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Ca2+ signalling and control of guard-cell volume in stomatal
Michael R Blatt
Stomatal guard cells are unique as a plant cell model and,
because of the depth of knowledge now to hand on ion
transport and its regulation, serve as an excellent model for the
analysis of stimulus-response coupling in higher plants. Parallel
controls – mediated by Ca2+, H+ protein kinases and
phosphatases — regulate the gating of the K+ and Cl– channels
that facilitate solute flux for stomatal movements. A growing
body of evidence now indicates that oscillations in the cytosolic
free concentration of Ca2+ contribute to a ‘signalling cassette’,
which is integrated within these events through an unusual
coupling with membrane voltage. Additional developments
during the past two years point to events in membrane traffic
that play complementary roles in stomatal control. Research in
these areas, especially, is now adding entirely new dimensions to
our understanding of guard cell signalling.

Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biophysics, Imperial College of
Science, Technology and Medicine at Wye, Wye, Kent TN25 5AH, UK;
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2000, 3:196–204
1369-5266/00/$ — see front matter
© 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
abscisic acid
ADP-ribosylation factor G-protein
concentration of cytosolic free calcium
cyclic ADP–ribose
K+ equilibrium voltage
guanine-nucleotide exchange factor

non-inactivating Cl– current
inward-rectifying K+ current
outward-rectifying K+ current
Nicotiana syntaxin-related protein 1
phospholipase D
soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment
protein receptor

Stomata are pores that form between pairs of specialised
cells, called guard cells, and that are found on the epidermis
of all aerial parts of most higher plants. Guard cells open and
close the stoma to regulate gas exchange between the intercellular spaces within the plant tissue and the surrounding

environment, thereby influencing two of the processes that
are most important to the vegetative plant, photosynthesis
and transpiration. Thus, the control of stomatal aperture has
long been recognised as directly influencing vegetative
yields, as well as water resource and arable land management. Guard cells have also become a focus of attention in
fundamental research as a ‘model’ for higher-plant cells.
Their ability to integrate environmental and endogenous
signals, and their position within the leaf tissue has enabled

explorations of the signal cascades that link guard-cell
membrane transport to stomatal control. Of these, the signalling mechanisms evoked by the water-stress hormone
abscisic acid (ABA) have received the greatest attention and,
in the past four years, have yielded some of the most exciting new findings in plant cell signalling.
Stomatal movements are achieved through changes in
guard-cell volume, which, in turn, are driven by the accumulation (during opening) and loss (during closing) of
osmotically active solutes (i.e. KCl and/or other K+ salts).
Flux of these inorganic solutes must take place across the
plasma membrane because mature guard cells lack functional plasmodesmata [1,2]. K+ transport is dominated by
two classes of K+ channels. The first of these permits K+
movement into, but not out of, the cell and thus gives rise

to an inward-rectifying current (IK,in); the second facilitates
K+ flux out of, but not into, the cell and therefore appears
as an outward-rectifying current (IK,out). These two currents contribute to K+ flux during stomatal opening and
closing, respectively, and can be clearly distinguished by
their whole-cell, single-channel and pharmacological properties [2–4]. The movement of Cl– through so-called ‘slow’
or ‘non-inactivating’ Cl– channels (ICl) accounts for much
of the charge balancing of the fluxes of K+, especially during stomatal closure when it is essential that the voltage
across the guard-cell plasma membrane is brought positive
of the K+ equilibium voltage (EK) for the loss of K+
through IK,out [4].
Clearly, effective control of stomatal aperture, and hence
of guard-cell volume, requires the coordinated regulation
of both K+ and Cl- fluxes, and implies a high degree of
integration between the signalling pathways that determine the activities of IK,in, IK,out and ICl. We know now
(see Figure 1) that ABA first, evokes an inward-directed
current, mediated at least in part by ICl [5,6]; second, inactivates IK,in, which normally mediates K+ uptake [7]; and
third, activates the current through IK,out, which together
with ICl facilitates a net loss of KCl. At least two parallel
signalling pathways that engender changes in cytosolicfree calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and pH (pHi)
underpin these events [2–4]. Nonetheless, major gaps

remain in our understanding of these signalling pathways.
Even the function and processing of the [Ca2+]i signal,
itself, is proving surprisingly complex. Furthermore, key
developments during the past two years point to related
events in membrane traffic that play equally important
roles in stomatal control. Research in these areas, especially, is adding entirely new dimensions to our
understanding of guard-cell signalling and of plant cell
biology in general.

Ca2+ signalling and control of guard-cell volume in stomatal movements Blatt


Figure 1
ABA leads to a concerted modulation (⊕,
activation; O, inactivation) of three plasma
membrane ion channels: the two dominant K+
currents (a) IK,in, (b) IK,out, and (c) the slowactivating anion current ICl (and, probably also
(d) the H+-ATPase). ABA binds to an as yet
unidentified receptor (X), but that is

postulated to be on the plasma membrane.
Binding may activate a G-protein (Gα) and
trigger activation of phospholipase C (PLC)mediated hydrolysis of phosphoinositol
bisphosphate to IP3, thereby releasing Ca2+
from intracellular stores and the vacuole. (e)
ABA also affects Ca2+ entry across the
plasma membrane and its interaction with
intracellular Ca2+-release pathways. High-gain
switch-like Ca2+-induced and (f) cADPRmediated Ca2+ release from intracellular
stores affects IK,in, ICl and the H+-ATPase.
Parallel but independent increases in pHi act
on IK,in, IK,out, ICl, and deplete the substrate for
the H+-ATPase. Additional targets and
interactions with the abi1 protein
phosphatase (abi1) and other protein kinase
(PK)/protein phosphatase (PP) activities (P*)
are discussed in several recent reviews









[H + ] i







Cl + P*

? P* +

(e) Ca 2+

[Ca 2+ ] i


Cl -


IP3 ?


? +

(f) cADPR

IP3 ?




Current Opinion in Plant Biology

[Ca2+]i increases and Ca2+ channels

Early debates centred around the origins of the [Ca2+]i signal, whether it is internal or external to the guard cell.
Considerable evidence now indicates that increases in
[Ca2+]i arise from both Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane and release from intracellular stores [8–10].
Furthermore, the vacuole is certainly not the only source of
Ca2+ within the cell [8]. Some uncertainty remains about

the relative contributions of various pathways, which may
reflect an inherent redundancy (and, hence, plasticity)
within the Ca2+ cascade. Nonetheless, we can expect that
the specialisation, and localisation to selected
membranes within the cell, of [Ca2+]i-signalling elements
is also important for signal encoding [11,12].
Within the guard cell, Ca2+ release and Ca2+-mediated suppression of IK,in are mediated by inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate
(IP3) [13,14], which is produced rapidly in response to ABA
[15,16]. This lipid metabolite probably interacts with IP3-sensitive Ca2+ channels within the cell to potentiate a rise in
[Ca2+]i [17]. Several studies have, however, described a second class of endomembrane Ca2+-release channels in higher
plants [17,18]. These channels are sensitive to the alkaloid
ryanodine and are activated by binding cyclic ADP–ribose
(cADPR), a metabolite of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

A statistical analysis of cADPR-injected mesophyll had implicated a role for this agonist in r29A and kin2 gene expression
evoked by ABA [19]. More recently, Leckie et al. [20••] have
provided direct evidence of cADPR-sensitive, Ca2+-permeable channels in guard-cell vacuoles and suggested that they
function as a Ca2+-release pathway during ABA stimulation.
In support of this hypothesis, they observed increases in
[Ca2+]i following injection of cADPR into guard cells, and a
slowing of stomatal closure in response to ABA when guard
cells were preloaded with the cADPR antagonist 8NH2cADPR. Grabov and Blatt [21•] offer parallel evidence that
voltage-evoked increases in [Ca2+]i are suppressed by ryanodine in intact guard cells. The latter study is of particular
interest because it offers the first quantitative analysis of the
[Ca2+]i dependence of IK,in. Grabov and Blatt [22••] had previously found evidence of a hyperpolarisation-activated Ca2+
channel at the plasma membranne, implicated by the sensitivity of [Ca2+]i increases to the membrane voltage. In the
more recent study [21•], they made use of changes in clamp
voltage to elicit changes in [Ca2+]i, monitoring IK,in under
voltage clamp. They found a high (‘switch-like’) sensitivity of
the current to [Ca2+]i, with an apparent K1/2 (~330 µM) only
marginally above the mean resting [Ca2+]i. Whether ABA
affects the [Ca2+]i dependence of IK,in is not known; however, ABA does strongly influence the voltage sensitivity of


Physiology and metabolism

[Ca2+]i increases, as well as affecting the kinetics of the [Ca2+]i
rise and its return to resting concentrations [22••]. So, we can
anticipate a compound action of ABA both on Ca2+ entry
across the plasma membrane and on its release from cADPRdependent or other Ca2+ stores.
The spatial distribution of internal Ca2+-release pathways
is also likely to affect the kinetics of [Ca2+]i changes and
Ca2+-signal encoding. The vacuole is an obvious source of
Ca2+ and the tonoplast contains slow vacuolar (SV)-type
channels that may be related to animal ryanodine-receptor
Ca2+ channels [23•], and contribute to Ca2+ release [24].
Nonetheless, Ca2+ channels have also been identified in
the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of mechanosensitive
organs in Bryonia [25] and probably the ER of Lepidium
roots [26]. In Brassica florets, Ca2+ release appears to be
triggered by IP3 in vesicular compartments that are distinct
from the vacuole [27]. Furthermore, in the giant alga
Chara, the action potential (which is initiated by Ca2+mediated activation of Cl- channels [28,29•,30]) draws on
IP3-dependent Ca2+ release from a non-vacuolar compartment close to the plasma membrane. In a particularly
elegant study, Plieth et al. [31••] preloaded Chara with
Mn2+, targeting either all intracellular stores (by incubation
in Mn2+ medium) or only the central vacuole (by injection
with Mn2+). They found that Mn2+ quenches the fluorescence of the Ca2+-sensitive dye Fura2 and, because it also
permeates many Ca2+ channels, it provides an assay for
divalent release. When they evoked action potentials,
Plieth et al. [31••] observed a quenching of Fura2 fluorescence in cells that were uniformly loaded with Mn2+, but
not in cells in which Mn2+ was loaded only into the vacuole. Whether spatial differences in Ca2+ release
underpins [Ca2+]i signalling in guard cells has yet to be
determined, but there is certainly evidence of local differences in [Ca2+]i dynamics between the peripheral cytosol
and regions of the cell close to the nucleus [22••]. To summarise, both the pharmacological and kinetic
characteristics, as well as the spatial distribution of Ca2+release pathways within the guard cell, can be expected to
play important roles in defining the nature of the [Ca2+]i
response to ABA.

[Ca2+]i oscillations

Ca2+ mediates a diversity of responses, even within a single cell. The issue of how a single second messenger could
give rise to such varied responses was resolved only when
it was recognised that the frequency and location of a
sequence of repetitive increases in [Ca2+]i within the cell
might determine the nature of the response(s) [12,32,33].
Frequency modulation of [Ca2+]i increases or ‘spikes’ has
been shown to give rise to ‘Ca2+ signatures’ that encode
specific responses, including gene expression [34,35] and
calmodulin-dependent protein kinase activity [36•]. In animals, [Ca2+]i oscillations initiate Ca2+ entry across the
plasma membrane; local [Ca2+]i elevation then triggers further Ca2+ release from intracellular stores (i.e.
Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release [CICR]) before the Ca2+ is

eliminated from the cell or sequestered within organelles.
The result is repetitive [Ca2+]i spikes, each with a duration
of a few seconds or less.
Interest in [Ca2+]i signalling in plants has been heightened
by observations that [Ca2+]i may oscillate in response to
external stimuli [37–40]. In guard cells, however, these
oscillations often take place over periods of more than
10 min, with discrete [Ca2+]i maxima lasting for 2–4 min or
more when evoked by a rise in the extracellular Ca2+ concentration or CO2 [40,41]. A similar oscillation pattern has
now been observed in response to ABA. Staxen et al. [42•]
reported [Ca2+]i increases from approximately 200 nM at
rest to 400–600 nM within 15–30 min of exposure to 10 nM
ABA. Significantly, treatments with higher concentrations
of ABA that resulted in a pronounced decrease in stomatal
aperture also produced a reduced amplitude in the [Ca2+]i
oscillations and a longer duration of the [Ca2+]i elevation. A
role for IP3-mediated Ca2+ release was suggested because
the ABA-evoked oscillations were partially suppressed by
treatment with the phospholipase C antagonist U73122.
This pattern of slow and irregular oscillations in [Ca2+]i
raises questions about the origins and role of this signal in
the guard cell. One explanation relates [Ca2+]i oscillations
to the voltage status of the cell. Guard cells, like many
higher-plant cells, have two states of membrane voltage:
one state close to EK, and the other largely K+-insensitive
and typified by voltages well negative of EK [43,44].
Transitions between these states take place in response to
stimuli, including ABA, that can give rise to oscillations in
voltage with periods of between 10 s and many minutes
[43,45]. Because membrane hyperpolarisation also evokes
a Ca2+ influx and a consequent rise in [Ca2+]i, it is most
likely that the [Ca2+]i oscillations mirror an underlying
oscillation in plasma membrane voltage [22••]. These characteristics — and the effect of ABA in altering the voltage
threshold for the [Ca2+]i rise [22••] — suggest a role for
[Ca2+]i elevation in a feedback mechanism that ‘tunes’ the
[Ca2+]i-dependent currents IK,in and ICl to the prevailing
transport status of the guard cell. Thus, [Ca2+]i feedback
creates a response ‘cassette’ for osmotic balance (Figure 2),
switching the membrane between states in which net
uptake and net loss of K+ and Cl– take place [8,44].

Membrane traffic and cell volume
The activation of Ca2+ channels may also play a role in
events one step removed from the regulation of K+ and Cl–
fluxes. Between the open and closed state of the stomatal
pore, the volumes of the guard cells often change by a factor of two or more and extensive reorganisation of the
vacuolar membrane is known to occur [2,46]. Such volume
changes cannot be accommodated by lateral expansion and
compression of the bilayer [47,48] and must, therefore, be
accompanied by substantial changes in total membrane
matter. A coordinate regulation of vesicular traffic to and
from both the plasma membrane and the tonoplast is
therefore implied. MacRobbie [49] began to explore some

Ca2+ signalling and control of guard-cell volume in stomatal movements Blatt

Figure 2 Legend
The voltage–[Ca2+]i response ‘cassette’ cycle. (a) Negative membrane
voltage (downward arrow indicates amplitude) triggers Ca2+ influx
across the plasma membrane that (b) stimulates intracellular Ca2+
release, activates Cl– channels for Cl– efflux and inactivates IK,in. (c)
The rise in [Ca2+]i, bias to Cl– efflux and additional changes in
membrane conductance (not shown) lead to membrane depolarisation,
inactivate the Ca2+ influx and engage Ca2+ extrusion processes. (d)
Finally, with [Ca2+]i reduced, the Cl– flux inactivates, IK,in re-activates
and the membrane voltage hyperpolarises. Black and grey arrows
represent active and inactive channels, respectively.

Figure 2
(a) Outside



of these issues in Chara more than two decades ago. Yet,
despite their implied function in stomatal movements, the
dynamics of membrane trafficking within the guard cell
were largely ignored until recently. Two recent developments have no placed membrane trafficking in the
limelight of stomatal physiology and ABA signalling.
In the first of these, Homann [50•] and Kubitscheck et al.
[51••] used in vivo capacitance recording and membranesurface labelling with styryl dyes to quantify membrane
exocytosis and endocytosis in guard-cell protoplasts during
osmotically driven volume changes. Capacitance recording
makes use of sine-wave retardation to determine membrane capacitance [52–54], which is directly proportional to
the membrane surface area. An increase in capacitance
represents the sum of all exocytotic events less the sum of
all endocytotic events. Endocytotic events can subsequently be isolated by simultaneously monitoring
internalisation of fluorescent styryl dyes, such as FM1-43
[55]. Homann [50•] found that the membrane surface area
of Vicia guard-cell protoplasts increased under hypo-osmotic conditions and decreased after hypertonic treatment,
and that the rate of change in each case was graded in
response to the magnitude of the osmotic potential difference. Kubitscheck et al. [51••] subsequently combined
these techniques with FM1-43 dye measurements. Their
results demonstrate a rapid internalisation of membrane
during hyperosmotic stimulation that is quantitatively consistent with the decrease in plasma membrane surface area
(and also capacitance). Intriguingly, the dye also accumulated gradually within the cell in a ring 1–2 µm below the
plasma membrane, even in the absence of an osmotic step.
This steady internalisation suggests that constitutive
endocytosis continues under constant osmotic pressure,
resulting in the accumulation of a pool of sub-plasma
membrane vesicles. Whether these vesicles are available
for re-incorporation into the plasma membrane remains to
be determined. The role of ABA and of Ca2+ in these
events can also be expected to draw attention in the near
future. So far, all of the evidence indicates that Ca2+ does
not have a direct impact on the membrane trafficking that
is evoked by osmotic gradients [50•]. It may be that osmotic potential- and ABA-sensitive trafficking controls overlap
only in part. Whether or not this is the case, experimental
results point to a highly dynamic process of membrane
cycling that is responsive to membrane tension.



(b) Outside






(c) Outside






(d) Outside









Current Opinion in Plant Biology


Physiology and metabolism

Figure 3
(a) SNARE as a scaffolding/actuator element

(b) SNARE as a receptor/signal
intermediate coupling element


Net endocytosis

Ion channel control

Net endocytosis

Ion channel control

Current Opinion in Plant Biology

Two models for the dual functioning of Nt-Syr1 (and other SNARE
proteins) in controlling ion channels and vesicle trafficking. Soluble
ABA (orange) binding to its receptor (blue) alters both net endocytosis
and the permeation of ions (yellow) through ion channels (red).

SNARE elements (green) play a role in secretion (exo/endocytosis)
and function either (a) as scaffolding elements or (b) as receptorcoupling elements that interact directly with ion channels. The
receptor-associated coupling element is coloured pink.

The second development has come from the identification of the Nicotiana syntaxin homologue Nt-Syr1.
Syntaxins belong to a group of integral membrane proteins that form the core of the molecular machinery for
vesicle trafficking and membrane fusion (see below).
Surprisingly, Leyman et al. [56••] isolated the Nt-Syr1
gene by expression cloning in a heterologous screen
designed to identify an ABA receptor. Their studies
demonstrate not only that ABA enhances Nt-Syr1 transcript and Nt-Syr1 protein levels in the plant but also
that disrupting Nt-Syr1 function, with either the
Clostridial neurotoxin BotN/C (an endopeptidase that
specifically cleaves the syntaxin) or by loading guard
cells with the soluble (carboxy-truncated) portion of
Nt-Syr1, prevents both K+ and Cl– channel responses to
ABA in vivo. These results, and observations of a high
molecular weight band recognised by Nt-Syr1 antibodies, suggest that Nt-Syr1 functions in a complex that is
competitively blocked through substitution with the carboxy-truncated protein. They also indicate that Nt-Syr1
functions within or very close to the early steps of the
ABA signal cascade, either as a scaffolding protein, a second messenger or a modulator of the activity/availability
of one or more signalling elements.

Further evidence of membrane trafficking in
stomatal control?
Two additional lines of evidence hint at roles for membrane trafficking in guard-cell volume control and ABA
signalling. First, in screening for ABA-hypersensitive
mutants of Arabidopsis, Cutler et al. [57] identified Era1,
the gene that encodes a protein farnesyl-transferase.
Farnesyl- and geranylgeranyl-transferases covalently add
lipid moieties to small GTPases, anchoring the latter at the
membrane surface [58] to target GTPase activity in a variety of cellular functions. Although the substrate(s) for Era1
is not known, Rac- and Rho-type GTPases, which are
important for cytoskeletal function [59], are commonly farnesylated. In fact, a Rho-like GTPase, Rop1, that is
localised to the apex of Pisum pollen tubes [60] has been
implicated in microfilament-based intracellular transport
of vesicles. Intriguingly, actin organisation has also been
suggested to regulate guard-cell ion channels and stomatal
movements, although the function of actin in this case has
been interpreted in the context of control by mechanical
stress rather than membrane trafficking [61–63].
The Era1 farnesyl-transferase also contributes to ABA signalling. Pei et al. [64•] have reported an enhanced

Ca2+ signalling and control of guard-cell volume in stomatal movements Blatt

sensitivity of guard-cell Cl– channels to ABA in the era1
mutant and in wild-type Arabidopsis plants after treatment
with broad-range farnesyl-transferase antagonists. The
era1 phenotype is dominant and persists throughout the
life cycle of the plant. So, although these results do not distinguish between possible roles for Era1 as an
ABA-signalling element per se and as a secondary element
necessary to maintain the signalling machinery, they do
implicate a role for small GTPases and potentially for
membrane trafficking in guard-cell function.
Second, Jacob et al. [65•] have recently reported a transient rise in the phospholipase D (PLD) activity of
guard-cell protoplasts following stimulation with ABA.
They also observed a reduction in the activity of IK,in
that complemented the action of the cADPR antagonist
nicotinamide when the protoplasts were treated with the
PLD by-product phosphatidic acid. It is worth noting
that both PLD and phosphatidic acid have been implicated in secretion by the barley aleurone [66].
Phosphatidic acid contributes to the regulation of vesicle
trafficking at the Golgi apparatus [67], and PLD activity
has been associated with the functioning of ARF- and
Rho-GTPases in the secretory processes of mammals
and yeast [68,69]. Once again, the data suggest a link
between membrane trafficking and ABA.

Coordinating membrane traffic and ion
channel control
How might membrane trafficking contribute to ion-channel control and ABA signalling? Membrane cycling and
fusion between the membranes of eukaryotic cells are
facilitated by a family of SNARE (i.e. soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor)
proteins that are associated with each membrane [70–72].
During synaptic transmission, which depends on vesicle
fusion and release of a neurotransmitter, the target
(t-SNARE) proteins syntaxin and SNAP-25 form a stable
ternary complex with the vesicle (v-SNARE) protein
synaptobrevin that serves to bring the two membrane
bilayers into close proximity for fusion [73]. In yeast and
plants, SNARE proteins are thought to be essential for the
related functions of interorganelle transport, growth and
cell division [72,74]. Thus, SNAREs have been recognised
as contributing to response mechanisms and not as components of signal cascades per se.
Even so, SNAREs are probably important for signal
transduction, its plasticity and adaptation. SNAREs may
contribute to ion-transport regulation simply by mediating the selective addition and removal of transport
proteins from the membrane. These events can take
place with remarkable rapidity. A recent study of the
Arabidopsis GNOM gene, which encodes a GTP–GDP
exchange factor (GEF) for an ADP-ribosylation factor Gprotein (ARF) GTPase, is a case in point. Steinmann
et al. [75••] report that treatments with the ARF–GEF
antagonist brefeldin A result in dramatic alterations in


protein localisation within 15–30 min, including a loss of
the polar distribution of the putative auxin efflux carrier
protein Pin1. Auxin efflux, itself, is altered within 10 min
of brefeldin A treatments [76], suggesting that substantial changes to the make-up of the membrane transport
proteins take place within the same time period. The
data certainly highlight the dynamic flux of membrane
and protein within the plant cell.
The role(s) carried out by SNAREs may prove to be much
more subtle still. In neurons, SNAREs, including syntaxins, bind to and regulate Ca2+ channels [77,78] as well as
CFTR Cl- channels [79]. Syntaxins interact with proteins
that may not be related to secretion processes directly,
including the orphan G-protein-coupled receptor CIRL
[80] and tomosyn, a microfilament-associated protein [81].
Furthermore, SNARE proteins have been associated with
responses to membrane tension and osmotic stress [82]. So,
one possibility (Figure 3) is that SNARE proteins such as
Nt-Syr1 [56••] contribute to the scaffolding of an ABAreceptor complex and, therefore, serve dual roles by
marrying the functions of a signalling element and of the
machinery for membrane trafficking.

Research into the cellular and molecular mechanisms of
stomatal control has begun to take on new dimensions in
relating signalling pathways with response ‘cassettes’ that
comprise several ion transporters and their control mechanisms. Understanding how these cassettes are assembled
will present a major challenge in the coming years.
Defining the interactions within these cassettes is already
providing a clearer picture of the functions of Ca2+ as a second messenger. At the same time, attention to the related
processes of membrane dynamics and trafficking promises
to add to our understanding of both cellular transport and
volume control, as well as to the guard-cell system as a
higher-plant cell model.

Following up the evidence of a hyperpolarisation-activated
rise in [Ca2+]i, Hamilton et al. [84••] have now identified a
small-conductance Ca2+ channel at the plasma membrane
by patch-clamp of Vicia guard-cell protoplasts. The channel shows characteristics that are entirely consistent with
those expected from the previous studies, including a
dependence on negative voltage and block by Gd3+ and
La3+ [21•,22••]. Furthermore, ABA evokes a large increase
in channel opening, even in isolated membrane patches.
These results suggest that the ABA receptor is physically
close to the Ca2+ channel and localised to the inner surface
of the plasma membrane.

I am grateful to Ulrike Homann and Gerhard Thiel for comments on the
manuscript. Work from the author’s laboratory was supported by
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grants C10234,
C09640 and P09561, European Union-Biotech grant CT96-0062, and the
British Council.


Physiology and metabolism

References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review,
have been highlighted as:

• of special interest
•• of outstanding interest

macological data presented are consistent with a ryanodine-sensitive
release pathway.
22. Grabov A, Blatt MR: Membrane voltage initiates Ca2+ waves and
•• potentiates Ca2+ increases with abscisic acid in stomatal guard
cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998, 95:4778-4783.
This is a seminal work that links plasma-membrane voltage to oscillations of
[Ca2+]i in guard cells. The data implicate the function of a plasma-membrane
Ca2+-channel that is activated at negative voltages and demonstrate an action
of ABA in altering the kinetics and voltage-dependence of these evoked
[Ca2+]i increases. A report of an ABA-sensitive, hyperpolarisation-activated
Ca2+ channel at the guard-cell plasma membrane will follow shortly.


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Willmer C, Fricker MD: Stomata. London: Chapman and Hall; 1996.


Thiel G, Wolf AH: Operation of K+ channels in stomatal movement. Trends Plant Sci 1997, 2:339-345.


Blatt MR, Leyman B, Grabov A: Cellular responses to water stress.
In Plant Responses to Environmental Stress. Edited by Shinozaki K.
Houston: Landes; 1999:90-126.


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abscisic acid regulation of guard cell slow anion channels in
Arabidopsis wild-type and abi1 and abi2 mutants. Plant Cell 1997,


Grabov A, Leung J, Giraudat J, Blatt MR: Alteration of anion channel kinetics in wild-type and abi1-1 transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana guard cells by abscisic acid. Plant J 1997, 12:203-213.


Blatt MR: Potassium channel currents in intact stomatal guard
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26. Klusener B, Weiler EW: A calcium-selective channel from root-tip
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McAinsh MR, Brownlee C, Hetherington AM: Calcium ions as second messengers in guard cell signal transduction. Physiol Plant
1997, 100:16-29.

10. MacRobbie EAC: Signalling in guard cells and regulation of ion
channel activity. J Exp Botany 1997, 48:515-528.
11. Bootman MD, Berridge MJ, Lipp P: Cooking with calcium: the
recipes for composing global signals from elementary events.
Cell 1997, 91:367-373.
12. Berridge MJ: Neuronal calcium signaling. Neuron 1998, 21:13-26.
13. Gilroy S, Read ND, Trewavas AJ: Elevation of cytoplasmic calcium
by caged calcium or caged inositol trisphosphate initiates stomatal closure. Nature 1990, 346:769-771.
14. Blatt MR, Thiel G, Trentham DR: Reversible inactivation of K+ channels of Vicia stomatal guard cells following the photolysis of
caged inositol 1,4,5- trisphosphate. Nature 1990, 346:766-769.
15. Parmar PN, Brearley CA: Metabolism of 3-phosphorylated and
4-phosphorylated phosphatidylinositols in stomatal guard cells
of Commelina communis l.. Plant J 1995, 8:425-433.
16. Lee YS, Choi YB, Suh S, Lee J, Assmann SM, Joe CO, Kelleher JF,
Crain RC: Abscisic acid-induced phosphoinositide turnover in
guard-cell protoplasts of Vicia faba. Plant Physiol 1996,

Allen GJ, Muir SR, Sanders D: Release of Ca2+ from individual
plant vacuoles by both InsP(3) and cyclic ADP–ribose. Science
1995, 268:735-737.

18. Muir SR, Sanders D: Pharmacology of Ca2+ release from red beet
microsomes suggests the presence of ryanodine receptor
homologs in higher-plants. FEBS Lett 1996, 395:39-42.
19. Wu Y, Kuzma J, Marechal E, Graeff R, Lee HC, Foster R, Chua N-H:
Abscisic acid signaling through cyclic ADP–ribose in plants.
Science 1997, 278:2126-2130.
20. Leckie CP, McAinsh MR, Allen GJ, Sanders D, Hetherington AM:
•• Abscisic acid-induced stomatal closure mediated by cyclic
ADP–ribose. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998, 95:15837-15842.
This paper represents an important milestone, demonstrating the action of
cADPR in promoting Ca2+ flux across the tonoplast of guard cells and its
possible link to ABA-mediated increases in [Ca2+]i.
21. Grabov A, Blatt MR: A steep dependence of inward-rectifying

potassium channels on cytosolic free calcium concentration
increase evoked by hyperpolarization in guard cells. Plant Physiol
1999, 119:277-287.
The authors elegantly quantified the dependence of IK,in on voltage-evoked
[Ca2+]i increases in vivo. Mn2+ loading and Fura2-fluorescence quench
were used to demonstrate the role of intracellular Ca2+ release. The phar-

23. Pottosin II, Dobrovinskaya OR, Muniz J: Cooperative block of the

plant endomembrane ion channel by ruthenium red. Biophys J
1999, 77:1973-1979.
This is an excellent, quantitative analysis of ruthenium-red block of the ‘slowvacuolar’ channel of Beta vulgaris. The characteristics of this blockage are
surprisingly similar to those of many ruthenium red- and ryanodine-sensitive
Ca2+-release channels in mammalian tissues. The data thus raise a question
about targeting of ryanodine action and, possibly, cADPR at the tonoplast.
24. Bewell MA, Maathuis FJM, Allen GJ, Sanders D: Calcium-induced
calcium release mediated by a voltage-activated cation channel
in vacuolar vesicles from red beet. FEBS Lett 1999, 458:41-44.


Muir SR, Sanders D: Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+
release across nonvacuolar membranes in cauliflower. Plant
Physiol 1997, 114:1511-1521.

28. Thiel G, Homann U, Plieth C: Ion channel activity during the action
potential in Chara: new insights with new techniques. J Exp
Botany 1997, 48:609-622.
29. Thiel G, Dityatev AE: Transient activity of excitatory Cl- channels in

Chara: evidence for quantal release of a gating factor. J Membr
Biol 1998, 163:183-191.
The authors use data from concurrent whole-cell voltage clamp and patch
clamp recordings to demonstrate that Cl- channels are activated in discrete
subpopulations, each with a fixed amplitude. The results suggest a localised,
quantal action of a control factor and its release in close proximity to the
plasma membrane.
30. Biskup B, Gradmann D, Thiel G: Calcium release from InsP(3)-sensitive internal stores initiates action potential in Chara. FEBS Lett
1999, 453:72-76.
31. Plieth C, Sattelmacher B, Hansen UP, Thiel G: The action potential
•• in Chara: Ca2+ release from internal stores visualized by Mn2+induced quenching of fura-dextran. Plant J 1998, 13:167-175.
An elegant demonstration showing that the rise in [Ca2+]i that creates the
action potential across the Chara plasma membrane draws on Ca2+ release
from non-vacuolar stores. The authors make use of Mn2+ fluorescence
quench of cytosolic Fura2-dextran and Mn2+ microinjections to discriminate
between vacuolar and non-vacuolar pools. The results also raise some
intriguing questions about the coupling of membrane voltage to intracellular
Ca2+ release. Compare these results with those of Grabov and Blatt [22••].
32. Meyer T, Stryer L: Calcium spiking. Annu Rev Biophys Biophys
Chem 1991, 20:153-174.
33. Neher E: Vesicle pools and Ca2+ microdomains: new tools for
understanding their roles in neurotransmitter release. Neuron
1998, 20:389-399.
34. Dolmetsch RE, Lewis RS, Goodnow CC, Healy JI: Differential activation of transcription factors induced by Ca2+ response amplitude and duration. Nature 1997, 386:855-858.
35. Dolmetsch RE, Xu KL, Lewis RS: Calcium oscillations increase the
efficiency and specificity of gene expression. Nature 1998,
36. DeKoninck P, Schulman H: Sensitivity of CaM kinase II to the

frequency of Ca2+ oscillations. Science 1998, 279:227-230.
The authors present a remarkable synthesis of molecular, biochemical and
biophysical techniques to demonstrate the modulation of protein kinase
activity by an oscillating [Ca2+]i environment. The activity of immobilised
calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in phosphorylating a synthetic peptide substrate is shown to be strongly dependent on the frequency of repetitive elevations in [Ca2+]i in vitro.

Ca2+ signalling and control of guard-cell volume in stomatal movements Blatt


Bauer CS, Plieth C, Hansen UP, Sattelmacher B, Simonis W,
Schonknecht G: Repetitive Ca2+ spikes in a unicellular green alga.
FEBS Lett 1997, 405:390-393.

38. Bauer CS, Plieth C, Bethmann B, Popescu O, Hansen UP,
Simonis W, Schonknecht G: Strontium-induced repetitive calcium spikes in a unicellular green alga. Plant Physiol 1998,
39. Ehrhardt DW, Wais R, Long SR: Calcium spiking in plant-root hairs
responding to Rhizobium nodulation signals. Cell 1996,


56. Leyman B, Geelen D, Quintero FJ, Blatt MR: A tobacco syntaxin with
•• a role in hormonal control of guard cell ion channels. Science
1999, 283:537-540.
This paper describes the first application of expression-cloning in Xenopus
oocytes to screen for a plant hormone receptor, with a secondary screen
yielding the syntaxin Nt-Syr1 from tobacco. The molecular, biochemical and
electrophysiological evidence presented suggests that Nt-Syr1 possibly
functions as part of a signalling protein complex coupling the ABA stimulus
to control of guard-cell K+ and Cl- channels. Structural homologies suggest
a parallel function for Nt-Syr1 in vesicle trafficking, although this role remains
to be established.

40. McAinsh MR, Webb AAR, Taylor JE, Hetherington AM: Stimulusinduced oscillations in guard cell cytosolic-free calcium. Plant
Cell 1995, 7:1207-1219.


41. Webb AAR, McAinsh MR, Mansfield TA, Hetherington AM: Carbon
dioxide induces increases in guard cell cytosolic free calcium.
Plant J 1996, 9:297-304.

58. Zerial M, Huber LA: Small GTPases. Oxford: Oxford University Press;

42. Staxen I, Pical C, Montgomery LT, Gray JE, Hetherington AM,

McAinsh MR: Abscisic acid induces oscillations in guard-cell
cytosolic free calcium that involve phosphoinositide-specific
phospholipase C. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1999, 96:1779-1784.
This is a notable addition to the literature on [Ca2+]i and ABA action in
guard cells. The authors demonstrate ABA-evoked oscillations in [Ca2+]i
and link their occurrence to Ca2+ release from inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive stores.
43. Thiel G, MacRobbie EAC, Blatt MR: Membrane transport in stomatal guard cells: the importance of voltage control. J Membr Biol
1992, 126:1-18.
44. Gradmann D, Blatt MR, Thiel G: Electrocoupling of ion transporters
in plants. J Membr Biol 1993, 136:327-332.
45. Blatt MR, Thiel G: K+ channels of stomatal guard cells: bimodal
control of the K+ inward-rectifier evoked by auxin. Plant J 1994,
46. Louguet P, Coudret A, Couotgastelier J, Lasceve G: Structure and
ultrastructure of stomata. Biochemie Physiologie Pflanzen 1990,

Wolfe J, Steponkus PL: Mechanical-properties of the plasmamembrane of isolated plant-protoplasts — mechanism of hyperosmotic and extracellular freezing-injury. Plant Physiol 1983,

48. Wolfe J, Steponkus PL: The stress-strain relation of the plasmamembrane of isolated plant-protoplasts. Biochim Biophys Acta
1981, 643:663-668.
49. MacRobbie EAC: Vesicle trafficking: a role in trans-tonoplast ion
movements? J Exp Botany 1999, 50:925-934.
50. Homann U: Fusion and fission of plasma membrane material

accommodates for osmotically induced changes in the surface
area of guard cell protoplasts. Planta 1998, 206:329-333.
The authors provide the first direct evidence of homeostatic endo/exocytotic vesicle traffic at the guard-cell plasma membrane in response to osmotic
gradients. Intriguingly, the data do not support a role for [Ca2+]i in controlling these events.
51. Kubitscheck U, Homann U, Thiel G: Osmotically-evoked shrinking
•• of guard cell protoplasts causes retrieval of plasma membrane
into the cytoplasm. Planta 2000, 210:423-431.
This study represents a significant technical advance in the analysis of membrane trafficking in guard cells in vivo. The authors combined membrane
capacitance and styryl-dye fluorescence recordings to examine the dynamics of exocytotic and endocytotic events at the plasma membrane. They
found a rapid internalisation of membrane in response to hyperosmotic
steps, which raises some interesting questions about membrane recycling
during stomatal movements.
52. Angleson JK, Betz WJ: Monitoring secretion in real time: capacitance, amperometry and fluorescence compared. Trends Neurosci
1997, 20:281-287.
53. Penner R, Neher E: The patch-clamp technique in the study of
secretion. Trends Neurosci 1989, 12:159-163.
54. Thiel G, Kreft M, Zorec R: Unitary exocytotic and endocytotic
events in Zea mays L. coleoptile protoplasts. Plant J 1998,
55. Smith CB, Betz WJ: Simultaneous independent measurement of
endocytosis and exocytosis. Nature 1996, 380:531-534.

Cutler S, Ghassemian M, Bonetta D, Cooney S, McCourt P: A protein farnesyl transferase involved in abscisic acid signal transduction in Arabidopsis. Science 1996, 273:1239-1241.

59. Kaibuchi K, Kuroda S, Amano M: Regulation of the cytoskeleton
and cell adhesion by the Rho family GTPases in mammalian
cells. Annu Rev Biochem 1999, 68:459-486.
60. Lin YK, Wang YL, Zhu JK, Yang ZB: Localization of a Rho GTPase
implies a role in tip growth and movement of the generative cell
in pollen tubes. Plant Cell 1996, 8:293-303.
61. Kim M, Hepler PK, Fun SO, Ha KS, Lee Y: Actin filaments in mature
guard cells are radially distributed and involved in stomatal
movement. Plant Physiol 1995, 109:1077-1084.
62. Hwang JU, Suh S, Yi HJ, Kim J, Lee Y: Actin filaments modulate
both stomatal opening and inward K+-channel activities in guard
cells of Vicia faba L. Plant Physiol 1997, 115:335-342.
63. Liu K, Luan S: Voltage-dependent K+ channels as targets of
osmosensing in guard cells. Plant Cell 1998, 10:1957-1970.
64. Pei ZM, Ghassemian M, Kwak CM, McCourt P, Schroeder JI: Role of

farnesyltransferase in ABA regulation of guard cell anion
channels and plant water loss. Science 1998, 282:287-290.
The authors combined genetics, pharmacology and electrophysiology to
gather evidence of Era1 farnesyl-transferase’s role in ABA-related signalling of guard cells. The substrate that is farnesylated has not yet
been identified.
65. Jacob T, Ritchie S, Assmann SM, Gilroy S: Abscisic acid signal

transduction in guard cells is mediated by phospholipase D
activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1999, 96:12192-12197.
The data presented in this paper suggest a role for phospholipase D and its
metabolite phosphatidic acid in the regulation of guard-cell K+ channels and
stomatal movements by ABA.
66. Ritchie S, Gilroy S: Abscisic acid signal transduction in the barley
aleurone is mediated by phospholipase D activity. Proc Natl Acad
Sci USA 1998, 95:2697-2702.

Siddhanta A, Shields D: Secretory vesicle budding from the transGolgi network is mediated by phosphatidic acid levels. J Biol
Chem 1998, 273:17995-17998.

68. Martin TFJ: Phosphoinositides as spatial regulators of membrane
traffic. Curr Opin Neurobiol 1997, 7:331-338.
69. Williger BT, Ostermann J, Exton JH: Arfaptin 1, an ARF-binding protein, inhibits phospholipase D and endoplasmic reticulum Golgi
protein transport. FEBS Lett 1999, 443:197-200.
70. Martin TFJ: Stages of regulated exocytosis. Trends Cell Biol 1997,
71. Hanson PI, Heuser JE, Jahn R: Neurotransmitter release — four
years of SNARE complexes. Curr Opin Neurobiol 1997,
72. Blatt MR, Leyman B, Geelen D: Molecular events of vesicle trafficking and control by SNARE proteins in plants. New Phytol
2000, 44:389-418.
73. Jahn R, Sudhof TC: Membrane fusion and exocytosis. Annu Rev
Biochem 1999, 68:863-911.
74. Kaiser CA, Gimeno RE, Shaywitz DA: Protein secretion, membrane
biogenesis and endocytosis. In The Molecular and Cellular Biology
of the Yeast Saccharomyces. Edited by Pringle JR, Broach JR,
Jones EW. Boston: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press;


Physiology and metabolism

75. Steinmann T, Geldner N, Grebe M, Mangold S, Jackson CL, Paris S,
•• Galweiler L, Palme K, Jurgens G: Coordinated polar localization of
auxin efflux carrier PIN1 by GNOM ARF GEF. Science 1999,
This is a remarkable study of the function of the Arabidopsis GNOM
gene product, a putative ARF–GTPase GTP–GDP exchange factor
involved in Pin1 protein distribution at the plasma membrane. Disrupting
GNOM function by mutation of the GNOM gene or by treatments with
the ARF–GEF antagonist brefeldin A causes a rapid loss of Pin1 localisation to the basipetal region of the plasma membrane. The results highlight both the spatial localisation of a specific membrane protein
(i.e. Pin1) within the cell and the dynamic nature of the processes that
underpin the localisation.

79. Naren AP, Quick MW, Collawn JF, Nelson DJ, Kirk KL: Syntaxin 1A
inhibits CFTR chloride channels by means of domain-specific
protein–protein interactions. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998,

76. Morris DA, Robinson JS: Targeting of auxin carriers to the plasma
membrane: differential effects of brefeldin A on the traffic of
auxin uptake and efflux carriers. Planta 1998, 205:606-612.

82. Dai JW, Sheetz MP, Wan XD, Morris CE: Membrane tension in
swelling and shrinking molluscan neurons. J Neurosci 1998,


83. Leung J, Giraudat J: Abscisic acid signal transduction. Annu Rev
Plant Physiol Mol Biol 1998, 49:199-222.

Sheng ZH, Rettig J, Takahashi M, Catterall WA: Identification of a
syntaxin-binding site on N-type calcium channels. Neuron 1994,

78. Stanley EF, Mirotznik RR: Cleavage of syntaxin prevents G-protein
regulation of presynaptic calcium channels. Nature 1997,

80. Lelianova VG, Davletov BA, Sterling A, Rahman MA, Grishin EV,
Totty NF, Ushkaryov YA: alpha-Latrotoxin receptor, latrophilin, is a
novel member of the secretin family of G protein-coupled receptors. J Biol Chem 1997, 272:21504-21508.
81. Fujita Y, Shirataki H, Sakisaka T, Asakura T, Ohya T, Kotani H,
Yokoyama S, Nishioka H, Matsuura Y, Mizoguchi A et al.: Tomosyn: a
syntaxin-1-binding protein that forms a novel complex in the neurotransmitter release process. Neuron 1998, 20:905-915.

84. Hamilton D, Hills A, Köhler B, Blatt M: Ca2+ channels at the plasma
•• membrane of stomatal guard cells are activated by hyperpolarization and abscisic acid. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000, in press.
See ‘Update’.