
Language Choice Used by Students of English

Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State

Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Reg. Number A03212066











Suryadi. A03212066. 2016.“Language Choice Used by Students of Engish Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya” A Thesis. English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic UniversitySunanAmpel Surabaya. Advisor:Dr. A. Dzo’ul Milal, M.Pd

Keywords: Multilingualsm, Language choice, Social factors, Code mixing-Code switching.

Firstly, this study aimed to showsthe patterns of Language Choice Used by Students of Engish Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.Secondly, this study aimed to find out thereasons (social factors) for using language choice by them.

In this study the writer used theories from Holmes (2013) and Chaer and Agustina (2004) as the main theories. The method usedwasqualitative method. The data collection techniqueswereusing interview and observation in the fields.The writer got the data from the students of English Department especially for Madurese and Javanese students of English Department. This method used to answer the phenomenon of language choice occured among them.

The study concluded that the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities are multilingual society which used more than two languages.Due with this, they should use language choice in their daily communication. At least there are three languages catagories useb by them, they are; vernacular language (Javanese/Madurese), national language(Indonesian), and foriegn language (English Language). They use language choice influnced by some social factors such as; participants, topic, setting and function.

In this study, the writer also found that the students of English Department also used code mixing code switching in their communication. They used it to make their communication easier to understand or to show intimacy.



Suryadi. A03212066. 2016. “Language Choice Used by Students of Engish Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya” skripsi. Jurusan Bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN SunanAmpel Surabaya. Pembimbing:Dr. A. Dzo’ul Milal, M.Pd

Kata Kunci: Multibahasa, Pemilihan Bahasa, Factor Sosial, Campur Bahasa-Alih Bahasa

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan beberapa pola pemilihan bahasa yg digunakan oleh mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan beberapa alasan (faktor sosial) mereka menggunakan pemilihan bahasa.

Dalam pembahasan ini penulis menggunakan teori dari Holmes (2012) dan Chaer and Agustina (2004) sebagai landasan teori. Untuk memecahkan problematika ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi di lapangan.Penulis mendapatkan data dari mahasiswa jurusan bahasa Inggris khususnya bagi mahasiswa dari Madura dan Jawa. Metode ini digunakan untuk menjawab fenomenapemilihan bahasa diantara mereka.

Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa jurusan bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora merupakan masyarakat multibahasa yang menggunakan lebih dari dua bahasa. Karena itu, mereka harus menggunakan pemilihan bahasa dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.Setidaknya ada tiga katagori bahasa yang digunakan oleh mereka. Yaitu; bahasa daerah (Jawa/Madura), bahasa nasional (Indonesia), dan bahasa asing (Inggris). Mereka melakukan pemilihan bahasa dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor sosial seperti; lawan bicara, topik, tempat, fungsi.

Dalam peneliatian ini penulis juga menemukan bahwa mahasiswa Sastra Inggris juga menggunakan campur bahasa dan alih bahasa dalam komunikasinya. Mereka menggunakan ini untuk membuat pembicaraan mudah di mengerti dan menunjukkan rasa persaudaraan.



Inside Cover Page……….. i

Inside Title Page………. ii

Declaration Page………. iii

Dedication Page……… iv

Motto....………. v

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page……….. vi

Thesis Examiners’ Approval Page……… vii

Acknowledgements……… .. viii

Table of Content………... x

Abstract………. xiii

Intisari……… xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study……… 1

1.2 Statements of the Problem……….. 6

1.3 Objectives of the Study……….. 7

1.4 Significance of Conducting Study………... 7

1.5 Scope and Limitation……….. 8

1.6 Operational Definition………... 10

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Bilingualism ………... 11

2.2 Multilingualism…..……….. 12

2.3 Language Choice …...……….. 14


2.5 Domain ………... 17

2.6 Speech Community………... 18

2.7 Code Mixing and Code Switching ……… 19

2.8 Previous Studies………. 21

CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE STUDY 3.1 Research Method...……… 24

3.2 Subject and Location……….……….... 25

3.3 Instrument………... 26

3.4 Data and Sources of Data………... 26

3.5 Technique of DataCollection………..……….. 27

3.6 Data Analysis... 28


4.1.1 The Patterns of Language Choice……...….……… 32 English Language... 33 Indonesian Language…...……….………... 37 Javanese Language………...……... 42 Madurese Language.………... 45 Code Switching………... 49 Code Mixing ... 51

(10) Easier To Understand ... 57 Showing Intimacy ... 58 4.2 Discussion ... 59


5.1 Conclusion ... 62 5.2 Suggestion ... 63





This chapter is concerned about an overview of the language choice used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This contains of background of the study, research question, research objectives, and significance of the research, scope and limitations, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

In this world, language is a necessary in human life. It functions as a tool of communication used by people in their life to make interactions. This dealing with J Aitchison’s (2007:146) statement that human being is a social animal that needs to interact with others. As the social animal, humans have to use language along their life. No one can interact with others without using language. Everybody will never be able to stay away from using language. From waking up until going to bed again,people will not be able to count how many times they use language in a day. Thus,it is clear that language is very important for our life.



Ramelan stated in his book (Ramelan, 1992:25),” language and

society are two components that cannot be separated and influence each

other. In human’s life language is very essential. It can be used to express

the rules of communication”. Everyone has known that language is very

essential for human life, because language is the connector between the speaker and the hearer and it is the only one tool of communication that all of human beings use.

M Blank in (J Aitchison, 2007:147) said that human develops language in order to cope with everyday needs. Dealing with Blank, Holmes (2001:2) states that human uses language to ask for and give people information. While, Wardhaugh in his book (2006:1) states that language is what the members of particular society speak. Through these theories, the writer took two points that language has two important functions from a social point of view. First, it has important role in conveying information about the speaker’s means to another’s. Second, it establishes social relationship. This is as what Trudgill (1976:13) said that language is not simply a means of communication, information about the weather or any other subject. It is also very important means of establishing and maintaining relationship with other people. Simply, it can be underlined that language is very important for human life and it covers



Based on the statement above, it can be stated that language becomes necessary for every human around the world. However, human using language differently depends on the region or the domains they live. British use English as their language, Arabian use Arabic language, Indonesian use Indonesian language, Japanesse use Japanese language. Small regions like Java have Javanese, Madura has Madurese, Sunda has Sundanese and there are still many other languages in Indonesia as a local language.

Indonesia is a country whose territory is very vast. Its population consists of various ethnic groups with a variety of regional languages, as well as various cultural backgrounds. Because of these reasons, Indonesia is called a country rich in cultures. One of the richness of Indonesian culture is the area of language. Based on the data from, in 2015 there are about 7.102 languages spread around the world, while, in Indonesia it was registered that 707 languages are used by 221 million societies. It means that Indonesia approximately 10% of all languages in the world.

Nowadays, language has been developed and spread quickly. Many people can learn foreign language easily, and use it in daily activities. This case becomes phenomenon that someone unconsciously uses different language when they speak with another who has different mother tongue.It is occused because every person also has language choice and different



ways to communicate with each other. It is related to Grosjean’s (1982:

vii) statement in (Fathi, 2006:7), who said that “half the world’s

population is bilingual”. Moreover, According to Thomason, bilingualism

arises as a result of language contact. It may be stable, where the patterns of multilingualism are of long standing; or transitional, where bilingualism looks like a stage on the way to monolingualism towards the dominant language (Thomason 2001: 4).

Multilingualism is a condition when people use more than two languages to interact with other people by turns (Chaer and Agustine, 2004:85). In other words, students of English Department in State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya are multilingual society because they use more than two languages in daily activities, they are; Vernacular Language, National Language, and Foreign Language. This condition demands them to choose one of an understandable language to communicate with another person.

The phenomenon of language in context occurs towards the students of English Departments State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya become so complicated because there is more than one language used by them. This is complicated because they should choose an appropriate language when communicating with another. Furthermore, the speaker should determine the suitable code and variation. Thus, every



bilingual or multilingual people should choose one language (do language choice) in communication.

Holmes (2001:21) states, there are some factors that influence a person to use language choice, they are; to whom you are talking to, the social context of the talk, the function, and the last is the topic of the talk. In other sides, Sumarsono (2009:201) states, there are three kinds of language choice in sociolinguistic field; they are code switching, code mixing, and language variation. First, code switching is the speaker influenced by participants, topic, and situation. Second, code mixing is almost the same with code switching but it is usually appears in phrase and word. The last is variation within the same language, it is combining the same language between formal and informal form.

Hence, writer was interested in researching the language choice phenomenon occurred toward multilingual group society. Because the multilingual society is more complicated for choosing suitable language than monolingual or bilingual society

Here, the writer chooses the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Himanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. At least there were two supporting reasons for choosing the students of English Department as the subject of this research. First, students of English Department are multilingual society, because they use



Language) in daily communication. Second, students of English Department are multilingual academic society. So, they should consider the context before choosing a language when communicatete to another, such as; the place (class or out of class or), situation (formal or non-formal), the addressee (lecturers or friends).

Based on the data gotten from the Head of English Department, per 30thMarch 2016 there are 590 people from different region which still listed as the students of English Department State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. However, the students from Java and Madura were more dominant than another, this can be seen in the daily activities of them, that Javanese and Madurese languages were used in often, besides of Indonesia and English. Dealing with this condition, in order get the maximum data, the researcher limited the subject of this study just from Madurese and Javanese students only.

1.2Statement of the Problems

Based on the explanation stated in introduction or background of the study above, the researcher formulates the statement of the problems as follow:

1.2.1 What are the patterns of language choice used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya?



1.2.2 What are the reasons for used language choice among the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya?

1.3Objectives of The Study

Related to statement of the problem above, the objectives of the study are:

1.3.1 To identify the patterns of language choice used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya

1.3.2 To reveal the reasons for the use of language choices used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya

1.4Significance of Conducting the Study

Mahsun stated in his book (2005:229) that the significance of conducting the research itself is to solve the problems that become the research focus. By doing this analysis, the researcher hopes he can reveals and shows to the readers especially to researcher him self about the using



Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The result of this study was expected to give the following benefits as below:

1.4.1 Theoretically

The writer expects this research could give the meaningful contribution to the studies in linguistic field, especially to enlarge the knowledge about language choice as part of sociolinguistic. Through this research the writer also expects can give information to the readers about language choice phenomenon among the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya, especially for students of English Departments who study about it.

1.4.2 Practically

Practically, this research was expectsto give information about language choice phenomenon occurred to the students of English Department. As the multilingual society, students of English Department should choose the suitable language when they had conversation, based on the social factor. Finally, the writer hopes this study could become reference for the readers, especially for students who are interested in this topic and want to conduct further research.

1.5Scope and Limitation



This study takes place in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The scope of this study is the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya which are from Java and Madura.

1.5.2. Limitation

To avoid broader explanation in this research, here the writer limit the data of the research on the language choice used by students of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Hence, the writer decided to limit the data sources by the utterances of the English Department students which taken through questionnaire, interview, and observation in the field.

Moreover, the data randomly taken from some students in all semester as the respondents of the questionnaire, they are the students from 2nd, 4th ,6th, and 8th semesters. The researcher took for about ten students as the subject of the reseach in each semester. It also included the way the students used and made language choice in their activity. However, The researcher observed before to clarify that they were qualify to be the simple of this research.



1.6Operational Definitions

Toavoid any misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the basic concepts of the study, here the researcher explained the definition and key terms are stated below:

1.6.1 Language choice: the use of one language in one situation and another language in another situation depending on the prevailing social context. In addition Holmes (2013:22) states language choice is choosing a language that usually appears in many speech communities.

1.6.2 English Department students: Students of Faculty of Arts and Humanities at State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya who Take English Department

1.6.3 Multilingual: A condition when people use more than two languages to interact with other people by turns (Chaer and Agustine, 2004:85).

1.6.4 Sociolinguistics: The study about language which take relation to social condition (Sumarsono, 2009).




This chapter discusses the theories which the researcher used as the guidance of conducting this research. Here the researcher quotes some opinions considered relevant to his study and present them here. The contents of this chapter are; Bilingualism and Multilingualism, Domain, Language Choice, Social Factor, Code Mixing and Code Switching, and Previous Studies.

2.1. Bilingualism

In this world, language is a necessary for human communication. Human needs a language to do a communication with others. According to Jendra (Jendra, 2010, p. 1) language is used only to human’s way of communication. It means that human cannot communicate with another without language. So, it must be difficult for human to interact with another.Language will be useless when it is not applied or used by human in their society.Thus, it indicates that language and society is complementary to each other. It is as what Janet Holmes (Holmes, 2013, p. 1) states that sociolinguistic is the study of the relationship between language and society.



Every human has a language to communicate with others, even they are able to use more than one language when they communicate. A person using more than one language in their communication is called as bilingual. Jendra states “people who are not monolinguals but speak two languages everyday are named bilingual” (Jendra, 2010, p. 68). Everyone can be bilingual; it depends on the ability in using a language. Even, someoneis not aware that they are bilingual although every day they communicate with more than one language. For example; when they speak to lecturer they use English, when they interact with their parents they usually use their mother language (vernacular), when we enjoy with our friends which come from different region we use national language and so on. Hence, every people can be bilingual.

Based on the language acquisition, people are divided into three categories; monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual. Monolingual is a person who knows only one language. Meanwhile, people who are able to use two languages is named as bilingual, multilingual is a people who are able to use more than two languages.

2.2. Multilingualism

Multilingual is a condition when people use more than two languages to interact with other people by turns (Chaer and Agustine, 2004:85). In other word, students of English Department are one of the multilingual communities. Multilingual community means that the



community has more than two languages to speak and to communicate each other. While Holmes (2013:76) defines that multilingual is an ability to use more than two languages in communication for certain purpose.

There are some factors why person can be bilingual or multilingual, such as Nationalism, Mobilization, Culture, Education, or Religion. Mobilization can make a bilingualism condition when an immigrant has to interact with native, they will learn the native language. Nationalism movement shows a necessity of a national language to unite a whole nation or a necessity to have legal language of a country like Indonesia. The original language of Religion should be learned by the people who want to develop the knowledge about it. Like Islam learning Arabic language. People who want to develop Islam well should learn Arabic language.

In this study, the writer analyzes the language choice used by “Student of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Students of English Department are come from different regions this condition reguires them to use understandable language when they interact with others. However, the students from Java and Madura are majority. It makes the Javanese and Madurese Language used more often than another. They also combine or switch some language when they communicate each other.



2.3. Language Choice

People use language choice when they interact each other, in their daily life, they will make language choice to make communication easier. Grosjean (1982:127) said that in thedaily interaction with other, people are constantly changing the variety of language they use. People used language choice in their communication because same people may not understand their language. So, many people decided to use language choice in their communication to make the addressee understand what they said.

Based on Holmes (2013:22) language choices is a choice of language interaction that happens in many speech communications. It means that in someone communication, it usually find some people make a language choice in their communication. Moreover, in multilingual communities will find people using more than two languages. The useof more than one language by the speaker in communication indicates that they make language choice. In other words, they will choose one language or combine the languages when interact with each other.

People choose an appropriate language when they speak, people switch language into other language, and they use different language in different context. They try to make themselves confident to communicate with other community, although sometimes they are not fluent to use the language.



According to Somarsono (2009:201), there are three kinds of language choice in sociolinguistic field these are; code switching, code mixing, and variation in the same language. First code switching, the speaker influenced by some factors; participants, topic and situation. Second code mixing, it appears in phrases and words. The last is variation within the same language, it is combining the same language between formal and informal form. It is related with Fasold statement (as cited in Chaer and Agustina, 2004:153)that language choice has three kinds of choices, these are: code switching, code mixing, and language variation.

The phenomena of language choice also occur toward the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The students choose the language in some varieties. For instance, the students use English in formal situation, or they use Indonesia in non-formal situation. Even when enjoying with friends, they use speech community or vernacular language. They use those languages in different domain such as in the classroom, canteen, out of class, or other places which encourage them to choose their language.

2.4. Social Factors

Everything that people do usually is influenced by some factors, people may also have the reasons for doing something, it also occurred in



some factors influence them for choosing language. These factors can appear from the people itself or influenced by some factors outside (environment, culture, education, and so on). Jendra (2010:71) states, the skill of choosing the language is classified as a communicative competence and basically developed by observing factors found in social context where the language is used.

Holmes (2013:9) states, there are certain social factors which influence the language choice. The social factors reflected in the language they choose to use. The factors are;

1. The participants: Who you are talking and who is speaking (Students-Lecturer)

2. The setting: The social context of the talk or where they speak (Class, Meeting)

3. The function: The reason why there are speaking (Informative, Social)

4. The topic: The topic of the discussion or what is the talking about (Subject,)

Moreover, Holmes states that not all factors above are relevant in any particular context, but they can be grouped in ways which are helpful. In any situation linguistic choices will generally reflect the influence of one or more the social factors above. A person may choose their language



choice depending on the situation and their reason. Therefore, when person makes a language choice, it must be influenced by some factors.

Furthermore, Ervin Trip (in Grosjean, 1982:127) said that a speaker in any language community who enters diverse social situation normally has a repertoire of speech alternative which switch with situation. Through two definitions above it can be said that Community also influences people in making language choice. Hence, he presents four main factors that account to change in code or variety. They are: setting and situation, the participant in the situation, the topic, and the last is the function of interaction.

2.5. Domain

Holmes (2013:22) states, domain is a number of such typical interactions that has been identified as relevant is describing patterns of code choice in many speech communities, Such as family, friendship, religion, education, employment, and administration. While according to Romaine (2000:44), domain is an obstruction which refers to sphere of activity representing a combination of specific times, setting and role relationship. Furthermore, Chaer and Agustina state (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:153), Indonesia generally uses three languages with the different target of domain, There are; Indonesian language used in national domain,



Vernacular language used in regional domain, and Foreign language used in international domain.

Based on the theories above, it can be said that domain is one of the factors that influence people to choose their language. However in this research the writer focused into two domains; they are formal (during class) and non-formal (out of class) domain.The writer choose it because the objects of this research were the students of University.

2.6. Speech community

Every group society usually has speech community which used among the group members activities. According to Wardhaugh (2006:119) speech community is member of group who speak the same language, dialect or variety. Talking about the speech community means we are talking about the group. However, usually People make group because some reasons, the reasons are; Social, Religious, Economy, Family, Cultural, Studies and so on.

In English Department at least there are three speech communities. Those are national language, English language, and vernacular language. So in daily activities the English Department students choose different language in different situation.



2.7. Code Mixing and Code Switching

Everybody must have a basic ability of communication, which calls it as communicative competence. Communicative competence refers to knowing when to speak, when not to, and what to talk, with whom, when, where, and in what manner. In a word communicative competence is related to language and language use.

All people have the genetic capacity to learn any language as has been proposed by the modern linguistics. Meanwhile, language may appear to be human’s guide to reality. In other words, language structures human are view of reality. Consequently, human’s view of the world depends on the particular language they have learned. As speaking creature humans have built words and live in this world as they live in a world of things and persons. They use words as a device to control their own behavior and the behavior of other persons.

In the Bilingual or Multilingual societies we often face some people switched or mixed their language when they have conversation, such as the students of English Departments at Faculty of Arts and Humanities Sunan Ampel Surabaya. both code switching or code mixing are commonly occured toward Bilingual or Multilingual societies, It is dealing with Chaer’s statement that when people talked about code switching it is usually followed by code mixing (Agustina and Chaer, 2004: 114). The



languages or varieties in a speech act. But obviously in code-switching, each language or variety still has each autonomous function and without function as a code, otherwise in code mixing are not.

Code mixing is two or more languages within one of them should be primary language which have a function and the other language just pieces, or phrase without any function. Nababan (1993: 32) explains that code mixing is the situation in which people mix two or more languages or language style in the speech act. In Indonesia, this code mixing often happens in daily conversation people usually speak Indonesia mixed by their regional language.

While, Code switching is a phenomenon which almost occurs in every place in which there is bilingual or multilingual society. Code switching occurs when the speaker shift from one language to another or when the speaker switches from one code to another. Fishman in Chaer and Agustina (2004:108) states some factors influenced people used code switching, there are; the speaker or hearer, the language, when, and what the purposes of the speaking.

While, Soewito in Chaer and Agustina(2004:107) grouped two kinds of code switching, there are; Intern Code Switching and Extern Cod Switching. Intern Code Switching is swicthing language code between two internal languages (first and second language), while Ektern Code



Switchingis the switching language code from internal language to foreign language

Both Code mixing or code switching is using two languages and the language of a person uses depends on the language and social background. People speak differently according to their background and that is frequently possible to relate aspects of person’s speech to his places of origin education even occupation among others.

2.8. Previous Studies.

The previous studies is intended to avoid any duplication, it is also used to enlarge knowledge about linguistic field especially language choice. Some researcher conducted the same research about language choice. The first previous study was conducted by Khifthi Chairina Durriyah (2014), student at Islamic state university Sunan Ampel Surabay. The title is “Language Choice Used Students of Islamic History and Civilization (SKI) Department Faculty Of Humanities UIN Sunan Smpel Surabaya” This study focused on language choice based on domain, social factors, and social dimension among the students of SKI which came from different region, some student from foreign (malaysia). To find the valid data, the writer collects the data through direct observation and interview to the students of SKI. The overall finding in this study Reaveal that



speak, in informal domain students use local language, the students use national language in formal domain to interact with lecturers or friends in the classroom.

The second previous study is written by Igo Surya wijasa H.S (2008), student of State University Surabaya. The title is”A study of Language Choice among Arabic Descendants in Surabaya, East Java”. The researcher focused on language choice used among Arabic descendent in Surabaya. He collects data from Kampung Arab Ampel through descriptive qualitative method. The result of this study is almost Arabic descendants of Surabaya used Indonesian language on their daily life.

The third is “Language Choice Used by Street Sellers in Bunderan GKB (Gresik Kota Baru) Gresik” written by Fitria Andani (2014), student at state Islamic university Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This study conducted to analyze the phenomena of language choice that is used by street sellers who sell in bunderan GKB. The found of this study reveal that social context has influenced the street sellers in making their language choice. The social factors were participant, setting, topic, function and purpose.

Meanwhile, in this study the writer investigated a language choice that used among the English literature students faculty of letters and humanities state Islamic university Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The writer intends to identify what kind of language choice that used among English letter students, revealed the reason for the use language choice and



described the social context that influences them to make a language choice. The differences toward these three previous studies, the researcher focused this study base on Holmes theories (2013) and Chaer and Agustina (2004).




This chapter would like to explain about the method that used to analyze the data. In this study the researcher used the qualitative research method as the major of analysis. This chapter provide about: Research Method, Subject, Instrument, Data and Sources of Data, Data Collection, and Data Analysis.

3.1. Research Method

Based on the statement of the problems and significant of the research, the researcher would use descriptive qualitative research as the primary tool in this research to answer the statement of problems. Afterwards, the method of this research was descriptive method. The writer used the method because, the qualitative research is a procedure of valuation which gets the description data and the collected data is analyzed descriptively. According to Catherine Marshal (1999:2) qualitative research is an approach to the study of social phenomena.

Furthermore, according to Kasiram (2010:176-177),qualitative research method is used to understand, to search meaning behind the data, to find the truth out. It is the truth sensual empiric, logical empiric, and ethical empiric. So, it is needed an approach style by phenomenological



paradigm. The phenomenological approach is called by natural setting, because the context of this research is in natural area

The quotation above explained about the qualitative research method that this method was also the same as naturalistic research, because the object of this method is human or something that is influenced by human, the object of study is studied naturally. Dornyei (2007:124) wrote that in qualitative research there are no explicit restrictions on what can be considered ’data’, although qualitative data can come from many sources, it is usually transformed into textual form.

3.2.Subject and Location

The subjects of this study were the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya which were taken contextual randomly. This sampling techniques chosento obtain the more accurate data result and to avoid data manipulation. Meanwhile, the place was in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. To get the maximum clear data from the subject, the writer would prepare the list personal toll which needed to reveal the research problem.



3.3. Instrument

In conducting this research, the writer used instrument which could help the writer to get data. Here the writer used two kinds of instrument in collecting the data, these are: observation and interview.

3.4. Data and Sources of Data

Data is a component of the study, in meaning, no data means no study. The data ofa study should be valid or true to avoid error information and conclusion. The data in this study included about how the daily conversation among the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The data was the language used by them; it was taken through their utterances when they spokeeachother. It included of sentences, words and also phrase.

Meanwhile, the data sources were taken from the students of English Department as the subject of this research. To get many evidances and information about language choice phenomenon in their environment, the researcher randomly observedsome students of English Department from second semester until eighth semester. Moreover, to reveal the deeper data the writer also did interview to some students. The researcher collected the data since 1st May 2016 untill 23th June 2016.



3.5. Technique of DataCollection

Technique of collecting the data is how to collect the data needed to answer the research problem formulation (Sudarto, 1997:177). Therefore, it is needed a right data collection technique. Here, the researcher formulated two techniques to collect the data, theywere observation and interview.

a. Observation

To collect the data, the researcher used participative active observation. Participative means the researcher enjoyedduring getting the data along the respondents. This observation was done to reveal the language choice phenomenon among the students of English Departments at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Suanan Ampel Surabaya. Here the researcher observed and noted students utterances about language choice, the place taken was in the classroom and in out of class.

b. Interview

The researcher used interview technique to understand the data deeply. According to Nasution, Juliansyah, and Al-wasilah In Noor (2014:154), interview technique can reach the world of thoughts and felling of the respondents. So, the researcher can



students of English Dapartment. There were two students from second, fourth, sixth, and eighth semester. Furthermore, to get the valid data result of interview, the researcher recorded all conversation among the participants.

3.6 Data Analysis

Kasiram (2010:164) said that data analysis technique is way of analyzing research data. The researcher did some techniques to analyze thedata wich were collected. In conducting this research, there were the steps of the method in analyzing the data, they are:

1. Identifying the data, that is about the language choice used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. To uderstand the data, theresearcher reads the result of recordings and interviewscarefully.

2. Coding and grouping the data of language choice into two catagories; the patterns of language choice and the reason for used language choice by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

3. Analyzing the data by using the suitable theory with the data analysis.



Those are the research method and techniques of analyzing the data that the researcher done in this study. This research method helps the researcher to analyze the patterns and the reasons of language choic used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.




This chapter presents the finding and discussion of the study. Generally, data are presented in the form of words, phrases, abbreviations, and the sentences related to the language choice used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Particularly, this chapter proposed to identify the patterns and to reveal the reasons of the use of language choices used by English Department Students at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Suntan Ample Surabaya.

4.1 Findings

In this section, the researcher presents the analysis of language choice used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. It includes the patterns of language choice and the reason why they use the language choice in their communication. Based on the data result in the interview and the observation in the field, the researcher found that the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities are multilingual society that used more than two languages in their daily life. As the result, they should consider what the language choice will be used.



The phenomenon of language choice among the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya is not only showed by one students only, but almost by all students of English Department. At least there are three language categories they choose as their daily language communication, those are; Foreign (English) language, National (Indonesian) language, and Vernacular language (Javanese/Madurese). They use these languages based on the context of the speech. Furthermore, students of English Departments at Faculty of Arts and Humanities also use code mixing and code switching when communicate each other. Dealing with this, they have some reasons for using the language choice in thier communication.

As written in the previous chapter, it is clear that the objectives of this reseach are to identify the patterns and the reasons of language choice used by students of English Departmen at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya based on the theories that have been explained in the chapter 2.

Moreover, as stated in chapter 3, the data are taken form the students who come from Java and Madura. Here, the researcher provides the data result from the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya which taken through interview, observation, and questionnaire. As the following explanation;



4.1.1 The Patterns of Language Choice Used by Students of English Departement at Faculty of Arts and HumanitiesState Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Based on the language competence, people are divided into three categories, they are; Monolingual (speak one langauge), Bilingual (speak two languages), and Multilingual (speak three languages or more). The writer found that almost all the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya are multilingual societies. They use more than two languages when they communicate with anothers. This condition demand them to choose an appriorate language when they have communication with another, thus, language choice becomes phenomenon among them.

In this part, the researcher draws some patterns of language choice used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya based on the theories that have been explained in chapter 2. However, the writer focused to presents the result of the research about the patterns of language choice used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities, they are; English Language, Indonesian Language, Javanese Language, and Madurese Language, Its also include Code Mixing and Code Switching. The explanation is as below;


33 Language

English language is an international language that is used almost in all nations in the world as mean of communication.As an international language used by people almost around the world, English plays an important role. It can be said that English is usually used as medium in many kinds of roles, such as; policy, social, scientific, technology, trade and so on.

Students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya are the group society using english as the tool of communication. Dealing with their department, English become one of daily language always used among them. They must use English because it is one of an eduacational medium among them, especially during the course running on or when discussing the material. They used english to develop what they have got in the course.

Here the excerpt of English language pattern used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic Univeristy Sunan Ampel Surabaya;

Example 1: the conversation between student and lecturer

S: “How about the final test Ms?”

L: “Yach, we will get final test next week. I offered you to choose one of the three kinds final test. 1. Oral test, 2. Test in the class, 3. Take home test. Who agree with oral test? raise your hand!”



S: “I’m” (three students raising hand)

From the excerpt above, it can be understanded that student (S) asked for final test time to his lecturer using English language, the lecturer (L) answered the question in English also. The communication as written above usually occured in the classroom or formal situation, such as during group presentation or material discussion. however, students of English Department might also use English language out of class when they speak to their friends from same depertment. Because of that, it can be said that almost all students of English Department also use English language in thier communication. The example above taken at 16th May 2016 after intro to linguistic class presentation.

Here are the data result of English language patterns used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. They choose English depending on some factors as the presented in the table below;

Region &


Language competence

Participants Setting Topic Function Language

Choice Java semester 2 English Indonesia Javanese Madurese Arabic

Lecturer During class

& Formal

Material Presentation &



35 Madura Semester 2 English Indonesia Javanese Lecturer & Classmate

During class &

Out of class

Meterial Presentation & Discussion English Java Semester 4 English Indonesia Javanese Lecturer, Classmate, & Old friend

During class Material Presentation

& Discussion English Madura Semester 4 English Indonesia Madurese Javanese Lecturer & Classmate

During class & formal

Material Presentation

& Discussion English Java Semester 6 English Indonesia Javanese

Lecturer &

native speaker

During class & formal Material Personal Presentation & Discussion English Madura Semester 6 English Indonesia Javanese Lecturer, Classmate, & new friend

During class &

Non formal

Material Presentation & Discussion English Java Semester 8 English Indonesia Javanese Lecturer & Friend Formal Out of classs

Material Discussion Culsultation




8 Indonesia

Madurese Javanese

Table 4.1: English Language Patterns Used by Students of English Departement at Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The table above explain the petterns of English language used by students of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities from second semester untill eighth semester, both madurese students and javanevese students. Generally, students of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities used English during class or in formal situaton. They usually use english during group presentation or when discussing the courses materials with their lecturer or their classmates. Event though, they might use English sometimes out of class or non formal situation when they talk about material or personal conversation.

In the other words, students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities used English language in different patterns, especially for eighth semester students, both Javanese or Madurese students of eighth semester may have thier own pattern of English. As the explanation in the table above, they use english when they are colsulting their thesis to the advisor. Sometimes they use English when discussing about their thesis with their friends or when they have break time with thier friends.


37 Indonesian Language

Indonesian language is the national language of Indonesian country, It has been declared since 28th October 1982, when it was Indonesian Youth Movement Day or known as “Sumpah Pemuda”. Indonesian language become the only one official language in this country used by almost all Indonesian society. Indonesian society usually use Indonesian language in the formal situation such as in the school, office, hospital, other formal institutions, and so on.

Students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities are the group of society used Indonesian language as the tool of communication in their daily activity. In their daily activity, students of English Department are prefer to choose Indonesian language tha another languages. They choose Indonesian language because all citizen of Indonesian country must understand and be able to use the language well. As the consequence, they use Indonesian language almost in every conversation, such as in the class or out of class, formal or non formal situation,

Here the excerpt of the Indonesian language pattern used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya;

Example 2: the conversation between two students before class presentation



S2: “Saya dek, sekarang”

S1: “Kelompok berapa pean mas?” S2: “Kelompok sepuluh saya”

The excerpt above show that Indonesian language phenomenon occured toward students of English Department in non formal situation. The first student (S1) is Javanese student, while second student (S2) is Madurese. They were talking about the material before class was beginning, both Madurese and Javanese students used Indonesian language as the tool of communication. As seen in the conversation above, S1 asked about the group presentation using Indonesian, S2 answered the S1’s question using Indonesian also. They use it because they know that everyone must understand and can use Indonesian language. The excerpt above was taken at 23th May 2016 when students were waiting for the lecturer.

However, Indonesian language phenomenon among the students of English Department is not only in non formal situation but also occured in formal situation or during course is running on. As the excerpt below;

Example 3: the conversation among the students during group presentation.

S1: “Ada lagi yang mau tanya?”



S1: “Ok, sementara ada dua pertanyaan dulu. First; explain more about Psycholinguistic, second; the differences between Psycholinguistic and

Neurolinguistic?. siapa yang mau jawab?”

The excerpt above shows that Indonesian language phenomenom also occured toward students of English Department during class presentation. The first student (S1) is one of the member of group presentators, while another students (Ss) is the listener. The conversation above occured in question section, Ss explain about the question to his group member using Indonesian language. The converstion like above (Indonesian pattern) also used in formal situation among the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities. It was taken at 16th May 2016 during group presentation in the classroom.

Here are the data result of Indonesian language patterns used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. They choose Indonesian language because of some factors as the explanation in the table below;

Region &


Language competence

Participants Setting Topic Function Language

Choice Java Semester 2 English Indonesia Javanese Madurese

All people Formal&

Non formal

Personal Material


40 Madura Semester 2 English Indonesia Madurese

Lecturer, New people, & New friend

All place Personal


Information Indonesia

Java Semester 4 English Indonesia Javanese

Old friend Out of class Personal Information Indonesia

Madura Semester 4 English Indonesia Madurese Javanese

Lecturer, New people,& New friend

During class,

Formal &

Non formal

Personal Meeting

Information Indonesia

Java Semester 6 English Indonesia Javanese

All people All place Personal

Material Meeting

Information Indonesia

Madura Semester 6 English Indonesia Madurese

All people Formal Personal

Material Meeting

Information Indonesia

Java Semester 8 English Indonesia Javanese

All people All place Personal

Material Information Culsultation Indonesia Madura Semester

English Lecturer&

New people



8 Indonesia

Madurese Javanese

Material Discussion

Table 4.2: Indonesian Language Patterns Used by Students of English Departement at Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The table above explain the patterns of Indonesian language used by students of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities from second semester untill eighth semester, both madurese students and javanevese students. Based on the data analysis, the researcher found that generally sstudents English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities use Indonesian language almost to all people in any place. They use indonesian language when they were talking about meterial, having meeting, consulting the subject, or just speaking with their friends. They used it to the lecturer and their friends, both during class or not, formal or non formal

Students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities prefered to choose Indonesian language becuase they know that all Indonesian society both Javanese or Medurese must understand the language. However they may use Indonesian language in different patterns as the explanation in the table of repertoires above.


42 Javanese Language

Javanese language is a language that is usually used by Javanese poeple or someone who lives in Java island. Poeple from Java use Javense language to show the respectability and intimacy to the adressee which from Java. It happened towards the Javanese students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities when they communicate with their friends which also come from Java. Javanese language was become phenomenom among the students of English Deparment besides English and Indonesian language especially for Javanese students.

From the data result, Javanese students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities preferer to use Javanese language when they are enjoying or just speaking with their old friend which from comes same ragion. The example provides as the excerpt below:

Example 4: the conversation among the Javanese students

JS1: “Mas Baim, mene melok bukber ya?”

JS2: “Loh, nandi Dha?”

JS1: “Nang Al-Jihad Mas, Program e SD (Social Development). Mas

Harold melok ya?”

JS3: “Mene yo?”



JS3: “Iyo, Insya Allah”

In the example 4 as the excerpt above, it can be seen that the conversation among three Javanese students (JS). JS1 talked to the JS2 using Javanese language, JS2 answered using Javanese language. In the other sides, JS1 also used Javanese when he turned the communication to the JS3. This is the evidence that Javanese students use Janavene language when they commuunicate to the Javanese students also or someone who understand Javanese language. This conversation was taken at lobby Multimedia B Building Faculty of Arts and Humanities at 13th Juni 2016. Students of English Department used Javanese language as the friendship symbol among them who come from the same region (Java).

Here are the data results of Javanese language patterns used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. They choose Javanese language because of some factors as the explanation in the table below;

Region &


Language competence

Participants Setting Topic Function Language


Java Semester 2

English Indonesia Javanese

Old friend (Javanese people)


44 Arabic Java Semester 4 English Indonesia Javanese Old friend (Javanese people

Out of class Personal Information Javanese

Madura Semester 4 English Indonesia Madurese Javanese Old friend (Javanese people

Non formal Out of class

Personal Information Javanese

Java Semester 6 English Indonesia Javanese Old friend (Javanese people

Non formal Out of class

Personal Information Javanese

Java Semester 8 English Indonesia Javanese Old friend (Javanese people

Non formal Personal Information Javanese

Madura Semester 8 English Indonesia Javanese Old friend (Javanese people Non formal Out of class

Personal Information Javanese

Table 4.3: Javanese Language Patterns Used by Students of English Departement at Faculty of Arts and Humanities



From the data repertoires as in the table above, it can be understood how the patterns of javanese language used by students of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities from second semester untill eighth semester especially for Javanese students. Based on the data analysis, the writer found that some Students English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities also use Javanese language when they communicate with others. They usually use Javanese language out of class or in non formal situation when they communicate with thier old friend which comes from same region (Javanese students) or poeple who understand Javanese language.

Moreover, the phenomenom of Javanese language among the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities not olny occured toward Javanese students olny, but also used by students outside Java, such as Madurese students. The repertoires in the table above show that Madurese students also use Javanese language in thier communication. Dealing with this explanation, the writer concludes that the phenomenon of Javanese language among the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities is used by Javanese students or someone who understand about Javanese language. Madurese Language

Madurese language is a language used by Madurese people or people lived in Madura island. Madurese people usually use Madurese language to show their



language to show the respectability and intimacy to the adressee which also from Madurese, like what was done by Madurese students in English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Because of that, Madurese language becomes phenomenon among the students of English Deparment besides English, Indonesian, and Javanese language, especially for Madurese students.

From the data result, Madurese students of English Department At Faculty of Arts and Humanities preferer to use Madurese language when they are enjoying or just speaking with their old friend which from same region. The example is as follow:

Example 5: the conversation between two madurese students

MS1: “Kak, kaamma ah?” (Where will you go)

MS2: “Mak dangak ngopi” (Go to mak dangak, got coffe) MS1: “Dentos rapah kak abereng” (Go with me, wait minutes) MS2: “Ok, ayoo” (Ok, lets go)

The example 5 above shows about the conversation between two Madurese students (MS). MS1 talked to the MS2 using Madurese language, MS2 answered using Madurese language also, both JS1 and JS2 understand what they said. In many cases the writer found that madurese students prefer to use Madurese language when they talk to another which is from Madurese also. The



conversation above was taken at 26th May 2016 in front of the classromm multimedia B Building Faculty of Art and Humanities.

Here are the data result of Madurese language patterns used by students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. They choose madurese language because of some factors as the explanation in the table below;

Region &


Language competence

Participants Setting Topic Function Language

Choice Java Semester 2 English Indonesia Javanese Madurese Arabic Old friend (Madurese people)

Out of class Personal Information Madurese

Madura Semester 2 English Indonesia Madurese Old friend (Madurese people)

Non formal Out of class

Personal Information Madurese

Madura Semester 4 English Indonesia Madurese Old friend (Madurese people)

Non formal Out of class

Personal Information Madurese



6 Indonesia



Madura Semester 8

English Indonesia Madurese

Old friend (Madurese people)

Non formal Out of class

Personal Information Madurese

Table 4.4: Maduresse Language Patterns Used by Students of English Departement at Faculty of Arts and Humanities

From the data explanation as in the table above, the writer concluded how the patterns of Madurese language used by Madurese students of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities from second semester till eighth semester. Based on the data analysis, the writer found that some students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities also use Madurese language when communicate with another. They usually use Madurese language out of class or in non formal situation when they communicate with thier old friend which from Madurese or poeple who understand madurese language.

In the other words, the phenomenon of Madurese language among the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities is not olny occured toward Madurese students olny, but also used by some students outside madura, such as Javanese students. The repertoires in the table above show that a Javanese student use Madurese language in her communication. Dealing with this explanation, the writer concluded that the phenomenon of Madurese language among the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities is



used by Madurese students or someone who understand about Madurese language. Code Switching

Code switching is a situation when pople choose to switch language in a communication. The phenomenon of code switching also occured toward the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities. When the writer observed the students of English Department both during the class or out of class, the researcher saw that the students switched one language into another one in thier communication. the following excerpt show the phenomenon of code switching by student of English Department

Example 1:

“Ok, ada dua pertanyaan ya, fisrt: Explain more about Psychoinguistic

simply, second, The differences between Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics.

Siapa yang mau jawab”

The example of code switching above occured during the class prsentation. The presenter responsed toward the question given by the members of discussion using code switching, in wich they switched the Indonesian language into English. The phenomenon of code switching is commonly occured among of students of English Department. They may use it both in the class or out class, formal or non formal. They use it to make the coomunication running well and understandable.



Meanwhile, the phenomenom of code switching among the students of English Department also occured in out of class, like the conversation below;

example: 2

JS1: “Koen presentasi kelompok piro kemarin?” JS2: Aku kelompok terakhir presentasi”

Based on the data analysis, the writer concludes that there are two kinds of code switching used by students of English Departments State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya; Inner Code Switching and Extern Code Switching;

a. Inner Code Switching: is the swicthing language code between two internal languages (first and second language)

b. Extern Code Switching: is the switching language code from internal language to foreign language

No Form Examples


Inner Code Switching “Yo wes lah. tunggu aja dulu”


Extern Code


“The differences between psycholinguistic and neurolingutsic, siapa yang mau


Table 4.5: Inner code switching and Extern code switching

The two examples above are the result of observation in the field when the student of English Department doing communication with another. From the observation in the field the researcher founded that students of English



Department at Faculty of Art and Humanities swicthed not only native language into foreign language, but also native (first) language into native (second) language

Moreover, Student of English Department used both extern code switching or inner code switching dependng on the social context. Inner code switching usually occured when the speakar and the listener are from the same region, like Javanese student with Javanese or Maduresse with Maduresse. While the extern code switching usually occured toward the students from different region, it is like Javanese students with Madurese students. Code Mixing

Code mixing is a situation where people choose to mix or combine languages in a communication. Code mixing is almost the same with code switching, the differences are just in the form of the word structure. Code mixing appears in the form of word or phrase, while code swicthing appaers in the form of sentence.

The phenomenon of code switching was also occured toward the students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Here are the finding when the writer observed the students of English Department either during the class or out of class, the researcher saw that the some students mixed the languages in their communication. This is the excerpt show the phenomenon of



Example 2:

JS:Bro, aku keluar dulu yo?” MS:Nang ndi?”

JS:Lantai telu”

In the conversation above, Javanese Students (JS) talked to the Madurese Students (MS) using code mixing, He mixed Indonesian language with Javanese language. The phenomenon of code mixing among of students of English Department is commonly occured in any conversation.

Based on the data, the researcher found two kind of code mixing used by students of English Department State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya, these are;

a. Code Mixing in the Form of Word: Code mixing in the form of word is an act of inserting a different langauge into a base language.

b. Code mixing in the Form of Phrase: Code mixing in the form of phrases is an act of inserting a different language in the form of phrase

No Form Examples


Code mixing in the form of word

“Koen presentasi kelompok piro kemarin”


Code mixing in the form of phrase

“Ok, ada dua pertanyaan ya, fisrt explain

about psycholinguistics”

Table 4.6: Code mixing in the form of word and Code mixing in the form of phrase used by students of English Department



The two examples above is the result from observation in the field when the student of English Department doing communication with another. From the observation in the field the researcher concludes that there are two kind of code mixing used by students of English Department at Faculty of Art and Humanities; code mixing in the form of word and code mixing in the form of phrase.

4.1.2 The Reasons of Languange Choice Used by Students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya

This part explain about some reasons of language choice phenomenom occured toward students of English Department, why they use different language when they communicate with another in their daily activity. The reasons here mean the factors which influence students of English Department to choose an appropriate language when they communicate with another. as the explanation before that this research use Holmes thoeries (2013). The factors will be exlplain as below; Social Factors

The social factors are the one of the factors that influenced people in making language choice. Those factors are classified into fourth categories, they are; participants; who is speaking and who are they speaking to, setiing; where



are they speaking, topic; what are being talking about, function; why are they speaking.

From the data result, language choice used by students of English Department are influenced by fourth social factors above. These factors determined them to use what the language should be choose. Because of that, the differences of social factors caused difference language choice.

1. Participants

Participants are people who are involved in the communication, the participants in this research are the lecturer, Javanese students, Madurese students, and all students around English Departemet. People using language choice in their communication because another one may not understand their language. Thus, many poeple decide to use language choice in their communication to make the adressee understand on what they said. Moreover, in multilingual society such as students of English Department, might be found poeple using more than two languages. They should choose an appropriate language or combine some languages when interact with another.

Students of English Department used language choice is also influenced by the participant (who are they speaking to). The participant determines the language choice used in communication. For instance; when they communicate to their lecturer, they would use English or Indonesia language as the tool of communication. It is different when they communicate to thier friends from same



region, they may use Javanese for Javanese students or Madurese for Madurese students.

No Region Participant Language choice

1 Javanese Students Lecturer English


Friend from Same region

Javanese Indonesia

Friend from different region


2 Madurese Students Lecturer English


Friend from Same region

Madurese Indonesia

Friend from different region


Table 4.7: language choice influenced by participants

From table above, it is known that students of English Departments used language choice becuase of the adresses are different. They make the language choice to make the communication understandable well.



2. Setting

Setting is the social context where the language appears. It includes of location where the language choice may occur, such as home, workplace, school and other places. However, this research just takes the data in one place that around the Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. As the previous explanation, the setting here both is formal-non formal or daring class-out class.

From the data, students of English Department make language choice also influenced by setting. For instance; when they were enjoying time with their friends they might use vernacular or Indonesian language. In other sides, when the conversation was in formal situation, they might use English language. It is the evidences that setting influences students in making language choice.

3. Topic

Topic here is the main idea/title of the communication. It must for all people being in a communication to have the topic of what they were talking about, such as personal, material, or another. The topic is one of social factors in making language choice which also influences someone to choose an appropreate language when they communicate.

Topic also determines language choice used by students of English Department. Students of English Department may use vernacular language when they they have personal conversation, like talking about daily life or just speaking,



Practically, it is expected this research can give information about

language choice phenomenon occurred among students of English Department.

As the multilingual society, students of English Department should choose the

suitable language when they have conversation, based on the social factor.

Finally, the writer hopes this study could become reference for the readers,

especially for students who are interested in this topic and want to conduct further





This chapter outlines the conclusion and suggestion which covered the

summary of the finding from the phenomenon of language choice used by

students of English Department at Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic

University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

5.1 Conclusion

People use language to cope thier daily needs. They use language as the

tool of communication when they interact with others in their daily life. Indonesia

which is very popular with its cultures, tourism places and various languages has a

special and different language in each region. Regional language is as well as

based on the background of each place. From these different languages, poeple

should make language choice when they communicate with others. especially for

bilingual or multilingual society.

Students of English Departement at Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Islamic State University Sunan Ampel Surabaya are multilingual society which

used more than two languages. At least there are three language catagories they

use in their daily activity, they are; Vernacular Language, National Language,



that the data of this research was taken from some students of English Department

at Faculty of Arts and Humanities Islamic State University Sunan Ampel

Surabaya which from java and madurese.

furthermore, After analyzing the data results, the writer concludes two

phenomenon of language choice founded in this research. First is about the

patterns of language choice used by students of English Department Faculty of

Arts and Humanities Islamic State University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. They are;

language choice in English Pattern, Indonesian Pattern, Javanese Pattern,

Madurese Pattern, and Code Switching Code Mixing.

The second is the reasons of students of English Departement at Faculty of

Arts and Humanities Islamic State University Sunan Ampel Surabaya in making

language choice. The prominent reasons for they used language choice are social

factors, such as; participants (who is speaking and who are they speaking to),

setiing (where are they speaking), topic (what are being talking about), function

(why are they speaking). Besides that, the writer also found another reasons for

they use a language choice, the reasons are; to showing intimacy and to make the

adresse easier to understand.

5.2 Suggestion

An islamic qoute states “when something has been completed, it would

seem what is lacking”. Dealing with this qoute, the writer is aware that this



very welcome for the best work in the following research. There are still many

subject related to language choice that can be analyzed as further research, such as

language choice used by lecturer at Faculty of Arts and Humanities, language

attitude among the students of English departmet, language effect toward friend

relation among the students of english department State Islamic University Sunan

Ampel Surabaya, and so on. Through this research the witer hopes can give



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