Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree in the English Department of

Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts


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By: Rizki Noviani C1306065

Approved to be examined before the Board of Examiners Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University

Thesis Consultant

Dr. Djatmika, M.A. NIP. 196707261993021001

The Head of English Department Non Regular Program

Drs. S. Budi Waskita, MPd. NIP. 195211081983031001 Drs. S. Budi Waskita, MPd. NIP. 195211081983031001

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By: Rizki Noviani C1306065

Approved to be examined before the Board of Examiners Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University

February 2, 2011 The Board Examiner

Dr. Sri Marmanto, M.Hum

Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A.

NIP. 196708301993021001

Main Examiner

Dr. Djatmika, M.A.

NIP. 196707261993021001

Assistant Examiner Ardianna Nuraeni, S.S, M.Hum (…………………….)

NIP. 198209272008122001

The Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University

Drs. Sudarno, M.A. NIP. 195303141985061001 Drs. Sudarno, M.A. NIP. 195303141985061001

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Life is what you make it

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I wholeheartedly dedicate this thesis to:

My beloved Mom and Dad

My beloved brother


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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Firstly, I would like to praise to my Lord, Allah SWT, the one and the

almighty for the wonderful things for me so that I am able to finish this thesis.

I would like to thank to the people who gave great role in completing

this thesis. I am very well aware if there had not been many great people helping me, it would have been impossible for me to reach this point. I would like to express my special gratitude to whom I owe a lot of contributions.

My first gratitude is delivered to the Dean of Faculty of Letters and

Fine Arts, Drs. Sudarno, M.A, then to the head of English Department Non Regular program, Drs. S. Budi Waskita, MPd, thanks for giving me permission to write this thesis.

I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis

consultant, Dr. Djatmika, M.A, for your advices, patience, support, and everything in helping me to finish this thesis. Thanks also to Mr. Yuyun Kusdianto, SS who has been my academic consultant, for advices and care. The great thank also goes to all English Department Lecturers for much knowledge they gave to me.

Thank you so much to Mr Heri Nababan, Mr Sumardiono and Miss

Fatkhuna’imah Rhina for being my raters. Thanks for encouraging comments and useful suggestions for my thesis. It was very wonderful to discuss with you all.

Thanks to Sultan, Guntur, Adven and Aji for being my informants. You are funny Thanks to Sultan, Guntur, Adven and Aji for being my informants. You are funny

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kids I have ever met. Thanks for your funny comments. Free internet service for you kids!

My special thanks go to my family for everything they gave to me.

Thanks to Ibuk and Babeh for such a big trust you give me and for supporting me.

I am still your little daughter. Thanks to my brother, mas Agung, for your support to keep moving on.

I also want to thank to my best friends who live far there, Topan and

Septi, keep supporting each other gals. And mbekayu Rena, thanks for accompanying me from junior high school till college, hehe sure that someday we will meet The Used and will jam together with them, by the way I can’t wait your next incredible story, you are the best writer I have ever met, long live rock!, to my idiot friends Ida and Ridho, what can I say for you guys? Thanks for teaching me how to be an idiot haha, Een, I will miss you and all of our memories together, hehe, bang Eross, let’s fishing! And don’t forget to our pilgrimage of fried duck and chicken noodle, miss Red and miss Green, still keep funny twins, Mimah, viva girl power!, Mba Tune, you are like my oldest sister, Tabita, keep fighting Tab, Astri, keep becoming my private consultant, and all of my wonderful friends in English Department year 2006, Agung, Tri, Nana, Debo, Vivi, Faridha, Ruri, Ulunc, Richa, Tychan, Jiryan, Rosyid, Ludmi, Galuh, Ika, Oscar, Yogi, Gaby, Noni, Adit, Berlin, Dewi W, Dewi L, Phina, Dian, Citra, Yuda Pink, Yuda, Vira, Ichwan, Gunung, and others who can not be mentioned one by one, thank for your support and teaching me how to have fun. You are marvelous college mates I have ever had.

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My special thanks go to RamaSultan Net Crew, Cinemax Crew,

Aikidoka Dojo Shoshin, Totalflasher crew, Motou crew, you are all my other family which always supports and helps me finding inspirations, I love you guys.

I realize that this thesis is far from being perfect, so that all suggestions

are welcomed in order to make it better. Last, I expect this thesis can be beneficial for English Department students and those who are interested in translation.

Surakarta, February 2011

Rizki Noviani

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: C1306065

This thesis which entitled “The Analysis of Translation Quality on

Dubbed Kids’ Favorite Songs in Sesame Street” is originally made by the researcher. The things related to other people’s works are written in quotation and included within bibliography. If it is, then, proved that I cheated, I am ready to take the responsibility.

Surakarta, February 2011 The researcher,

Rizki Noviani

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F. Elements of Poetry ………………………………………………. 15

G. Literary Translation ……………………………………………… 20

H. Poetry Translation ………………………………………………. 21

I. Synopsis of Sesame Street, Kids’ Favorite Songs………………… 23 J. Subtitling vs Dubbing …………………………………………… 24 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH

A. Research Type and Design ……………………………………… 28

B. Data and Source of Data ………………………………………… 28

C. Sampling Technique …………………………………………….. 30

D. Method of Data Collection ………………………………………. 31

E. Technique of Data Analysis ……………………………………… 32

F. Research Procedure ……………………………………………… 32 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS

A. Introduction ……………………………………………………… 34

B. Classification of each line stanza ……………………………….. 34

C. Research Findings ………………………………………………. 53

C.1. Accuracy of the Translation ………………………….. 54

C.2. Acceptability of the Translation ……………………… 64

C.3 Readability of the Translation ……………………… 69

D. Discussion …………………………………………………….. 77 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion……………………………………………………. 79

B. Suggestions …………………………………………………… 80 B. Suggestions …………………………………………………… 80

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Table 1. Total and Percentage Number of Data (Accuracy) Table 2. Total and Percentage Number of Data (Acceptability) Table 3. Total and Percentage Number of Data (Readability)

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ABSTRACT Rizki Noviani. C1306065. The Analysis of Translation Quality on Dubbed

Kids’ Favorite Songs in Sesame Street. Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta.

This research focuses on the analysis on the translation quality of dubbed kids’ favorite song in Sesame Street. It is con ducted to find out the quality translation of dubbed kids’ favorite songs involves the accuracy, the acceptability and the readability value of the translation.

This is a descriptive qualitative research. There are two kinds of data used in this research. The data are all the songs completed with the result of dubbed song in the Sesame Street, Kids’ Favorite Songs and data which are got from the

questionnaire collected from the three intended raters and four readers. The informants are purposively selected.

Totally, there are nine songs in the DVD Sesame Street, Kids’ Favorite Songs which are divided into 90 lines.

Dealing with the accuracy, the translation of dubbed kids’ favorite songs in Sesame Street is less accurate. In term of accuracy level, 45 data (50%) are

accurate, 43 data (47.8%) are less accurate and 2 data (2.2%) are inaccurate. Dealing with the acceptability, the translation of dubbed kids’ favorite songs in

Sesame Street is acceptable. In term of acceptability level, 80 data (88.9%) are acceptable, 10 data (11.1%) are less acceptable and there is no data which are included in unacceptable. Dealing with the readability, the translation of dubbed

kids’ favorite songs in Sesame Street is readable. In term of the readability level,

55 data (61.1%) are readable, 33 data (36.7%) are less readable and 2 data (2.2%) are unreadable.

THE ANALYSIS OF TRANSLATION QUALITY ON readable, 33 data (36.7%) are less readable and 2 data (2.2%) are DUBBED KIDS’ FAVOURITE SONGS unreadable.


Rizki Noviani 1

Dr. Djatmika, M.A.


2011. Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta. This research focuses on the analysis on the translation quality of dubbed kids’ favorite song in Sesame Street. It is conducted to find out the quality translation of dubbed kids’ favorite songs involves the accuracy, the acceptability and the readability value of the translation. This is a descriptive qualitative research. There are two kinds of data used in this research. The data are all the songs completed with the result of dubbed song in the Sesame Street, Kids’ Favorite Songs and data which are got from the questionnaire collected from the three intended raters and four readers. The informants are purposively selected.

Totally, there are nine songs in the DVD Sesame Street, Kids’ Favorite Songs which are divided into 90 lines. Dealing with the accuracy, the translati on of dubbed kids’ favorite songs in Sesame Street is less accurate. In term of accuracy level,

45 data (50%) are accurate, 43 data (47.8%) are less accurate and 2 data (2.2%) are inaccurate. Dealing with the acceptability, the translation of dubbed kids’ favorite songs in Sesame Street is

acceptable. In term of acceptability level, 80 data (88.9%) are

acceptable, 10 data (11.1%) are less acceptable and there is no data which are included in unacceptable. Dealing with the readability, the translation of dub bed kids’ favorite songs in Sesame Street is

readable. In term of the readability level, 55 data (61.1%) are

Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris dengan NIM C1306065 2 Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris dengan NIM C1306065 2 Dosen Pembimbing

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Sesame Street is an American educational children's television program which gives contribution to children's development. It is a pioneer of the modern educational television program combining both education and entertainment . The purpose of Sesame Street is to be the world's largest informal educator of children around the world.

That is why there are many countries encouraged to adopt Sesame Street to enter their country in Television Series version or VCD/DVD version in order to develop the children in entertainment and education field. Furthermore, Indonesia has made work relationship to Sesame Workshop in order to create Indonesia Sesame Street Version which is known as Jalan Sesama. It shows that Sesame Street is included in influential children’s television program which runs in entertaining, parenting and educating. The adopting of the television program from another country like this needs the existence of translation much in order to deliver the message of the television program brought, especially for the educational television program like Sesame Street.

The major target consumers of Sesame Street are children (Target Language: Indonesia). It is hard for them if the product is still given in original language (Source Language: English). That is why, almost of the adopted children’s television programs are presented in translation form.

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There are two types of film translations which are commonly used; they are dubbed and subtitled. Concerning that the program is created to entertain and educate the children, the film translation method which is commonly used is dubbing. If the children television programs are presented in subtitling, it is hard for children who do not have reading skill yet. On the other hand, dubbing tends to help the children improve their competence in learning and receiving languages. Finally, dubbing is used in order to make the children easy in achieving the message. Moreover, the consumers who come from different cultures make dubbing become the right way to make the content sounds natural for the consumer (domesticating) so that the message is accepted easily.

Like other children’s television programs, Sesame Street has dialogue, sense of humor, music, songs, etc . All of them are common in children’s

television programs in order to attract the children. Beside the dialogue which is presented in dubbing technique, songs which cannot be separated to

children’s television program are dubbed too. Consequently there will be many problems which are faced by the translator because he or she has to concern to dubbing rule. Coelh argues in his Subtitling and Dubbing: Restrictions and Priorities that “synchronisation is also a key term when talking about dubbing, since it has to be more visual rather than acoustic and depends to a large extent on the distance of the camera from the speaker ” ( ). In this case, the researcher concerns to kid’s favorite songs on Sesame Street in DVD which children’s television program are dubbed too. Consequently there will be many problems which are faced by the translator because he or she has to concern to dubbing rule. Coelh argues in his Subtitling and Dubbing: Restrictions and Priorities that “synchronisation is also a key term when talking about dubbing, since it has to be more visual rather than acoustic and depends to a large extent on the distance of the camera from the speaker ” ( ). In this case, the researcher concerns to kid’s favorite songs on Sesame Street in DVD which

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are dubbed. It means the translator has to concern to the synchronization between the songs in both source language and target language.

Moreover, a song has specific characteristics just like poetry. It is limited by the number of syllables (meter), rhymes, etc. It becomes the challenge to the translator in the way to deliver the message under the rule of literary translation. The translator has to remember that almost of the failure of many translators in understanding a literary text is the lack of concerning to its boundaries of a literary work.

In analysing the songs, even the popular songs, dubbing should not be seen as a strict kind of translation where the source text is transferred sound by sound in order to make the speakers look like speak in the target language. Dubbing tends to be more natural than subtitling. Moreover, translating songs should be related to the rule of literary translation that is poetry translation. It involves many factors might contribute to the quality of translation of the dubbed songs.

The examples representing the problems above can be seen as follows:

Example 1: Twinkle Twinkle Litle Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Bintang kecil yang indah

Apa kabar dirimu

b Kau yang jauh di sana

a Bagai berlian di langit

c Bintang kecil yang indah

Apa kabar dirimu Apa kabar dirimu

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The example above shows that the target text fails to adapt the rhyme of the source text. The source text has six lines which has pattern of rhyme (aabbaa) is translated into the target text which has different rhyme (abacab).

Example 2: Baa, baa Black Sheep

One for the master one for the dame and one for the little girl who lives down the lane.

untuk tuan untuk nyonya untuk gadis manis di desa

The example above shows that the stanza has free rhymes. It makes the translator translates the source text more easily without seeing the pattern of rhyme. But a translation technique has been found to translate this. In the first line, ST: One for the master is translated into TT: untuk tuan. It shows that there is deletion in the target text. It might be done to fix it to the meter of its line. However, the translator has to remember that the song translation will be sung then by dubbing.

Example 3: I've been working on The Railroad

I've been working on the railroad All the livelong day

I've been working on the railroad Just to pass the time away

Di stasiun ku bekerja

Sehari penuh

Di stasiun ku bekerja Hingga waktu berlalu Di stasiun ku bekerja Hingga waktu berlalu

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The example above shows that the translator keeps the rule of rhyme. It is abab. But there are many problems inside the translation. The word railroad is translated to be stasiun. However, railroad means rel kereta api. Next, there is the change of word structure. The line 1 and 3 is changed where the object is in front of subject. Concerning that it will be presented in dubbing, the diction and the change word structure are done.

Such kinds of the translation techniques, the choosing relevant words, and the change of word structure are used by translator to translate the songs. They are used not only based on the Poetry translation rule but also under the dubbing rule where the translator used such things concerning to the meter of song when it is dubbed. The big question is whether the message is delivered correctly or not.

Concerning many kinds of the translations which are resulted by dubbing technique above, it is interesting to make a research about the analysis of translation quality on kids’ favorite songs in Sesame Street (DVD version) which are dubbed into Indonesia.


The researcher makes limitation concerning the data and the analysis. The researcher provides nine kids’ favorite songs entitled I’ve been Working on the Railroad, The Old Bat, The Alphabet Song, Row, row, row your Boat, Twinkle twinkle little star, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, Baa, baa black sheep, She’ll be comin’ round the Mountain, This Little Piggie went to Market The researcher makes limitation concerning the data and the analysis. The researcher provides nine kids’ favorite songs entitled I’ve been Working on the Railroad, The Old Bat, The Alphabet Song, Row, row, row your Boat, Twinkle twinkle little star, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, Baa, baa black sheep, She’ll be comin’ round the Mountain, This Little Piggie went to Market

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with their Indonesian version which are resulted from dubbing technique on DVD entitled Sesame Street, Kids’ Favorite Songs which were published by Sesame Work on January 27 th , 2006 to see how the quality of the translation produced.


Based on Research Background above, the research problems are as follows:

1. How accurate is the translation of the kid s’ favorite songs which are dubbed in Sesame Street?

2. How acceptable is the translation of the kid s’ favorite songs which are dubbed in Sesame Street?

3. How readable is the translation of the kid s’ favorite songs which are dubbed in Sesame Street?


The objectives of the research are

1. To find out the accuracy the translation of the kid s’ favorite songs which are dubbed in Sesame Street.

2. To find out the acceptability the translation of the kid s’ favorite songs which are dubbed in Sesame Street.

3. To find out the readability the translation of the kid s’ favorite songs which are dubbed in Sesame Street.

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The research may have some benefits for:

1. The Translator of Sesame Street The findings in this study can be used as a contribution in relation to the strength and the weaknesses of translation for dubbing.

2. English Department Students The result of this research can give additional reference for the students in studying translation

3. Lecturers The result of this research can be used as additional reference for lecturers in teaching translation subject.

4. Other Researchers The present study focuses on the dubbing quality of the kids’ favorite songs in Sesame Street, its findings may intrigue other researchers to research the translation technique aspects of dubbing.

5. Readers The result of this research may give knowledge about translation.


The research consists of five chapters that will be arranged as follows: The research consists of five chapters that will be arranged as follows:

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Chapter I : INTRODUCTION consists of Research Background, Research Limitation, Research Problems, Research Objectives, Research Benefits and Thesis Organization.

Chapter II : LITERATURE REVIEW consists of Definition of Translation,

Types of Translation, Translation Quality Assessment, Sentence Clause Phrase, Poetry, Elements of Poetry, Literary Translation, Poetry Translation, Synopsis of Sesame Street Kids’ Favorite Songs and Subtitling vs Dubbing.

Chapter III: RESEARCH METODOLOGY consists of Research Type and Design, Data and Source of Data, Sampling Technique, Method of Data Collection, Technique of Data Analysis, Research Procedure.

Chapter IV: DATA ANALYSIS contains of Introduction, Research Findings

and Discussion.


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A. Definition of Translation

There are many ideas from many experts concerning translation. One of them is stated by Newmark. In A Textbook of Translation, he states that translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text (1988:5). From the definition above, Newmark only focuses on the transferring the meaning.

However, Nida and Taber in their book entitled The Theory and Practice of Translation states that translating consists in reproducing in receptor language, the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in term of style (1974: 14). The statement above concerns to both important things, they are meaning and style. This statement is in line to Bell who adds that translation is the expression in another language (or target language) of what has been expressed in another, source language, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences (1991:5). From both ideas above, we see that translation not only focuses on the meaning but also concerns to the style equivalence which is very important in translating to produce good translation.

Moreover, Basnett (1980:2) adds that translation involves the interpretation of a source language (SL) text into the target language (TL) as to ensure that (1) the surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and (2) the structures of the SL will be presented as closely as possible.

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However, the translator will face many kinds of text which are simple or even complex texts. In this case, the translator is faced with such a complex text as literary text (poem/ song). It means that the translator should re-express not only with the same meaning but also with the same style.

B. Types of Translation

Casagrande in Weller (1989:42) distinguishes several types of translation:

1. Pragmatic The translation which maintains the accuracy of the message in the source language form. It is not concerned to other aspects of the source language version. For example: a technical translation on how to repair a machine.

2. Aesthetic-poetic The translation which maintains the beauty, the affective and the emotional aspects of an original language version and any information in the message, for example: literature.

3. Ethnographic The translation which covers the cultural context of the source and target language versions. Translators have to know in the way of choosing words and placing the words in the cultures of both the source and target languages, for example: the Bible.

4. Linguistic The translation which concerns to equivalent meaning and grammatical form, for example: translation of a computer program.

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C. Translation Quality Assessment

Nababan states that translation quality assessment is an integral part of the translation process (2004:54). He said (1999: 86) “the assessment of translation quality focuses on three aspects, they are 1) the accuracy of transferring message, 2) the exactness of expressing the message in TL, 3) the natural of the translation language ”. It can be concluded that three aspects of quality assessment of translation are:

Accuracy It concerns with how equal message of the translation to Source Text is. A piece of translation is considered to be accurate when the message of the Target Text is similar to Source Text. It can be tested by comparing it with ST or using back translation. A rater who can test the accuracy of translation is a person who is competent in SL and TL, like translator, translation consultant, reviewer, etc.

Readability It is about how easy a text for target readers to understand is. The level of readability can be influenced by sentence length, difficult terms, new terms, ambiguity, and arrangement ideas. It can be tested by readability testing, such as reading the text loudly.

Acceptability It concerns with how natural a translation for target reader is. It sounds like an original, not as original. It can be tested by giving it to people who Acceptability It concerns with how natural a translation for target reader is. It sounds like an original, not as original. It can be tested by giving it to people who

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are willing to spend time in reading and making comment and suggestion to the translation.

Moreover, in translating a literary text, the translator has to put much concentration in its boundaries which can influence to the quality of translation. Venuti (1995:1) said that “A translated text, whether prose or poetry or non-fiction, is judged acceptable by most publishers, reviewers and readers when it reads fluently, when the absence of any linguistic or stylistic peculiarities makes it seem transparent, giving the appearance that it reflects the forei gn writer‟s personality or intention or the essential meaning the foreign text, in other words, that the translation is not in fact a translation, but the original ”.

The statement above shows that translating a literary text is more complicated than others, moreover it is presented in dubbing. The translator has to make the translation sound like original where its aesthetic is still in it. It is big challenge for the translator, because in this case he or she is not only as the translator but also as the author too.

D. Sentence, Clause, Phrase

Song is like poetry. It contains beautiful words which are formed line by line. Every line is not always showed by a complete sentence; it can be a phrase or a clause.

A sentence is a group of words containing a verb and its subject and expressing a completed thought. A sentence consists of two parts, the subject A sentence is a group of words containing a verb and its subject and expressing a completed thought. A sentence consists of two parts, the subject

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and the predicate. The classification of sentences by type can be showed as follows:

1. A declarative sentence which makes a statement Statements that declare something, for example: Robin watched TV.

2. An imperative sentence which gives a command or makes a request

A command or a request usually is used to ask someone to do something, for example: Send me letter.

3. An interrogative sentence which asks a question To interrogate means to ask, an interrogative sentence is followed by a question mark, for example: Where are you going, Don?

4. An exclamatory sentence which expresses strong feeling

A sentence expressing strong feeling is always followed by an exclamation mark, for example: How lucky you are! The phrase is a group of words used as a single part of speech and not containing a verb and its subject. The classification of phrase can be seen as follows:

1. Noun Phrase

A group of words where the noun as the head and other words as modifiers, for example: my book

2. Adjective Phrase

A group of words where the adjective as the head and other words as modifiers, for example: extremely happy with that news.

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3. Prepositional Phrase

A group of words beginning with a preposition and ending with a noun or pronoun, for example: at home

4. Adverbial Phrase

A group of words where adverb as the head and other words as modifiers, for example: He learns that machine quite easily.

5. Verbal Phrase

A verbal is a word formed from a verb but it is a part of sentence, for example: She has been reading for an hour.

A clause is a group of words that contains a verb and its subject and is used as a part of a sentence. The classification of clause can be seen as follows:

1. Adjective Clause

A subordinate clause is used as an adjective to modify a noun or a pronoun, for example: I want the book that I bought yesterday back

2. Adverb Clause

A subordinate clause is used as an adverb, for example: After having dinner, Billy watches the TV.

3. Noun Clause

A subordinate clause is used as a noun, for example: What he said is very important.

E. Poetry

Talking about song, it can be called as the accumulation of lyrics. According to Oxford Dictionary, lyric is words of song. Lyric is a short poem, Talking about song, it can be called as the accumulation of lyrics. According to Oxford Dictionary, lyric is words of song. Lyric is a short poem,

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usually divided into stanzas and directly expressing the thoughts.

All poems are poetry. Raharjo (2009:2) in his Introduction to Poetry said that poetry is a part of literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound and rhythm. It can be concluded that poetry is a patterned form of verbal or written expression of ideas in imaginative and rhythmical terms. Poetry usually contains rhyme and a specific meter.

F. Elements of Poetry

Mugijatna in his Pengantar Kajian Puisi Inggris dan Amerika states that poetry can be seen from its content and its form which cannot be separated each other. The content means the message inside, while the form focuses on the style of the poetry. These are the elements of poetry:

1. Writing Style It is about the form of poetry writing. It is visible that the form of poetry and prose or drama is different. Poetry is written in stanza form. It is not always written from the left to the right of paper. One line is not always filled by a complete sentence; it can be a phrase or a clause. Poetry can have one stanza or more.

o Kinds of stanza:

a. Couplet stanza which consists of one line

b. Triplet  stanza which consists of three lines

c. Quatrain  stanza which consists of four lines c. Quatrain  stanza which consists of four lines

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d. Quintet  stanza which consists of five lines

e. Sestet  stanza which consists of six lines

f. Septet  stanza which consists of seven lines

g. Octave  stanza which consists of eight lines

h. Spenserian: stanza which has nine lines, ten lines, eleven lines, etc

A stanza is created to express the unit of idea of the poetry. There is a pause between stanzas which can create tone. Tone is used to influence the message.

2. Rhythm It is signed by the stressed and unstressed in certain words (certain syllables). o The common metrical foots in English poetry based on the existence of

the stress or not are:  Iamb  a pattern of stressed-unstressed syllables (two syllables)  Trochee a pattern of unstressed-stressed syllables (two syllables)  Anapest  a pattern of stressed-stressed-unstressed syllables (three

syllables)  Dactyl  a pattern of stressed-unstressed-unstressed syllables

(three syllables)  Spondee a pattern of stressed-stressed syllables (two syllables)  Pyrrh a pattern of unstressed-unstressed syllables (two syllables)

o Kinds of stanza based on how many foot it contains:

 Monometer is a line which consists one foot  Monometer is a line which consists one foot

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 Dimeter is a line which consists of two-feet  Trimeter is a line which consists of three-feet  Tetrameter is a line which consists of four-feet  Pentameter is a line which consists of five-feet  Hexameter is a line which consists of six-feet  Heptameter is a line which consists of seven-feet  Octameter ia a line which consists of eight-feet  Pause (coma) and enjambment (the incomplete line which has

continuation in the next line).

3. Rhyme Rhyme is similar sounds in the end of words. It is created to produce the aesthetic of poetry. Here some kinds of rhymes:

 End rhyme, where the similar sound is in the end two lines or more  Internal rhyme, where the similar sound is in different words in one

line  Masculine rhyme, where the similar sound is presented by two

different words in different lines which have similar syllable.  Feminine or double rhyme, where the similar sound is formed by two

last syllables in two different words.  Triple rhyme, the similar sound is formed by three last syllables in

two different words. o Sound Repetition is divided as follows:  Alliteration is the similar sounds of two or more words in one line.

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 Assonance is the similarity of middle vowel sound of two or

several words.  Consonance is the repetition of consonance in one line.  Repetition is the repetition of word, phrase or line  Refrain is like repetition but it happens in certain interval in the last

stanza (It can be called chorus).  Onomatopoeia is imitation of sound. It can be sound of animal,

wind, etc.

4. Imagery It is the description of the author‟s feeling which is poured in language into

the poetry. These are kinds of imagery:  Auditory imagery is imagery which can be felt by ear.  Tactile imagery is imagery which can make audiences touched.  Gustatory imagery is imagery which is felt by tongue, like sweet, bitter,

etc.  Olfactory imagery is imagery which can create scent/ odor.  Organic imagery is imagery which presents the body moving.  Kinesthetic imagery is imagery which presents of things moving.  Literal imagery is imagery which can be felt by five senses.  Figurative imagery is imagery which can produce figurative feeling.

5. Diction Media of poetry is words. Diction is choice of words. It can be simple or complex word. Poetry cannot be separated from diction.

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Diction is divided into three types:

a. Denotation is lexical meaning/ real meaning.

b. Connotation is figurative meaning.

c. Poetic word is a beautiful word which is usually used in poetry.

6. Figurative Language Simile contains of comparison between two things which has different characteristics (opposite). It uses device comparison words such as like, as, resembles or than, for example: The audience watching the concert was like zoo full of noisy animal.

Metaphor is about comparison between two different thing but it is implicit comparison without using device comparison (like, as, etc) to compare. For example: The moon was a ball of green cheese.

Symbol is a thing which represents of something, for example: You are red rose. Personification is a thing which is given characteristic like human, for example: The wave is dancing. Apostrophe is figurative expression to greet a thing as it is alive, for example: Hey moon, Oh God, etc Hyperbole is figurative language which is created too much, for example:

I won’t live to see another day if you leave me. Litotes is so called as understatement; it is the apposite of hyperbole, for example: It’s just my luck.

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Metonymy is figurative language which eliminates the real name of a thing and substitutes it with another name dealing with, for example: Give me a smoke means Give me a cigarette.

Synecdoche is figurative language which uses a part of thing‟s name to call it all, for example: Netherlands vs Spain (in football match). Irony is the opposite of the lexical meaning, for example: War is kind.

7. Tone Tone is the author‟s attitude which is showed by reading the stressed and unstressed words, for example I love you which is words to represent hateness or I hate you to represent the madness to someone can be traced by the tone when it is read.

G. Literary Translation

Translating literary works differs to translating other texts. It is more difficult than translating other types of text because literary works have specific characteristics. It has the beauty of the words (diction), figurative language, metaphor, etc. It also has functions to pour the writer's thought, emotion, feeling, passion, etc. It becomes the big challenge to translator in facing literary works. The translator has to transfer these specific values into the target language (TL).

A song is a kind of literature. It is like poetry. It consists of beautiful words which express the author‟s thought, but it is presented in singing. In

translating song, there are difficulties which can be found in translating poetry. Summerfield in Technical Transference or Cultural Adaptation: Songs in translating song, there are difficulties which can be found in translating poetry. Summerfield in Technical Transference or Cultural Adaptation: Songs in

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Translation states that translating song has great challenge, the translator has to work with song lyrics which are represented in oral and written. The translator has to start with a recorded ST in oral, then transfers it to the written, and composes a TT which has to be fit with oral performance because the sound is an important matter in song. The translator cannot deliver a faithful or word-by-word translation of the original. He or she has to concern to fix the result in the target language. It can either make the audience believe that the song translation what they are hearing are the song which the composer creates. (

As one genre of literature, poetry has specific characteristics too. In a poetry, the beauty is not only transferred by the choice of words and figurative language, but also transferred dealing with rhythm, rhyme, meter, and specific expressions and structures that are usually unusual in daily language. In short, translating poetry needs more concentration than translating other genres of literature in order to maintain the soul of poetry.

H. Poetry Translation

There are some considerations in translating poetry. Andre Lafevere (in Bassnett-McGuire, 1980: 81-82) stated seven methods which are usually used by English translators in translating Catullus's poems, they are: o Phonemic translation

This method focuses on maintaining the similar sound which is resulted. According to Lafevere, the result of this method sounds awkward and sometimes leaves some parts of the messages inside.

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o Literal translation It can be called as word-for-word translation. This method will not be able

to transfer the original meaning because of differences of the phrase, sentence structures, the metrical translation, specific stressing, and pronunciation system between SL and TL which tend to produce inappropriate translation in terms of meaning and structure.

o Verse-to-prose translation The poem is translated into the prose in target language. It tends to make

the beauty of the original poem disappear. o Rhymed translation

This method tends to maintain the pattern of rhyme. It can maintain the style and form but it neglects the semantics factor of the poetry.

o Free verse translation The opposite of rhymed translation, free verse translation is used to

maintain the semantics aspect of poetry than the physical aspect. o Interpretation.

According to Lavefere, there are two types of interpretation, they are version and imitation. Version maintains the semantics aspect, but neglects the physics aspect. Imitation tends to produce the different poem by using the similarity of title, topic, and starting point.

Hariyanto in Steps in Translating Poetry adds there are two main stages in translating a poem, they are reading and writing. In reading, the translator reads the original poem to get the message and the feel of the text.

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In this stage the translator has to understand the basic elements of a poem such as rhyme, meter, metaphor, choice of words, figurative language, etc to get the poet's style. The next important stage is re-writing the message in the TL. Therefore, the quality of the result of the writing process depends on the reading. (

However in translating poetry, the translator is forced to maintain the poetry becomes poetry although it is presented in translation. These can be concluded that the translator of poetry must be a poet. To overcome this, the translators who can translate poetry are those who have deep interest in poetry.

I. Synopsis of Sesame Street Kids’ Favorite Songs

The idea of this story is Elmo has been asked to do a “Top Ten Countdown” on the radio. Everyone on Sesame Street thinks that Elmo is

going to do a top ten countdown of his popular songs on the radio, so they are trying to convince him to exercise their favorite song when Elmo travels around Sesame Street, each of them sings their favorite song to or with him so that the sesame street characters want their favorite songs are included in the “Top Ten.”. But actually what Elmo is going to do on the radio is counting backwards from 10 to 1. The song is popular song which can gain a toddler‟s attention. They are I’ve Been Working on the Railroad, This Old Bat, Baa Baa Black Sheep, The Alphabet Song, Twinkle Twinkle Star, Row Row Row Your Boat, Sh e’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain, John Jacob Jingle-Heimer Schmidt, This Little Piggie Went to The Market.

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J. Subtitling vs Dubbing

Film can be an influential and powerful vehicle for transferring information, ideas and values through picture, dialogue and music. Film is presented not only audiolly but also visually. Objects of film tend to spread upon other cultures. The film translation can give contribution in transferring the message of what film brought.

Coelh in his Subtitling and Dubbing: Restrictions and Priorities, states that “subtitling and dubbing are the two methods of language transfer in translating types of mass audio-visual communication such as film and

television” ( It means that there are two translation methods which are common in film translation,

they are subtitling and dubbing. Mera in Szarkowska also says “among all kinds of film translation, dubbing is the one that interferes the most in the structure of the original. Many critics raise objections to its authenticity. In principle, dubbing is considered to be less authentic than subtitling because the original performance is altered by the addition of a different voice" (

The statement above shows that in film translation, dubbing and subtitling have different characteristics. In other words, the subtitling or dubbing process has strength and weaknesses which can be seen as follows:

Dubbing Dubbed films may look like new products. A dubbed film tends to leave the feel of foreign film because of domestication of film. Talking about Dubbing Dubbed films may look like new products. A dubbed film tends to leave the feel of foreign film because of domestication of film. Talking about

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domestication, it is also supported by the statement which is stated by Venuti as follows: Translation is often regarded with suspicion because it inevitably domesticates

foreign texts, inscribing them with linguistic and cultural values that are intelligible to specific domestic constituencies. This process of inscription operates at every stage in the production, circulation, and reception of the translation. It is initiated by the very choice of a foreign text to translate, always an exclusion of other foreign texts and literatures, which answers to particular domestic interests. It continues most forcefully in the development of a translation strategy that rewrites the foreign text in domestic dialects and discourses, always a choice of certain domestic values to the exclusion of others. And it is further complicated by the diverse forms in which the translation is published, reviewed, read, and taught, producing cultural and political effects that vary with different institutional contexts and social positions. (1998: 67).

In dubbing, the translator has to be faithful not only in the sense but also in terms of phonological synchronization. Coelh argues in his Subtitling and Dubbing: Restrictions and Priorities that “synchronisation is also a key term when talking about dubbing, since it has to be more visual rather than acoustic and depends to a large extent on the distance of the camera from the speaker” (