Thesis Submitted to English Department as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for S.Pd Degree of Education in English Department By: GALIH DEWI ANGGRAENI 0901050038



(A Classroom Action Research at the Grade VII-C of SMP Muhammadiyah

Rawalo in the Academic Year 2013-2014)


Submitted to English Department as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for


S.Pd Degree of Education in English Department











  From the deepest of my heart, this thesis is dedicated to: 1. Allah SWT. Thanks for blessing and mercy, so I can finish my thesis.

  2. My parents, Bapak Sarbini, S. Pd., and Ibu Rastriati, S. Pd. Thanks you so much for your prayer, love, support and everything for me.

  3. My beloved sister Eka Novitasari, S. Pd., my beloved brothers Arif Destriyono, Ramadhan Aji Pamungkas, and my beloved nephew, Naufal Rifka Pradipta. Thanks for your love and support.

  4. My uncle, Bapak Rahadi, S. Pd. Thanks you for your helping and support.

  5. My big family thanks for your support and your advice.

  6. My friends (Fantastic 4), Mba Waryanti, Sulistianingsih, and Kuat Priyadi.

  Thanks for being my good friend.

  7. All of my beloved friends who always giving me support, motivation, and suggestion.

  8. All lectures of English Department in Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. Thanks for giving me a brilliant knowledge and experience.



  MOTTO “MAN JADDA WAJADDA” Who are serious definite be successful “MAN SHOBARA ZHAFIRA” Who are patient definite be lucky “MAN SARA ALA DARBI WASHALA” Who follows in the footstep of Allah SWT, will get to the point of destination

  PREFACE Assalamu‟allaikum wr. wb.

  Alhamdulillahi rabbil‟alamiin. Thanks to Allah SWT who given blessing and mercy so that the thesis entitled “Improving Student‟s Reading Skill By Using Fun-Reading Technique at the Grade VII-C of SMP Muhammadiyah Rawalo in the Academic Year 2013-

  2014” could be finished. Secondly, thanks to the following person who have given so much help;

  1. Dr. H. Syamsuhadi Irsyad, SH. MH., is as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto who has given permission to conduct to the research.

  2. Mr. Ahmad, M. Pd., is as the dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, who has given permission to conduct the research.

  3. Drs. Pudiyono, M. Hum., is as the head of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto and as the co-thesis supervisor who has given guidance, encouragement, advice, support, suggestion and helpful correction, so the thesis can be finished.

  4. Dra. Titi Wahyukti, M. Pd., is as the first supervisor who has given guidance, encouragement, advice, support, suggestion and helpful correction, so the thesis can be finished.

  5. Anjar Kristanto, S. Pd., is as the headmaster of SMP Muhammadiyah Rawalo who has given permission for conducting the research.

  6. Murtafingah Ekaningrum, S. Pd., is as the English teacher of SMP Muhammadiyah Rawalo who has helped in conducting the research.

  7. All of the teachers, students, and staff of SMP Muhammadiyah Rawalo who helped during conducting the research.



  8. Family and all of my friends have supported me to finish the thesis.

  In writing this thesis, there are still many weaknesses and mistakes. Therefore, comment and suggestion are needed from all readers.

  Hopefully, this thesis can give significant contribution for education aspect, especially in teaching and learning process. Wassalamu‟alaikum, wr. wb.

  Purwokerto, August 2014 The writer




  TITLE ..................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ........................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................ v MOTTO ................................................................................................................ vi PREFACE ............................................................................................................ vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................ xii LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................... xiv LIST OF APPENDIXES ....................................................................................... xv ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xvi

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Research ...................................................................... 1 B. Reasons of Choosing The Research ............................................................ 3 C. Problem of The Research ............................................................................ 4 D. Aim of The Research ................................................................................... 4 E. Clarification of The Research ..................................................................... 4 F. Contribution of The Research ..................................................................... 5 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Reading

  1. The Definition of Reading .................................................................... 7

  2. The Importance of Reading ................................................................... 8

  3. The Purpose of Reading ........................................................................ 9


  4. The Components(Parts) of Reading .................................................... 11

  2. Observation ......................................................................................... 30

  b. Acting ............................................................................................ 38

  a. Planning ......................................................................................... 37

  1. The Implementation of Cycle 1 ........................................................... 37

  CHAPTER IV: RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. The Result of Research ............................................................................ 37

  H. Criteria of Action Success ......................................................................... 36

  G. Technique of Analyzing Data ................................................................... 33

  5. Questionnaire ....................................................................................... 32

  4. Documentation .................................................................................... 32

  3. Interviewing ......................................................................................... 31

  1. Test ...................................................................................................... 29

  5. The Strategies of Reading ................................................................... 14

  CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Method of Research .................................................................................. 23 B. Place and Time of Research ...................................................................... 24 C. Subject of Research ................................................................................... 25 D. Design of Research .................................................................................... 25 E. Procedure of Research ............................................................................... 26 F. Technique of Collecting Data ................................................................... 29

  D. Hypothesis ................................................................................................ 22

  C. Basic Assumption ...................................................................................... 21

  4. The Teaching Reading Using Fun-Reading Technique ...................... 20

  3. The Advantages of Fun-Reading Technique ....................................... 19

  2. Learning Preparation ........................................................................... 18

  1. The Definition of Fun-Reading Technique ......................................... 18

  B. Fun-Reading Technique

  6. Reading Skill ....................................................................................... 16



  c. Observing ...................................................................................... 42

  d. Evaluating ...................................................................................... 44

  e. Reflecting ..................................................................................... 46

  2. The Implementation of Cycle 2 ........................................................... 47

  a. Planning ......................................................................................... 47

  b. Acting ............................................................................................ 48

  c. Observing ...................................................................................... 52

  d. Evaluating ...................................................................................... 54

  e. Reflecting ...................................................................................... 56

  B. Discussion ................................................................................................. 67

  CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 69 B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 70 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 71 APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 73





Table 3.1 Table of the Research Schedule ............................................................ 24Table 3.2 The Indicators of Teacher‟s Observation Sheet .................................... 30Table 3.3 The Indicators of Students‟ Activity ..................................................... 31Table 3.4 The Students‟ Questionnaire ................................................................. 33Table 4.1 The Observation Result of Students‟ Activities in Cycle 1

  Action 1 ................................................................................................ 42

Table 4.2 The Observation Result of Students‟ Activities in Cycle 1

  Action 2 ................................................................................................ 43

Table 4.3 The Students‟ Achievement of Reading Score in Pre-Test and Post-Test 1 in Cycle 1 .................................................................... 44Table 4.4 The Improvement of Students‟ Reading Competence of Cycle 1 ........ 46Table 4.5 The Observation Result of Students‟ Activities in Cycle 2

  Action 1 ................................................................................................ 52

Table 4.6 The Observation Result of Students‟ Activities in Cycle 2

  Action 2 ................................................................................................ 53

Table 4.7 The Students‟ Achievement of Reading Score in Pre-Test and Post-Test 2 in Cycle 2 .................................................................... 54Table 4.8 The Improvement of Students‟ Reading Competence of Cycle 2 ........ 55Table 4.9 The Result of Research ......................................................................... 57


Table 4.10 The Result of Students‟ Reading Test in Pre-Test,

  Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2 ............................................................... 59

Table 4.11 The Result of

  Students‟ Activities ...................................................... 60

Table 4.12 The Result of Questionnaire ............................................................... 64





Figure 2.1 The Components(Parts) of Reading ..................................................... 11Figure 3.1 Research Design .................................................................................. 25Figure 3.2 The Process of Analyzing the Qualitative Data ................................... 34Figure 4.1 The Improvement of Students‟ Reading Activities ............................. 62


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