Conclusion

Based on the discussion in the previous chapter, the conclusion can be drawn as follows:

A. The Varieties of Media Communication in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government

In order to provide and disseminate the information to the public, Public Relations Division is used one-way-communication tools and two-ways- communication tools, as follows:

1. One-way-communication tools

a. Siaran Keliling Program;

b. Press Release;

c. Media Information;

d. Photo Exhibition.

2. Two-ways-communication tools

a. Face-to-face Communication;

b. Counseling.

B. The Existence of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government

Siaran Keliling Program is the only old-fashioned medium communication in Public Relations Division in Sukoharjo Local Government. Nevertheless, Siaran Keliling Program is still useful for socializing and disseminating the


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information directly to the public. But unfortunately the biggest problem of this program comes from the Public Relations Officer itself in terms of organizing the program properly.

Based on the observation during did the job training, the writer can analyze the problem of Siaran Keliling Program by using SWOT analysis below:

Strengths (S):

 Siaran Keliling Program is more “humble” to the public because the Public Relations Officers face the public directly. It can bring feedback from the public to the government about their programs, activities and events.

Weaknesses (W):

 The committee of Siaran Keliling Program does not conduct their

responsibilities properly.  They do not have standard of procedure (SOP) for Siaran Keliling

Program.  The route of Siaran Keliling is not wide enough, so the information is not sent to all of the public in sub district of Sukoharjo Local Government.

Opportunities (O):

 Siaran Keliling Program is giving an opportunity for the government to be closer with the public.

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Threats (T):

 Public do not really care about Siaran Keliling Program because

some of them think that it is too old-fashioned.

C. The Proposed Communication Plan of Siaran Keliling Program in Public Relations Division of Sukoharjo Local Government

The writer thinks that there are some activities in Siaran Keliling Program that have to be rearranged to achieve optimal result. There are some proposed communication plans to improve Siaran Keliling Program optimally, as follows:

1. Meeting Agenda

The writer proposes the “Committee Meeting Agenda” which is held by Public Relations Division for committee members of Siaran Keliling Program

once in a month, every 2 nd week consecutively. The aims of “Committee Meeting Agenda” are:

a. Evaluating the program done by committee of Siaran Keliling Program;

b. Organizing the schedule between committee members to execute their duties wisely;

c. Making up the problems encountered by Siaran Keliling Program;

2. Making Standard of Procedure (SOP)