1.1 Background and Reason of Choosing The Title
In literature, there are many interesting aspects that can be discussed, but
in this paper the writer wants to analyze about love. Love tells about
patient,kind,no envy, protects. Preserves and hopes for positive aspect of life.
However, love also related not only in the movie but also in he real life, therefore
from love people can learn how to love someone with a sincere.
Movie is a form of audio, visual, and audio visual entertaiment for the
viewer, Movie has story to explore the viewer into the imaginary world, story in
the movie can be fiction or nonfiction. Movie has divided into some genres such
as romantic, horror,comedy,science-fiction, action,animation,documentary and
any other. The attraction of people to watch a movie is related to the characters on
it. People watch movies as one of an entertainment because through a movie,
people can enjoy their life without bored and can express everything that contains
good moral from the movie that people have been watched. In this modern era,
movie usually is taken from some of novels or real life.
Character is really important in the movie, without character in the movie
audience will not understand what will be happen in the story of the movie.
Character will convey so many messages to the audiences. To explain about
characters are not easy,because characters consist of so many types. Character

itself presents a good or bad impression to the audience through the movie.

The main characters are usually the center of attention in the movie rather
than another character . Audiences like to watch a movie if they know the case of
the main characters in the movie and especially if they can convey a message and
make a good impression to audiences. Therefore the writer takes main characters
of the movie that can be discussed . The writer also believes that main characters
of the movie contain so much love and gives a good moral messages to the
audiences. From this analysis, the writer wants to know how love will influence
the characterization of the main character.
The writer wants to analyze about love The Best of Me movie. This movie
tells about love and also contains many values about love. Therefore the writer
chooses The Best Of Me movie as the data source. In analyzing love, the writer
only focuses on the main character, because the main character in this movie has a
very deep feeling to a woman from the first meeting until they are separated by
their social differences. In this analysis the writer just wants to know how love
influences the characterization of the main character in the movie. Based on those
reason the writer choose as the title of final assignment title “ LOVE







1.2 Statement Of The Problem
To understand love to main character in The Best of Me movie is very
important . However, the writer also has to know what love of the main character
in a romantic is, because the most important character in a romantic drama movie

is a character who give a good impression to the audience. In this paper the writer
wants to make some discussions about the main character, there are :

1. What types of love found in The Best Of Me movie ?
2. How does the love influences the characterization of the main character
in The Best of Me movie?

1.3Scope of The Problem
In this analysis the writer wants to focus on love analysis. The writer
wants to know how love influences the characterization of the main character .

1.4 Method and Procedures of the Analysis
In preparing this paper the writer needs to describe in detail about love.
Descriptive method is used throughout data analysis and library research. The
writer collects some data and information by reading books from the library to
support in writing this final assignment.
To do the analysis, the writer has done some procedures. First, the writer
chooses the movie. Second, the writer watches the movie for several times. Third,
the writer identification data about Love in that movie.Fourth, the writer searching
theory to analyze data about Love. Fifth, the writer analyzes data and theory. The
last, the writer finds the conclusion by making the final assignment.


2.1. Literature
The story of movie could be an inspiration for the people to do something
in their life. However before watching a movie , people have to know about the
character of the movie. Movie is one of the literary works, which can be expressed
by language and action. The writer finds the theories about literature and wants to
give to the readers, in order that readers know more about literature.
According to Culler ( 2009;36),” Literature is an instituitional label that
gives us reason expect that the result of our reading efforts will be “ worth it “
And many of the features of literature follow from the willingness of reader of pay
attention and to explore uncertaintics. The writer concludes that literature is a
label where the outcome of what people read can be regarded as something that
valuable and variations of literatures itself depend on the wishes of the readers
how to notice something that is necessarily.
Based on Eagleton (2008:1), “ Literature “ as ‘ imaginative’ writing in the
scene of fictin – writing which is not literary true”. It means that literature needs a
sense of fiction and need an imagination to understand the meaning of the story.
The writer assumes that to understand a literary, people need a good imagination
about meaning of the story.

According to Miller ( 2002 : 12 ), “ Literature or literary is ( as I also
began by saying ) universal and perennial. It is a certain use of word or other signs
that exist in some form of other in any human culture at any time”.The writer
assumes literature is particular use of words that always present in every human
culture .
From all definition above, the writer assumes that literature is something
beautiful and attractive to the readers. In the literature, there are elements that can
be taken as materials to be studied. Literary works contain elements of
imagination that can make understand the meaning of a story.

2.2. Movie
Nowdays, movie becomes imperative to watch, the flim becomes an
entertainment and also education for the viewer.Therefore, through the flim the
audience will get a lot of lessons contained on it. Either bad or good the message
of the film.
According Boggs ( 1992;4) describes that “ movie is the same as other
artistry media, for it has basic character from other media in addiction, it is
unique and it can differ other media for it can move and has function as
media communication, an entertaintment, a statement morale,philosophy
and social, a creative thought work and also media exhibition for actors

and actress”.
The writer concludes that film is a media to channel the work of art. The movie
also has a role in our lives, and also has an important role for the artist to the
world. Through this media theorist can be involved in the acting world.
According Hornby ( 2010;967), states that, “ Movie is a series of moving
pictrures recorded with sound that tells a story, shown on television or at the

cinema or movie theatre”. It means that movie is moving picture but it contains a
story and uses sound, therefore it shows in the cinema or televisions.
According to Kindem ( 2002;24), he states “ movie is both art and
commerce,creative expressions of national or cultural interest and
preoccupations and part of global entertaintment market. The past century
has witnessed a transformation of the movies from popular novelties into
highly valued cultural icons and commodities that have promoted national
identify and spesific political agendas, while also affecting international
The writer assumes that movie an art and also become an icon to promote
commerce and entertainment. The movie also affects the trading world by
becoming part of the local entertainment market.
From all the definitions above, the writer assumes that movie is a part of

art, movie is a combination of image,sound, and movement. Movie is not only a
media for entertaintment, but also for education and social commercial.

2.3 . Character
Character is an imagination figure. Character has many types, it can be
human,tree, or anything that involve in the event of literary story. Character is a
quality that makes somebody different from others.
According Kupperman ( 1991:7) argues that character is to act in such a
way that the person one is plays a major role in explaination of one’s
behaviour. To have no character is to act in such a way that one’s
behaviour might be viewed as ( at least approximately) the product of
forces acting on one. Thus, the person who always yields to temptation
quickly, without struggle, would be spoken of as having no character,as
would be the extreme conformist who always does what is expected of
him or her.
The writer assumes that character cannot be forced, because the character
is the certain attitude. Character in a movie is made based on the role that earned
by the actor or actress and gives good impression to the audience.

Accoding Resseguie ( 2005; 121), “ Characters reveal themselves in their

speech ( what they say and how they say it ), in their actions ( what they
do), by their clothing ( what they wear), in their gestures and posture ( how
they present themselves )” Character my develop within a narrative and
undergo an important change either for the better or for the worse.
The writer assumes that character is something depends on how people
can see it, because characters can show who they are based on what they do.
According Milhorn (2008:8), “ Character are usually human, but can be
animals, alians, robots, or anything you want them to be, characters have names
physical appearances, and personalities” . It means the characters can be
anything . As everyone can see, there are some movies which robots or animals as
their character. Characters are anything presented in works of narrative or
movie,convey their personal qualities through dialogue and action.
From all the definitions above the writer concludes that character is one of
the human attitudes that cannot be forced, but in the movie character can be
formed into a great character, as long as it played by someone who can change
the original character becomes another character for the movie.

2.3.1. Main Character
The main character is the center character which is the most important
poeple in a movie, a TV program, or a stage show. The main character is the

figure which has the own role, either incident or the subject incident.
According Piper ( 2008 : 128 ), he arguest that the main character of the
movie is the person whom the story is most about whole plot turns on him.
In most movies, especially ordinary ones, protagonist is main character,
while antagonist is tending to be secondary character ( with secondary
billing ). As you probably sense, protagonist and antagonist are constantly
struggling with each other.

The writer assumes main character is a center character that audience
notice from the beginning until the ending of the movie. Main character usually
called as protagonist character either in the movie or in real life.
According Dancyger( 2007 ; 7 ) states that the main character is at the
heart of the film narrative. Not only do we experience the narrative
through the point of view of the main character. Every element the
narrative of impact upon the main character. Consequently the main
character is the key. This is not necessary the case in other story forms and
their consequent adaptation to film.
The writer assumes main character is very important character in the
movie, because the audience always focuses on the main character. Main
character is the key that tells whether the movie is demand a lot of audience or

According Card ( 1999:49 ) mention that” The main character is most pure
milieu stories is a person from the writer and readers own rime and place, so that
the character will experience the world with reader attitudes and perception “ It
means that the main character is a figure who has greatly affecst the perception of
the reader.
The writer assumes main character can convey good messages for the
audiences. Main character has a good attitude in the story and makes a great affect
for people who watch the movie.
From all definition above, the writer concludes that the main character is a
good character with good attitude, and when the people watch a movie, people
usually only focuses on the main characters from beginning until the ending of the
movie. Main characters have their own story.

2.4 . Love









God,parents,friends,boyfriend, animals, and the environment. Love is the basic
aspect which forms the basic of all life on earth . Love can come itself, that is why
love is an important role to our life.Love can make us happy or sad, but it depends
on how someone responds to that love.
According Evans ( 2003:1) describes love is about personal, emotional
relationship. We no longer also assume that all love is about heterosexual
love ( or between people of the same age, race, and regilion ) but our
occasion of love is with an individual realationship which also involves a
sexual relationship. Although we use the word indicate our feelings for
object, situations ideas, most people, in thinking of love, would probably
associate the word with love for another,chosen,person.
The writer assumes love is not about only for individual or only for people
who have same age or atttitude as us. Love is not an object, love is feeling from
the heart can only be addressed and sincerely felt, not to be forced by anything.
According to Tallis ( 2005;2) “ Love is rarely described as a wholly
pleasant experience. It is an amalgam of seemingly in compatible and
ungovernable mood states. When in love, individuals describe odd combinations
of pleasure and pain, rapture and grief, esctasy and dissapointment”
The witer assumes love is something that can people cannot understand
quickly People have to know about love slowly and carefully. Love is something
that people do not know that sometimes people use love to deceive other people.
It can make they get so much pain if someone do that.
According Austin ( 2003:1) states that “ Love is an extradiordinary word,
infinite container for all wishes, fantasties, needs, and impulses we have for

connection. It is one – size – fit all term that is applied to an enormous range or
relationship and motions”. It means that love is something that cannot be
expressed with words. Love covers everything related to fantasties and motions.
Love is not just a relationship between two lovers, but can also be interpreted in
the affection of parents towards their children.
From all the definiton above the writer concludes that love can be felt by
every human being. Love can be felt even though sometimes it is hard to
describe .Therefore love and loved by someone it will never be eliminated, some
people believe love can change a person’s attitude to be better. Love always gives
a positive feeling for humans.
2.4.1. Types of Love
Based on ( J.A.Lee
defined six variaties of relationship:
a. Eros is romantic, passionate , love – what Tennov labeled
limerence. In this type of relationship, love is life’s most important
thing. Lee said a search for physical beauty or an ideal type also
typifies this type of love. It means that love occurs with loving
each other when loves become most important of everything.
b. Ludus is a game – playing or uncommitted love. Lying is part of
the game. A person who pursues ludic love may have many
consequents but remains uncommitted. It means that there is no
seriousness in this type of love.
c. Storge is a slow developing, friendship – based love . People with
this type of relationship like to participate in activities
together.Often storge result in long term relationship in which sex
might not be very intense or passionate . It means that this type of
love takes time to establish a relationship, so it is contructed
d. Pragma is a pragmatic, practical, mutually beneficial relationship.
It may be somewhat unromantic. A person who leans towards this
type of relationship may look for a parther at work or where the
person is spending time.Sex is likely to be seen as a technical
matter needed for producing children, if they are desired. It means
that in this type of relationship based on mutual benefit.

e. Mania is an obsessive or possessive love, jelaous and extreme. A
person in love this way likely to do something crazy or silly, such
as stalking. It means that in this love based without rational.
f. Agape is a gentle, caring, giving, type of love, not concerned with
the self. It is relatively rare. Mother Teresa show this kind of love
for impoverished people. It means that this is uncoditional love.
From all definition above the writer assumes love has so many types that
can be described by people and find out what type of love they are in a romantic
relationship. Because in these types of love contain the way how people can
express their love to the another.

3.1. Summary of the Story
In the spring of 1984, high school students Dawson Cole ( James
Marsden ) and Amanda Collier ( Michelle Monaghan ) fell deeply, irrevocably in
love. Though they were from opposite sides of the tracks, their love for one
another seemed to defy the realities of life in the small town of Oriental, North
Carolina. But as the summer of their senior year came to a close, unforeseen
events would tear the young couple apart, setting them on radically divergent
Dawson was a shy, kind a boy while Amanda was a part of the popular
group in school. She attempts to get to know Dawson but he quietly shrugs her off
and is yelled at by his cousin, Bobby, for doing so. Later on, Amanda apparently
sabotages her car to get Dawson to help her after she points out his lack of skill in
flirting, they make plans to meet up for dinner. At home Dawson is beaten by his
abusive father, Tommy, when he refuses to help him with criminal work on the
night of his date with Amanda. He runs away and finds shelter from the rain in a
random garage for the night.
The next morning Tuck Hostetler finds

him and lets him stay after

learning about his situation. After being stood up by Dawson, Amanda tracks him
down to the garage to yell at him for it. Dawson tries to hide his injuries but when

she is about to leave he explains that his black – eye is the reason he did not want
to go out in public. Amanda gives him a second chance and they spend their date.
In the past again Dawson and Amanda are playing around in the garage
when Dawson’s family pulls up. He forcefully makes Amanda leave, going so far
as to shove her into her car.
Once they leave Tuck tells Dawson to move his stuff inside the house to be safe.
Dawson goes to Amanda’s house and tries to warm her away from him to
keep her safe. She will not budge and they end up kissing happily in the rain.
Amanda’s thoughts drift back to when she was pressing Dawson apply for
college while they bring in groceries for dinner at Tuck’s house. Problems is he
needs a home address. Amanda immediately rushes in and asks Tuck if Dawson
can use his without hesitation. At dinner the couple argue about the existence of
Dawson has become even more attractive over the years. In a direct
parallel to their first date, Dawson hands Amanda a flower and she kisses him
before quickly leaving.
At Amanda’s house, Dawson arrived and meet her parents. Her father
talks Dawson and promised him to pay for his college in exchange to stay away
from Amanda. Finally, Dawson cut ties with Amanda after Dawson was
sentenced to eight years in prison, Amanda decides to return to her family and her
strained marriage.

3.2. Analysis of the Story
In the story of the movie certainly contains about journey of life, love,
struggle, real story and any others. In this movie analysis the whiter only
discusses about love of the main character. Dawson Cole, the main character of
this movie has a very deep feeling to a woman from the first meeting until they
are separated by their social differences. This movie tells about love of the main
character is not simple as people think, because the main character has
maintaining his relationship. Based on the writer’s analyze, the writer finds the
main character has two types of love there are Eros, and Agape. The writer also
can conclude how love can influence the main character, because love can change
everyone’s nature.
3.2.1 Types of Love Found in The Best Of Me Movie
The writer analyzes this movie from beginning until the end and finds two
types of love that can be discuss. There are Eros and Agape.
a. Eros ( Dawson Cole and Amanda Collier )
Eros is the first type of love that the writer found in the main character.
Eros has a strong feeling to each other. The main character named Dawson
Cole meets Amanda for the first time, and he falls in love with her.

Dawson Cole and his cousin have a great time at Squeals café, he sees a
beautiful girl. Her nameis Amanda. Dawson interested with Amanda, and
tries to find out her thorough by his cousin Bobby.
Eros Type appear in several situation in this movie, such as :

1. On the road at afternoon

: “You guys wanna get out and help us push
or you just gonna sit there and keep honking?”
Amanda Friends : “It won’t happen again yeah, sorry “
: “Thank you “
: “Will you boys grow up!”
Amanda Friends : “Where are you going ?”
: (While push Bobby’s car ) Hi, Should i call a fow
: “No, it’s all right. I got it”
: “I’m sorry about my friends they try to be funny
but only succeed at being idiots.”
: ( After Bobby’s car work )“ Thank for your help “
: “Yeah’ Anytime”
: (When Amanda leaving them )“ Did you not see
the beautiful girl who just pushed a car to try to
talk to you.”
: “She was being nice’ all right “

(00:17:18,800 – 00:14:13,771)
When Dawson and his cousin Bobby heading home, suddenly Bobby’s car
breaks down, and Dawson tries to help Bobby . in same time Amanda and her
friends behind the Dawson’s car and keep honking because Bobby’s car made the
road traffic jam and Dawson needs help to push Bobby’s car. When Dawson
asked Amanda friends to push the car, Amanda friends refused, and finally
Amanda get out from her friends car and help Dawson to push the car to pull over.
After that Amanda leaves Dawson because her friends asked her to leaving
Dawson immediately. When Amanda back to her car she still sees Dawson. On
the other hand Dawson also do the same thing .

2. On the parking school at the afternoon

: “I turn the key and nothing happens, what do you think?
Karmic payback for being party to the honking?”
: “I think the universe dispenses swift justice “
: ( laughs ) ho,ho he is speak, he short so funny.”
: “Try it now.”
: (Car starts ) “ Thank you.”
: “You battery got disconnected, is not major is happens.”
: “all right. Are you actually about to say something else?”
: “My cousin thinks you were trying to talk to me the other
: “I was.”
: “He thinks i blew it.”
: “You did, you don’t know how to flirt do you?”
: “Guess not .”



: “Well. What are you gonna do about it?” Ok, this not
working, ok… I tell you what… uh I want to think about
meet at Squeals Saturday night at 06:00, maybe? Is that a
: “Yeah “
: “Ok maybe you will figure out how to flirt with me by
then.( car starts) thank you.”
: “Your welcome.”
(00:14:24,000 – 00:17:39,323)

Dawson and Amanda attended the same high school. At parking school
Amanda’s and car breaks down, when Dawson trough in the parking area, he sees
Amanda there and then He try to approach her, and helps her to fix her car.
After her car works, Amanda try to invite him for meet up and Dawson
accepted it . They are make plans to meet up for dinner on Saturday night at
Squeals café. After that they are leave the parking and heading each other home.
when on the road Dawson so happy with Amanda inviting, because Dawson fells
in love with her from the first meeting.

3. At garage at night



: “I decided not to come.”
: “Mmmyah , I got it.”
: ( While repairing car ) “ I didn’t know how to get a hold
of you .
: “oh… I was at Squeals. You could have gotten a hold of
me there, ( Amanda sees Dawson bed close to garage )
do you live out here?”
: “is this some kind of game, you are playing huff? With
your friends. A little science experiment you got going
on? What is it?”
: “That’s crazy
: “That’s crazy , is not it?” Maybe you just like strays.”
: “Ok.. Maybe I like smart guys who haven’t had it handed
to them.”
: “Right.”
: “God. You just don’t get it, do you?”
: “I guess I don’t.”
: “You know i just wanted a date I wanted to go somewhere
And maybe have some coffee or ice cream. Come on you
know you asked me question and if we just so happen to
like the answer, Dawson. Then maybe will go on another
day and if we don’t then we won’t. but God, I mean if
that’s just too much to ask, then fine forget it. I’m
exhausted, I’m done.”
: ( Door shoot ) this is why I didn’t want to go out in
: “Well, then take me somewhere private place ( water
tower )”
(00:22:17,960 – 00:24:28,880)

On Saturday night when they want to meet up, Amanda has already waited
for Dawson, but Dawson has not came yet. in the same place Dawson cousin
Bobby there also spend time with his friends, Amanda asks him, but he did not
tell her.
On the garage Tuck’s house Dawson fix a car, and he hear there is a car
approaching the garage, and she is Amanda, Amanda asking him, why he did not
come to Squeals café after she waited for him. But Dawson still silent, after that
Amanda heading her car to close her car door, Dawson think she will leave him,

but Amanda return and she sees Dawson eye, there is a brushes and Dawson
explain her that because he got the brushes so that he not goes to public. In a
direct parallel to their first date, Dawson hands Amanda a flower and she kisses
him before quickly leaving.

4. At Tuck’s house at night

: “Would you dance with me?”
: “You can dance?”
: “No, but i figured you had make me learn sooner or later.”
: “I guess you have a good point, now don’t step on my
: “I will try not to.”
: “Hey, look at me.”
(00:43:59,280 – 00:44:22,485)

When at Tuck’s house, Amanda come to visit Dawson and they spend
time there, Dawson turn on music and he asks Amanda to dance with him, they
dancing so happily. They are very enjoy it because they love each other from the
first meeting, they always spend time together.


Amanda’s house at night )



: ( knocking on window )
: “Dawson!”
: “What are you doing? I had to see you.”
: “Well, come in.”
: “That’s not good idea, I need to talk with you.”
: “Ok.”
: “Wait, wait, what are you doing? I mean, if you’re
gonna come in.”
: “( Laughing ) my parents think you’re dangerous.”
: “They are right. Sooner or later, I’m gonna here to
pay for what happened today, I can’t have you
standing next to me when I do .ok? I can’t have
you getting hurt.”
: “I’m gonna get hurt.”
: “You hang around me long enough and you will.”
: “I don’t care!,I don’t care! I mean, Dawson, do
you want this? Do you want me?.”
: “I do.” ( Both Laughing)
(00:34:27,160 – 00:35:32,285)

Dawson visit Amanda’s house, he want to explain that what he doing
when his father visit them, because his father abusive criminal he don’t want
his father do it to Amanda because he loves Amanda so much. He tries to warm

her away from him to keep her safe, she will not budge and they end up kissing
happily in the rain.
From all supporting dialogue above, Eros is based on love at the first sight
and love becomes the most important of everything. The writer knows that
Dawson falls in love with Amanda from the first time they meet. When they
become together Dawson also survived to take care of their relationship.
a. Agape ( Dawson Cole and Tuck Hostetler )
Agape is the second type that writer found from the main character in this
movie. Dawson meets Old man his name Tuck Hostetler, Dawson father always
rough on him, if him refused what his father ordered, finally he leaves his house
because he could not stand by his father’s behavior. When his on the road
suddenly heavy rain and storm, he saw garage, he runs heading the garage( Tuck’s
Garage ) he effort to into the garage by window, in the garage there is one car
there. He slept on the car.
Tuck living alone in his big house called Vandemere. His wife has passed
away. He never asked Dawson to pay his room that he gave to him, he has
regarded Dawson like his son he sees Dawson a good boy not like his father
Tommy Cole.
Agape Type appear in several situation in this movie, such as :

1) In Tuck’s garage in the morning
: “Foot stepsapproaching ) “You are either the
worst car thief in the history of , the world …. Or
you have a story to tell, what is your name ..?”
: “Dawson Cole.”
: “Tommy Cole’s boy?”
: “Yes, Sir.”
: “Well, that’s unfortunate, what happened to you
: “I just ran into a tree.”
: “A tree with a mean right cross, you got any place
to stay? Friends?Anything like that?”
: “No, Sir.”



: “( When Dawson out of car ) “ where are you
going? ( take a coat for Dawson ) “ the coat over
yonder ought to be more comfortable than this
car, water out of the hose is good to drink, if there
is any trouble, anything goes missing, anything
like that, the next to wake you up will be a
sheriff’s deputy. You understand that?”
: “Yes, Sir.”
: “Do you understand that?”
: “Yes, Sir.”
: “All right, then.”
( 00:19:52,440 – 00:22:17,526 )

Dawson has beaten with his father he leaves his house and looking for a
new house for his staying. When on the raod suddenly heavy rain, and he sees a
garage and he tries to enter to the garage, he sees a car there and slept on the car.
In the morning the owner garage his name Tuck Hostetler open his garage,
and he sees a man at him garage, he think Dawson a thief car, he asking him who
is he and why slept on his car, he said he is Tommy Cole’s boy, he tells to Tuck
that he just beaten with his father, and Tuck said unfortunately, because his father
abusive criminal. He try to helps Dawson and give a coat because he knows
Dawson is not like his father, Dawson is good man and smart.

2) Morning at Tuck house

: “Oh, wait, I know why, because you are going to
college you’ll definitely get in you’ll probably get
a scholarship.Grab the stuff from back, please?”
: “I got it.”
: “These are applications.”
: “I know what they are, I’ve seen them all right,
well get started on them. There is a problem
already you haven’t even started yet, they want a
home address.”
: “You live with Tuck, why don’t you ask him?”
: “No, don’t task Tuck, please, why he is private he
won’t like you shopping around and stuff.
: ( Arrived at Tuck’ house ) “ Tuck ?”
: “ In here.”
: “Oh, hi, you look handsome, here I got you these (
show some ice cream ) they are chocolate
covered pralines I hope you like them, can I ask
you like a couple questions?”
: “Ok.”
: “Do you have an onion?”
: “ I do.”
: “Good, ‘cause we got forgot, one second thing, we
were just going over, Dawson’s college
applications and we were wondering, can we use
your address as his home address?”
: “That’ll be fine.”
: “Great, let’s get cooking.”

( 00:39:33,920 – 00:40:41,961 )
In the morning when Dawson and Amanda visit Tuck’ house, Amanda
asking Dawson about his new address for register college, Dawson has not asked
Tuck yet, because Dawson don’t want to ask Tuck, but he needs a new address,
Amanda rushes in and ask Tuck if Dawson can use his without hesitation, and
Tuck permitted Dawson to use his address house.

3) At Tuck’s house in Morning

: “Tuck?”
: “Yeah.”
: “I got you something. It’s not much at all, but ….
I didn’t want you to have to worry about a dry
spring anymore.
: “Yeah.”
: “Tuck, no one’s ever treated me like you have no
one’s ever show me this kind of dignity and
: “Your tie is crooked.”
(01:08:31,320 – 01:09:13,440)
When Bobby’s wedding party, Dawson give a gift a gift for Tuck, because
he knows that Tuck has made him like his son, hi gave place for Dawson without

he paid and he permitted Dawson to use his address house for college, Dawson
said, no one’s ever treated me like Tuck done to him.
From the analysis agape, this is giving type of love, not concerned with the
self. It is relative rare. That type has done by Tuck to Dawson, he consider
Dawson like his son.

3.2.2. Love Influences the Characterization of the main character
Love is something that can make someone’s nature can change due to
love is pure as it is. The writer also finds how love can influence that main
character in this movie.

a. Reticent to be Talkative
Dawson is a little quiet and shy, he only talking to people he knows,
but when he begins meet to Amanda for the first time he becomes talkative.
He talks too much in order that Amanda will pay attention, He shares about
his family. When his father asked him to quit from school he is to be reticent,
Dawson is a smart man but his father had rather him stay at home and helping
his father job.

In water tower at night
: “You where gone for a while?”
: “Yeah, my dad made me quit school when
I was 16 year, He said he need me around the home.”
: “How do you feel about that?”
: “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t like it much, it was a hell
of a fight to come back.”
: “It is to be weird to be now?”
: “Kind of, I mean, I just wanna finish, get out.”
: “So what’re you gonna do after high school?”
: “Uh,,,, ( laughs )
: “Ok, I’ll go the first. I’m going to Tulane in the fall.
Double majoring in child phsycology and public policy.
I’m hoping to intern at a law firm while I’m there and
after law school, I’d like another country, that deals with
children’s issues.”
:“You wanna work with children?”
: “Mm-mm.”
: “You wanna have a family of your own?
: “I’d like have a little girl maybe her name Bea.”
: “that’s a real nice name.”
: “it is really beautiful out here, I have never seen so many
: “I’ve always loved the stars, I feel closer to them up here
when I was kid I built my own telescope.”
: “Wow,”
: “No, it’s pretty easy.”
: “For you maybe.”
: “Humans have always looked to the stars, instruct their
way life, consult them.

(00:25:38,080 – 00:28:11,443)
From dialogue above tells Dawson becomes so talkative, whereas he
never does that to anyone. Dawson a shy , kind a boy while Amanda was a part of
the popular group in school, he changes to be talkative after they love each other .
That is the first time for Dawson to talk with someone, especially a
woman, he never give up to getting Amanda attention, even he talks too much.For
the first time Dawson share about his family.In the morning when Amanda visit
him at Tuck’s house and Dawson joking with Amanda, Dawson fix a car and his
hands dirty, heteases Amanda to get dirty also.

At Tuck’s garage

: “Don’t you get bored out here?”
: “Completely, when are you gonna let me my hands dirty.”
: ( Laughs )” you want to get your hands dirty.”
: “Absolutely.”
: “What this is dirty.”

: “No, Dawson, you are gonna do,
: “Because I’m the grease monster from the bayou!
: “( Laughing ) “ stop it! Dawson! Don’t !you are gonna
get me dirty.”
: “I’m not usually like this, I’m sorry
: “Oh, yes, you are.”
: “I can be fun if you want….pensive, uhh, brave, I could be
whatever you want. You just tell me what you want and
I’ll be that for you.”
(00:31:16,280- 00:31:38,000)
This dialogue happen at Tuck’s garage, they spend time at Tuck’s
garage and they are joking, Dawson never done it before for whoever, but after he
meets her, he feel free when he doing this. He want to do what Amanda wants. He
changes to be talkative person.
From all dialogues above the writer assumes that Dawson’s attitude from a
quite person become a talkative person cause of Amanda. He falls in love with
Amanda and he is certain that Amada will care about him, if only he can talk
everything with Amanda.
b. Patient to be Emotional
Dawson has a patient attitude, but when he will separate with Amanda
because Amanda’s parents, he becomes emotional person. He becomes angry
more easily, until he fights with Amanda’s father.

In Amanda’s house at the afternoon
Harvey Collier

: “Dawson, ( She hugs Dawson )
: “So, Dawson, tell me what are you plans for the

: “Well, I hope to go to college next year, sir.”
: “He is going college. He got a 4.0 and 1520 on his
Harvey Collier
: “Well, that’s good son. Where did you applied?”
: “I’m applied to Tulane, Loyola and LSU, it the
most realistic.
: “Yeah, is not too far from New Orleans, that way
we could still see each other, right?”
Harvey Collier
: “I take it you know a few things about cars.
: “Yah, a little, I guess, Amanda said you have a
collection, how many cars your own?”
Harvey Collier
: “Too many. A few, would you like to see them?
Recognize that one ( show car )It’s a, 71 olds
mobile 442, you know why they call H that?”
: “Yeah, a four barrel carb, four speed gear box,
dual exhaust, it’s beautiful car, sir.”
Harvey Collier
: “Smart boy. I can see why she likes you, say have
yougiven any thought to how you’ll pay for
: “There’s …. There’s scholarships, financial aid,
loans, stuff like that.”
Harvey Collier
: “You are a nice guy, Dawson. I’d like to help you,
if you ‘ll let me.”
: “How that’s sir?” Just stay from Amanda, right?”
Harvey Collier
: “I just wants best for my daughter , I can’t have a
her anywhere near your family. It’s gonnaend
anyway, this is way you get something out of it.”
: “I don’t want your money, ( glass shetters )what’s

that? I know what you can do, shave it up your
(00:58:57,920 – 01:01:45,440)
The dialogue above tells that when Dawson will separate with Amanda he
becomes emotional, he speaks as he shouts and gets angry easily. Her father talk
Dawson and promise him to pay for his college in exchange to stay away from
Amanda. He loves Amanda so much, but they will separate because of Amanda’s
parents and their social difference. It makes Dawson angry to Amanda’s father.
At home Dawson is beaten by his abusive father ( Tommy Cole ), When
he refuses to help him with criminal work on the night of his date with Amanda.

Dawson’s house in the morning
Tommy Cole
: “Where you runnin’ off to, Dawson, I expect you
to say hello.”
: “Hello.”
Tommy Cole
: “Come in here, sit down, let’s play card a hand of
cards or something.”
: “No, I’m… got stuff to do, I got homework.”
Tommy Cole
: “He thinks he’s smarter than us, why don’t you
take that stupid goddam that off on the house,
that’s true.”

Tommy Cole
this family?”
Tommy Cole

: “No, Sir.”
: “You think you smarter than us? You too good for

: “No, sir.”
: “That’s good, ‘cause this is where you belong.”
Here ( His father give keys cars ) why don’t you
go out back and tune up the Merch. We
got delivery upriver tomorrow night and you are
going with us.”
: “ I can’t go tomorrow night, I got something to
Tommy Cole
: “You didn’t listen to a goddam thing I said, did
you ( grunts, he hits Dawson)
: “I’m not.”
Tommy Cole
: “I’m not what? ( grunts ) I swear to God, Dawson,
you are a slow fucking learner, that’s bad thing to
be you got someplace to be Saturday Night?”
: “Yes, Sir.”
Tommy Cole
: ( grunts ) You wanna hit me, you see where that ‘ll
get you.”
( 00:17:29,360 – 00:19:37,208 )
From the dialogue above the writer assumes that Dawson changes to be
emotional person, He refused what his father ordered because he wants make date
with Amanda in that time ( on Saturday night ) he do not want something that
cancel his plans to dating with Amanda, because he loves her so much, until he
fight with his father.
From all the dialogue above the writer assumes that love influence
Dawson because he changes from quite person to be emotional, whereas his
patient person who never gets angry to anyone.

4.1. Conclusion
In the analysis about types of love in The Best of Me movie the writher
found types of love, there are Eros and Agape. Dawson has two types of love in
the movie, the writer found the first type is Eros, it happens between Dawson and
Amanda, and the second types is Agape, it happens between Dawson and Tuck
In this analysis the writer also found love influences the characterization
of Dawson, because Dawson changes due to of love. He changes from a quiet
person to be a talkative person, and from patient to be emotional. He changes

because of his love to Amanda, he never does that to anyone but he does sincerely
to Amanda.
4.2. Suggestion
For the next writers, if they want to analyze movie, just choose the movie
which has many advantages and good moral messages. For example, in this movie
the viewers can learn about how to defend a relationship between couples.
For the next writer who wants to analyze about love in the movie, there are
terms that have to do and terms have not to do. The terms that have to do are the
next writer must pay attention to every scene in the movie, also has to watch
movie more than once in order that the analysis is accurate and obvious . The next
writer also has to mastered the aspect that has been selected and the theory to
support it, because not easy to understand if only know a few knowledge. The
term that has not tois the next writer should not copy from another.

Love Influences the Characterization of the Main Character in The
Best of Me Movie Directed by Michael Hoffman.
The purposes of the analysis are to know what types of love found in the
movie, how does the love influences the characterization of the main character in
The Best of Me movie directed by Michael Hoffman. In this analysis, the writer
uses descriptive method. The writer uses some theories to answer those statements
of the problems there are types of love by A. Lee, and Main Character by Piper.
The data is taken from The Best of Me movie directed by Michael Hoffman. In
this analysis the writer also found two types of love, there are Eros and Agape,
besides the writer also found love influenced the main character from reticent
becomes talkative and from patient becomes emotional.

Keywords : Main character and Types of Love

Love Influences the Characterization of the Main Character in The Best of
Me movie Directed by Michael Hoffman.


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A. Personal Data
N. I. M

: 31120218

Full Name

: PutriSimamora


: Female

Place, Date of Birth

: Bekasi, March 15, 1983


: Indonesia

Marital Status

: Single

Home Address

: Jl.Paseban Barat 1 No 1 RT/RW : 004/003
Jakarta Pusat.

Mobile Phone

: 0813 – 1101 – 8733



B. Educational Background
2012 – 2015

: Academic of Foreign Language of BinaSarana

Informatika( EnglishDepartement ), Jakarta
2002 – 2003

: Diploma