Uji Aktivitas Diuretik Ekstrak Etanol Pecut Kuda (Stachytharpheta jamaicensis L.Vahl) Pada Tikus

KUDA (Stachytharpheta jamaicensis L. Vahl)

Penggunaan tanaman obat semakin berkembang di masyarakat, salah
satunya adalah pecut kuda (Stachytharpheta jamaicensis L. Vahl) yang
mempunyai kandungan flavonoid yang diduga mampu menimbulkan efek
diuretik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas diuretik ekstrak
etanol pecut kuda (EEPK).
Hewan yang digunakan adalah tikus putih jantan. Tikus dipuasakan selama
± 12 jam kemudian diberikan NaCl 0,9% secara oral dengan dosis 20 ml/kg bb.
Tikus dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif diberikan CMCNa 0,5%, kontrol positif diberikan furosemid 10 mg/kg bb, dan pemberian
ekstrak etanol pecut kuda dosis 100, 150, 200 mg/kg bb. Tikus diletakkan di
dalam kandang metabolik yang telah dimodifikasi. Volume urin yang
diekskresikan dicatat setiap jam dan akumulasinya selama 5 jam sebagai urin
total, diukur nilai pH serta ditentukan kadar elektrolit natrium dan kalium dalam
urin menggunakan SSA (Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom) .
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian EEPK dengan dosis 100,
150 dan 200 mg/kg bb meningkatkan volume urin, kadar natrium dan kalium serta
tidak ada pengaruh terhadap nilai pH dan hasil statistik menunjukkan perbedaan

yang tidak berbeda signifikan terhadap kontrol positif yang diberikan furosemid
dosis 10 mg/kg bb dengan tingkat signifikan p ≥ 0,05. Dosis 200 mg/kg bb
menunjukkan efek diuretik paling baik dibandingkan dengan dosis lain. Volume
urin total EEPK dosis 100 mg/kg bb: 2,56±0,378 ml; EEPK dosis 150 mg/kg bb:
2,8±0,308 ml; EEPK dosis 200 mg/kg bb: 3,96±0,838 ml. Nilai pH EEPK dosis
100 mg/kg bb: 7,42±0,08; EEPK dosis 150 mg/kg bb: 7,56±0,134; EEPK 200
mg/kg bb: 7,6±0,1. Kadar natrium EEPK dosis 100 mg/kg bb: 61,15±2,18 meq/l;
EEPK dosis 150 mg/kg bb: 64,07±3,95 meq/l; EEPK dosis 200 mg/kg bb:
74,55±1,87 meq/l. Data kadar kalium dosis EEPK 100 mg/kg bb: 30,56±0,39
meq/l; dosis 150 mg/kg bb: 31,67±1,06 meq/l; dosis 200 mg/kg bb: 34,04±1,17
Berdasarkan hasil di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa EEPK dosis 100, 150
dan 200 mg/kg bb memberikan aktivitas diuretik dengan meningkatkan volume
urin, kadar natrium dan kadar kalium terhadap tikus putih jantan.
Kata Kunci: Pecut kuda (Stachytharpheta jamaicensis L. Vahl), diuretik, volume
urin, pH urin, kadar natrium, kadar kalium.



ETHANOL EXTRACT (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis L. Vahl)

Currently people widely use medicinal plants, one of which is porterweed
(Stachytharpheta jamaicensis L. Vahl). It contains flavonoids that are capable of
causing a diuretic effect. The purpose of this study is to determine the diuretic
activity of porterweed ethanol extract (EEPK).
Animals used were white male rats. The rats were fasted for ± 12 hours
prior to orally administrating them 0.9% NaCl on a dose of 20 ml/kg bodyweight.
They were divided into 5 groups: the negative control group was given CMC-Na
0.5%, the positive control was given furosemide 10 mg/kg bodyweight, and the
ethanol extract of porterweed was at doses of 100, 150, 200 mg/kg bodyweight.
The rats were placed in modified metabolic cages. Excreted urine volume was
recorded every hour and so was its accumulation for 5 hours as a urine total. Its
pH value was measured and its levels of electrolytes sodium and potassium in the
urine was determined by using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry).
The results show that administration of EEPK at doses of 100, 150 and 200
mg/kg bodyweight increased urine volume, sodium and potassium, but no
influence on the pH value. The statistical results did not show a significant

difference to the positive control that was given furosemide at dose of 10 mg/kg
bodyweight with a significant level p ≥ 0,05. The dose of 200 mg/kg bodyweight
showed the most excellent diuretic effects compared to other doses. EEPK urine
volume total with dose of 100 mg/kg bodyweight: 2.56 ± 0.378 ml; EEPK dose of
150 mg/kg bodyweight: 2.8±0.308 ml; EEPK dose of 200 mg/kg bodyweight:
3.96±0.838 ml. The pH value of EEPK at dose of 100 mg/kg bodyweight:
7.42±0.08; EEPK dose of 150 mg/kg bodyweight: 7.56±0.134; EEPK 200 mg/kg
bodyweight: 7.6±0.1. EEPK sodium value on dose of 100 mg/kg bodyweight:
61.15 ± 2.18 mEq/l; EEPK dose of 150 mg/kg bodyweight: 64.07±3.95 mEq/l;
EEPK dose of 200 mg/kg bodyweight: 74.55±1.87 mEq/l. Potassium level on
EEPK dose of 100 mg/kg bodyweight: 30.56±0.39 mEq/l; at dose of 150 mg/kg
bodyweight: 31.67 ± 1.06 mEq/l; on dose of 200 mg/kg bodyweight: 34.04±1.17
Based on the above results, it can be concluded that EEPK doses of 100,
150 and 200 mg/kg bodyweight showed diuretic activity by increasing urine
volume, sodium and potassium levels to white male rats.
Keywords :

Porterweed (Stachytharpheta jamaicensis L. Vahl), diuretics, urine
volume, urine pH, sodium, potassium.
