Pengaruh Ekstrak Herba Vernonia Cinerea less. terhadap kontraksi uterus tikus putih.

Helmi Arifin, et al.

J. Sains. Tek. Far., 13(2)2008

Pengaruh Ekstrak Herba Vernonia Cinerea less.
terhadap kontraksi uterus tikus putih
Helmi Arifin, Humaira Fadillah, Bambang, Suhatri
Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Andalas, Padang, 2007

Diterima tanggal : 15 Juli 2009 disetujui : 26 September 2008
The pharmacological experiment of ethanolic extract of the herba of Vernonia cinerea (L) on the rat’s uterine contraction has
been investigated In vitro by using Biopac Tissue Bath. The experiment were divided into three groups are effect rat’s uterine
contraction of extract, syntocinon , and mix of syntocinon and extract. The result of experiment indicated that aethanolic
extract caused uterine contraction (P