Media : Umum : a.

  Papan Tulis

  The general objective of this course is improve student’s English skill especially TOEIC exercise. These exercises


  Overhead Projector include the ability of structure, reading, speaking and writing. c. Infocus d.

  Foto Copy e. Buku Cetak

  Khusus : Evaluasi : a.

  Exercise and Quizzes

  The specific goal of this course is that after taking this course the students are expected to be able to get high b.


  TOEIC score that have skills in (1) doing reading questions includes incomplete sentences, text completion, c. Mid-semester and Final Examinations. answering reading single passage questions, answering reading double passage questions; (2) speaking in

  Diskusi / Partisipasi d.

  communication; (3) listening daily conversation; (4) writing in academic and business field.


  Buku Wajib: Ismanto, Hafilia & Juli Widayati.(2015). TOEIC Official Test Preparation Guide, Jakarta:PT International Koordinator: Dra. Djuria Suprato, S.Pd., M.Hum. Test Centre. Buku Tambahan: English Discovery:


  1. Topics discussed in the course.

  • To introduce the course outline of English course
  • Review simple parts of speech

  2. Exercises.

  1. Answere the questions.

  No Tatap Muka Ke Pokok Bahasan Tujuan Instruksi Umum (TIU) Tujuan Instruksi Khusus (TIK) Materi Kegiatan Instruksional Referensi Cara Evaluasi (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)


  1 Introduction to the course and Unit 1: STRUCTURE (1)


  1. To review simple parts of speech.

  2. To explain the gerneral use of nouns.

  1. Topics discussed in the course.

  2. Count & non-cunt Nouns.

  3. Quantifiers.

  General English, Course materials for University Students.

  3. Quantifiers.

  2. Count & non- cunt Nouns.

3. To describe varieties of nouns.

  • To ask students to start communicate in English.

  6. Exercises.

    • To understand use of verbs

  12. Exercises.

  1. Does the sentence contain a verb?

  • To imply the verbs in sentences

  2. Is the verb agree with the subject?

  3. Is the verb tense correct?

  4. Are the modals used correctly?

  5. Is the passive or active form of the verb used correctly?

  6. Is the verb in the correct word order?

  8. Are infinitives used correctly?

  7. Is the verb in the correct form?

  10. Are the Infinitives and gerunds interchange able

  9. Are gerunds used correctly?

  10. Are the Infinitives and gerunds interchange able

  11. Are adjectives that are formed from verbs use.

  General English, Course materials for University Students.

  1. Answere the questions.

  2. Exercises.

  11. Are adjectives that are formed from verbs use.

  8. Are infinitives used correctly?

  9. Are gerunds used correctly?

  5. Noun Position.

  4. Form of Nouns.

  5. Noun Position.

  6. Exercises.

  4. Form of Nouns.


  2 Unit 2: STRUCTURE (2)

  1. Students are able to identify the verb.

  2. To understand position of verbs.

  4. To use tenses correctly.

  1. Does the sentence contain a verb?

  2. Is the verb agree with the subject?

  3. Is the verb tense correct?

  4. Are the modals used correctly?

  5. Is the passive or active form of the verb used correctly?

  6. Is the verb in the correct word order?

  7. Is the verb in the correct form?

  3. To use subject verbs agreement correctly..


  MATA KULIAH UMUM (MKU) UNIVERSITAS TARUMANAGARA No Tatap Pokok Bahasan Tujuan Instruksi Tujuan Instruksi Materi Kegiatan Referensi Cara Evaluasi Muka Umum Khusus Instruksional Ke (TIU) (TIK) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 12. Exercises.

  3 Unit 3 : STRUCTURE (3) To understand the basic

  1. Students are able to

  1. Be sure the sentence

  1. Be sure the General English,

  1. Answere the SENTENCES WITH ONE structure of a sentence identify the subject has a subject and sentence has a Course materials for questions. CLAUSE. and verb. verb. subject and verb. University 2. Exercises.

  • – 3

  2. To understand

  2. Subject 2. Subject Students. sentences with object

  3. Be careful of object of

  3. Be careful of

  3. To identify apositive in 4. Be careful of prepositions. a sentence. appositives.

  4. Be careful of 4.

  5. Be careful of present appositives. To differentiate verb and adjective of participle.

  5. Be careful of present participle.

  6. Be careful of past present 5. participle. participle. To differentiate verb and adjective of past

  7. Exercises.

  6. Be careful of participle. past participle.

  7. Exercises.


  4 Unit 4 : READING SKILLS To identify and understand

  1. Students are able to

  1. How to identify the

  1. How to identify General English,

  1. Answere the (1) vocabulary expressed in identify the questions questions. the questions. Course materials for questions.

  • – Understand Vocabulary from Context. the text. related to vocabulary

  2. Where to find the

  2. Where to find University 2. Exercises. used in the text. answere. the answere. Students.


  3. How to answere the

  3. How to answere To find the answer from the text. questions. the questions.


  4. Exercises.

  4. Exercises. To improve vocabulary by comprehending the passage.


  5 Unit 5 : READING SKILLS To recognize the 1.

  1. How to identify the

  1. How to identify General English,

  1. Answere the Sudents are able to (2) references expressed in identify references questions. the questions. Course materials for questions.

  • – Referents.

  the text. used in passage.

  2. Where to find the

  2. Where to find University 2. Exercises. 2. answere. the answere. Students.

  To improve vocabulary by

  3. How to answere the

  3. How to answere comprehending the questions. the questions. passage.

  4. Exercises.

  4. Exercises.

  6 Unit 6 : WRITING (1) To have ability to write

  1. Students are able to

  1. How to write

  1. How to write General English,

  1. Answere the

  • – 6


  No Tatap Muka Ke Pokok Bahasan Tujuan Instruksi Umum (TIU) Tujuan Instruksi Khusus (TIK) Materi Kegiatan Instruksional Referensi Cara Evaluasi (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER (RPS) MATA KULIAH UMUM (MKU) UNIVERSITAS TARUMANAGARA Writing Paragraphs. good paragraphs. write paragraphs. paragraphs.

  1. Answere the questions.

  General English, Course materials for University Students.

  1. Is the clouse independent? 2. is the clouse dependent?

  1. Answere the questions.

  1. Students are able to identify coordinate connector correctly.

  8 Unit 7 : STRUCTURE & (4)


  Unit 1-6

  1. Is the clouse independent? 2. is the clouse dependent?

  To prepare for mid semester exam.

  7 Review Unit 1-6 for Mid Semester exam.


  2. Exercises.

  Course materials for University Students. questions.

  2. Exercises.

  2. Exercises. paragraphs.


  • – Sentences with multiple Clauses To understand connectors in multiple clauses.

  6. Exercises.

  1. use Reduced Adjective calauses correctly.

  2. Exercises.

  1. Answere the questions.

  General English, Course materials for University Students.

  3. Exercises.

  2. Use reduced Adverb Clauses correctly.

  1. use Reduced Adjective calauses correctly.

  3. Exercises.

  2. Use reduced Adverb Clausescorrectly.

  2. Student are to able to use reduced adjective and adverb clauses correctly.

  5. Use reduced Adjective clauses correctly.

  1. Students are able to identify complete form and reduced form of adjective and adverb clauses.

  To understand the reduced adjective and adverb clauses.

  9 Unit 8 : STRUCTURE & (5) sentences with reduced Clauses


  2. Exercises.

  2. Students are able to use adveerb connectors correctly.

  3. Use coordinate connectors correctly. 4. use adverb connectors correctly.

  6. Exercises.

  5. Use reduced Adjective clauses correctly.

  3. Use coordinate connectors correctly. 4. use adverb connectors correctly.

  MATA KULIAH UMUM (MKU) UNIVERSITAS TARUMANAGARA No Tatap Pokok Bahasan Tujuan Instruksi Tujuan Instruksi Materi Kegiatan Referensi Cara Evaluasi Muka Umum Khusus Instruksional Ke (TIU) (TIK) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)


  10 Unit 9 : STRUCTURE & (5) To understand variety of

  1. Students are able to

  1. Inverted the subject

  1. Inverted the General English,

  1. Answere the sentences with inverted invert subject and and verb with subject and Course materials for questions.

  • – Sentences with Inverted subject & Verbs. subjects and verbs. verbs correctly. question words. verb with University 2. Exercises.

  2. Students are able to 2. Invert the subject question words. Students. understand sentences and verb with place

  2. Invert the with invert subject expressions. subject and and verb with

  3. Invert the subject verb with place 3. Students are able to negatives.

  3. Invert the identify expression

  4. Invert subject and subject and and invert the subject verb with verb with and verb. conditionals. negatives.

  4. Students are able to

  5. Invert the subject

  4. Invert subject invert subject and and verb with and verb with verb for negative comparisons. conditionals. words in the

  5. Invert the beginning. subject and verb

  5. Students are able to with comparisons. invert the conditional helping verbs should, had and were.


  11 Unit 10 : READING SKILL To comprehend the main

  1. Students are able to 1. Stated main Idea.

  1. Stated main General English,

  1. Answere the (3) idea of a passage. identify main idea 2. Exercises. Idea. Course materials for questions.

  • – reading for Main Ideas.

  which is stated in the

  2. Exercises. University 2. Exercises. passage.


  2. Students are able to improve vocabulary by comprehending the passage.


  12 Unit 11 : READING SKILL To Comprehend passages

  1. Students are able to 1. Implied main Idea.

  1. Implied main General English,

  1. Answere the (4) and conclude the idea understand the 2. conclusion of the Idea. Course materials for questions.

  • – Reading for Inferences. Implied in the passage. passage. idea of a text. 2. conclusion of University 2. Exercises.

  2. Students are able to 3. Exercises the idea of a Students. conclude the idea of text. the passage.

  3. Exercises

  3. Students are able to


  MATA KULIAH UMUM (MKU) UNIVERSITAS TARUMANAGARA No Tatap Pokok Bahasan Tujuan Instruksi Tujuan Instruksi Materi Kegiatan Referensi Cara Evaluasi Muka Umum Khusus Instruksional Ke (TIU) (TIK) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

  answer questions of passage.

  13 Unit 12 : WRITING To apply structure in essay

  1. Students are able to 1. Individual writing.

  1. Individual General English,

  1. Answere the Writing Essay. writing. write sentences 2. Use online writing writing. Course materials for questions. correctly in form of check freely.

  • – 13

  2. Use online University 2. Exercises.

  2. Students are able to freely. imply using vocabulary in essay.

  3. Students are able to write a good essay.


  14 Unit 13 : POST TEST To Comprehend

  1. Students are able to 1. Structure Post Test.

  1. Structure Post General English,

  1. Answere the - Structure and Reading Post structure and written apply structure that has 2. Reading Post Test. Test. Course materials for questions. Test. expression in TOEFL been discussed.

  2. Reading Post University 2. Exercises. exercises.

  2. Students are able to Test. Students. To comprehend reading answer TOEFL Reading

  • comprehension from questions. TOEFL exercises.

  UAS Ujian Akhir UAS Semester

  Jakarta, 15 Januari 2018 Mengetahui: Koordinator Mata Kuliah

  Kepala UPT MKU ( Dra. Djuria Suprato, S.Pd., M.Hum )