An Analysis Of Code Mixing Found In Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel “Rantau 1 Muara"




Some terms are used in this study. Theoretically they need to be explained to avoid misinterpretation of the terms.

2.1 Sociolinguistic

When people interact with others in society at anytime and anywhere they must use a language. Without a language, people will find some troubles when they do their activities and toward the others. There is no people or society without a language. The role of a language among the people in this life is very crucial. The study of linguistics reveals that language and society cannot be separated to be investigated. It develops into sociolinguistics or the sociology of language. Fishman (in Chaer and Agustina, 2004:3) says that, ‘sociolinguistics is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions, and the characteristics of the speaker as these three constantly interact, change and change one another within a speech community”. In addition, Holmes (2001:1) says that sociolinguistics is concerned with the relationship between language and the context in which it is used. Examining the way people use language in different social contexts provides a wealth information about the way language works, as well as about the social relationships in a community, and the way people signal aspects of their social identity through the language.


Sociolinguistics actually does not discuss a structure of a language, but it focuses on how a language is used, so it could play its function well. From this statement, we can get a description that people also face language conflicts before sociolinguistics appears. So it is clear now that the role of sociolinguistics is to manage a language as its functions in society, or in other words sociolinguistics deals with a language as means of communication.

2.2 Bilingualism

In general, bilingualism is about the using of two languages. Fishman (1980) made a useful distinction between bilingualism as an individual phenomenon and as a societal phenomenon. Diebold (1968:10) said that the presence of bilingualism at the beginning of the bilingualism rate experienced by the people, especially children who are learning a second language in the early stages. At this stage it is still very simple bilingualism and the low level. But can not be ignored because at this stage of the base located next bilingualism. A quick look at statistics will tell us that most of the countries in the world are bilingualism or multilingualism- there are 193 countries and over 6.000 different languages. This does not mean, however, that the individual citizens of bilingualism countries are necessarily multilingualism themselves. Bilingualism individual is anyone who can communicate in more than one language (Li Wei, 2008:3).

From the above discussion can be summed up as an answer to the first question that the definition of bilingualism is a range of tiered finally began to master the language well plus the first few will know a second language, second language acquisition followed by a tiered rose to second language acquisition as well as mastery first language. If bilingualism is up at this stage it means that bilingual


speakers will be able to use the first language and second language as well, for the function and any situation and anywhere.

Bilingualism also discussion about the phenomenon of code mixing and code switching; a speaker may take every effort to code mix by including a single utterance from one language although he does not actually use that language very much. The situational context will happen when a speaker does switching from one language to another language. Thus bilingualism reshapes not only one language but also the situation.

2.3 Code

Code is a term which refers to a variety. Variety is a sociolinguistics tern of specific set of ‘linguistic item’ or human speech patterns which we can uniquely associate with some external factor (presumably, a geographical area or social group). It is referring to language or a variety of language as a code, being by definition a variation and some other perhaps more standard language. In contrast, the ‘natural’ term ‘code’ can be used to refer to any kind of system that two or more people employ for communication (Wardhaugh, 1998:22).

In this case a code is the particular language one chooses to use in any occasion, a system used for communication between two or more parties. When people are about to speak, they have to choose a particular code to express their minds of feeling. The particular code in this case can be a particular language, dialect, style, register or variety. Therefore in daily situation, people may use different code in different situation.

The term code cannot be separated from two phenomenon terms namely code mixing and code switching. Those are terms in bilingualism for language and


especially speech that draws to deferring extents at least two languages combined in different ways.

2.3.1 Code Switching

As we know that people know two languages are the first language(mother tongue) and the second language. So from this case sometimes people combine these languages in their communication. So in this problem they have used code switching. Hymes (1974: 103) state that code switching is not happening between language but also can happen between variety or styles in the any language. In generally Hymes state that “Code switching has become a common term for alternate us of two or more than a language, varieties of language, or even speech styles”. According to Pietro (in Jendra, 2010:74) “code switching is the use of more than one language by communicants in the execution of a speech act”.

From the definitions above, it is learned that code switching is found more with bilingual or multilingual speakers, although monolinguals may actually be said to switch from a variety or style to another. The definitions also suggest that code switching should be found in a single conversation.. In other words, if a bilingual child changes from using Indonesian language at home to using English at school, the act of changing codes would not normally be classified as code switching.

These are some reasons why code switching takes place as

1) A speaker is unable to express him/herself in one language so he switches to other to compensate for the deficiency

2) Switching commonly occurs when an individual wishes to express solidarity with particular social group. Motivated by the identity or relationship of the speaker


that is the different relationship among the participants or more formal relationship of the participants that sometimes involves the different status.

3) The alternation that occurs when the speakers want to convey his/her attitude to the listener. Where monolingual speakers can communicate these attitudes by means of variation in the level of formality in their speech, bilingual speakers can convey the same by code switching.

2.3.2 Code Mixing

Code-mixing refers to the mixing of two or more languages or conversant uses both languages together to the extent which they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance. Thus if someone mixes two codes in one sentence by inserting other elements of language, it means that he uses code mixing. And according to Holmes (2001:50), ‘the speaker is mixing up codes indiscriminately or perhaps because of incompetence. Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) says that “campur code adalah digunakannya serpihan-serpihan dari bahasa lain dalam menggunakan suatu bahasa yang mungkin diperlukan denagn tanpa disadari, sehingga tidak dianggap suatu kesalahan atau penyimpangan” (code mixing is using pieces of another language maybe needed unconsciously, so that it is not accepted as a mistake).

There are some factors, that cause people do code mixing according to Breadsmore (in Ginting, 2012:13). Some of them are:


It cannot be avoided that the ability to use to speak more than one language is a basic factor of code mixing. Most of the world’s population is bilingual or multilingual.

2) Speaker and partner speaking

Communication is the process of expressing ideas between two participants of conversation. Speaker needs partner speaking to communicate and code mixing could appear if both use and understand t well.

3) Social community

An individual lives and cooperates in one community either in monolingual or bilingual community. Now most communities are bilingual that use two languages in their interactions. In this case, an individual will be influenced by social community directly.

4) Situations

Usually code mixing occurs in relax or informal situation. This situation is closer with daily conversation and for writers is also describe as their habitual communication.

5) Vocabulary

There is not appropriate word or when there is a lack of vocabulary in one language. The inability to find an appropriate word or expression in one language makes people change the word or phrase from one to another language and it can be combined together.


Globalization era has lead people must be able to speak more than one language, especially English. For many young people code mixing becomes awn style which is hoped to be modern and educational one. They mix language because of prestige.

Bilingual speakers may utilize code mixing as a marker of group identity in various intra-group bilingual communities. It may occur because speakers want to show their solidarity and familiarity each other. And in principle, code mixing is the mixing from one language into the structure of other language such as word, phrase, clause, and even sentence from a cooperative activity where the participants in order to infer what is intended. In this case code mixing involves components of language such as word, phrase, clause, and even sentence in the same utterance. Type of Code Mixing

According to Siregar (1996:50), code mixing divided into two types, intra-sentential mixing and extra-intra-sentential mixing.

1) Intra-sentential mixing

Intra-sentential mixing may range from the alternation of single words or phrases to clauses within a single sentence or utterance. Some examples of code mixing in English- Indonesia language will be described as follow:

a) kalau butuh sesuatu call aku aja.


b) Saya tahu, sulit memaafkan saya atas kejadian semalam, but give me chance to show my best.

(but give me chance to show my best as code mixing of clause) c) Tinggal sign in di sini nanti.

(sign in as code mixing of phrase in the sentence).

Based on the examples above, it can be seen that those are code mixing sentences with single word, single clause, and single phrase.

2) Extra-sentential mixing

Normally extra-sentential mixing occurs between sentences. Because it occurs at sentence boundaries, it requires less complex syntactic interaction between two languages involved in code mixing.

Suwito also devides code mixing into two types, they are:

1) “Campur kode kedalam adalah campur code yang bersumber dari bahasa asli dengan variasinya”. (Inner code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the elements of their own language into national language, the element of dialect into own language).

2) “Campur code keluar adalah campur code yang bersumber dari bahasa asing” (outer code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element of their own language into foreign language).


According to Zyegintsev (Ginting, 2012:17) a machine that processes natural language must first be able to categorize, the wide variety of language components which are morpheme/word, phrase, clause, and sentence.

2.4.1 Word

Word is the smallest unit of language that can exist on its own in either written or spoken language. It is also constituents of sentence that due to their order, their suffices, prefixes, and differentiating signs give some meaning. It means that morphemes cannot be decomposed into smaller units which are either meaningful or mark such singular or plural.

There are two kinds of morpheme. First, free morpheme also called as simple word which is capable of standing independently. For example: book, study, pencil, learn, sad, old, happy, etc. second, bound morpheme always attaches with other word, such as -s, -er, -ed, pre-, mis-, un-, etc. For example: play (play + -er), unclear (un- + clear). Here are some examples of code-mixing in English and Indonesia language in word:

a) Semua pekerja pada enjoy. (All worker at enjoy).

b) aku merasa sedikit afraid membayangkan masa depanku . (I feel little afraid to imagine my future).

c) aku gak mau dinner di restoran Jepang. (I don’t want dinner in Japanese restaurant)

The examples above it can be seen that word enjoy, afraid, and dinner, are taken from English and they are mixed in Indonesia language as component language of word.


2.4.2 Phrase

A phrase is group of word acting as single part of speech and not containing both a subject and verb, a part of a sentence and does not express a complete thought (

a) saya harus check in besok di Bali hotel. (I must check in at Bali’s hotel tomorrow).

. In other word, phrase is a group of words that go together but do not build a complete sentence. For examples: check in, so beautiful, debt collector, off air, inner beauty, etc. here some of code mixing in English and Indonesia language in phrase:

b) hari ini kamu terlihat so beautiful. (today, you look so beautiful).

c) Takut di teror debt collector kartu kredit. (Afraid with debt collector of kredit card).

The examples above it can be seen that phrase check in, so beautiful, debt collector are taken from English and they are mixed in Indonesia language as component language of phrase

2.4.3 Clause

Clause is a group of related words containing a subject and verb ( A clause consists of subject and predicate. The subject is typically a noun phrase, though other kinds of phrase (such as gerund phrase) work as well, and some languages allow subjects to be omitted. The predicate is a finite verb phrase: a finite verb together with zero or more objects, zero or more complement, and zero or more adverbials. Clause in general classified as independent and dependent clause. An independent clause is the mean idea of


sentence. It can stand alone by itself or make sense by itself. While a dependent clause it the subordinate idea of sentence. It must be combined with an independent clause in other to be a part of sentence. It is also created by a subordinating conjunction. Another of dependent clause is subordinate clause.

For example: Lady Gaga’s concert was cancelled because she was sick. Lady Gaga’s concert was cancelled is independent clause. Because she was sick is dependent clause.

Here some examples of code mixing in English and Indonesia language in clause:

a) lihat dirimu, you are so beautiful (And look yourself, you are so beautiful.)

b) Maksud aku, it happens by natural. (My mean, it happens be natural).

c) Have a great day, sampai jumpa lagi, (have a great day, see you later).

d) Saya masih biasa turun di jalan dan mengucapkan goodbye forever.(I am still usual down to street and say goodbye forever).

The examples above it can be seen in the sentences that you are so beautiul, it happens by natural, have a great day, good bye forever are taken from English and they are mixed in Indonesia language as component language of clause.

2.4.4 Sentence

Based on the meaning, a sentence is a ‘complete though’ by seeing or nearing a statement.


Here are some examples of code mixing in English and Indonesian language in sentence:

a) Aku bosan dengan dia. It’s time to find the right man. Now! (I’m bored with him. It’s time to find the right man. Now!).

b) You are really beautiful in black and white!. Ia mengulurkan lehernya. (you are really beautiful in black and white!. She reached her neck).

c) Saya Arintha mohon diri dari kamu-kamu. Be smart and fanny, girls. See you tomorrow…! (I am Arintha leave of you, be smart and fanny girls. See you tomorrow).

2.5 Novel

From Indonesian Wikipedia explained that the novel is a work of prose fiction and narrative written, usually in story form. The novel is longer (at least 40,000 words) and more complex than short stories, and not limited structural constraints and metrical plays or poems. Generally, the novel tells the story of the characters and their behavior in everyday life, with emphasis on the odd sides of the narrative. And contains the story of life, an intrinsic element, element extrinsic, and have values such as the value of social norm, values ethic.

Limitation or definition that they give different points of view the definition, among other, according to experts in the field is as follows:

1) The novel is the most popular form of literature in the world. This literary form most widely printed and circulated most widely, because of the broad community to community (Jakop Sumarjo Drs).


2) The novel is a literary form in which there is the cultural values of social, moral, and education (Dr. Nurhadi, Dr. Dawud, Dra. Yuni Pratiwi, M Ed, Dra. Abdul Roni, M.Pd).

3) The novel is a literary work that has two elements: a retreat of intrinsic and extrinsic elements that are related because both are very influential in the presence of a literary work (Drs. Rostamaji,M Ed, Agus Priantoro,S.Pd).

4) The novel is a prose literary form that has intrinsic elements (Paul Tukam, S.Pd).

5) In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) (1995: 694) explained that the novel is a long prose contains a series of one's life story with those around him to accentuate the character and nature of each offender.


b) Saya tahu, sulit memaafkan saya atas kejadian semalam, but give me chance to show my best.

(but give me chance to show my best as code mixing of clause) c) Tinggal sign in di sini nanti.

(sign in as code mixing of phrase in the sentence).

Based on the examples above, it can be seen that those are code mixing sentences with single word, single clause, and single phrase.

2) Extra-sentential mixing

Normally extra-sentential mixing occurs between sentences. Because it occurs at sentence boundaries, it requires less complex syntactic interaction between two languages involved in code mixing.

Suwito also devides code mixing into two types, they are:

1) “Campur kode kedalam adalah campur code yang bersumber dari bahasa asli dengan variasinya”. (Inner code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the elements of their own language into national language, the element of dialect into own language).

2) “Campur code keluar adalah campur code yang bersumber dari bahasa asing” (outer code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element of their own language into foreign language).


According to Zyegintsev (Ginting, 2012:17) a machine that processes natural language must first be able to categorize, the wide variety of language components which are morpheme/word, phrase, clause, and sentence.

2.4.1 Word

Word is the smallest unit of language that can exist on its own in either written or spoken language. It is also constituents of sentence that due to their order, their suffices, prefixes, and differentiating signs give some meaning. It means that morphemes cannot be decomposed into smaller units which are either meaningful or mark such singular or plural.

There are two kinds of morpheme. First, free morpheme also called as simple word which is capable of standing independently. For example: book, study, pencil, learn, sad, old, happy, etc. second, bound morpheme always attaches with other word, such as -s, -er, -ed, pre-, mis-, un-, etc. For example: play (play + -er), unclear (un- + clear). Here are some examples of code-mixing in English and Indonesia language in word:

a) Semua pekerja pada enjoy. (All worker at enjoy).

b) aku merasa sedikit afraid membayangkan masa depanku . (I feel little afraid to imagine my future).

c) aku gak mau dinner di restoran Jepang. (I don’t want dinner in Japanese restaurant)

The examples above it can be seen that word enjoy, afraid, and dinner, are taken from English and they are mixed in Indonesia language as component language of word.


2.4.2 Phrase

A phrase is group of word acting as single part of speech and not containing both a subject and verb, a part of a sentence and does not express a complete thought (

a) saya harus check in besok di Bali hotel. (I must check in at Bali’s hotel tomorrow).

. In other word, phrase is a group of words that go together but do not build a complete sentence. For examples: check in, so beautiful, debt collector, off air, inner beauty, etc. here some of code mixing in English and Indonesia language in phrase:

b) hari ini kamu terlihat so beautiful. (today, you look so beautiful).

c) Takut di teror debt collector kartu kredit. (Afraid with debt collector of kredit card).

The examples above it can be seen that phrase check in, so beautiful, debt collector are taken from English and they are mixed in Indonesia language as component language of phrase

2.4.3 Clause

Clause is a group of related words containing a subject and verb ( A clause consists of subject and predicate. The subject is typically a noun phrase, though other kinds of phrase (such as gerund phrase) work as well, and some languages allow subjects to be omitted. The predicate is a finite verb phrase: a finite verb together with zero or more objects, zero or more complement, and zero or more adverbials. Clause in general classified as independent and dependent clause. An independent clause is the mean idea of


sentence. It can stand alone by itself or make sense by itself. While a dependent clause it the subordinate idea of sentence. It must be combined with an independent clause in other to be a part of sentence. It is also created by a subordinating conjunction. Another of dependent clause is subordinate clause.

For example: Lady Gaga’s concert was cancelled because she was sick. Lady

Gaga’s concert was cancelled is independent clause. Because she was sick is

dependent clause.

Here some examples of code mixing in English and Indonesia language in clause:

a) lihat dirimu, you are so beautiful (And look yourself, you are so beautiful.) b) Maksud aku, it happens by natural. (My mean, it happens be natural). c) Have a great day, sampai jumpa lagi, (have a great day, see you later).

d) Saya masih biasa turun di jalan dan mengucapkan goodbye forever.(I am still usual down to street and say goodbye forever).

The examples above it can be seen in the sentences that you are so beautiul, it happens by natural, have a great day, good bye forever are taken from English and they are mixed in Indonesia language as component language of clause.

2.4.4 Sentence

Based on the meaning, a sentence is a ‘complete though’ by seeing or nearing a statement.


Here are some examples of code mixing in English and Indonesian language in sentence:

a) Aku bosan dengan dia. It’s time to find the right man. Now! (I’m bored with him. It’s time to find the right man. Now!).

b) You are really beautiful in black and white!. Ia mengulurkan lehernya. (you are really beautiful in black and white!. She reached her neck).

c) Saya Arintha mohon diri dari kamu-kamu. Be smart and fanny, girls. See you tomorrow…! (I am Arintha leave of you, be smart and fanny girls. See you tomorrow).

2.5 Novel

From Indonesian Wikipedia explained that the novel is a work of prose fiction and narrative written, usually in story form. The novel is longer (at least 40,000 words) and more complex than short stories, and not limited structural constraints and metrical plays or poems. Generally, the novel tells the story of the characters and their behavior in everyday life, with emphasis on the odd sides of the narrative. And contains the story of life, an intrinsic element, element extrinsic, and have values such as the value of social norm, values ethic.

Limitation or definition that they give different points of view the definition, among other, according to experts in the field is as follows:

1) The novel is the most popular form of literature in the world. This literary form most widely printed and circulated most widely, because of the broad community to community (Jakop Sumarjo Drs).


2) The novel is a literary form in which there is the cultural values of social, moral, and education (Dr. Nurhadi, Dr. Dawud, Dra. Yuni Pratiwi, M Ed, Dra. Abdul Roni, M.Pd).

3) The novel is a literary work that has two elements: a retreat of intrinsic and extrinsic elements that are related because both are very influential in the presence of a literary work (Drs. Rostamaji,M Ed, Agus Priantoro,S.Pd).

4) The novel is a prose literary form that has intrinsic elements (Paul Tukam, S.Pd). 5) In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) (1995: 694) explained that the novel is a long prose contains a series of one's life story with those around him to accentuate the character and nature of each offender.